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Duffy 50th Anniversary History

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1970-2020Duffield Marine Inc.50 Years in Business
Presented by Marshall "Duffy" Duffield

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1966First Boat LaunchedThis is the waterway in front of our house in NewportBeach where I spent my childhood.

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1969Built racing Naples Sabots.Winner of Jr. and Sr. National championships

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1969First Electric Powered Boat in NewportThe first cruise after launching our converted gas inboard to battery powered. We were informed that the batteries would not last more than a couple of miles due to the drag in the water, current, wind and weight of the passengers. Good thing we didn’t listen to them.

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1970Duffield Marine Inc. First ShopBuilding the Edison 20 electric boats. Check out hull no. 1 with the dingle balls around the top.

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1971Productionof the Edison20My dad is seen here driving the Edison 20 that we began to produce in 1970.An All-American Quarterback at USC, successful businessman and a great Dad he encouraged me to take risks and work hard.

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First Brochure of an All Electric Boat.1971

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1971Disney World orders 25 boatsIntroducing the all electric powered boats to Florida.

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1973First load to Disney WorldDisney World grand opening welcomes the Edison 16 and Edison 20 to be used in this new water-based theme park.

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1974First published article about an Electric BoatEdison-20All-Electric Bay Boat From Duffield MarineImagine entertaining 15 to 20f r i e n d s o n a c r u i s e a r o u n d y o u rfavorite por t f or as littl e a s 3 0cents. The ingredients are a S'A-hpmotor, 12 Trojan batteries and aunique design in bay boats—thea l l - e l e c t r i c E d i s o n - 2 0 .The Edison-20 began as a simpleidea incorporating the use of elect r i c i t y i n a s m a l l b o a t . M a r s h a l lD u f fi e l d J r . , 2 1 , d e s i g n e r a n dbuilder, recognized the long tradit i o n o f e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e s u s e d s u cces sfu lly in o the r in dus tries.D u f fi e l d , w h o l i v e s i n N e w p o r tBeach, CA, turned to the golf cartindustry for a solution of how topropel his new design. Golf cartsa r e d e p e n d a b l e , e a s y t o o p e r a t e ,ca pab le of car ry ing tw o h usk y m enand their golf clubs up and downhills all day for pennies a day.Duffield purchased a five-year-oldc a r t f o r $ 5 0 . H e r e m o v e d t h emotor, built a hull, assembled ar u d d e r a n d t i l l e r l i k e t h a t o f asailboat, added sand bags for ballastand he aded for the water to experiment with the idea of an electricbay boat .A f t e r t w o y e a r s o f r e s e a r c h ,redesigning and testing, two of thelargest manufacturers in the electricv e h i c l e fi e l d c o m b i n e d t h e i r k n o w ledge with Duffield's philosophy tohelp create the Edison-20.The Edison-20 was designed as abay boat for a ma ximum o f 2 5people, with thought given to a lownoise and vibration level, as well asease of operation.T h e m a t e r i a l s u s e d i n t h e b o a tdemand a s litt le atten ti on as p os sible, since the fiberglass hull, decka n d l i n e r c r e a t e a n a l m o s t m a i n t enance-free boat. Shag carpet, a surrey top with tassels, seat cushions, ap i l o t s e a t a n d a l l t e a k w o o d w o r kenhance th e already smooth lines ofthe Duffield design. Additionalequ i p m e n t a l s o i s ava i l a b le i n c luding a portable gimballed combination icebox/bar table built of teakand fiberglass. A stereo sound syst e m a l s o c a n b e i n s t a l l e d , w i t hsp eak ers th rou gh o ut th e i n te rio r.T h e E d i s o n - 2 0 g l i d e s t h r o u g hth e water a t h ar bo r s pe ed s wit ho uta cos tly oversized en gin e. Th isincludes two speeds of 4V2 and IVik n o t s i n b o t h f o r w a r d a n d r e v e r s e .The 12 Tr oja n ba t t eri e s a r e 6 v olt250 amp with a built-in automaticL e s t e r 11 0 - v o l t 3 0 - a m p c h a r g e r .Cr u i s i n g t i m e i s a p p r o x i m a t e l yei gh t h ou rs at l^/i knots and 1 2 t o14 hours at 4'A knots. The craft hasa b e a m o f 7 f t . 5 i n . a n d a d r a f t o f1 ft. 5 i n.-FLETCHER OLSONDuffield Marine, 660 W. 17th,Costa Mesa, CA 92627.68SEASea Magazine March 1974

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1974 Quonset Hut shop1,000 square foot shop with a side yard was the start of manufacturing electric boats. Here is a new Edison 18 getting the finishing touches.

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1974Edison 16 launchedUniquely designed for the Disney World experience in Florida.

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1974Trojan Battery Endorsement

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The Trojan StoryIt was 1969 when RayGodber, then President of TrojanBattery Co. spotted a noiseless craftTom his dock and flagged over thelaptain.Upon pulling up to his dock,17 year old Duffy Dumeld boasted'Its electric sir!" Mr. Godber quicklyquestioned what kind of batteries werejowering the inventive craft.Unknowing of whom he was;peaking too, a confident Duffywasted, "the best batteries available,evealing the Trojan batteries under theeat."Honey get the check book," hehouted to Marge on the patio... "but Iion't build these boats..." "You dolow!" Some people would say the rests history.Duffy Boats powered by Trojanlatteries continue to flourish in manyaim waters around the world. Jointnarketing efforts such as the DuffyThe Trojan Battery Family; (I to r) DaveGodber, Evelyn Godber, Marge Godber and RickGodber. Celebrating 75 years in business and30 years in Du^ boatingThe TrojanStoryVoyager place both companies on the cuttingedge of deep cycle batteries and electricpower boats.The Mileage Master is the tag linefor Trojans high quality deep cycle batteries.They have certainly logged countless hoursof bay crusing since their first boat wasdelivered in 1970. Ayear after the chancemeeting, Ray & Marge Godber took deliveryof Duffy's first production electric boat,an Edison 20, aptly named Tro-Bat.Evelyn and Dick Godber (then V.R ofTrojan) took delivery of an Edison 20named Viva La Volta. Tro-Bat wasreplaced with Le Battery Battaeu, whileViva La Volta traded up to a Duffy 20also named Viva La Volta. These boatshave since been replaced with Duffy21'$, Tro-Bat II and Viva La Volta.As Duffy and the Godbers satthrough this photo session, many storieswere passed and laughs were had by all.Rick is President of Trojan and Dave isVP. of Sale, walking in the footsteps oftheir fathers. Evelyn and Marge carrythe same passion for the company fromthe days their husband's ran theoperation. Trojan Battery Co. will becelebrating 75 years in business nextyear, all under the Godber family name.It really is satisfying whenbusiness relationships develop intopersonal relationships.The World's Premier Electric Boat Builder2001 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, Ca949.645.6812Sales • Rentals • Service

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1974 Fast Catamaran Designed to win the Yachting One-of-a-Kind Regatta21 feet long, 12 feet wide, 35 foot mast - crazy fast boat!

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1976Edison 18 LaunchedBuilt for the rental boat business with self bailing cockpit.

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197750 foot Ultra Lite Ocean RacerlaunchedOne of the first planning ocean racers achieved speeds just over 30miles per hour!DESIGNEDENGINEEREDBUILT

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1978Hit first Million Dollars26-YEAR-OLD DESIGNER BUILDER

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1979Worlds First Production Solar Powered Boat

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1979First All Electric Rental Fleet

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1979PYRA 40 DesignedSyRXkAOConstruction:Prepreg Kevlar Epoxy ReinforcementDrsptacement 2SOO tJ».Designed by litarshall Dullieid Jr.

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1980Moved into 15,000 sf Facility in Costa Mesa

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1980The Newport Electric Packet 18 launchedOver 3,000 Packets Sold

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ID ,• ;iID ^ m01 0 9Ptiu(DCP-£.0^ S 01 Ps t tJ? ol,• in (D 0.t -i 6 ^ •> U l fS 0 p r U03 "m 'fe P .L 4 « O ^5 0 5 01 Q§ loitnco1980Duffield Marine offers the New Zap 26

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1982Complete Packet Line

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1983First Great Electric Boat Race Over 15 Great Electric Boat Races were held and raised thousands for PCRF foundation. Kids with Cancer.

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1984Duffy Volkswagen Diesel powered 20

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198416 foot Deep-V hull Ski Boat

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1985Launching of 65-foot Transpac Racer

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1985First Variable Speed Controller InstalledHuge improvement over the two speed Hi / Low switching.

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1986New Factory in Costa Mesa

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1986Duffy opens Sales and Service on the bay

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First Sales and Service on the bayfont Newport

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1987Desert Springs Marriott Opens .Uses Duffy’sJune 1991^SoundingsBoat rides over 18 acres of a unique waterway start from a dock Inside the lobby of theMarriott Desert Springs Hotel in Palm Desert,Calif. Fou r electric b oa ts run fi ve minutesapart, leaving the waterway in the lowerlobby through automatic doors. The boatsUZ SCHENSTED/SOUNDINGStake guests to restaurants on the 424-acreproperty or simply give them a 15-mlnutetour of the 891-room, $250 million hotel. The18-foot boats, designed by Marshall Duffy ofNewport Beach, Calif., were built by the W.D.Schock Corp. In Corona, Calif.

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1987The Duffy 20

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1987Duffy 20 LaunchedRon and Shelia Young proud new owners and eventual winners of the first Great Electric Boat Race.

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1987Boat Models change from “Edison” to “Duffy”

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1988San Diego Marriott opens Rental FleetQo0 Angeles 0fme0O R A N G E C O U N T Y L I F ER Saturday, September 3,1988/Part IXcan go for about 15 hours.The boats are designed to beused in protected waters such asha rbo rs o r lakes and are n ot r eco m m e n d e d f o r u s e i n t h e o c e a n .Howev er, D uffieid says he ha scruised one all the way from Newport Beach to Long Beach. "It's areal boat," he says, "a 3.000-poundocean-type boat. People think thatif a wind comes up they'll getblown backward. That's n ot so."The only real limitation, Duffieidsays, is forgetting to charge yourbatteries."As long as you remember toplug it in when you get back to thedock, you don't have to worryabout anything else."Abo u t 1 , 240 watt s of p owe r(about the same as using a smallelectrical appliance) are needed tocharge the boat, according to Duffi e i d . " T h e a m o u n t o f e l e c t r i c i t yused would be the equivalent topowering a 150-watt light bulb for24 hours," he says.D e a d b a t t e r i e s t a k e a b o u t 1 2hours to charge to full or aboutthree hours of charging for eachhour that you have used the boat."You don't have to compute anything though," Duffieid says. "Theautomatic charger does it for you.You just plu g i t in to a s t andardhousehold circuit with a heavy-duty extension cord."Ba t t er i e s la s t f r o m t h r e e t o si xyears, depending upon maintenance and use. Maintenance consi st s o f ke e p in g t h e b a t t e ri escharged and keeping the batterywater topped off.The electric motor has only onemoving part and should not requiremaintenance or repairs, Duffieidsays. "Just think about your refrige r a t o r m o t o r. H o w o f t e n d o y o uhave to replace it?"Duffieid admits that the idea foran electric boat is not new—merelyrecycled."I thought I was the inventoruntil I heard about the old Elcob o a t s , w h i c h w e r e m a d e b y t h eE l e c t r i c B o a t C o . i n C o n n e c t i c u taround the turn of the century,"Duffieid says.Elco (The Electric Launch Company) built a small (15- to 16-foot)e l e c t r i c b o a t t h a t w a s a f e a t u r e dattraction at the 1893 World's Fair,according to Jim Reyburn, newsand information specialist with theE l e c t r i c B o a t D i v i s i o n o f G e n e r a lDynamics, Groton, Conn. "Eventhe czar of Russia had one," he said.The company, which went on tobuild large motor yachts and FTboats during World War II, has notproduced electric launches forabout 90 years. Reyburn says.Today, as a division of GeneralDynamics, the company builds nuc l e a r s u b m a r i n e s .Electric boats make up a verysmall part of the boat marketnationwide. Some are sold in Florida and the northeast, Duffieid said.Here in Southern California, Duffiei d an d hi s co mpany. DuffieidMarine in Newport Beach, designor sell most of the electric-poweredvessels in this area. Schock Boats inNewport Beach sells a Duffield-de-signed 18-footer with surrey topcalled the Newport Electric Packetthat retails for $16,500.Base price for the Duffy 20,which can accommodate up to 12adults, is also $16,500. With options,including an auto pilot. Plexiglasswindows, custom carpeting, stereoand other extras, the price goes upto around $24,000. Duffieid has justdesigned a l6-footer that he hopesto sell for under $10,000."This is a life style we're selling," Duffieid says. "A way ofsocializing and relaxing."Shearlean Duke is a regular contributor to Orange County Life.The San Diego Marriott HotelRental Fleet

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1989Duffy 20 makes it to Catalina and back!60 miles on one charge in the open ocean non-stop

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1989Worlds First Electric production Catamaran

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1989Duffy SportCat 18 hits the water

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1990All Electric Duffy 17 Launched A more traditional run-about all electric for the European market.

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1991Duffy 20 CustomBuilt for the owner of In and Out burger this was his fourth Duffy and nothing was spared. She’s a one of a kind!

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1991Duffy 21 LaunchedProduction of the 21 stopped in 2007. In 16 years 10,000 were built.

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1991Duffy 21 Center GalleyA refinement of the popular Duffy 21 including forward head, galley sink and Microwave oven.

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1992In & Out Owner Wins Great EB Race

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1992Naples Florida Sales Office Opens

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Shipping boats in 1995

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1995Duffy 14 Sport launched

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1996First Duffy goes to EuropeHolland and England took a liking to Duffy’s - over 400 shipped overseas.

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1996Duffy 16 Designed for electric only lakes with length restrictions under 16 feet.

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1996The New Duffy 18 The Duffy 18 enjoyed two decades of production with over 10,000 built.

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1997Sales, Service & Rentals on the waterfront.

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1998 Introduces the Duffy 16LCFirst Direct Drive Duffy

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1998Disney awards Duffy 18 to retiring PresidentJack Lindquist was Disneyland’s first President. His collogues contributed to an extraordinary gift, a new Duffy 18 electric boat.

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Duffy 16 Lake CruiserLaunched 1998

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1998Inducted into the Boating Hall of Fame

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1998Moved to 6 Acre Factory in Adelanto, CA
Click on the button for video tour of our factory!

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1998Moved to Adelanto CA

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1998World Record Voyager 62’ Electric

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1998 Duffy Herreshoff 30 Hybrid launchedConsidered The father of Naval Architecture in the U.S. Nathanial Herreshoff designed Bay Launch .

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1998City of Newport Beach ProclamationDuffy Electric Boat Day

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2000Over 15,000 Duffy’s delivered

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2000 Huntington Beach Store opensLocated on the water with sales, rentals and service provided.

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2001 The Duffy Cat 16 LaunchedBuilt for lakes where 16 feet is the maximum length.

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2002Duffy Creates the “Wakeless Boat”

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2003CAD Engineering comes to Duffy

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2003Worlds first Hydrogen Powered Boat

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2003Patented Four Blade Urethane Weedless PropFor the first time ever, a prop designed specifically for speeds below 10 milers per hour.

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2005Duffy SouthCoast 18A popular design in the 40’s and 50’s in Newport Harbor - now in electric power.

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2005Waterfront Service YardDuffy opens World’s first electric boat only boat yard.Exclusively for Newport, Huntington Beach and Long Beach Harbors.

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2006Revolutionary Power Rudder IntroducedIncreased interior space,incredible maneuverability,zero vibration, motor is highand dry, and it’s 30% moreefficient.

Click here to learn more about the Duffy Power Rudder.

Click the button to the left to view a video about the Duffy Power Rudder.

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2006New Duffy 16 Power Rudder version

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2007Duffy Snug Harbor 18 LaunchedA all new bigger and more comfortable quieter powerful 18 footer

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2008Duffy 14 Shamrock Inspired by Roy Disney, the nephew of Walt. This boat fits perfectly on his Taluka Lake waterfront home. (Left)Roy and his wife Leslie taking delivery of their new Duffy 22 in Newport Beach. (Right)

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2008M240 A revolutionary hull shape with three hulls that provide exceptional stability and a huge platform . Equipped with an AC generator on board for hybrid power.

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2008Duffy 22 Cuddy LaunchedOver nine feet wide, the boat has the largest interior of any previous Duffy by 50%. First Duffy with a real private head.

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2009Duffy M160

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2010Patented DuffEase Window EnclosureOur window system was developed over the last 30 years into an almost perfectly clear window that can open and close with ease.

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2010Duffy 22 Bay Island

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2010Duffy M220 Electric

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2013Introducing the Tri-Cat 16The new Tri Cat with hardtop offers an exceptional quality and luxerous interior.

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2013Around Catalina Island from MainlandFirst electric boat to travel from Newport around Catalina and return non-stop. Over 100-mile open ocean journey.

Click the button to the left to view a video of the trip to Catalina!

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201425 Most Influential People in California

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201525-foot Electric Shore Boat 15 passenger capacity. This boat operates daily at Newport Harbor Yacht Club

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2015Duffy 21 Old BayLaunched

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2015Introduces 21 Sun CruiserEscape to the outside cockpit and enjoy the open air and sunshine. Take a swim!

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2016The Duffy 22 Sun Cruiser

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2017Duffield 58 LaunchedProvides speeds up to 5 mph under electric power. Cruises at 20 knots under single Cat Diesel.