Message 25 Galbally Road, Dromore, Co Tyrone, BT 78 3EE TELEPHONE 028 8289 8362 E-MAIL ADDRESS WEBSITE FIND US ON FACEBOOK Dear Parent, On behalf of the Staff and Governors of Dromore Primary School, I have much pleasure in presenting you with our School Prospectus for 2025 – 2026. Dromore Primary is a co-educational controlled primary school set on the edge of the town of Dromore, Co Tyrone. As a controlled school, we are open to all faiths and none. Everyone is welcome here. We have extensive grounds which include a playground with play equipment, an all-weather sports pitch, a sensory garden and a poly tunnel. The grounds are used extensively to enhance the children’s learning. We are proud to be an Eco-school with Ambassador School status and to be a Forest School. There are bright, welcoming classrooms off a central resource area, a library and a spacious assembly/dining hall. Dinners are cooked on site. We pride ourselves in being a warm, welcoming family school where everyone is valued. Children are nurtured to be the best that they can be as we encourage their holistic development and prepare them for the future.
Everyone works together as part of a team and in partnership with parents, to ensure that each child feels happy and secure in their learning. We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment for our pupils. Keep an eye out for our next Open Day which will be advertised. In the meantime, you are very welcome to visit us at any time by making an appointment. We hope you find the following information interesting and helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further clarification. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Yours sincerely, Mrs Gillian Glass Principal
1. To develop the potential of each child in a secure, happy and stimulating environment that encourages a sense of confidence and self-worth. 2. To have a school with a caring ethos and one in which everyone feels included and valued. 3. To provide a variety of positive learning experiences, meeting the requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. 4. To develop, through purposeful activity, the ability to work independently and also in groups in a tolerant and respectful manner. 5. To foster values and attitudes that can be clearly associated with our school; honesty, fairness, responsibility and cooperation. 6. To encourage the moral and spiritual development of each child and to promote respect for diversity and different cultures in our world. 7. To develop an awareness and respect for our immediate environment and the world in which we live. 8. To provide all stakeholders with opportunities to contribute to the development of the school community.
ADMISSIONS Admissions to Year 1 for the last three years are as follows: 2024 – 2025 – 6 applications – 6 enrolled 2023 – 2024 – 3 applications – 2 pupils enrolled 2022 – 2023 – 10 applications – 9 pupils enrolled ATTENDANCE The overall attendance rate for the year 2023 – 2024 was 93.9%. (Most children had high attendance rates).
ADMISSIONS CRITERIA – YEAR 1 During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered. The application procedure opens on 10 January 2025 at 12noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 24 January 2025 at 12noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application. An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 24 January 2025 and up to 4 pm on 29 January 2025 will be treated as a late application, this is also the last date and time for processing a change of preference in exceptional circumstances. After 4 pm on 29 January 2025 no applications will be processed until after the close of procedure on 9 April 2025. COMPULSORY SCHOOL AGE Any child who reaches their 4th Birthday on or before 1st July 2025 is of Compulsory School Age. Under the School Age (NI) Act which became law in Northern Ireland in April 2022, ‘compulsory school age’ also includes those children who deferred commencing Primary 1 in September 2024 as defined by the new School Age (NI) Act (both groups to be treated equally). Priority will be given to children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to the school before those who are not so resident. The Board of Governors of Dromore Primary School has determined that the following criteria shall be applied in the order set down below in the event of pupils for places in Year 1 being greater than the admissions number. 1 Children of school age who have brothers or sisters presently enrolled at the school. 2 Children of school age who live nearest the school as measured by shortest walking distance.
YEAR 1 ADMISSIONS – AFTER THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Children who apply to enter the school during the academic year will be considered using the same criteria as for Year 1. DUTY TO VERIFY The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application form. If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.
CURRICULUM CONTENT AND ORGANISATION The school operates within the framework of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and provides stimulating and challenging experiences in the following areas of learning: • Language and Literacy • Mathematics and Numeracy • The World Around Us – History, Geography, Science and Technology • The Arts – Music, Art and Drama Interwoven into these areas of learning are the Cross Curricular Skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using I.C.T. • P.E • Religious Education • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding The school strives to develop in the children an enthusiasm for learning and the ability to reach their full potential. Language and Literacy The Literacy curriculum is based upon talking, listening, reading and writing. Our aim is to encourage children to become understanding, independent and fluent readers and writers; also, confident speakers who listen carefully. Mathematics and Numeracy Mathematical concepts will be developed with the use of concrete materials and practical methods. The Maths Curriculum includes processes, number, shape and space, measures and data handling. Children should acquire the mathematical skills necessary for life.
The World Around Us Science and Technology Science aims to help children to be aware of and make sense of the world around them and to promote a sense of responsibility for their environment. Technology provides pupils with the opportunity to become more aware of how and why things are made. Pupils participate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) challenges which allow them to investigate, solve problems and draw conclusions. History and Geography History allows the children to develop an awareness of the past and of ways it differs from the present. Geography allows them to learn about a variety of environments and to develop skills associated with map work and geographical investigation. The subjects under the title ‘The World Around Us’ will mainly be taught using a topic-based approach. This allows teachers to access many different parts of the curriculum using a common theme. It also links various aspects of the children’s learning and allows for flexibility as advocated by the Northern Ireland Curriculum. P.E. Education in P.E. will be delivered through athletics, dance, games, gymnastics and swimming. Participation in sporting and fitness activities is considered very important. We aim to provide coaching in a variety of sports, e.g. by organising coaches to come into school to facilitate, e.g. football, multi-sport. All the pupils throughout the school have participated in Dance. Key Stage 2 pupils also take part in swimming lessons at Omagh Leisure Complex. An annual Sports Day is held every June and this involves all the pupils and families connected to the school.
The Arts Music Children are given the opportunity to make and respond to music with enjoyment and understanding. From Year 4 onwards instrumental tuition in strings is available for those pupils showing special aptitude for music. Art Children are given the experience of using an assortment of media, materials and techniques in both two and three dimensions. Drama Children are given the opportunity to dramatise aspects of their work across the curriculum. At special times, for example, Harvest and Christmas, the children are involved in performing and all parents and friends from the school community are invited to watch. Personal Development and Mutual Understanding This area of the curriculum educates the children to foster responsible attitudes in matters relating to personal and social development. Using I.C.T. The school recognises that children are growing up in a world in which the use of Information and Communication Technology plays a significant role. We have a range of computers, iPads, printers and software that are updated. There are three brand new CleverTouch Boards in the classrooms. We teach the use of Information and Communication Technology across the curriculum. Religious Education The school has a Christian ethos. Religious Education is taught in all the classes and whole school assembly takes place every Friday. We invite local clergymen and other visitors to come into school to share in our assemblies. At Dromore Primary every effort is made to encourage the pupils to develop responsible attitudes, tolerance and respect for other people’s religions.
Parents have a right to withdraw their child/children from Religious Education lessons and collective worship at Assemblies. If requested, parents should speak to the school Principal, Mrs Glass. Shared Education Dromore Primary School has been involved in a Shared Education Programme for several years. We work with Tummery Primary School and St John’s College. Subjects such as Technology and Design, Home Economics, Art and PE have been included as part of the programme, as well as a residential trip to Gortatole Outdoor Education Centre for the older pupils. Staff have the opportunity to work together in order to develop areas of the curriculum as part of school improvement. CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS The Education Authority provides a range of specialist facilities and support for children who have been identified as having special educational needs. Children may be identified at a very early age as having a significant learning difficulty that is likely to affect their learning. For most children with special educational needs, the identification will occur after they have started school and parents will be involved at an early stage. The school follows the Education Authority’s policy and procedures in relation to Special Educational Needs. If a child’s difficulties are severe or complex the EA may decide to conduct a full assessment involving all the agencies concerned. In such cases, parents will be consulted throughout the procedure, be asked to contribute information and comment on the assessment and any statement of their child’s needs which may be subsequently proposed by the EA. The special educational needs of most children are met quite adequately in mainstream school, through the school’s own arrangements, often in consultation with the specialist services of the EA’s Special Needs Department.
HOME - SCHOOL CONTACT Parental contact with the school is actively encouraged by the teachers at Dromore Primary. Parental support is essential in collaborating with the school for the child’s benefit. Teachers are willing to discuss any curricular concerns you may have; parent interviews are organised annually in the autumn term and in the spring term. There is regular contact between home and school via text, newsletter, the SeeSaw app and our Facebook page. This keeps parents informed of forthcoming events and other relevant information. The Foundation Stage also provides a Home Links booklet. Our school website can be accessed at www. HOMEWORK Regular homework is given at Dromore Primary School. This usually involves reading, spellings, number facts or tables, and written work involving Literacy and Mathematics. Homework is important because it allows the child to practise what has been taught in school as well as allowing the parent to see what the child is learning. Online platforms such as Mathletics and Accelerated Reader are used for the older children. Parents are encouraged to take a close interest in their child’s homework and give as much support as possible. PUPIL WELFARE The staff is committed to the safety and well-being of all pupils. Close liaison between staff, parents and other professionals is important. Parents are always welcome to discuss any concerns they might have with the class teacher or Principal. However, if a lengthy discussion is required, we advise that an appointment should be made outside of teaching time. SAFEGUARDING & CHILD PROTECTION The welfare and safety of your child is paramount and the school staff has a clearly defined responsibility with regard to child protection. If any member of staff has reasonable grounds for suspecting child abuse, they will immediately inform the Principal and Designated Teacher for Child Protection, Mrs Glass or the Deputy Designated teachers for Child Protection, Mrs Little or Mrs Long. Policies relating to Child Protection are reviewed and updated regularly.
SCHOOL’S COUNCIL Representatives from the year groups are voted onto a School’s Council by their peers. This Council gives the pupils a voice; an opportunity to discuss general things of importance to the whole school community and to help make decisions about activities we may run in school. ECO-SCHOOL COMMITTEE Each year an Eco-School Committee of pupils and staff consider how to keep our school Eco-Friendly. We encourage recycling, energy saving, composting etc. and aim to teach children to respect their environment inside school and in the wider world. We are proud of our Eco-School status. As an Ambassador School and a Forest School, we pride ourselves in the use of the outdoors to enhance the children’s learning. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR Children are expected to behave positively in school, in line with our Positive Behaviour Policy. We encourage a sense of self-respect as well as respect for others and their property. The Principal and staff will consult parents in the event of any serious problems arising with a particular child. This Photo by Unknown
GOLDEN RULES Pupils are taught our Golden Rules as follows: ➢ We are gentle. We don’t hurt others. ➢ We are kind and helpful. We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings. ➢ We listen. We don’t interrupt. ➢ We are honest. We don’t cover up the truth. ➢ We work hard. We don’t waste our own or others’ time. ➢ We look after property. We don’t waste or damage things. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS The Board of Governors reserves the right to seek voluntary contributions from parents or others in support of any school activity or for the benefit of the school. Pupils whose parents are either unwilling or unable to make such contributions will not be treated differently. However, the school reserves the right to cancel planned activities if the voluntary contributions are insufficient to meet the cost of the planned activity. SCHOOL MEALS Excellent school meals are cooked by the EA Catering Service staff on site. Please see the section about money to find out about dinner costs. Children may bring a packed lunch to school. HEALTHY BREAK POLICY As part of our role in promoting a healthy lifestyle the school has a Healthy Breaks policy. This involves the pupils in choosing a healthier option such as fruit/vegetable and milk/water as their snack during morning break. We also encourage this policy to be considered when making up children’s lunch boxes.
CELEBRATING SUCCESS We feel that celebrating the success of our pupils is very important and we do so in different ways, e.g. by presenting certificates and prizes, highlighting the success in school assemblies and forwarding news to parents via text message and on online platforms. SCHOOL UNIFORM All the children wear a school uniform, including the school sweatshirt bearing the school logo. These are available only through the school. The secretary places the main order for the sweatshirts in the Spring Term. The school will notify parents who have enrolled children at the school in preparation for their child starting. All children must wear black, leather shoes. Following is a list of school uniform requirements: Year 1 and 2 White polo shirt Girls: navy skirt/ pinafore, white socks, or navy tights Boys: Grey trousers Year 3 – Year 7 White polo shirt Girls: Navy skirt, white socks, or navy tights Boys: Grey trousers
P.E For P.E. all children should wear plain navy shorts and a regulation P.E. Tee-shirt. Black plimsolls should be worn for general P.E. lessons, but trainers may be worn for games further up the school. Navy jogging bottoms may be brought to school and worn for PE and games outdoors or for after school sports in Key Stages 1 and 2. Please ensure that all items of clothing are named. GENERAL INFORMATION TRANSPORT The school is presently serviced by three buses. Some children come to school by car. It is the responsibility of the parents to apply for bus transport for their child. Further information can be obtained from the Transport section of the Education Authority (Omagh office).
TIMETABLE The school day starts at 9.05am although it is desirable that children should arrive by 9.00 am to prepare for a punctual beginning to the day. Most children are supervised by staff from 8.45am when they arrive but there is provision made for working parents with a drop off time from 8.10am. If parents need to drop off children at this earlier time, this can be facilitated by speaking to the Principal. The morning session lasts until 10.45 am when children have a break under supervision until 11.00 am. Lunch time is from 12.30 pm until 1.15 pm with the afternoon session beginning after this. School finishes at 3.05pm for Y3-7. (Please see below for Y1/2 arrangements). Year 1 Pupils – All Year 1 pupils should be collected at 12.30pm up until the Half Term break at the end of October. After Half term they will remain in school until 2.00 pm at which time they should be collected at the Foundation Stage classroom. Year 2 Pupils – Pupils in Year 2 finish school at 2.00pm. We run a Breakfast Club from 8.10am as requested by parents. We also run a ‘2-3’ Club for Y1/2 pupils at a cost of £2.50 per child, per day and After School Care, costs of which vary depending on time of pick up. ABSENCES Parents should inform the school in the morning if the child is going to be absent from school. In addition, the child should bring a note explaining the absence on their first day back. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Parents should inform the school if there is any change in the arrangements for their child going home, e.g. going home on a different bus, going home with a friend or someone else collecting them from school. It is vital, for safety reasons, that the parent contacts the school personally, either by note or telephone.
MEDICAL SERVICE Children receive a medical from the school nurse shortly after starting school and from time to time during their stay at school. Parents will be notified about the nurse’s initial visit and given the opportunity to attend. It is essential that any medical problems concerning your child’s health should be discussed with staff to ensure your child’s needs are met. All information is treated in the strictest confidence. EDUCATIONAL VISITS Educational visits, which often relate to the school curriculum, are sometimes organised. Parents may be asked to contribute towards the cost of the visit. BREAKAGES/LOSSES The Board of Governors reserves the right to seek to recover from parents the whole or part of the cost of breakages and losses incurred because of a pupil’s behaviour. SPORT/PHYSICAL EDUCATION All pupils from Year 1 – Year 7 participate in Physical Education for 1 – 1.5 hours per week. In addition, the senior classes attend Omagh Leisure Complex for swimming lessons during one term, as planned. We aim to organise different sporting activities for the older classes. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We offer children the opportunity to develop skills in a variety of activities by running after school clubs. In the past these have included the following activities – football, hockey, multi-sport, choir, drama, Jumping Clay, gardening and cookery. If any parent has an idea for, or would like to contribute towards running such an activity they are very welcome to contact the school.
PARENT SUPPORT GROUP The school has a highly active Parent Support Group which supports the school by fundraising through a variety of organised activities. We are incredibly grateful for the ongoing efforts of the P.S.G. MONEY Money is forwarded to school for several reasons: Trips: Parents will receive a letter home giving details of the visit and informing them of any cost. Charity: We collect for various charities throughout the year and, again parents will receive prior notification. Uniform Orders: We place our main order for uniform (sweatshirts, PE shirts, coats, hats, PE bags) in the Spring Term. Dinners: Dinner at present costs £2.60 per day and the weekly total of £13.00 should be sent into school on a Monday. If a child is absent the correct amount should be deducted from the next week’s dinner money total. It is helpful if money is in an envelope with the name of the child and the amount clearly written on it. Money envelopes are available for purchase from the school office. If paying for dinner by cheque, cheques should be made payable to the Education Authority, Western Region (EAWR).
STARTING SCHOOL – SOME “TIPS” 1. Don’t be surprised if your child says he/she played all day. In the early stages much teaching is done through activities which the child thinks of as play. 2. Don’t expect your child to get a reading book right away. He/she will complete pre-reading activities first. 3. Sleepy children find it hard to settle and learn: make sure your child gets sufficient sleep. 4. Put name tags on his/her belongings. 5. Give your child practice in drawing, colouring, cutting along a line (with round nosed scissors). 6. Make your child aware of the world around him/her. 7. Encourage him/her to tidy up toys after playing. 8. Talk to and listen to you child; e.g. read stories and teach nursery rhymes. 9. First steps in counting can be initiated by asking how much and how many? 10. Make sure children starting school can use the toilet facilities by themselves without any assistance from their teacher.
A Snapshot of School Life! Learning outdoors.
Enviromental Workshop with the the Pushkin Trust S.T.E.M Gortatole residential
Drama and Dance – Pushkin workshop Art and Craft Harvest Assembly
Foundation Stage at Dromore P.S. Y.1/2 at work and play The Foundation stage children learn in many ways, both inside and outside the classroom. Much of their work is through play and practical activity.
2-3 Club, Breakfast Club and After School Care are available. Learning at Dromore Primary School is fun! We love our school! Come and join us!