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Final Booklet 9/16

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4420 N Mesa El Paso TX 79902915 293-3335www.drggarcia.comEl Paso Hormones & Anti-AgingDr. Genevieve GarciaGynecology & Obstetrics

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PhilosophY andVisionDr. Genevieve Garcia is a board certified Ob/Gynwho is specialty trained in hormones & anti-aging,nutrition, and obesity. She has been practicingmedicine in El Paso for 20 years, and started ElPaso Hormones in Anti-Aging in 2020. Throughextensive education and research, she has evolvedthis area of her practice to promote hormonebalance, weight management, increased energy,libido, mobility, exercise productivity, mood,quality of life and overall well-being.This is accomplished by using bio-identical hormones,macronutrient eating plans, weight loss, vitamin andnutrient IV drips/ injections, amino acid peptides, andaesthetics. Her main goal is to promote a betterquality of life and healthy longevity. Dr. Garciaamplifies and maximizes cellular function, therebyoptimizing the way we look, function, and feel.

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Testosterone ReplacementTestosterone ReplacementEstrogen & Progesterone ReplacementEstrogen & Progesterone ReplacementMedical Weight Loss & NutritionMedical Weight Loss & NutritionManagement of decreased libido, mood,Management of decreased libido, mood, muscle mass, performance & endurance, sleepmuscle mass, performance & endurance, sleep IV’s: Nutrient, Lifestyle, WellnessIV’s: Nutrient, Lifestyle, WellnessVitamin Shots (13+ to choose from)Vitamin Shots (13+ to choose from)NAD: IV, IM, Nasal, TopicalNAD: IV, IM, Nasal, TopicalPerformance Enhancing PeptidesPerformance Enhancing PeptidesPRP: O-Shot, P-ShotPRP: O-Shot, P-Shot PRP MicroneedlingPRP MicroneedlingBotox, Filler, Allergan Products,Botox, Filler, Allergan Products, PCA Skin Care, Chemical PeelsPCA Skin Care, Chemical PeelsBoard CertifiedAnnual ExamsAbnormal BleedingPelvic PainUltrasoundRobotic Surgery Birth ControlAbnormal PapsHormonal ImbalancePCOSMenopausal ManagementObstetrical CareMEN’S AND WOMEN’S HEALTH GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS Menu of Services

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EstrogenIndicated after menopause forimprovement in: hot flushes,night sweats, moodfluctuation, weight,cardiovascular, bone andbrain health. Improves qualityof hair/skin/nails, vaginallubrication, incontinence. Pre-menopausal: Smalldoses have been shown toimprove migrainesBIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT Micronized Progesterone Given in oral or sublingualform at night to helpcounterbalancehomeostasis with Estrogen.Required if on estrogen ANDstill have a uterus. Alsopromotes sleep consistancy.TeststoeroneReplacement for Men Inserted every 5-6 monthsTestosterone Has been shown to help withfatigue, low libido, andropause,mental acuity, erectiledysfunction, energy, depression,anxiety, improvement in muscletone and mass,, exerciseendurance and stamina, moodenhancement, lipid panel, andcardiovascular health.Hormone Replacementfor Womeninserted every 3-4 mosTestosterone Has been shown to help with low energy, decreased sexdrive, mood swings, memoryloss, sleep, anxiety,depression. With exercise, canimprove muscle tone andmass thereby increasing basalmetabolic rate & helping withweight management,increased exercise staminaand endurance, moodenhancer; referred to as the“feel good” hormone.

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WeightmanagementMethionine/Inositol/CholineComes in different compoundedformulas: Lipo B or C, Trimtropic, Slim-shot. Modest appetite suppressionand increase in metabolism A weekly compoundinjectable. Approved in2021 by FDA for obese oroverweight adults. Usedoff-label in compoundedform to assist in weight loss. GLP-1 receptoragonist--acts on the brainto suppress appetite.A weekly compoundinjectable. Used off labelfor weight loss. GIP and GLP-1 Agonist;surpassed Semaglutidein weight reduction over40-week study. Works bydecreasing appitite &fat cellsCom p o unde d dail y oral C NSsti m u lant a nd a p p etit esup p r essa n t . Ha b i t fo r m ing . Wo r k s on l y wit h modi f i edeat i n g an d calo r i e re d u ctio n Individualized Calorie,Protein,Fat, & Carbohydratecalculations.Food logging required. Intended as a lifestyle eating plan. Used alone or in conjunction wother modalitiesMacronutrient CalculationSlim Shot / MICSemaglutidePhentermineTirzepatide

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Vitamin Shots**Subject to availability**A la cart $35 (unless otherwise stated)Shots: Pre-paid Packages10 week prepaid Pkg 1 Shot/week= $22510 week prepaid Pkg 2 Shots/week= $35010 week prepaid Pkg 3 Shots/week= $45010 week prepaid Pkg 4 Shots/week= $525Peptides / Enzymes(NOT Incl u d e d i n a b o v e p r i c i n g )N A D +S h o w n t o h e l p w h a i r , s k i n ,D N A r e p a i r , m e t a b o l i s m ,e n e r g y , b r a i n f u n c t i o n ,m e t a b o l i c h e a l t h , a n t i a g i n gP r i c i n g$ 1 2 5 p e r I M i n d i v u i d u a lI n j e c t i o n ; I M p r e p a i d p k g o f 4 $ 4 0 0 N a s a l N A D $ 1 5 0I V $ 1 5 0 - $ 3 0 0 o r $ 1 0 0 / m L a d d o nS e m o r e l i nS h o w n t o i n c r e a s e n a t u r a lp r o d u c t i o n o f g r o w t h h o r m o n ei m p r o v i n g F a t l o s s , l e a nm u s c l e , r e c o v e r y , s l e e p , a n t i -a g i n g p r o p e r t i e s $ 2 5 0 / b o t t l eVITAMIN, MINERAL &AMINO ACIDIV DRIPS AND INJECTIONS

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What’s in your bag?

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I Custom IV Drip Options All IVs are custom made by Dr. Garciaand her team. A list is given from which you can choose your “cocktail” of ingredients, adding or subtracting anything in ourinventoryC U S T O M V I PAll inclusive of what we have in stock$250** Prepaid Pkg of 4 IVs $850 ($150discount)Choose from any of our different vitamin,mineral, amino acid options and combineinto 1 convenient bag!! CUSTOM A LA CARTE*Chose Any Vitamin Ingredients$100 base Plus $20/Ingredient*Add Zofran or Toradol $25 each NAD IV$150-$300 (alone w 1000 mL Saline)$100 /mL-add on mixed into any custom IV Custom IV Drips

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I V D r i p O p t i o n sA l l b a g s m i x e d w 1 L S a l i n e o r L R1 . M y e r s C o c k t a i l I V $ 1 4 0B C o m p l e x , M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m , V i t a m i n C2 . H y d r a t i o n I n f u s i o n $ 1 2 5B - C o m p l e x , B - 1 23 . H a n g o v e r R e c o v e r y I V $ 1 4 0B - 1 2 , B C o m p l e x , Z o f r a n ( a n t i - n a u s e a )4 . W e i g h t L o s s S u p p o r t I V - $ 1 3 5B - 1 2 , B C o m p l e x , M I C , A m i n o A c i d s5 . B e a u t y / A n t i - a g i n g I V $ 1 6 0M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m , B C o m p l e x , V i t a m i n C , G l u t a t h i o n e , B i o t i n6 . F a t i g u e / D e h y d r a t i o n I V $ 1 5 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m ,G l u t a t h i o n e7 . S p o r t s I V $ 1 6 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m ,C o Q 1 0 , L y s i n e , A m i n o a c i d s8 . I m m u n i t y / C o v i d R e c o v e r y I V $ 1 5 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , Z i n c , V i t m a i n D , V i t a m i nC , G l u t a t h i o n e9 . T h e E n e r g i z e r I V $ 1 3 0B - c o m p l e x , B - 1 2 , V i t a m i n C , A m i n o A c i d s1 0 . M i g r a i n e R e l i e f I V $ 1 5 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , Z i n c , M a g n e s i u m , T o r a d o la n d Z o f r a n1 1 . P r e g n a n c y I V $ 1 2 5B c o m p l e x , B 1 2 , Z o f r a n1 2 . N A D I V $ 1 5 0 - $ 3 5 0S t a r t i n g d o s e i s t y p i c a l l y 5 0 - 1 0 0 m g , m a yt i t r a t e u p a s t o l e r a t e d I V D r i p O p t i o n sA l l b a g s m i x e d w 1 L S a l i n e o r L R1 . M y e r s C o c k t a i l I V $ 1 4 0B C o m p l e x , M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m , V i t a m i n C2 . H y d r a t i o n I n f u s i o n $ 1 2 5B - C o m p l e x , B - 1 23 . H a n g o v e r R e c o v e r y I V $ 1 4 0B - 1 2 , B C o m p l e x , Z o f r a n ( a n t i - n a u s e a )4 . W e i g h t L o s s S u p p o r t I V - $ 1 3 5B - 1 2 , B C o m p l e x , M I C , A m i n o A c i d s5 . B e a u t y / A n t i - a g i n g I V $ 1 6 0M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m , B C o m p l e x , V i t a m i n C , G l u t a t h i o n e , B i o t i n6 . F a t i g u e / D e h y d r a t i o n I V $ 1 5 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m ,G l u t a t h i o n e7 . S p o r t s I V $ 1 6 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , M a g n e s i u m , C a l c i u m ,C o Q 1 0 , L y s i n e , A m i n o a c i d s8 . I m m u n i t y / C o v i d R e c o v e r y I V $ 1 5 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , Z i n c , V i t m a i n D , V i t a m i nC , G l u t a t h i o n e9 . T h e E n e r g i z e r I V $ 1 3 0B - c o m p l e x , B - 1 2 , V i t a m i n C , A m i n o A c i d s1 0 . M i g r a i n e R e l i e f I V $ 1 5 0B - 1 2 , B c o m p l e x , Z i n c , M a g n e s i u m , T o r a d o la n d Z o f r a n1 1 . P r e g n a n c y I V $ 1 2 5B c o m p l e x , B 1 2 , Z o f r a n1 2 . N A D I V $ 1 5 0 - $ 3 5 0S t a r t i n g d o s e i s t y p i c a l l y 5 0 - 1 0 0 m g , m a yt i t r a t e u p a s t o l e r a t e d

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Weight LossSlim Shot-IM ONLY Proprietary f fornulation of Vit B complex & amino acids MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline)All NaturalShown to aidwith Fat burning, 1.Appetite supression 2.Energy 3. boosterGlutathioneOverallHealth Shot • Improves skin and hair• Antioxidant/ Destroys free radicals• Helps prevent Vit D deficiency• Immune support & recovery from cold, flu, & Covid-19Vitamin CHelps withimmunity &protectionagainst free radicalsAntioxidantFights celldamagePromotesHealthy SkinImproves IronAbsorption vitaminS, Minerals, & amino AcidS CoQ-10Antioxidantand decreasesinflammationImproves skinelasticityResponsiblefor 95% ofthe body’senergyproductionIncreasesphysicalstamina &performanceAids learningand memoryPromoteshealthy agingand supportsheart andbrain function B ComplexW/ B-12 • Aids with fat burning & appetite control • Acts as an energy booster • Mood enhancer• IncludesVitamins B1,2,3,5,6 & 12 Vitamin D• Helps absorb Calcium• Helps prevent Osteoporosis• Helps w fatigue, sleep, depression, muscle weakness, hair loss, immunity

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**NAD+ (NicotinamideAdenineDinucleotide)ImprovesEnergyImprovesMood, MentalClarity, andFocusReduces foodcravings, aidsin metabolismand weightmanagementAids in peakathleticperformanceand post-workoutrecoverySlows agingprocess bymaintaininghealthy DNADecreasesFatigue andbrain fog Amino Acidsavailability variesHelps w post workout recoveryBuilding blocks of muscleSupportsmetabolicfunctionsL-lysine, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline Alpha-LipoicAcidAids in WeightmanagementHelps decreasenerve painAids in GlucosemetabolismReducesInflammationZinc• Promotes wound healing• Promotes skin hydration and hair growth• Reduces number & severity of InfectionsvitaminS, MineralS, & amino AcidSCalciumHelps maintainbone healthShown tomaintain hearthealthHelps w muscleaches andspasmsMagnesium• Helps w Fatigue• Promotes Sleep• Reduces Anxiety• Helps Absorption of Calcium & Vit D• Aids in Muscle performance• Reduce brain fog• Helps w Inflammation & ArthritisBiotinHelps w Hairloss/thinning, brittle nails, nerve painHelps withInflammation, depression, & fatigue

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NADNAD is a coenzyme found in every cell of your body that plays a crucial role in cellular energy production andmaintaining overall health. It has been associated withnumerous potential benefits for a variety of brain,metabolism, antiaging and hair and skin health. We offerNAD by IM shot, IV or nasal spray (subject to availability). Benefits fo r H air :Healthy Hair Growth: NAD is believed to support healthy hair growth by promotingcellular metabolism and providing energy to the cellsresponsible for hair follicle function. It may help stimulatehair follicles, leading to improved hair growth and thickness.Hair Pigmentation: NAD has been suggested to play a role in maintaining hairpigmentation. Some studies indicate that NAD-relatedcompounds can influence the production of melanin, thepigment responsible for hair color. By supporting NAD levels,it is theorized that you may help maintain natural hair color.Benefi ts for Skin:Skin Cell Energy: NAD is involved in cellular energy production, which isessential for maintaining the vitality and function of skin cells.By supporting NAD levels, you may help enhance cellularenergy metabolism, leading to healthier and more vibrant-looking skin.Anti-Aging Effects: NAD is thought to have potential anti-aging effects on theskin. It is involved in DNA repair processes and supportsmitochondrial function, both of which are important formaintaining skin health and reducing the signs of aging, suchas wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of elasticity.Skin Barrier Function: NAD may help strengthen the skin barrier, which acts as aprotective shield against external aggressors and moistureloss. By supporting the skin barrier, NAD may help improveskin hydration and protect against environmental damage.Skin Repair and Wound Healing: NAD is involved in various cellular repair mechanisms. It maypromote skin repair processes, including wound healing andtissue regeneration. By supporting NAD levels, you maypotentially enhance the skin's ability to heal and recover fromdamage.

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Cellular Benefit s of NAD:Energy Production: NAD plays a critical role in cellular energy metabolism. It helpsconvert the food we eat into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), theprimary energy currency of our cells. By supporting healthy NADlevels, you can potentially enhance energy production andcombat fatigue.DNA Repair: NAD is involved in DNA repair processes, which help maintainthe integrity of our genetic material. By supporting DNA repairmechanisms, NAD helps protect against DNA damage caused byvarious factors, such as environmental toxins & oxidative stress.Anti-Aging: As we age, NAD levels naturally decline. This decline has beenassociated with a variety of age-related conditions. Bysupplementing with NAD precursors, such as nicotinamideriboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), it isbelieved that you may support healthy aging by replenishingNAD levels and promoting cellular health.Mitochondrial Function: NAD is essential for optimal mitochondrial function, which iscritical for energy production, cellular metabolism, and overallvitality. By supporting mitochondrial health through NADsupplementation, you may enhance energy levels, cognitivefunction, and physical performance.Sirtuin Activation: NAD serves as a coenzyme for sirtuins, a group of proteinsinvolved in various cellular processes, including generegulation, stress response, and inflammation. Sirtuins are oftenassociated with longevity and healthy aging. By boosting NADlevels, you can potentially activate sirtuins and support overallcellular health.Neuroprotection: NAD has been studied for its potential neuroprotective effects. Itmay help maintain brain health by supporting neuronalsurvival, reducing inflammation, and enhancing cellular energyproduction in the brain.Metabolic Health: NAD is involved in regulating various metabolic pathways,including glucose and lipid metabolism. By supporting NADlevels, you may potentially improve metabolic health, whichcan have positive effects on weight management and overallmetabolic function.Age-Related Conditions: Some research suggests that NAD supplementation may havepotential benefits for age-related conditions such asneurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular health, andmetabolic disorders.

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Sti m ula t es G rowt h Ho r mon e Pro d uct i on: E nha n ces the natu r al s ecr e tion of y our own g row t h h o rmon e fro m the pit u ita r y gl a nd.Imp r ove s Sl e ep Q u ali t y: P romo t es d eepe r an dmor e re s tor a tive sle e p cy cles .Inc r eas e s Mu scle Mas s : Su ppor t s m u scle gro w th &rep a ir, bene fici a l f o r at hlet e s a n d bo d ybu i lde r s.Enh a nce s Fa t Los s : A i ds i n re d uci n g bo d y f a t b ypro m oti n g l i poly s is.Boo s ts E ner g y Le v els : Inc reas e s o v eral l en e rgyand sta m ina , lea d ing to i mpro v ed p hysi calper f orm a nceImp r ove s Sk i n El a sti c ity: Con t rib u tes t o h e alt h ier ski n and may red u ce s i gns of a ging .Sup p ort s Imm une F unc t ion : Enh a nce s imm une sys t em p e rfo r man c e, h e lpi n g t o fen d of f ill ness e s.Imp r ove s Mo o d an d Co g nit i ve F u nct i on: Help sred u ce s ymp t oms o f d e pre s sion and impr ovemen t al c lar i ty.Pro m ote s Re c over y : S p eeds up r eco v ery from inj u ries and str e nuou s wo r kou t s.Enh a nce s Li b ido: Imp r oves sex u al f unct i on &lib i do i n me n & w ome n .

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PRPO-ShotShown to improve sensation, decreaselaxity, increase lubrication, enhanceorgasm, and may improve incontinencesymptomsYour own blood collected in sterile FDA-approved collection of PRP injected intolabia, G Spot, Clitoral hood, and entireclitoris---see the difference when injectedby a board-certified OB/GYN with 20years of expertise in this area of anatomyO - S H O T / P - S H O TP - S h o tY o u r o w n s t e r i l e , F D A - a p p r o v e dc o l l e c t i o n o f P R P i n j e c t e d i n t o p e n i sI m p r o v e s g i r t h a n d l e n g t h , e r e c t i o n ,a n d e j a c u l a t i o nI m p r o v e d s e x u a l s a t i s f a c t i o n

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Allergan Product LineJuvaderm, JuvadermPlusVolumaVobela, Volure KybellaAreas of treatmentMarionette LinesGlabellaUndereyeCheeksLipsJawNoseNeckprice $11/unitAmount & areasdiscussed at visitBOTOXDONE WITH OR WITHOUT PRPFDA approved closedsystem for ensuredsterilityOnly FDA approved Skin Penon the MarketUse PRP topically and injectremainder underneath theskin for added benefit andcollgen productionAESTHETICSFILLERMICRO-NEEDLEINGCHEMICALPEELSPCA SKINCAREPCA Skin PeelssensipeelregularComplete MDFormulated Skin Care Line

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Specializing in GYN managementofAbnormal uterine bleedingPelvic painFibroidsOvarian cystsHormone ImbalancePCOSMenopauseMood swings/irritablityWeight GainFatiguelow LibidoFamily PlanningBirth controlAnnual ExamsAbnormal PapsColposcopyCryosurgeryHysteroscopyUterine AblationsMinimally Invasive RoboticSurgeon of Excellence Gynecology & Obstetrics

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Specializing in OB managementofConfirmation of Pregnancy3D ultrasoundsFetal MonitoringGenetic TestingNon Stress TestsPregnancy IVsAll pregnancy related care Post Partum CareGynecology & Obstetrics

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915 293-3335www.drggarcia.comDr. Genevieve Garcia4420 N Mesa, El Paso, TX 79902