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BHS Early College Handbook

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H A N D B O O KH A N D B O O KE A R L Y C O L L E G E Message

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Table of ContentsThe Application ProcessWhat Happens Next (after the application)Support Resources bhs_countdowntograduationBHS EARLYCOLLEGE01Meet The Early College TeamWhat is Early CollegeWhy Early CollegeProgram Requirements & ExpectationsIndividualized ApproachProgram FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)Tips for SuccessPage #Information for Parents & Guardians-Program OpportunitiesTestimonialsThe BHS Early College Program

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BHS EARLYCOLLEGE bhs_countdowntograduation01

Page 4 bhs_countdowntograduationEarly College/CTE CoordinatorBHS EARLYCOLLEGE02Bonsall High School has an Early CollegeProgram which provides students with theopportunity to take college courses withPalomar College, in different modalities, whilestill attending high school. This program allowsstudents to take college courses on the collegecampus, online and at the high school campuswith a college instructor. Through the program,students have the opportunity to completegeneral education credits which transfer toUniversity of California and California StateUniversity programs. Students may also earncredits toward certificate programs, Associatedegrees, and obtain multiple transferablecredits to colleges. BHS believes in providingthis opportunity to all students and iscontinuously making improvements to ensurean equitable educational experience.After five years of being the BHS SchoolCounselor, I was excited to make thetransition to my new role as the EarlyCollege/CTE Coordinator in the 2023-2024school year. Although I do miss being theschool’s School Counselor, I am loving mynew role and getting to help studentsachieve success in their personal journeysin College and Career pathways!!MS. ERYNMS. ERYN


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BHS EARLYCOLLEGE03Early College High Schools (ECHS) arean innovative way for high schoolstudents to earn both a high schooldegree and a two-year associate’s degreeor up to two years’ credit toward abachelor’s degree (IGETC) in the time ittakes to go to high school. An ECHS is:A partnership between school districtsand two or four year colleges/universities.A program designed for students to earndual enrollment (high school andcollege).Provides an opportunity for students toearn up to two years of college credits inhigh school—at no cost to students.This plan is designed primarily forstudents who intend to transfer to theUniversity of California (UC) or CaliforniaState University (CSU). IGETC is a coursepattern that community college studentscan use to satisfy lower division Gen Edrequirements for either the CSU or theUC.Students completing the full four-yearEarly College Program may earn up to55 transferable credits; equivalent totwo years of college coursework.In the semester of Spring 2024, welaunched a cohort of Early Collegestudents (7 Seniors and 1 Junior) in anew accelerated certificate program. Inthe new Child Development program,our students would take 4 one-monthlong classes, where they attendedweekly night. sessions on the PalomarCollege Fallbrook campus. As a part ofthe program, they fulfilled observationand internship hours with our local daycares, elementary and middle schools.At the end of the semester, these 8students were awarded with anAssociate Teacher Certificate ofAchievement at the Palomar CollegeCommencement ceremony two weeksprior to the Bonsall High Schoolgraduation! It was a big achievementand we are so proud of theiraccomplishments as they have pavedthe way for many future students.WHAT IS EARLY COLLEGE?ASSOCIATE TEACHER CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT Before Graduation!! bhs_countdowntograduationIGETC (INTERSEGMENTAL GENERALEDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM)

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The Bonsall EarlyCollege program isdesigned todevelop manycareer-readinessskills, preparingstudents for lifebeyond high school! BHS EARLYCOLLEGE04WHY EARLY COLLEGE? bhs_countdowntograduationStudents will have the opportunity learn skills that promote independent living,such on-campus housing.Students will have the opportunity to complete certifications or degreepathways that lead to high-wage jobs.College is the Key to... IndependenceSocial MobilityIdentityStudents will be in an environment that encourages self growth and learning.Students can explore opportunities aligned with their interests. CareerStudents can explore different pathways and find a career that alignswith their purpose, interests and values.

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PROGRAMREQUIREMENTS BHS EARLYCOLLEGE05Minimum GPA 2.0Demonstrated success in a PrerequisiteCollege Course (“C” or higher)Counseling 110 “College Success”Counseling 148 “Managing Stress andWellbeing” PROGRAMEXPECTATIONS bhs_countdowntograduationGreat AttendanceSelf Advocacy SkillsGreat Communication - Check emails daily!!Mature Behavior and ConductGood Grades (“C” or higher)Study and Time Management SkillsStudents must be responsible, as parents are not able to haveaccess to a student’s Palomar grades or contact instructor onstudent’s behalf.

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INDIVIDUALIZEDAPPROACHBHS EARLYCOLLEGE06College Course at BHSCollege Course at Palomar CollegeGOAL SETTINGAll BHS Early College studentshave the opportunity to worktoward their personal goals inthe program. Opportunities towork toward Certifications anddegree programs are offered tosupport students toward careerand college options, while alsosupporting career explorationalong the way!College Course OnlineTake a college class at BHS with a Palomar Teacher. This is agreat way to get started and get comfortable taking your firstcollege level course. Once you have demonstrated college readiness, you are eligibleto take courses at the Fallbrook Palomar College campus!Available to 10th through 12th graders and course must fit yourschedule.Your schedule too tight? No problem! You can also take classesonline. There are MANY courses to choose from! Taking onlinecourses is recommended for anyone taking their first class or forstudents wanting to expand their electives.EARLY COLLEGE FALL 2023

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INFORMATION FORPARENTS &GUARDIANSFamily Educational Rights andPrivacy Act (FERPA)This act protects the privacy of studenteducation records. When a studentreaches the age of 18 or begins attendingcollege, regardless of age, FERPA rightsare transferred from the parent/guardianto the student. Students who are assigned to take the van will beissued an Early College ID card, identifying if theyare taking the “Van” or if they are a “Driver”.Students are expected to show their ID when theycheck in and out of the van and Welcome Hut infront of the school.Self Drivers will need to complete Student Driverpaperwork and provide copies of their driver’slicense, car insurance, and vehicle registrationPRIOR to driving to Palomar College. ParkingPermit Forms must be completed with Ms. Erynto avoid parking tickets at Palomar College.Each semester a new transportation schedule isdrafted and sent out to students and staff.Student who are late to the BHS pick up locationmay not have the opportunity to get a follow upride. Students are expected to be to the van pickup location on time! It is the student’sresponsibility to keep track of the time.BHS EARLYCOLLEGE07TransportationBHS will provide a van to and from the Palomar College Fallbrook Center duringschool hours during the fall and spring semesters. (Ms. Eryn will notify you ofdates when transportation will NOT be provided in advancce)EXAMPLE TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE ONLYEARLY COLLEGE FALL 2024

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INFORMATION FORPARENTS &GUARDIANSlorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing elit. In pretium massa varius massavestibulum sodales. Integer pellentesque et leotempor porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Chemistry Class A1BHS EARLYCOLLEGE08GradesTo receive credit and remain in the program, a student must earn a “C” or higherin their classes. Classes with 3 units or higher will equal 10 high school credits ontheir BHS transcript. If the course is 3 units or higher and transferable to a CSU orUC, it will also earn an honors point.CalendarIt is important to note any dates that Palomar is in session when BHS is on break.For students who are in enrolled in courses at the Palomar College FallbrookCenter, students will be expected to find their own transportation or make a planin advance with their instructor.CONTINUEDSick PolicyIt is highly encouraged NOT to miss a college course. Palomar College teachersmay not let a student make up missed assignments, quizzes or tests! If a student is not going to attend a college class, they MUST notify:Palomar TeacherSchool Attendance ClerkMs. Eryn and Ms. Cara - so transportation can be notified immediatelyFees & TextbooksBHS will cover the course and textbook fees for classes taken during Fall/Springsemesters. Some Palomar classes do not have books listed, so let Ms. Eryn know rightaway if you have a required book listed. The modality of the book provided is not guaranteed and is based onbookstore availability. Material costs are not covered by BHS. If you cannot afford the materials, seeMs. Eryn for a potential scholarship.) EX. Welding 100 SchedulesStudents who are taking college courses are required to take a minimum of 2BHS course periods each day to meet the 180 minute/day requirement ofinstructional minutes. College courses, even on the BHS campus, do not counttoward this requirement. All students are required to make up missedSymposium assignments due to college courses.

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PROGRAM FAQS How many college classes can I take?Students who are admitted to the program, and have already demonstrated success in theprerequisite course to the Early College program, can take up to 8 units (11 units withspecial permission from the Early College Coordinator) during the Fall/Spring semester.Students are evaluated based on their course load and previous course experience.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing elit. In pretium massa varius massavestibulum sodales. Integer pellentesque et leotempor porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Chemistry Class A1BHS EARLYCOLLEGE09How do I pick my classes in the program?Students will meet every semester with the program Coordinator to review course options,discuss goals in the program and choose classes. Students are encouraged to choosecourses with the intent to pursue a desired program of student, an area for careerexploration, or general education transferable credit toward a UC/CSU if uncertain. What grade can I join the program?Students can apply to the Early College program as early as 9th grade, however, there is aprerequisite course requirement that must be met prior to being fully admitted to theprogram. Some course options may not be available until 10th grade. How can I learn more about the Early College Program?Every semester, there is an information session for students and families to learn moreabout the Early College program. This session is sent out to students and families after thesession and linked on the Early College page on the Bonsall High School website. Are college classes required for graduation?Students are required to take 2 college courses or 2 CTE courses for graduation.If I fail a college class, does it matter?Absolutely!! Your college class is on your permanent college transcript so you want to makesure that you are ready for taking college courses, prior to signing up! If you are struggling,reach out to Ms. Eryn, your teacher, or the many support resources to get help!!Do I receive weighted credit for my college course?If you get a “C” or higher in your college course, which must be 3 units or higher and transferto a CSU and/or UC, then yes, it will be weighted!Can I take college courses in trades or real estate?Yes! We offer a large variety of classes for students. We are currently trying to find a solutionto allow transportation to more programs, so talk to Ms. Eryn for more information as that isthe only barrier at this time.

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TIPS FOR SUCCESSlorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing elit. In pretium massa varius massavestibulum sodales. Integer pellentesque et leotempor porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Chemistry Class A1BHS EARLYCOLLEGE10Schedule Homework and Study TimeOrganize your schedule by making time for your college homework everyweek. See what assignments, quizzes or tests are coming up and scheduletime to complete work and study in your schedule. DO NOTPROCRASTINATE!!Request your Accommodations!If you have an IEP or 504 plan and will need accommodations for yourPalomar College course, remember that your HS accommodations DO NOTtransfer to Palomar. I HIGHLY recommend reaching out to the PalomarCollege Disability Resource Center right away to start the process, if youhaven't already done so. On the first day of class you should receive a syllabus. Review it right awayand get an understanding of what the class assignments will be like, see ifyou need any additional books or materials and any additional courseexpectations.Read the Syllabus Immediately!!Check your Emails & Canvas Daily!Being in the Early College program means that a student is ready todemonstrate all characteristics of a successful college student. This includes,CHECKING YOUR EMAILS REGULARLY! This is an expectation of theprogram. Communication regarding course enrollment and deadlinesoccurs between the Coordinator and the student. If a parent is concernedabout this, I recommend that a plan is arranged at home to check emailregularly.Access your Support ResourcesIf you are struggling in your class, reach out for support right away! Ignoringthe problem just makes it worse so act quickly! There are many resources tosupport student success. I also recommend talking to other students inthe class for help!

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BHS EARLYCOLLEGE11THE APPLICATIONPROCESSStudents and families are encouraged to attendan information session to learn about theprogram, important deadlines and highlights ofthe upcoming semester.1) INFORMATION SESSIONStudents will complete an Early College application during the application window.Applications are accepted each semester and students already in the program do NOThave to reapply. 2) APPLICATION3) WRITING PROMPTSStudents will submit responses to three writing prompts, in addition to the application. 4) PALOMAR APPLICATIONStudents will complete a Palomar College application, with supporting documentation.ALL of the enrollment for the Early College program is handled by the Coordinator, so it isimportant that students follow the instructions that are provided by Ms. Eryn to avoidissues with enrollment and tuition.5) PERFORMANCE CONTRACTStudents and their parents/guardians will sign the performance contract. This documentoutlines the expectations of Early College students in the program.

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Ms. Eryn will review the application anddetermine the status of the application.Students will receive an email with oneof the following determinations:ACCEPTEDCONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED NOT ACCEPTEDBHS EARLYCOLLEGE12WHAT HAPPENSNEXT?After you submit your application,here is what happens next!ApplicationReviewAcademicMeetingOnce a student has been accepted,they will be emailed a meeting timefor their academic meeting. Thismeeting is a chance to discusscollege and career goals, reviewcourse options with the EarlyCollege program, and look atcourses available for the followingsemester. (Students applyingoutside of the enrollment windowmay have to wait to have ameeting.)OrientationPrior to the college semester beginning,students will attend an Orientationwhere they will learn how to access allof the important college websites andresources. Students, don’t forget to save the“Welcome to Palomar” email with allof the important links to help youaccess your Palomar course! bhs_countdowntograduation

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SUPPORT RESOURCESPalomar CollegeBHS EARLYCOLLEGE13BHSCOUNSELINGFREE appointments with Palomar’s Dual EnrollmentCounselors are available to achieve your academic, career,and personal goals.TECH SUPPORTThe Help Desk is available to help fix issues with yourPalomar Canvas, email or MyPalomar account. (760) 744-1150 x2140, WRITING CENTERFREE help is available for writing assignments in theLearning Resource Center at the Palomar CollegeFallbrook campus. TUTORING FREE tutoring appointment can be made at the Palomar Learning Center, online or inCanvas.OFFICE HOURSInstructors will have office hours for students who have questions or need help in theirclass. DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTERIIf you have a 504/IEP and need accommodations in your college class,make an appointment now with Palomar’s DRC! BHS EARLY COLLEGE CANVAS CLASSThis course is for all students enrolled in a college course and contains links toPalomar resources, information related to the Early College program and assignmentsand announcements designed to keep students on track with important deadlines.COORDINATOR SUPPORT HOURSMs. Eryn will be available to support students with questions and help throughout theprocess, while encouraging them to develop self-advocacy and time managementskills.

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Legion LeadersPROGRAMOPPORTUNITIES BHS EARLYCOLLEGE14ASSOCIATE TEACHER CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENTStudents who work toward this Certificate program often have a requirement forobservation and volunteer hours working with children. The Legion Leaders programallows for students to gain hands-on experience, while earning their required hours..We launched our first group of students in October, 2024. BHSstudents spent the morning volunteering in classrooms atVivian Banks Elementary School. Students can earn communityservice hours, while gaining experience in Child Development!The Associate Teacher Certificate ofAchievement program includes aselection of courses that providesacademic preparation to individualsfor a career in the field of childdevelopment. The program will givestudents general knowledge and skillsin theory, principles, and techniquesfor working with young children in anentry-level position.More Information at Requirements:CHDV 99: Prep. for Child Development Majors (.5cr)CHDV100: Child Growth and Development (3cr)CHDV115: Child, Family, and Community (3cr)CHDV 104: Guidance for Young Children (3cr)CHDV 184: ECE Curriculum Experiences: Language, Literacy, Math and Science (3cr)

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BHS EARLYCOLLEGE15“This program gives me alot more variety andfreedom in the coursesthat I can take!”TESTIMONIALS bhs_countdowntograduation“This program givesstudents a chance toexpand their knowledgeand they can learn thingsthat typically can’t beoffered in a high schoolenvironment.”“The BHS Early CollegeProgram has opened up somany opportunities for meand has helped me to feelmore secure in myeducational future, whilebeing fun and new.Hopefully, I'll be able tocontinue college classes allthroughout high school.”“I have really enjoyed gettingto experience a college classand learning moreadvanced material has alsohelped me in my highschool classes.”“I have moved to so manydifferent schools in myhigh school experience,and this Early CollegeProgram has reallyhelped me flourish inschool.”“I loved going to Palomar. Itwas overall a really goodexperience and I feel luckyto have access to theseresources.”“It's a great opportunity todiscover what you areinterested in, and get collegecredit ahead of time. It cansave you both time andmoney in the long run.”“It was a wonderful experience,The teachers are really greatand calm and help you outwhen in need.”“Taking early college classesisn’t just for a higher gpa or topush yourself, it gives youmore time to live your life inthe future and have a headstart.”“This program allowed me tonever give up on the things Iwanted to go after.”“With the Cinema class, I wasable to gain an appreciationfor the arts, all whilecompleting a college creditand fulfilling my artrequirements for high schoolgraduation.”“It was fun creating things inphotoshop and I learned howto use my creative side.”“Thanks to this college class, Iwas able to explore a careeroption in depth. I realized Idon't want to go into it as acareer but I would love to usethe knowledge I gained forside hustle.”“I appreciate this specialopportunity given to me.”Students share about theirexperience in the EarlyCollege Program."My experience at BHS hasbeen super positive. The kidsare awesome! They are gratefulfor the opportunity to advancetheir learning as they preparefor college. The staff/faculty iswonderful. Everyone I met hasbeen extremely helpful andnice to me. They all want togive their all for these kids.Bonsall itself is a lovely sceniccommunity. BHS and Bonsallitself are hidden gems!" Barry Lederman Department of Mathematics Palomar College“The teacher is really sweetand he’s willing to help youif you have any questions!”

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E A R L Y C O L L E G EH A N D B O O KR E V I S E D F A L L 2 0 2 4 E R Y N B A R K E R