Europe and Russia Photographs by Ian Atkinson
All images Ian Atkinson Photographer www ianatkinsonphotographer com email isaphoto me com Tel 0044 0 7971821107
Award winning photographer Ian Atkinson and DP World present an exhibition of images from Ian s recent tour of the ports and terminals of Northern and Eastern Europe The images contained within the book are a representation of the exhibited work which was part of the Munich Transport Logistics Expo 2017 The images were created over a three week period during March and April 2017 Ian is internationally renowned for his creative and innovative approach to image making In this series Ian takes inspiration from his experience as an automotive and advertising photographer creating a series of images which show the diversity of DP World and its partners Ian s portraiture has been exhibited in some of the world s leading art galleries In this exhibition Ian demonstrates his unique approach to the portrait by illustrating the mix of workplaces and the stereotypes associated with them The images challenge our perceptions of role and gender within a work environment The landscapes show the infrastructure associated with logistics and the movement of goods around Europe capturing the essence of DP World and its partners who are actively supporting both large and small scale projects across Europe Ian takes a unique approach in the portrayal of landscape and machinery A trademark of Ian s work is the composition of his images some of which are comprised of more than 50 individual photographs allowing each image to be individually constructed with every element treated separately It gives an undeniable quality and feel to the final images We hope you enjoy the exhibition and its positive approach to the world of logistics Ian Atkinson 2017
DP World London Gateway United Kingdom
DP World Tarragona Spain
DP World Stuttgart Germany
CMA DP World Le Havre France
DP World Leige Belgium
Eurofos Fos sur Mer France
DP World Antwerp Gateway Belgium
DP World Rotterdam Gateway Netherlands
DP World Germersheim Germany
DP World Southampton United Kingdom
DP World Antwerp East Belgium
DP World Constanta Romania
DP World Yarimca Turkey
DP World Mannhiem Germany
DP World Limasol Cyprus