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Do you know how you can make you

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IntroductionThis module centers around Gagne's nine instructional events, providing guidance forshaping the design, progression, activities, and tools within an online learning module.These nine events (Gain attention; Inform learners of objectives; Stimulate recall ofprevious knowledge; Present the content; Provide learning guidance; Elicit performance;Provide feedback; Assess performance and; Enhance retention and transfer) serve as afoundational framework for structuring the delivery of instruction and evaluating studentperformance.

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IntroductionContd.They address the unique challenges posed by the absence of a physical instructor in theonline environment, necessitating specific tools and strategies to bridge the transactionalgap inherent to online learning.

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Gain AttentionMake your module pages catchy to stimulate surprise and novelty in your learners. The lookand feel of the page is important at this point. Use text, images, and videos (intro videos)that command an appeal. Instructional methods to use can include the use of thought-provoking questions,scenarios, brief storytelling, a quiz or any icebreaker activity.

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Inform Learners ofObjectivesThe objectives communicate the desired outcomes for the module to the learners and whatlearners are expected to learn. Objectives must identify clearly who the learner is, thebehavioral outcomes expected, the criteria for performance, and the conditions underwhich learners are required to work. Use module introduction videos for introduce moduleand the objectives for the module as well. introductions Eg.: By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to describe at least four of the fivephases of ADDIE.

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Stimulate Recall ofPrior KnowledgeRelate new information to what students already know from their previous learningexperience their previous learning experience.. Instructional methods to use can include the use of thought-provoking questions aboutprevious experiences and concepts, quizzes. Scenarios that connect with previousexperiences can be useful as well as brainstorming.

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Present theContentOrganize a well-chunked up module content in a logical flow. Provide details to reinforcemeaning of content for the learner.IContent can be in the form of slide decks, videos, images, pdf and word documents. Breakup the resources into meaningful chunks. Make content as concise as possi concise aspossibleble, and provide links to details on the content.

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Provide Learning GuidanceHelp students to learn at this point. Model performances and coach learners to perform asrequired. Scaffold and Instructional methods to use can include the use of authentic examples (and non-examples)and familiar content to demonstrate behaviors to learners. Provide videos, slide decks,images, et exof concept maps, case studies, real-world applications, analogies andmetaphors.

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Elicit PerformanceKnowledge checks within the process are very essential to gauge learner performance.Assessing learners at this point is formative meant to either correct or reinforce behaviors.Instructional methods to use can include the use of written assignments, quizzes,discussion boards, white boards and anyindividual or group activity.

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Provide FeedbackFeedback is essential to identify gaps in knowledge and performance as they are matchedup against set performance criteria. Feedback must be timely within a reasonably earliesttime. It needs to be meaningful and direct to the p within a reasonably earliest time. Itneeds to be meaningful and direct to the point.oint. Instructor can provide weekly wrapups,for groups, personalized Instructor can use video and text comments for group feedback. Office hours can alsoprovide opportunities for individual feedback.