Message airfare from Austin to DominicanRepublicFive nights accommodation at hotel in SantoDomingoNine nights accommodations with host familiesin SantiagoAirport pick-up and drop-offGround transportation to itinerary activitiesDaily breakfastEleven lunchesEight dinnersExcursions and entrance fees per itineraryInternational travel health insurance24/7 logistics support and emergency assistanceA $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 27, 2025 via ACC Marketplace. Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program fee:ACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesPassport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2024Prerequisites: NonePROGRAM FEE - $3,700ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship($5,000 maximum) Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships ($1,500 maximum)OTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000)Tyler Center for Global Studies Study Abroad Fellowships,($2,500)Applications due February 13, 2025.DOMINICANREPUBLICEarn 1 credit hour in Percussion Ensemble-Semesters 1 and 2 (MUEN 1124) while exploringthe Dominican Republic with your ACCclassmates and Professor Michael Fonseca.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2025Class at ACC before departure: NoneProgram in Dominican Republic: May 24 - June 7Summer 2025MusicStudent participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.Virtual One-on-One Advising Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pmVirtual Group Advising Sessions:Fridays9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pm Asynchronous Video Advising Sessions:Pre-recorded (available for current ACC students)Application deadline is February 6, 2025.Acceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 15.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.STEPS TO APPLYContact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.FINANCIAL AIDChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.1.Complete an advising session startingSeptember 3, 2024. 2.Complete and submit an application.3.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. 4.
Santo Domingo: 5 nightsSantiago: 9 nightsPROGRAM ITINERARYSaturday, May 31Morning: Workshop with Felle VegaLunch on OwnAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Casa BaderDinner with Host FamiliesSunday, June 1Morning: Free MorningLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Murals TourEvening: Son de KekaDinner with Host FamiliesMonday, June 2Morning: Tour of La Aurora Cigar FactoryLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Lunes de JazzDinner with Host FamiliesTuesday, June 3Morning: Free TimeLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Cooking Class with Host FamiliesDinner with Host FamiliesWednesday, June 4Free DayDinner with Host FamiliesThursday, June 5Full Day Mangroves Boat and Snorkel TourGroup LunchDinner with Host FamiliesFriday, June 6Morning: Free TimeLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free Time to Shop and Prepare forDepartureEvening: Farewell Dinner Saturday, June 7Morning: Transfer to Santiago AirportReturn to Austin; End of ProgramDear Students,I cordially invite you to join me in theDominican Republic this summer. We willbe visiting the #1 destination in theCaribbean! The start of our adventure is inSanto Domingo, the capital of the countryand the oldest European city in theAmericas. We end our adventure inSantiago de los Caballeros, where we willstay with host families and immerse indaily Dominican life.The itinerary allows us time to visithistorical sites, such as castles, fortresses,and cathedrals, and time to bask in thenatural beauty of their white sand beachesand national parks, namely Tres Ojos. The main focus of the trip is, of course,Music. We will explore different musicaltraditions from the currently trendingDembow and Bachata to older genres likeMerengue and foundational genres likePalo. With each musical genre we will alsolearn the instrumentation and associateddances, some of which are the latestcrazes here in the states.All of the playing and dancing is bound towork up an appetite. Lucky for us, theDominican Republic is abundant withexotic fruits and Caribbean delicacies. Alsoon the agenda is some authenticCaribbean cooking with our host families. Between the daytime historical/outdoorexcursions and the nighttime musicaladventures, this trip promises to beunforgettable!I hope you will join me in Quisqueya, themother of all lands.PROGRAM ITINERARYFACULTY LEADER MESSAGESaturday, May 24Depart Austin for Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublicTransfer to AccommodationsSunday, May 25Morning: OrientationAfternoon: Lunch on own; Colonial Zone TourEvening: Welcome Dinner Monday, May 26Morning: Workshop with Manuela Feliz -Influence of Musical Styles on CultureGroup LunchAfternoon: Visit to Tres OjosTuesday, May 27Morning: Workshop with Congos de Villa MellaGroup LunchAfternoon: Workshop on Taller InstrumentsWednesday, May 28Morning: Visit to a Music School Lunch on OwnAfternoon: Visit to Beach Juan DolioThursday, May 29Morning: Depart for Santiago; Tour of theCarnival MuseumGroup LunchAfternoon: Check-in at HomestaysDinner with Host FamiliesFriday, May 30Morning: Tour of Downtown Santiago and CableCar RideGroup LunchAfternoon: Centro León and Presentation onDominican Race and IdentityDinner with Host FamiliesMike FonsecaAdjunct, Associate ProfessorMusic and Music Business, Performance and
Santo Domingo: 5 nightsSantiago: 9 nightsPROGRAM ITINERARYSaturday, May 31Morning: Workshop with Felle VegaLunch on OwnAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Casa BaderDinner with Host FamiliesSunday, June 1Morning: Free MorningLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Murals TourEvening: Son de KekaDinner with Host FamiliesMonday, June 2Morning: Tour of La Aurora Cigar FactoryLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Lunes de JazzDinner with Host FamiliesTuesday, June 3Morning: Free TimeLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Cooking Class with Host FamiliesDinner with Host FamiliesWednesday, June 4Free DayDinner with Host FamiliesThursday, June 5Full Day Mangroves Boat and Snorkel TourGroup LunchDinner with Host FamiliesFriday, June 6Morning: Free TimeLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free Time to Shop and Prepare forDepartureEvening: Farewell Dinner Saturday, June 7Morning: Transfer to Santiago AirportReturn to Austin; End of ProgramDear Students,I cordially invite you to join me in theDominican Republic this summer. We willbe visiting the #1 destination in theCaribbean! The start of our adventure is inSanto Domingo, the capital of the countryand the oldest European city in theAmericas. We end our adventure inSantiago de los Caballeros, where we willstay with host families and immerse indaily Dominican life.The itinerary allows us time to visithistorical sites, such as castles, fortresses,and cathedrals, and time to bask in thenatural beauty of their white sand beachesand national parks, namely Tres Ojos. The main focus of the trip is, of course,Music. We will explore different musicaltraditions from the currently trendingDembow and Bachata to older genres likeMerengue and foundational genres likePalo. With each musical genre we will alsolearn the instrumentation and associateddances, some of which are the latestcrazes here in the states.All of the playing and dancing is bound towork up an appetite. Lucky for us, theDominican Republic is abundant withexotic fruits and Caribbean delicacies. Alsoon the agenda is some authenticCaribbean cooking with our host families. Between the daytime historical/outdoorexcursions and the nighttime musicaladventures, this trip promises to beunforgettable!I hope you will join me in Quisqueya, themother of all lands.PROGRAM ITINERARYFACULTY LEADER MESSAGESaturday, May 24Depart Austin for Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublicTransfer to AccommodationsSunday, May 25Morning: OrientationAfternoon: Lunch on own; Colonial Zone TourEvening: Welcome Dinner Monday, May 26Morning: Workshop with Manuela Feliz -Influence of Musical Styles on CultureGroup LunchAfternoon: Visit to Tres OjosTuesday, May 27Morning: Workshop with Congos de Villa MellaGroup LunchAfternoon: Workshop on Taller InstrumentsWednesday, May 28Morning: Visit to a Music School Lunch on OwnAfternoon: Visit to Beach Juan DolioThursday, May 29Morning: Depart for Santiago; Tour of theCarnival MuseumGroup LunchAfternoon: Check-in at HomestaysDinner with Host FamiliesFriday, May 30Morning: Tour of Downtown Santiago and CableCar RideGroup LunchAfternoon: Centro León and Presentation onDominican Race and IdentityDinner with Host FamiliesMike FonsecaAdjunct, Associate ProfessorMusic and Music Business, Performance and
Santo Domingo: 5 nightsSantiago: 9 nightsPROGRAM ITINERARYSaturday, May 31Morning: Workshop with Felle VegaLunch on OwnAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Casa BaderDinner with Host FamiliesSunday, June 1Morning: Free MorningLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Murals TourEvening: Son de KekaDinner with Host FamiliesMonday, June 2Morning: Tour of La Aurora Cigar FactoryLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Lunes de JazzDinner with Host FamiliesTuesday, June 3Morning: Free TimeLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free TimeEvening: Cooking Class with Host FamiliesDinner with Host FamiliesWednesday, June 4Free DayDinner with Host FamiliesThursday, June 5Full Day Mangroves Boat and Snorkel TourGroup LunchDinner with Host FamiliesFriday, June 6Morning: Free TimeLunch with Host FamiliesAfternoon: Free Time to Shop and Prepare forDepartureEvening: Farewell Dinner Saturday, June 7Morning: Transfer to Santiago AirportReturn to Austin; End of ProgramDear Students,I cordially invite you to join me in theDominican Republic this summer. We willbe visiting the #1 destination in theCaribbean! The start of our adventure is inSanto Domingo, the capital of the countryand the oldest European city in theAmericas. We end our adventure inSantiago de los Caballeros, where we willstay with host families and immerse indaily Dominican life.The itinerary allows us time to visithistorical sites, such as castles, fortresses,and cathedrals, and time to bask in thenatural beauty of their white sand beachesand national parks, namely Tres Ojos. The main focus of the trip is, of course,Music. We will explore different musicaltraditions from the currently trendingDembow and Bachata to older genres likeMerengue and foundational genres likePalo. With each musical genre we will alsolearn the instrumentation and associateddances, some of which are the latestcrazes here in the states.All of the playing and dancing is bound towork up an appetite. Lucky for us, theDominican Republic is abundant withexotic fruits and Caribbean delicacies. Alsoon the agenda is some authenticCaribbean cooking with our host families. Between the daytime historical/outdoorexcursions and the nighttime musicaladventures, this trip promises to beunforgettable!I hope you will join me in Quisqueya, themother of all lands.PROGRAM ITINERARYFACULTY LEADER MESSAGESaturday, May 24Depart Austin for Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublicTransfer to AccommodationsSunday, May 25Morning: OrientationAfternoon: Lunch on own; Colonial Zone TourEvening: Welcome Dinner Monday, May 26Morning: Workshop with Manuela Feliz -Influence of Musical Styles on CultureGroup LunchAfternoon: Visit to Tres OjosTuesday, May 27Morning: Workshop with Congos de Villa MellaGroup LunchAfternoon: Workshop on Taller InstrumentsWednesday, May 28Morning: Visit to a Music School Lunch on OwnAfternoon: Visit to Beach Juan DolioThursday, May 29Morning: Depart for Santiago; Tour of theCarnival MuseumGroup LunchAfternoon: Check-in at HomestaysDinner with Host FamiliesFriday, May 30Morning: Tour of Downtown Santiago and CableCar RideGroup LunchAfternoon: Centro León and Presentation onDominican Race and IdentityDinner with Host FamiliesMike FonsecaAdjunct, Associate ProfessorMusic and Music Business, Performance and airfare from Austin to DominicanRepublicFive nights accommodation at hotel in SantoDomingoNine nights accommodations with host familiesin SantiagoAirport pick-up and drop-offGround transportation to itinerary activitiesDaily breakfastEleven lunchesEight dinnersExcursions and entrance fees per itineraryInternational travel health insurance24/7 logistics support and emergency assistanceA $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 27, 2025 via ACC Marketplace. Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program fee:ACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesPassport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2024Prerequisites: NonePROGRAM FEE - $3,700ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship($5,000 maximum) Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships ($1,500 maximum)OTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000)Tyler Center for Global Studies Study Abroad Fellowships,($2,500)Applications due February 13, 2025.DOMINICANREPUBLICEarn 1 credit hour in Percussion Ensemble-Semesters 1 and 2 (MUEN 1124) while exploringthe Dominican Republic with your ACCclassmates and Professor Michael Fonseca.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2025Class at ACC before departure: NoneProgram in Dominican Republic: May 24 - June 7Summer 2025MusicStudent participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.Virtual One-on-One Advising Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pmVirtual Group Advising Sessions:Fridays9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pm Asynchronous Video Advising Sessions:Pre-recorded (available for current ACC students)Application deadline is February 6, 2025.Acceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 15.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.STEPS TO APPLYContact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.FINANCIAL AIDChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.1.Complete an advising session startingSeptember 3, 2024. 2.Complete and submit an application.3.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. 4. airfare from Austin to DominicanRepublicFive nights accommodation at hotel in SantoDomingoNine nights accommodations with host familiesin SantiagoAirport pick-up and drop-offGround transportation to itinerary activitiesDaily breakfastEleven lunchesEight dinnersExcursions and entrance fees per itineraryInternational travel health insurance24/7 logistics support and emergency assistanceA $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 27, 2025 via ACC Marketplace. Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program fee:ACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesPassport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2024Prerequisites: NonePROGRAM FEE - $3,700ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship($5,000 maximum) Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships ($1,500 maximum)OTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000)Tyler Center for Global Studies Study Abroad Fellowships,($2,500)Applications due February 13, 2025.DOMINICANREPUBLICEarn 1 credit hour in Percussion Ensemble-Semesters 1 and 2 (MUEN 1124) while exploringthe Dominican Republic with your ACCclassmates and Professor Michael Fonseca.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2025Class at ACC before departure: NoneProgram in Dominican Republic: May 24 - June 7Summer 2025MusicStudent participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.Virtual One-on-One Advising Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pmVirtual Group Advising Sessions:Fridays9:30am–12:30pm and 1:30pm–3:30pm Asynchronous Video Advising Sessions:Pre-recorded (available for current ACC students)Application deadline is February 6, 2025.Acceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 15.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.STEPS TO APPLYContact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.FINANCIAL AIDChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.1.Complete an advising session startingSeptember 3, 2024. 2.Complete and submit an application.3.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. 4.