Dog crush You ll love to bits the German Spitz Safety first Should all pet pros learn first aid Illegal insemination How to report an illicit fertility clinic Norway says no way Cavaliers Bulldogs banned DogsToday A nose for news easy on the eye and a heart of gold More bite more heart The Ageing Dog We re better than ever at caring for older dogs The untold story How dogs helped elect Tony Blair Victoria Stilwell Fighting talk good break ups March 2022 4 75 Ear cropping DIY kits taken off sale Teamwork is dream work Pet theft campaign acclaimed Clarkson s Farm adds some Labrador charm Poodles Doodles Noodles Rebrand or contraband
Natural Nutrition We topped 92 in a Which consumer poll of best dog foods for The ethical pet magazine for people who really care about dogs News features 6 Norway bans the Bulldog and Cavalier on 10 12 16 18 20 22 Healthy Pets DogsToday Inside this month 24 26 Facebook Dogs Today health grounds Illegal practices at canine fertility clinics The Ageing Dog in the 21st century Jeremy Clarkson s farm dogs Arya and Sansa Poodle Doodle or Noodle Are Poos always as described Retail cruelty DIY ear cropping kits withdrawn from eBay and etsy Pet theft reform is nominated for Petition Campaign of the Year Mimi a tribute to a life saving friend Rise and fall meet the Harrier and and the Smooth Fox Terrier Editorial beverleycuddy Dogs_Today Editor Beverley Cuddy Art Director Rosie Peace Chief Sub Editor Contributing Editor Claire Horton Bussey Deputy Editor Alessandra Pacelli Illustrator Kevin Brockbank Proof readers Katie Horton Bussey Alys Horton Bussey Advertising sponsorship Sales Marketing Director Mike McGlynn 01276 402591 Office dogs Betty Old English Golden Retriever ish Honey Cocker Spaniel Madi collie cross Nellie Staffordshire Bull Terrier Sophie Jack Russell Vicky Justine Poison Ivy Newfoundlands Betty s Personal Trainer Kirsten Dillon IMDT A Dip CBM Dogs Today Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 01276 402599 enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk www dogstodaymagazine co uk Over to you 32 Great debate should all pet professionals be first aid trained 36 Postbag what matters to you 38 Obituaries your tributes Publishers Training behaviour 48 Victoria Stilwell in dog fights breaking up is hard to do 52 Safari adventure spotting hyena is no laughing matter LIMITED Chief Operations Officer Graham Smith 01276 402598 graham wearebrandshare com Managing Director Beverley Cuddy 01276 402597 beverley dogstodaymagazine co uk Opinion 66 Confessions of a dogaholic lords a leaping Subscriptions For subscription queries call Brandshare on 01276 402599 or email subs dogstodaymagazine co uk Initial subscription rates UK BFPO 12 issues 39 50 24 issues 61 EU countries 12 issues 65 20 Rest of the world airmail 12 issues 79 80 Direct Debit offer UK only 9 99 for 3 months with 1 month free trial and a 1 sign up fee Investigation 40 Q A do paws need protecting in winter 42 Dog crush meet the German Spitz Developed by Veterinary Surgeon John Burns BVMS MRCVS Find us at Crufts Hall 5 Stand 25 Expert health nutrition team freephone 0800 083 6696 UK 1800 83 66 96 ROI Or Webchat burnspet co uk burnspet burnspetfood The editor is always pleased to consider articles and photos from freelancers However there is often a considerable delay before material can be assessed Please include an SAE if you want your work returned While every care will be taken no responsibility for loss or damage can be accepted Competition sponsors and their families are not eligible for any competition and competitions Dogs Today incorporating Perfect Pup is published by Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Tel 01276 402599 Brandshare Ltd reg office The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA German Spitz Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk A high quality hypoallergenic food with low daily feeding costs Competitions shopping 50 Subscribe and win 56 Pop the kettle on and tackle our puzzles Distributed by Marketforce UK Ltd 2nd Floor 5 Churchill Pl Canary Wharf London E14 5HU Tel 020 3148 3333 www marketforce co uk Printed by The Manson Group 2022 Dogs Today The world copyright of the editorial matter both illustrations and text is strictly reserved Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the UK Next issue on sale 18 March Cover model Pearl a Standard Poodle owned by Lia Jayne Henderson Photo by David Green at Barking Mad Photography Brighton www barkingmadphotography com To download Dogs Today for iPad go to the App store Android and PC versions are available from Pocket Mags the Kindle edition from www amazon co uk Which Magazine voice of the Consumers Association brand dog food survey 2020 March 2022 Dogs Today 3
Dear readers Beverley Cuddy Illustration by Beverley Cuddy L ike many others I resolved to lose a bit of weight at New Year Be careful what you wish for In recent months I ve ended up in agony in casualty where it wasn t totally clear what was going on I had many of the symptoms of a heart attack which was obviously scary But the docs tested my heart thoroughly and apart from being stuffed full of love for dogs it seemed to work very well The pain when it peaked was like a contraction that didn t stop Something was obviously up but what I do think vets are much better at swift diagnosis than doctors I was in casualty three times before they worked out what the problem was The now familiar dull ache in the middle of my back started on the way up to London for my son Kieran s 21st birthday I took pain killers and tried to ignore it but it soon became unbearable and I was pacing up and down on the train home willing it to go faster All attempts to find any blood to test nearly failed and a doctor had to do a scan of my arm to find a vein after the first one was blown But my extreme bruising didn t seem to make the doctor curious The ER doc seemed very tired and as they d given me morphine I probably seemed much better He was scratching his head he said my blood results looked unremarkable and it was probably indigestion Two days later I was very much worse and this time my blood was very remarkable had the other doc been looking at someone else s results that night I was admitted for two weeks of IV pain relief and antibiotics and a very clever procedure to thread a camera through my intestines to make a cut to unblock and widen the infected duct between my gall bladder and my liver Then it was back home to try to shrink my liver before an operation to remove my gall bladder that was full of stones I was in casualty the other day again where I now have a laminated fast track pass as if I m a VIP at Thorpe Park and they gave me some Buscopan to try I said to the doctor that this was the drug that saved Beverley Cuddy is Dogs Today s Editor and publisher She shares her life with Betty an Old English Golden Retrieverish dog from Many Tears and has just been joined by Honey a Cocker Spaniel puppy 4 Dogs Today March 2022 Sally the Beardie s life when she had parvovirus all those years ago For her it was injected into the muscle and had made her scream Thankfully mine was in little coated pills They worked well on me too I was getting a bit of pancreatitis and I remembered how horrible that was for poor old Oscar near the end of his life The doc said lots of drugs were the same for people and dogs His pup had Omeprazole when he had an upset tum coincidently another of my usual meds I told the doc that the morning after pill was developed first for dogs he had no idea Hospital wifi isn t too bad these days certainly better than my last stay I stopped short of doing a Facebook live from the ward though I ve been on a no fat diet to shrink my liver which really is about as drastic you can get So not only am I losing the pounds when I have my op I ll be losing many stones too Next year I ll give resolutions a miss P
d e n n a B Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Photo posed by models CLUB REACTIONS A court ruling in Norway recently deemed the breeding of two British breeds incompatible with the country s Animal Welfare Act due to the health issues that plague them But it also suggested a way forward for these dogs T 6 Dogs Today March 2022 murmur by the age of five heart mitral valve disease MVD is the leading cause of death in the breed Based on statistics from the Royal Veterinary College s VetCompass project it was estimated that one in 60 of these dogs also suffers from syringomyelia SM compared to just one in 2 000 of the rest of the dog population Linked to Chiari like malformation CM also common in Cavaliers SM is characterised by fluid filled cavities called syrinxes within the spinal cord It is a very painful condition that can also cause neurological issues Commenting on the verdict the NSPA stated The case was carefully considered by an experienced district court judge and two co judges who are veterinarians and geneticists respectively Several of the expert witnesses in the case possess the highest professional competence in their fields and the major health problems these dogs are bred with were thoroughly elucidated ON THE BRINK The judgement the NSPA adds found that outcrossing was fully possible to bring these breeds back from the brink Careful crossbreeding has been used with success by breeders dedicated to bringing back a healthier version of the Bulldog as it used to be when it was bred for function and not looks the Leavitt Bulldog is one such dog A conviction does not imply a ban on serious breeding of the Bulldog or Cavalier as serious and scientifically based cross breeding could be a good alternative the judgement states The end to the suffering is one step closer today Huge congratulations to the Norwegian SPA for bringing the case The UK s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club on the other hand was dismayed by the news and expressed concern the ruling may simply hit ethical breeders and give an edge to puppy smugglers and puppy farmers outside the control of breed clubs or the Kennel Club The club is dismayed to hear of the court decision to ban the breeding of Cavaliers in Norway a statement reads This does not reflect the efforts and progress made by many dedicated to the breed all over the world and could in fact worsen the ongoing issues of irresponsible breeding and illegal puppy smuggling This announcement potentially inspires underground breeders to thrive without scrutiny The club will always support all who breed with a paramount interest in the health and welfare of the dog and encourage the use of important health screening available for the breed As joint custodians the club will continue to work tirelessly with all interested groups to protect the breed and its wellbeing through education and influence to breeders and puppy buyers Bill Lambert the Kennel Club s health welfare and breeder services executive echoed the sentiment We are concerned about this blanket breeding ban in Norway and don t believe it is a solution to prevent poor breeding practices or any of the complex health issues The judgement found that outcrossing was fully possible to bring these breeds back from the brink some Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can face Bill said This absolute approach which will be difficult to enforce could further fuel the ongoing crisis of irresponsible breeders illegal puppy smuggling and uninformed puppy buyers and actually worsen the issues the legislation seeks to address He added We know that outright breed bans do not work we have seen this in the UK where attempts were made in 1991 with the Dangerous Dogs Act This has simply served to drive the breeding of these dogs underground leading to large numbers of unregistered animals where it is impossible to reach the breeders or buyers of these dogs and attempt to influence them or have any impact on the breed s health and welfare BUILDING BLOCKS We believe a more effective approach is to continue to work collaboratively with breeders vets scientists and welfare organisations to research understand and take a scientific approach with evidence based actions via tools like the Respiratory Function Grading Scheme for Bulldogs to reduce and ultimately eliminate the health TORTURE BREEDING While it never targeted specific breeds among regulations on breeding that came into effect in the UK in 2018 there is one that takes aim at so called torture breeding It reads No dog may be kept for breeding if it can reasonably be expected on the basis of its genotype phenotype or state of health that breeding from it could have a detrimental effect on its health or welfare or the health or welfare of its offspring Unfortunately in the years since this law came into effect it seems to have achieved little in the way of results as too many dogs are still bred for looks before health with disastrous consequences on their welfare Photo posed by models he Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals NSPA got to celebrate a full victory after the Oslo District Court concluded that the breeding of the Bulldog and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a violation of the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act due to the severe health issues that are rife in the breeds Like many brachycephalic dogs bred to achieve increasingly exaggerated features such as flat faces and squat bodies Bulldogs often have severe breathing issues that have a detrimental impact on their quality of life and may require surgery to fix Most are unable to mate or give birth naturally and are prone to skin infections obesity and eye problems The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is plagued by heart disease with about half developing a heart Jemima Harrison founder of Cruffa Campaign for the Responsible Use of Flat Faced Animals and producer of the documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed welcomed the ruling I ve been fighting this fight for 15 years unshakeable in my belief that dogs deserve to be born into functional bodies and that breeding for looks when it comes at such a cost to the dogs is unethical she said March 2022 Dogs Today 7
Photo The Companion Spaniel Project the UK or any other country but the amount of suffering this breed endures should not be allowed to continue she said Part of our role as a charity is to offer support and advice to the many owners who have Cavaliers with serious and complicated health issues often at a very young age These include Cavaliers from hobby breeders puppy farms and top show breeding lines BROKEN HEARTS The Companion Spaniel Project is a good example of what can be achieved Their aim is to produce healthy spaniels with improved head conformation eliminating CM SM and early onset MVD After five years of careful selection and health testing the second litter has just celebrated their second birthday It is still early days but so far the project has proved to be successful and the third generation is being planned problems that these breeds can face and to educate and influence uninformed puppy buyers and breeders However the Kennel Club has historically been very unwilling to consider outcrossing as suggested in the Norwegian ruling and there is some doubt over the odds such severely affected breeds can improve significantly without it especially when the gene pool is limited A 2016 study published in Canine Genetics and Epidemiology found that Bulldogs have very low genetic diversity resulting from a small founder population and artificial genetic bottlenecks In short they were deemed to be too inbred to improve without outcrossing Study co author Niels Pedersen from the University of California Davis told BBC News at the time We tried not to be judgemental in our paper We just said there s a 8 Dogs Today March 2022 problem here and if you are going to decide to do something about it this is what you ve got to work with If you want to rebuild the breed these are the building blocks you have but they re very few So if you re using the same old bricks you re not going to be able to build a new house UNBEARABLE SUFFERING Tania Ledger from Cavalier Matters a charity set up to to support the health and welfare of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels as well as provide guidance for owners stated that the court s decision to ban the breeding of these beloved dogs in Norway generated an enormous amount of discussion and outpouring of emotions on all sides and welcomed the suggestion to resort to outcrossing We all adore our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and would not want to see a ban on breeding in In addition we have cared for many Cavaliers ourselves with these devastating conditions and had our hearts broken over and over again The Cavalier Matters charity fundraises continuously and has donated considerable sums to fund research over the last 10 years including for schemes to benefit breeders Cavaliers descended from a handful of King Charles Spaniels English Toy Spaniels it seems there is no longer enough genetic diversity to breed away from their health problems Despite the scientific evidence provided and health schemes that have been made available the Kennel Club and the Cavalier Club breeders have not acted in time to prevent the breed from becoming overwhelmed with inherited health problems The only answer is the careful outcross to dogs that do not suffer from MVD CM SM pancreatitis and the numerous other diseases affecting Cavaliers The Companion Spaniel Project is a good example of what can be achieved Their aim is to produce healthy spaniels with improved head conformation eliminating CM SM and early onset MVD After five years of careful selection and health testing the second litter has just celebrated their second birthday It is still early days but so far the project has proved to be successful and the third generation is being planned Cavaliers are such an amazing breed and truly deserve the chance to live long healthy lives The only way we believe this can happen is for outcrossing trials like the Companion Spaniel Project to lead the way P 10 off w ith code DT10 COMPLETE NUTRITION FOR ACTIVE WORKING DOGS NUTRITIOUS VEGETABLES BOTANICALS ADDED GLUCOSAMINE CHONDROITIN www autarkyfoods com
Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI In August 2021 the BBC expos Britain s Puppy Boom Counting the Cost put the issue of unregulated canine fertility clinics under the spotlight Here s what you the public can do Our Partners in Antiseptic Skincare Completely focused Illegal insemination W hen Britain s Puppy Boom aired last summer much of the public were shocked at the extent of illegal practices at the numerous canine fertility clinics now springing up across the UK Sadly those of us already aware of the disastrous pandemic puppy boom and the industry around it were not as surprised We wrote about this trend in our April 2021 edition and cautioned our readers against what we dubbed the DIY brigade fertility clinics that routinely break the law by performing procedures such as drawing blood for progesterone testing without the supervision of a vet or teach amateurs to do it They had ways to circumvent the law such as asking owners to transfer the dog into the tester s ownership while the test was performed We were not the only ones aware of the situation In May 2021 the Vet Times published the result of its own investigation into canine fertility clinics Posing as pet owners seeking fertility services for a Bulldog the investigation found that multiple canine fertility clinics were willing to break and sidestep rules in order to provide restricted procedures without the supervision of a vet they too came across the temporary transfer of ownership trick Vet Times contacted 14 of these clinics and six told us they were prepared to take blood from a dog for progesterone testing despite it being illegal under UK law to do so unless under the direct supervision of a surgeon the report reads Many of those clinics deal specifically with brachycephalic breeds such as Bulldogs and French Bulldogs whose breeding is a problematic matter as is given the deep concern for their welfare caused by their flat faces and other health issues Several admitted they on your pets skin health IN RELATION TO FERTILITY CLINICS THE RCVS HAS ADVISED THAT taking of an intravenous blood sample for the purpose of progesterone testing cannot be carried out by a lay person A dog breeder whether licensed or unlicensed should not take an intravenous blood sample from an animal The Transcervical insemination where semen is deposited through the cervix directly into the uterus is an act of veterinary surgery and may only be undertaken by a veterinary surgeon in dogs in addition surgical artificial insemination is prohibited by UK animal welfare legislation Intravaginal insemination depositing semen into the vagina is not an act of veterinary surgery and may be undertaken by suitably competent lay persons had no vet on their staff despite carrying out procedures for which a vet s supervision is required But how can you tell whether a canine fertility clinic is acting illegally and what can you do about it Justine Shotton president of the British Veterinary Association BVA wrote Because these clinics are operating with no veterinary oversight the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons RCVS can t regulate or investigate them but are supporting other agencies by giving guidance on which procedures fall under the Veterinary Surgeons Act Under this legislation veterinary surgery is defined as diagnosis and diagnostic testing advice based on diagnosis medical or surgical treatment and the performance of surgical operations P Hall 5 Stand 67 Fast acting formula soothing calming itchy skin sore paws weepy eyes irritated ears dry flakey or smelly skin skinfold care for brachycephalic breeds cuts grazes post surgical sites effective allergy skincare 100 safe on all skin types cleans freshens smelly coat For all mammals birds reptiles CRUFTS Discount 33 OFF RRP whether you re attending or not Virtual HelpDesk answering all your pets skincare questions call email or social msg Delivered to your Door from Mar 7th 18th only we re offering you our CRUFTS Discount delivered direct from us to you min order value 10 inc free delivery or Please visit VetUK Hall 5 Stand 67 for your CRUFTS Discount THE BVA HAS PROVIDED INFORMATION ON HOW TO REPORT CONCERNS England contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133 or via the website https bit ly 35WojKY and they can put you in contact with the right Trading Standards or local authority team Scotland contact the Scottish SPCA on 03000 999 999 or via the website www scottishspca org contact us Wales email Welsh Animal Licensing Unit animallicensing monmouthshire gov uk who provide the central hub for animal licensing issues in Wales Northern Ireland email pawsforthought daera ni gov uk DAERA s dedicated mailbox for concerns about dog breeding and trafficking 10 Dogs Today March 2022 Leucillin proudly supports Humanimal Trust Founded by Professor Noel Fitzpatrick Humanimal Trust drives collaboration between vets doctors and researchers so that all humans and animals benefit from sustainable and equal medical progress but not at the expense of an animal s life This is One Medicine www humanimaltrust org uk The Natural Way To Care For Your Pets Skin www leucillin co uk
Words CLAIRE HORTON BUSSEY A quarter of a century on from the first publication of a book that is on about how veterinary care has changed in that time and how owners many dog owners shelves we speak to its author can best adapt to their pets geriatric years Photo posed by models The Ageing Dog Editor and Vet O ne of my first jobs at Dogs Today many moons ago was writing a small piece in the Newshound pages about a new book that had just been published The Ageing Dog by vet Carl Gorman explored the processes of ageing how dogs are affected and most 12 Dogs Today March 2022 importantly what owners can do to help them through this stage of life Carl is now clinical director of a veterinary practice in Newbury and junior vice president of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA whose research funding arm PetSavers has recently funded a major research project into geriatric care Old Age Pets at the University of Liverpool It s been over 25 years since The Ageing Dog was first published and I asked Carl what he would include in The Ageing Dog if he were to write it now To be honest it is some time since I wrote the book and I would probably update much of the medical and nutritional advice he replied There have been such advances in the treatment of so many ailments of old age For example there have been great improvements in the medications available for cardiac disease chronic renal disease and cognitive dysfunction GOOD ENDING Many people who read my book admitted that they were unaware of many of the changes that need to be considered with older pets One of the greatest areas of change has been in pain relief with not only a raft of medications that are much more effective and safer than the products that we had available at the time but the use of complementary therapies such as laser and acupuncture which has increased Our understanding of the need for a multimodal approach to arthritis has developed If I were to include one extra chapter it would be on palliative care and how to ensure a good end of life for your dog Owners often believe that stiffness is just a part of old age and accept it unquestioningly when really it is actually accompanied by pain and discomfort and is a welfare issue This is something I care passionately about said Carl We have so many ways to help with pain now We shouldn t be leaving dogs with arthritis to suffer Vets should include questions on mobility and willingness to exercise in their annual booster and old dog consultations Once an owner is aware of the discomfort that accompanies arthritis they are usually very keen to alleviate that pain Pain scales have been developed to help owners assess how arthritis is affecting their dog I would very highly recommend Canine Arthritis Management https caninearthritis co uk who do great work with advice and resources They have pain scales and other resources to help understand the condition and to manage exercise and a variety of other aspects of living with an arthritic dog Understanding is the key to caring for an older dog Yes you may have lived with your dog for 14 years or more and you will know each other inside out but caring for an oldie is a very different experience to looking after an adult dog I think that awareness and understanding are important for a dog owner to be able to ease their dog s old age said Carl Many people who read my book admitted that they were unaware of many of the changes that need to be considered with older pets Once made aware of the physical and physiological changes that occur as dogs age I am always impressed by how willing owners are to make the adaptions needed What is vital is to be sure that we are confident that the dog s quality of life is acceptable There are quality of life scales to help with this assessment eg https www lapoflove com how will i know it is time lapof love quality of life scale pdf Of course discussion with your veterinary team will help with understanding how a dog is coping EXTREME LENGTHS Objectively assessing your dog s quality of life is tough When you have loved your dog for so long and are facing the inevitable every day is precious and it s easy to be persuaded that all is well when it really isn t You would hope that your dog s vet would give you an honest assessment but a recent article in The Times voiced concerns that huge advancements in animal medicine coupled with the pet insurance to fund it has resulted in pets receiving overdiagnosis overtreatment and unproven interventions when euthanasia would be a kinder option When I put this to Carl he responded The article was reporting on the concerns voiced by EthicsFirst March 2022 Dogs Today 13
Carl Gorman with Arthur There are some very clever and skilful vets who will push boundaries We need these individuals to help advance our surgical and medical abilities What is important is that we don t stray into experimentation on our patients which is not ethical or good practice a group of veterinary and nonveterinary professionals who share concerns about areas of clinical veterinary practice where boundaries are being pushed Some of their disquiet relates to surgical or medical treatments that might be considered experimental They also worry that because a pet is insured an owner might be tempted to go to extreme lengths in order to prolong life PUSHING BOUNDARIES I would say that in my experience of veterinary professionals we are very mindful of the quality of life and wellbeing of our patients Although we support owners as they manage the conditions of old age we do see it as our duty to advise an owner when we feel we can t maintain that quality of life Although it is very emotive for owners and veterinary staff euthanasia is a humane tool that we have at our disposal It is the most effective method to relieve suffering However we also have a responsibility to ensure that it isn t simply the easy or convenient option There are some very clever and skilful vets who will push boundaries We need these individuals to help 14 Dogs Today March 2022 advance our surgical and medical abilities What is important is that we don t stray into experimentation on our patients which is not ethical or good practice It is true that a good insurance policy may tempt an owner to prolong treatment or try desperate measures It is a good vet s responsibility to have the dog s welfare as their first responsibility Dr Carri Westgarth is leading the Old Age Pets project and has an older dog of her own I asked her about the concerns raised by EthicsFirst that vets are helping pet owners to prolong animal agony with medical advancements and the insurance to pay for them She said Due to advances in veterinary medical science we are now able to treat many diseases and injuries in dogs that wasn t possible even just a few years ago Great news for our furry friends However we don t just want our dogs to live longer we want that life to be of high quality As our dogs carers it is up to us to observe our dogs to make sure that they are happy and healthy and they are able to express their normal dog behaviours that they enjoy We are very attached to our canine companions and many of us would do anything to have more time with our loved ones which could possibly cloud our judgement or lead to unrealistic expectations A treatment plan discussed in depth and agreed by both the vet and the owners as a team is required From our research so far it is clear that pros and cons should be discussed both in terms of the effect on the animal but also on the owner Each dog is an individual and some have a more resilient personality than others and may better cope for example with extensive vet visits and significant surgical procedures Even if a dog may find it difficult the team may decide that the long term benefits will outweigh the short term costs However equally important to consider is the dog owner perspective not all owners are able to provide extensive medical care at home that might be needed as the dog recuperates and so the owner s circumstances and lifestyle should also be considered when making these types of decisions BALANCING ACT I really think that it is difficult to judge these sorts of situations from the outside and they must be done on a case by case basis My dogs have all had very different personalities and I would make different decisions for each of them based on this There have also been periods in my life where I may have needed to make different decisions than at other times for example due to the time I had available to support them other situations I was dealing with or financial constraints I was under It is an interesting debate and it is also worth considering the flip perspective owners may not be aware that medical advances for example in anaesthesia have now got to the point that in healthy older dogs surgery is much less risky than it used to be Therefore some owners may choose not to commit to procedures for example to clean their old dog s teeth under anaesthetic which could reduce pain and inflammation and potentially prolong their dog s quality and length of life P ADVERTISING FEATURE WHAT MAKES A BARKING BAG SO SPECIAL From the Dragons Den to Crufts Appearing on the long running BBC show a couple of retired teachers and new entrepreneurs gave a winning pitch and bagged a dragon of their own I f you caught the new series of Dragons Den recently you ll have seen the hugely likeable doggie couple Rob Angell and Debbie Greaves who featured on episode 4 with their adorable Cockapoo Maisie Instead of deciding to spend their retirement with their feet up travelling or pottering around the garden the husband and wife team decided to invest their pension pot into a business and created Barking Bags As new dog owners we loved getting out and exploring the countryside but didn t love having to carry around bags of poo until we found a bin said Debbie Tired of having pockets full of spare bags and dog treats we scoured shops and the internet but couldn t find anything that did the job so we designed our own Now we carry everything we need in one bag There is space for balls toys and a spare lead as well as a place for keys phone water suncream or telescopic umbrella No more pockets full of treats and an end to finding soggy poo bags in the pockets of washed clothes The bags are unisex and come in a range of sizes designs and water resistant fabrics some veganfriendly plus luxury leather And they all contain a free roll of compostable poop bags so you are good to go Built on ethical principles the family business wowed the Dragons with Sara Davies spotting that Debbie s personality and confidence together with the bags themselves lent themselves perfectly to the shopping channel market So don t be surprised if you see Debbie on the TV again soon and in the meantime you can meet her and see the Barking Bags for yourself at Crufts hall 2 stand 84 P A place to store everything and there are even straps for long handled ball throwers Mesh pockets to carry soggy items and the unmentionable stuff once bagged Easy access treat pocket for instant rewards A built in poo bag dispenser Designed to carry on shoulder or belt Produced in a range of water resistant fabrics and leather UK designed and handmade by artisans in Chennai India A side pocket to carry your water bottle Comes equipped with a roll of poo bags hang it on a hook by the door and you are always good to go Each purchase helps support our featured charities Dog Aid UK and MK SNAP a local charity working with adults with learning difficulties www barkingbags co uk Crufts Hall 2 stand 84 March 2022 Dogs Today 15
Words BERNARD BALE He s better known as a lover of horse power but when it comes to dogs Jeremy Clarkson is a huge fan with two new Labrador puppies recently joining his home I have always liked dogs since I was a boy growing up in Yorkshire said Jeremy I like all animals really but there is something special about having a dog in the family and around the house I don t mind cats but I think they make me sneeze so they keep at a distance Dogs are fun and they like working too Without being asked they will keep guard over the place tear up unwelcome bills and generally be on your side all the time What better friend could you ask for We have just bought two puppies 16 Dogs Today March 2022 and they are having a great time getting to know everyone and also getting to know where they live and what they can do and what they can t Well perhaps they are not so keen on finding out what they can t do but they seem to be enjoying life HOUSE OF STARK Jeremy s two new pups are fox red Labradors and have already starred on social media as well as in the newspapers We have called them Sansa and Arya Jeremy revealed At first I thought they might be difficult to tell apart but it didn t take long Photo YouTube Clarkson s farm dogs They are both great characters and we know them quite well now Jeremy owns Diddly Squat Farm which is between Chipping Norton and Chadlington on the edge of the Cotswolds We have about 1 000 acres and it is a working farm but we have also made sure that we are very conscious of the needs of wildlife and have done quite a lot to attract birds bees and other insects and mammals too Jeremy explained The dogs love it but they are not allowed anywhere without us being with them certainly not while they are still so young It is good for me too because I cannot drive around the place while the dogs walk so it helps me get some extra exercise When I first took them to show them around it was fascinating to see them explore everything and everywhere In a funny sort of way although they were excited by everything they seemed perfectly at home almost as if it was exactly what they expected Puppies always keep an eye on you for security when they start exploring and these two were exactly like that They kept looking round to be reassured that I had not disappeared They are quite self assured up to a point but I think they like to feel that the whole pack is around CAREER DOGS Jeremy is of course famed for his TV successes which include the legendary Top Gear The Grand Tour Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Clarkson s Farm His first TV appearances were when he was still a young man playing a leading role in a TV version of the famous Jennings stories I couldn t do it any more when my voice broke and I sounded more like one of the teachers than one of the boys Jeremy recalled I think Photo YouTube When I first took them to show them around it was fascinating to see them explore everything and everywhere In a funny sort of way although they were excited by everything they seemed perfectly at home almost as if it was exactly what they expected my voice has got me into more trouble than anything else through the years I do enjoy television though I have never been great at simply accepting rules I don t think I have ever been any different even during my school days which were a bit of a nightmare Today Jeremy Clarkson sees himself as more of a farmer and butler to his dogs It is important to farm properly and if you have animals as we do you have to give them the very best It is the same with pets I have never understood people getting pets for the sake of having a pet and then not knowing what to do with them You might as well have an ornament or something that only needs dusting Animals and dogs in particular have needs and not just material needs They need someone to look up to someone who will be a friend and to whom they can give friendship a working relationship their hearts if you like They are willing but they need to know that their attention is not just tolerated but enjoyed Jeremy has high hopes for Sansa and Arya I would never tell them what careers to follow he said tonguein cheek That said if they want to go into television then I won t stand in their way They are Labradors and that means that they will develop steadily and patiently go through life making their mark in whatever way pleases them and everyone else By the way they have settled in I think they are going to be good land dogs but you never know Labradors are pretty intelligent so who knows what career might be in front of them LOYAL FRIENDS Jeremy has that kind of sense of humour but he is passionate about animal welfare I think it is very important that when we give an animal a home we make sure we know what we are taking on he said Dogs are so willing to give and sometimes can t understand it when their willingness is rejected When you bring a dog into your family looking after it doesn t just mean food drink and an occasional walk it means much more than that They are animals that naturally live as part of something and expect to be included in things In return they give everything they have got in terms of loyalty and whatever is needed Get to know them properly and you will have a real friend in the house P March 2022 Dogs Today 17
o n S av co Ve a e de t C ll 20 G h On O ats lin O DP wi e ET th S2 0 Words BEVERLEY CUDDY Poodle Doodle or Noodle Some unscrupulous breeders are just faking it when they claim their Poos have Poodle ancestry And is Doodle love just Poodle love with another name Photo Barking Mad Photography Brighton www barkingmadphotography com I ve often said that the Doodle was a very clever rebranding of the ubiquitous Poodle A bit like Skoda did when they teamed up with Volkswagen They say the Poodle is German not French With my work at Tailwise we see lots of gorgeous Poodle crosses but I find that very few pet owners want a Cockapoo if it looks like a Cocker though they ll seek out the F1bs and F2bs and even the double bs as they are much more Poodley Whatever it was adding a Poodle to almost any breed of dog seems to make it desirable and expensive I ve recently encountered Pomapoos Pomeranian Poodle Crestiepoos Chinese Crested Poodle and the most unlikely of all Irish Doodles Irish Setter Poodle But I m delighted to report there is also an upsurge of retro Poodle love People are falling back in love with Poodles and as you can see from our gorgeous Standard Poodle cover dog don t they look stunning This dog is wonderfully groomed as he is the winner of a competition to be on our Crufts issue Members of the excellent Groomer s Spotlight took part and if anyone can do a brilliant Poodle do it s going to be one of them So with Poodles back in fashion you d be right to assume the scammers would be getting involved The campaign group Cariad reported receiving a lot of emails from people who thought they were buying a specific crossbreed but after DNA testing it turned out there was no Poodle in their Doodle 18 Dogs Today March 2022 One person had paid 1 350 for a Cockapoo But it quickly grew into a much chunkier dog than expected The DNA test revealed the pup was a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier Then there was the Cavapoo that was actually a mix of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Shih Tzu and Bichon COUNTERFEIT DOODS Just as it s so easy to become a victim of a counterfeit Gucci or Prada it is now more likely than ever that you will end up buying a puppy that isn t the breed it is advertised to be from someone who has deliberately set out to fool you And that is fraud And fraud is a criminal offence Tailwise com screens all breeders to make sure they are doing everything possible to breed happy healthy dogs You should always choose a breeder you trust a good one will give you help and advice for the whole of your pup s life Whether you love Poodles or Doodles or both please only ever buy from people who definitely love dogs and always want the best future for them Cariad advised I hope more people will demand to see evidence of the parentage of their crossbred puppy and ensure the parents of their pup were both DNA tested prior to mating to avoid any future health problems But I fear that many people will continue to blindly take online ads at face value because they re in too much of a hurry to buy a puppy whatever the consequences If this impatience and overall lack of breeder interrogation continues some puppy buyers will just have to accept that the only Poo in their overpriced Poo cross puppy could end up being what they pick up in a poop bag P Pet Care Reimagined 24 7 Online Veterinary Care from over 3 000 Licensed Vets and Vet Nurses in the UK and Abroad Affordable Pet Insurance from the UK s Top Insurers Huge Savings on All of Your Pet s Wellness Needs www goodpets co uk
Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Ear cropping is illegal in the UK but DIY kits have been available for anyone that stumps up the cash said We took action after being made aware by a few vets about the availability of ear cropping kits on eBay UK Our research also found a number of listings for ear straightening accessories being sold via several other major online websites CUTTING SUPPLY Retail cruelty E tsy UK and eBay UK have removed listings for earcropping kits being sold by international retailers following concerns raised by the British Veterinary Association BVA While ear cropping is illegal in the UK and in the EU there have been instances of the procedure being carried out illegally often by people without any sort of veterinary qualification and with inadequate pain relief The availability of such kits online despite their purpose being illegal is of great concern As the 20 Dogs Today March 2022 government is poised to close a loophole allowing cropped dogs to be imported in the UK from abroad following the successful FlopNotCrop campaign people in the UK who still desire a dog with cropped ears may turn to DIY kits This type of procedure can have disastrous consequences on Friday 29 January 2021 the body of a young puppy was found dumped with crudely cropped infected ears and a broken neck it was suspected he had been killed as he became ill following the mutilation BVA president Justine Shotton The swift and positive action by the two major retailers is a small but significant animal welfare win for our CutTheCrop campaign While the government has promised action to close the legal loophole that allows cropped dogs to be brought into the country from abroad the availability of such accessories online remains hard to tackle Shotton also wrote to Etsy UK eBay UK and Amazon UK to point out vets concerns about the easy availability of ear straightening or correcting accessories that while not specifically requiring a dog s ears to be cropped help to fuel the demand for dogs with the cropped look and have the potential for compromising their welfare Amazon which removed earcropping kits from its website last year following backlash has declined to also remove earstraightening kits from sale Shotton adds I d encourage vets and members of the public to download and use our new template letter to raise concerns with retailers if they come across similar listings online in the future Where such functionality exists they may also use the websites online reporting mechanism to log a complaint P To find out more visit www bva co uk take action ear croppingcampaign
Words BEVERLEY CUDDY The UK s No 1 vitamins available now for those with 4 legs Look what happens if we work together Following a tenacious campaign to make pet theft a crime of its own the team behind it have been recognised with a nomination for Petition Campaign of the Year including our very own editor 22 Dogs Today March 2022 Matthews CEO of the Stolen and Missing Pets Alliance and supported by a number of other animal rights campaigners including Dr Marc Abraham OBE founder of the Lucy s Law campaign to end puppy farming Freya Woodhall whose dog Willow was stolen in 2018 Beverley Cuddy editor of Dogs Today magazine and John Cooper QC The campaign has also secured support from celebrities including Ricky Gervais and Clare Balding PET SOLIDARITY How lovely We had one of the first virtual debates in parliament and it all worked a treat We had a brilliant team of super experts who succinctly made the case for dog theft not being the same as wheelbarrow theft which is what it used to be categorised as by the police But the campaigns keep coming we re not stopping The new law only covers dogs we want cats and other pets to be protected too so there s another petition Do sign it https bit ly cattheftpetition Special shout out to Direct Line for their tremendous support for this issue They ve funded endless FOI requests to help find the data and every year have set up a massive media day where we have been able to connect with the public and raise awareness that pets need to be treated like family not commodities in the eyes of the law Well done to Dan Debbie Marc John Freya Richard and Arnot and everyone at DogLost for never giving up and building that momentum When we all stand together stuff gets done The winning campaigners will be invited to the House of Commons for an afternoon tea celebration If we were to win I could drink the tea I guess Which means lots more sandwiches and cakes for everyone else Do sign and share the cat petition please P SuperDog takes our 50 years of awardwinning nutritional expertise even further all the innovation and careful effective formulation you d expect from Vitabiotics now available for your special companion From vitality to healthy joints and bones SuperDog formulations provide optimum levels of micro nutrients to safeguard the diet of your furriest family member Joints Bones Health Vitality 60 Chewable Tablets 60 Chewable Tablets Canine expert See my expert tips to help care for your SuperDog Paul Manktelow Visit www super dog co uk Proud supporter of Battersea caring for dogs since 1860 From UK s No 1 Vitamin Company Available from 2022 01 25_ADSPDCONP I f you ve read my editorial you ll know I ve not been well so I d missed all the emails but it seems all the efforts of the Stolen and Missing Pet Alliance Sampa and Pet Theft Reform have been noted I discovered an announcement from the House of Commons Petitions Committee Dr Daniel Allen Freya Woodhall Debbie Matthews Dr Marc Abraham OBE Beverley Cuddy and John Cooper QC have been nominated for the Petition Campaign of the Year Award at the Your UK Parliament Awards Dr Daniel Allen from Keele started the petition Make pet theft crime a specific offence with custodial sentences in 2020 which received more than 143 000 signatures This followed two earlier petitions the first from 2018 which was signed by more than 107 000 people and a second in 2019 which received over 117 000 signatures Dr Allen s campaign was set up in collaboration with Debbie TM Amazon Ocado Paws com super dog co uk Source Nielsen GB ScanTrack Total Coverage Value and Unit Retail Sales 52 w e 09 10 21 To verify contact Vitabiotics Ltd 1 Apsley Way London NW2 7HF UK s leading supplements for humans Vitabiotics will donate 35p from the sale of each product to Battersea Battersea Dogs Cats Home registered charity number 206394
Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Goodbye Mimi In 2014 we launched a competition to win a GoPro asking readers why their dogs deserved to star in a movie Roger Regan won the prize telling us how he could rely on his beloved Jack Russell Mimi through his darkest times Mimi has now passed away but the impact she had on Roger will remain for the rest of his life M imi my 10 year old Jack Russell has helped me through the darkest times Roger Regan told us in November 2014 I got her when I was 19 I had some issues my mum was an alcoholic who was in and out of prison I spent most of my young life in care but I got myself a little studio flat a job and Mimi and I started to feel content My mum came over a few times but things became violent due to her drinking and she smashed up my flat I would be on the floor in bits feeling no one would understand But someone lifted me up Who came running up to me pushing her head against mine licking my face Mimi Unfortunately we ended up homeless and living on a sofa in a derelict property I had a bag of clothes some photos and Mimi who never left my side She kept me from reaching the darkest places I had no job so we had lots of time to be together As things began to improve Roger was able to get himself a flat and a job but life threw him another curve ball when the flat was broken into and Mimi was stolen He could never give up on her however he quit his job and doggedly followed every lead until he finally was able to find her and bring her home where she belonged A couple of years later I heard from my mum again and we tried 24 Dogs Today March 2022 to rekindle our relationship but her life was still chaotic I love my mum so much but her life took a turn for the worse and she is now in prison for life most likely only getting out when I m in my 50s This put me back into depression but do you know what kept me going Mimi I would want to do nothing but sleep but she seemed to understand that I needed to be busy She would bring in her chews and tease me with them making me get up to take her to the garden Eventually she reminded me that I had her that I had a responsibility and a reason to stop being depressed A couple of years have passed and things are good Roger wrote back in 2014 I now work for myself have Mimi and another two little doggies have since joined the family I never take for granted everything Mimi has done for me She is my family GONE Little Mimi went on to brighten Roger s life for years afterwards until she passed away aged 18 in November 2021 Heartbroken Roger reached out to us for a copy of the piece we d published about her I had eight more years of just pure love and adventure with Mimi since your article he wrote to us I m trying to hold on to every piece of my baby girl and was hoping you guys maybe had a copy of the article digital or physical Of course we immediately got searching Claire was able to remember which issue the piece had been in and Rosie immediately dug out a digital copy of the article for Roger Dog Insurance How much could your dog cost Insurance from 7 12 u 95 of claims are successful Growths cysts tumours 894 52 Digestive system issues 758 15 Eye disease sight Disease in legs 559 46 752 74 Heart disease 453 33 Get a quote online or call 03300 243 980 Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Limited and Lifestyle Policy Limited are appointed representatives of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited The Insurance Emporium is a trading name Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited registered in England and Wales no 294940 which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority no 202748 All facts and statistics are calculated from in house research based on average claim costs per most claimed injury or disease between June 2020 and June 2021 u Quoting criteria for premium small mongrel YO3 06JJ Time Limited Bronze cover level and Lunar Monthly pricing BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN To be honest I haven t felt grief like this before I guess that s lucky at 36 he wrote back She was my hero and continued to be for another eight years I guess the only things I can say pertaining to our life after your article is that my personal life got better bit by bit I became an engineer we moved again after 10 years in my flat All three of the girls have since gone on camping trips with me several times over the years we had our favourite spot in Norfolk we kept returning to Mimi was literally still bouncing around like a puppy until the evening she left me with a sudden heart attack My other two girls Shyla and Jasmine have struggled particularly Shyla as she was close with Mimi and only a few years younger My heart feels incomplete without Mimi and I guess us dog lovers can only really understand how deep their souls intertwine with ours I will never ever forget what this girl did for me and how she saved my life and I will never ever get over losing her P g entle cold pressed dog food Gentle cold pressed is a complete dog food and naturally as close to raw feeding as possible suitable for all breeds and life stages and can be fed alongside raw Original Flavours Small Bites Fish Goat Free from gluten artificial flavourings artificial colouring preservatives animal experimentation and GM products gentle by name gentle by nature E info gentledogfood co uk M 01409 251063 W gentledogfood co uk
Words CLAIRE HORTON BUSSEY On the way up This Crufts sees the historic Harrier making its first appearance in the Crufts breed ring since 1898 Why did the breed disappear from the show world and why is it back T he Harrier was last shown at Crufts 124 years ago Back in 1898 there were many hunting packs and no barriers to hunting dogs being shown in the ring or living as pets The Harrier appears in the first Kennel Club studbook of 1874 of only 40 breeds and working dogs came under the jurisdiction of the Master of Hounds Association changing its name to the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles AMHB in 1891 The word Harrier referred to a dog that hunted hare there was and still is in some packs no uniformity or breed standard indeed scenthound and sighthound crosses were common From the First World War and until after the Second there was a significant decline not just in Harriers but in most breeds working dogs and pet populations Only Foxhounds received government support for food in order to manage the fox population By the middle of the 20th century there were fewer than 50 Harrier packs down from 107 packs when the AMHB had first formed To rebuild quality packs post war the AMHB banned the sale of registered Harriers Hunts new constitutions strictly 26 Dogs Today March 2022 controlled the breeding of dogs and Harriers could not be sold or given to anyone other than a registered pack with the result that they all but disappeared outside of the hunting community though they had long disappeared from the show ring and the Kennel Club eventually withdrew breed recognition in the early 1970s Even within the hunting community there has been a significant decline with only 15 Harrier packs currently remaining AMAZON DELIVERY But this month the breed will be back at Crufts Reviving any breed is tough reviving the show Harrier has been a truly Herculean task or perhaps Amazonian is a better analogy as it s down to the efforts of two determined women Charlotte Farrar and Anamaria Agache Anamaria says It s been really complicated going on to explain that establishing sufficient dogs has been a challenge There s not only the barrier to hunting Harriers but there are also two different types of show Harrier that have developed the studbook Harrier that Anamaria produces and UK holidays to get tails wagging Outstanding locations with fantastic dog walks and dog friendly beaches nearby Unique accommodation some even have doggy showers Fantastic on site dog friendly restaurants bars and facilities Book now at awayresorts co uk or call 03333 634189 AwayResortsHolidays AwayResortsUK AwayResortsHolidays
Eva Charlotte s West Country Harrier which is taller and more athletic Charlotte s roots are in hunting but Anamaria s are in breeding and she came across the Harrier quite by chance in 2015 when she was given a pup in circumstances she can t fully divulge This pup Eva sparked her interest in the breed and has gone on to become one of Anamaria s foundation bitches for her Evforce kennel Finding other dogs from around the world has been quite a quest but the breed has set down its roots once more in its home country with 50 Harriers now registered with the Kennel Club 41 of which are owned or bred by Anamaria Anamaria is optimistic that the Harrier will become more popular and offer a suitable alternative to the very popular Beagle The breed standard describes it an intermediate sized scenthound between the taller Foxhound and the smaller Beagle A country dog at heart as you d expect the Harrier needs more than two hours exercise a day and is described as smart and affectionate As a pack hound Harriers are more sociable than other breeds and do better in the company of other dogs or when people are always present Anamaria explains They are strong willed and independent but with work they can be trained at a high level of obedience the best example is the huntsman controlling 30 60 hounds during their daily walk Harriers are full of energy but they are not hyperactive They will not look for constant approval or attention they are extraordinary intelligent and normally will entertain themselves In the home Harriers are generally sensible They will happily sit on your lap they don t know they are too big for that sleep on the sofa or a rug play with the children or chew a toy or your socks Harriers have an outstanding temperament and they love children The journey to Crufts has been seven years long for Anamaria but the work has been worth it The recognition of the breed is what I wanted to achieve first and foremost Anamaria says I wanted to make sure that the breed will survive and will be preserved for years to come in the country of its origin Crufts comes as a bonus and a platform to make people aware of this wonderful rare breed Frenzy with Charlotte Photo by Kate Gliddon WESTCOUNTRY COUNTRY HARRIER WEST HARRIER Charlotte Farrar has spent most of her adult life with Harriers puppywalking for kennels and becoming secretary and treasurer of her local pack Most people involved in working dogs don t step foot in the show ring and there is a clear distinction between the two types in most breeds such as the Labrador and Cocker Spaniel So why has Charlotte embraced Kennel Club recognition Simply put to save the Harrier s very existence There s been such a decline in hunting I realised that if when it ends completely the Harrier is unlikely to survive she explains Harriers are generally in smaller farmer packs than big grand ones such as Warwickshire and Leicestershire Harrier supporters are ferociously keen but in smaller number and if the funding disappears to keep the packs these dogs will be the first to go Charlotte s kennel affix is Hennisy and she champions the West Country Harrier which is slightly taller lighter and more athletic than the studbook Harrier being better adapted to the hillside and heather of the West Country They can come in any hound colour but the traditional coat that has been favoured for the last 20 years or so is lemon and white I d much rather see the dogs out doing what they were bred to do than being shown in the 28 Dogs Today March 2022 ring Charlotte says but she is realistic that this is what is needed to raise awareness of the breed for its very survival Charlotte has bred Labradors for 30 years so is no novice when it comes to breeding and vetting homes She currently has both Labs and Harriers in her home I never thought I d have hounds in my house she laughs but they are delightful and definitely prefer home comforts with a snuggly blanket and duvet This morning they looked at the weather and said no way were they going out in that when before I d been taking hounds out in all weather They are like Greyhounds in that respect they love their exercise but also love to dive under a blanket by the fire
Frenzy Photo by Mary Coe Charlotte has placed puppies in houndexperienced country homes with land or large gardens as well as to a home on the outskirts of a town where the new owners had no hound experience but were very training minded Everyone says their breed is the most intelligent but Harriers really are something else she says They have a processing brain You can teach them something one week and it doesn t go so well return a week later and they are perfect their brains have been processing it for a week Charlotte does agility with her dogs which taxes their brain and body This Crufts will be the second time that the breed will be at Discover Dogs Last time Charlotte didn t think there would be much interest and took a book to read Instead she ended up hoarse from talking to so many people People need to realise that Harriers are not Beagles though they are probably better behaved than most Beagles she jokes Pet Beagles are generations away from their hunting past now our Harriers are first generation pets with strong instincts They are more like little Foxhounds than Beagles As well as stints on the Discover Dogs stand Charlotte will be showing in the Good Citizen class for the breed with four of her West Country Harriers and one studbook bitch that she got from Anamaria There is a limited gene pool in Europe and America so the breed s future is reliant on very few available stud dogs There is the intention to keep the two types separate in terms of breeding though Charlotte is realistic that as interest grows and more people get involved things may change Hopefully the two types can co exist happily if distinctly but time will tell For now Charlotte s intention of saving the Harrier from extinction is on track and the breed is facing a more secure future than it would otherwise have had P and on the way out Every year the Kennel Club releases its breed registration statistics for the previous year and announces which native breeds are on the vulnerable list Photographer Maddie Newton decided to raise awareness of these breeds and set about photographing them I t s hard to pinpoint the exact cause for these breeds becoming rare but one of the main reasons is the fact that people simply do not know they exist and pick a breed from the ones that they already know Which leads to how this project came to fruition says Maddie The goal of these photographs is to put these dogs in the spotlight and to get people to consider a breed they may not have even thought of but could be absolutely perfect for them and their lifestyle This month we look at the Smooth Fox Terrier which had 122 KC registrations in 2020 30 Dogs Today March 2022 Smooth Fox Terrier 122 registered in 2020 DORIS They are a smart and intelligent breed the life and soul of the party making fantastic family pets They enjoy a good walk but equally love to cosy up and have special bonds with their humans They are generally a healthy breed and very low maintenance when it comes to grooming They can be trained to work and make great agility dogs too As a breeder and owner of 15 years my experience is what you put in you get out Andrea Richardson Raise Pet Immunity Backed by Research Arabinoxylan compound extracted from rice bran has been the focus of immune research for decades now Fast Acting PetImune s immune enhancing effects kick in after just a few days and reaches a peak within a month Non Hyporesponsive PetImune can be taken long term without the usual tail off associated with other supplements Safe Non Toxic Made from rice bran Arabinoxylan with enzymes from Shitake mushrooms Clinically shown to be non toxic even at high doses Easily Absorbed PetImune is rapidly absorbed into the body through the normal processes of intestinal absorption High Quality PetImune can help keep your pet s immune system active and strong As immunity is the first line of natural defence this food supplement can be helpful for maintaining bounce and vitality PetImune is manufactured to exacting standards in Japan by Daiwa Pharmaceutical and is thoroughly tested The 020 8480 1000 www healthy co uk ReallyHealthy Company
Crossbreed Photo posed by models Great Debate If you have an opinion on this subject that is not already covered here putting Great Debate in the subject line Please limit your response to email enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk 100 words Rachel Bean I m a qualified veterinary nurse a canine first aid tutor and part of this campaign A lot of pet professionals do have regular first aid training but many do not or haven t refreshed for years As a practising RVN registered vet nurse I see accidents daily at work Things happen and lifesaving knowledge can be exactly that life saving The pet professionals that come to my courses learn a lot of information It s surprising to me that many don t know the very basics such as the difference between arterial bleeds or normal pulse rates and they d never heard of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 for example So there are many many pet professionals out there looking after your dogs who have very little knowledge in how to help your dog in the event of an emergency This needs to change The Safe Pets and People campaign is calling for pet first aid qualifications to be mandatory for all UK pet professionals such as dog walkers groomers and pet sitters Should everyone working with pets be required to hold a relevant first aid qualification Missy Barnett My daughter is a dog walker pet sitter and has up to date qualifications It does make sense she had to attend the vet s with one of the dogs and its owners to learn about tending to its newly diagnosed diabetes She also had to administer meds to a dog who often had fits It s best to know how to cope in these situations 32 Dogs Today March 2022 Ellen Belton Yes in theory but with the industry unregulated as it is how would we go about it in practice Who s to say what courses are valid and which are not How often should there be a refresher if at all The risk is to have a lot of people with pieces of paper that aren t worth the ink used to print them and who may still be entirely useless in case of a sudden emergency Dave Swinney Hunwick Dog Parliament is run by volunteers and all of them attend a canine first aid course If a not for profit organisation can have all its staff volunteers trained in first aid it s the least a commercial business should do You have a duty of care to look after the dog while it s in your custody and control and it could be deemed negligent if anything happened and you were unable to help due to your lack of training Daniel Mallory I doubt it can be enforced without making a mess of it I d rather have the professionals with qualifications display them on their website or Facebook page so I can take that into account when choosing someone to walk or groom my dog Team Elliott Absolutely You would have to hold a first aid certificate to work with humans so the same should apply to working with our companions John Aldred Pet first aid or dog first aid Because there are a lot of different types of pets out there And how could you make it mandatory if 99 per cent of it doesn t apply to the species the person is working with even though they re pets This month s result 27 Amelie Smith If my dog had a health emergency while at the groomer s salon I d rather they get a vet straight away instead of trying to do something themselves This is also part of the reason why I take my dogs to a groomer right by a veterinary practice 60 13 Yes Valerie Milton My dog had a freak accident while out on a walk and she bled quite a lot It was scary but I was prepared for emergencies and she was fine in the end I would not trust any of my dogs to a walker who wouldn t know what to do in that situation No Maybe Andrew Levy Absolutely yes Karen Carpenter It depends on if the requirements are going to be consistent across the board and not one place saying know this and another saying know that Elizabeth Smith Since the whole dog industry is largely unregulated I can t see how this would be enforced On the other hand you would hope that people would want that knowledge so it is a convenient way to start ruling out people you hand the responsibility of your dog over to Ade Parker I do pet photography and I d be more than happy to take the appropriate training I did enrol for a course which was postponed regrettably I have had to administer first aid not for a dog model but for a dog at a show I attended who collapsed in the heat The owners were unsure what to do so I took over on instinct and got the little fella feeling himself again before instructing them to have a vet check his vitals Dawn Hart Most definitely I ve lost count of how many times over the last 30 odd years something has happened to my own dogs and I ve needed to administer first aid anything from a simple cut to a major injury that s required immediate veterinary treatment If somebody was ever to be looking after my dogs or walking them I would want to know that they knew how to care for my dog in the event of an accident or emergency P Next month s topic is At the moment the cost of a Pet Health Certificate for travel can vary significantly depending on the vet practice and is never cheap As it is now a necessary document to travel to the EU with pets should its price be capped to a set maximum Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk with your thoughts putting Great Debate in the subject line or write to Great Debate Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA March 2022 Dogs Today 33 Ye No Ma
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Illustration by Kevin Brockbank Postbag Your news views BREXIT RED TAPE A voice from the past and my goodness how time has flown since we all fought so hard for the muchneeded changes to the outdated quarantine system in the UK I regularly enjoy reading Dogs Today and look forward to next month s issue with more Confessions of a Dogaholic Thanks to the late Lord Rothermere and others we succeeded and the new pet travel scheme came into being on 28 February 2000 We have had over the last 20 years and as confidence grew an increasing numbers of pets travelling with their owners on holiday or relocation without the horrors of quarantine We have remained rabies free I am saddened to see that pet travel has become more expensive and difficult since the UK left the EU We now have to have our pet checked on leaving the UK which is new If the pet does not have a EU passport or a UK issued vet certificate of 12 pages and costing around 150 British pets are not allowed to leave the UK My dog fortunately has dual nationality and can come and go with her French pet passport legally issued by my French vet within the transition period and as an owner of a small property in Normandy I look forward to next month s edition of Dogs Today Lady Mary Fretwell FIREWORK TRAGEDY I would like to send my genuine and heartfelt sympathy to all who lost their precious pets due to fireworks It was an absolute tragedy and the most dreadful way to have a pet lose its life Now we have all seen them in Dogs Today each with their own personality and beauty The care love and loss of their owners plain to see There is nothing anyone can say to make the pain bearable Only the passage of time will take the edge off the hurt you feel All the pets died unnecessarily but perhaps not in vain if somehow the ferocity of fireworks can be curbed or banned When the fireworks are set off in London on New Year s Eve I always think how many birds roosting in the trees must be terrified and of course the animals at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home as well as people s pets living in that area and beyond Sue Chambers 36 Dogs Today March 2022 Get in touch We love to hear your news and views and see photos of your dogs Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk Write to us at Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Join the debate Voice your opinions on news stories and other topics on our Dogs Today Magazine Facebook page or through our website www dogstodaymagazine co uk
Obituaries Your tributes If you want to pay tribute to a departed pet or have a suggestion for a lost star dog write to us at the address on page 3 or email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk and put Tribute in the subject line OLD BARN Toby TREGONETHA Toby passed away in October 2021 aged 15 years I thought it would be nice for you to have some photos to go in your magazine as he was in your caption competition many years running when younger It would be nice to see him as a model again Helen Verity Who said a FIVE STAR MULTI AWARD WINNING ECO HOLIDAY BARN From Facebook OUR FOLLOWERS SHARE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEIR DOGS DECIDE IT S TIME TO GO TO BED Carol Perkins He goes off to bed when he is ready for bed and 10 minutes later is back to stand right in front of me and the TV practically paws on hips He waits until I make a move and say OK I m coming to bed and then he trots back and waits for me Helen Wells My dog will not stop barking until I move towards the bedroom even though I tell her she is not my boss Pamela Phelps Mine does this every single night She even starts pawing at me if I don t get up and move I could get tough and put a stop to it but she s right I do need to go to bed Ian Tickell My German Pointer goes to bed then comes back if I don t follow and stares until I go to bed too When I get up to go upstairs my Ridgeback steals my seat so there s no going back Monika LaPoint Mine sits and grunts at me until I take him to his bed He won t go up alone I have to follow him upstairs tuck him in and give him a treat 38 Dogs Today March 2022 Rex Rob I know my place and go to bed when I m told by my dog He just turned one and when it comes to bedtime he s a complete grump Some nights we are in bed by 7 30pm because the boy said so Alison Tredwell He stares at me when he thinks it s time to go to bed I say to him No night nights wait and he stands there staring at me as if it s the worst thing in the world and I ve beaten him Donna Findlay Sawyer The dog is pretty good The cat on the other hand always tells us when it s time for bed Kathy Holobovich I go through this every night with my 180lb Corso and when I ignore him he stomps his feet was too posh for dogs AWARD WINNING SELF CATERING DOG FRIENDLY 0 1 6 3 7 8 8 0 1 2 1 ww w ol d ba rn cornwa l l co uk
Australian Shepherd Dog Photo posed by a model Quick question Do you have a problem you d like answered by an expert Or do you Email your question to enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk want advice from someone with personal experience of the issue CHEMICAL DANGERS When walking during winter dogs are exposed to road salt which can be extremely dangerous as it can irritate the skin causing dryness cracking and even burns to the pads Even more dangerous for dogs if they lick it from their paws or fur they can ingest the chemicals which can be toxic These harmful products sit on their fur and paws so it s important that you clean their paw pads to remove any chemicals when you return from walking your dog Many car owners will use antifreeze to clear the ice from their vehicles As the ice melts from your car the antifreeze will mix with the water which can be harmful if your dog likes to drink from puddles The dangerous chemical in antifreeze is ethylene glycol which has a sweet taste that dogs enjoy Antifreeze can cause damage to your dog s kidneys even after a small amount has been ingested So it s important that if you see any liquids leaking from your car keep your dog away and clean them up straight away Searches for dog boots increase when the UK is hit by snow and plunging temperatures But do dogs really need paw protection in the snow EXPERT ADVICE Vet Sean McCormack answers Generally dog boots will not cause your dog any pain However they might feel uncomfortable which is why I advise against purchasing them Dogs find it extremely difficult to adapt to wearing boots 40 Dogs Today March 2022 as they make their paws heavier and restrict movement One of the most common problems with dog boots is that pet parents find it difficult to recognise when they don t fit their dog correctly This can cause a lot of discomfort for your pet and make walking very challenging Though considered fashionable to some most dogs don t need any form of footwear A dog s paw pads are tough enough to withstand the snow ice and frozen ground They have adapted to the cold and are designed to survive the outside Body temperature plays a big part in this as the pads draw warm blood to the skin to keep them warm The tissue on a dog s paw pad is built to protect them from temperatures as low as 35 degrees The tissue on the dog s paw is the toughest skin on the entire body and the gripping texture allows them to maintain traction and balance When boots are worn dogs lose grip and the surface becomes slippy making it harder to walk for your pup it s a similar experience when a human wears socks on a slippery floor But while paw pads are tough they re not indestructible When walking in winter dogs are more susceptible to cuts and cracks on their feed which is why dog owners need to be most cautious If your dog keeps picking up their paws when walking or if they are excessively licking their pads then this could be a telltale sign that the paws are sore Paw balm Paw balm or petroleum jellybased products can help to keep your dog s paws safe in winter Before you head out on a walk coat the balm on your dog s paws to create a barrier that will help to prevent snow ice and other road chemicals from getting in their paw cracks It will also help to keep the pads hydrated which is particularly important during winter when the air becomes dry When you return from your walk wipe it off Grooming plays a huge role in protecting your pup s paws during the colder period Trimming the long hairs will make it harder for ice snow and de icing products to cling and dry on their skin causing irritation Be extra careful when trimming these areas or take your pet to a professional grooming service Low temperatures Frostbite and hypothermia are risks dogs face when the temperature drops When it s cold outside avoid taking your long walks break these down into short walks more frequently as exposing your dog to cold temperatures for a long period can be dangerous P March 2022 Dogs Today 41
My Dog Crush T his very intelligent compact little spitz has two sizes Klein 23 29cm and Mittel 30 38cm Described as highly intelligent active and people oriented the German Spitz is a devoted loyal companion Sponsored by For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Our survey of German Spitz owners revealed Character M any of us have dog crushes soft spots for breeds or types that we love but know we ll probably never own for lots of terribly sensible reasons Maybe you don t have enough hours in the day for the dog you dream of Perhaps you have a wandering eye and there are just too many dogs to fit into a lifetime Or you already have a house squashed full of adored allsorts that chose you In this feature we go through popular dog crushes and take a fresh look at what it would be like to actually live with them 42 Dogs Today March 2022 German Spitz These are happy confident dogs that are devoted to their families 80 of our survey respondents said their dogs followed them round like shadows Gorgeous inside and out said one owner Another summed the German Spitz up as A happy versatile outgoing breed super clever and eager to please loads of personality loyal loving and a pleasure to live with Sounds a perfect package but there is one thing that many said they would change barking It is the one thing that makes them challenging at times said one owner I think it is more of an issue in a multi dog household than if you have just a single dog But they can be very noisy and alert to everything Exercise Training The German Spitz might fit on a lap but they are not your average lapdog They are very active little souls that like to be on the go 24 of our respondents gave their dogs 60 90 minutes of daily exercise 35 45 60 minutes and 26 gave 30 45 minutes The remaining had either more than 90 minutes or less than 30 minutes if it was raining Our survey dogs enjoyed various hobbies including agility obedience scent training trick training hoopers showing and dock diving Health Eye screening is recommended in the breed and sore eyes and excessive tearing are special points of consideration for judges to assess in the show ring Fitting is a recent health concern and DNA swabs from affected dogs have been sent to the Animal Health Trust to investigate alongside the dogs pedigrees and veterinary evidence The German Spitz Club of Great Britain s website has more information on its health page In common with many small breeds patella luxation slipping kneecaps can also be an issue Coat care This is a typical spitz coat The soft woolly undercoat provides insulation while the long straight topcoat is harsh in texture to protect against inclement conditions The coat comes in any colour or combination except merle Prospective owners should think about grooming though not difficult the coat needs regular attention advised one respondent 55 said shedding is controlled with regular grooming 22 said they find hair everywhere and 28 said it was no more or less than other dogs For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk March 2022 Dogs Today 43
My Dog Crush Downsides Can be vocal The coat needs regular attention Origins T 44 Dogs Today March 2022 Traits Loving Friendly Sociable Very intelligent Active Playful T he German Spitz wasn t a breed that Karen Janina Hare had ever really thought about She d grown up with Schipperkes in Africa and it was her first choice as a dog for her daughter Cassia when she was little But the dog died young from a heart problem and Cassia set about researching other breeds Her research was spot on I looked into it and was persuaded says Karen They are healthy sturdy dogs highly intelligent and they are very entertaining The coat had put me off but actually it s an easy coat to maintain And so Rolo joined the family in 2006 He was very special a beautiful boy Karen says Sadly Rolo is no longer around but Karen s love affair with the German Spitz continues with three others now sharing her home Cookie Monster a 10 year old chocolate sable Klein rescue dog Jamie a wolf sable Klein thought to be about eight years old and Elmo a black Mittel aged 18 months Not forgetting Neo a Whippet German Spitz are sociable dogs in Karen s experience It depends how you bring them up of course she says but a friend who was a breeder is involved in rescue and has 12 17 dogs that we all walk together and there s never any fighting Being Spitz it s no surprise that they are vocal They were initially bred to be alarm dogs alerting their humans to anything peculiar It s manageable if you have one or two but if you have more it s something to work on as hard as you can Karen explains Mine will bark if someone comes to the Photos Karen Janina Hare he breed descends from the larger herding spitz dogs such as the Samoyed and Swedish Lapphund which then spread through northern Europe with the Vikings The Pomerania area of what is now Germany gave its name to the smaller spitz dogs that thrived there The various sized spitz in Germany were used on farms and homesteads as watchdogs to sound the alert to anything unusual a job that they still take very seriously In Germany they were called Mistbellers which translates as dunghill barkers From the dunghill the spitz ascended to royal favour and became pets of various monarchs including George I of Pomerania George III and Queen Victoria but popularity declined when German breeds lost their appeal with the British public after the two World Wars But four dogs known as Victorian Pomeranians were imported to the UK in the 1970s and sparked interest being larger than the usual Poms Facing opposition from Pom breeders over the name it was decided to get the larger dogs recognised as a separate breed the German Spitz Owner s view door and they are quite vocal when playing it can sound awful Around the home they follow Karen everywhere and settle where she stops Some say that the Kleins are sweeter and more affectionate and that the Mittels are more independent but I don t think that s true she says It s probably more social conditioning where people think little is cuter I ve not seen a difference in temperament between the sizes The double coat needs brushing twice a week with special care around the trousers ears and bottom The coat tends to blow all at once over the course of a fortnight Depending on the temperature they can blow once or twice a year or more rarely not at all The breed is suited to a firsttime owner provided they are knowledgeable and can train with confidence and kindness They are fabulous little dogs They love to work and are very clever but they are also sensitive and will not respond to bullying and will shut down if treated harshly Karen says They are cuddly but they are not all lapdogs They are bright and active and need their exercise Their intelligence makes them eager agility and obedience dogs As for Karen she s hooked on the breed Oh yes I ll always have a German Spitz now she says It s like living with the munchkins from the Wizard of Oz These funny little characters make me laugh every day Best Facebook Groups Keep Calm and Papillon Papillon Lovers For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk March 2022 Dogs Today 45
My Dog Crush Best names Shadow Tonka Foxy Loki Riot Logan Chewie Otto Love the breed Shop the breed Handmade cotton tote bag with long handles and a gusset 11 95 from TailzGifts on www etsy com v Perfect for keys and leads this hook rack costs 19 95 from SteelImagesUK on www etsy com A personalised sculpture of your dog in any coat colour The cold cast resin porcelain sculptures cost 110 from Vic and Tim Griffiths Dog Sculptures on 01970 880369 Brass 45mm German Spitz keyring 12 from DogWooDesign on www etsy com v Spitz cookie cutter perfect for Best Facebook groups German Spitz World German Spitz Club of GB German Spitz Owners and Breeders Club making a batch of biscuits for a fan of the breed or for knocking up some dog treats 7 for two cutters a stamp and an outline from DimensioLTD on www etsy com v German Spitz greeting card Various size and personalisation options A6 unpersonalised for 2 90 to A5 personalised 4 90 from HaveAGanderUK on www etsy com For Dog People by Dog People For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk 46 Dogs Today March 2022 March 2022 Dogs Today 47
Victoria Stilwell Fight fright When it comes to dog fights breaking up is hard to do Victoria Stilwell is a world renowned dog trainer best known as the creator and host of the international hit TV series It s Me or the Dog as well as Greatest American Dog on CBS Dogs Might Fly on Sky One and her web series about police K9s and their handlers Guardians of the Night A passionate advocate for positive dog training methods she is the founder of the Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training Behavior www vsdta com and the CEO of Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training www vspdt com Visit www positively com for news about Victoria s work and details about her books The Secret Language of Dogs Train Your Dog Positively and It s Me or the Dog 48 Dogs Today March 2022 D uring a visit to a shelter the other day I witnessed a dog fight My colleagues and I were walking towards the play yard when we heard what can only be described as a dog screaming I hope you have never heard that sound before but you know how horrific it is if you have A number of shelter staff ran past us and entered the yard to help manage the other dogs while the person that had been supervising group play tried to break up the fight Like a well oiled machine the staff corralled the other dogs away from the two that were locked together and swiftly removed them Then as the supervising staff member held on to the aggressor another person stood behind the dog that was being attacked The poor little female terrier mix was screaming as the aggressor refused to let go Both dogs were doused with water from a hose until the aggressor finally released and the dogs were led away It was a terrifying thing to witness and traumatising for everyone involved Group play in American shelters has become very popular There are a number of companies that now advise rescue organisations on how to manage play time between dogs furthering the belief that giving dogs the chance to run around and blow off steam with others helps them cope better with shelter life and the statistics seem to support this Dogs that do group play are generally happier and more stable than dogs that do not get this outlet Yet I have also witnessed a number of fights in these multi dog scenarios so it does not come without risk As appalling as this fight was I was impressed with how the staff dealt with it so quickly preventing further injury to both dogs They told me afterwards that they had prepared for situations like these by frequently rehearsing how they would respond and this reminded me how important it is for all dog lovers to prepare for the unexpected When a dog you love or work with gets into a fight hopefully the preparation and training you have done beforehand will help you deal with the situation but do be aware that you might forget how to do things when you are faced with an emergency Whether you witness a dog fight between your own dogs or those in a shelter or day care environment you are likely to go into a state of alarm Your protective and survival instincts will make you do whatever you can to break up a fight even if that means you get bitten while trying and all your preparation will likely go out the window as your adrenaline takes over and your body readies itself to fight and defend or to get as far away from the situation as you can Then depending on the circumstances your desire to protect those you love as well as yourself goes into overdrive PROTECTION MODE I speak from experience I was coming back from a lovely walk with my beloved dogs Sadie and Jasmine when two Greyhounds from next door ran through an open gate and attacked them One of the dogs bit and held on to Sadie s mouth while the other grabbed Jasmine in theirs It is a terrifying sight to see two large dogs fighting but a big dog picking up a 7lb Chihuahua in her mouth well that was horrific I immediately went into mama bear protective mode shouting screaming and kicking out at the dogs as they fought with mine At that moment all I could think of was protecting my babies and I was prepared to do anything to achieve that Fortunately my attempts were successful and the dogs let go and ran back towards their house At that moment my neighbour came running out calling her dogs away and apologising to me as she got them behind the gate they had somehow managed to open It was unusual for them to escape and even though I understood it was a freak accident I was so shocked frightened and upset I could hardly form any words in reply to her apology Fortunately my dogs were not badly hurt and just had a few scratches and bruises but their mental state took a bigger beating From that day forward Jasmine became more vigilant on walks and Sadie became even more wary of other dogs I was on edge myself for quite a time afterwards even though I tried not to show it and I knew my dogs picked up on how I felt So how do you break up a dog fight safely Well the reality is that there is no safe way to break up a fight I did not get bitten on this occasion but redirected bites are very common because interfering in a fight and trying to pull dogs apart can make them feel vulnerable and direct their bite on to you whether your hand or another body part gets in between them or not PREVENTIVE MEASURES So it might sound counterintuitive but try not to get in between two fighting dogs because you will likely get bitten and make the situation worse A safer way to break up a fight is to place some furniture like a chair in between dogs or throw a coat blanket or sweater over their eyes I once broke up a fight between two Pit Bull Terriers that were hanging on to each other and refusing to let go The only way I could get them to release was to throw my coat over their heads thereby cutting off their vision As soon as they could not see each other they released I have also seen situations where the blanket method did not work and a water spray and water hose were not effective either In this situation a fire extinguisher was set off into the fray and broke up the fight immediately with no harm coming to any of the dogs involved I am not recommending you do this but I was surprised at how effective it was when everything else the staff tried to do failed The best way to break up a dog fight is to prevent it from happening in the first place This means being a good observer understanding dog body language and avoiding situations that put your dog in compromising positions Learn to read the room Some people are good at noticing even the subtlest signs of stress and rising tension in their dogs while others are oblivious There are times when fights and attacks take you unawares but knowing the dogs you are with and managing their environment will dramatically reduce the likelihood of fights breaking out in the future P March 2022 Dogs Today 49
Join our exclusive Sub Club TAKE YOUR IMAGINATION FOR A WALK With newsagents and supermarkets reducing their shelf space for magazines it s getting harder to find us Help us by subscribing and reap the rewards Buy Get your first issue for only 1 Then it s 9 99 quarterly by Direct Debit direct and save more than 17 a year UK only Save money enjoy a 17 04 saving over the year Delivered free to your door Subscriber only competitions page 59 with the new bestseller from 15 voucher for PurrfectlyYappy com AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSHOPS minimum spend 75 Call us for the special code Chance to win one of 50 Nerf dog toys TIME FOR A NEW BED Get the magazine before it s in the shops Call 01276 402599 lines open weekdays 9am 5pm or subscribe online www dogstodaymagazine co uk product dogs today uk subscriptions F I N D A WAR M C O S Y B E D T O DAY AT P U R R F E C T LY YAP P Y C O M All new subscriptions will commence with the current issue Overseas prices Europe 65 20 for 12 issues Rest of World 79 80 for 12 issues The first 50 new or renewing subscribers this month will receive a fabulous Nerf dog toy so even your dog can benefit It s a win win win situation Please remember to include your dog s breed size and age in Dog breed and size during checkout Subscription gifts are only available to the first 50 subscribers each month sorry UK subscribers only By entering you confirm that your details will be passed on to the company providing these prizes for the purposes of distribution marketing June 2020 Dogs Today 25 PY_Bed indd 25 p061_DogsMonthlyApr19 indd 1 PY single page indd 1 50 Dogs Today March 2022 06 11 2020 16 32 25 02 2019 26 11 2018 16 16 17 58
Their success is due in part to their adaptability and opportunism they are primarily hunters but may also scavenge with an incredible capacity to eat and digest skin bone and other animal waste They can hunt alone in small parties of up to five or in large groups BAD REPUTATION A hunter as well as a scavenger with a matriarchal society the spotted hyena is a fascinating creature in all respects I recall one balmy spring evening in the South African lowveld when we were on a night safari and had come across a lone young wildebeest cow She looked injured and altogether unwell and the herd she belonged to had clearly left her behind or she just hadn t been able to keep up A large female spotted hyena appeared on the edge of the tree line and after evaluating the situation gave chase eventually grabbing biting and holding on to the hapless wildebeest s flank She screamed the most terrible distress calls into the inky African night which attracted a throng of hyenas from the surrounding bushscape The resulting scene was pure chaos gore and tooth gnashing and hysterical vocalisations from deep in the abyss of one s most violent nightmares The wildebeest was almost entirely consumed within just a few minutes by over 52 Dogs Today March 2022 20 adult hyenas We were spellbound and more than a little disturbed by the speed and the violence of the spectacle The spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta also known as the laughing hyena is currently listed as the sole member of its genus native to sub Saharan Africa It is also listed as being of least concern by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN on account of its widespread range and large numbers currently estimated at 27 000 47 000 individuals though it is experiencing decline outside protected areas due to habitat loss and poaching SOCIAL NETWORK It is the largest known member of the Hyaenidae and is the most social of the Carnivora having the largest group size and most complex social behaviours Its social organisation is unlike that of any other carnivore bearing closer resemblance to that of baboons and macaques in terms of group size social organisation and frequency of social interaction among both kin and unrelated group mates However this social system is openly competitive rather than cooperative with access to kills mating opportunities and the time of dispersal for males depending on the ability to influence and manipulate other clan members Females provide only for their own cubs rather than assist each other and males display no paternal care Spotted hyena society is matriarchal females are larger than males and often control their behaviour Spotted hyena are a fascinating enigma Unique niche specialised and difficult to classify yet they are as altogether uniquely African as the giraffe or zebra They are also highly successful being the most common large carnivore in Africa During a hunt they often run through ungulate herds in order to pick an individual to attack Once selected their prey is chased over a long distance often several kilometres at speeds of up to 60km h until they finally run it down and then shred and consume it The species has a long history of interaction with humanity depictions exist from the Upper Palaeolithic period with carvings and paintings from the famous Lascaux and Chauvet caves The species has a largely negative reputation in both western culture and African folklore In the former the species is mostly regarded as ugly and cowardly while in the latter it is viewed as greedy gluttonous stupid and foolish yet powerful and potentially dangerous The majority of Western perceptions on the species can be found in the writings of Aristotle and Pliny the Elder In the Physiologus the animal is depicted as a hermaphrodite and grave robber The IUCN s hyena specialist group identifies the spotted hyena s negative reputation as detrimental to the species continued survival both in captivity and the wild The scientific name Crocuta comes from the Ancient Greek describing the animal as a mix of wolf and dog Until the Renaissance the spotted and the striped hyena that we looked at earlier in this series Dec 21 Jan 22 were either assumed to be the same species or distinguished purely on geographical rather than physical grounds The first detailed first hand descriptions of the spotted hyena by Europeans come from Willem Bosman a Dutch tradesman who worked for the Dutch West India Company at the Gold Coast modern day Ghana from 1688 1701 who described the animal accurately but as a form of jackal while Kolben a German mathematician and astronomer who worked for the Dutch East India Company from 1705 1713 referred to it as a tigerwolf This is because the early settlers knew nothing of hyenas and so labelled them as wolves The ancestors of the genus Crocuta diverged from Hyaena the overall genus of striped and brown hyenas about 10 million years ago The ancestors of the spotted hena probably developed social behaviours in response to increased pressure from other predators on carcasses which forced them to operate in teams At one point in their evolution they developed sharp carnassials behind their crushing premolars this rendered waiting for their prey to die no longer a necessity as is the case for brown and striped hyenas and thus became pack hunters as well as scavengers They then began forming increasingly larger territories necessitated by the fact that their prey was often migratory and long chases in a small territory would have caused them to encroach into another clan s land BONE CRUSHERS It has been theorised that the matriarchal system in spotted hyena clans could be an adaptation in order to successfully compete with males on kills or that it is an adaptation to the length of time it takes for cubs to develop their massive skulls and jaws which necessitates greater attention and stricter longer parenting behaviours from females Adult male spotted hyena in the Serengeti in Tanzania weigh 40 5 55kg while females weigh 44 5 63 9kg Exceptionally large weights of 81 7kg and 90kg have been recorded Both sexes have a strong and well developed neck and forequarters but relatively Peter Neville with dingo by Andrew Rae Rae Safaris Johannesburg Peter Neville above was an Adjunct Professor at the Ohio State University USA for many years and one of the co founders of the cutting edge behaviour and training course provider Coape the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology see www coape org Andrew Rae with African Painted Dog Spotted hyena Michael Rae Safari adventures Peter now works as an ethology guide with our guest author Andrew Rae of Rae Safaris above specialising in tracking and studying African Wild Dogs and other large predators all over southern and East Africa and on Iceafaris in Antarctica www raesafaris co za When he is not doing that he lives in Helsinki Finland with his partner Stella Spooch their Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and two loud cats Peter has presented a canine behavioural case history for Dogs Today from his behaviour practices in the UK and South Africa since our very first issue and has invited Andrew to step in to write the current special series covering Africa s wild canids including foxes and hyenas Peter and Andrew have just finished writing a book Memoirs of a Safari Guide with former Dogs Today cartoonist Russell Jones covering their many amazing and hilarious experiences in Africa Publication is due later this year March 2022 Dogs Today 53
underdeveloped hindquarters The rump is rounded rather than angular the head is wide and flat with a blunt muzzle and broad nose The ears are rounded rather than pointed Each foot has four digits which are webbed and armed with short blunt claws The tail is relatively short at 300 350mm long and resembles a pompom in appearance The female is considerably larger than the male Both sexes have a pair of anal glands that open into the rectum just inside the anus and produce a white creamy secretion that is pasted on to grass stalks The odour is very strong and can be detected by humans several metres downwind The spotted hyena has a proportionately large heart constituting close to one per cent of its body weight thus giving it great endurance in long chases In contrast a lion s heart makes up only 0 45 0 57 per cent of its body weight The skull of the spotted hyena is one of the most powerfully built skulls among carnivores The dentition is more dual purposed than that of other modern hyena species which are mostly scavengers combined with large jaw muscles and a special vaulting to protect the skull against large forces these characteristics give the spotted hyena a powerful bite that can exert a pressure of 80kg f which is 40 per cent more force than a leopard can generate The jaws of 54 Dogs Today March 2022 the spotted hyena outmatch those of the brown bear in bone crushing ability Fur colour varies greatly and changes with age The base colour generally is a pale greyish brown or yellowish grey on which an irregular pattern of roundish redbrown black spots is superimposed on the back and hindquarters The spots vary in size even on single individuals A less distinct spot pattern is present on the legs and belly but not on the throat and chest Spot patterns are unique and so often used to identify individuals A set of five pale and barely distinct bands replace the spots on the back and sides of the neck UNIQUE MORPHOLOGY Spotted hyenas are social animals that live in large communities referred to as clans which can consist of up to 80 individuals Group size varies geographically In the Serengeti where prey is migratory clans are smaller than those in the Ngorongoro Crater where prey is sedentary Territory size is highly variable ranging from less than 40km2 in the Ngorongoro Crater to over 1 000km2 in the Kalahari Home ranges are defended through vocal displays scent marking and boundary patrols Clans mark their territories by either pasting or pawing in special latrines located on clan range boundaries Clan boundaries are usually respected hyenas chasing prey have been observed to stop dead in their tracks once their prey crosses into another clan s range Hyenas will however ignore clan boundaries in times of food shortage Males are more likely to enter another clan s territory than females are as they are less attached to their natal group and will leave it when in search of a mate An intruder can be accepted into another clan after a long period of time if it persists in wandering into the clan s territory dens or kills A clan s social life revolves around a communal den which is located on flat ground and can have more than a dozen entrances While some clans may use particular den sites for years others may use several different dens within a year or several den sites simultaneously The spotted hyena is a nonseasonal breeder though a birth peak does occur during the wet season Females are polyoestrous with an oestrus period lasting two weeks It is promiscuous and no enduring pair bonds are formed and members of both sexes may copulate with several mates over the course of several years The gestation period lasts an average of 110 days The spotted hyena quite amazingly is the only mammalian species to lack an external vaginal opening The genitalia of the female closely resembles that of the male the clitoris is shaped and positioned like a penis a pseudo penis and is capable of erection The labia are fused to form a pseudo scrotum The pseudo penis is traversed to its tip by a central urogenital canal through which the female urinates incredibly manages to copulate and even more so to give birth to two cubs occasionally three To add further to the complications spotted hyena cubs are also the largest carnivora young relative to their mothers weight The clitoris therefore has to rupture to facilitate the passage of the young and may take weeks to heal Females are very protective of their cubs and will not tolerate other adults particularly males approaching them But there is yet more to the amazing and unique story of the spotted hyena and its reproduction During pregnancy developing offspring are bathed in the womb with high male hormone androgen levels This leads to the masulinisation of female cubs brains as well as the males and subsequently enhances their competitive behaviour and influences that unique genital and reproductive morphology CACKLES IN THE NIGHT As adults it s clear that females have evolved with a huge need to compete in their niche and also to behave as super males when it comes to social organisation and influence and to be successful competitors in hunting and reproduction Cubs are born with soft brownish black hair and weigh about 1 5kg Unique among carnivorous mammals they are born with their eyes open and with 6 7mm long canine teeth and 4mm long incisors Cubs may attack each other shortly after birth especially in litters where cubs are all the same sex and can result in the death of the weaker cub s This neonatal siblicide kills an estimated 25 per cent of all hyenas in their first month of life Male cubs which survive grow faster and are likelier to achieve reproductive success while female survivors try to eliminate rivals in Spotted hyena cubs Michael Rae Spotted hyena Michael Rae Safari adventures their natal clan Lactating females can carry 3 4kg of milk in their udders Spotted hyena milk has the highest protein and fat content of any terrestrial carnivore Cubs will nurse from their mother for 12 16 months though they can process solid food as early as three months Mothers do not regurgitate food for their young Cubs can move at considerable speed at 10 days and exhibit advanced and competitive behaviours very early ritually sniffing each other and mark their living space before a month of age Cubs begin to lose the black coat and develop the spotted lighter coloured fur of the adults at two to three months They start hunting at about eight months and participate in group hunts after their first year They reach sexual maturity at the age of three years Spotted hyenas have a complex set of postures in communication When afraid the ears are folded flat and are often combined with baring of the teeth and a flattening of the mane When attacked the hyena lowers its hindquarters Before and during an assertive attack the head is held high with the ears cocked mouth closed mane erect and the hindquarters high The tail usually hangs down when neutral though it will change position according to the situation curling below the belly when about to flee During an attack or when excited the tail is carried forward on the back but an erect tail does not always accompany a hostile encounter as it also occurs at relaxed social interactions When approaching a more important or older clan member subordinate hyenas will walk on the knees of their forelegs in an appeasing display In greeting ceremonies between clan members two individuals stand parallel to each other and facing opposite directions Both individuals raise their hind legs and lick each other s anogenital area The male s penis and female s pseudo penis often become erect which is usually a sign of appeasement and is more common in males than in females The spotted hyena has an extensive vocal range with sounds ranging from whoops grunts groans lows giggles yells growls grunt laughs loud grunt laughs whines and soft squeals The loud who oop call along with the maniacal laughter are among the most recognisable sounds of Africa There are components to the sensory experience that is an African safari that are constant and iconic The giraffe wandering between umbrella thorn trees at sunset the dust swirling around and over the wildebeest multitude as they drift across the savannas in impossible numbers the antics of baboons and monkeys and the all encompassing defiant roar of the lion at night But there is something else ever present in the cacophony of nocturnal sounds that one hears when lying awake in one s safari tent at night It is that ever present hyena whoop and cackle that hysterical and insane muttering and shrieking that speaks of another strange apex carnivore s presence out there in the wild night beyond the kerosene lamplight These sounds cause an involuntary shiver as one is reminded of a time when we were the hunted and all of our nights were filled with dread If you are unwise enough to leave your boots outside your tent in some bush camps hyenas sometimes come and chew them just to remind you to remain fearful and vigilant and keep your boots inside P March 2022 Dogs Today 55
Tea break In the ring Just for fun C V W K B X M J N E I F S G P U A A Z G V O L S R A R U M D X Y P S L A T C A W A E F A A F S I F Y L C R N T T X R H L S O O P O F G O C A W I A J I X R S Z A C D E E A I Q D C H O F C Y V I A O I H J T V O O F A R G B R R T G D B E G E R R D N A S C A L O D N U N Y F E S Z O A E T O N R E I C C NA EWH LOL PP How to enter T Send your Caption Competition Cross Question entries together with your contact details via email to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk or post to March Competitions Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA to arrive by 18 March 2022 U T G C N M N H J Egerton Pan Pacific Athenaeum Fortyone Rosewood Bulgari Lanesborough Royal Lancaster Cadogan L oscar Savoy Caf Royal Milestone Shangri La Claridges Nobu Standard Criss cross Just for fun Use the clues to fill in the words below and solve the anagrams of some gorgeous red dogs Words can go across or down Letters are shared when the words intersect Cut it out I m not a Pyrenean Fountain Dog No wonder I m a Rot weiler I m always soaking wet Angela Durham In accepting this award I d like to thank blurp blurp blurp Clare Williams 2 Can you guess which breeds Tulip s parents are I hate these wifi devices I said play not spray Helen Verity 3 I think I may have a bit of a drink problem I keep spilling it Janine Richards Winning caption Way better than drinking out of the toilet Simon Hazell Noah Sheridan 4 February Cross Question Solution 5 Across Down 3 Hire sitters 4 Abhor disgraced Nike 5 Dior idol she 1 2 Laughs Narnia viz Reigned revolter Ruby Roo s parents are a Chihuahua and a Jack Russell The first correct answer came from Helen Verity March 2022 Dogs Today 57 Jack Russell Chihuahua by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Since April 2016 it has been compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks of age to be microchipped and details registered and kept up to date with an authorised database Have you checked that your dog s chip is working is correctly registered and all contact information is up to date TIP Keep a note of your dog s microchip number and database details on your mobile phone Notify the microchip company immediately if your dog goes missing and register on www doglost co uk Cross Question 1 Check your chip Don t know which database your dog s microchip is registered with Type your chip number into www check a chip co uk February Caption Runners up Photo submitted by Jodie Mongrubah Forbes Ampersand Do you have a funny pic you d like us to feature Please email it to us with Caption pic in the subject line C Can you find these dog friendly luxury London hotels Search up down forward backward and on the diagonal to find the dog movies 56 Dogs Today March 2022 The person who sends the first correct answer to the Cross Question will win a pack of SmartBones a healthy alternative to rawhide from www purrfectlyyappy com I T G E U B R G L The winning caption will win a Fuzzu A Gorilly Named Billy Dog Toy worth 13 99 from www purrfectlyyappy com D O P M A A U W J R O Y A B Can you come up with a witty and amusing caption for this photo B CURRIED HASH DD A O S H N B T A N W N I Q S D S T N M L F K N A B A E Can you find the last three breeds to win Best in Show at Crufts O W K G O O A M L M V D E G D I Unscramble the jumbled letters in the circles X Winners of the Cross Question and Caption Competition will win a prize from Purrfectly Yappy In the ring answer A Wire haired Dachshund B Papillon C Whippet H S Caption this Just for fun Photo submitted by Kara Jayne Dendle Wordsearch Put the kettle on and have a go at our competitions
Prize crossword Compiled by Gyles Brandreth Quick clues 1 5 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 21 22 23 24 Down 2 3 4 5 Annual dog show 6 Springer Spaniel UK breed 5 Japanese breed 5 Sturdy hunting dogs with long droopy ears 7 People who demand and take revenge for example 8 Word shouted at unwelcome animal 4 Eskimo dog 8 5 Measurement twelfth part of a foot 4 Canines such as 14 Across trained to haul transport 4 4 End points of journeys 7 Droopy 5 See 8 Down Semitic language 6 6 7 8 13 14 15 17 19 20 Across Surrey town 7 Feature specific to Chihuahua 4 4 See 5 Down And 4 Down Russian breed used in medical and space research 4 8 5 One who exploits or lives off others 5 The Boys Alan Bennett work And 23 Across Breed of Sicilian origin 4 5 Former name of Zimbabwe home of the Ridgeback breed 8 Nootka Dog docile ancestor of 14 Across 7 Arabian Greyhound 7 Nurse 5 Island home of Scottish Terrier 4 Comic name for dog 4 1 5 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 21 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 22 23 24 10 9 Newspaper probes curs misbehaving in dog show 6 We left quiet Corgi perhaps Articles including special equipment for Japanese dog 5 Hounds born with special qualities 7 Former thespians demanding types 8 Be off having something to wear you say 4 Dog making statesman hoarse 8 5 Move slowly in church 4 Canine finally dumped in awfully godless surroundings 4 4 Ultimate destination in Italy after a period of time 7 Drooping say having tethered gee gee 5 See 8 Down Language misuses in CIA bar 6 Down 11 12 13 15 14 16 19 18 17 20 22 21 23 24 Name _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Postcode _________________ Telephone _____________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Breed type of dog _______________________________________ We occasionally loan our address list to charities and companies we feel may be of interest to you Please tick if you do not wish to receive this information Q 2 Entrance to East Sussex town we re told and one in Surrey 7 3 The last thing you d see on a Chihuahua 4 4 4 See 5 Down 5 And 4 Down Russian dog terrible wailer is in a basket 4 8 5 6 Old doctor given shelter with companion 5 7 Fellow s right wing past 7 8 And 23 Across Italian dog beat half of Corgis thus 4 5 13 This is where Ridgeback originated hero said excitedly 8 14 Like a movement involving one from the continent 7 15 Hound spotted south of Berkshire town 7 17 Former US president has no time for helper 5 19 Breed of terrier sounding blue 4 20 Brought up partly modified name for dog 4 Not yet subscribing Visit www dogstodaymagazine co uk or turn to page 50 to rectify that immediately This month s prize This month s Code Breaker prize for one lucky subscriber is a bag of Whimzees Dental Stix Dog Treats worth 11 99 Made only from natural ingredients Whimzees don t contain any nasties like preservatives grains or GM products And best of all their unique shape makes them ideal for preventing bad breath and the build up of plaque and tartar As with any edible product it is important that pet parents monitor their dogs to ensure the treat is adequately chewed Not suitable for dogs less than 7kg or under the age of nine months If you aren t lucky enough to win the range of Whimzees treats can be bought from Purrfectly Yappy https purrfectlyyappy com products whimzees dental stix dog treats Win this The winner of this month s crossword will receive a pack of Soopa Cranberry and Sweet Potato Dental Sticks Find more Soopa dog treats at PurrfectlyYappy com How to enter Complete the crossword grid then post your entry to arrive by 18 March 2022 to March Crossword Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA The first correct entry pulled out of the hat after the closing date will win the prize The judge s decision is final Code Breaker Decode the message to find a dog related joke Each letter has been replaced with a random letter February Solution A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z Across 1 Cuban 4 Stubbs 9 Lasagne 10 Aztec 11 Inner 12 Mongrel 13 Bichon Frise 18 Clean up 20 Lay on 21 Aioli 22 Terrier 23 Sledge 24 Canis Down 1 Collie 2 Basenji 3 Niger 5 Trainer 6 Biter 7 Sickle 8 German Spitz 14 Hunting 15 Styrian 16 Scraps 17 Snarls 19 Evoke 20 Lyric 21 7 ___ ___ ___ ___ 9 25 ___ ___ 11 13 16 26 D ___ ___ D ___ 20 21 11 21 6 S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 24 1 24 10 12 ___ ___ ___ 24 16 17 10 ___ ___ ___ 19 24 24 19 1 11 S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 13 G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 13 17 16 11 8 11 13 7 D ___ O ___ G ___ 10 21 26 7 O ___ S ___ ___ ___ ___ 14 4 26 10 6 S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 24 3 17 2 24 23 10 17 O ___ S ___ ___ ___ ___ 14 4 26 10 6 S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 3 11 6 17 10 How to enter Crossbreed posed by a model Address ________________________________________________ 58 Dogs Today March 2022 Hello subscribers We think it s time for you to get even more perks than just getting the magazine cheaper postage free and before everyone else This area of the magazine is just for you to say thank you for supporting us by buying your magazine direct We really appreciate it and it really helps us Cryptic clues Across Sub Club Dogs Today Email your answers to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk and put March Sub Club in the subject line We will need your full name and address to check you are on our current subscriber list Or post the answer with your name and address to March Sub Club Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA or enter online at www dogstodaymagazine co uk category competitions One winner picked at random after 18 March 2022 will win the prize For full terms and conditions see page 3 March 2022 Dogs Today 59
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CharitySpotlight Spotlight Charity established 1958 We are a non destruction sanctuary for abandoned unwanted dogs PRIORY ROAD ASCOT BERKSHIRE SL5 8RJ 01344 882689 We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 256728 We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa Sponsor a puppy from just 1 a week BORDER COLLIE TRUST GB Registered Charity No 1077588 Welcome Welcome to to Charity Charity Spotlight Spotlight a handy reference point for good folk le of folkdoing doinggreat great work work We re We rehelping helpingto toraise raise the the profi profile of this diverse diversegroup group of of people people and and we weencourage encourage you youto to get get involved involved with withthem them be beitit fundraising fundraising or or even even volunteering volunteering Help us to help more Please contact us or visit our 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these rehoming Your support would heart of the dogs awork better future The RescueThese Centre has 40 kennels be greatly appreciated are clearly difficult times for everyone but Pine and a smallRidge team relies of highly trained solely on donations from the public who staff who provide outstanding For further information incidentally have been quite wonderful But this help please care for dogs of all ages CDRS is needed nowtypes moreand than ever contact so if anyone wishes to backgrounds in need of protection Tel 01296 assist be assured that every penny raised623885 goes to our training anddogs rehoming in addition to enquiries cdrs org uk welfare a 5 star licence for boarding www chilternsdogrescue org uk Large kennels have under floor heating plenty of natural light with indoor and outdoor areas Green If you can help or for further information please contact us technology has been incorporated By phone 01344 882689 to reduce running costs Sensitive By post Pine Ridge Dog Sanctuary 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Yorkshire Please contact usand or visit website more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Tel WS15 07562 Staffs 3LY 986101 Tel 0871 560 2282 Email savingyorkshiresdogs gmail com www bordercollietrustgb org uk Web www sydrescue org uk Reg Charity No 1053585 Find uscentre on Rescue open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm Become a Companion AS Keep Tails Wagging SEEN ON N1EL BCT_0310 4x1 indd H C ANWith a Regular Gift Registered Charity in England and Wales No 1139999 4 As a rescue charity Rushton helps abandoned Bringing pets abused and unwanted dogs on a international and people scale Rescuing dogs from all over the world especially the meat trade in Asia and China closer together 4 1 10 16 55 42 woodgreen org uk Your chance to win at www aht org uk lottery Call Now 44 0 1823 49 10 52 mail rushtondogrescue co uk Registered Charity Number 209642 Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Scottish Charity No SC006914 Senior Staffy Club Dogs Today 2018 Charity spotlight lottery23 01 2018 advert v3 indd 14 47 10 1 Our aims are Rescue and rehome sta ordshire bull terriers and sta y cross dogs aged 7yrs Recruit foster carers all over the UK Encourage volunteers at En our kennels in Sta ord and Worcester www seniorsta yclub co uk seniorsta yclub hotmail co uk Rescue and rehoming centre for dogs and cats www leicesteranimalaid org uk Tel 01455 888257 Registered Charity No 242560 Finding the cures for serious pet illnesses helping them live longer healthier lives barki www petsavers org uk Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed www March 2022Dogs DogsToday Today665 July 2020 5 We r of do
For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST Confessions of a dogaholic L ord Rothermere wasn t the first lord I d hobnobbed with When I was still living at home and organising the Liverpool Kennel Association Diamond Jubilee I had written to Lord Derby on the off chance to ask him if he d attend and open the show It was to be held in 1920s fancy dress at the notorious Kirkby Sports Centre the one that had been in the news because of some corruption over the building of its ski slope What was buried beneath the slope was not revealed but it wasn t what it was meant to be We had saved a huge space in the car park for Lord Derby s fancy motor and were quite surprised when he showed up in an old VW Polo He was very nice and normal and he enjoyed the show and the dogs He was probably right not to risk an expensive set of wheels in Kirkby FOR DOGS SAKE Lord Rothermere reminded me of my dad just with a slightly different accent He was kind dependable and a real gent So I wasn t very surprised at what Vere did to help hurry along the end of quarantine My dad would have done the same John Major wasn t helping so it made sense to talk to the other side A very young Tony Blair was the leader of the opposition and he was ambitious and happy to meet Vere and talk Lord s a leaping 100 2020 WINNER Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 UK REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR A deal was struck If Lord R and the mighty Daily Mail backed Tony at the next election he d do everything in his power to push through Passports for Pets Rothermere had never taken his seat in the Lords but for this one year he did Lord Rothermere became a Labour supporter for the love of dogs it was quite a remarkable conversion The editorial team at the Mail were shocked at this U turn But if the owner of the newspaper said Jump the correct response was How high Stops dogs pulling on the lead and gives you back control Life Changing products for you and your dog 8 TIMES WINNER OF Product I can t live without KEYS TO NUMBER 10 Very few people ever put all the pieces together but Tony moved into Number 10 in 1997 and by the turn of the century quarantine was history The civil servants weren t pleased I remember wondering what else this elite could accomplish if they put their minds to it The mainstream media didn t seem to notice this very strange alliance there was nothing even in Private Eye Maybe there were more elite dog lovers all looking the other way and cheering the venture on Many years later when I wrote about Dogs Today s small part in Tony Blair s victory it prompted a very senior member of staff at the Mail to get in touch He corroborated the story By this time Lord R had sadly died but what a legacy Perhaps it s best not to dwell on the fact that the love of dogs possibly led to us electing a leader who took the world into some ghastly wars He d probably have won even without the Daily Mail But we could just blame John Major instead for not helping P NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT AWARgDCoEllDar Best Do 0 21 UK 2 0 2 r re tu c fa Manu tive Dog Most Innova cturers Collar Manufa 2019 Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK 66 Dogs Today March 2022 Global Also available Collars Non Slip Leads and Gripper Training Leads offering added security and confidence throughout the winter months Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Winners 2013 2021 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Matching accessories in a selection of colours with high quality workmanship andToday fittings June 2020 Dogs 67