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Dogs Today_February_2022

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Kings of Leonberger We have a big crush on them Vote now What s the top dog luxury London hotel Showtime Win free tickets to Crufts Temperament test Should we breed all dogs to just be friendly DogsToday A nose for news easy on the eye and a heart of gold More bite more heart Victoria Stilwell ponders whether confidence can be taught Firework fan Jacob Rees Mogg Closed his ears to lovers of dogs What s right for sore eyes We investigate pink eye Many bridges to cross Debbie s writing a dog walking guide Rare or scarce Have you heard of these breeds Rishi Sunak s Lab love Champagne super Nova Lucky e to be her His little s heart wa n broke Heart surgery for dogs Japan leads the world February 2022 4 75

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We topped 92 in a Which consumer poll of best dog foods DogsToday Inside this month The ethical pet magazine for people who really care about dogs News features 4 Editor s letter would you fight a lion to save 6 10 12 20 26 38 50 Facebook Dogs Today your dog The 6 000 mile journey to mend Lucky s heart Hearts in his hands the surgeon championing mitral valve repairs in the UK We reveal the last finalists for the Top Dog London Hotel 2021 award Walk this way the challenges of writing a walking guide Rise and fall meet some new breeds and those falling out of favour The star of Downing Street Rishi Sunak s super Nova Land of the Strays a dog sanctuary in Costa Rica where over 1 800 stray dogs have found refuge Sales Marketing Director Mike McGlynn 01276 402591 Office dogs Betty Old English Golden Retriever ish Honey Cocker Spaniel Madi collie cross Nellie Staffordshire Bull Terrier Sophie Jack Russell Vicky Justine Poison Ivy Newfoundlands Betty s Personal Trainer Kirsten Dillon IMDT A Dip CBM Dogs Today Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 01276 402599 enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk www dogstodaymagazine co uk friendliness 34 Postbag what matters to you Publishers Training behaviour 48 Victoria Stilwell can confidence be taught 52 Safari adventure encounters with the spotted LIMITED hyena Chief Operations Officer Graham Smith 01276 402598 graham wearebrandshare com Managing Director Beverley Cuddy 01276 402597 beverley dogstodaymagazine co uk Opinion 66 Confessions of a dogaholic true blue blues A healthy and hypoallergenic pet food that helps pets lose weight while keeping them full and satisfied between meals MOST DOGS ARE OVERWEIGHT MOST OWNERS DON T KNOW IT Expert health nutrition team freephone 0800 083 6696 UK 1800 83 66 96 ROI burnspet burnspetfood Or webchat burnspet co uk Which Magazine voice of the Consumers Association brand dog food survey 2020 Subscriptions Investigation 40 Q A what is pink eye 42 Dog crush meet the Leonberger For subscription queries call Brandshare on 01276 402599 or email subs dogstodaymagazine co uk Initial subscription rates UK BFPO 12 issues 39 50 24 issues 61 EU countries 12 issues 65 20 Rest of the world airmail 12 issues 79 80 Direct Debit offer UK only 9 99 for 3 months with 1 month free trial and a 1 sign up fee Competitions shopping 55 Subscribe and win 56 Pop the kettle on and tackle our puzzles The editor is always pleased to consider articles and photos from freelancers However there is often a considerable delay before material can be assessed Please include an SAE if you want your work returned While every care will be taken no responsibility for loss or damage can be accepted Competition sponsors and their families are not eligible for any competition and competitions Dogs Today incorporating Perfect Pup is published by Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Tel 01276 402599 Brandshare Ltd reg office The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Leonberger Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk From the Award Winning Pet Food Brand beverleycuddy Advertising sponsorship Over to you 30 Great debate should breed standards promote LIFE CHANGING WEIGHT LOSS Editorial Dogs_Today Editor Beverley Cuddy Art Director Rosie Peace Chief Sub Editor Contributing Editor Claire Horton Bussey Deputy Editor Alessandra Pacelli Illustrator Kevin Brockbank Proof readers Katie Horton Bussey Alys Horton Bussey Distributed by Marketforce UK Ltd 2nd Floor 5 Churchill Pl Canary Wharf London E14 5HU Tel 020 3148 3333 www marketforce co uk Printed by The Manson Group 2022 Dogs Today The world copyright of the editorial matter both illustrations and text is strictly reserved Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the UK Next issue on sale 18 February Cover photo Lucky a Chihuahua by Gerrard Gethings www gerrardgethings com To download Dogs Today for iPad go to the App store Android and PC versions are available from Pocket Mags the Kindle edition from www amazon co uk February 2022 Dogs Today 3

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Dear readers Beverley Cuddy Illustration by Beverley Cuddy H ow far would you go to save your dog Isa Randle went halfway around the world to save her Chihuahua Lucky page 6 Another story of incredible owner devotion caught my eye Tracy Adams from Santa Barbara County in California could be termed a tiger dog mum The piece was in Newsweek Tracey s husband Ted told the story Buddy had been barking downstairs at around 8 30pm local time but no one could work out why Right about that minute we heard a tremendous crash The French door was just completely smashed open and there s a gaping hole there We figured that the mountain lion had come in grabbed Buddy and left But they soon realised it was still in the property finding the substantial predator in a bedroom It was trying to get out it was bouncing off the walls Ted said It hit the window with the dog in its mouth They shut the lion in the bedroom and while Ted went to get his gun his wife Tracy found some bear spray They re entered the bedroom just as the mountain lion was about to start eating Buddy a 25lb mix breed Tracy went over and gave it a full blast of bear spray in the face The lion lost interest in the dog and got very interested in Tracy so she nailed it again They opened some French doors leading on to a porch and the mountain lion ran away In a later Facebook post Ted confirmed the dog was lucky to be alive He suffered multiple lacerations to his neck and throat that had to be stitched up The lion shook him quite a lot which resulted in a very sore neck It s a Christmas miracle that we still have him alive here with us IS THE POPE CATAHOLIC Would you be an Isa or a Tracy when faced with a life or death decision I suspect many of us would Dogs are family But not according to the pope who has said people need to have more babies instead of puppies Yes dogs and cats take the place of children Pope Francis Beverley Cuddy is Dogs Today s Editor and publisher She shares her life with Betty an Old English Golden Retrieverish dog from Many Tears and has just been joined by Honey a Cocker Spaniel puppy 4 Dogs Today February 2022 said People who have pets instead of children are being selfish exhibiting a denial of fatherhood or motherhood that diminishes us it takes away our humanity He bemoaned the global decline in birth rates what he described as a demographic winter Some noted that the pope was failing to live up to his namesake Francis of Assisi patron saint of animals It is strange to think that the pope considers love in our lives to be limited in quantity and that giving it to someone takes it away from others said Massimo Comparotto the president of the Italian branch of the International Organization for the Protection of Animals An article in the New York Times pointed out that the pope had made a deliberate decision not to have children Is the Vatican gonna pay day care one Twitter user asked I prefer James Serpell s take on this dogs are not child substitutes but they reawaken the child within all of us P

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY Isa Randle flew halfway around the world so her dog Lucky could have a life saving operation How far would you go to save your dog s life I would go 5 000 miles and more I sa Randle had moved from Sweden to London to pursue her career in the performing arts When she realised she was putting down roots she decided to get a dog I d first fallen in love with Chihuahuas at Discover Dogs I d also really enjoyed seeing Richard Curtis dance with his dogs Their relationship was amazing I was determined to try it when I had my own dog and to do lots of training and socialisation Isa didn t originally plan to have Lucky She first had his sister but tragically she died in an accident Isa was devastated The breeder said to take Lucky but Isa thought she wasn t ready she was still grieving But she had to make a choice as Lucky was beginning to bond with the breeder it was now or never At first Isa felt it was almost disloyal to fall in love with Lucky I asked when she first became aware they had a connection Lucky was sitting on her director s lap in the audience while Isa was performing on stage She caught Lucky s eye he was intently watching her dance That s when I knew he was my little boy she told me He was proudly watching her ears up wagging his tail As well as bringing up Lucky to be highly trained I wanted him to be able to feel confident to make his own decisions and to communicate with me He is very bright RISING STAR When Lucky was two a new reality TV show was announced the search to find Britain s Top Dog Model Isa was delighted when little Lucky was selected That s when I first saw them in action I just loved seeing such a tiny dog competing in all the challenges The show challenged viewers breed stereotypes and another Dogs Today favourite Scarlett the Lucky on location fiming an advert for Ford Motor Company left and on a photoshoot at Madam Tussaud s right 6 Dogs Today February 2022 February 2022 Dogs Today 7

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Isa Lucy and Dr Sayaka Takeuchi the doctor in charge of Lucky at the Jasmine Clinic Diva Rottweiler also made it to the last three and on to our front cover Scarlett very sadly passed away just before Christmas such a huge loss to her devoted owner Anthony We then heard the shocking news that the owner of the winning Leonberger had died The three dogs and owners had become close friends during filming HEART MATTERS Lucky s obvious star potential was spotted and he went on to appear in some very big TV commercials one for voice activated Ford cars in America and another for PlayStation Lucky was a very confident and able actor and like Isa he was also an amazing dancer Lucky truly was a pioneer a role model for all small dogs Lucky became a frequent flier as he would always accompany Isa on her trips back to Sweden He was a very cosmopolitan evolved dog in so many ways They were totally inseparable When Lucky started to cough after doing an energetic activity like agility Isa was immediately concerned The first vet thought 8 Dogs Today February 2022 it was nothing to worry about probably a problem with his trachea something many Chihuahuas have an issue with The next looked harder and detected a heart murmur Isa kept going to more and more expert vets but she wasn t expecting the very bad news that there was nothing that could be done to reverse the problem Lucky had mitral valve disease Medication could prolong Lucky s life but he d probably only have four months if he was lucky which he obviously is Lucky was in his prime his brain was sharp I just didn t expect such a negative diagnosis Isa wasn t ready to give up She found second third and fourth opinions She researched diet and was talking to as many experts as possible The life prolonging heart meds had terrible side effects and would soon destroy his other organs She discovered a possible surgical solution but the world was amid the pandemic The English vets who had just started to offer heart surgery had closed everything down due to Covid Normally when you get a scan the vet needs to clip the dog s fur but the equipment the clinic had was just so remarkable and powerful I was able to see very clear moving images that showed graphically how serious Lucky s heart problem was The left mitral valve was leaking badly But a clinic in Japan was still performing eight heart surgeries on dogs a week with very high success rates 97 per cent And they had experience and success with very small dogs Cardiology expert Dr Masami Uetchi at the Jasmine Clinic in Yokohama pioneered mitral valve surgery in dogs and has taught UK vets how to perform this intricate surgery Isa wanted to give Lucky this chance of quality and quantity of life Doing nothing wasn t an option There were quite a few negative voices who thought the risk of failure was too great but Isa trusted her gut feelings and focused on making it happen taking every day as it came She needed to ask for help as the trip and the treatment were going to be very expensive Plus Lucky had to stay well enough to fly and pass the vet s health check With Isa s great care Lucky lived past the devastating four month prediction but there were a few stays in vet hospital for emergency treatment Isa applied for a special visa to travel to Japan making the case that Lucky needed surgery that could not be performed elsewhere All the embassy officials said it was a miracle in the middle of Covid no one else was getting approval but they made Lucky s case an exception Two days before the flight the last of the money was raised But the hurdles were not yet over While Lucky already was a frequent flier this was long haul Would he pass the pre flight check and cope with the almost 6 000mile journey Everything went smoothly and the Jasmine clinic staff put Isa s mind at ease I like detail and they were meticulous I found going through all the possible risks surprisingly reassuring Normally when you get a scan the vet needs to clip the dog s fur but the equipment the clinic had was just so remarkable and powerful I was able to see very clear moving images that showed graphically how serious Lucky s heart problem was The left mitral valve was leaking badly I had recently had a heart scan myself and the NHS had to give me drugs to slow down my heart rate as the human version of this machine was so old it was not able to capture clear imagery otherwise It was obvious that Lucky s heart was badly damaged he was in the right place and not a moment too soon Tiny Lucky had four hours of open heart surgery I messaged Isa in Japan asking how on earth she was going to cope during this time It s hard enough walking through a vet s waiting room and leaving your dog behind coping with the wait after travelling halfway around the world for pioneering surgery was just unthinkable But Isa said she had spent every minute of those hours meditating and praying and she was aware that many other people around the world were doing the same She just focused all her energy on positivity I pushed the thoughts of doubt and fear out of my mind as I knew this was the only thing that could save Lucky s life she later told me ROAD TO RECOVERY At 11 45 she felt something change something lifting Isa remembers making a point of looking at the clock She later asked Dr Sayaka Takeuchi if anything had happened at that time and she replied that it was when Lucky woke up from surgery The clinic were delighted with how things had gone but the sutures in the heart needed time to heal and Isa made the decision not visit Lucky for the first three days in case he got over excited and burst those stitches The clinic sent her videos so she could see him eating and recovering A long operation can play havoc with all the levels in a dog s blood for a while afterwards and Isa decided to stay in Japan another couple of weeks so Lucky s red blood cell count could further normalise before the flight home The risk of clots would be higher with a long flight Lucky s heart was already working properly without his medication but Isa wasn t taking any chances COMING HOME When they checked in at the airport everyone was talking about brave Lucky s operation and he was treated as a returning hero on the way home Even the captain wanted to meet him The first three months after the operation are very important Isa told me with Lucky sitting next to her listening to every word intently No zoomies only short walks It s my personal choice probably not to do any more high energy sports with him even after he is healed I am still having to pinch myself to realise we really did it We saved Lucky But I appreciated every moment with him and it s probably brought us even closer if that is possible I have had a lot of support from the Mighty Hearts Organisation and I will be helping them in the future too So many other people have dogs with operable heart problems and I would love to help other people Not all dogs can be helped though Problems on the left side are often fixable but not the right Just two days before we left for Japan we d raised enough money for the treatment and the trip It was just so inspiring how many people helped us wished us well some weren t even dog owners I just wish everyone could soon have this choice I will never forget what it felt like to get that depressing four month life expectancy diagnosis Never has a dog had a more appropriate name P February 2022 Dogs Today 9

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Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Hearts in his hands We speak to one of the few people in the world who can perform mitral valve repair surgery on dogs P rofessor Daniel Brockman is the director of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Service at the Royal Veterinary College RVC and one of very few people in the world capable of performing mitral valve repair surgery on canine patients I began exploring the idea of performing this type of surgery on dogs in the mid 90s he recalls Mitral valve disease is the most prevalent heart disease in dogs but the only type of treatment widely available is palliative care In humans the first line of treatment is surgical nowadays the valves are replaced but at the time I began looking into this type of surgery repair of the valve was the common route in human patients Learning to perform mitral valve repair surgery on canine patients took time and it was a steep learning curve It doesn t help that their patients are often very small We see some breeds very regularly the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one we see often as about half of them develop a heart murmur by five years of age But there are lots of other breeds who are commonly affected we see Maltese Bichon Frise Chihuahuas Yorkshire Terriers and so on They tend to be small 10 Dogs Today February 2022 breeds which makes the treatment more challenging However mitral valve disease can affect dogs of any breed Professor Brockman adds When we started out our success rate was low less than 50 per cent At the time the only patients we took in were those who were already extremely affected by a very advanced disease It is a complex operation that requires specialised skill and a multidisciplinary approach it takes a lot to put together the right team to perform it As with all things the only way to hone the skills necessary is to practise on patients we have now operated on 120 patients so far and our patients survival rate is much higher in excess of 90 per cent LEARNING CURVE Once the technique is perfected the goal is to train another generation of vets We had to learn by trial and error slowly improving our survival rate despite the relatively small number of patients we could operate on every year but young vets will be able to learn from us instead of starting from the bottom of the learning curve Professor Brockman says There are thousands of dogs who would benefit from this but due to the challenging nature of the surgery the multidisciplinary approach required and the costs involved very few can access it across the globe There are maybe two or three active mitral valve repair programmes in Japan one in France one in Austria and two in the UK Ours is probably the busiest of such programmes outside Japan The programme s busy schedule was wiped out through 2020 as Covid 19 spread across the globe As many of their patients would fly in from the United States where no such surgery is available Professor Brockman and his team found themselves with fewer dogs to operate on in a challenging work environment and fewer chances to keep making progress It s the best thing we ve ever done for them Our Complete cat and dog insurance policies are a Which Best Buy Customer and radio presenter Kate Lawler COST BARRIERS We have resumed operating now and it is a relief he says I really hope this procedure can become more readily available in the UK in the future the fact its cost is so high keeps the number of patients low compared to the sheer number of dogs that would benefit and of course the few of us cannot possibly meet the huge demand there would be for this surgery even if it were affordable Professor Brockman adds There is no getting around the fact that mitral valve repair is a very expensive surgery for any dog owner to even consider Still we need to operate on as many dogs as possible to keep improving and to train other vets to perform this surgery so it is an issue that mitral valve repair is still unaccessible to the vast majority of dogs It is frustrating having a therapy that would change the lives of thousands of dogs and being unable to make it more widely available I really do hope that in the future surgery will be an option for these dogs allowing them to thrive rather than simply survive with palliative care P Get pet insurance that helps you love every moment Like Kate does Enjoy the best moments with your pet knowing we re here for the rest Our pet insurance policies o er up to 15 000 of vet fee cover award winning service and generous bene ts like an unlimited free video vet Discover Bought By Many today bbm link pet7 See http bbm link terms22 for details 15 000 of cover on the Complete policy Terms apply Insurance underwritten by Great Lakes Insurance SE Bought By Many Ltd is authorised and regulated by the FCA Register number 652623 an for offer Sc Get a free pet treat hamper worth up to 42 when you buy a policy by scanning the QR code visiting bbm link pet7 or calling us on 0345 646 0751

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY Welcome to the third and final part of our shortlist of the most luxurious your memory with the two previous articles in the November 2021 and dog friendly hotels in London Read through the descriptions below refresh December 2021 January 2022 issues consult your dog and cast your vote The Cadogan The Cadogan London L oscar Where top dogs want to stay L oscar Near Covent Garden WC1B Created from a baroque style grade II listed church in Holborn The interior is full of Victorian opulence purples reds and golds A Trip Advisor Pug owner loved it saying The staff were lovely really nice people And it was truly dog friendly they provided an amazingly fancy dog bed and a gift of Sleepy Snacks The room was beautiful and spotlessly clean The vibe and decor are very fin de si cle I Googled means end of the century and luxurious Highly recommend We ll be back Sloane Street SW1X Size Only 39 rooms so you will feel very special Toiletries Roja Dove Special touches Reservation fee includes food and water bowls as well as a special gift Between Knightsbridge and Chelsea with exclusive access to Cadogan Gardens this hotel has a close connection with posh dog shop and salon the Pet Pavilion Oscar Wilde was once arrested here This hotel never disappoints the entire team make you feel pampered from arrival until departure As a dog friendly hotel they really mean it The service location and food are unparalleled The history of the building makes it a joy to explore 12 Dogs Today February 2022 Pan Pacific City of London EC3A This glittering bronze tower has only very recently opened It s in Bishopsgate close to Liverpool Street Station and the first UK venture for this very luxurious chain of hotels MasterChef the Professionals Cherish Finden oversees desserts which is probably why all the bathrooms include scales As the hotel is so new we couldn t yet find any dog related reviews but there were plenty of positive comments generally L oscar Size 237 bedrooms Toiletries Diptique Facilities Nespresso coffee Dyson hairdryers bathrobes and slippers Pan Pacific Size 54 rooms Toiletries Bamford Facilities Espresso machine slippers and bath robes Most expensive suite for two nights 5 734 for the Park View Corner Suite Cheapest room for two nights 1 428 Trip Advisor Score Most expensive suite for two nights 6 790 Cheapest room for two nights 954 Restrictions Dogs under 33lb only Trip Advisor Score Most expensive suite for two nights 9 350 for the Pan Pacific Suite 19th floor private butler panoramic views including of the Gherkin and a butler s pantry Cheapest room for two nights 639 Trip Advisor Score February 2022 Dogs Today 13

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Claridges Claridge s Mayfair W1K If you ve watched the TV documentaries set at Claridge s you already know how special this place is It s an art deco jewel with a legendary afternoon tea vintage champagnes and rare spirits Claridge s allows one dog up to 15lb free One reviewer said My husband Size 190 rooms Toiletries Bamford Facilities Dyson hairdryer Illy coffee machine robes and slippers Most expensive suite for two nights 28 000 for the Royal Suite with a personal Claridge s butler offering a 24 hour service grand piano and Japanese Toto toilet Cheapest room for two nights 1 320 Trip Advisor Score S N Do 15 pec ew gs d ial Yea To isc Of r da ou fer y r nt ea fo de r rs and I stayed at Claridge s for Christmas and my birthday and we had an amazing time thanks to the staff and the wonderful ambience and decor of the hotel We arrived with our two Chihuahuas Unbeknown to us they had upgraded us to a wonderful suite We found treats champagne and a birthday cake Our dogs were provided with beds and bowls that sat upon a beautiful rug The thoughtfulness and the detail deeply touched us Slow down the effects of ageing and extend your dog s longevity with the power of nature Award winning oligopeptide discovery can help your dog to recover from even the most extreme cases of injuries chronic pain and immobility helps to regenerate damaged tissue Don t let chronic joint pain ruin your dog s mobility and active life assist with repairing injured joints and ligaments Give BiogenicPet Vitality a chance to get back your dog s vitality and active life alleviates chronic and inflamed joint pain South Kensington SW7 The Ampersand is a privately owned luxury London hotel set in an 1888 building A great mix of Victorian and modern with a whimsical twist We found lots of positive doggie reviews We ve not taken our dogs away before lockdown This has been a wonderful stay the room is luxurious and the staff have been so helpful especially with the dogs They provided dog beds and treats in the room Unlike most hotels there is no The Ampersand Hotel The Ampersand Hotel nightly charge for the dogs a considerable saving Highly recommended Another said A truly dog friendly hotel My 200lb Old English Mastiff received a warm welcome along with my daughter and myself A free upgrade of the room was given to accommodate the giant breed A top notch five star hotel that is truly dog friendly providing dogs with a toy and food and not charging Size 111 rooms Toiletries L Occitane Most expensive suite for two nights 1 580 Cheapest room for two nights 502 Trip Advisor Score 14 Dogs Today February 2022 biogenic pet vitalitychallenge June 2020 Dogs Today 15

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G Nespresso coffee machine and minibar and a traditional Japanese tea set Most expensive suite for two nights 13 000 for the Nobu Penthouse Suite on the top floor with 360 degree views across London Cheapest room for two nights 798 Trip Advisor the worst reviews seem to be from people being charged for things that were missing from their rooms but were later refunded Everyone else loved it The UK s No 1 vitamins available now for those with 4 legs The Nobu Hotel The Nobu Hotel Portman Square W1H I read all the reviews and people loved the food and the Japanese umbrellas but no one has yet mentioned dogs Pets are allowed on the terrace and in the lounge they are not allowed in the Nobu Restaurant or Nobu Bar and they are not to be left in the rooms but there is no restriction in terms of weight or height of dogs All are welcome Size 249 rooms Toiletries Grown Alchemist Facilities Robe and slippers the suites have Yukata robes a bed and doggie spa robe are also available for dogs upon request TM well mannered dog permitted per room charged at 50 per pet per stay In room only for eating drinking with your dog The concierge can arrange a number of walking sitting grooming services from nearby SuperDog takes our 50 years of awardwinning nutritional expertise even further Bulgari Hotel Size 85 rooms and suites all dog friendly Toiletries Bulgari Facilities Bathrobe and slippers mini bar inside a Bulgari leather covered travel trunk Nespresso coffee machine Most expensive suite for two nights 20 126 Cheapest room for two nights 1 380 Trip Advisor all the innovation and careful effective formulation you d expect from Vitabiotics now available for your special companion From vitality to healthy joints and bones SuperDog formulations provide optimum levels of micro nutrients to safeguard the diet of your furriest family member See my expert tips to help care for your SuperDog Paul Manktelow Visit www super dog co uk Knightsbridge SW7 16 Dogs Today February 2022 Health Vitality 60 Chewable Tablets Canine expert Bulgari Hotel Proud supporter of Battersea caring for dogs since 1860 From UK s No 1 Vitamin Company 2021 04 21_ADSPDCONP A very short walk to Harvey Nichols this purpose built luxury hotel is only available to smaller dogs but owners seemed very pleased with it This is a first class hotel in an excellent location The staff are fantastic and friendly nothing is a problem My girlfriend and I plus our two dogs have stayed here a lot in the last six months and can t rate it highly enough There s a 30kg limit on dogs with one Joints Bones 60 Chewable Tablets Available from www super dog co uk SCAN FOR INFO Source Nielsen GB ScanTrack Total Coverage Value and Unit Retail Sales 52 w e 30 01 21 To verify contact Vitabiotics Ltd 1 Apsley Way London NW2 7HF UK s leading supplements for humans Vitabiotics will donate 10p from the sale of each product to Battersea Battersea Dogs Cats Home registered charity number 206394

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The Savoy The Savoy The Strand WC2R The founder of Gucci worked here as a luggage porter as a young man and it was studying the clothes and suitcases of the rich and famous that inspired him to create such iconic designs The Savoy has named eight of their suites after famous people who have stayed there including Frank Sinatra Katherine Hepburn and Claude Monet But it is the Royal Suite that is totally Gucci We ve brought our dog with us and he s been Crufts the world s greatest celebration of dogs is back and we have four pairs of tickets to give away T he four day event is returning to the NEC in Birmingham from 10 13 March and boasts a diverse programme of dog competitions in different categories and levels including the finale of the prestigious Kennel Club Hero Dog Award formerly the Friends for Life competition which recognises unsung canine heroes and a celebration of crossbreeds with the Scruffts final Size 267 rooms Toiletries Penhaligon Most expensive suite for two nights 31 750 for the Royal Suite by Gucci Cheapest room for two nights 1 370 Trip Advisor VOTING IS NOW OPEN www surveymonkey co uk r topdog Londonhotel2022 Photo Flick digital The Kennel Club Win Crufts tickets treated just as well as we have We were very kindly upgraded without asking on check in We d booked a junior suite and we upgraded to a deluxe suite Another said When we were moving back to NY from London we stayed at this hotel for four nights We had tons of luggage and even brought our dog with us The people at the Savoy couldn t have been more lovely or welcoming They left special treats for both us and our dog The move was a very stressful one and the hotel staff went above and beyond to make sure we were comfortable We can t wait to stay here again under much less stressful circumstances There will also be opportunities to meet and greet around 200 different breeds in the Discover Dogs area shop for doggie delights at the many specialist trade stands and enjoy the full arena show with all its displays and competitions Show goers have the opportunity to follow the Best in Show journey beginning with the Working and Pastoral group on Thursday 10 March Terrier and Hound groups on Friday 11 March Utility and Toy groups on Saturday 12 and the Gundog group on Sunday 13 March The event culminates with the announcement of the public vote for The Kennel Club Hero Dog Award followed by climax of the show the exciting Best in Show finale on Sunday evening Elsewhere you can learn more about other Kennel Club activities including work on canine health Kennel Club breed rescue organisations will be showcasing their hard work and successes in rehoming breed rescue dogs on the Kennel Club stand where visitors can find out about rescue dogs looking for their forever home P Tickets for Crufts run by the Kennel Club are available to buy from www crufts org uk or to be in with a chance of winning a pair of tickets send your name email address and daytime phone number to Crufts giveaway Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA or email comps dogstodaymagazine co uk and put Crufts giveaway in the subject line Good luck T Cs Tickets are valid for any one day of Crufts between 10 and 13 March 2022 This ticket does not include access to Best in Show or any separately ticketed events Prize includes 2x general admission tickets no travel expenses or accommodation is provided Winners will be picked at random on Friday 25 February 2022 and notified via email Contact information will be supplied to the Kennel Club who will send digital codes to redeem your winning tickets via email By entering the promotion the entrant agrees to the terms of the privacy policy https www thekennelclub org uk privacy policy The prize is for four pairs of general admission tickets so there will be four winners There are no cash alternatives or substitutions the prize is not transferable 18 Dogs Today February 2022 ADVERTISING FEATURE A new year a new way Traditional pet foods are unsustainable with dogs and cats eating a fifth of all the world s meat and fish Percuro made from insect protein has a fraction of the environmental impact but with all the health and nutritional benefits M ost of us are aware that what we eat has an impact on nature and the world around us and there are growing calls to change what we re eating The meat and livestock industry has a colossal ecological impact with rampant deforestation due to land requirements excessive water usage and the production of ammonia methane and carbon from the animals themselves According to the UN the meat industry alone generates 18 of all global greenhouse gas emissions What you may not be aware of is the impact your pets are having Dogs and cats are responsible for eating 20 of all the world s meat and fish As the meat used in pet foods comes via the human meat industry feeding our furry friends is adding to the pressure on the sector and subsequently on our planet That s why Percuro created a revolutionary alternative to traditional meat based dog foods that is both healthy and planet friendly Percuro is made from clean insect protein responsibly sourced from the larvae of Hermetia illucens with a fraction of the environmental impact of meat based foods For example cows produce an immense amount of methane with the average cow expelling around 200l of methane per day In contrast producing 1kg of crude insect protein from the Hermetia illucens fly requires 92 less space 99 less water and creates 99 less carbon than making the same amount of beef protein The larvae thrive on fruits and veggies from the by product stream of the human food industry require no fertilisers or pesticides and produce far fewer emissions by themselves than cows Insect protein comes with many inherent benefits to your dog It s clean hypoallergenic protein packed and with great oversight in feeding methods it s highly controlled what the insects eat vastly minimising the risk of disease transmission Insect protein is highly digestible and provides all the essential amino acids to make a complete and balanced meal NUTRITIOUS AND DELICIOUS Percuro combines this novel protein source with only plant based ingredients like green peas naked oats and potatoes Percuro uses olive and algae oil which provides omega 3 essential fatty acids to help reduce skin inflammation and omega 6 to support a shiny coat The nutritionally balanced recipe is packed full of vitamins and minerals to create a food that is nutritious and delicious better for your dog and for our planet Percuro is an ideal alternative to meat based options for health and eco conscious dog owners and a true pet food revolution Percuro recently launched Snappies a planet friendly and delicious snack for a healthy body and mind This unique snack mirrors the healthy and great tasting dry formula in an oven baked shape that is easy to break for all breed sizes and ideal for training P Try Percuro now with 50 off your first purchase of 2kg and have a chance to WIN 3 months worth of food Use code DOTO50 For more information visit percuro earth today

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Words photos DEBBIE BRIDGES Writing a dog walking guide can be quite an adventure especially when faced with your biggest nemesis stiles Walk this way T hey say do they not that everyone has a book in them Well here I am proudly clutching a copy of my own humble contribution to the literary world hot off the press True it s unlikely to make it on to the Sunday Times bestseller list but that doesn t make the moment any less special It s the book I ve always wanted to write combining the things I m most passionate about dogs and walking in a dog walking guide to the beautiful area of south Devon where I m lucky enough to live Getting the go ahead from the publisher was cause for much excitement which had me floating around in a bubble of elation for several minutes before I remembered I d also agreed to a three month deadline Where to start First up the most important question of all what makes a good dog walk Asking around it came as no great surprise to discover one person s idea of a perfect walk is different from and frequently at odds with the opinion of the next person For some it s an offlead free for all from beginning to end whereas others are happy to potter along with their dogs on lead There are those who want to be among fellow dog walkers while others prefer to wander lonely as a cloud Some want a river some want a comfortable bench with a view and some turns out there are a few masochists out there like nothing better than puffing up and down a number of big hills The list goes on and on So variety make sure there s something for everyone Having a large chunk of the county to play with from the top end of Dartmoor right down to the coast ensured it was possible to cater for all the must 20 Dogs Today February 2022 haves Forests rivers open moorland stunning coastline and dog friendly beaches I don t like to brag but we ve got it all More difficult was the issue of avoiding the things most of us definitely don t want to see on a dog walk and there s no doubt what comes out tops on that particular list stiles With the exception of those smug individuals who are accompanied by titchy dogs or agility superstars stiles were deemed the biggest bugbear and anyone who s ever stood helplessly at the foot of one of those monolithic ladderstile monstrosities will surely know the true meaning of frustration TREASURE HUNT No stiles then unless passable by a purpose built dog door or other means And due to a bad experience or two I also decided to ditch any footpaths that pass through farmyards where resident dogs might be loose I once came across a sign on a gate that said No running through farmyard please which was a tall order in view of the psychopathic collie who was lurking on the other side determined to repel all those it deemed trespassers Then there was the time I was stopped no less than three times by complete strangers who warned me against taking the path through Pit Farm their voices steeped in the sort of dread normally reserved for Transylvanian castles on a stormy night Behind its gnarly fences they told me several hounds from hell lay in wait for the unwary rambler It was reminiscent of a Hammer Horror movie when the music goes all spooky and everyone shouts Don t go in there at the telly Luckily an alternative route was available and my trusty research assistant Ula and I lived to tell the tale And while opinions varied on so many aspects there was unanimous agreement that the inclusion of a dog friendly cafe or pub elevated a good walk into a great one Devon s pretty dog friendly on the whole and lots of eateries welcome furry walkers even more warmly than their human companions You ll often see a jar of dog biscuits on the counter and at Ula s favourite stop off in Dartmouth a freshly cooked sausage is routinely offered to canine visitors no use trying to walk past that place without calling in unless I feel up to a battle of wills With all of the above in mind Ula and I were ready to get to work Each of the 20 walks required a general overview directions to the start notes on any facilities available a detailed description of the route a map and plenty of photos If there s one thing I d learned by this stage it was that there s more to writing a dog walking guide than meets the eye We started with a couple of tried and tested easypeasies and having established a workable MO were soon ready to tackle the more tricky stuff by which February 2022 Dogs Today 21

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I mean open moorland where useful landmarks can be a bit thin on the ground Sometimes there s nowt to see out there but bracken and gorse and one path can look disconcertingly like another In one such area I found myself grappling with a description that would accurately distinguish the correct path from its numerous identical looking brethren and ended up counting 60 paces to a 90 degree left turn and then a further 50 paces to a spot where five paths meet Pirates on the trail of buried treasure or what NO WALK IN THE PARK It was probably at about this point that I began to fret about my readers and the full weight of my responsibilities as their guide hit home What if I left out some tiny but vital detail or momentarily got my rights and lefts mixed up What if I got someone lost Cue a small posse of intrepid local dog walkers who came to the rescue by volunteering to follow my written instructions for walks they didn t know to see if they could keep to the route without using a map Brave souls Each walk was tested in this way and although no one got terminally lost there were useful suggestions for clarification in one or two places Best of all were the comments and photos that came pouring in leaving me positively aglow to think there were other people and dogs enjoying these walks as much as Ula and I had done And so the book started to come together but inevitably not without a few hiccups along the way There was the day I drove to the coast with a friend and her two gorgeous Belgian Shepherds in tow to act as models With blue skies fluffy white clouds and a brace of dogs brushed to within an inch of their lives I was anticipating getting some cracking shots And I would have done too if I hadn t shoved a banana carelessly into my rucksack thus knocking a setting on my camera the result of which was 384 carefully thought out and meticulously framed fuzzy images And I don t think Ula or I will forget the day we traipsed forlornly for mile after mile searching for a path that didn t exist What we did find was a stile which is a rare enough sight in the middle of the moor and instantly meant the route was destined for the scrap heap But not EX Dog Insurance with up to 30 off TR A 5 off u code Promo 99 F O O W Visit theinsuranceemporium co uk DT99 or call 03300 243 980 today Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Limited and Lifestyle Policy Limited are appointed representatives of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited The Insurance Emporium is a trading name of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited registered in England and Wales no 294940 which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority no 202748 The 30 discount is made up of 20 Introductory Discount plus 10 Multi pet Discount if appropriate The Introductory Discount is available for the first year of premium payments on lunar and calendar monthly policies or one premium payment on annual policies uOffer ends 31 12 2022 and is not available in conjunction with any other promo code Our Defaqto 5 Star Rating applies to Lifetime Gold Pet Insurance policies TIE Dogs_Today HP 2021 2022 indd 1 22 Dogs Today February 2022 02 11 2021 14 10 50

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before we d squelched through a bog sidestepped an adder another rare site you ll be glad to know and in my case failed to jump successfully over a river which I swear Ula found highly amusing Altogether far too adventurous even without the stile what we wanted was a dog walk not an assault course pastimes we can enjoy with our dogs but for me nothing beats the simple pleasure of going for a walk especially when that walk takes us into unfamiliar territory And while the main purpose of our little book is to share a bit of knowledge I like to think Ula and I are also sharing something else and that s the sheer joy of having an adventure together P ADVENTURE AWAITS When at last the time came to put a full stop at the end of the final walk I d anticipated a sense of relief and was surprised to feel unexpectedly bereft Now flicking through the book I look at the many faces smiling out at me from its pages I think about the fun Ula and I had out there and all the people and dogs we made friends with on our travels even if it was only for a minute or two At the outset I thought I was writing a book for all the staycationers who ve discovered the delights of holidaying at home with their pooches but I hear from my lovely walk testers that they re also looking forward to getting their hands on a copy so they can continue exploring local walks that are new to them These days there are any number of sports and Leads to follow Dog Walks South Devon and Dartmoor is published by dogfriendly co uk a service dedicated to finding dog friendly places to stay in the UK Copies are available at www dogfriendly co uk devonwalks with a special new publication discount of 25 available to Dogs Today readers until the end of February 2022 using the code DOGSTODAY21 Natural Supplements for Animals Natural Supplements for Animals Free Shipping with code DTFS19 Digest Support Perfect for those Festive season excesses healthy and efficient digestive system calm and steady processing of food through the digestive tract optimum nutrient absorption Tel 0800 294 1250 Email helpline hiltonherbs com www hiltonherbs com 24 Dogs Today February 2022

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Stabyhoun Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI On the way up There are currently 221 breeds registered with the Kennel Club but there are hundreds of other breeds around the world We meet the Stabyhoun and Wetterhoun from the Netherlands which are now sparking some interest in the UK T he Stabyhoun is among the rarest dog breeds in the world with only about 6 000 dogs around the globe Originally from the forest area of Friesland in the Netherlands this dog also known as the Frisian Pointer and Friese Stabij was likely developed between the 16th and 17th century from spaniel type dogs introduced in the Netherlands at the time The breed is explicitly mentioned in literature starting in the 1800s With a name that translates roughly as stand by me dog the Stabyhoun was almost exclusively bred and owned by farmers in a relatively small area for a long time but saw an increase in popularity across the Netherlands in the 1960s Hannah Woods vice chair of the UK Stabyhoun Association became involved with the breed in a rather unusual way Years ago I lost my German Shepherd to a genetic disease she recalls It was brushed off with the breeder simply saying that pedigree dogs just have these issues as if nothing could be done about it But it s not true it doesn t have to be this way Just accepting health issues as a matter of course helps no one and on the way out Every year the Kennel Club releases its breed registration statistics for the previous year and announces which native breeds are on the vulnerable list Photographer Maddie Newton decided to raise awareness of these breeds and set about photographing them V ulnerable native breeds of dog are those of British or Irish origin that have low or declining Kennel Club registration numbers under 300 per year to be exact explains Maddie When you compare this number to the 25 000 Cocker Spaniels registered in 2020 you start to realise just how much of a concern these breeds are With over 200 breeds recognised by the KC it s not hard to imagine why some are overlooked but this is a shame because if they disappear altogether we will lose a piece of our history along with them The goal of these photographs is to put these dogs in the spotlight and to get people to consider a breed they may not have even thought of but could be absolutely perfect for them and their lifestyle Maddie says First up vulnerable spaniels that would be a good alternative to the Stabyhoun and Wetterhoun 26 Dogs Today February 2022 Clumber Spaniel 188 registered in 2020 RUBY Very hairy we now vacuum daily But he is oh so loving and adores cuddles and playtime Good with other dogs easy to train as long as you don t expect a dog to walk to heel even when offlead We would definitely get another Clumber He loves all his family not just one of us We see his breeding come through when he ecstatically runs through the undergrowth where other dogs wouldn t dare and his nose is excellent Mary Becky Field Spaniel 69 registered in 2020 LOPSY Loveable clowns who are devoted to their people and always want to be involved Perfect for most living situations as long as owners don t mind a little naughtiness a bit of grooming and are willing to share their life with a moderately active dog that thinks the world of them Nicole Shaffer Irish Water Spaniel 57 registered in 2020 MOJO If you want a permanent furry shadow who adores you and is the canine embodiment of the sheer joy and energetic exuberance of life this it The IWS has the highest intelligence of any breed I ve ever met and therefore possibly not for most first time owners The comedic humour cheekiness and fun is the challenge they bring but you get flexible paws a quick learner multiple active moments of fun and laughter every day I m smitten Rosie Loganberry Sussex Spaniel 44 registered in 2020 MARCEY Life with a Sussex Spaniel could never be labelled as boring They are stubborn incredibly defiant noisy characters who would if you let them take over the house You don t need an alarm clock they love to sing at 6 o clock in the morning But at the same time they are the most loyal and loving dogs Try telling one off and they will smile at you Kay Smith Welsh Springer Spaniel 132 registered in 2020 BRYN Welsh are hilarious They are comedians entertainers and they love their people they want to crawl under your skin to be as close as possible to you There is no such thing as personal bubbles They are very biddable and do what they are asked without thinking about it too much a huge difference compared to my Clumber Spaniels who are independent thinkers Raina Moss February 2022 Dogs Today 27

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Stabyhoun Stabyhoun Trying to work on the health of a popular and widespread breed such as the German Shepherd seemed like a daunting task and Hannah began looking for a healthy breed that was far less common one whose stock she could actively help improve and protect in order to make a difference in the lives of dogs And soon she found the Stabyhoun This was about a year after the breed was introduced in the UK in 2013 Hannah says I got my first Stabyhoun eight years ago and I was hooked they are amazing dogs They are very healthy and they were bred to be all around farm working dogs as well as hunters though they are more pointers than retrievers They are especially skilled at mole hunting which is amazing to watch I have seen my dog following the trail of a mole from above the ground and waiting to pounce on the molehill The UK Stabyhoun Association describes Stabyhouns as loving loyal and active dogs They are a healthy breed with an average lifespan between 13 and 15 years They don t have overly high exercise requirements and fit well in a family home Hannah adds They are working dogs with a high drive but they have a very good off switch she says Hannah estimates there are about 240 Stabyhouns in the UK They are recognised by the Dutch Kennel Club Raad van Beheer with whom the Association registers all the puppies bred in the UK but not by the Kennel Club And Hannah 28 Dogs Today February 2022 Wetterhoun NEW ARRIVAL says they are not looking to change that at the moment We want the right people to be involved so we can establish a healthy Stabyhoun population in the UK and we feel that getting this breed in the show ring is not the right way to go about it she says We want them to be bred responsibly WATER COUSIN The Association feels the same way about a cousin breed of the Stabyhoun the Wetterhoun literally water dog which they are thinking of introducing to the UK as well There are only about a thousand Wetterhouns in the world and just three in the UK Hannah says They are not everyone s cup of tea in the way of looks but their temperament is to die for They are easy to train and love being with people while the Stabyhoun tends to be more independent the Wetterhound is a retriever and was never bred to go off hunting on its own like its cousin Wetterhouns are lovely with children too If anyone would like to meet these dogs we have a list of people anyone can get in touch with Hannah says We also have a central waiting list for anyone who really wants to purchase a puppy to cut down waiting time Of course potential owners are carefully vetted making sure our dogs are healthy and go to good homes is the priority P For more info about the Stabyhoun and Wetterhoun visit www stabyhounuk com

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Catalan Sheepdog Photo posed by models Great Debate If you have an opinion on this subject that is not already covered here putting Great Debate in the subject line Please limit your response to email enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk 100 words Gill Douglas My breed is a livestock guardian aloof and wary of strangers Aloof only means not interested in greeting everyone it doesn t mean unfriendly I wouldn t want a hyper social breed that loves everyone I do want a dog that guards my property in a level headed way Although most dogs are pets many breeds are still used in their original role so changing the character would render them obsolete Should breed standards for temperament be rewritten with friendly as the desired trait rather than aloof as the dog s main job is usually to be a pet Bernie Cray An aloof dog should still have a good temperament I know many dogs that are not social butterflies but are perfectly able to be a family pet If someone wants a breed that is predisposed to being a social butterfly then there are plenty to choose from People are different some want a happy go lucky Lab and others are just as happy with an aloof independent dog There are hundreds of different breeds because of this We don t need to replace aloof dogs with friendly we need to educate people how to breed temperamentally sound dogs 30 Dogs Today February 2022 Colette Kase Anyone who claims to be a responsible breeder who does not prioritise selection in respect to behaviour that would be suitable in a family home so that the dog is fit for purpose has no business ever selling puppies into pet homes I ve seen so many breeders considered reputable by themselves and their peers sell completely unfit dogs into pet homes resulting in inevitable failure That makes me incredibly angry They know what they select for and yet they choose to sell to unsuitable homes If you don t want to breed puppies that are pet quality first and foremost before everything else then don t sell puppies Linda Ward From what I ve seen the aloof is mainly for strangers not their families But if we follow that to the logical conclusion we should stop breeding for form at all and just go back to function I would also argue that the biggest happiest friendliest not a badbone in body doofus of all time the Labrador can get themselves in a lot of trouble being friendly I often get asked to walk Labs at adolescence because they are running up to people in the park and owners can t recall them and didn t train them to walk on a lead and now can t manage them so they get in the trusty dog walker I also walk a Cavalier Bichon who is very friendly and will approach children which is clearly also an undesirable trait Karen Smith If we change the temperament of all dogs to be friendly pets as their main job are we not telling people to choose their dogs based on looks alone Jane Ardern It really depends how you clarify what friendly means Every day in the park when an uncontrolled untrained dog with no social skills bounds a mile across the park to flatten my dog I get told it s just friendly If this is friendly I d like it banned from all breed standards please Shirley Gray Just because a breed is aloof doesn t mean it won t be a good family pet We should not conflate aloofness and aggression My Xolos are a primitive breed I certainly don t breed for aloofness but a dog that isn t aloof is not typical of the breed My dogs adore their family are very affectionate and certainly aren t aggressive in fact our breed standard states never aggressive They will go to strangers but on their terms and in an era of dog theft I d rather my dogs didn t approach strangers Kate Hawkes I have two Labradoodle brothers One is everybody s friend and the other will ignore anyone he doesn t know until he has met them several times They are 10 years old and have been brought up exactly the same Even dogs of the same breed can be very different Holly Adgo For Standard Poodles the temperament section reads gay spirited and good tempered But I would say many are aloof and that s what I like I don t want a Labrador or a Golden Retriever as much as I think they re lovely dogs I want a dog that will easily pick me over strangers and new people The same with my shepherds in the past I didn t want them to be other people s dogs Aloof does not mean aggressive My Standard Poodle and German Shepherd are both aloof in that if you try to get their attention they won t give you the time of day They re not aggressive or unfriendly they just don t value attention from strangers particularly highly in their priorities I don t think changing all breed standards to friendly is going to help anything The whole point is that different breeds have different characteristics and traits and owners should be selecting based on this The aim is not to make a carbon copy personality with different colours and shapes TM Hudson It depends what is meant by friendly If this means dogs who want to run up and say hello to all and sundry definitely not If it means a dog who is nonaggressive but happy to mind their own business and keep to themselves then yes I think being overly friendly can also cause issues All of my Border Collies are gregarious with people but the youngest is too much so I have to distract her with cheese or a toy because she s too giddy and this can be too much for many people Carole Morton I have a Greyhound that is aloof and l think it can be a good characteristic she s easy to live with but adores her family cuddles Karen Rhodes Breeding for soundness of temperament according to the purpose of the dog for which it was originally bred for yes but friendly is too open to interpretation Also remember when farmed silver foxes were bred only for friendliness It changed their coat colour Kathy Davenport I m on the fence with this one If the dog is now only bred for companionship then technically the definition of domestication is for the animal to relate and respond to humans positively So maybe the breeders of those dogs should consciously breed their more robust and tolerant individuals considering they know they are most likely going to end up in a family environment However some people prefer a more independent and aloof dog they are less needy and do better with being left and there is nothing wrong with an animal being more aloof So I think the critical thing is the education of owners making sure they understand the temperament they are buying and what that practically means for their family dynamic interactions and overall management of said dog A lot of it is about managing expectations An aloof dog can still be tolerant and robust but I guess is more likely to be put in situations it does not enjoy As always the responsibility is on the breeder to be an advocate for all the individuals they breed and be proactive in matching them with appropriate homes that understand and want the type of temperament they are breeding The problem occurs when dogs are sold to people who do not understand the temperament they are getting and have the wrong expectations for that dog February 2022 Dogs Today 31

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Great Debate Nikita Norman Perhaps something like aloof on first meetings but not unfriendly would be a good amendment Some breeds will never be immediately friendly with other people because there are hundreds if not thousands of years of breeding against that behind them Emma Judson I think the issue is that people breeding have not in many cases understood what genetic traits they are preserving The German Shepherd and the Dobermann are good cases here both have been bred for a willingness to use aggression whether real or bluff which has encouraged breeders to breed from very nervous anxious and insecure dogs The same is happening in the Belgian Malinois and it is because these breeders don t understand that fearful nervous or anxious tendencies can be inherited nor that a scared dog being willing to bite is not the same thing as a confident dog who can be trained to bite as a game The requirement in breed standards for aloof can result in the same mistake even where the standard cautions that the dog should not be fearful or wary I fear that putting friendly in will result in a similar issue we won t get affable friendly dogs we will get rude thugs or over exuberant animals with no sense of personal space Bull Terriers I am looking at you who get themselves into trouble We need to concentrate on getting rid of fearful nervous genetics educating breeders on actual behaviour not the romanticised outdated ideas many of them have dominance alpha aversive training etc and educating the public as to what s reasonable and unreasonable to expect of a dog 32 Dogs Today February 2022 Tamara Cartwright Loebl Not everyone wants a Labrador Some people want a baby a mate a travelling companion a working partner all sorts so if all dogs have a lap dog mentality that will be as unsuitable as if all dogs were completely aloof and independent I think the way forward is to educate people to understand that not all dogs will be super snuggly and help them understand that they either need to live with what they get or carefully research breeds to get the temperament that works for them before colour size length of hair and so on Kate Macklin Big fat no Sometimes you need a dog for a particular job stock dog guard dog police dog etc People just need to do their research and find a breed that suits their requirements Faith Doubin The vast majority of dogs do indeed go on to become pets so it would make a lot more sense for breeders to keep that in mind and make their puppies as friendly as possible I ve seen dogs sold as family pets who needed rehoming within weeks or months Luckily they both went to the right place for them where they were put to work and thrived but it makes no sense to breed dogs who don t enjoy human companionship if they re to be sold to a family living in a London flat This month s result 10 20 70 Yes No Maybe Rebecca Homer I think rather than adding friendly as a descriptor temperament should be reviewed and those who fail a temperament test should not be used for breeding no matter how nice they look All breeds are different so I think it s good for them to have a personality but differentiation of dogs bred for work for sport and as pets should be sold separately to different people so those who want a pet dog get one with the right energy level It s the lack of a job that can make a dog seem aggressive Lesley Dipple As long as a dog is not aggressive it should be allowed to stay aloof I don t like everyone I meet I don t slap them round the head but I don t hug and kiss them either why should a dog not have the same choice P Join the debate Next month s topic is Should first aid qualifications be made mandatory for all UK pet professionals Email editorial dogstoday magazine co uk with your thoughts putting Great Debate in the subject line or write to Great Debate Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High St Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Yes 10 No 70 Maybe 20 Discover FOR A PERFECT DOG FRIENDLY STAYCATION holiday pembrokeshire co uk

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Postbag Your news views CAR PROOF PUPS I bought my Mini Smooth haired Dachshund puppy from a KC registered breeder I met his mum and dad and the pups were clean and healthy My Albert is a little angel no trouble at all but the poor love is sick in the car I have his comfy crate on the front seat so I can clean up immediately when it happens I don t feed him before a car trip but we still get some yellow liquid in the first mile He hates making a mess but we have to go out in the car for training and so forth If only breeders would take pups from three weeks onward out in the car to get them used to it I used to do that when I had a litter and it makes such a difference to their future lives Valerie Hart UNIQUE TALENTS None of us need to be reminded about what we went through with Covid It took many in its path and it meant many major changes If we had dogs they suddenly found their world upside down Many had enjoyed their alone time in peaceful sleep and suddenly faced noise and activity all day I heard many people saying they noticed their dogs unique talents and the comfort they gave for the first time being at home with them all time When I first became ill I saw first hand how switched on our dog Pepe was to this In fact Pepe s story graced these very pages in November 2004 I have always had Poodles and knew how highly intelligent they are However even I was amazed to see how much he sensed Seeing me in bed so ill was a major adjustment for him yet he took it in his stride and on my hard days he switched from this hyper mad dog to one who would come quietly into the bedroom He would sit and look up at me waiting for my word that told him Yes you can get up beside me If I said nothing he would quietly leave Suddenly he was my carer He assessed each time he came in was this a good day or not I thought I knew everything about him yet suddenly I realised that I 34 Dogs Today February 2022 didn t Had I not been at home I would have missed out witnessing him in action When our cat died aged 21 Pepe was clearly depressed After much discussion we sourced a breeder and got another Poodle and Pepe taught him how to behave and cope with my illness Both gave us a lifetime of joy yet as any owner knows we only have them for a limited time After they passed away we got another pup from the breeder Zac and he too was so in tune with me even though he didn t have anyone to show or teach him Clearly it was in his DNA If Covid has taught us anything it is that we should continue this new journey many have started with their dogs Don t waste the knowledge you have gained nurture and embrace their unique talents They are our world and we are theirs how blessed are we Ailsa White Get in touch We love to hear your news and views and see photos of your dogs Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk Write to us at Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA FIND SOMETHING YO U LOV E S H O P 10 0 0 s O F AC C E S S O R I E S TOYS F O O D M O R E Join the debate Voice your opinions on news stories and other topics on our Dogs Today Magazine Facebook page or through our website www dogstodaymagazine co uk June 2020 Dogs Today 35

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Obituaries Your tributes If you want to pay tribute to a departed pet or have a suggestion for a lost star dog write to us at the address on page 3 or email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk and put Tribute in the subject line Peaches Collinson 25 December 2007 to 27 November 2021 Peaches came to us at the age of three years and four months a pretty little red Miniature Smooth Dachshund who was calm and placid a delight She fitted in with our other five dogs immediately never a bad word with any of them She came to us six weeks before she was expected to and we were due to go on holiday three weeks later I rang the lady who owned the cottage we d be staying in in the Highlands of Scotland who simply said What difference does one more make She was never a noisy dog unlike the others who would bark when they knew I was preparing their meals She didn t need to waste her voice when all the others were exercising theirs But she d join in the chorus if someone came to the door In the evenings Peaches was happiest when she was curled up on my knee while I read the paper and watched television When I got up to go on to the computer she would go to her other human my hubby Brian She was five years old when we moved from Oldham to the north of Scotland Always a healthy little dog she was never one for rushing all over the place chasing things She left that to the other dogs she was a plodder A few months before she died she had routine blood tests that showed her kidneys were failing In her last few days she became very poorly and was hospitalised overnight but we knew that she was ready to leave us and we arranged to go to the vet on Saturday to be with her as she went to sleep forever Ann the vet looking after Peaches had quickly grown very fond of her and put her in my When I say farewell Will you stay close by my side when I say farewell Will you softly stroke my head and comfort me as well Will you whisper words of love and will you say my name Will you reassure me that one day we ll meet again Will you say for certain that there s nothing I should fear Will you still remember me when I m no longer here Will I meet old friends again do they know to wait Will you say I m on my way so they are at the gates Will you join us at the bridge although you don t know when Will we be together will we one day meet again Author unknown arms and we chatted for a while At first Peaches seemed to be unaware of who we were but after a short time in my arms her tail started to wag and she licked me I told her that I could never let her go without me holding her so that she could feel how loved she was and had nothing to fear When it was time Ann gave Peaches the injection through the cannula she already had in her arm and Peaches slipped so quietly and gently into the next life It was so peaceful and beautiful I held her for some time after that kissing her and telling her how much I would miss her but she was going to see her pals again I m sure Shani would have come to take her over the Rainbow Bridge to be reunited with Saffron Solo Lily Elsa and Little Sam They would have introduced her to Sammy Sadi Sofi 1 Big Sam Sacha Sara Sami and Sofi 2 All the love in the world to our little Sweet Peach Mummy Brian Bette Simon and Bella From Facebook OUR FOLLOWERS SHARE THE ODDEST THINGS THEIR DOGS HAVE BROUGHT THEM ON A WALK Dana Brown A Santa hat Jim Hurt The carcass of a rabbit that must have been dead for a good while Thanks mate 36 Dogs Today February 2022 Jean Bowencamp A headless doll It was exceptionally creepy Ann Storey A sex toy a classic Jake Compton Another dog He made a friend while on a walk and brought him all the way back to us while his owner searched rather frantically We found each other though Susan Hill A living frog thankfully he has a soft bite It was fine once released Vicki Shropshire Deer antlers She was very proud of herself June 2020 Dogs Today 9

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Bang out of order Words BERNARD BALE Photo Instagram rishisunakmp education in politics economics and philosophy I also met a young lady called Akshata Murthy there and I am pleased to say that she became my wife I did not really have political ambitions at this stage but found it a fascinating subject at first Then I became more and more interested in the modern workings of politics Later I joined the Conservative party and here we are today today I think that Nova is far more popular than any of us politicians Nova has met the legendary Downing Street cat Larry who has lived at number 10 for a decade but considers all of Downing Street to be his domain I think they will come to an understanding living in Downing Street must make them very diplomatic animals said Rishi My constituency is in Richmond Yorkshire so Nova has also formed a love for the beautiful Yorkshire Dales The newspapers were full of pictures of Nova on the day that Rishi Sunak presented his budget but it was not the first time the Chancellor had been photographed with dogs I do have a love of dogs well all animals really he said I think that the wonderful things that dogs achieve in helping blind people as hearing and therapy dogs and also as diagnostic dogs make them very special indeed and of course there are the military and police dogs too which serve so well POLITICAL ANIMAL Super Nova He s the shining star of Downing Street and the new dog of Rishi Sunak the Chancellor of the Exchequer 38 Dogs Today February 2022 that allows time for thinking said Rishi Sunak He is not taking the credit for bringing Nova to Downing Street though I think we have to thank my daughters for that he revealed As you know we live next door to the Prime Minister and when they became friends with his dog they wanted one in our family someone FAMILY FAVOURITE Photo Instagram rishisunakmp I n my job it is not always easy to get thinking time as I am sure many other people have discovered so I can thoroughly recommend taking your dog for a walk because you will be out with a great companion who never asks too much of you takes an interest in where we are going and is quite happy to just stroll along at a pace who would be good fun to play with as well as just having a fourlegged friend around Who was I to argue against it I like dogs Rishi Sunak is a very popular politician When he was a student he used to wait at tables in an Indian restaurant in Southampton so he knows what it is like to have to work hard for a living He also has a great understanding of ethnicity as his parents originate from India but came to Britain from Africa I come from a good family with a good work ethic so when I was growing up I was taught that if I wanted to progress in life I had to make the effort I studied at Winchester College and then Oxford University but I also studied at Stanford University in the US so that I could get an all round My first real work was in investments and helping smaller businesses to grow which I found a fascinating and very rewarding occupation I think it gave me a good grounding in what it is like to progress in business and how important it is to help those businesses grow The Chancellor and his wife who also has a business career have two daughters Krishna and Anoushka and it seems they are enjoying living at 11 Downing Street because they are in the centre of London a brief walk from St James s Park and of course the capital s top shops Playing with the Prime Minister s dog gave them a lot of fun and I couldn t refuse when they asked me so we have welcomed Nova into our family and he made himself at home straight away Nova is a Labrador Retriever and he is not only popular at home but there have been many people on social media all saying nice things about him and asking how he is I like to be supportive of all the excellent organisations who train and provide these marvellous dogs so I have been to a number of events held to promote interest in them and perhaps raise some funding too We also need to support other animal charities of course the animals cannot get out there and take care of themselves in today s world so we owe it to them to do our best to keep them safe healthy and happy Nova arrived at Downing Street a few months ago and has already made his mark It is rumoured that he is a big fan of roast chicken but that information remains confidential at the moment in case Larry the cat gets to hear about it Why did Nova have to be a Labrador Retriever I think almost any dog would have had my daughters fall in love with them but Labrador Retrievers have such a lovely family character said Rishi That is what we are all about really family P Words CLAIRE HORTON BUSSEY Not everyone on the Conservative front benches is as much of an animal lover as the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jacob Rees Mogg MP Leader of the House of Commons doesn t just politely disagree with the hundreds of thousands of pet owners who have petitioned for change in the fireworks legislation he has openly mocked the SNP s introduction of tighter regulations on their private use We don t want to be parliament of the kind Oliver Cromwell would have enjoyed he said on 5 November 2021 Let s keep on enjoying fireworks on the fifth of November Remember remember the fifth of November gunpowder treason and plot The SNP s killjoy attempts merely annoy our fireworks will ne er be forgot In Scotland fireworks can now only be used by the general public between 6pm and 11pm and there are restrictions on when and what quantities can be purchased by the general public measures that ReesMogg deems killjoy attempts Perhaps pet owners in his North East Somerset constituency would like to explain how much of a killjoy it can be to lose your pet from a fear induced heart attack or to a road traffic accident when the dog is suddenly spooked and escapes in panic Spending night after night trying to calm a shaking drooling panicked pet that is in fear of its life isn t much fun either Mr Rees Mogg February 2022 Dogs Today 39

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Italian Spinone Photo posed by models Quick question Do you have a problem you d like answered by an expert Or do you Email your question to enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk want advice from someone with personal experience of the issue GIVING EYE DROPS When it comes to putting anything in your pet s eyes it can be an unpleasant experience for both of you if you are unprepared You ve got a wriggly pup and a very small target and they can be very sensitive especially as their eyes can be extremely painful If you have a small dog position them on the countertop with their rear pressed against you For larger dogs back them into a tight corner so they can t escape and place their head between your thighs Then place your hand on the bottom of their chin and angle their head up Use your right hand to apply the drops to your dog s eye You can use your thumb to pull the eyebrow to make the application easier It s common for your dog to struggle as they are being restrained so you can offer them food with one hand and administer the medicine with the other You can even smear pet safe peanut butter on the wall in front of you to keep them occupied Swelling around the eye of the eye The whites of the eyes are red or pink Inflammation What is pink eye EXPERT ADVICE Conjunctivitis also known as pink eye or red eye is an uncomfortable condition that if left untreated can cause damage to your dog s eyes This infection is as common in dogs as it is in humans but luckily it is treatable in most circumstances Vet Sean McCormack explains some of the causes in dogs common symptoms and treatments for this eye condition Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane called the conjunctiva which is the tissue that coats the eye and the lining of the eyelids acting as a protective barrier for infection 40 Dogs Today February 2022 and objects entering the eyeball When this area becomes infected and inflamed it is known as conjunctivitis but the condition is most commonly known as pink eye WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS Being able to recognise the common conjunctivitis symptoms means you may identify a case of the infection early making treatment easier and potentially preventing long term health issues for your dog These symptoms are very similar to the symptoms we associate with conjunctivitis in humans including Eye infection cloudy greenish or yellow discharge from the eye Rubbing or pawing at the eyes Squinting or blinking more than usual These symptoms often start in one eye and spread to the other through contamination If the eye infection is caused by an allergy or virus both eyes can be affected from the start It can sometimes be accompanied by other clinical signs such as nasal discharge coughing or sneezing These symptoms are present in other eye conditions so it s important to visit your vet to identify the cause of the issue so the treatment is correct HOW DO DOGS GET IT There are a number of things that cause conjunctivitis in your pet and your vet will help to determine which is to blame The three main types of conjunctivitis include Allergic conjunctivitis This form of infection is caused by an allergic reaction It is seasonal and should not be contagious to other dogs Viral conjunctivitis Infection is caused by a virus that spreads quickly for example canine herpes or canine distemper This normally causes green or yellow discharge from the eye Bacterial conjunctivitis Infections caused by bacteria can spread to other dogs easily If your dog suffers regularly from bacterial infections in its eyes it s likely there will be an underlying reason such as dry eye or an in growing eyelash Other potential causes include a grass seed grit or other items dislodged in the eye an injury to the eye bites in the eye area eye diseases such as glaucoma parasites such as eye worms dust mites pollen mould drugs or cosmetics and perfumes IS CONJUNCTIVITIS CONTAGIOUS Conjunctivitis is contagious among humans but fortunately in most cases in dogs it is unlikely that it will pass to people or other dogs However is it important to contact your vet about your dog s symptoms and how careful you should be until the infection clears up Precautions to take to protect yourself and other pets including washing your hands after treating your dog s eye and keeping your dog s bedding and living area as clean as possible WHAT IS THE TREATMENT Eye conditions can be treated but they can also worsen if left untreated It s important to seek advice from your vet as they will provide medication to help treat its symptoms Eye drops are the most common treatment for conjunctivitis but the drops will depend on your dog s case Vets will often prescribe antibiotics steroids anti inflammatories or antihistamines While you want to do everything to stop the irritation in your dog s eyes it s important to avoid trying home remedies and speak to your vet for a diagnosis first Some infections are unavoidable but there are certain things you can do to reduce the chance of your pup getting conjunctivitis Keeping the fur around their eyes trimmed if you have a long haired dog is one of the most effective ways Regular grooming will help to prevent irritation around the eyes and stop things from getting stuck in the coat and ending up in the eyes Another way to reduce the chance of your dog developing an infection is to not let them hang their heads out of a moving car s window The wind and flying objects including pollen dust and bugs can irritate your pet s eyes Ensuring your dog is up to date with all its routine vaccinations will help to protect them from viral infections that can spread from other dogs when contact is made P February 2022 Dogs Today 41

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T My Dog Crush his majestic looking dog is not very well known but you d certainly look twice if you saw one These are large powerful dogs with an impressive coat and friendly manner Sponsored by For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Our survey of Leonberger owners revealed Character M any of us have dog crushes soft spots for breeds or types that we love but know we ll probably never own for lots of terribly sensible reasons Maybe you don t have enough hours in the day for the dog you dream of Perhaps you have a wandering eye and there are just too many dogs to fit into a lifetime Or you already have a house squashed full of adored allsorts that chose you In this feature we go through popular dog crushes and take a fresh look at what it would be like to actually live with them 42 Dogs Today February 2022 Leonberger These are alert clever dogs who enjoy being part of the family They are big and powerful too and can be stubborn although they are generally very loving and affectionate Health Like many large breeds Leonbergers don t often live for more than 10 years They are also at risk of a number of genetic conditions and the Kennel Club strongly advises testing for hip and elbow dysplasia eye screening plus testing for primary lens luxation The KC also strongly recommends DNA testing for LPN1 Leonberger polyneuropathy 1 LPN2 Leonberger polyneuropathy and LEMP leukoencephalomyelopathy One of our owners says All three we have owned have ended up having major surgery for breed type diseases Exercise Training These are clever dogs and can be trained to do canine sports and activities They also enjoy the outdoors and aren t afraid to get wet and muddy Leonbergers love water and enjoy doing water sports such as water rescue training They generally need well over an hour s exercise a day Coat care Two thirds of our owners say they find hair everywhere so be prepared for some heavy duty grooming They shed like mad and carry loads of dirt warns one owner Home improvements Some domestic adaptations may be necessary for these dogs Here s what some of our owners say He has an unheated room of his own They have a thick coat and love the cold They will seek out the coldest part of the house and love to be outside They all have day runs together and separate for when we aren t around Get used to water everywhere and fur Accept your floor will never be clean again For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk February 2022 Dogs Today 43

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Origins T his littleknown breed comes from the picturesque medieval town of Leonberg in south west Germany The breed was created by Henrich Essig who was a mayor in the town as well as a dog dealer He crossed a number of large breeds such as the Newfoundland and Swiss mountain dogs to produce a large thick coated guard dog It s said that Essig wanted to create a lion like appearance that would resemble the dogs in the town s heraldic crest The breed enjoyed popularity among European royalty in the 19th century but very nearly didn t survive the devastation of two world wars The Leonberger was eventually re established and is now recognised by kennel clubs around the world Boris Baxter Doris Boo Elsie Louis Arthur Bjorn Owner s view Traits F or Andrea Wolf the Leonberger is a dog like no other She first fell in love with the breed thanks to Odin a dog she met at a rest stop at the Millau Bridge in France He was a lovely boy and from that day forward I knew I had to have a Leo I even had the name One year later we got Loki she explains All her expectations were met and more A love affair was born the day we picked up Loki she remembers Leonbergers are the best family dogs ever says Andrea They really love their humans and will often get under your feet around the home because they want to be with you always Talking of the home if you re a bit of a domestic god or goddess look elsewhere You cannot be house proud says Andrea They blow their coats constantly Not only that they have huge paws that are usually muddy You can see 100 where they ve been This isn t helped by their love of water Water bowls paddling pools puddles the muddier the better lakes rivers and the sea Try keeping them out Sadly Andrea lost Loki at five and a half years due to heart failure and epilepsy One down point of having Leos is their health problems she says Reputable breeders test their dogs to try to minimise the risk of developing problems in later life Unfortunately they like many other big dogs do not have long lives Rollo is Andrea s current Leo who shares the home with cats Gentle Loving Daft Funny Stubborn Intelligent Photo posed by models My Dog Crush Best names Perseus Muggle and Bumbledora and Labrador Dexter Rollo is a firm favourite with the local Scout group that Andrea s other half Pete runs Being out and about having adventures with the kids and then chilling with them around a camp fire Rollo is something of a local legend Rollo s reputation extends beyond the Scouts he is also a registered Pets As Therapy dog and a reading dog for a primary school where less confident readers read aloud to him They become more confident with their reading because Rollo doesn t interrupt and he just listens to them He s also very approving of the cuddles says Andrea Rollo isn t alone the Leo temperament makes them fabulous therapy dogs Two Leos regularly visit a police centre to give therapeutic cuddles to officers who have traumatic shifts Leos are so calm and gentle they seem to know just how to behave Andrea says They are also the daftest dogs loving goofy and utterly adorable they have huge characters In fact everything about them is huge their love for life their love for people their shedding their bark everything They are better known as Leanonbergers because as soon as you fuss them they lean on you Remember they are around 65 75kg for a full grown male Best Facebook Groups Keep Calm and Papillon Papillon Lovers For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk 44 Dogs Today February 2022 February 2022 Dogs Today 45

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My Dog Crush Downsides Rare Heavy shedders Yes this mug is 44 but wow The Blue Witch Coffee Mug is handmade individually with striking detail Each is patiently handpainted and takes almost two weeks to complete Dishwasher safe and microwave friendly if used for drinking though they also make good vases pen pots or toothbrush holders Comes with a certificate signed by the artist From Central Crafts Co on www etsy com Prone to some genetic conditions Cookie cutters perfect for gifting dog treats to your Leo s best friends 15 73 for both also available separately from Bakerlogy on www etsy com Best Facebook group Love the breed Shop the breed Leonbergers Glossy wipeable 9cm x 9cm hardboard coaster 3 50 from Kate Pearson Design on www etsy com Leonberger words of wisdom One will never be enough They talk in their own special way They do the Leonberger head roll whilst talking to you Acrylic keyrings in a range of bright colours 4 from www leonberger clubofgb com v Unpersonalised A6 Leonberger card 2 90 with various size and personalisation options for extra A large A5 personalised card is 4 90 where you can add a number to the balloon and wording to the front of the card From Have A Gander UK on www etsy com v Leonberger on an 18 inch chain 18 50 and a 40mm long brooch 16 all 22 carat goldplated from the Leonberger Club shop www leonberger clubofgb com They make great draught excluders If you re looking for obedience then they are very obedient but if they ve done it once they ll probably not do it again if you try to repeat the exercise They don t see the point Bitches are less stubborn than the dogs Be prepared to get a huge car or van Leave plenty of time to get to your destination because you won t be able to walk far without someone wanting more details If we had a pound for every time we were asked what breed they are we d be rich now The best answer I ve heard from another owner is that they are Peruvian Cuddle Bears For Dog People by Dog People For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk 46 Dogs Today February 2022 February 2022 Dogs Today 47

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Victoria Stilwell Thinking how her dogs must feel when a stranger came into their home helped her to see how threatening it was from their point of view As space is such a big deal for nervous dogs I try to work in contained safe outside spaces or large indoor areas such as equestrian training barns The size and space might be intimidating for nervy dogs at first but delicious smells coupled with the freedom to run around off the lead really helps negate an otherwise awkward human dog social situation Scaredy dogs Kylo and Ren might be named after a fearless Star Wars character but they acted more like skittish little Porgs Could their confidence be boosted with force free training and management Victoria Stilwell is a world renowned dog trainer best known as the creator and host of the international hit TV series It s Me or the Dog as well as Greatest American Dog on CBS Dogs Might Fly on Sky One and her web series about police K9s and their handlers Guardians of the Night A passionate advocate for positive dog training methods she is the founder of the Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training Behavior www vsdta com and the CEO of Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training www vspdt com Visit www positively com for news about Victoria s work and details about her books The Secret Language of Dogs Train Your Dog Positively and It s Me or the Dog 48 Dogs Today February 2022 A s I sat on a chair in the living room the two dogs I had come to see lay huddled together opposite me Their crouched bodies and worried eyes told a sorrowful story that began a year before in Romania a country notorious for its horrendous treatment of animals Even though Kylo and Ren had not directly suffered at the hands of a system where dogs are treated little better than vermin their mother had been rescued from the streets a few days before they were born Kylo and Ren began their lives in a Romanian shelter nursed by a scared mother and handled by a number of kindhearted strangers The boys had started their young lives in less than ideal conditions but because they were cute puppies it wasn t long before both of them were adopted by separate families in the UK and while Kylo truly fell on his paws and found his forever home Ren yoyoed between adoptive families Ren s crippling nervousness prevented him from bonding with anyone but fortunately he ended up with Sue the lovely lady who had taken in Kylo a few months before Taking on two puppies from the same litter was no easy task and six months later Sue sat in front of me wringing her hands with worry Kylo and Ren join a long list of nervous dogs I have worked with over the years and their behavioural issues definitely posed a challenge Guardians of scaredy dogs always hope I can work miracles and while there are many things that can be done I make sure clients expectations are managed right from the start I usually don t have nervous dogs greet me at the door as places of entry and exit are always a flashpoint for problems so I made sure that Sue put Kylo and Ren behind a baby gate before I entered keeping us all safe However when I sat on the chair and asked Sue to let the dogs out to greet me all I saw when the gate opened were two worried heads peeking around the corner The dogs were too scared to even come into the room so Sue and I chatted with each other until they found the courage to slink in their bodies hugging the walls for safety and their eyes fixed permanently on me as they made their way on to the sofa opposite REMOTE WORKING GREAT ESCAPES It is always important when meeting or working with nervous dogs that they have opportunities to leave the room if needed without any obstacles blocking their path Every dog needs a clear escape route if things get too much for them so I make sure that any space I work in gives them the ability to get out quickly Having an escape route teaches dogs a very important lesson there are opportunities to put distance between themselves and a perceived threat if necessary This ability to practise avoidance is a learned skill that I encourage right from the start because it helps dogs understand that they have the choice to either stay or leave Of course I would rather they make the choice to stay but if they need some space choosing to leave has a much better outcome than resorting to an aggressive display if they feel uncomfortable If a dog is too scared to physically work with me I will either coach the guardian by air demonstrating techniques first and have the guardian interact with their own dogs or if there is a more sociable and confident dog in the house I will teach skills to that dog while the scaredy dog watches My clients might find this odd at first but social learning is one of the most powerful and effective ways to help nervous dogs learn In Kylo and Ren s case Kylo was the more confident dog and by the end of the first session I had him eating out of my hand I could see out of the corner of my eye that Ren also wanted some of the food Kylo was eating but he was still too nervous to come closer In time I reassured him you will do it in time Patience is the key thing to remember when working with very nervy dogs Easier said than done I know but pressurising a scaredy dog seldom works and causes more issues Gaining trust slowly by understanding where each dog s parameters lie makes things easier for the human canine team Management is also a scaredy dog s friend I have written about the power of management in past articles but I can t reiterate enough how effective management can be Management is the process of either adding or taking something away from the environment to prevent an undesired behaviour from happening providing relief for both dog and guardian and keeping everyone safe SAFE SPACE Remember in Kylo and Ren s case I had asked Sue to put them in another room behind a baby gate before I entered the home and doing this simple thing gave Sue the opportunity to interact with me without having to worry that I would be barked at or worse bitten by Ren who had already made contact with one or two other people Once Sue saw how much calmer the dogs were when I came in she understood how effective management was Online consultations are also really effective when working with nervous dogs While the pandemic forced most dog training to go online many of us who regularly work with aggressive and or nervous dogs actually found that working remotely became a powerful tool The dogs were less stressed being around a stranger and teaching could be done in a safe home environment where the dogs felt comfortable If anything positive for nervy dogs came out of the pandemic it was that people who would not have chosen to work remotely in a normal world were now forced to do so Online consultations for nervous dogs have become very popular so much so that as things open up many trainers are choosing to continue their online lessons until their canine clients have built up more confidence So far Kylo and Ren have made amazing progress and Sue is feeling a lot happier The dogs might never be social butterflies but the power of management the skill of avoidance the ability to learn and respond to Sue s cues as well as techniques to help them feel more confident around people have helped put both dogs on a new path to coping better in a human world something that Sue believed was unobtainable before my visit P February 2022 Dogs Today 49

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Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Land of the strays With almost 2 000 dogs roaming there at any one time Territorio de Zaguates may seem like heaven on Earth but making it a safe haven takes a lot of work and a lot of funds T erritorio de Zaguates or Land of the Strays is a dog sanctuary in Costa Rica where over 1 800 stray dogs have found refuge Each of them was rescued from the streets rehabilitated fed and neutered with the aim of finding them a forever home and until that happens they are safe with founders Lya Battle and Alvaro Saumet Most of the dogs we rescue are in the worst shape they could possibly be malnourished sick old or hurt Lya and Alvaro say This means many of them require long and expensive medical treatment including exams surgeries and physical therapy We are a temporary home for hundreds of puppies looking for a second chance and we are also the permanent home of many others We seriously believe that everyone deserves a second chance in life all dogs deserve a name and a place to call their home For many Land of the Strays is the only home they know and we are proud of that who may never find their own family who continue their life in our shelter until old age Of all the dogs that are rescued only about 40 per cent are ever adopted the others remain in the Land of the Strays shelter for the rest of their lives LAND LOVERS FOR LIFE Some of our senior territorians have lived with us for up to 11 years At the beginning of their lives they ran and played with the rest of the pack now they live in spaces enabled for their special needs as older dogs Our main objective is that all the dogs that we rescue can live a dignified happy and healthy life even if they are not adopted Lya and Alvaro add We seriously believe that everyone deserves a second chance in life all dogs deserve a name and a place to call their home For many Land of the Strays is the only home they know and we are proud of that The pair have three main objectives rescuing and improving 50 Dogs Today February 2022 the lives of street dogs promoting the adoption of their rescued animals and reducing the number of stray dogs in Costa Rica by neutering as many dogs as possible In Territorio we imagine a world where all dogs have a home and affectionate humans they say But making ends meet in our Territorio is not easy Expenses are exorbitant We do not receive any help from the government and we are only able to exist thanks to donations We currently have more than 1 800 dogs providing food shelter and health care for every little animal we rescue costs us an average of 36 per dog All of the dogs in the Land of the Strays can be adopted in Costa Rica as well as internationally You can also sponsor a dog with donations to help towards their care until they find a forever home P You can find more information on how to sponsor or adopt a dog on the Territorio de Zaguates website www territoriodezaguates com February 2022 Dogs Today 51

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Y ou never forget your first spotted hyena experience It s a species first heard often in the inky darkness of an African night before it is seen To describe the vocals of this species as disturbing barely does it any justice The howls and cackles and insane giggles and squeals would fit well as the soundtrack to any horror movie Carrion eaters par excellence they are associated with the dead and have a prominent place in ancient African mysticism and supernatural folklore Before we get into the ins and outs of this truly diabolical creature in next month s article we must first discuss and showcase our recent adventures in the Madikwe Game Reserve darting and radio collaring a spotted hyena Madikwe is South Africa s fifth largest wildlife reserve and encompasses 750 square kilometres It has the Dwarsberg mountains to the south and 52 Dogs Today February 2022 Botswana to the north and sits astride the Marico river and the edge of the Kalahari basin It is considered semi arid and provides habitat to an interesting cross section of both desert and bushveld species Here you will find both elephant and springbok buffalo and all the big cats giraffe and plains game such as wildebeest and zebra in abundance It is also home to good numbers of both brown and spotted hyena This has somewhat upset the accepted rule of hyena population dynamics that once observed where one species occurs in abundance the other is generally absent or transient SPOTTY SIGNAL A need to understand the hyenas of Madikwe has emerged They are a social apex carnivore and occupy a completely fenced wildlife environment This calls into question the genetic sustainability of the population whether it interbreeds or has social contact The process is unusual and quite exciting We had a brief team chat close to the area of operation around sunset Our two vehicles then moved into position within 50 metres of a zebra carcass while the vet set up a dart gun and a projectile filled with the necessary knock out capture chemicals A large speaker was set up and began playing the sounds associated with hyenas feeding on a kill disturbing disco stuff blaring out into the bush Peter Neville above was an Adjunct Professor at the Ohio State University USA for many years and one of the co founders of the cutting edge behaviour and training course provider Coape the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology see www coape org COLLARED Within a short time the first curious spotted hyena arrived a young male and began to feed Several more circled on the edge of the illuminated area Eventually a large adult female joined the feeding frenzy and was successfully darted She succumbed to the chemicals and lay prone just 20 minutes later She was then carefully collected and removed from the carcass and the other hyenas so the team could work on her Andrew Rae with African Painted Dog With a demonic howl and blood curdling cackle plus an ever present attendance near any cadaver in its range it s no wonder that the spotted hyena is associated with the dead with peripheral populations outside the reserve in the rural landscapes of the North West province or neighbouring Botswana An understanding of their territorial structuring and population dynamics is also of great interest While being iconic as an African keystone species hyenas are largely overlooked by researchers in favour of more endangered and more charismatic species such as the African wild dog and lion Our involvement came in the form of a donation kindly provided by Dr Peter Neville and Stella Grgic through our new non profit charitable organisation WorthWild Africa These funds paid for the services of a wildlife veterinary team to dart and immobilise an adult spotted hyena and fit a GPS tracking collar allowing a research team to monitor its movements as part of the expanded population study Blood and stool samples were also taken as part of an overall health check and to acquire DNA data on the animal Peter Neville with dingo by Andrew Rae Rae Safaris Johannesburg The team fitting a GPS tracking collar on a spotted hyena Michael Rae Spotted hyena Michael Rae Safari adventures Peter now works as an ethology guide with our guest author Andrew Rae of Rae Safaris above specialising in tracking and studying African Wild Dogs and other large predators all over southern and East Africa and on Iceafaris in Antarctica www raesafaris co za When he is not doing that he lives in Helsinki Finland with his partner Stella Spooch their Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and two loud cats Peter has presented a canine behavioural case history for Dogs Today from his behaviour practices in the UK and South Africa since our very first issue and has invited Andrew to step in to write the current special series covering Africa s wild canids including foxes and hyenas Peter and Andrew have just finished writing a book Memoirs of a Safari Guide with former Dogs Today cartoonist Russell Jones covering their many amazing and hilarious experiences in Africa Publication is due later this year February 2022 Dogs Today 53

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Spotted hyena Michael Rae Safari adventures Join our exclusive Sub Club With newsagents and supermarkets reducing their shelf space for magazines it s getting harder to find us Help us by subscribing and reap the rewards Buy Get your first issue for only 1 Then it s 9 99 quarterly by Direct Debit direct and save more than 17 a year UK only What an experience to be up close and personal with this magnificent creature The brownflecked coat the large dog like paws the thick muscular neck and those incredible jaws filled with huge dense carnassial teeth designed to splinter bone and sever sinew and tendon The team worked quickly the collar was soon fitted and the relevant measurements and samples taken The vet then administered the antidote and within seconds the hyena was back on her feet and off into a night filled with darkness It was an unbelievable evening in the company of wildlife management professionals and researchers at the forefront of conservation in South Africa Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the people of the Madikwe Wildlife Foundation for the wonderful work they do and for hosting us on this and other occasions P Next month we will discuss the spotted hyena as a species in more detail Save money enjoy a 17 04 saving over the year Delivered free to your door Subscriber only competitions page 59 15 voucher for PurrfectlyYappy com minimum spend 75 Call us for the special code Chance to win one of 50 Nerf dog toys Get the magazine before it s in the shops Call 01276 402599 lines open weekdays 9am 5pm or subscribe online www dogstodaymagazine co uk product dogs today uk subscriptions All new subscriptions will commence with the current issue Overseas prices Europe 65 20 for 12 issues Rest of World 79 80 for 12 issues The first 50 new or renewing subscribers this month will receive a fabulous Nerf dog toy so even your dog can benefit It s a win win win situation Please remember to include your dog s breed size and age in Dog breed and size during checkout Subscription gifts are only available to the first 50 subscribers each month sorry UK subscribers only By entering you confirm that your details will be passed on to the company providing these prizes for the purposes of distribution marketing 54 Dogs Today February 2022 February 2022 Dogs Today 55

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Tea break Y B S O O A A O U N T E W A A R E V O M E R K C I T C W J T B K C L C S S M F N A D M R Y A M W R B R Z T B E L P X H O S H R R C F Y K E E N A P O Z I W O J M E C A O J P R P S E T G B M P L E A F O P T G B M V D C I T D B R U S H O M L M E O M D I A S F K B N L I B O Z I Y T D Z O DRY EMO JANN AE C L L How to enter Send your Caption Competition Cross Question entries together with your contact details via email to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk or post to February Competitions Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA to arrive by 18 February 2022 T Z E L I O A I K L L A F A I X O D R A M W M P E T F D I C X N Y U N N S D R A U G G O D N A Can you find the 19 things every dog owner needs Search up down forward backward and on the diagonal to find the dog movies Brush Clicker Treats Comb Crate Collar Dog Guard Food bowl Dog bed Lead Lickmat Harness Poo Bags Shampoo Nail clippers Towel Tick remover Whistle Water bowl LTR GAP HIC Do you have a funny pic you d like us to feature Please email it to us with Caption pic in the subject line C Criss cross Just for fun December Caption Runners up Use the clues to fill in the words below to give some dogs gods and myths Words can go across or down Letters are shared when the words intersect 1 I see a little silhouette of a dog Scarapooch Scarapooch Will you do the hind legs pose Vincent Keys 2 3 Check your chip Don t know which database your dog s microchip is registered with Type your chip number into www check a chip co uk TIP Keep a note of your dog s microchip number and database details on your mobile phone Notify the microchip company immediately if your dog goes missing and register on www doglost co uk 4 Across 4 East Anglian large ghost dog said to roam the countryside 5 6 5 King Arthur s favourite dog who left a footprint in a rock while pursuing a boar Down 1 Three headed dog tasked with guarding the entrance to Hades 2 A dog headed man Aztec god of fire and lightning 3 Humans with the head of a dog or jackal 6 Odysseus favourite dog or the place to buy stuff from a catalogue Winning caption Molly Matthews Mum said If you re feeling cold just put on a Cardigan but I am pretty sure you re a Pembroke Unfortunately both dogs had missed their sex education classes Ben Wain Cross Question Can you guess which breeds Ruby Roo s parents are It s 6 9 from the collie judge in the mismatched gymnastics floor exercise Sara Cooke This heated dog bed is Corgi approved Louisa Foy December Cross Question Solution Crosby s parents are a Cocker Spaniel and a Basset Hound The first correct answer came from Pauline McKinnon February 2022 Dogs Today 57 Cocker Spaniel Basset Hound by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Since April 2016 it has been compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks of age to be microchipped and details registered and kept up to date with an authorised database Have you checked that your dog s chip is working is correctly registered and all contact information is up to date 56 Dogs Today February 2022 The person who sends the first correct answer to the Cross Question will win a pack of SmartBones a healthy alternative to rawhide from www purrfectlyyappy com L J G G P B B L L A The winning caption will win a Fuzzu A Gorilly Named Billy Dog Toy worth 13 99 from www purrfectlyyappy com L E A O F Can you find three presenters of ITV s The Pet Show Can you come up with a witty and amusing caption for this photo E O A R X W H O P M R B Q W E N O E Unscramble the jumbled letters in the circles Winners of the Cross Question and Caption Competition will win a prize from Purrfectly Yappy Photo submitted by Karen Woodage via email P Caption this Just for fun In the ring answer A Dermot O Leary B Joanna Page C Chirag Patel H P In the ring Just for fun Atlas Photo submitted by Claire Firth via email Wordsearch Put the kettle on and have a go at our competitions

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Prize crossword Compiled by Gyles Brandreth Quick clues Down 4 9 10 11 12 13 18 20 21 22 23 24 1 Bloodhound from the Caribbean 5 George painter of horses and dogs 6 Oven baked pasta dish 7 Member of former Mexican South American civilisation 5 man ie stomach appetite 5 Crossbreed 7 Pure white toy dog of Mediterranean origin 6 5 Make great profit 5 2 Supply 3 2 Garlic mayonnaise 5 Dog originally trained to seek out animals living underground 7 Form of transport pulled along by a Husky for example 6 Latin word for dog genus 5 2 3 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 19 20 Across Beardie shortened term for Bearded 6 Breed of dog formerly known as African Bush Dog 7 Third longest river in Africa 5 Dog handler 7 Unfriendly dog presumably 5 tail such as that of the Siberian Husky 6 European breed could be Giant Medium or Miniature 6 5 Going after prey as 22 Across might be 7 coarse haired hound Austrian breed 7 Leftovers for Rover 6 Growls angrily 6 Summon up from the past 5 Short poem 5 1 4 9 10 11 12 13 18 20 21 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 22 23 24 Baby animal and tail less Havanese for instance 5 Animal painter s ends so to speak 6 Oven cooked food seen to sink in a way 7 Detective going after extreme characters from S America once 5 Exclusive dinners without beginning and end 5 Hybrid dog half grey tucking into rotten melon 7 Chief Robin s unusual canine 6 5 Do some housework and make a pile 5 2 Provide some underlay once 3 2 Dressing made with topquality oil mixture 5 Dog or a soldier 7 Vehicle pulled by dogs beginning to slip on rocky projection Incas trained Caesar s dog 5 Down 1 12 11 2 14 13 15 16 18 3 17 19 20 5 6 7 8 21 22 23 24 Name _________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Postcode _________________ Telephone _____________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Breed type of dog _______________________________________ 58 Dogs Today February 2022 15 We occasionally loan our address list to charities and companies we feel may be of interest to you Please tick if you do not wish to receive this information Q 16 17 19 20 Not yet subscribing Visit www dogstodaymagazine co uk or turn to page 55 to rectify that immediately This month s prize This month s prize is a House of Paws duck cord toy which dogs go quackers for British brand House of Paws offer a wide range of pet accessories which are designed to offer quality durability and comfort for a pet s lifestyle House of Paws is the perfect choice if you re looking for affordability practicality and a wide choice for your pet all with quality assured The House of Paws duck cord toy features a spiky ball inside meaning it s ideal for bouncing throwing and catching and with the rope for tug games it s a toy that will provide hours of fun and interactive play If you aren t lucky enough to win the toy is available from Purrfectly Yappy for 11 99 at https purrfectlyyappy com products house of paws duck cord toywith spiky ball Good luck Win this The winner of this month s crossword will receive a pack of Soopa Cranberry and Sweet Potato Dental Sticks Find more Soopa dog treats at PurrfectlyYappy com How to enter Complete the crossword grid then post your entry to arrive by 18 February 2022 to February Crossword Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA The first correct entry pulled out of the hat after the closing date will win the prize The judge s decision is final Code Breaker Decode the message to find a quote about dogs by Aldous Huxley Each letter in the well known phrase has been replaced with a random letter or number December Solution Across 1 Whelps 4 Flying 8 Petra 9 Bobtail 10 Reel 11 Fleabite 13 Ariegeois 17 Cavalier 19 Bath 21 Tranche 22 Apple 23 Hosing 24 Alpine Down 1 Wipers 2 Estrela 3 Play 5 Labrador 6 Iraqi 7 Golden 9 Bolognese 12 Billycan 14 Shar Pei 15 Scotch 16 Wheeze 18 Vials 20 Ball A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z 2 Bolognese by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk 14 Vegetable do you say for the sheepdog 6 Canine judge in Northern Ireland contemptible to begin with 7 Country singer performing topless 5 Dog handler s show 7 Snappy dog perhaps given beer half heartedly 5 Somehow likes to grip cold blade for cutting grass 6 Dog for example turned up fellow s money in posh hotel 6 5 Can get put to death outside for chasing after animals 7 Like a coarse haired hound nasty rampaging round US state 7 Odd bits of food for Boxers 6 Growls viciously in complicated situations 6 Call up Adam s wife accepting agreement 5 Golly Richard s penned poetical piece 5 Sub Club Hello subscribers We think it s time for you to get even more perks than just getting the magazine cheaper postage free and before everyone else This area of the magazine is just for you to say thank you for supporting us by buying your magazine direct We really appreciate it and it really helps us Cryptic clues Across 1 Dogs Today 12 __ O __ S __ __ __ 22 16 17 6 13 16 D __ OG __ __ 2 16 12 13 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S __ __ 20 19 20 15 18 6 7 O __ __ __ O __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 10 22 17 20 11 25 16 21 20 16 10 17 20 10 1 20 O __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ O __ __ 25 16 25 16 24 8 21 11 15 6 22 7 11 10 13 O __ __ S __ __ __ __ __ __ 1 16 10 13 22 11 10 22 D __ O __ G __ S __ 2 16 12 13 How to enter Email your answers to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk and put February Sub Club in the subject line We will need your full name and address to check you are on our current subscriber list Or post the answer with your name and address to February Sub Club Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA or enter online at www dogstodaymagazine co uk category competitions One winner picked at random after 18 February 2022 will win the prize For full terms and conditions see page 3 February 2022 Dogs Today 59

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Products HolidaysTraining Products Classifi ed adverts Classified Adverts Holidays Want to advertise your Want to advertise your business business in inour ourclassifi classified ed section section Contact james petsubjects co uk orEmail call now on 01276 858 880 mike dogstoday magazine co uk or call now on 01276 402591 Luxury self catering lodges in the Yorkshire Dales Yorkshire Cottage Style Double Storey Lodges two bedrooms sleeps 2 to 4 Set in a peaceful valley just over one mile from Richmond in North Yorkshire are these Self Catering Yorkshire Cottage Style Lodge Accommodations They offer great value Yorkshire Dales self catering holidays all year round 01748 822406 info flowerydell lodges com L U X U RY S E L F C AT E R I N G A C C O M O DAT I O N g Do friendly Now with Hot Tub www yorkshirelogcabins com Dog friendly holiday park in Cornwall theparkcornwall com Three beautifully converted Victorian farm stables ooer elegant luxury and peaceful retreats situated on our working farm surrounded by the beautiful Saltmarshe Delph Nature Reserve and bordered by the River Ouse Comfort really is at the heart of Appletree Cottages spacious single story layouts means weary legs can easily rest after a day exploring before you discover one of our lovely nearby pubs Visit appletree cottages co uk In accordance with the government road map 01430 430 677 vivienne sweeting btinternet com DOG FRIENDLY BREAKS PEAK DISTRICT Very dog friendly family run Country Inn with self contained rooms in the grounds Open e from th l 12th Apri 2021 Dog Partridge O N T H E P E M B R O K E S H I R E C OA S T 2 PEOPLE 4 NIGHTS We can t wa it to see you Fabulous Beer Garden Terrace serving Dinner Lunch and Drinks Overnight stays short breaks available from 12 4 21 In room dining also available for all meals including breakfast and drinks 01335 343183 www dogandpartridge co uk With some great Kate accommodation Boats deals to FROM ONLY T C s Apply H o l i d a y s yo u r d o g wo u l d l ove The WooF Guide BY COASTAL COTTAGES Call us on 01437 772 742 Or Visit thewoofguide com Craig Y Nos Castle Dogs Today Today July February 60 2020 2022 6 0 Dogs Artist of the Month Jo Walker Art I am a pet portrait artist based in Cornwall working in coloured pencils and create highly detailed portraits from photos Capturing a perfect likeness of my subject is essential and I spend many hours to achieve this The most rewarding part of my job is working with pet owners as I bring their pets to life on paper to create a special portrait that will last a lifetime Advertising feature choose thisnarrowboats is the perfect We are a family owned business with self drive for weekends and short breaks place to stay We are Dog and week long holidays from both bases Stockton or Warwick We also have boats available Friendly so feel free to for longer hire periods when you want to escape andlittle include your canine family member bring your come This is not camping on water the boats equipped friends with you with everything you need for a 1 Night when you come relaxing holiday afloat fully equipped galley including fridge andAWARD 4 hob gas cooker a bathroom with a flushing Midweek B B WINNING HOLIDAY PARK IN DORCHESTER DORSET just 140central to stay Yourand a TV Luxury toilet and a shower plenty of hot water heating for the days you need toholiday catchcottages up withdeep the into realHardy stone built self catering subsequent nights pets can run free near Dorchester in Dorset Almost half of our properties are world Don t forget with narrowboat50 hire is the holiday Country you don t need to allow for those expensive days off the boat dog friendly and the grounds include a fully enclosed dog exercise on our stunning area perfect for and a gentle morning setting for are the day out during the week Our quoted prices INCLUDE diesel and damage waiver linen andstroll car before parking ifout you grounds whilst you www greenwoodgrange co uk hello greenwoodgrange co uk 01305 268874 comparing prices with other narrowboattake holiday firms make sure you compare like for like in the breathtaking scenery Star ratings for each narrowboat are displayed on the relevant pages and online availability and reservation Dog Friendly Accommodation in Wales 01639 is now also a feature but feel free to phone or email if you would like to discuss your canal holiday plans 731 167 Brecon Road Pen y Cae www dogfriendlywales com or www kateboats co uk Phone 01926 492968 Email enquiries kateboats co uk Powys SA9 1GL www craigynoscastle com Advertising feature Holiday of the Month Over 15 of our properties are dog friendly with enclosed gardens complimentary dog bowls and even a doggie bag full of goodies will be waiting your arrival There are many pubs and restaurants in the area that welcome dogs with open arms www jowalkerart co uk February 2022 Dogs Today 61

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Classified Adverts adverts Classified Charities Products Art Charities Training Art Lintran K9Westie award winning dog UK ReHoming equipment transport systems Registered Charity The Dog Lovers Registration Club England Wales 1108659 Scotland SC045329 Estate Cars Dog trailers pick up s vans All 4 x 4 vehicles Register your Pedigree puppies and adult dogs online for beautiful gold bonded pedigree paperwork with same day processing Westie ReHoming is a charity dedicated to the welfare and rehoming of the West Highland White Terrier We take in westies needing a new start in life and place them into a suitable home where they will be Dogloved Gunand System have their needs met T 01673 885959 enquiries lintran co uk www lintran co uk www westierehoming org information westierehoming net 0844 879 Lintran 4260 PO BoxHouse 4204 Swindon SN2 9LA SS Brentwood 30 For more information visit www dogregclub co uk or call either 0161 792 2479 or 0161 729 2350 YEARS The Emotional Art of Dog Training not to be missed with the due to retire inspirational speaker John Rogerson Heathway Colton Rugeley Staffs WS15 3LY Tel 01889 577058 www bordercollietrustgb org uk F I N D A WAR M C O S Y B E D T O DAY AT P U R R F E C T LY YAP P Y C O M 25 02 2019 26 11 2018 16 16 17 58 Advertising feature p061_DogsMonthlyApr19 indd 1 PY single page indd 1 Products Services TIME FOR A NEW BED Lincoln Road Faldingworth Westie ReHoming westierehoming4 Market Rasen Lincs LN8 3SF Canine Product of the Month Charity the Month Dogs For GoodFor Barking BagsGood Charity ofof the Month Dogs www barkingbags co uk info barkingbags co uk www dogsforgood org 01295 252600 info dogsforgood org www dogsforgood org 01295 252600 info dogsforgood org www dogsmonthly co uk February 2020 2022 62 6 2 Dogs Today July March 2020 81 Rocketo exciting update Rocketo the dehydrated raw pet wellness company has just launched a wide range of organic herbal fruit and mushroom based supplements helping to improve skin coat joint vitality digestive and dental health All the ingredients are gently dehydrated under 40 degrees Celsius to ensure all minerals vitamins and enzymes are preserved in their natural state Rocketo relies on whole natural ingredients nothing synthetic thereby providing anti oxidant anti inflammatory and immune stimulating properties The full range includes the brands Plak All In One Flex Halo Ohm Gut and Detox You can find these supplements as well as a range of foods and treats at www gorocketo com February 2022 Dogs Today July 2020 Dogs Today 663 3 Advertising feature Dogs for Good needs Barking your help to double thethe number of people with disabilities Dogs for needs your helpdog to double numbercompromising of people with disabilities Bags have just thing toGood make walking the easierthe without on we can support with dogs We re an innovative charity exploring dogs we can support with ways dogs We reof anfabrics innovative can help style The ingeniously designed bags come in a range andcharity luxuryexploring leathersways and dogs include can help people overcome specific challenges and enrich and improve lives people overcome specific challenges and enrich and improve lives and communities and communities We are passionate about our We future and how we can help are passionate about our future and how we can help more people with the use of Mesh pockets to carry An easy access treat pocket A zipped pocket more people with the use of our assistance dogs our assistance dogs Clips for whistles for instant reward soggy items and the Discover all of the ways we help Discover all of the ways we help A poo bag dispenser unmentionable stuff once it Plenty of space for your Assistance Dog our assistance dogs support adults and children with a rangedogs support adults and children with a range of Assistance Dog our assistance with complimentary own items keys purse is bagged of disabilities and also children with autism disabilities and also children with autism Velcro loops so you can gloves compostable poo bags Community Dog our community dogs and their specialistDog handlers to Community our help community dogs and their specialist handlers help to improve A side pocket to carry water etc attach the bag toand your belt improve their independence wellbeing and skills their independence wellbeing skills An adjustable shoulder strap or carry a ball chucker Family Dog our Family Dog team gives adviceFamily and support to help families Dog our Family Dog team gives advice and support to help families with an with an autistic child to get the most out of theirautistic relationship their petout dog child towith get the most of their relationship with their pet dog Organic Dog Food of the Month

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CharitySpotlight Spotlight Charity established 1958 We are a non destruction sanctuary for abandoned unwanted dogs PRIORY ROAD ASCOT BERKSHIRE SL5 8RJ 01344 882689 We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 256728 We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa Sponsor a puppy from just 1 a week BORDER COLLIE TRUST GB Registered Charity No 1077588 Welcome Welcome to to Charity Charity Spotlight Spotlight a handy reference point for good folk le of folkdoing doinggreat great work work We re We rehelping helpingto toraise raise the the profi profile of this diverse diversegroup group of of people people and and we weencourage encourage you youto to get get involved involved with withthem them be beitit fundraising fundraising or or even even volunteering volunteering Help us to help more Please contact us or visit our website for more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Staffs WS15 3LY Tel 0871 560 2282 www bordercollietrustgb org uk Visit guidedogs org uk DogsToday Reg Charity No 1053585 Rescue centre open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm AS SEEN ON EL BCT_0310 4x1 indd CHANN1 A charity registered in England and Wales 209617 and Scotland SC038979 4 1 10 16 55 42 4 Bringing pets and people closer together woodgreen org uk www foreverhoundstrust org Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 WE RESCUE KILL SHELTER AND ABANDONED DOGS FROM ROMANIA AND REHOME THEM IN THE UK AND GERMANY Chilterns Dog Recue barkingmaddogrescue Charityofof themonth month Pine Ridge Dog Sanctuary Charity the Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service Pine RidgeinDog is a small independent animal Founded 1963 Sanctuary Chilterns Dog Rescue Society CDRS has a long rescue rescue and and continues rehome dogs history organisation of rescue andWe rehoming to grow thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of many dog lovers But many more masks are needed please call us on 01276 402591 for more details DogsToday TodayFebruary July 20202022 64 64Dogs Registered Charity No 1077588 A We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year Please help us to help more www themayhew org 020 8962 8000 W e are a small independent animal rescue organisation founded in 1958 by Mr Bernard Cuff fter many yearspassion of hardinwork is an independent whose life was to rescueCDRS and rehome dogs that charity It CDRS bought own premises receives no Government funding and would its otherwise face a very bleak future in Chivery nearPine Tring Hertsis and relies entirely on the generosity of the Ridge currently run by Mr Cuff s widow Connie developed purpose built passion facilitiesand for love for public to continue its vital rescue and whose equal all canines is at the dogs with nowhere elsesanctuary to turn giving these rehoming Your support would heart of the dogs awork better future The RescueThese Centre has 40 kennels be greatly appreciated are clearly difficult times for everyone but Pine and a smallRidge team relies of highly trained solely on donations from the public who staff who provide outstanding For further information incidentally have been quite wonderful But this help please care for dogs of all ages CDRS is needed nowtypes moreand than ever contact so if anyone wishes to backgrounds in need of protection Tel 01296 assist be assured that every penny raised623885 goes to our training anddogs rehoming in addition to enquiries cdrs org uk welfare a 5 star licence for boarding www chilternsdogrescue org uk Large kennels have under floor heating plenty of natural light with indoor and outdoor areas Green If you can help or for further information please contact us technology has been incorporated By phone 01344 882689 to reduce running costs Sensitive By post Pine Ridge Dog Sanctuary Priory Road Ascot Berkshire SL5 8RJ landscaping has created a woodland By email pineridgedogs yahoo co uk walk for potential adopters to get Or visit www pineridgedogsanctuary org uk to know the dogs wildlife areas and If you d like to see your Registered charity organisation 256728 featured in these two DogZones to provide grassy pages please call us on 01276 enrichment paddocks for the dogs to If you d like to see your organisation featured in more thesedetails pages 858880 for play socialise and relax bmdrdogs www barkingmaddogrescue co uk The next pet saved could be yours You can donate via www smokeypaws co uk or email info smokeypaws co uk rescue and rehome Saving We collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not Yorkshire s subscribe to our Border World quarterly Dogs Collie magazine Only 10 00 pa Registered Charity No 1167291 To rescue COLLIE rehabilitateTRUST and rehome BORDER GB vulnerable atour risk dogsforfrom Yorkshire Please contact usand or visit website more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Tel WS15 07562 Staffs 3LY 986101 Tel 0871 560 2282 Email savingyorkshiresdogs gmail com www bordercollietrustgb org uk Web www sydrescue org uk Reg Charity No 1053585 Find uscentre on Rescue open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm Become a Companion AS Keep Tails Wagging SEEN ON N1EL BCT_0310 4x1 indd H C ANWith a Regular Gift Registered Charity in England and Wales No 1139999 4 As a rescue charity Rushton helps abandoned Bringing pets abused and unwanted dogs on a international and people scale Rescuing dogs from all over the world especially the meat trade in Asia and China closer together 4 1 10 16 55 42 woodgreen org uk Your chance to win at www aht org uk lottery Call Now 44 0 1823 49 10 52 mail rushtondogrescue co uk Registered Charity Number 209642 Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Scottish Charity No SC006914 Senior Staffy Club Dogs Today 2018 Charity spotlight lottery23 01 2018 advert v3 indd 14 47 10 1 Our aims are Rescue and rehome sta ordshire bull terriers and sta y cross dogs aged 7yrs Recruit foster carers all over the UK Encourage volunteers at En our kennels in Sta ord and Worcester www seniorsta yclub co uk seniorsta yclub hotmail co uk Rescue and rehoming centre for dogs and cats www leicesteranimalaid org uk Tel 01455 888257 Registered Charity No 242560 Finding the cures for serious pet illnesses helping them live longer healthier lives barki www petsavers org uk Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed www February 2022Dogs DogsToday Today665 July 2020 5 We r of do

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For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST Confessions of a dogaholic L ord Rothermere wanted to change the dog world Previously he hadn t taken much interest in politics As a young man he d not been like other members of the ruling classes The boys at Eton tended to be a bit sniffy as his title came from his relatives newspaper empire rather than blue blood When he was called up to fight in the war he declined to go in as an officer choosing instead to be one of the men a private Even though he was now the seventh richest man in Britain he normally preferred the company of journalists to aristocrats In New York he could pass as an ordinary person It was here he bought his gorgeous Akita on rather an impulse He soon became horrified by Britain s antiquated quarantine system and decided it very unfair to lock up his best friend for six months when he could have just had a vaccine and a blood test to prove he was no risk to man or beast It was a huge amount of time to waste in a dog s lifespan At the magazine we heard stories of old dogs dying while in kennels and owners being left heartbroken QUARANTINE RESISTANCE 66 Dogs Today February 2022 100 2020 WINNER Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 UK REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR people and I soon began to realise that you could forget the Freemasons the love of dogs was the most potent alliance ever Dogs Today was friendly press so I was to enjoy being the only journalist at the most spectacular parties London had ever seen I remember one lunch at Harry s Bar where I had the most amazing risotto well it was my first ever risotto The bar was full of the elite of Who s Who and Debrett s Peerage I was sat next to John Cleese s American wife and the fundraising auction was not only out of my price range it was out of hers too Stops dogs pulling on the lead and gives you back control Life Changing products for you and your dog 8 TIMES WINNER OF Product I can t live without BLUE PASSPORTS Another campaign gathering was in the largest privately owned garden in London I can still vividly remember the lovely Jilly Cooper cheekily enquiring of the very posh CEO of a famous dog charity Are you having good sex You really jolly well deserve it for all the lovely things you do for dogs Another time it was Lady Annabel Goldsmith s turn to host the party and her adorable dogs were all running around us as were her now very famous children Thankfully they never did get to meet at my house I don t think they d have appreciated Hula Hoops and Jaffa Cakes What happened next was stranger than fiction John Major wasn t interested in helping the campaign I guess the Tories felt that the Passport for Pets committee were so true blue they already had their support It was unthinkable that the super rich and powerful would put their love of dogs above everything Next month I will reveal something that should be in the history books but so far isn t P NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT AWARgDCoEllDar Best Do 0 21 UK 2 0 2 r re tu c fa Manu tive Dog Most Innova cturers Collar Manufa 2019 Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK Vere decided not to live in England if his dog wasn t welcome Lots of other super rich people felt the same A new organisation was created called Passport for Pets It was led by Lady Mary Fretwell the wife of the ambassador to France Her black book and her diplomacy were the stuff of legend Katie Boyle our doggie agony aunt was also a member of this elite quarantine resistance group She was also Lady Saunders and born Caterina Irene Elena Maria Imperiali di Francavilla Having just the one name probably made me a standout in these circles Hating quarantine united these powerful True blue blues Global Also available Collars Non Slip Leads and Gripper Training Leads offering added security and confidence throughout the winter months Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Winners 2013 2021 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Matching accessories in a selection of colours with high quality workmanship andToday fittings June 2020 Dogs 67

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