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Dogs Today_December_2021_January_2022

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Dog crush Do you think the Dinmont is fine and Dandie We do Top dog friendly London hotels Which one wins your vote Health watch What is your dog s poo telling you Licence nonsense Small breeders hounded in court DogsToday A nose for news easy on the eye and a heart of gold More bite more heart Renting with pets Could insurance remodel the market BarkMark First ever winners announced Breeder s licence Should the 1k threshold be ditched Litter y geniuses New qualification for breeding Victoria Stilwell Human dog relationship is on point Dogs of Downton Always a treat working on this show Start 2022 with a ban Dying for firework reform Dec 2021 Jan 2022 4 75

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fo r D 15 Xma Spe og s O cial s T dis ffe od co r ay un re t ad er s Slow down the effects of ageing and extend your dog s longevity with the power of nature DogsToday Inside this month The ethical pet magazine for people who really care about dogs News features 4 Editor s letter who are the heroes and villains Facebook Dogs Today right now 6 Award winning oligopeptide discovery can help your dog to recover from even the most extreme cases of injuries chronic pain and immobility helps to regenerate damaged tissue Firework fight the campaign grows to stop the tragic loss of more lives 12 Can a pet let insurance solve the housing crisis for dog owning renters 16 The inspirational BarkMark winners of 2021 20 Letters and litters a new qualification in Sales Marketing Director Mike McGlynn 01276 402591 24 We reveal more finalists for the Top Dog London Office dogs 38 Meet the dogs of Downton Abbey Betty Old English Golden Retriever ish Honey Cocker Spaniel Madi collie cross Nellie Staffordshire Bull Terrier Sophie Jack Russell Vicky Justine Poison Ivy Newfoundlands Betty s Personal Trainer Kirsten Dillon IMDT A Dip CBM Over to you 30 Great debate should the breeder s licence abolish the business test Give BiogenicPet Vitality a chance to get back your dog s vitality and active life alleviates chronic and inflamed joint pain Dogs Today Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA 01276 402599 enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk www dogstodaymagazine co uk 34 Postbag what matters to you Training behaviour 48 Victoria Stilwell the unique bond between Publishers humans and dogs 52 Safari adventure the brown hyena Opinion 66 Confessions of a dogaholic anti dog brigade LIMITED Chief Operations Officer Graham Smith 01276 402598 graham wearebrandshare com Managing Director Beverley Cuddy 01276 402597 beverley dogstodaymagazine co uk Investigation 40 Q A what does your dog s poo reveal 42 Dog crush meet the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Subscriptions Competitions shopping 50 Subscribe and win 56 Pop the kettle on and tackle our puzzles and For subscription queries call Brandshare on 01276 402599 or email subs dogstodaymagazine co uk Initial subscription rates UK BFPO 12 issues 39 50 24 issues 61 EU countries 12 issues 65 20 Rest of the world airmail 12 issues 79 80 Direct Debit offer UK only 9 99 for 3 months with 1 month free trial and a 1 sign up fee competitions Dandie Dinmont Terrier Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk biogenic pet vitalitychallenge beverleycuddy Advertising sponsorship breeding Hotel 2021 award Don t let chronic joint pain ruin your dog s mobility and active life assist with repairing injured joints and ligaments Editorial Dogs_Today Editor Beverley Cuddy Art Director Rosie Peace Chief Sub Editor Contributing Editor Claire Horton Bussey Deputy Editor Alessandra Pacelli Illustrator Kevin Brockbank Proof readers Katie Horton Bussey Alys Horton Bussey The editor is always pleased to consider articles and photos from freelancers However there is often a considerable delay before material can be assessed Please include an SAE if you want your work returned While every care will be taken no responsibility for loss or damage can be accepted Competition sponsors and their families are not eligible for any competition Dogs Today incorporating Perfect Pup is published by Brandshare Ltd The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Tel 01276 402599 Brandshare Ltd reg office The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Distributed by Marketforce UK Ltd 2nd Floor 5 Churchill Pl Canary Wharf London E14 5HU Tel 020 3148 3333 www marketforce co uk Printed by The Manson Group 2021 Dogs Today The world copyright of the editorial matter both illustrations and text is strictly reserved Registered as a newspaper for transmission in the UK Next issue on sale 14 January To download Dogs Today for iPad go to the App store Android and PC versions are available from Pocket Mags the Kindle edition from www amazon co uk December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 3

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Dear readers Beverley Cuddy Illustration by Beverley Cuddy A t the beginning of the year I remember being super excited about a new charity that would fight for dogs in the courts Animal Protection Services had big plans and I excitedly speculated that they could be Marvel superheroes going after the nastiest criminals A lot can happen in a year As I might have mentioned a few times the 2018 legislation on dog breeding was very badly worded and APS spotted a profitable niche They could draw down money from a government pot set aside for private prosecutions It was like shooting fish in a barrel If you advertised a litter of puppies online and weren t licensed they would send a summons Most people didn t take it very seriously Some had been advised by their local authorities that they didn t need a licence that they were out of scope In one case the judge reported that you shouldn t rely on the local authority for legal advice and still fined the breeder awarded costs and the person went home with a criminal record Their name and address were later published in the local paper Many people thought that if they didn t breed three litters a year they didn t need a licence But the act also uses the HMRC business test and if you sold a pup for 1 000 or more it could be argued you had to be licensed Now the local authorities knew there was this strange anomaly but they weren t doing anything to enforce it However APS decided to take it on In February they came to an agreement with online ad platform Pets4Homes who started supplying data to APS But 130 court cases later with an impressive success rate of often bewildered people pleading guilty with no legal representation the gravy train got lumpy Apparently if people pleaded not guilty they d often drop the case preferring not to go to Crown Court But breeders started fighting back and the judge in this latest case wasn t having any of it and said some very strong words about what he felt was A specialist law firm and animal rights charity that may have been engaged in systemic fraud and perverting the course of Beverley Cuddy is Dogs Today s Editor and publisher She shares her life with Betty an Old English Golden Retrieverish dog from Many Tears and has just been joined by Honey a Cocker Spaniel puppy 4 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 justice by bringing abusive and unfounded private prosecutions So if APS were a Marvel character it would be time for some sort of intervention Maybe Thanos could get involved and help them pick better conquests In the meantime let s concentrate on sorting out the 2018 legislation so it actually discourages puppy farming and makes it easier for good small breeders to do the right thing Perhaps there could there be a separate licence for the small breeder The Adopt Don t Shop lobby may think breeders are public enemy number one but if the small breeder became extinct then only puppy farmers would be left resulting in even more dogs in rescue It is more expensive per pup for the good small breeder than for the puppy farmer An industrial shed where dogs are alone overnight can get a higher star rating than a breeder who sleeps on the floor next to mum Let me know what you think would be better Oh and happy Christmas let s hope 2022 is a good one P

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Words JULIE DOORNE THE FIREWORK CAMPAIGN constituents and have received favourable replies rather than the standard fireworks are used responsibly type letter we received prior to our very first debate in June 2016 In previous debates MPs have stood to argue the case for the firework industry in this debate not one MP stood to defend them This indeed is progress Please don t be despondent at the Minister s rebuttal at the closing of the debate it is his job within government to argue the case for no change MPs even got the Minister to agree that government needed to publish reports that had been previously promised It then was admitted that they had not even started them We wait for the Minister to come good on his word TURNING TIDES We were very pleasantly surprised by the number of MPs who took a stance and put forward their own thoughts and opinions as well of those of their constituents All 11 MPs who spoke told of differing situations on how firework use affect us our families our pets livestock and wildlife It was accepted that not only are fireworks detrimental to the welfare of animals but of humans too with MPs quoting from their constituents This is a huge turnaround of opinion and will help us moving forward well you didn t think we were going to stop did you P Lives lost The RSPCA has received over 10 000 reports of incidents due to fireworks this year alone Here are only some of the hundreds of stories of heartbreak we have heard first experience of Bonfire Night I will never ever forgive myself for not getting home sooner and for not remembering to shut that window We had put so much in place to keep her and our other rescue dogs safe over the weekend Thunder shirt Adaptil plug in and collars calming tablets they had eaten and toileted early and Classic FM was primed ready I was picking my son up and we were home less than five minutes after this happened Illustration by Kevin Brockbank Fireworks fight The devastation caused by fireworks continues with lives traumatised and lost needlessly The campaign for better legislation is growing stronger every day but still your help is needed M any of you will be aware of the Firework Campaign Group formerly Fab and our efforts to change legislation surrounding fireworks We believe that the current law which allows for their use every day from 7am to 11pm later on the traditional dates 6 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 of Bonfire Night until midnight 1am for Diwali New Year s Eve and Chinese New Year needs to be addressed This year we secured another debate on 8 November within Westminster Hall The debate was constrained for time having a limit of three minutes for each MP to speak but much was covered Leading the debate was Elliot Colburn MP You may have seen or filled in his survey on social media it had 1 2 million hits was shared 12 000 times and had 75 000 responses Firework legislation is literally a hot topic We know that many MPs have been contacted by their Lara Beau On 5 November 2021 my dog Lara Beau was killed in a road traffic accident on the M53 It was before 6pm Lara Beau sat with my husband and followed him upstairs to the bathroom At that moment a very loud firework went off in the neighbourhood and in a blind fight or flight response she bolted and scrambled her way out of a halfopen bedroom window in panic She wouldn t normally behave like this She wasn t a nervous or anxious dog under normal circumstances She was confident full of fun loved people and other dogs and loved to snuggle She was less than two years old and had only been with us for four months but she bonded with me immediately She wasn t a puppy but this was her My beautiful little girl jumped out of that bedroom window to escape the danger she felt was there and bolted running without stopping straight on to the M53 motorway where she was involved in a fatal collision She died on the side of the road alone No one stopped and she wasn t picked up until the following morning when a local volunteer Carol Pinchin found her body and brought her home Katherine Robinson Archie Saturday night in late November 2013 we were watching TV Archie was fast asleep on the back of the chair when suddenly there was such a massive bang the house shook It was a firework Archie leapt in the air and landed on the carpet with a thud and a loud scream The next day he could not put any weight on the leg An X ray followed and a referral to the orthopaedic vets at Northampton who operated the week before Christmas The surgeon said it was a clean snap not a tear Archie was eight years old and he never fully recovered A neighbour s kitten died because of a council firework display at the start of a Christmas fair It was not advertised and the kitten was out in the garden It got such a fright it bolted and fell in the canal It was found drowned the next day Tracy Wood December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 7

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Fireworks fight lives lost Archer Last night I got the call that all horse owners dread the one that tells you your horse is dead Unfortunately my Archer got so spooked by fireworks that he jumped out of the field Someone stopped and put hazards on as they tried to calm Archer Another car came past overtaking the car with hazards on and at the same time another firework went off scaring Archer right into the path of the car He was hit headfirst and the car was a write off The driver was OK with cuts and grazes from windscreen glass and possibly an injured leg By the time I got there they had already contacted a local farmer to move Archer s body as it was blocking the road So I got to see my pony lifted on to a flatbed trailer He left a pool of blood on the road Fireworks and animals do not mix well and neither do folk with PTSD autism and noise sensitivity and I now have a pony shaped hole in my heart Claire Willard Elvis Ollie Ollie had a seizure and died after being frightened by the sound of fireworks on 31 October He had been playing with his ball until about 5 30pm that afternoon and took his last breath in his owner s arms just over an hour later Ambrose When Ambrose was spooked by fireworks and went missing his owners searched frantically for him In the end they found him inside the house Ambrose had slipped back inside to hide away seeking safety Unfortunately he passed away shortly after being found his owner believes Ambrose s heart simply gave out Tiger Cadi Five year old Cadi was toileting in her garden when fireworks went off nearby causing her to bolt She broke through the garden s wooden fence and ran off not long afterwards her family got a call from a local vet informing them that Cadi had been killed in a road traffic accident 8 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Tiger spent the evening of Thursday 4 November shaking and crying on the sofa in his home frightened by the noise of fireworks outside It took only a few minutes for his owner to take a phone call but when she returned to him Tiger had passed away on the sofa literally frightened to death The family s other dog Bo was inconsolable and spent days searching for Tiger afterwards I was to be in Tenerife this week celebrating my mate s 50th birthday On Bonfire Night the fireworks were so loud my little dog Elvis was petrified and panted for four hours scared for his life The next day he wasn t right so we rushed him to the emergency vet who gave him two injections one to calm him down and an antiinflammatory for his throat as he was bringing up blood We were to fly to Tenerife on Sunday morning but Elvis was so poorly overnight we couldn t leave our little dog We took him to our own vet on Sunday as his heart was still beating 40 times a minute and we were worried he would have a heart attack The vet gave him an ultrasound scan and X ray which showed he had fluid in his lungs At 6 30pm on Sunday night we had to drive him to the specialist referral hospital but we were warned that Elvis could die in Angela s arms in the car of a heart attack When we arrived Elvis was put straight into an oxygen chamber in intensive care They ran tests on him ruling out cancer and lung worm and he was eventually diagnosed him with aspiration pneumonia brought on by fireworks He was described as the sickest animal in the hospital The first 24 hours have been vital he s hanging in and fighting but we cannot be with him and we may never get to see him again as we were told to prepare for the worst What fireworks do for animals is crazy They should be silent We are a country of animal lovers but we sell things that sound like a bomb exploding near you So next time you buy them please think of people s pets We are heartbroken as our little family dog is struggling for his life due to them Allan Preston Dexter Knowing Dexter was scared of fireworks his owner stayed home with him on Bonfire Night but it was not enough As fireworks went off Dexter panicked and ran into the bathroom when his owner followed she found him already dead on the floor and all attempts at reviving him failed Jessie After Jessie became frightened by fireworks and ran off her family frantically searched for her Sadly their search ended in the worst possible way two days later Jessie was found dead on train tracks Editor s note Elvis sadly did not survive the ordeal He was just seven years old River Ervin Etta Edie Fireworks killed these four beautiful innocent precious rabbits Three nights of the loudest explosions we ve ever heard non stop bangs and cracks and for what Entertainment Were your 20 minutes of entertainment worth their lives Was your fun worth their peace and happiness Sadie Johnson Coco Healthy seven year old Coco passed away suddenly due to the stress caused by fireworks leaving her owner devastated December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 9

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Fireworks fight lives lost Trev Nine year old Boxer cross Trev was briefly left home alone on Bonfire Night He became so scared he broke through a window and ran away across nearby railway tracks Owner Arieann Borstal told WalesOnline We were only out of the house about 45 minutes It was all quiet when we left and Trev was completely calm But it must have started getting really noisy not long afterwards because we came back to find paw prints up the walls and the window forced open He must have been so scared The family spent the weekend looking for Trev until they found out what had happened on Sunday A train driver posted on our local Facebook community page that he d spotted a dog s body on the tracks not far from where we live she said She added He was our world and the kids are heartbroken especially Charlie who s seven He s never known life without Trev in it So many people turned out to help us search They gave us so much support and displayed such kindness We ll never forget that Prosecco Seven year old Lurcher Prosecco fled a family farm after becoming frightened by fireworks and was killed when she was hit by a car Her owner Boogie Machin said Prosecco disappeared from the farm in Leicestershire after loud bangs from nearby fireworks sent her into a panic Ms Machin spent hours driving around trying to locate the dog before someone she knew found her dead on the side of the A607 the following morning She described the loss of her pet as heartbreaking More heartbreak My beautiful amazing parrot lost her life due to stupid people doing fireworks in a field behind my house It has broken my heart and my children s Alison Little Help us to help you We have so much to work with going forward not least our Change petition https chng it 7ZyDMVMzWP which is currently at over 918 000 signatures Once it receives one million we will look at delivering it personally to Downing Street We are working hard to get government petitions about fireworks above 100 000 signatures to try to secure another debate If you see a government petition please sign it No doubt there will be yet more fireworks in the coming months If you see illegal firework activity please report to the police on 101 In the meantime continue to write to your MPs so they are unable to deny there is a problem in their constituency Fill in the RSPCA incident reporting survey and if you have horses and have problems with fireworks please also report to the BHS All links are at the end of the article We need continued data to push forward and you are the ones to provide this Quick links My friend runs an animal shelter where some idiots decided to set off some fireworks The dogs were demented One pulled her own teeth out trying to escape She has been a nervous wreck since and is still on medication Sarah Mellanby My Labrador was shot by the stick from a firework on 2 November It pierced his leg and caused him to bolt and run into the path of a car He will make a full physical recovery but only time will tell what damage has been done elsewhere Tima Lund 10 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 They re not all this good Get pet insurance that helps you love every moment Enjoy the best moments with your pet knowing we re here for the rest Our pet insurance policies o er up to 15 000 of vet fee cover award winning service and generous bene ts like an unlimited free video vet Discover Bought By Many today bbm link pet6 Follow the Firework Campaign Group on Facebook Further information can be found at https fabfireworkcampaign org SPRING 2021 4 7 5 Customer Experience Rating GOLD RIBBON CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Pet Insurance RSPCA www surveymonkey co uk r TKWMJJC Horse Society BHS report an incident via the website www bhs org uk an for offer Sc British 15 000 of cover on the Complete policy Terms apply See http bbm link terms22 for details Insurance underwritten by Great Lakes Insurance SE Bought By Many Ltd is authorised and regulated by the FCA Register number 652623 Get a free mystery gift when you buy a policy by scanning the QR code visiting bbm link pet6 or calling us on 0345 646 0751 June 2020 Dogs Today 11

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Words ALESSANDRA PACELLI Dog owners are especially affected by the current housing crisis with only a small minority of rental properties willing to accept tenants with pets Some believe the solution lies in pet insurance I f you are among the millions of British pet owners who live in rented accommodation you know your housing options are far more limited than those of people without pets and that having to choose between a roof over your 12 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 head and your pets is a real possibility each time you need to find a new place to live Fewer than 7 of UK rental properties accept tenants with pets and the situation can be even more dire depending on where you are in the country Research by All About Cats set out to reveal the best and worst cities in the UK to find a petfriendly rental property and even in the best of them the picture is bleak At the very bottom are Newcastle upon Tyne Huddersfield Coventry Photo posed by models Let insurance and Leicester In each of these places fewer than 2 of lettings are advertised as pet friendly The top three cities on the other hand are Poole 15 69 Glasgow 9 63 and Middlesbrough 9 30 The fact two of the top three cities for pet friendly rentals offer fewer than 10 pet friendly lettings every 100 with an estimated 44 of households in the UK owning a pet even before the rise in pet ownership that came with the Covid 19 pandemic is far from uplifting Recent data by Rightmove shows that demand for pet friendly properties has increased by 120 since last summer but has not been matched by an increase in availability The issue is not new We have long reported heart breaking stories of owners forced to give up their pets in order to find accommodation owners who chose to become homeless along with their pets and vulnerable owners who were lost to suicide when faced with this impossible choice Readers may remember how attempts have been made to change this state of affairs In October 2020 Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell proposed a piece of legislation dubbed Jasmine s Law in parliament named after a dog who was separated from her owner Jordan Adams because of no pet clauses The bill aimed to place strict limits on the ability of landlords to impose no pets policies in rented accommodation provided renters could prove they are responsible owners While it was met favourably upon its introduction the bill never received a second reading partly due to the early 2021 lockdown However in January there was a step forward a change in the Model Tenancy Agreement meant landlords would no longer be able to issue blanket bans on pets in this government recommended contract Consent for pets is now the default position and landlords will have to object in writing within 28 days of a written pet request from a tenant and provide a good reason to deny the request While this change recognised the need to make pet friendly rentals the default it is in no way legally binding After the change came into effect Andrew Rosindell said As the Housing Minister made clear in his statement blanket bans on pets are unfair and these changes are clear indications that the government recognises the extent of the problem I am delighted to have played a role in securing this change Nevertheless the Model Tenancy Agreement is just a template It is not legally binding Consequently this campaign must continue and we must turn these proposals into law to ensure a pet in every home According to charity AdvoCats the current Tenant Fees Act is still creating a needless barrier to pet ownership in rented accommodation that a new Model Tenancy Agreement simply cannot fix The Tenant Fees Act which abolished the provision for landlords to request extra security deposits for pets has added to the problems faced by pet owners or prospective pet owners in securing rented accommodation according to research published by the charity COLLATERAL DAMAGE The Heads for Tails report published in September by Jen Berazi co founder of AdvoCats reports that almost one in five landlords who previously allowed pets in rented accommodation stopped doing so since the Tenant Fees Act came into force in 2019 as the act effectively prohibits landlords from asking for pet damage insurance and it fails to include a separate pet deposit as part of its list of permitted payments The report reads The aim of the Tenant Fees Act as outlined when it was introduced was to reduce the costs that tenants can face at the outset and throughout a tenancy as well as to allow tenants to see what a given property will cost them in the advertised rent with no hidden costs While this ambition of lower costs and greater transparency for tenants is laudable for many prospective pet owners it did not achieve either of these goals The act effectively prohibits landlords from asking for pet insurance and it fails to include a separate pet deposit as part of its list of permitted payments The consequence of this has been higher rents or outright bans for many pet owners which defeats the aim of lower costs and greater transparency as there is ambiguity introduced into the rental cost The report suggests that by amending the Tenant Fees Act to allow landlords to request a pet deposit or pet insurance more of them would be encouraged to accept pets rather than resorting to blanket pet bans or higher rent with 76 saying that insurance December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 13

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Tenant Fees Act because the list of permitted payments does not include pet deposits while sections 1 and 2 of the Bill also prohibit landlords from requiring a contract of pet damage insurance as part of a tenancy agreement The report finds that landlords have responded to these changes either with a blanket no pets clause or by increasing rents for pet owners One in five landlords who previously allowed pets no longer do since the passing of the act REMEMBER HOW THEY MADE CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPECIAL Remember them with a smile TRY AND TRY AGAIN products should be available for both parties Nigel Lewis editor of LandlordZone said To solve the lets with pets conundrum landlords need reassurance that there are no risks or costs attached to renting to tenants with pets while dog and cat owning renters need a scheme that enables them to unlock more properties within the PRS private rented sector AdvoCats proposals achieve the balanced approach that s needed to achieve both aims MIDDLE GROUND Sean Hooker head of redress at the Property Redress Scheme also endorses the suggestion The issue of pets in rental properties has sparked a lot of often emotive debate and this conflict is not healthy for the sector he said The paper outlines a blueprint for a set of clear and fair rules that protect the interests of both tenants and their landlords A simple law change will set the framework for an understanding between the parties on a pet policy and the needs of both I am confident the measures will lead to fewer disputes and complaints 14 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 To solve the lets with pets conundrum landlords need reassurance that there are no risks or costs attached to renting to tenants with pets According to a YouGov poll in February 2021 53 of pet owners indicated that they would be willing to pay for specialised pet insurance if priced reasonably to them and required by a landlord In September 2021 a crossparty group of 35 MPs including Andrew Rosindell who proposed Jasmine s Law Lisa Cameron chair of All party Parliamentary Dog Advisory Welfare Group and Sir David Amess who lost his life in a knife attack on 15 October 2021 signed an open letter to Robert Jenrick then Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government calling for the Tenant Fees Act to be amended The letter reads This report finds serious problems with the In the case of landlords who have increased rent this is clearly a suboptimal solution It punishes responsible pet owners unlike pet deposits which would be returned to responsible pet owners and pet insurance which can be used to build up a no claims history and it reduces transparency of payments a key aim of the bill The report therefore recommends that secondary legislation be used to add pet deposits to the list of permitted payments and that the issue concerning pet damage insurance be investigated to see whether secondary legislation would be sufficient to make the necessary change or if primary legislation would be needed to amend sections 1 and 2 Since the letter was penned Robert Jenrick has been succeeded by Michael Gove as Secretary of State for Levelling Up Housing and Communities Andrew Rosindell has since re sent the letter with five additional signatures The late Sir David Amess MP was a proud supporter of almost every animal welfare campaign in parliament and I was so proud to have his support for this campaign Rosindell wrote I m pleased to be able to honour his legacy in a small way by continuing this campaign and sending my open letter to the new Secretary of State Michael Gove As this goes to print no response has come however with the recent changes in the Model Tenancy Agreement showing that the government is aware of the problem and willing to take action there is reason to hope an answer may be forthcoming perhaps in the new year P This festive season take a moment to celebrate those pets who are no longer with us but brought endless joy to our lives At Battersea we know how unique every animal is and understand just how hard the loss of a beloved pet can be Remember those pets who have given us special memories this Christmas and every day by donating to help the dogs and cats at Battersea still waiting to make someone s Christmas extra special Battersea Dogs Cats Home is a charity registered in England and Wales 206394 DONATE IN MEMORY Find out how you can support Battersea while remembering your beloved pet Telephone Monday to Friday 9am 5pm 020 7627 9300 Visit battersea org uk inmemory

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY We wanted to recognise and show appreciation for all the people using bring together those using their platforms to better the lives of dogs their voices for the greater good of dogs to find a way to and dog lovers And so the BarkMark was born The BarkMarks 2021 everyone s a winner How did we make it work W e partnered with Tailwise to seek out the nominations and created a Facebook group to encourage people to nominate as well as share their stories and campaigns After over a month we had hundreds of completed forms and sent out little tokens of recognition to every nominee while the expert panel had the hard task of choosing the finalists Within hours of the voting going live there were thousands of votes across the different categories Voting closed after three weeks and after some validation we had our winners but every person nominated already was one of those More than 75 000 votes were cast Here are the 2021 BarkMark winners Most Memorable Dog Related Moment of 2021 Pen Farthing s Operation Ark This extraordinary event had the world holding its breath Against all the odds Pen saved the dogs and the people from the Nowzad sanctuary in Kabul but he also inspired a generation to believe one person can make a difference Most Dog Friendly Politician of 2021 Sir Oliver Heald MP For speaking up for dogs and those that love them in parliament and his part in bringing in better laws to protect them Best Innovation to Benefit Dogs this Decade Tailwise For having for the most innovative product that has come out in the past decade for bettering the well being of dogs Hope in the Face of Great Adversity Plum Pudding For providing inspirational positivity when overcoming challenges despite a terrible start in life 2021 Dog World Changer Fabulous Finn For immense bravery and loyalty Police dog Finn survived a near lethal knife attack when protecting PC Dave Wardell Finn is the inspiration for two huge changes in the law to make dogs safer Top Dog Mentor Dog Breeding Jessica Gilmour For changing the image of dog breeding Progressive and science led Jessica has dedicated herself to rearing happy healthy dogs that become the centre of their new owner s world while giving her mums the best life too Top Dog Mentor Dog Wellbeing Cavalier Matters For being the organisation that has tried the hardest to improve the wellbeing of dogs Top Dog Mentor Who Best Trains Dog Trainers Who Helped Dog Owners the Most in 2021 DogLost For bringing together so many owners to help those whose dogs are lost or stolen We are so much stronger when united Who Helped Dogs the Most in 2021 Putting BSL to Sleep For helping dogs facing terrible injustice BarkMark Medal of Honour The Dog s Best Friend Pen Farthing For bravely refusing to give up on any dog or person when faced with unimaginable peril and stifling bureaucracy Social Media Dog of the Year 2021 Husky Anuko For having the most expressive of faces Anuko can t talk but has connected with dog lovers all over the world who are always in no doubt what this gorgeous Husky thinks Best Dog Podcast 2021 Most High Profile Acquisition of a Dog in Lockdown Queen Elizabeth II For the high profile puppy acquisition that prompted discussion about responsible dog ownership online 16 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 IMDT For being the most popular organisation that trains dog trainers to the highest standard Wags Lyrical For being the podcast that has communicated some of the most important topics in the dog world and has started the necessary conversations December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 17

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Here s what a few of the winners had to say DogLost DogLost are thrilled to receive this prestigious award and accept on behalf of all our volunteer DogLost admins co ordinators 153 000 registered DogLost helpers and the numerous rescues dog wardens and other supportive groups all over the country who have all tirelessly given up their free time to help dogs be reunited Best TV for Dog Lovers in 2021 Paul O Grady s For the Love of Dogs For being the TV show that entertained us the most particularly when we were all stuck at home Top Dog Media Vet ONLY IN CINEMAS DECEMBER 10 TH Pete Wedderburn For being the media vet who has used their platform most effectively to better the lives of dogs BarkMark Best Dog Book 2021 IMDT The IMDT is delighted to be awarded the winner of the Trainer of the Best Dog Trainers poll The IMDT will continue to lead the way in providing the very best education qualifications and membership for dog trainers and behaviourists worldwide Putting BSL To Sleep We would like to thank all the lovely people who took the time to vote for us We are honoured to have won this category especially as we are a relatively small organisation Many people throughout the UK are unaware of the impact of breed specific legislation on ordinary family pets wrongly believing that as it falls under the Dangerous Dogs Act that all seized dogs have presented as a danger This is not the case Most dogs seized from their homes have never caused fear or injury to anyone they are taken away simply for their appearance What complicates matters further is the Pit Bull is not a recognised breed the seized dogs are crossbreeds who have the misfortune to conform to the measurements and appearance of a banned breed We believe that the focus should be removed from appearance and instead focus on the owners of dogs who have caused injury We are humbled and proud to have achieved this award and would love to work with you in the future 18 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Kika Me How One Extraordinary Guide Dog Changed My World by Dr Amit Patel For being the book that has provided the most help information or insight for dog lovers What have we learned from this experience There is a need to celebrate the people doing things right and we should all champion one another It was encouraging to see people get involved and support the causes they believe in and we saw just how beneficial collaboration can be What does the future hold for the BarkMark We are so grateful for everyone that was involved with our inaugural BarkMark event and now that we ve done it once we know that we must do it again And we ll make it even bigger and better in the coming years We want to continue building and nurturing relationships and partnerships with all those working on behalf of dogs and ensure that their health and welfare is of the utmost importance We want to see campaigns grow larger and stronger and invite the public to be a part of the great changes to come As a community of dog lovers we must band together in the name of dogs use our voices and platforms for the greater good and celebrate the wins that come along the way Let s do it all again next year P Woofficial pet food partner WIN BIG WITH BURNS UK HOLIDAY TO BE WON UK family adventure to be won for your family and your dog To enter visit burnspet co uk cliffordthebigreddog T s and C s apply No purchase necessary Go to www burnspet co uk Closing date 28 2 22 2021 Paramount Pictures Expert health nutrition team freephone 0800 083 6696 UK 1800 83 66 96 ROI Or webchat burnspet co uk burnspet burnspetfood

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Words REBECCA WALTERS Letters and litters Breeding is part art part science and the curriculum is vast A new qualification aims to help breeders develop and improve while making it easier for puppy owners to identify those who have really done their homework N ever have so many people in the UK been searching for breeders and adding puppies to their lives A recent study showed that no less than 3 2 million dogs and kittens were added to our households across the UK between 2020 and 2021 Along with the increase in pet numbers we have seen huge increases in people deciding to breed from their pet dogs So how is this influx of new breeders affecting the dogs of our future Sadly you do not have to look far to see the effects Dogs Trust has reported a 41 increase in web traffic to its Giving Up Your Dog page between January and August 2021 Rescues are brimming with unwanted dogs who were bred with no knowledge or forethought raised with no experience or training and homed to the first buyer that sent a WhatsApp enquiry Although amplified by the pandemic this is an age old problem one that for years rescue organisations and dog lovers alike have tried to solve Where are we going wrong Did you know that until last month there were no nationally recognised qualifications available specifically for dog breeders If you wanted to learn more about dog breeding you had to rely on a book or two and social media advice groups for your research which is crazy given that there is so much to learn prior to breeding As a starting point you need to consider why you are breeding and what it is you are trying to breed 20 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 You need to acknowledge how much time and financial commitment breeding requires Veterinary treatment is part and parcel of the process and it can and often does run into thousands of pounds Your breeder commitments need to be upheld to support the bitch and her puppies whatever that entails Breeding is a lifestyle choice you can t opt in and out when the going gets tough You need a strong understanding of the importance of health and temperament testing breed standards coefficiency values pregnancy care whelping and troubleshooting aftercare of the bitch and puppies nutrition veterinary care and welfare and that is before we even start talking about the raising of the puppies A person contemplating breeding needs to immerse themselves in the latest socialisation techniques to set their puppies up properly for a human world and then purchase all the associated equipment that enables the puppies to flourish To be a dog breeder you need the correct environment the right amount and type of space for your bitch and her puppies Permissions may need to be sought and insurances undertaken Next come the skills required to observe and profile each puppy so they can be matched to their future owners Followed by the endless amounts of time and analysing they will need to devote to weeding out the perfect owners from the not so perfect owners A strong understanding of the law around breeding and the regulations in place in the UK is vital Do you require a dog breeding licence in order to breed Potential breeders need to learn how to spot the dangers avoid the pitfalls and prevent the heartache caused by poor breeding practice Lastly a breeder pledge needs to be made a pledge to provide care and a space to any dog that they chose to create should that dog need it BREEDING BLIND If you have considered breeding you may be lucky enough to know a breeder who will offer advice and help However the reality is that most people do not have that support network and instead search for questions and answers on social media groups Most people start out on their breeding journey December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 21

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If you have read this far then you now understand what a good breeder needs to know and be prior to breeding A decent breeder will be able to discuss all the previously mentioned points and should be happy to do so Setting this as the level of expectation for potential owners is just as vital So what else are you looking for A good breeder only wants the absolute best for their puppies so expect a grilling It is one of the only processes in the world where you should be interviewed for your suitability prior to parting with your cash Expect to have to wait A good breeder will have a waiting list and will not be able to produce a puppy in an instant Litters should be planned well in advance and a good puppy pie takes time to cook Do not expect to choose your puppy for their colour or gender a breeder will quiz you and then match you to 22 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 The UK s No 1 vitamins available now for those with 4 legs TM the puppy that suits you best Remember they know the puppies more than anyone You don t live with the colour of a puppy you live with the puppy itself You should experience a clean and welcoming environment with happy dogs mum and ideally dad should be present The breeder should be proud to provide you with the health testing documentation conducted prior to the mating and they should be happy to explain why they felt this mating was a good match They should be able to explain what they hoped they would see in the puppies they produced in terms of temperament health and conformation Expect to sign a contract of sale It protects the puppy the owner and the breeder An open communication SuperDog takes our 50 years of awardwinning nutritional expertise even further channel should be available Easy messaging between yourself and the breeder should be the norm with emails calls or whatever the preferred format This openness should continue well into the time that you have your puppy at home A caring breeder is there for life not just for the eight weeks that they are the puppy s caregiver all the innovation and careful effective formulation you d expect from Vitabiotics now available for your special companion From vitality to healthy joints and bones SuperDog formulations provide optimum levels of micro nutrients to safeguard the diet of your furriest family member Rebecca Walters is the founder of Pupstarts Breeders www pupstartsbreeders com Joints Bones Health Vitality 60 Chewable Tablets 60 Chewable Tablets Canine expert Finally in 2022 you the potential puppy owner will have the power to ask Are you qualified to breed puppies That is an immensely powerful question to be asking when you are searching for your new best friend and one that we hope will become top of the question list P See my expert tips to help care for your SuperDog Paul Manktelow Visit www super dog co uk Proud supporter of Battersea caring for dogs since 1860 From UK s No 1 Vitamin Company 2021 04 21_ADSPDCONP BREEDER TICKLIST G Large Munsterlander Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk with little knowledge and a female dog who is also inexperienced It really is the blind leading the blind This situation has come about through a lack of available education and it is a large contributing factor to the welfare issues that so many dogs face Here comes the good part The recently launched iPet Network Level 3 Certificate in Dog Breeding Litter Socialisation and Welfare aims to change that As a breeder myself and a breeder educator I can honestly say that most breeders I meet want to learn grow and develop They are foremost dog lovers They simply do not know how to access the correct information The new course gives dog breeders the opportunity to become qualified and to gain the skills and knowledge required to breed a healthy litter of well rounded puppies Available from www super dog co uk SCAN FOR INFO Source Nielsen GB ScanTrack Total Coverage Value and Unit Retail Sales 52 w e 30 01 21 To verify contact Vitabiotics Ltd 1 Apsley Way London NW2 7HF UK s leading supplements for humans Vitabiotics will donate 10p from the sale of each product to Battersea Battersea Dogs Cats Home registered charity number 206394

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Words BEVERLEY CUDDY Welcome to part two of our shortlist for the most luxurious dog friendly Do vote I want to visit them all More next month Isn t it wonderful that Where top dogs want to stay Hotel Caf Royal 10 Air St London W1B 4DY A guest on Trip Advisor said An oasis of luxurious calm and pampering I visited with my dogs and they accommodated our every need You walk in famous footsteps Oscar Wilde Muhammed Ali and Winston Churchill to drop just a few names David Bowie threw a party here to say goodbye to Ziggy Stardust Edward and Mrs Simpson would pop in for lunch Pets up to 12kg are welcome Dogs must not be left alone in rooms the concierge team can book pet sitting or dog walking services via Tailster A big plus pets are permitted in restaurants and bars at the discretion of the management So do ask nicely dogs No pets in the spa Size 160 rooms and suites Style Iconic Facilities Deep baths rainfall showers and mirror TV in bathroom sound proofing bathrobe slippers Toiletries Floris Spa gym Free access to the spa pool sauna steam room etc Most expensive suite for two nights The Dome Penthouse with a rooftop terrace and cinema price on application the smaller Presidential suite is 18k for two nights Cheapest room for two nights room only 1 470 Trip Advisor Hotel Cafe Royal Charlotte Huco 24 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 The Lanesborough Hyde Park Corner SW1X 7TA One review said The barman made a Martini from ice and water for my Miniature Dachshunds was expertly done and caused great amusement Will return What a wonderful memory definitely employee of the month There s a personalised welcome snack upon arrival bed bowls mats and leads a selection of waters and toys The butler team will assist with dog walking Size 93 suites and bedrooms Style Beautiful mansion lovingly renovated Location Next door to Buckingham Palace s grounds on the doorstep of Hyde Park just a short walk from the posh shops Special touches Bespoke Canine Connoisseur Menu with Tail Wagging Tostadas German Shepherd s Pie Labrador Lasagne and Poodle Noodles dog friendly seats are available in the withdrawing room and the library bar so dogs and owners can dine together Facilities 24 hour personal butler service fruit coffee and tea with wake up calls Resident cat Lilibet Toiletries Roja Dove The Lanesborough Hotel Cafe Royal Charlotte Huco London hotels in London Where would you and your dog like to stay the world is starting to recognise that dogs are family too Most expensive suite for two nights The Royal Suite but the Presidential has a terrace which may be better for dogs price on application the smaller Buckingham suite is 6 840 for two nights Cheapest room for two nights room only 1 406 Trip Advisor December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 25

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Rosewood London Toiletries Czech Speake in the poshest rooms DR Harris entry level rooms Most expensive suite for two nights Chancery House foyer gallery living room study powder room and sunken dining room 6 414 Cheapest room for two nights room only 1 050 Special touches They also offer a Canine Package 2 100 per night in a Grand Premier Suite amenities by Barbour and meals by Lily s Kitchen tips on where to walk dine and shop with your four legged friend relax at a Rosewood Spa with a treatment of your choice while your pet is pampered by celebrity dog groomer Jamie Griffen Trip Advisor Charity of the month y y p p u P a r o s SSppoonnso JuJu sts t5 a 5a mm onoth nth nging partner to life cha pup to Frompup rship partneship life changing From Rosewood London 252 High Holborn London WC1V 7EN This reviewer expresses what we all want Travelling with a Pug usually means a compromise on quality and service Most dog friendly hotels are more accurately dog tolerant Rosewood is the first luxury hotel where our dog has been made to feel properly welcome And that s in all areas including the lobby bar and restaurants which are all beautifully designed I m sponsoring Diesel I Rosewood London Size 262 rooms Style History with modern luxury a grade II listed building renovated to provide the feel of a stylish British manor house Location A 15 minute walk to Covent Garden Facilities Extensive pillow selection coffee machine bathrobes salon grade hairdryer 10 Argyle St WC1H 8EG The Standard 26 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Choo hoosse EC t Sttoar e hoose C Chioeosseel D Logan The Standard We booked this hotel last minute as we were let down by another hotel not allowing our dog The service from reception when arriving was very welcoming All our needs were catered for with a dog bed and bowls in the room The room was out of this world with a beautiful balcony and all mod cons There is nothing standard about this place This was the group s first hotel outside the States The building probably made Prince Charles very upset when it was built in the 1970s but now it s being treasured and adorned There s a red bubble lift and you get the feeling that Austin Powers may step out of it It s very dog friendly because Anjelica Huston a massive fan of the hotel said they should be I m sponsoring Etta I Size 266 rooms in 42 unique styles Style Yeah baby Facilities Over stocked mini bars and in room dining Craig Green robes some rooms have outdoor baths Special touches plants in the wet room Spa gym 24 hour gym Toiletries Custom and Davines bath products Most expensive for two nights Suite Terrace 1 778 as much space inside as outside and a TV on wheels Cheaper rooms for two nights The Single really tiny everything in reach of the bed 418 Cosy Core no windows great for jet lag or post hangovers 478 Queen of Queens windows 488 Trip Advisor m Sponsor Logan or Storm and be part of their SponsortoLogan or Storm and be part of their journey becoming amazing assistance dogs journey to becoming amazing assistance Watch them develop their skills and learn dogs about Watch them develop their skills and learn about their training to become a future life changer theirtotraining a future life changer able supporttoabecome physically disabled child or able to support a physically disabled child or adult or adult or support an autistic child support an autistic child You ll receive receive You ll Fantastic free gift Fantastic free Welcome packgift Welcomeupdates pack Regular Regularto updates Option give as aOption to give as gift perfect fora gift Christmas WIN Sign up today and you can win a year s sponsorship Remember to mention Dogs Today Magazine when you sign up to qualify Please note that from May 2022 we will change the puppies available to sponsor www dogsforgood org donate puppy or scan this QR code Dogs for Good 01295 252 600 Registered Charity in England Wales 1092960 Registered in Scotland SC039828

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Overlooking Kensington Gardens dog walking and sitting are offered grooming leashes and bathrobes for the dog too Planning a party for your dog No problem Old world charm grade II listed A Trip Advisor reviewer said The best afternoon tea in London I was particularly impressed by our waiter Tom who arranged some treats for our dog Freddie to enjoy as well The Milestone Kensington W8 5DL Size 56 rooms and six residences Style Each room has a distinct character filled with curated artworks Poshest rooms Grand master suite Facilities Sauna and pool 24 hour butler service Special touches bathrobe and slippers floating candles at turndown Toiletries Penhaligon Most expensive suite for two nights 2 000 Cheapest room for two nights room only 385 Trip Advisor Hotel 41 Forbes rates this hotel as 5 star for humans but the doggie welcome is more like 10 This Trip Advisor review gives an idea of how far they go for their guests This was Penny s our Cockapoo first time in a 5 star hotel After all the fussing from every member of staff we passed she refused to leave They truly do treat pets like they treat their guests Dogs can have either a pet friendly champagne or beer on arrival while you sip your complimentary tipple There is of course a doggie turndown treat each night mineral water in the bowls custom made beds and a pet menu The executive lounge has an honesty bar staff can help you mix a drink if needed and you can have breakfast till late a la carte meals when you like and complimentary afternoon tea which switches to evening canap s and then heartier fare cheeses cutlets pies if you just want to nibble It s like your own stately home 28 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Dog Insurance with up to 30 off TR A 5 off u code Promo 99 WOOF Visit theinsuranceemporium co uk DT99 or call 03300 243 980 today 41 Buckingham Palace Road SW1W 0PS Size 28 rooms and two apartments Staff Personal butlers and staff outnumber guests two to one Style Intimate historic opulent it overlooks the royal mews most rooms have open fireplaces and each room is different Special touches Round the clock dining should you like it including Plunder the Pantry overnight if peckish Spa gym It s small and historic so there s no room for a spa or gym but they ll find you a therapist if you need one and you can use the PureGym next door if you need to work off the complimentary pies private rooftop yoga 120 an hour weather dependent Poshest rooms Conservatory suite Toiletries Penhaligon Facilities Coffee machine bathrobe and slippers pillow menu Most expensive suite for two nights 1 415 EX Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Entertainment Leisure Insurance Services Limited and Lifestyle Policy Limited are appointed representatives of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited The Insurance Emporium is a trading name of The Equine and Livestock Insurance Company Limited registered in England and Wales no 294940 which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority no 202748 The 30 discount is made up of 20 Introductory Discount plus 10 Multi pet Discount if appropriate The Introductory Discount is available for the first year of premium payments on lunar and calendar monthly policies or one premium payment on annual policies uOffer ends 31 12 2022 and is not available in conjunction with any other promo code Our Defaqto 5 Star Rating applies to Lifetime Gold Pet Insurance policies TIE Dogs_Today HP 2021 2022 indd 1 Cheapest room for two nights room only 440 Trip Advisor Many of the hotels specify only small or medium dogs in their small print to avoid upset be transparent when booking After all Betty is very small compared to an Irish Wolfhound but huge compared to Honey P Which of these hotels would be the one you d pick if you had the choice Do vote here www surveymonkey co uk r topdogLondon 02 11 2021 14 10 50

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Labradors Photo posed by models Great Debate If you have an opinion on this subject that is not already covered here putting Great Debate in the subject line Please limit your response to email enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk 100 words Karen Utterson I thoroughly agree that the licensing laws are ridiculous for those of us who have a few litters a year The inspector told me I have to fill out daily records as to what time I feed my pet dogs daily and what time I take them for walks I have to have a health and safety poster up in my hallway I only wanted to have one litter I had to pay over 700 and the vet that came charged 450 and paid no attention to the dogs he just looked in my dog medicine cabinet and where I kept their food It s a rip off I have a lovely room in my house with a patio door for light and ventilation and a radiator for heat It has its own bathroom if I need to get hot water a whelping area just for the litter and a run in the house My dogs sleep wherever they like in my fourbedroom home I got two stars because I did not keep daily records and there is no couch in the whelping room when I have a whelping box dog cushions dog bed a whole wall of the room has cosy dog cushions the dog can leave the room when she likes and the whelping pen is beautiful The dog can get in and out of the room to go into the living room whenever she likes The whole thing is ridiculous I passed the Ofqual level 3 for dog handling I have my dogs health tested they are in beautiful condition and I love them I got two stars due to not filling out the ridiculous paperwork daily and I am still not sure what paperwork they expected My dogs are family members they are loved and cared for Someone who breeds in an outside kennel could get more stars because of the ridiculous paperwork It is a con I have to pay over 700 again to renew next year Should the 2018 breeding licence follow Scotland s lead and abolish the business test to focus on the number of litters bred instead 30 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Barbara Wright Personally I think the whole breeding and buying of pups needs to be turned upside down Instead of going after the good breeders and just clobbering us they need to go after the stupid people who buy from puppy farms and bad breeders If no one bought them they would not be breeding them for profit My local authority s rule is that people breeding three or more litters need a licence They also use the tax 1 000 trading profit rule so if you get 1 000 income before expenses then you need a licence I had a litter of one pup a few years ago but if it were now and the pup was sold for 1 000 then I would have to pay about 700 for the licence Jayne Dendle I think all breeders should be licensed whether professional or hobby The revenue created could be used for more inspectors There are far too many bad breeders out there they need stopping and good breeders recognised Sharon Alston Breeding needs a full overview hopefully in line with the new changes in chipping regulations Angel Harrison It really doesn t matter what laws are put in place for breeders until buyers are made accountable for their choices too Neither Scotland England or Wales has rules that stop underground breeding People who care for their breed who want to breed to the highest quality are being put off and penalised by the awful bureaucracy My inspector told me he was a stickler I have another name for him but it is too rude to mention here Laura Gerlach I would strongly support a shift to focus on the number of litters bred Personally I d probably say more than two litters maybe even one in a 12 month period should require a licence A halfway house would be to have a much simpler much cheaper form of per litter licence for folks breeding just the odd litter probably involving spot checks rather than routine checks to keep the costs down I like many people I know might have a litter every three years or so When I communicated with my local council early in 2019 their interpretation of the law was that I didn t need a licence But they were very unhappy about the difficulty of interpreting the wording of the legislation which if I remember correctly stated explicitly that it was not intended to pick up occasional hobby breeders Whoever drafted this legislation clearly had no understanding of occasional breeders a category that probably produces some of the most carefully raised puppies out there Andrea Galindo I can see why the business test would discourage small breeders but at the same time two large litters can mean a large monetary gain especially with some of the prices we have seen since the beginning of the pandemic I would rather see that licensed Maybe change the minimum gain to 5 000 or so 1 000 seems too low Sue Morphy I really worry that the business test will be the death of many brilliant breeders who have one bitch and breed once every few years While no system is perfect the business test clause should go Jamie Bond I don t have an issue with having to be licensed I do have an issue with the situation where one local authority interprets the rules differently to another Ours says that if you sell any pups you need a licence which puts us at a disadvantage to breeders in other areas I would just like to see the same set of rules for all Mel Carter I breed maybe one litter every two to three years My local authority said they weren t interested and HMRC told me not to register as I m full time employed on a decent salary and my dog accounts show a net loss most years so I would be entitled to claim tax back if I registered my dog breeding business meaning HMRC would owe me money I have no issue with licensing per se but I believe that the assessors rarely know anything about dogs and the vets they use are often fixated on vaccines and chemical treatments which I don t want to be forced to give to my dogs I have always passed my assessments with no issues These assessments were quite intense and thorough I would happily apply if I thought it would be fairly assessed and common sense would be applied You cannot assess a household of pets living as a family and raising the odd litter in the living room with the same criteria you use to assess a mass commercial kennels There needs to be two clear pathways one for commercial breeding and one for home breeding December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 31

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Great Debate Rosemary Frost The so called business test should be abolished The argument that it would give a green light for backyard breeders to go under the radar does not stand up most of them are merely puppy farmers on a smaller scale and breed back toback litters mostly unregistered purely for money so they would fall within the criteria under which a breeding licence would be required People like me have been driven out of the market altogether in 35 years I only bred five litters when I wanted to keep a pup myself to continue my lines I stopped for a while and was considering starting again from scratch until these new rules came in For someone like me it is simply not a viable option as it is hard enough to make any serious money as a hobby breeder without having to consider upping my output ie breeding on a more regular basis which I would not wish to do I never ever relied on breeding as my main source of income if I had I would have been bankrupt pretty quickly especially if I factored in the cost of showing etc Current regulations only facilitate the larger commercial scale operations which is precisely the opposite of what was intended Julie Ashurst I don t understand why a breeder having one or two litters a year should have to pay the same costs for a licence as a breeder having 10 litters a year That just encourages small hobby breeders to bang out more litters to cover how much licensing is costing them which encourages puppy farming not improves it Surely breeders selling six litters a year at 5k per pup shouldn t be charged the same as a breeder having one or two litters and selling them at 1k each 32 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Majella Rooney We are small breeders who breed one or two litters a year to carry on our bloodlines or to get a new show puppy By selling the remaining puppies we don t keep we fall under these laws when in reality any profits we do make goes straight back into our dogs because as we all know showing and maintaining show dogs is far from cheap But time and again we see puppy farmers and backyard breeders only registering a fraction of the puppies they breed to sell if they register any at all so the ones these laws are meant to hit are not affected at all I don t know how to solve the problem but it is definitely the unregistered dog breeders that need to be targeted Kim Ellis The new regulations have backfired big time Personally I was happy to apply for a licence until I was told I would have to get rid of some of my dogs they indicated five was enough for a residential property and apply for Change of Use of my property which may or may not be granted but if granted business rates and waste collections would apply I have averaged 1 1 litters a year over 32 years I keep dogs into old age and always have waiting lists for litters which I now can t fulfil having to breed even less Oh and I was told that I would have to display a no smoking sign at the front of my house no one smokes here anyway would have to replace Natural Supplements for Animals Natural Supplements for Animals This month s result Free Shipping 20 Yes with code 60 20 No DTFS19 Digest Support Maybe custom made internal dog gates with doors etc I live in a modern fourbedroom detached house and have designed everything for the comfort of my dogs who live as a close knit pack sharing beds and the sofa The regulations have forced many breeders to give up completely If you want to show or compete with your dogs or even bring on the next generation but keep your old dogs mine generally live 13 15 years it s impossible with the interference of a Local Authority who just want a tick box method to increase revenue The puppy farmers and large volume breeders must be laughing all the way to the bank while dedicated smallscale professionals who rear their puppies with love in their homes give up Tarnya Stephens I think all breeding should be licensed Keep records and ensure welfare is of the standard required by licensing P Join the debate Next month s topic is Should breed standards for temperament be rewritten with friendly as the desired trait Email editorial dogstoday magazine co uk with your thoughts putting Great Debate in the subject line or write to Great Debate Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High St Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Perfect for those Festive season excesses healthy and efficient digestive system calm and steady processing of food through the digestive tract optimum nutrient absorption Tel 0800 294 1250 Email helpline hiltonherbs com www hiltonherbs com Yes 38 No 57 Maybe 5

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Postbag Your news views PICKING UP THE PIECES BLAKE S JOURNEY I m the co founder of Helping Hounds Dog Rescue We are a volunteer run rescue based near Grayshott Hampshire and have a small set up with kennels and local foster homes We primarily help Romanian dogs through a vet and a vet nurse in Romania We also have kennel space for two other rescues Teardrops Romanian Dog Rescue and Lotus Dog Rescue Blake arrived at our kennels via Teardrops on Valentine s Day 2021 He was found in Romania by a lady after he had been hanged with barbed wire It took a long time for her to be able to take him to a reputable vet in Bucharest where his injuries were attended Sadly 34 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 his neck was so badly damaged that he no longer has a working trachea so he can only air bark Once he was returned to the Get in touch We love to hear your news and views and see photos of your dogs Email editorial dogstodaymagazine co uk Write to us at Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA Join the debate Voice your opinions on news stories and other topics on our Dogs Today Magazine Facebook page or through our website www dogstodaymagazine co uk the UK do not have any back up procedures in place and the strain has fallen on rescues like Staffie and Stray Rescue to take on more challenging and complex dogs Staffie and Stray Rescue puts the dog s needs and welfare at the heart of everything they do To enquire about fostering adopting volunteering or donating to support their causes please visit www staffieandstrayrescue co uk Sophie Vye village where he was found he was then beaten severely and his tail was broken He was also tarred or glued around the neck and feathers stuck on his neck again the lady helped him We heard about Blake and offered him a rescue place He was untouchable quiet contained an escape artist of the highest degree aloof We left Blake to decompress for a few weeks He decided he liked another dog in our care so they started sharing a kennel together their choice Gradually small steps were achieved after some time he allowed a small bit of touch nothing overpowering maybe a quick gentle pat or stroke C TI IO IS OB TIL PR UB NS S AI US NT ILL CO AC B During lockdown most of us knew or heard of people getting puppies It was openly discussed that rescue centres would be inundated on the other side of the pandemic but Staffie and Stray Rescue would like to highlight the extent of the current problems Elsa recently arrived at the rescue as an emergency She is a large dog weighing 47kg and will require an experienced home who can offer her the training that she has missed out on It is clear that Elsa is an ex breeding bitch one of an increasing number that are coming in to rescue Due to the decreased demand of puppies as life slowly returns back to normal dogs who have been heavily used for breeding are just being discarded UK pounds are bursting with dogs who have been found as strays and unclaimed and more dogs are being taken in who have not been socialised well with people They are incredibly anxious and require rehabilitation before being safely placed into a home which further increases costs through kennelling bills With so many people experiencing job losses and pay cuts Staffie and Stray Rescue have also seen higher volumes of dogs coming in with additional medical needs not always disclosed by previous owners Many people have not considered the financial costs of owning a dog did not buy insurance or bought puppies from irresponsible breeders Finally with large volumes of people looking to get a dog during lockdown many have arrived in the UK from overseas rescues Staffie and Stray Rescue help around 10 dogs each year from overseas believing they have a better chance of finding a forever home in the UK However many people are now surrendering dogs that they have rescued from abroad more notably during the lockdown period Many rescues overseas and often in Because a healthy dog is a happy dog Maintain your dog s digestive health with our prebiotic probiotic vitamin and electrolyte formulation Supports overall health and immune system Essential during illness veterinary treatment Recommended by Vets Add to food www vetark co uk info vetark co uk 01962 844316

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Postbag continued Day by day very carefully we did our best to demolish the wall of utter despair Blake had built up around him for his own protection Month after month we made amazing progress with Blake He would take treats enjoy a stroke and sit with us but understandably he would not entertain having a collar or harness near him We then had a breakthrough We found the Swiss engineered Belka magnetic harness from Orvis Literally our first attempt and it was on and Blake was out I ll remember that day for as long as I live The joy of seeing Blake outside in the field with all the other dogs was absolutely wonderful Since then he s been out walking every day His confidence has grown he is relaxed around everyone he s absolutely great with all the other dogs and he s living a great life as a foster dog in my home with my other three dogs He is a complete show off who loves the sofa We are privileged to have been part of his journey from street to sofa Not once in all the months we ve known him has he shown a flicker of aggression towards us which is quite remarkable considering his past Karen Walsh DOGFEST FUN We were sadly unable to attend DogFest this year but our friends from Sirius Animal Rescue did and shared some lovely photos with us From Facebook OUR FOLLOWERS SHARED PHOTOS OF THEIR DOGS HOGGING THEIR BEDS AND SOFAS HERE ARE SOME OF OUR FAVOURITES Sarah Saaristo This is happiness our daily snuggle on the couch Jami Welch Garner Mine wants to share the pillow and blanket with me I was still asleep when my husband took this pic This is a typical night for Charlie and me back to back with a shared pillow He is a good snuggler Milena Manzei He completely steals my pillow I ll always find a little corner for myself though 36 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Oanh Nguyen He took the best spot on the bed and in my heart Tania Withey This is how we re rolling Happy place Juan Hernandez Might need my own pillow

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Words BERNARD BALE The DOGS Downton Abbey is back just before Christmas which means we can once again meet up with our favourite characters and share their joys their tears and of course their dogs T he importance of dogs at Downton was clear from the start of the very first televised episode with the opening shot of Lord Grantham walking in his grounds with his yellow Labrador Retriever I think that particular scene is quite serene and that is in part because of the dog said Hugh Bonneville Robert Crawley Lord Grantham to most of us Retrievers are known to be pretty relaxed dogs and I think that helps a great deal to set the tone of Downton I have had people stop me in the street to tell me how much they like my dog said Hugh I don t mind one bit My character Robert is quite a dog lover and so am I It is a pleasure to act alongside the dogs even if they are scene stealers at times 38 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 The first Downton dog was Pharaoh played by a dog called Roly Roly was very nice but was a bit miserable sometimes Hugh recalled We loved him of course and he was great at sitting around doing nothing in particular DOG DYNASTY One of the problems we had with having the family dog was that the time span of Downton meant that now and again we jumped a year or two and that had to reflect in the lifespan of the dogs so when it seemed that the family dog would have passed on we had to write that into the storyline It was a bit sad of course but it had to happen that way For the second season Pharaoh departed and was replaced by Isis a natural actor called Ellie She later made way for another Isis called Abbie Yes really Abbie How appropriate for Downton Abbie was good fun they all have been really said Hugh With all the dogs we spent time together off the set as well as when we were filming and that helped build our relationship which hopefully came across in the finished product I probably spent more time with Abbie because she was just that kind of dog a great personality who appeared more often than the others almost every episode I think Her time passed of course and then came Tiaa who was gifted to Robert Crawley by Violet Crawley his mother after the screen death of Isis Tiaa was another great character who proved to be so popular that she also appeared in the hugely successful Downton Abbey film A lovely dog full of fun but well behaved when called upon to be so said Hugh All the Downton dogs have been pretty good but when you think back to Roly who played Pharaoh that particular dog has appeared in every episode of the TV series because he has never been replaced on the opening credits He was also the only male dog Robert Crawley s dogs have had their own storylines too The villainous footman Thomas Barrow hid Isis with the idea that if he were the one to find the missing dog Lord Grantham might be relieved enough to give him a promotion Barrow led the search but when he went to take the dog from the shack in which she had been hidden she had already escaped and it was a villager who actually returned her Thomas Barrow did get his promotion because his Lordship was grateful for the concern that the footman had appeared to show Mrs Patmore also had some fun with Lord Grantham s dog when she wanted to dispose of some food Isis had wandered near the kitchen and arrived just in time to help out We wonder how many takes that scene took Actress Lesley Nicol who plays Mrs Patmore said I don t remember how many takes it took but the Downton dogs have always been a pleasure to be with and I don t think any of them had limited treats on their contracts They are all great actors and good fun off the set too There were other dogs in the series of course such as when the Crawleys and their invited guests went on a hunt It was the pack of the Vine and Craven Hunt that was featured and there was nearly a mishap when a real fox broke cover and the dogs went off in pursuit Order was quickly re established and the dogs were reminded that they were there to act and not for the real thing FULL HOUSE Behind the scenes there were other dogs too Many of the cast are dog lovers and because they were at Highclere Castle filming for days on end some got into the habit of taking their own dogs along Owner Lady Carnarvon has three spaniels and two Labradors of her own and it was whispered that having so many other dogs around caused chaos as well as upsetting her own pets and a ban was imposed In one episode Dame Kiri Te Kanawa plays Australian soprano Dame Nellie Melba and she recalled I took my two dogs along because I thought it was all right to do so but then I discovered that Lady Carnarvon didn t want non acting dogs anywhere near the place My dogs stayed and it was all very amicable Lesley Nicol s Tibetan Terrier and Miniature Poodle were accepted at Highclere because their behaviour was beyond reproach unlike Frank Frank owned by Ed Speelers footman Jimmy disgraced himself by charging off to no go areas chewing some of the carpet in Hugh Bonneville s dressing room and leaving muddy paw prints around Needless to say Ed had some repairs and cleaning to do So dogs have provided quite a few laughs in Downton but also some sad moments such as the time when Robert Cawley was close to tears because of the death of Isis In a touching moment he placed the dog on the bed between himself and Lady Grantham and said it was because he wanted her to have the last moment together with two people who love her and each other on either side Another time in the earlier episodes Downton Abbey had been turned into a military convalescence hospital to treat some of the injured from World War One Just one thing said Isobel Crawley who had taken charge of the nursing What should we do to stop Isis getting into the patients rooms Robert Crawley immediately responded I can answer that absolutely nothing Lord Grantham was right of course Dogs are a man s best friend and they can also be a man s best medicine P Downton Abbey A New Era is set to be released on 22 December December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 39

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Photo posed by models Quick question Do you have a problem you d like answered by an expert Or do you Email your question to enquiries dogstodaymagazine co uk want advice from someone with personal experience of the issue you should be looking for as a warning sign Another clear sign of worms is your dog dragging their bottom along the floor also known as scooting This can be due to anal gland issues or to the irritation caused by worms As well as keeping an eye on their stools regular deworming is advised What is my dog s poo telling me EXPERT ADVICE While it might not be the most exciting part of owning a dog your four legged friend s poo can tell you a lot about their health Experts from the pet healthcare specialist Bob Martin take you through the most frequently Googled questions about dog poo so you ll know exactly what you should be looking for Why is there blood in my dog s poo It s natural to become worried if you see blood in your dog s poop but it s important to remember that there are lots of things that could be causing this Common reasons for 40 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 finding blood in your dog s stools include constipation allergies eating something unsuitable for their digestive system bacterial or viral infection injury or colitis It is also possible that it could be a sign of something more serious such as cancer haemorrhagic gastroenteritis or blockages so you should check with your vet to make sure that these conditions can be ruled out If it s possible to take a sample of your dog s poop to show to your vet this will help them decide what the problem might be What causes worms in dog poo Keeping an eye on your dog s poo is a good way of spotting if they have worms In the very early stages of infection the worms are hidden inside your dog s gut so it is very difficult to tell they are there But later mature tapeworms start shedding segments filled with eggs which then irritate your dog s bottom as they poo When your dog has pooped the worms appear like grains of rice in thr stool so this is what Why is my dog s poo white There are a few different things that could cause poo to turn white so it s useful to think about your dog s diet any medication and whether they could have picked up a parasitic infection Conditions that can lead to white poo include highcalcium diets or other dietary issues medication side effects or illness High calcium diets can trigger digestive problems which in turn leads to white poop Raw diets are especially high in calcium and this can cause white or very pale stools that are also hard This is because too much calcium results in poorer digestion and constipation Lastly be aware that very white or pale grey poop can be a sign of internal illness as it means your pup is not digesting their food properly For instance the liver produces bile that turns poo brown but if this isn t being produced or the gallbladder isn t pumping it through the pup s digestive system white poo will result Light grey poo can be caused by a pancreas not working properly If you are concerned about either of these scenarios definitely check with your vet Why is my dog s poo yellow Usually yellow poo is a sign of a food intolerance so consider any changes you might have made to your dog s diet recently If you ve altered their brand of food or the extra treats you give them consider reversing the change until you know what the problem might be It s also possible that your dog has snacked on something they shouldn t have while out on a walk or exploring the garden If the problem persists consult your vet What does mucus in dog poo mean Other digestive issues such as mucus in your dog s poo can also cause their stools to look pale or white Again examine your dog s diet and if you re worried they may have eaten something unsuitable on a walk check with your vet Often this can be easy to mix up with white or pale grey stools but mucus won t make your dog s poop as pale as things like internal illness so remember that you re looking for a less exaggerated colour Mucus in your dog s poo means that they are not digesting their food properly This could be due to a change in diet or a reaction to medicine As usual your first reaction should be to analyse their diet but you should also consider if anything else might be disturbing their digestive system Regular meal times will aid good digestion and reducing your dog s stress levels will also help What causes green dog poo Green dog poo may be caused by poisons or parasites but it s far more likely that this is just happening because your dog has eaten too much grass They might do this while on walks or while they are running around in the garden Dogs will often snack on things while out and about and sometimes it can be tricky to keep track of what exactly they are eating Grass eating isn t usually anything to worry about but if you re concerned about the quantity consumed you can take them to the vet for a check up If your dog is displaying symptoms such as vomiting or acting restlessly then you should always seek prompt veterinary advice P December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 41

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C My Dog Crush ompanionable cuddly and clever the Dandie Dinmont is a dog full of spirit and determination Sponsored by For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Our survey of Dandie Dinmont Terrier owners revealed Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Character Nearly all our owners say their Dandies are loving and affectionate but they are no push overs fearless determined opinionated are some of the words our owners use to describe their companions A proper terrier independent but very loving and loyal Exercise Training M any of us have dog crushes soft spots for breeds or types that we love but know we ll probably never own for lots of terribly sensible reasons Maybe you don t have enough hours in the day for the dog you dream of Perhaps you have a wandering eye and there are just too many dogs to fit into a lifetime Or you already have a house squashed full of adored allsorts that chose you In this feature we go through popular dog crushes and take a fresh look at what it would be like to actually live with them Dandie Dinmont Terrier 42 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Health Dandies have long backs and short legs which can lead to back problems such as intervertebral disc disease Care should be taken with stairs and furniture They are also prone to glaucoma and Cushing s syndrome Breeders should eye screen and test for glaucoma Coat care 90 of our owners say they have never had an issue with shedding Keeping your dog in a show coat requires an experienced groomer but a pet cut needn t be high maintenance Like most terriers Dandies can be determined little souls and are not always keen to follow orders Indeed only 30 of our sample have very reliable recall They are super clever but will do what they want not what you want admits one owner A stubborn streak can make training a challenge Dandies tend to have a fairly strong prey drive 30 of our sample will actually catch small furry things and most of the rest will give it a good go Dandies like a good old ramble but are also happy with a short walk when that suits you best Loves hill walking explains one owner and likes snuggling up while I crochet For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Photo by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 43

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My Dog Crush Traits Friendly Loyal Affectionate Independent Determined Stubborn Origins T he Dandie Dinmont is descended from a long line of Scottish terrier breeds Close relatives include the Scottish Skye Border Cairn and Bedlington Terriers Paintings and writings suggest that a breed closely resembling today s Dandie was known in the Scottish Borders as early as the 17th century The low slung body made the dog ideal for going to ground after rabbits and foxes The breed takes its unusual name from a character in Walter Scott s 1814 novel Guy Mannering Dandie Dinmont is the hero of the book and he keeps terriers called Mustard and Pepper The Dandie is in fact the only breed of dog to be named after a fictional character The character was inspired by a reallife farmer and dog breeder called James Davidson Eventually the name attached itself to dogs of the type described The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club was founded in 1876 Best names Alistair Bonnie Hector Daisy Clyde Dougal Mavis Morag Owner s view P aul Keevil is not just any Dandie Dinmont owner he s one of the most dedicated Dandie owners around he even looks like one Once upon a time he had Great Danes but a move to a smaller flat brought a change of plan A visit to Discover Dogs introduced him to the Dandie Dinmont and he was totally captivated He currently lives with five Dandies Jackson Emily Woody Georgia and Scarlet who is seventeen years old They have so much character he says and adds that they are very affectionate and tenacious They still have a fairly strong hunting instinct so can be difficult off the lead If you want an obedient dog buy a Border Collie he jokes but Dandies come top when it comes to personality The fact that Dandie Dinmonts are endangered is also a strong motivation for loyalty to the breed They are in fact one of the rarest breeds of dog with only 300 a year born worldwide But Paul is optimistic the fantastic history of Dandies with their association with Sir Walter Scott has helped maintain an interest and hopefully a future for the breed Best Facebook Groups Keep Calm and Papillon Papillon Lovers For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk 44 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 45

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My Dog Crush Downsides Can be a bit vocal Love the breed Shop the breed Some time ago Three Hills Coffee were asked to come up with a blend to celebrate the unique qualities of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier which were bred close by at the Haining in Selkirk The finished product Old Ginger has the smooth buttery notes of the Java combined with the bright acidity of the Guatemala and sweetness of the Colombia 6 90 26 from www threehillscoffee com Rare so hard to find Can be prone to back problems Dinmonts are a Girl s Best Friend greeting card blank inside 3 99 for a single card multipacks available from Amber Maries Studio on etsy com 1889 original antique dog print mounted and matted Variety of frames available for extra 22 unframed from Ninska Prints on etsy com Standing 14cm tall this cute felt Dandie wears a ribbon collar with a made with love inscription on a heart shaped tag Note this is an ornament not a toy 25 from FeltFabulousGifts on etsy com v This Dandie card can left blank or personalised with a name message or a number added to the balloon Available in two sizes A6 and A5 From 2 90 A6 unpersonalised from HaveAGanderUK on etsy com Photo June Hough Canada My heart belongs to a Dandie mug Dishwasher and microwave safe Can be personalised 7 95 from GiftsAndGarmentsShop on etsy com A highly detailed and carefully sculpted motif of a Dandie hand cast in pewter and then hand polished features on a range of products in the ThimblesnObjectDart shop on etsy com Slimline glasses case 14 99 and tan coloured soft touch notebook 13 99 Other products include a travel jewellery case treat tin slate heart zip pull and many more Best Facebook group The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club For Dog People by Dog People For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Because your dog deserves the BEST NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Awarded Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2018 UK Winners 2013 2019 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk 46 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 47

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Victoria Stilwell Special bond There s a reason why dogs are called man s best friend even our closest ape relatives don t understand us the way dogs do Victoria Stilwell is a world renowned dog trainer best known as the creator and host of the international hit TV series It s Me or the Dog as well as Greatest American Dog on CBS Dogs Might Fly on Sky One and her web series about police K9s and their handlers Guardians of the Night A passionate advocate for positive dog training methods she is the founder of the Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training Behavior www vsdta com and the CEO of Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training www vspdt com Visit www positively com for news about Victoria s work and details about her books The Secret Language of Dogs Train Your Dog Positively and It s Me or the Dog Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK S affie the Bernese Mountain Dog sat and stared at the object I had placed in front of her It was a Kong Wobbler that I had filled with some kibble and put on the ground for her to play with Saffie was uncomfortable around anyone new that came into her home so I was helping the family find a fun enrichment activity to help her cope whenever they had guests Saffie had never seen a Wobbler before and stared at it for a while unsure of what to do Then something remarkable happened Saffie sniffed at it bopped the Kong with her nose sat back down stared at it for a few seconds and then looked at her mum Carol did not recognise the significance of this seemingly simple gesture but Saffie s decision to ask Carol for help was a beautiful example of the unique relationship we have with our dogs There are many theories of how our human and canine ancestors began their incredible journey together but what happened between Saffie and Carol is the result of a unique partnership that has evolved over thousands of years Even if researchers differ on how humans and dogs got to this point what is undeniable is that both species have developed a deeper understanding of each other which enables them not only to communicate but to tolerate each other s differences This tolerance between two predatory species is due to changes in the brains of dogs and humans as they evolved together These changes are the subject of a new research study at Harvard University that aims to discover how the relationship with humans has changed the dog s brain Biologically dogs are almost all wolf but how did evolution change their behaviour so dramatically 48 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 and what answers can we learn by studying the modern dog s brain and observing how they interact with humans A human can hand rear an animal to be tame but domestication is a different beast Wolves are neophobic in that they are extremely shy even when they are raised in a domestic environment but domestic dogs are inherently more sociable and able to cope with novelty as well as forming relationships with other species In order for domestication to work the dog must be incredibly adaptable and tolerant to an everchanging landscape ALL ABOUT TRUST So who is responsible for this change Did humans take an incredible leap of faith thousands of years ago or did wolves that made the initial step And how is it that two predatory species can now live in the same home together and trust that they will be safe Ultimately domestication is all about trust between species and an ability to cope with novelty in many aspects of life Tolerance also goes both ways While we celebrate how tolerant dogs are adapting to our human ways we are also remarkable in our ability to tolerate and trust another species even when they have the ability to cause us harm Evolution has done a great job making the human canine relationship work and I find that nothing short of remarkable In the last year the number of owned dogs in the UK has jumped from 9 to 12 million The pandemic is largely responsible for this massive increase and because everyone wanted to get a dog the fate of the pandemic puppy was sealed Now as we return to a more normal life again we are seeing many pandemic adolescents being returned to shelters across the country While this was anticipated by many in the professional community the fact that more people sought dogs out for companionship during the pandemic is a testament to what they mean to us as a nation Getting a puppy or adopting an adult dog made people feel good and fulfilled a need for safety and normalcy that so many people craved There is no doubt that dogs make us feel good They encourage us to exercise form social relationships with others and allow us to have new and varied experiences They can also stress us out and cause havoc in our homes yet we continue to share our lives with them tolerating their sometimes strange behaviour and allowing them to sleep in our beds and sit on our sofas Domestication has brought the human dog relationship to the point where dogs seem to just know how to respond to us Our closest relative the chimpanzee finds it hard to understand what we mean when we point at something but dogs seem to have an uncanny ability to read the signals we give them from an early age Take a finger point for example This gesture means nothing until we attach context or a consequence to it and it is only then that the finger point becomes a communicative action something that we usually take for granted If I point at something I am guiding your gaze to look at it too and while it takes human babies about nine months to learn the significance of a pointed finger puppies gain this ability at about six weeks old Dogs just seem to know Saffie s asking you to help her I told Carol She can t figure out how to manipulate the Kong so she s asking for help COPYING MECHANISM Carol looked at me and asked how I knew this Saffie looked you dead in the eyes and told you she was having trouble I replied She trusts you enough to ask you to help figure out the toy I have put in front of her How do I do that she asked I replied by bending down and tapping the Wobbler with my hand The big red toy wobbled and a piece of kibble dropped from the hole Saffie moved forward to eat it up and then touched the Wobbler with her paw A few more swipes released more kibble I saw the delight in Saffie s face she was happy with her success and I had just helped her get there Saffie just copied what I did I told Carol What you saw is an example of social learning and it s one of the ways we communicate with dogs If they re having trouble doing something we can show them how and they will copy what we do even if it is slightly modified when they do it Carol bent down and tapped the Kong with her hand Saffie responded and in the space of a few minutes two very different species had found yet another way to communicate effectively with each other Neither Carol or Saffie realised just how incredible this simple method of communication was but to me it was yet another wonderful reminder of the very special relationship we have with our dogs P December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 49

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Join our exclusive Sub Club With newsagents and supermarkets reducing their shelf space for magazines it s getting harder to find us Help us by subscribing and reap the rewards Buy Get your first issue for only 1 Then it s 9 99 quarterly by Direct Debit direct and save more than 17 a year UK only Save money enjoy a 17 04 saving over the year Delivered free to your door Subscriber only competitions page 59 15 voucher for PurrfectlyYappy com minimum spend 75 Call us for the special code Chance to win one of 50 Nerf dog toys Get the magazine before it s in the shops Call 01276 402599 lines open weekdays 9am 5pm or subscribe online www dogstodaymagazine co uk product dogs today uk subscriptions All new subscriptions will commence with the current issue Overseas prices Europe 65 20 for 12 issues Rest of World 79 80 for 12 issues The first 50 new or renewing subscribers this month will receive a fabulous Nerf dog toy so even your dog can benefit It s a win win win situation Please remember to include your dog s breed size and age in Dog breed and size during checkout Subscription gifts are only available to the first 50 subscribers each month sorry UK subscribers only By entering you confirm that your details will be passed on to the company providing these prizes for the purposes of distribution marketing 50 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022

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An encounter with the long shaggy coated brown hyena is no laughing inhabits desert semi desert and open woodland savannah and it can also survive close to urban areas by scavenging although it favours rocky mountainous regions Home ranges vary between 233 to 466km2 in size Although today it is only found in Africa in the past it also lived on the Iberian Peninsula and perhaps in other parts of Europe Fossils belonging to the Upper Pliocene period have been found around Granada in southern Spain FAMILY LIFE I ll never forget my first proper look at a brown hyena I was part of an anti poaching patrol walking along the Limpopo River on the Botswanan bank just inside the Northern Tuli Game Reserve There had been reports of an injured elephant cow and we had been asked to follow up and investigate The Tuli region is arid technically semi desert and boasts the most remarkable sandstone rock outcrops across the sparse landscape I was clambering over one of these rock fortresses when a large shaggy beast suddenly burst out from the shaded cover of a cave in front of me I stopped instantly and stared in shock and surprise and it stopped just as fast to look back at me though his face showed what looked like mild distaste before he casually sauntered off into the unknown He was big and made to look all the larger by his bristling long brown hair The brown hyena is an altogether unusual canid like carnivore scavenger Subsequently over the years I have had the pleasure of encountering them in several desert wilderness regions in South Africa Botswana and Namibia but that very first face to face 52 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 encounter on foot will stay with me always Hyenas are not canids at all They belong to the family Hyaenidae There are four members the aardwolf which we have already discussed in a previous article in this series and the three hyenas striped spotted and brown There are a great many things about them appearance wise that are very dog like however their overall physiology the structure and appearance of their feet and their non retractable claws among many others In fact the brown hyena was first named strandwolf beach wolf by Dutch mariners in the 1600s when they first laid eyes on some of the creatures scavenging off seal carcases on Africa s west coast in Namibia HOME RANGE The brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea is the only species in the genus Parahyaena and is also found in Botswana western and southern Zimbabwe southern Mozambique and South Africa The largest remaining population is located in the southern Kalahari Desert and coastal areas in Namibia and South Africa s Northern Cape This phenomenal animal Brown hyenas are distinguished from other species by their long shaggy dark brown coat pointed ears and short tail Their legs are striped brown and white and adults have a distinct cream coloured fur ruff around their necks Erectile hairs up to 305mm in length cover the neck and back and bristle during agonistic behaviour Unlike the larger spotted hyena there are no obvious size differences between the sexes although males may be slightly larger than females An average adult male weighs 40 2 43 7kg As befits the reputation of all hyena they have powerful jaws and can even crack the leg bones of springbok within five minutes of birth though this ability deteriorates with age and dental wear The skulls are larger than those of the more northern striped hyena and their dentition is more robust indicating a less generalised dietary adaptation Brown hyenas have a social organisation comparable to that of wolves comprising a mated pair and their family of offspring They live in clans composed of extended families of four to six individuals who combine to defend their territory and cooperate in raising cubs Territories are marked by pasting during which the hyena deposits a black and white paste secretion on to vegetation and boulders from its large anal matter gland located below the base of the tail Brown hyenas maintain a stable clan social organisation through ritualised aggressive displays and mock fights Emigration is common in clans particularly among young males who leave their parental clan when mature to try to establish their own clans a natural method of ensuring that they don t waste time and energy by fighting with their male siblings or father or weaken the genetic pool by mating with sisters or their mother Males and females remaining in the same clan usually do not mate with each other females will mate with nomadic males from other clans The brown hyena does not have a mating season Females are polyestrous and typically produce their first litter when they are two years old They whelp in dens that are hidden in remote sand dunes and far from the territories of spotted hyenas and lions The gestation period is around three months and mothers generally produce one litter every 20 months NOT SO GOOD HUNTERS Usually only the original parent female breeds but if two litters are born in the same clan the mothers will nurse one another s cubs assisted by clan males Litters usually consist of one to five cubs which weigh 1kg at birth Unlike spotted hyenas brown hyenas are born with their eyes closed and they don t open until after about eight days Cubs are weaned at 12 months and leave their dens after 18 months Unlike spotted hyenas all adult members of the clan will carry food back to the cubs They are not fully weaned and will not leave the vicinity of their den until they reach about 14 months of age Brown hyenas reach full size at around 30 months and have a life span of about 12 to 15 years Brown hyenas are primarily scavengers but they may supplement their diet with rodents insects eggs fruit and even fungi such as the desert truffle Kalaharituber pfeilii They are quite poor hunters and captured prey makes up only a small proportion of their diet In the southern Kalahari species such as springhare springbox lambs bat eared foxes and birds constitute only 4 2 of their overall diet while on the Namib coast Cape fur seal pups comprise 2 9 In the Kalahari 80 of a brown hyena s activity time is spent searching for food at night They may cache excess food in shrubs or holes for later consumption They have an exceptional sense of smell and can locate carcasses many miles away They are aggressive kleptoparasites frequently appropriating the kills of black backed jackals cheetahs and leopards In the Kalahari Desert they are often the dominant mammalian carnivore present because of the success of this behaviour and the relative scarcity of lions spotted hyenas or packs of African wild dogs In areas where their territories overlap brown hyenas may on rare occasions be killed by spotted hyenas and lions in what is known as predator guild competition Brown hyena cubs are also susceptible to being killed by African wild dogs and blackbacked jackals The global brown hyena population is estimated at 4 00010 000 individuals It is listed as near threatened in the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN Red List of threatened species The major threat is continued human persecution based on the mistaken belief that they are harmful to livestock Brown hyena body parts are also occasionally used for traditional medicines and rituals The best conservation areas to seek out this species include the Etosha National Park in Peter Neville with dingo by Andrew Rae Rae Safaris Johannesburg Peter Neville above was an Adjunct Professor at the Ohio State University USA for many years and one of the co founders of the cutting edge behaviour and training course provider Coape the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology see www coape org Andrew Rae with African Painted Dog Brown hyena Michael Rae Safari adventures Peter now works as an ethology guide with our guest author Andrew Rae of Rae Safaris above specialising in tracking and studying African Wild Dogs and other large predators all over southern and East Africa and on Iceafaris in Antarctica www raesafaris co za When he is not doing that he lives in Helsinki Finland with his partner Stella Spooch their Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and two loud cats Peter has presented a canine behavioural case history for Dogs Today from his behaviour practices in the UK and South Africa since our very first issue and has invited Andrew to step in to write the current special series covering Africa s wild canids including foxes and hyenas Peter and Andrew have just finished writing a book Memoirs of a Safari Guide with former Dogs Today cartoonist Russell Jones covering their many amazing and hilarious experiences in Africa Publication is due later this year December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 53

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Brown hyena Michael Rae Safari adventures Namibia the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park Educational campaigns are being used to promote awareness about hyenas and dispel prevailing myths especially about the actual scale of livestock predation while any problem individuals are removed from farmlands and urbanised areas and relocated to wilderness conservation regions The brown hyena remains an ephemeral part of the southern African desert landscape ghostlike with tracks and signs ever present but the animal itself is only rarely seen To lay eyes upon one is truly special and oddly surreal and sightings are usually only momentary The beast drifts ever onwards and eventually vaporises as if made of smoke inside the shimmering desert heat haze that always obscures the distant infinity of these wild spaces 54 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 You can see some amazing films of one taken by my colleague Professor Peter Neville at a kudu kill made by African wild dogs on our Rae Safaris YouTube channel www youtube com watch v WDKtukIE98E and https www youtube com watch v JzL6Ebvt2yI Come on safari with us and we ll do our best to please the safari gods so that you too may be lucky to have your soul enriched by the sight of this amazing otherworldly creature who will remind you so much of a ghostly dog drifting in the evening gloom P June 2020 Dogs Today 55

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Tea break L L C K S B L D T E E U T M R H H K I I E K Z W Y E Q E S S T E U Z D T H T V E R F A X R T X P N N B N E X S I I A J A I C N Z M P A E V R Z M A G I D H F J N Z D U K L V T A I B F D P M S F H N D A A M N E G Y Q G B L W E S M K E U L L W I S E F I M D T H V S O A L L N O W Y Y W P O K U N A Y K S U H G M T E L E A F M G L O A M T G N C J U S O O E I I X H I E Z F A B U L O U S F L T S I P E W H SPP NW I N N R C O P P E T V V L S M O P E R A T U A W T F AUS A Q L D V E W K X R K E K R Y T S O L G O D I I O N A R K W A F M C H O C W K Y Y L D H U L C G C N X B Z T Q H N H V F J K W M N D C Can you find the 17 BarkMark 2021 winners Search up down forward backward and on the diagonal to find the dog movies Cavalier Matters Dog Lost Fabulous Finn Husky Anuko IMDT Jessica Gilmour Kika and Me Oliver Heald Operation Ark Paul O Grady Pen Farthing Pete Wedderburn Plum Pudding Putting BSL To Sleep Queen Elizabeth Tailwise Wags Lyrical Criss cross The person who sends the first correct answer to the Cross Question will win a pack of SmartBones a healthy alternative to rawhide from www purrfectlyyappy com YLT THE TREE NR L A M T Q E T O H F G K X K Y R L Q E P D D E Z K COVE OK T M U R O K A R Z U B Q O P Q L U S U V E The winning caption will win a Fuzzu A Gorilly Named Billy Dog Toy worth 13 99 from www purrfectlyyappy com L Y A O W M W D S T B G B P K J T V U X B W G A D U D M I E E E N A D S E Can you find three things that dogs may try to do at Christmas L Photo submitted by Jules O Dwyer via email Z Winners of the Cross Question and Caption Competition will win a prize from Purrfectly Yappy Unscramble the jumbled letters in the circles S A J M G Q G J O W G M M E G E J P H S N Y N V N J Caption this Just for fun Can you come up with a witty and amusing caption for this photo Do you have a funny pic you d like us to feature Please email it to us at the address on the facing page Use the clues to fill in the words below to give some breeds named after people Words can go across or down Letters are shared when the words intersect 1 2 Check your chip I ll have a tub please I don t like cones 4 TIP Keep a note of your dog s microchip number and database details on your mobile phone Notify the microchip company immediately if your dog goes missing and register on www doglost co uk 56 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 6 2 Our next king will share this name and Victoria was a fan 5 Terrier named after a fictional character in Sir Walter Scott s Guy Mannering 6 Rev John created this small terrier to follow foxes underground Can I have bone flavour ice cream with dog biscuit sprinkles and gravy sauce please Julie Russell Two chippolatas in mine mate Belinda Littleton Down 1 This large Scottish gundog was developed by the fourth and sixth Duke Winning caption Jayne Dendle Cross Question Can you guess which breeds Crosby s parents are Slush puppy please Jim Dillon 5 Across November Caption Runners up Did you just call me No Nuts Because it wasn t my choice Oh you meant on top of the ice cream Sorry Tony Powell November Cross Question Solution 3 Karl Friedrich Louis created these dogs to help him collect taxes Jessica s parents are a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and a Shar Pei 4 Named after an 11th century Italian monk who made travel in the Alps safer The first correct answer came from Clare Williams December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 57 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Shar Pei by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk Don t know which database your dog s microchip is registered with Type your chip number into www check a chip co uk Send your Caption Competition Cross Question entries together with your contact details via email to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk or post to December January Competitions Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA to arrive by 14 January 2022 Just for fun 3 Since April 2016 it has been compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks of age to be microchipped and details registered and kept up to date with an authorised database Have you checked that your dog s chip is working is correctly registered and all contact information is up to date How to enter Photo submitted by Sabina Dunkling via email In the ring Just for fun In the ring answer A Knock the tree over B Steal the turkey C Unwrap the presents Wordsearch Put the kettle on and have a go at our competitions

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Prize crossword Compiled by Gyles Brandreth Quick clues Down Across 1 Gives birth to eg puppies 6 4 ears feature of gazehounds 6 8 Blue Peter German Shepherd Dog from the 1960s 5 9 Familiar name for Old English Sheepdog 7 10 Spool 4 11 Injury inflicted on dog s skin by jumpy creature 8 13 French harrier 9 17 King Charles Spaniel 8 19 English city Latin name Aquae Sulis 4 21 Portion instalment 7 22 head domed skull of for example the Chihuahua 5 23 Washing down eg car garden path 6 24 Dachsbracke Austrian hound 6 1 Windscreen cleaners 6 2 Mountain Dog sturdy Portuguese breed 7 3 And 20 Down Co operate 4 4 5 Powerfully built variety of retriever 8 6 Baghdad inhabitant perhaps 5 7 Retriever feathered breed 9 9 Pure white toy breed 9 12 Camper s metal container for boiling water 8 14 Chinese breed with loose wrinkled skin and harsh bristly coat 4 3 15 Terrier Aberdeen terrier 6 16 Breathe with rasping sound 6 18 Small bottles of liquids 5 20 See 3 Down 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 4 8 9 10 11 13 17 19 21 22 8 23 9 24 10 11 Down 12 1 13 14 2 16 15 17 3 19 18 6 22 21 7 24 Name _________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Postcode _________________ Telephone _____________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Breed type of dog _______________________________________ 58 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 9 We occasionally loan our address list to charities and companies we feel may be of interest to you Please tick if you do not wish to receive this information Q 12 14 15 16 18 20 Cleaners from a Belgian war town as some might say 6 Breed of mountain dog caught by kestrel amazingly 7 And 20 Down Co operate as Fido might in the garden 4 4 Dog left wandering abroad near Russian capital 8 Foreign resident one needing fresh air without question 5 Dog Len trained a sort of retriever 6 Small dog put bones round part of tree trunk near end of house 9 French dog is able to supply water contained 8 Dog s keen eye say 4 3 Terrier named Whisky 6 Breathe noisily That s a good idea 6 Medicine bottles Little Valerie s carrying one 5 See 3 Down Not yet subscribing Visit www dogstodaymagazine co uk or turn to page 50 to rectify that immediately This month s prize This month s Code Breaker prize for one lucky subscriber is a toy that is designed to play as hard as your dog does Designed with double layered and doublestitched seams Tough Seamz dog toys are built to last twice as long as regular Outward Hound Invincibles plush toys Incorporating crush proof squeakers the Tough Seamz 3 Squeak Snake keeps squeaking even if punctured And there s no mess It has no filling to come out and makes an engaging crinkle noise when played with If you aren t lucky enough to win the snake is available from Purrfectly Yappy for 7 99 https purrfectlyyappy com products outward hound invincibles tough seamzsnake 3 squeak Win this The winner of this month s crossword will receive a pack of Soopa Cranberry and Sweet Potato Dental Sticks Find more Soopa dog treats at PurrfectlyYappy com How to enter Complete the crossword grid then post your entry to arrive by 14 January 2022 to December January Crossword Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA The first correct entry pulled out of the hat after the closing date will win the prize The judge s decision is final November Solution Across 1 Chesapeake Bay 8 Heel 9 Pastoral 10 Laika 11 Fretsaw 13 Air sac 15 Apache 17 Bassets 19 Plott 22 Siberian 23 East 24 English Setter Down 2 Hyena 3 Salukis 4 Pups 5 Austrian 6 E boat 7 Azawakh 12 Scotties 14 Italian 16 Ailment 18 Smell 20 Taste 21 Onus Code Breaker Decode the message Each letter in the well known phrase has been replaced with a random letter or number Chesapeake Bay Retriever by Tim Rose www timrosephotography co uk 5 20 23 Produces puppies Wife gives assistance 6 Dutchman perhaps is kind of a doctor 6 Artist appearing with favourite dog on children s TV programme 5 Rag and Tag formerly associated with this sheepdog 7 Scottish dance is authentic we re told 4 Something of little significance prevented by type of dog collar 8 French breed I agree is in distress eating nothing 9 Ace rival injured this King Charles Spaniel 8 Where to deal with mud covered dog in English city 4 Certain amount of money enough for car then 7 Chap pleased to swallow fruit 5 Gosh Tearing around at home using pipe for watering 6 Such a Dachsbracke is a little flower 6 Sub Club Hello subscribers We think it s time for you to get even more perks than just getting the magazine cheaper postage free and before everyone else This area of the magazine is just for you to say thank you for supporting us by buying your magazine direct We really appreciate it and it really helps us Cryptic clues Across 1 Dogs Today A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VWX Y Z 13 ___ 22 14 17 5 D ___ O ___ G ___ ___ S ___ ___ O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ O ___ ___ ___ ___ S ___ ___ 13 17 14 6 5 20 17 10 7 6 20 19 18 17 16 21 24 5 16 O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ S ___ ___ ___ ___ S ___ ___ 20 17 10 8 3 10 6 5 16 1 22 5 How to enter Email your answers to comps dogstodaymagazine co uk and put December January Sub Club in the subject line We will need your full name and address to check you are on our current subscriber list Or post the answer with your name and address to December January Sub Club Dogs Today The Old Print House 62 High Street Chobham Surrey GU24 8AA or enter online at www dogstodaymagazine co uk category competitions One winner picked at random after 14 January 2022 will win the prize For full terms and conditions see page 3 December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 59

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Products HolidaysTraining Products Classifi ed adverts Classified Adverts Holidays Want to advertise your Want to advertise your business business in inour ourclassifi classified ed section section Contact james petsubjects co uk orEmail call now on 01276 858 880 mike dogstoday magazine co uk or call now on 01276 402591 Luxury self catering lodges in the Yorkshire Dales Now with Hot Tub Yorkshire Cottage Style Double Storey Lodges two bedrooms sleeps 2 to 4 Set in a peaceful valley just over one mile from Richmond in North Yorkshire are these Self Catering Yorkshire Cottage Style Lodge Accommodations They offer great value Yorkshire Dales self catering holidays all year round 01748 822406 info flowerydell lodges com www yorkshirelogcabins com Vehicle Product of the Month L U X U RY S E L F C AT E R I N G A C C O M O DAT I O N g Do friendly Dog friendly holiday park in Cornwall theparkcornwall com Three beautifully converted Victorian farm stables ooer elegant luxury and peaceful retreats situated on our working farm surrounded by the beautiful Saltmarshe Delph Nature Reserve and bordered by the River Ouse Comfort really is at the heart of Appletree Cottages spacious single story layouts means weary legs can easily rest after a day exploring before you discover one of our lovely nearby pubs Visit appletree cottages co uk In accordance with the government road map 01430 430 677 vivienne sweeting btinternet com DOG FRIENDLY BREAKS PEAK DISTRICT Very dog friendly family run Country Inn with self contained rooms in the grounds Open e from th l 12th Apri 2021 Dog Partridge O N T H E P E M B R O K E S H I R E C OA S T 2 PEOPLE 4 NIGHTS We can t wa it to see you Fabulous Beer Garden Terrace serving Dinner Lunch and Drinks Overnight stays short breaks available from 12 4 21 In room dining also available for all meals including breakfast and drinks 01335 343183 www dogandpartridge co uk With some great Kate accommodation Boats deals to FROM ONLY T C s Apply H o l i d a y s yo u r d o g wo u l d l ove The WooF Guide BY COASTAL COTTAGES Call us on 01437 772 742 Or Visit thewoofguide com Craig Y Nos Castle Dogs Today Today July December 60 2020 2021 January 2022 6 0 Dogs Artist of the Month Jo Walker Art I am a pet portrait artist based in Cornwall working in coloured pencils and create highly detailed portraits from photos Capturing a perfect likeness of my subject is essential and I spend many hours to achieve this The most rewarding part of my job is working with pet owners as I bring their pets to life on paper to create a special portrait that will last a lifetime Advertising feature choose thisnarrowboats is the perfect We are a family owned business with self drive for weekends and short breaks place to stay We are Dog and week long holidays from both bases Stockton or Warwick We also have boats available Friendly so feel free to for longer hire periods when you want to escape andlittle include your canine family member bring your come This is not camping on water the boats equipped friends with you with everything you need for a 1 Night when you come relaxing holiday afloat fully equipped galley including fridge andAWARD 4 hob gas cooker a bathroom with a flushing Midweek B B WINNING HOLIDAY PARK IN DORCHESTER DORSET just 140central to stay Yourand a TV Luxury toilet and a shower plenty of hot water heating for the days you need toholiday catchcottages up withdeep the into realHardy stone built self catering subsequent nights pets can run free near Dorchester in Dorset Almost half of our properties are world Don t forget with narrowboat50 hire is the holiday Country you don t need to allow for those expensive days off the boat dog friendly and the grounds include a fully enclosed dog exercise on our stunning area perfect for and a gentle morning setting for are the day out during the week Our quoted prices INCLUDE diesel and damage waiver linen andstroll car before parking ifout you grounds whilst you www greenwoodgrange co uk hello greenwoodgrange co uk 01305 268874 comparing prices with other narrowboattake holiday firms make sure you compare like for like in the breathtaking scenery Star ratings for each narrowboat are displayed on the relevant pages and online availability and reservation Dog Friendly Accommodation in Wales 01639 is now also a feature but feel free to phone or email if you would like to discuss your canal holiday plans 731 167 Brecon Road Pen y Cae www dogfriendlywales com or www kateboats co uk Phone 01926 492968 Email enquiries kateboats co uk Powys SA9 1GL www craigynoscastle com Advertising feature Holiday of the Month Over 15 of our properties are dog friendly with enclosed gardens complimentary dog bowls and even a doggie bag full of goodies will be waiting your arrival There are many pubs and restaurants in the area that welcome dogs with open arms www jowalkerart co uk December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today 61

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Classified Adverts adverts Classified Charities Products Art Charities Training Art UK Westie ReHoming The Dog Lovers Registration Club Registered Charity England Wales 1108659 Scotland SC045329 Westie ReHoming is a charity dedicated to the welfare and rehoming of the West Highland White Terrier We take in westies needing a new start in life and place them into a suitable home where they will be loved and have their needs met Register your Pedigree puppies and adult dogs online for beautiful gold bonded pedigree paperwork with same day processing www westierehoming org 0844 879 4260 For more information visit www dogregclub co uk or call either 0161 792 2479 or 0161 729 2350 information westierehoming net PO Box 4204 Swindon SN2 9LA Westie ReHoming westierehoming4 TIME FOR A NEW BED Heathway Colton Rugeley Staffs WS15 3LY Tel 01889 577058 www bordercollietrustgb org uk F I N D A WAR M C O S Y B E D T O DAY AT P U R R F E C T LY YAP P Y C O M 25 02 2019 26 11 2018 16 16 17 58 Canineof Product of the Month Charity the Month Dogs For GoodBags Barking with an autistic child to get the most out of their relationship with their pet dog www barkingbags co uk info barkingbags co uk www dogsforgood org 01295 252600 info dogsforgood org December 2020 2021 January 2022 62 6 2 Dogs Today July Organic Dog Food of the Month Rocketo exciting update Rocketo the dehydrated raw pet wellness company has just launched a wide range of organic herbal fruit and mushroom based supplements helping to improve skin coat joint vitality digestive and dental health All the ingredients are gently dehydrated under 40 degrees Celsius to ensure all minerals vitamins and enzymes are preserved in their natural state Rocketo relies on whole natural ingredients nothing synthetic thereby providing anti oxidant anti inflammatory and immune stimulating properties The full range includes the brands Plak All In One Flex Halo Ohm Gut and Detox You can find these supplements as well as a range of foods and treats at www gorocketo com December 2021 January 2022 Dogs Today July 2020 Dogs Today 663 3 Advertising feature Dogs for Good needs Barking your help to double thethe number with disabilities Bags have just thingof topeople make walking the dog easier without compromising on we can support with dogs We re an innovative charity bags exploring dogs of fabrics and luxury leathers and include style The ingeniously designed come ways in a range can help people overcome specific challenges and enrich and improve lives and communities We are passionate about our future and how we can help A zipped pocket An easy access treat pocket Mesh pockets to carry more people with the use of our assistance dogs Clips for whistles for instant reward soggy items and the Discover all of the ways we help A poo bag dispenser unmentionable stuff once it Plenty of space for your Assistance Dog our assistance dogs support adults and children with a range with complimentary own items keys purse is bagged of disabilities and also children with autism Velcro loops so you can gloves compostable poo bags Community Dog our community dogs and their specialist handlers help to A side pocket to carry water etc attach the bag to your belt improve their independence wellbeing and skills An adjustable shoulder strap or carry a ball chucker Family Dog our Family Dog team gives advice and support to help families Advertising feature p061_DogsMonthlyApr19 indd 1 PY single page indd 1

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CharitySpotlight Spotlight Charity established 1958 We are a non destruction sanctuary for abandoned unwanted dogs PRIORY ROAD ASCOT BERKSHIRE SL5 8RJ 01344 882689 We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year themayhew org 020 8962 8000 Registered Charity No 256728 We rescue and rehome collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not subscribe to our Border Collie World quarterly magazine Only 10 00 pa Sponsor a puppy from just 1 a week BORDER COLLIE TRUST GB Registered Charity No 1077588 Welcome Welcome to to Charity Charity Spotlight Spotlight a handy reference point for good folk le of folkdoing doinggreat great work work We re We rehelping helpingto toraise raise the the profi profile of this diverse diversegroup group of of people people and and we weencourage encourage you youto to get get involved involved with withthem them be beitit fundraising fundraising or or even even volunteering volunteering Help us to help more Please contact us or visit our website for more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Staffs WS15 3LY Tel 0871 560 2282 www bordercollietrustgb org uk Visit guidedogs org uk DogsToday Reg Charity No 1053585 Rescue centre open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm AS SEEN ON EL BCT_0310 4x1 indd CHANN1 A charity registered in England and Wales 209617 and Scotland SC038979 4 1 10 16 55 42 4 Bringing pets and people closer together woodgreen org uk www foreverhoundstrust org Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Legacy Gift Improve the lives of Type 1 Diabetic children by leaving a gift in your Will Help us train dogs to give children back their lives Chilterns Dog Recue hypohounds org uk Charityofof themonth month Pine Ridge Dog Sanctuary Charity the Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen masks to the fire service Pine RidgeinDog is a small independent animal Founded 1963 Sanctuary Chilterns Dog Rescue Society CDRS has a long rescue rescue and and continues rehome dogs history organisation of rescue andWe rehoming to grow thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of many dog lovers please call us on 01276 402591 for more details DogsToday TodayDecember July 2020 2021 January 2022 64 64Dogs bmdrdogs www barkingmaddogrescue co uk But many more masks are needed Registered Charity No 1077588 A barkingmaddogrescue We rescue and rehome 100s of dogs and cats in London every year Please help us to help more www themayhew org 020 8962 8000 W e are a small independent animal rescue organisation founded in 1958 by Mr Bernard Cuff fter many yearspassion of hardinwork is an independent whose life was to rescueCDRS and rehome dogs that charity It CDRS bought own premises receives no Government funding and would its otherwise face a very bleak future in Chivery nearPine Tring Hertsis and relies entirely on the generosity of the Ridge currently run by Mr Cuff s widow Connie developed purpose built passion facilitiesand for love for public to continue its vital rescue and whose equal all canines is at the dogs with nowhere elsesanctuary to turn giving these rehoming Your support would heart of the dogs awork better future The RescueThese Centre has 40 kennels be greatly appreciated are clearly difficult times for everyone but Pine and a smallRidge team relies of highly trained solely on donations from the public who staff who provide outstanding For further information incidentally have been quite wonderful But this help please care for dogs of all ages CDRS is needed nowtypes moreand than ever contact so if anyone wishes to backgrounds in need of protection Tel 01296 assist be assured that every penny raised623885 goes to our training anddogs rehoming in addition to enquiries cdrs org uk welfare a 5 star licence for boarding www chilternsdogrescue org uk Large kennels have under floor heating plenty of natural light with indoor and outdoor areas Green If you can help or for further information please contact us technology has been incorporated By phone 01344 882689 to reduce running costs Sensitive By post Pine Ridge Dog Sanctuary Priory Road Ascot Berkshire SL5 8RJ landscaping has created a woodland By email pineridgedogs yahoo co uk walk for potential adopters to get Or visit www pineridgedogsanctuary org uk to know the dogs wildlife areas and If you d like to see your Registered charity organisation 256728 featured in these two DogZones to provide grassy pages please call us on 01276 enrichment paddocks for the dogs to If you d like to see your organisation featured in more thesedetails pages 858880 for play socialise and relax WE RESCUE KILL SHELTER AND ABANDONED DOGS FROM ROMANIA AND REHOME THEM IN THE UK AND GERMANY The next pet saved could be yours You can donate via www smokeypaws co uk or email info smokeypaws co uk rescue and rehome Saving We collies and collie crosses throughout the UK Why not Yorkshire s subscribe to our Border World quarterly Dogs Collie magazine Only 10 00 pa Registered Charity No 1167291 To rescue COLLIE rehabilitateTRUST and rehome BORDER GB vulnerable atour risk dogsforfrom Yorkshire Please contact usand or visit website more information Heathway Colton Rugeley Tel WS15 07562 Staffs 3LY 986101 Tel 0871 560 2282 Email savingyorkshiresdogs gmail com www bordercollietrustgb org uk Web www sydrescue org uk Reg Charity No 1053585 Find uscentre on Rescue open daily 9 11 am 2 4 pm Become a Companion AS Keep Tails Wagging SEEN ON N1EL BCT_0310 4x1 indd H C ANWith a Regular Gift Registered Charity in England and Wales No 1139999 4 As a rescue charity Rushton helps abandoned Bringing pets abused and unwanted dogs on a international and people scale Rescuing dogs from all over the world especially the meat trade in Asia and China closer together 4 1 10 16 55 42 woodgreen org uk Your chance to win at www aht org uk lottery Call Now 44 0 1823 49 10 52 mail rushtondogrescue co uk Registered Charity Number 209642 Registered Charity No 298348 00526nc0819 Scottish Charity No SC006914 Senior Staffy Club Dogs Today 2018 Charity spotlight lottery23 01 2018 advert v3 indd 14 47 10 1 Our aims are Rescue and rehome sta ordshire bull terriers and sta y cross dogs aged 7yrs Recruit foster carers all over the UK Encourage volunteers at En our kennels in Sta ord and Worcester www seniorsta yclub co uk seniorsta yclub hotmail co uk Rescue and rehoming centre for dogs and cats www leicesteranimalaid org uk Tel 01455 888257 Registered Charity No 242560 Finding the cures for serious pet illnesses helping them live longer healthier lives www petsavers org uk Smokey Paws provides pet oxygen December 2021 January 2022Dogs DogsToday Today665 July 2020 5 masks to the fire service But many more masks are needed barki www We r of do

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For Dog People by Dog People Because your dog deserves the BEST Confessions of a dogaholic B 66 Dogs Today December 2021 January 2022 Anti dog brigade 100 2020 WINNER Best Dog Collar Manufacturer 2020 UK REVOLUTIONARY HEADCOLLAR publishing The general media weren t yet covering these shocking injustices He decided to invite the Home Secretary around for dinner as you do The minister had no idea what was on the menu Vere told me afterwards that he had been so annoyed at his attitude he had locked the MP in the dining room and refused to let him leave until he had read all the Dangerous Dogs Act coverage in Dogs Today But the Conservatives felt they could always rely on the Daily Mail to be on their side Lord R wasn t impressed that his views were not being taken seriously Dogs Today was a small voice speaking out for fact checking on the damaging claims about dogs causing children to go blind Some journalists had mixed up toxocariasis with toxoplasmosis Stops dogs pulling on the lead and gives you back control Life Changing products for you and your dog 8 TIMES WINNER OF Product I can t live without DOPPELGANGERS Our wonderful columnist Bruce Fogle Ben s dad had contacted every hospital and got the real figures He also pointed out that foxes and cats were more likely suspects for the very few cases there were They were much more likely to be unwormed and burying their poo in people s sandpits and gardens Some days it did seem like the world was turning against dogs We lifted our spirits by coming up with crazy ideas that meant the media would report on dogs in a more positive way Our dogs that look like famous people competition was a huge success and was featured in lots of national newspapers I still think our Norman Lamont was exceptional Channel 4 s Big Breakfast loved it so much they had their doppelgangers present the show Chris Evans was a Griffon Bruxellois and Gaby Roslin was an Afghan Hound This Morning blanked it Richard was flattered by his Flat Coat lookalike but Judy was less happy at being paired with a Pug P NO MORE PULLING NO MORE RIDING UP NO MORE RUBBING NO MORE COMING OFF NO MORE DISCOMFORT AWARgDCoEllDar Best Do 0 21 UK 2 0 2 r re tu c fa Manu tive Dog Most Innova cturers Collar Manufa 2019 Illustration KEVIN BROCKBANK ritain was quite anti dog in the early 1990s what with the dreadful Dangerous Dogs Act and lots of people convinced that dog poo makes you go blind It was often those you d expect to defend man s best friend who were making things much worse Bizarrely the Kennel Club had egged on the government to bring in breed specific legislation they d actually wanted them to go further if you read the Home Secretary s autobiography As the Pit Bull wasn t KC recognised they were keen to throw them under the bus And who would have thought the RSCPA would become witch hunter general One of their number became a prolific expert witness He would determine if a dog was a Pit Bull with a tape measure a pronouncement that was a death sentence Jan Eachus would wear his RSPCA uniform in court and numerous muchloved seized dogs were killed due to his testimony Grieving dog lovers even burnt effigies of him They couldn t understand why the RSPCA would help to kill dogs for the way they looked rather than the way they behaved I remember answering the phone to a distraught teacher Their life changed forever when riot police came to his family s door in the middle of the night A neighbour had reported the family dog for looking like a Pit Bull Their children were distraught to see their gentle pet dragged away to secret location guilty until proven innocent of being a now banned breed Normal law abiding people were being criminalised Dog haters were able to ruin someone s life with an anonymous phone call Lord Rothermere was deeply affected by the stories we were Global Also available Collars Non Slip Leads and Gripper Training Leads offering added security and confidence throughout the winter months Endorsed by Dr David Sands BSc PhD CFBA Fellow of the Canine Feline Behaviour Association Call to join the ever growing number of people changing to Dogmatic 01952 245330 or visit us at www dogmatic org uk Winners 2013 2021 Dogmatic UK Ltd is on Facebook Matching accessories in a selection of colours with high quality workmanship andToday fittings June 2020 Dogs 67

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