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Brand Style Guide

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HOW TO BE GREATERDMJPS PLLC is committed to helping its people, clients, and community reach their goals. With an uncompromising commitment to clients and service quality, we were formed to make a positive impact by one guiding principle: Be Greater.The DMJPS style guide provides standards for visual and written communications that unify and elevate our company. Adherence to these recommendations advances our brand, cultivating trust and dependability. This comprehensive resource has been crafted with guidelines to follow for messaging across all channels, including emails, social media, and other materials that reflect DMJPS. Our team will always Be Greater when we maintain standards and practices that demonstrate professionalism and unity. Inquiries about these guidelines can be directed to the DMJPS Marketing Department.

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OUR MISSION—WHY WE DO IT.DMJPS PLLC exists to provide thorough and highly specialized accounting and advisory services to individuals, privately-held businesses, nonprofit organizations, and corporations. Whether their matters are routine or deeply complex, we want their experience to be personalized. Clients can expect to develop a trusted relationship and have a knowledgeable partner who is dedicated to supporting their financial needs.

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OUR STORY—WHO WE ARE.We were formed as the result of a merger between two North Carolina powerhouses: DMJ in the east and JPS in the west. With our shared commitment to client service and personalized approach, this merger allowed us to broaden the range of businesses and industries we serve while simultaneously deepening our technical expertise.The visual representation of this union is DMJPS PLLC’s branding. We created a logo representing our firm’s presence from the mountains to the coast and combining the names of both entities, signifying the merger’s essence. Using bright, friendly, and approachable colors, the complete brand package, including typography, conveys a unified culture across our oces. The consistent look and feel ensures our clients that no matter where they are, their DMJPS team will deliver the same high-quality service from one local oce to the next. Everyone at DMJPS exemplifies the concept that one action, like a drop of water, can have multiple, richer eects. The concept of greater than and expansive services, rippling outward, represents how we work together as a united firm.LOGO BRANDMARK

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OUR DIFFERENTIATOR—WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS.DMJPS PLLC is a U.S. Top 200 tax, assurance, and business advisory firm that provides a wide range of specialized solutions and routinely solves complex matters for individuals, privately-held businesses, nonprofit organizations, and corporations. Clients work with us because we build meaningful relationships dedicated to providing exceptional results and solutions.Our professionals are committed to creating teams, when necessary, to handle aairs, and clients can rest assured that a member is always accessible to answer questions as they arise. DMJPS was formed to make a positive impact by one guiding principle: Be Greater. We take pride in the success of DMJPS, which is made possible by the people who work here, the performance we deliver, and the continuing trust in us by our clients. With more than 70 years of experience, our clients can feel confident building a lasting partnership.Seek opportunities to understand DMJPS’ complex services and capabilities. DMJPS’ dierentiator is that we are relationship-centric rather than transaction-centered.

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DMJPS PLLC—OUR NAME MATTERS. When referring to our firm, consistency builds brand awareness. Please adhere to these guidelines for all written communications, such as reports and correspondences. • We are DMJPS PLLC• When using the company’s name use DMJPS PLLC in the first reference. Omit the PLLC in subsequent references.• Use DMJPS CPAs + Advisors as an alternative/secondary use, then abbreviate to DMJPS in subsequent references. • We are DMJPS CPAs + Advisors • We are one firm, united as a brand, with various services. Do NOT dierentiate between specific locations or departments.ACCEPTABLE (X) UNACCEPTABLE— We are NOT DMJPS, PLLC— e.g. DMJPS PLLC is a tax, assurance, and business advisory firm that routinely solves complex matters for individuals, privately-held businesses, nonprofit organizations, and corporations with a wide range of specialized solutions.— Do NOT replace the + with “and” or “&.”— Always use the +— We are NOT DMJPS cpas + advisors — DMJPS PLLC — With North Carolina oces from the mountains to the coast in Greensboro, Asheville, Boone, Durham, Marion, Sanford, and Wilmington, DMJPS provides solutions from one reliable firm. — DMJPS PLLC Durham — DMJPS Tax

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Standard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDSLOGOPRIMARYGREYSCALE PRIMARYREVERSE PRIMARYONE COLOR PRIMARYStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDS

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LOGOLogo with tagline Reverse Logo with taglineEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSGreyscale logo with tagline Black and White logo with taglineBRAND STANDARDSPRIMARYGREYSCALE PRIMARYREVERSE PRIMARYONE COLOR PRIMARYLogo with tagline Reverse Logo with taglineEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSGreyscale logo with tagline Black and White logo with taglineBRAND STANDARDS

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SAFE ZONE & SCALESStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDSScaled 50%SCALEThe smallest size the primary logo should be used is 1” wide (25%)FAVICON Shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark iconSAFE ZONEThe safe zone for the logos should be 0.50” on all sizesFaviconScaled 25%0.50”0.50”Standard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDS0.50”0.50”FONT:Overpass BoldFONT:Overpass RegularStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDSStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDS

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When using one color only use black, white, or greyscale logoUSAGE—DOSFull color logo should only be used on white backgroundOnly place your logo on approved brand colorsStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDSStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDSStandard Logo Reverse Standard LogoEXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSStandard Greyscale logo Standard Black and White logoBRAND STANDARDS

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USAGE—DON’TSDO NOT Change ColorsPlace on unapproved colorReorderDO NOTRotateStretch logo out of proportionUse a screened/transparent versionEXAMPLES OF UNACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSBRAND STANDARDSEXAMPLES OF UNACCEPTABLE LOGO FORMATSBRAND STANDARDS

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BRAND COLOR PALETTEBRAND STANDARDSRED:CMYK: 21C, 97M, 90Y, 12K RGB: 178R, 41G, 46B HEX: #b2292e PMS: 1805TEAL:CMYK: 94C, 60M, 41Y, 22K RGB: 12R, 83G, 107B HEX: #0c536bPMS: 7701LIGHT BLUE: CMYK: 71C, 3M, 14Y, 0K RGB: 0R, 185G, 213B HEX: #00b9d5PMS: 311GREY:CMYK: 61C, 51M, 48Y, 18K RGB: 101R, 104G, 107B HEX: #65686bPMS: Cool Grey 10ORANGE:CMYK: 0C, 62M, 91Y, 0K RGB: 254R, 127G, 45B HEX: #fe7f2dPMS: 158YELLOW:CMYK: 3C, 10M, 76Y, 0K RGB: 249R, 220G, 92B HEX: #f9dc5cPMS: 121PRIMARY COLORS SECONDARY COLORS TERTIARY COLORSBRAND COLOR PALETTEBRAND STANDARDSRED:CMYK: 21C, 97M, 90Y, 12K RGB: 178R, 41G, 46B HEX: #b2292e PMS: 1805TEAL:CMYK: 94C, 60M, 41Y, 22K RGB: 12R, 83G, 107B HEX: #0c536bPMS: 7701LIGHT BLUE: CMYK: 71C, 3M, 14Y, 0K RGB: 0R, 185G, 213B HEX: #00b9d5PMS: 311GREY:CMYK: 61C, 51M, 48Y, 18K RGB: 101R, 104G, 107B HEX: #65686bPMS: Cool Grey 10ORANGE:CMYK: 0C, 62M, 91Y, 0K RGB: 254R, 127G, 45B HEX: #fe7f2dPMS: 158YELLOW:CMYK: 3C, 10M, 76Y, 0K RGB: 249R, 220G, 92B HEX: #f9dc5cPMS: 121PRIMARY COLORSSECONDARY COLORS TERTIARY COLORSBRAND COLORSPRIMARY COLORSThe primary color palette will be used first and foremost for graphic elements, headlines, and important information. It is the palette that relates and keeps materials on-brand. This palette should always be used as the base color palette in your document, website, or design—with secondary and tertiary colors as complement colors. SECONDARY COLORSSecondary colors complement the primary color palette. Secondary colors provide significant dierentiations in materials like charts and graphs, updates, or callout buttons in digital applications. TERTIARY COLORSA tertiary color palette accents the primary and secondary colors. These colors add diversity to the primary and secondary palettes. Used less frequently, they add pops of color.BRAND COLOR PALETTEBRAND STANDARDSRED:CMYK: 21C, 97M, 90Y, 12K RGB: 178R, 41G, 46B HEX: #b2292e PMS: 1805TEAL:CMYK: 94C, 60M, 41Y, 22K RGB: 12R, 83G, 107B HEX: #0c536bPMS: 7701LIGHT BLUE: CMYK: 71C, 3M, 14Y, 0K RGB: 0R, 185G, 213B HEX: #00b9d5PMS: 311GREY:CMYK: 61C, 51M, 48Y, 18K RGB: 101R, 104G, 107B HEX: #65686bPMS: Cool Grey 10ORANGE:CMYK: 0C, 62M, 91Y, 0K RGB: 254R, 127G, 45B HEX: #fe7f2dPMS: 158YELLOW:CMYK: 3C, 10M, 76Y, 0K RGB: 249R, 220G, 92B HEX: #f9dc5cPMS: 121PRIMARY COLORS SECONDARY COLORS TERTIARY COLORSBRAND COLOR PALETTEBRAND STANDARDSRED:CMYK: 21C, 97M, 90Y, 12K RGB: 178R, 41G, 46B HEX: #b2292e PMS: 1805TEAL:CMYK: 94C, 60M, 41Y, 22K RGB: 12R, 83G, 107B HEX: #0c536bPMS: 7701LIGHT BLUE: CMYK: 71C, 3M, 14Y, 0K RGB: 0R, 185G, 213B HEX: #00b9d5PMS: 311GREY:CMYK: 61C, 51M, 48Y, 18K RGB: 101R, 104G, 107B HEX: #65686bPMS: Cool Grey 10ORANGE:CMYK: 0C, 62M, 91Y, 0K RGB: 254R, 127G, 45B HEX: #fe7f2dPMS: 158YELLOW:CMYK: 3C, 10M, 76Y, 0K RGB: 249R, 220G, 92B HEX: #f9dc5cPMS: 121PRIMARY COLORS SECONDARY COLORS TERTIARY COLORSBRAND COLOR PALETTEBRAND STANDARDSRED:CMYK: 21C, 97M, 90Y, 12K RGB: 178R, 41G, 46B HEX: #b2292e PMS: 1805TEAL:CMYK: 94C, 60M, 41Y, 22K RGB: 12R, 83G, 107B HEX: #0c536bPMS: 7701LIGHT BLUE: CMYK: 71C, 3M, 14Y, 0K RGB: 0R, 185G, 213B HEX: #00b9d5PMS: 311GREY:CMYK: 61C, 51M, 48Y, 18K RGB: 101R, 104G, 107B HEX: #65686bPMS: Cool Grey 10ORANGE:CMYK: 0C, 62M, 91Y, 0K RGB: 254R, 127G, 45B HEX: #fe7f2dPMS: 158YELLOW:CMYK: 3C, 10M, 76Y, 0K RGB: 249R, 220G, 92B HEX: #f9dc5cPMS: 121PRIMARY COLORSSECONDARY COLORSTERTIARY COLORS

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BRAND COLORS—EXAMPLES OF USAGE.50%15%15%10%5%5%0%10%20%30%40%50%

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TYPOGRAPHYMARKETING DEPARTMENT FONTThe primary font, Overpass, is the typography the Marketing Department will use for titles of documents, announcements, and important information and is used for marketing purposes. It is the font that draws a reader’s eye and communicates your main point. This font should always be used as the most immediately visible typographic element in your document or design. PROFESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE FONTThe secondary font, Calibri, is for all professional letters, labels, web, and correspondences. Acceptable font sizes are as follows: — Email font: 13 point — Print/document font: 12 point — Powerpoint font: 24 pointOverpass Regular (for digital and print media)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?.,;: Overpass Medium (for digital and print media)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?.,;: Overpass Bold (for digital and print media)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?.,;: Calibri Regular (must be used for all professional leers, labels, correspondences, email, Microso Oce applicaons)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?.,;:

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TYPOGRAPHY—EXAMPLE OF USAGE.cpas + advisorsDMJPS PLLC I 888.873.2545 I I be greater Member of CPAmerica, Inc.Overpass Medium 8pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass Regular 7pt C:61 M:51 Y:48 K:18

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COMPANY CULTURE—MAINTAINING OUR UNITY. ACCEPTABLE (X) UNACCEPTABLE— Businesses may find it dicult to adapt. — Businesses are finding it dicult to survive following the pandemic.• A group of DMJPS employees is a team. Individually, we are colleagues.• We provide services to clients, not customers or partners. • Clients are clients of the firm. NOT “my client,” no solo practitioners.• Be positive. • Be Greater. Don’t disparage the skills of other firms.• Be respectful. Internal communications should be courteous, cooperative, and professional.— As a business, it’s important to adapt to any new challenges.— Other firms’ solutions don’t compare. — Client service is a core value of the firm. — Hello!...Thanks again,

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COMMUNICATION PRACTICES/STANDARDSTAX | ASSURANCE | ADVISORYACCEPTABLE (X) UNACCEPTABLE• DMJPS uses Tax | Assurance | Advisory on printed materials, digital ads, and our website for immediate recognition and brand awareness. In addition, we oer clients an expanse range of high-quality capabilities beyond these three core services.• DMJPS buildings are oce locations or oces, NOT branches.• When in doubt, use our main number, 888.873.2545.— Our oce locations span the state of North Carolina.— Our branches span the state of North Carolina.— DMJPS PLLC is a tax, assurance, and business advisory firm providing a wide range of specialized solutions and routinely solving complex matters for individuals, privately-held businesses, and corporations.

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• Ampersands (&) are approved in certain circumstances for external client facing communications. Use them for DMJPS services and industries as titles, headers, and subheaders. Do not use them as a substitute for “and” in professional writing. • CPA comes first. The CPA designation should be the first credential, followed by additional specializations.• Use Oxford commas (aka serial commas). The Oxford comma is the comma used before the last item in a list of three or more things.• Decimals, rather than hyphens are used in our phone numbers.• Images for PowerPoint presentations should come from the Marketing Department. Visual consistency supports our brand.• Email signatures are customized for all employees by IT. Uniformity reinforces DMJPS’ reputation for accountability. • “One Firm” letterhead is the standard. When local letterhead seems most appropriate, seek guidance from the Marketing Department. • Tagline usage. Use title caps when in a sentence.THE NOT-SO-LITTLE THINGS—WE ARE PRECISE.ACCEPTABLE (X) UNACCEPTABLE— DMJPS provides services to clients in the trucking & transportation industry.— Audit & Assurance, Trucking & Transportation. — John Doe, CPA, LLM— John Doe, LLM, CPA— DMJPS oers professional, polite, and knowledgeable service. We are regional, national, and global. Our firm respects honesty, integrity, and dependability.— DMJPS oers professional, polite and knowledgeable service. We are regional, national and global. Our firm respects honesty, integrity and dependability.— 800.555.5555 — 800-555-555— DMJPS strives to Be Greater.— DMJPS strives to be greater.

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BUSINESS CARDcpas + advisorsMichael R Gillis, CPA, PFS, CGMAManaging PartnerDMJPS PLLC I michael.gillis@dmjps.com703 Green Valley Road, Suite 201 Greensboro, NC 27408 P 336.275.9886D 336.275.9886C 336.275.9886FRONTRULE AROUND CARD FOR DIELINE ONLY (DO NOT PRINT)be greaterdmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, greaterBACKdmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.Overpass Light 7pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass SemiBold 7pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass SemiBold 10pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass Regular 8pt C:71 M:3 Y:14 K:0Overpass Light 7pt BlackC:71 M:3 Y:14 K:0Overpass SemiBold 7pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass Bold 8pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass Regular 6pt C:61 M:51 Y:48 K:18

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SOCIAL MEDIA—PUBLIC FACING USAGE.We recommend the following suggestions for consistency in professional public-facing social media. Your profiles and shared content should reflect our brand. • Professional headshots rather than selfies or candid shots.• Complete basic information such as company name, email address, and job titles. • Display DMJPS banner image.• Engage with colleagues on LinkedIn. Oer professional comments.• Share industry related content and provide your professional thoughts. This promotes DMJPS as a thought leader.• Golden social media rule: If you don’t have something nice to say, keep scrolling.• Do not disclose firm or client confidential information.• Exercise sound judgment before posting any content, including pictures or videos, and client or colleague information.• Avoid stating “expert” or “specialist” in any references in accordance with CPA rules, laws, and standards. — Acceptable: Terms such as “expertise” and “specialization” may be used when substantiated.• Unacceptable: A CPA cannot represent themself as an “expert.”• To represent DMJPS’ culture of connection, our social media handle includes the word, “connect.” We are @dmjpsconnect on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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EMAIL SIGNATURECalibri Bold 13pt HEX: #0C536BCalibri Regular 12pt BlackCalibri Regular 12pt HEX: #0C536B; BlackCalibri Bold 12pt BlackCalibri Regular 12pt BlackEmail signatures are customized for all employees by IT. Uniformity reinforces DMJPS’ reputation for accountability.

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MAILING LABEL FORMAT4” x 3.33” Label703 Green Valley Road, Suite 201Greensboro, NC 27408dmjps.comcpas + advisorsCalibri Regular 8pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Calibri Bold 8pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:224” x 3.33” LabelAcceptable placement: centeredNOT acceptable placementMrs. Client Superstar XXX Example Dr.Example City, NC 2XXXXCalibri Regular 12pt C:61 M:51 Y:48 K:18

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cpas + advisorsDMJPS PLLC I 888.873.2545 I I be greater Member of CPAmerica, Inc.Overpass Medium 8pt C:94 M:60 Y:41 K:22Overpass Regular 7pt C:61 M:51 Y:48 K:18LETTERHEADOne FirmDMJPS PLLC I 265 Racine Dr., Suite 203 I Wilmington, NC 28403 I 910.452.5260 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.WilmingtonDMJPS PLLC I 509 West Main Street I Sanford, NC 27332 I 919.774.4535 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.SanfordDMJPS PLLC I 451 N Main Street Suite 105 I Marion, NC 28752 I 828.652.7044 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.Marioncpas + advisorsDMJPS PLLC I 703 Green Valley Road, Suite 201 I Greensboro, NC 27408 I 336.275.9886 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.DMJPS PLLC I 79 Woodn Place, Suite 300 I Asheville, NC 28801 I 828.254.2374 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.AshevilleDMJPS PLLC I 1675 Blowing Rock Road, Suite 301 I Boone, NC 28607 I 828.262.0997 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.BooneDMJPS PLLC I 3211 Shannon Road, Suite 200 I Durham, NC 27707 I 919.489.3393 I dmjps.comMember of CPAmerica, Inc.Durham Greensboro0.75”0.75”0.5”0.75”0.3125”

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POWERPOINT STANDARDS Images for PowerPoint presentations should come from the Marketing Department. Please reach out to your Marketing Team for your photography needs. Visual consistency supports our brand.

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ZOOM & VIDEO CONFERENCING STANDARDSUse the Zoom backgrounds while in external meetings and preferably in internal meetings, as well.

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PHOTOGRAPHYAlong with our color palette, our imagery style uses vibrant colors and human connection that illustrate bonds of trust and care, as well as achievement-oriented images. We like our photos to be forward thinking and future leaning. We don’t rely on “old school” images like calculators and general ledgers.

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Greensboro | Asheville | Boone | Durham | Marion | Sanford |