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Diversified Demo CD 2021

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Introduction TourInstalled and Supported by:CSA Software Solutions

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Not Just Utility Billing softwareComplete Utility Office Management System

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LET YOUR CUSTOMERS SERVE THEMSELVESWith the Diversified Billing Customer Portal, your customers can pay their bills online 24/7. They have a choice of three different methods to pay their bills.1. They can pay with debit or credit card. Customers are charged a small convenience fee so you receive 100% of your receivable.2. Customers can pay with their checking account by authorizing an ACH debit. They can also set up Auto-Pay by authorizing a recurring ACH debit.3. Customers uncomfortable with using their credit/debit card or checking account online can choose to use the pay-by-phone functionality included with their Customer Portal.

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LET YOUR CUSTOMERS SERVE THEMSELVESCustomers can view their account history by logging in their Customer Portal. They can see their billing history and their payment history going back 13 months. And they can see it in both chart and graph form.

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Absolutely everything about a customer’s account is consolidated on a single customer service screen. Quickly find the information you need. Then, just as quickly, create a PDF file of that information and email it to a customer on the phone. Or print it and hand it to an office visitor.Drill DownView Complete HistoryAccount Specific ReportsCreate .pdf Or email

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Complete History of every aspect of accountCurrent balance and due dateLast payment received

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Reproduce it and email it to the customer

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Diversified Billing is designed to allow you to easily gather all the meter readings, from various sources, combine them and produce a series of exception reports that point out accounts in question (no read, high or low consumption or bill amount, meter running backwards, and so on).With exceptions resolved, it is a quick process to email bills to those who have requested it. Then print and mail bills to the rest of your customers.

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User-friendly checklist makes processing bills quick and easy.

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Add a Message to All Bills, or Target Specific Customers or Locations

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Enter or Import Meter Readings

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Calculate Bills, Then Print Exceptions Reports

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Print or Email Your Bills

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Finalize Your Billing

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User-friendly checklist makes payment processing quick and easy.

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Easy manual payment processingKey account #, or searchKey cash/check, amount, date, bill typeSystem allocates and applies payment according to your policies.

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1. Diversified Utility Billing allows you to make fast work of counter payments in cash or with a check.2. Use bar-coded bill stubs and a check scanner to quickly process checks.3. Allow your customers to set up ACH direct debit payments.4. Batch process payments to eliminate time-consuming individual posting.5. Batch process bulk payments from banks and other third-party collectors.Take the Drudgery Out of Payment Processing Speed the Process and Eliminate Error Opportunities.

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You Have Options Create customized post card or letter bills that include mailing bar codes to reduce postal costs and internal bar code to speed processing of mailed payments.ORCreate and send email bills and virtually eliminate postage and handling costs.ANDBills can include a standard or custom message to all customers. Or they can include a message targeted to a specific street or set of streets.

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Mobile Work OrdersThe Diversified Mobile Work Order system was designed to make life easier for field techs as well as office staff. It enables field service managers and supervisors to organize, schedule and send work orders to their field service workers from their workstation or another internet connected device. Field service workers receive them on their smart phone or tablet.When a variance report turns up a questionable read, they will be able send a re-read order to a field tech with just a click using Mobile Work Orders. Meter change out orders are just as simple.Equipping your field services staff with an Android smart phone or notebook will allow them report when a job has been completed and to upload notes, photos and other information.These reports immediately post to your dashboard, so you always have an exact

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Initiate Mobile Work Order from Your Workstation

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Field Worker Receives on Smart Phone or Tablet

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Field Worker Can Report on Actions

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Interfacing Fund Accounting and Payroll

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Thank You for Your Interest in Diversified Billing! If you found features of Diversified that would help you:1. get your work done more quickly, 2. with greater accuracy, 3. and maybe even have a little fun in the process,Then contact us to schedule a personalized online demo.