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District PD Day March 18, 2024

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureMarch 18th 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMRegister by Monday, March 4th

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventure

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Greetings!We are excited to host our last “official” district professional learning adventureday of the year! As educators, engaging in professional learning is not just adestination; it's a journey to continued effectiveness, growth, and impact onstudents' lives. Our time for professional learning at the district level for our last ProfessionalDevelopment day of the year is from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Please be sure thatyou schedule sessions to fill the entirety of that time frame. For example, if yourfirst session fills two session blocks, be sure to register for one last session tocomplete your schedule. To register, make sure that you’re logged in to Edugenceand simply click on the “register” button or specific time of the session you’d liketo attend. If your sessions are located at Duncanville High School, use the information inthis video to help assist you with parking and directions to your session(s).Thank you for your hard work, your willingness to learn, and your unwaveringcommitment to our shared mission to engage, equip, and empower all scholars toachieve their unique potential. Happy learning!PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureProfessional Development

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DepartmentOfferings01General Sessions04CampusAdministratorLook Fors17AdventureAdventureAdventurePROFESSIONAL LEARNING

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RegisterRegisterRegisterPROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THDEPARTMENT OFFERINGSAthletics/Physical Education UpdatesPresenters: C. Barringer, L. Griffin, W. Mitchell, J.Reed, & D.RobersonCounselors: Clifton StrengthsFine Arts UpdatesThis session will include updates on UILCompliance, Special Olympics, and Field Day.Audience: Athletic Instructors and CoachesTime: 8:30 - 9:30 CPE: 1Presenters: Libby SpearsIn this session, you will learn to find meaningfulpurpose, authentic power, and maximize yourpotential.Audience: CounselorsTime: 8:30 - 12:00 CPE: 3.5Presenters: P. Doucet, L. Johnson, C. Smith, M. Teal, A.ValenzuelaThis session will include updates on UILCompliance, Curriculum, & Fine Arts signing day.Audience: All Fine Arts Teachers & InstructorsTime: 8:30 - 12:00 CPE: 3.5*Be sure to register for two additional sessionsto ensure your schedule is complete.DHSR e d G y mTLC1 0 2DHSS h i n e A u d i t o r i u m1

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RegisterRegisterPROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THDEPARTMENT OFFERINGSTSIA2 Mastery Presenters: Janelle Thomas, Region 10TEA Updates, AI, and Fake News in Special EducationHealth Services Dept. UpdatesThis session will assist attendees on implementation ofSAT/TSIA2 MP Platform + Mastery Curriculum applications fortheir students, leverage the test results for data-driven decisionmaking where applicable, and conduct engaging, data-drivenmastery classes to improve student outcomes throughconsistent utilization. Audience: 9th Grade ELAR & Math TeachersTime: 8:30 - 12:00 CPE: 3.5Presenters: Laurie TobenThe compliance team will audit records leading upto Cyclic Review, with a focus on Dyslexiaevaluations and ARD meetings.Audience: Diagnosticians, SLPS, SLPAs, OTA, PT, COTAs,Compliance ClerkTime: 8:30 - 12:00 CPE: 3.5Presenters: M. GrantThis session will include updates from the healthservices department.Audience: District Nurses & Health Services Staff MembersTime: 8:30 - 12:00 CPE: 3.5RegisterDHSC A 2 1 5PlazaB o a r d R o o mDHSB 1 2 52

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RegisterRegisterPROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THDEPARTMENT OFFERINGS¡Toma La Palabra!Presenters: Y. Miller (V. Corral, A. LLamas, & A. Gil)This training is based on the research and experience of Dr.Mónica Lara and her work in countless bilingual classrooms.Teachers will explore theory, strategies, and activities inSpanish that develop oracy and biliteracy.Audience: Grades PK-6 Dual Language TeachersTime: 8:30 - 12:00 CPE: 3.57 Steps to a Language-Rich Interactive Foreign ClassroomPresenters: N. Heckman & B. PinterThe practical techniques provided in this session areresearch-based and are an essential foundation thatensures students are motivated and engaged while offeringaccess points to any target language in a way that is easyto implement and comprehensively scaffolded.Audience: Grades 7-12 World Languages Teachers Time: 8:30 - 3:30 CPE: 6DHSW e s t S e m i n a rDHSK 1 0 73

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11:00CPE: 18:30Academic Discourse: Let’s Talk About ItPresenters: J. Daniels & N. BanksInstruction doesn't have to be sit and get. This training equipsteachers with student engagement structures that encourageacademic discourse.DHSB 1 3 0Data-Driven InstructionPresenters: B. Freeman, J. Gordon, & E. NemhardtData really does drive instruction! Take a journey with us andlearn how to use your data to truly impact your studentachievement. Also, learn the importance of engaging students indata discussions. Audience: AllCPE: 18:309:45 11:00DHSB 1 2 7Lights! Camera! Action! Lowman in Action Presenters: E. Baucom, M. Mays, & P. Williams-BoydEngaging students in social studies can be a challenging task, butwith Lowman Social Studies Resources, learning becomes aninteractive and captivating adventure. Participants will focus onusing Lowman Resources to create hands-on and engaginglessons.Audience: Social Studies TeachersCPE: 18:309:45 11:00DHSB 1 4 1PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THAudience: All 4GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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8:30Data TalksPresenters: S. Humble & T. SmithIn this session, participants will learn the importance ofdata and how to interpret and analyze their data to makeinformed decisions that positively impact their studentoutcomes.Audience: AllCPE:111:009:45DHSB 1 2 8Deep Dive into the RLA RBIS Presenters: J. Brumfield & L. FosterIn this session, participants will dive deeply into RLARBIS 2, 3, & 4. Participants will gain an understandingof how effective implementation of the RLA RBISleads to classroom instruction at the required rigorand expectations of the TEKS.Audience: RLA TeachersCPE: 18:30 9:45 11:00DHSB 1 5 18:30Empower Readers with Beanstack!Presenters: A. Austin, C. Ervin, & B. GarciaBeanstack is a digital platform that motivates people toread and build lifelong reading habits through gamificationand built-in accountability. In this session, we will showyou how to build a culture of reading by promoting ready-made monthly challenges with students.Audience: AllCPE:19:45DHSL i b r a r y S e c t i o n E11:00PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18TH5GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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8:309:45 11:00Enhance Engagement with Escape RoomsPresenters: S. Johnson & C. FalconIn this session participants will leave with ready-to-use escape room scenarios that make reviewsessions memorable and effective. Audience: All CPE: 1DHSB 1 5 2Everyday We Strugglin’:Embracing Productive Struggle in MathPresenters: J. JonesIn this interactive workshop, participants willexplore the importance of allowing students tograpple with challenging mathematical problems,fostering resilience, and promoting deepunderstanding.Audience: All CPE: 18:30 11:009:45DHSB 1 3 88:30Got Discipline Errors: Let’s Resolve Them!Presenters: M. Turner & the PEIMS TeamStudent Skyward discipline records must be cleaned upbefore the school year ends. Take a look into what isrequired according to TEA guidelines and work to resolvediscrepancies. Audience: Campus AdministratorsCPE:1DHSB 1 4 99:45PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18TH6GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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8:30IEP Roundhouse RockPresenters: W. Miller, A. Mosley, & D. TelsaIn this training session, participants will engage in a smallgroup round table station experience to gain understandingof how these elements interconnect to create a tailorededucational plan for students with special needs.Audience: AllCPE: 1DHSB 1 5 09:4511:008:30Industry Based Certification LearningPresenters: C. Coggins & L. JonesThis session on Industry-Based Certification for CareerTechnology Education is designed to provide educators,administrators, and career development professionals withinsights and strategies to empower students for success inthe dynamic world of technology.Audience: AllCPE:111:009:45DHSB 1 2 1Interventions for Challenging BehaviorsPresenters: Restorative Practices TeamParticipants will develop an understanding of behavior as a formof communication and learn how to:Identify the four functions of behaviorAnalyze and track behavior occurrences Provide appropriate interventions for challenging behaviorsAudience:AllCPE: 18:309:45DHSB 1 2 4PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18TH7GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THK-2 Amplify Teacher Panel: Learning & Leading TogetherPresenters: K. MullinsIn this hour-long session, teachers will have theopportunity to learn from colleagues who are in theAmplify work within Duncanville ISD classrooms. Selectedmodel teachers will share resources, tips, and strategieswith attendees regarding internalization, pacing, and directinstruction.Audience: K-2 Amplify TeachersCPE: 19:45DHSE a s t S e m i n a rR o o m3-5 Amplify Teacher Panel: Learning & Leading TogetherPresenters: N. NewmanIn this hour-long session, teachers will have the opportunityto learn from colleagues who are in the Amplify work withinDuncanville ISD classrooms. Selected model teachers willshare resources, tips, and strategies with attendeesregarding internalization, pacing, and direct instruction.Audience: 3-5 Amplify TeachersCPE:111:00DHSE a s t S e m i n a rR o o mManipulatives Matter: Understanding the CRA ProgressionPresenters: L. GillamParticipants will gain an understanding of the CRA Progression andhow it positively impacts student learning. The CRA Progression is asequential instructional approach during which students move fromworking with concrete materials to creating representationaldrawings to using abstract symbols that supports cognitivedevelopment.Audience: AllCPE: 18:309:4511:00DHSB 1 3 98GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THMathematically Speaking: Academic Discourse inthe Math ClassroomPresenters: K. CooperParticipants will learn and engage in various strategies thatpromote communication, collaboration, and critical thinking inthe mathematics classroom. All participants will leave thesession with a playlist of strategies that can be implementedimmediately.Audience: All CPE: 18:30 9:45 11:00DHSB 1 4 08:30Meaningful: Managing Relationships that are Full of MeanPresenters: S. Riddlespriger-BrownThis session will focus on how to build relationships bycommunicating with scholars who may be socially awkwardand have trouble with conveying their feelings. You’ll gaina full understanding of how a mean start from a meaninteraction can impact the mean of your average day.Audience: AllCPE:19:4511:00DHSB 1 3 5Multiple Response Strategies (M.R.S.)Presenters: V. Ihim & S. JacksonThis session will include strategies that teachers can utilize inorder to ensure all students are actively engaged. Teacherswill participate in whip-around, table talk, white boards,musical mix-freeze-group, and pair, square, share. Audience: All CPE: 18:309:45DHSB 1 2 69GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THPhonics Make & TakePresenters: V. Vargas & C. WilsonIn this hour-long session, teachers will assemble and takeback to campus a fully functional phonics workstation thataligns with TEKS and the Texas Reading Academy modulecontent suitable for Tier 1 students in K-1 and as anintervention resource for students in grades 2-4.Audience: Elementary TeachersCPE: 18:30 9:45DHSB 1 4 28:30Pre-K Small Groups and CentersPresenters: C. Collins- Region 10This session will provide strategies to support Early ChildhoodEducators in creating dynamic experiences in small groups andcenters for our youngest learners. Participants will collaborateand curate meaningful activities which are intrinsically alignedwith the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines.Audience: PK 3, PK 4 & ECSE TeachersCPE:19:45DHSB 1 5 5Resources for Behavior ManagementPresenters: Restorative Practices TeamParticipants will be introduced to and explore four resourcesprovided by the district that aid in classroom behaviormanagement. Each participant will walk away with tools forclassroom success!Audience: AllCPE: 19:4511:00DHS1 2 310GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THSneak Peek into the New Science TEKS (Grades K-2)Presenters: T. Floyd-JonesThe focus of this session is to introduce the upcoming newScience TEKS for high school science teachers and leaders thatwill be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. Scienceteachers will gain an understanding of the new Science TEKS,what has changed, and how these changes will impact studentlearning. Audience: K-2 Science TeachersCPE: 111:00DHSC A 2 0 3Sneak Peek into the New Science TEKS (Grades 3-5)Presenters: T. FelderThe focus of this session is to introduce the upcoming newScience TEKS for high school science teachers and leaders thatwill be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. Scienceteachers will gain an understanding of the new Science TEKS,what has changed, and how these changes will impact studentlearning. Audience: 3-5 Science TeachersCPE: 18:30DHSC A 2 0 3Sneak Peek into the New Science TEKS (Grades 6-8)Presenters: K. JohnsonThe focus of this session is to introduce the upcoming newScience TEKS for high school science teachers and leaders thatwill be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. Scienceteachers will gain an understanding of the new Science TEKS,what has changed, and how these changes will impact studentlearning. Audience: 6-8 Science TeachersCPE: 19:45DHSC A 2 0 811GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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Sneak Peek into the New Science TEKS (Grades 9-12)Presenters: K. JohnsonThe focus of this session is to introduce the upcoming newScience TEKS for high school science teachers and leaders thatwill be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. Scienceteachers will gain an understanding of the new Science TEKS,what has changed, and how these changes will impact studentlearning. Audience: 9-12 Science TeachersCPE: 111:00DHSC A 2 0 8Social Studies: It Should Get Handsy!Presenters: S. Her & S. CainCome join us to discover how to make Social Studies a Hands OnExperience!Audience: All Social Studies TeachersCPE: 18:30 11:009:45DHSB 1 0 2RegisterTalk, Read, Talk, WritePresenters: A. Hand, C. Garza, C. SmithDuring this session, participants will experience the TRTWapproach as learners themselves, and receive step-by-stepinstructions for how to implement the approach usingactual classroom examples.Audience: All TeachersTime: 8:30 - 12:00 Credits 3.5TLC1 2 8PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18TH12GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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8:30Audience: AllCPE: 111:00Tech It Out: Basic Video Editing for Teachers and StudentsPresenters: M. NapierGet introduced to the power of video editing tools andlearn to use them with students to bring their learning tolife. Walk away from this session with tips, tools, and skillsto turn your students into instructional content creators.DHSB 1 0 09:45 11:00Audience: All CPE: 1Tech It Out: Can We Talk? Digital Discourse Tools ForStudentsPresenters: G. Harris, D. Hanes, M. Napier, J. Tate-RichardsonTeachers will learn how to use digital tools topromote engaging communication for students.DHSB 1 0 1PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18TH8:30Tech IT Out: Confessions of a Digital PackratPresenters: D. HanesI’ve accumulated a lot of digital junk over time. Fortunately,I’ve also gathered tons of organizational tips to use in Chrome,Outlook, Google Drive and more that will help clean up yourfiles and speed up your workflow. Audience: AllCPE:1DHSB 1 0 311:0013GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THTech It Out: Curipod in Class - Amplifying StudentEngagementPresenters: Janice Taylor & Jeanette TaylorOur primary focus in this session is to empower educators toleverage Curipod effectively, fostering interactive activities thatelevate student engagement through the seamless integration oftechnology.Audience: AllCPE: 19:45DHSB 1 0 5Tech It Out: Google Classroom Level 3Presenters: R. HillIn this session you will learn how to master classroomanalytics, optimize grade export, and embrace hyperdocs.You will also explore new features and hidden gems.Audience: All CPE: 19:45 11:00DHSB 1 0 68:30Audience: AllCPE:1Tech It Out: Integrating AI for Efficient Teachingand Responsible LearningPresenters: J. Tate-Richardson This session is designed to equip educators with the tools andknowledge to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence intotheir teaching practices. Learn practical strategies toincorporate AI technologies into the classroom, fostering adynamic and interactive learning environment.DHSB 1 0 711:0014GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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8:309:45The “Tech” Table TalkPresenters: M. HamptonBring all your ideas to the table! The "Tech" Table Talk is aroundtable discussion designed to help teachers enhance theirinstructional technology strategies. This discussion will provideyou with an opportunity to share successful methods you haveused by incorporating technology in your class.Audience: AllCPE: 1DHSL i b r a r y S e c t i o n D8:30 9:45 11:00PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THTransition Assessments/Coordinated ActivitiesPresenters: J. HicksThis session will give an overview of the Transitionassessments and how they are important. We will alsogo over coordinated activities that can be placed withinthe ARD to help move students toward their post-secondary goals.Audience: All Staff MembersCPE: 1DHSB 1 3 3The Power of Learning Stations: Maximizing LearningThrough Dynamic MovementPresenters: K. King & M. WashingtonWe will explore the transformative impact of learningstations for elementary students. Participants will discoverhow learning stations can enhance student engagement,promote personalized learning and nurture a dynamicclassroom environment conducive to academic success.Audience: All Elementary TeachersCPE: 18:30 9:45 11:00DHSB 1 2 915GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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11:00Audience: MIddle & High School TeachersCPE: 18:309:458:30 9:45 11:0011:00PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THTransitions, Routines, and Procedures in Pre-KPresenters: C. Collins- Region 10Understanding College, Career, & Military ReadinessUnlocking Excellence: Meets to Masters - Elevating TeacherPractice for Rigor and Differentiation in the ClassroomIn this session, participants will learn how to developappropriate daily routines and procedures that offerchildren a sense of consistency, stability, safety, andsecurity while also responding to their individual needs.Audience: PK 3, PK 4 & ECSE TeachersCPE:1Presenters: B. FosterThe goal of this session is to provide understanding of CCMRindicators, gain perspective on the critical role teachers play inpreparing students for postsecondary life, navigating post-secondary transition, acknowledge the complexities of teaching,and encourage educators by highlighting the value of theircontributions to post-secondary success. Presenters: M. Barrington, R. Lathan, & K. LewisIn this session, we will delve into innovative strategiesaimed at applying rigor and differentiation techniques toenhance student learning experiences. Audience: All CPE: 1DHSB 1 5 5DHSB 1 2 2DHSB 1 0 816GENERAL SESSIONS*Please click on the time of the session to register.

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THCAMPUS ADMINISTRATORSLooks Fors & ReportsAs lead learners, we know that you value professional learning for teachers and staff members on yourcampus as it not only enhances teaching skills and improves student outcomes but also fosters a cultureof continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation within the school community. Click on the links below to access “look fors” that you should see as a result of teachers attending eachsession. The tutorial below provides assistance with running reports that list the sessions that eachteacher attended from your campus.177 Steps to a Language-Rich Interactive Foreign ClassroomAcademic Discourse: Let’s Talk About It ¡Toma La Palabra PK-6thDual Language TeachersData-Driven InstructionData TalksDeep Dive into the RLA RBISEmpower Readers with BeanstackEnhance Engagement withEscape RoomsEveryday We Strugglin’: Productive Struggle in MathIEP Roundhouse RockIndustry Based Certification LearningInterventions forChallenging BehaviorsK-2, 3-5 Amplify Teacher Panel:Learning & Leading TogetherManipulatives Matter:Understanding the CRAProgressionHelp Guide

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PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THCAMPUS ADMINISTRATORSLooks Fors continued...18Mathematically Speaking: AcademicDiscourse in the Math ClassroomMultiple Response StrategiesMeaningfull: ManagingRelationships that are Full of MeanPhonics Make & TakePre-K Small Groups and CentersResources for Behavior ManagementSneak Peek into the NewScience TEKSSocial Studies: It Should GetHandsy!Talk, Read, Talk, WriteTech It Out: Basic Video EditingTech It Out: Digital DiscourseTech It Out: Confessions of aDigital PackratTech it Out: Curipod in ClassTech It Out: GoogleClassroom 3

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Social Studies: It Should Get Handsy!Talk, Read, Talk, WriteTech It Out: Basic Video EditingPROFESSIONAL LEARNINGAdventureAdventureAdventureMARCH 18THCAMPUS ADMINISTRATORSLooks Fors continued...19Tech It Out: Integrating AI for EfficientTeaching and Responsible LearningThe “Tech” Table TalkThe Power of Learning StationsTransitionAssessments/Coordinated ActivitiesTransitions, Routines, and Procedures inPre-KUnderstanding College, Career,& Military ReadiniessUnlocking Excellence: Meets toMasters- Elevating Teacher PracticeTech It Out: Digital DiscourseTech It Out: Confessions of a Digital PackratThe Power of Learning Stations: MaximizingLearning Through Dynamic MovementThe “Tech” Table TalkLights! Camera! Action! Lowman in Action

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