2024DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYSEPTEMBER 20, 20248:30 AM - 12:00 PMDo it for the professional learning
January 6th20242025REMAINING SCHEDULEDPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYSDo it for the professional learningAll DayJanuary 3rdExchange DayCampusAll DayFebruary 14thAll DayAll DayMarch 10thExchange DayBad Weather DayAll DayMarch 17thDistrictMay 28thExchange DayExchange DayAll DayAll DayMay 27th
Do it for the professional learningLocation:Notes:Session:Conducting Behavior RTI Meetings and CreatingStudent Support PlansTime: 8:30 - 9:30 AMTLC Rm. 130The targeted audience for this session is K-8 administrators. Do not usethe Zoom link listed in Edugence.ADMINISTRATORSThe following are professional learning offerings for administrators.SEPTEMBER 20THLocation:Notes:Session:Conducting Behavior RTI Meetings and CreatingStudent Support PlansTime: 9:30 - 10:30 AMTLC Rm. 130The targeted audience for this session is K-8 administrators. Do not usethe Zoom link listed in Edugence.Location:Notes:Session: The DAEP Process and Skyward CodingTime: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDHS B127The targeted audience for this session is secondary school administrators.Location:Notes:Session: Got Discipline ErrorsTime: 8:30 - 11:00 AMTLC Rm. 132The targeted audience for this session is campus administrators,attendance clerks, and secondary secretaries.
Do it for the professional learningPHONOLOGICAL PLAYBOOK: MASTERINGEARLY SOUNDS FOR SUCCESSContent/Grade:PK 3 & 4Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMHyman Elementary*Dual Language teachers will need to report to Kennemer at 10:30 AM.EARLY CHILDHOODAll general and SPED inclusion teachers and paraprofessionals willattend core content training. Location: Hyman Elementary*Dual Language teachers will need to report to Kennemer at 10:30 AM.SEPTEMBER 20TH
Do it for the professional learningK-5 RLA REBOOT PART 2: ELEVATING EXPERTISEAND EXPANDING HORIZONSContent/Grade:RLA K-5Time:Location:Notes:8:30 - 10:30 AMKennemer M S Rm. 101, 103, & 105K-1 EUREKA! THE MAGIC OF INTERNALIZATIONContent/Grade:Math K - 1Time:Location:Notes:8:30 - 10:30 AMKennemer M S Rm. 1062-3 EUREKA! THE MAGIC OF INTERNALIZATIONContent/Grade:Math 2 - 3Time:Location:Notes:8:30 - 10:30 AMKennemer M S Rm. 1074-5 EUREKA! THE MAGIC OF INTERNALIZATIONContent/Grade:Math 4 - 5Time:Location:Notes:8:30 - 10:30 AMKennemer M S Rm. 108You will need to register for a 10:45 AM session.K - 5 GENERAL ED. AND SPED INCLUSIONAll general and SPED inclusion teachers and paraprofessionals willattend core content training. Location: Kennemer Middle SchoolSEPTEMBER 20TH 8:30 AM - 10:30 AMYou will need to register for a 10:45 AM session.You will need to register for a 10:45 AM session.You will need to register for a 10:45 AM session.
Do it for the professional learning2 - 5 SCIENCE RELAUNCHContent/Grade:Departmentalized 2 - 5 ScienceTime:Location:Notes:8:30 - 10:30 AMKennemer M S Rm. 502You will need to register for a 10:45 AM session.K - 5 GENERAL ED. AND SPED INCLUSIONAll general and SPED inclusion teachers and paraprofessionals willattend core content training. Location: Kennemer Middle SchoolSEPTEMBER 20TH 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Do it for the professional learningMASTER PROBLEM-SOLVING WITH APS Content/Grade:K - 5Time:Location:Notes:10:45 AM - 12:00 PMKennemer M S Rm. 108CAPTIVATING MINDS- ENGAGEMENTSTRATEGIESContent/Grade:K - 5Location:Notes:Time: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PMKennemer M S Rm. 101SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE (MAXIMIZINGSOCIALLY RESPONSIVE TEXTSContent/Grade:Dual Language TeachersLocation:Notes:Time: 10:50 AM - 12:00 PMKennemer M S Library3 MOMENTS IN A LESSONContent/Grade:K - 5Time:Location:Notes:10:45 AM - 12:00 PMKennemer M S Rm. 103K - 5 GENERAL ED. , DUAL LANG., SPED INCLUSIONAll non-dual language & SPED inclusion teachers can choose a session.Dual language and SPED teachers should attend specified sessions.Location: Kennemer Middle SchoolSEPTEMBER 20TH 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM*All EC - 5 Dual Language teachers must attend this session.
Do it for the professional learningSCAFFOLDING/ FADING PROCESSContent/Grade:K - 5 SPED & General Ed.Time:Location:Notes:10:45 AM - 12:00 PMKennemer M S Rm. 105UNDERSTANDING YOUR IEP TEACHER BUNDLEContent/Grade:K - 5 SPED & General Ed.Location:Notes:Time: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PMKennemer M S Rm. 106K - 5 GENERAL ED. AND SPED INCLUSIONAll non-dual language & SPED inclusion teachers can choose a session.Dual language and SPED teachers should attend specified sessions.Location: Kennemer Middle SchoolSEPTEMBER 20TH 10:45 AM - 12:00 PMSPED inclusion teachers must choose between one of the two SPED sessions.SPED inclusion teachers must choose between one of the two SPED sessions.
Do it for the professional learningEXECUTING EXPLORATIONS & USINGQUESTIONING TO ASSESS UNDERSTANDINGContent/Grade:Math 6 - 8Location:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS CA 203PREPARING FOR DEPARTURE INTO PHENOMENABASED LEARNINGContent/Grade:Science 6 - 8Location:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS K114WRITING INSTRUCTION IN CURRICULUMContent/Grade:RLA 6 - 8Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS B107, B108DEEP DIVE INTO CURRICULUMContent/Grade:Social Studies 7 - 8Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMB102SECONDARY GENERAL ED. AND SPED INCLUSION 6 - 12The following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHS*Please note- any teachers who need to attend the ESL, College Board, or SpecialEducation “special programs” session , will attend core sessions from 8:30 - 10:30 andattend the special session starting at 10 :45 AM.SEPTEMBER 20TH
Do it for the professional learningWRITING INSTRUCTION IN CURRICULUMContent/Grade:HS RLALocation:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMB106, B138, B142EXECUTING EXPLORATIONS & USINGQUESTIONING TO ASSESS UNDERSTANDINGContent/Grade:HS Math (Not Tested)Location:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS CA208EXECUTING EXPLORATIONS & USINGQUESTIONING TO ASSESS UNDERSTANDINGContent/Grade: HS & Alg I (Tested)Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS CA 216HS SOCIAL STUDIESContent/Grade:HS Social StudiesTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMB100SECONDARY GENERAL ED. AND SPED INCLUSION 6 - 12The following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSPlease note- any teachers who need to attend the ESL, College Board, or Special Education“special programs” session , will attend core sessions from 8:30 - 10:30 and attend thespecial session starting at 10 :45 AM.SEPTEMBER 20THAll AP classroom teachers should register for the 10:40 College Board session.All AP classroom teachers should register for the 10:40 College Board session.All AP classroom teachers should register for the 10:40 College Board session.
Do it for the professional learningPREPARING FOR DEPARTURE INTOPHENOMENA BASED LEARNINGContent/Grade:HS ScienceLocation:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMK131SECONDARY GENERAL ED. AND SPED INCLUSION 6 - 12The following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSPlease note- any teachers who need to attend the ESL, College Board, or Special Education“special programs” session , will attend core sessions from 8:30 - 10:30 and attend thespecial session starting at 10 :45 AM.SEPTEMBER 20THAll AP classroom teachers should register for the 10:40 College Board session.
Do it for the professional learningCOLLEGE BOARDAudience:AP Classroom TeachersTime:Location:Notes:10:40 AM - 12:00 PMCA 2153 MOMENTS IN A LESSONContent/Grade:All 6 - 12 TeachersTime:Location:Notes:10:45 AM - 12:00 PMDHS B121SPECIAL PROGRAMS SESSIONSFor targeted secondary core content teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSPlease note- any teachers who need to attend the ESL, College Board, or Special Education“special programs” session , will attend core sessions from 8:30 - 10:30 and attend thespecial session starting at 10 :45 AM.SEPTEMBER 20THAll AP teachers should attend 2 hours of core content and spend the remainder ofthe morning in this session. SCAFFOLDING/FADING PROCESS 6-12Content/Grade:SPED & General Ed. Teachers 6-12Time:Location:Notes:11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDHS B137
Do it for the professional learningSPED TRACK TRAINING- INTERMEDIATE & MSContent/Grade:Intermediate & MS Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:9:45 AM - 10:45 AMDHS W. SeminarSPED TRACK TRAINING- DHSContent/Grade:DHS Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 9:30 AMDHS B150FOLDER AUDIT Audience::Speech Therapists, OT, PT, Diags.Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMBoard RoomSPED TRACK TRAINING- ELEMENTARYContent/Grade:Elementary Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDHS E. Seminar SPED COMPLIANCE & SLC TEACHERS AND SLC PARAPROFESSIONALSThe following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH
Do it for the professional learningESY DATA COLLECTIONContent/Grade:DHS Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDHS B150SCAFFOLDING/FADING PROCESSContent/Grade:Elementary Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:9:45 - 10:45 AMDHS E. SeminarSCAFFOLDING/FADING PROCESSContent/Grade:Intermediate & MS Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:8:30 - 9:30 AMDHS W. Seminar SPED COMPLIANCE & SLC TEACHERS AND SLC PARAPROFESSIONALSThe following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH
Do it for the professional learningESHARSContent/Grade:Intermediate & MS Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDHS W. SeminarESHARSContent/Grade:DHS Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:9:45 - 10:45 AMDHS B150ESHARSContent/Grade:Elementary Self-Contained Teachers & ParasTime:Location:Notes:8:30 - 9:30 AM DHS W. Seminar SPED COMPLIANCE & SLC TEACHERS AND SLC PARAPROFESSIONALSThe following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH
Do it for the professional learningEFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PACING FORMUSICAL EXCELLENCEContent/Grade:District Band StaffTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS Band HallBEST PRACTICES IN THE SECONDARYCHORAL CLASSROOMContent/Grade:District Choir StaffLocation:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS H132 (Choir Room)DRAMA EDUCATION NETWORKContent/Grade:District Theatre StaffTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS Black Box TheatreTRACKING OUR SUCCESSGrade/Content: District Visual Art StaffTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS Art Room K100NON-CORE CONTENT TEACHERS: FINE ARTSThe following are offerings for all fine arts teachers.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH
Do it for the professional learningCROWD PLEASERS: CREATIVECONNECTION & CURRICULUM LABContent/Grade:District Dance Staff 9 - 12Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS Dance HallNON-CORE CONTENT TEACHERS: FINE ARTSThe following are offerings for all fine arts teachers.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20THEDUCATING THROUGH PERFORMANCEEXPECTATIONSContent/Grade:Elementary/Intermediate Music StaffTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS Tech Theatre Room
Do it for the professional learningK - 12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERSContent/Grade:K - 12 Physical Education TeachersTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMRed GymDEEP DIVE INTO THE DISTRICT LIBRARY COLLECTIONPOLICYContent/Grade:LibrariansTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMDHS Library Section EINTERVENTIONIST TRAININGContent/Grade:Reading/Math InterventionistsTime:Location:Notes:TLC Rm. 129DYSLEXIA TRAININGGrade/Content: Dyslexia Teachers including SPED ReadingResource Teachers (K-12)Location:Notes:Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PMTLC Rm. 102NON-CORE CONTENT TEACHERSThe following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH8:30 AM - 12:00 PMPlease note that this session is for librarians only.
Do it for the professional learningDISTRICT-WIDE CTE TRAININGContent/Grade:CTE TeachersTime:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 12:00 PMIdea HubNON-CORE CONTENT TEACHERSThe following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH7 STEPS TO A LANGUAGE-RICH CLASSROOMContent/Grade:World Language Teachers (LOTE)Time:Location:Notes:8:30 AM - 3:30 PMTLC. Rm. 128Be sure to bring your technology/device to this session.
Do it for the professional learningTECH IT OUT: GOOGLE CLASSROOM UPDATESAudience:All Teachers & StaffTime:Location:Notes:8:30 - 9:30 AMDHS B105TECH IT OUT: STAFF & STUDENT PROJECTS IN ADOBEContent/Grade:All Teachers & StaffTime:Location:Notes:9:45 - 10:45 AMDHS B105TECH IT OUT: GOOGLE FORMS & BEYONDContent/Grade:All Teachers & StaffTime:Location:Notes:11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDHS B105CPRSession: All Teachers & StaffTime:Location:Notes:8:00 AM - 12:00 PMPlaza C121GENERAL SESSIONSThe following are offerings for teachers and paraprofessionals.Location: DHSSEPTEMBER 20TH
A professional learning culture refers to an environment within a school or educational institutionwhere continuous learning and development are prioritized for all staff members, especiallyeducators. This culture is characterized by collaboration, reflection, and a shared commitment toimproving teaching practices and student outcomes. Key elements include, but aren’t limited to:Collaboration: Teachers and staff work together, sharing insights, strategies, and resources. Theyengage in professional learning communities (PLCs), team meetings, and other collaborative effortsto solve problems and enhance their teaching practices.Continuous Improvement: There is an ongoing commitment to professional growth anddevelopment. Educators seek out and participate in professional development opportunities, suchas training, conferences, and sessions, to enhance their skills and knowledge.Reflective Practice: Educators regularly reflect on their teaching methods, student outcomes, andclassroom management techniques. This reflection helps identify areas for improvement anddevelop new strategies for success.Data-Driven Decision Making: A professional learning culture values the use of data to informinstructional practices and decisions. Educators use student performance data, assessments, andother relevant information to adjust their teaching methods and address student needs effectively.Supportive Leadership: School leaders play a crucial role in fostering a professional learning cultureby providing the necessary resources, support, and encouragement for continuous learning. Theycreate an environment where teachers feel valued and motivated to grow professionally.Openness to Change and Innovation: In a professional learning culture, educators are open to newideas, teaching methods, and technologies. They are willing to experiment with innovativeapproaches and adapt to changes in the educational landscape.Shared Vision and Goals: There is a common understanding of the district’s mission, vision, andvalues. Educators work together towards shared objectives, such as improving studentachievement, creating a positive school climate, and promoting equity and inclusion.Mentorship and Coaching: Experienced educators mentor newer teachers, providing guidance,feedback, and support. This helps build a sense of community and ensures that best practices arepassed on.A professional learning culture helps create a dynamic, responsive, and supportive environment sothat we can continue “writing success stories, one student at a time.”Do it for the professional learning
SEPTEMBER 20THDo it for the professional learning