A m e r i c a ' s h u b f o r B l a c k - O w n e d c o f f e e sNOIREPACKD i s co v e r N oi r e Pa c kCAMPFIRECOFFEE CO.America's only open flame"Campfire style" coffeeroaster. p. 02NOIREPACKINC.America's hub for Black-Owned coffees. p. 04BOON BOONACOFFEEThe best collection of Africancoffees. p. 03NOIREPACK INC.b y E d w a r d M c F i e l d sBlack-Americans from all walks of life witnessed in2020 some of the most devastating cataclysmicevents of this generation. High unemployment, thePandemic, civil unrest, police brutality, and the listgoes on. C O N T I N U E D T O P . 0 4
CAMPFIRE COFFEE CO.b y E d w a r d M c F i e l d sAmerica's only open flame "Campfire style" coffee roaster,honoring the age-old tradition of roasting over a wood flame.Black, Veteran, and Woman-Owned, Campfire Coffee.They roast fair trade coffee over a campfire with PacificNorthwest native woods. Yes, you heard that right! The waypeople did it for hundreds, maybe thousands of years beforeindustrial roasters became a thing. This lost fire roasting art ischallenging to get down, but the taste is so worth it. Just imaginea cozy coffee roast sitting around the fire pit, sharing laughs andmemories. That's Campfire Coffee.They enjoy camping andbeing with people they love.Their idea of a good time isbeing outside around a firekickin' back great food, greatdrinks with an even greatercompany. They are passionateabout working withcommunity organizations toget more families into nature.Campfire Coffee Co. believescoffee is an excellent tool topush this forward.They don't claim to be coffeeexperts. But they are notcoffee snobs. They appreciatea good roast, they love a singlerich origin and a fun blend,but if cream and sugar is howyou roll, it's how they roll.They respect the nuances ofcoffee but even more, theyrespect that everyone hastheir thing.Just imagine acozy coffeeroast sittingaround the firepit, sharinglaughs andmemories.That'sCampfireCoffee.
BOON BOONACOFFEEb y E d w a r d M c F i e l d sJimmy Hendrix, Quincy Jones, Sir Mix -A- Lot, and Bill Russell,if these names don't ring a bell, you live under a rock. These famous Black Seattleites made history in music andsports; nevertheless, Seattle is America's coffee capital. Coffee isthe sun that energizes this overcast city. Even though Starbucks holds the reigns of the coffee scene inSeattle, many local roasters and independent cafes are making aname for themselves as some of the best coffee roasters in theU.S., and Boon Boona Coffee is no exception. "Boon" and"Boona," both meaning "coffee" in different East Africanlanguages. At Boon Boona, they arecommitted to sharing theunique coffee and coffeetraditions of this region — andto supporting coffee growersand our local community inthe process. So if you arelooking for the best collectionof East African coffees, lookno further. Boon Boona hasthem all. NoirePack Inc. is proud towork with Boon Boona inshifting the discoursesurrounding this popularbeverage one cup at a time.If you are in the Seattle area,be sure to visit and supportBoon Boona Coffee’s newestlocation in Capitol Hill ortheir central hub in Renton.Boon" and"Boona," bothmeaning"coffee" indifferent EastAfricanlanguages.
NOIREPACK INC.b y E d w a r d M c F i e l d sThese trials have demonstrated how vulnerable andeconomically marginalized Black communities can be whenpresented with these kinds of events. Fortunately, there is hope!One way to combat some of these social conditions andinjustices placed upon our communities is through economicsbut, most importantly, cooperative economics or "Ujamaa,"building individual Black businesses and communities. "Ujamaa" is the only way Black communities across America cancombat systematic racism and help close the economic wealthgap that exists today between Black Americans and other ethnicgroups. Black Americans are one ofthe U.S.'s biggest consumers,but we only spend a mere 3percent of our $600 billion onBlack-Owned businesses. Thismust change, which is whyfounder and owner EdwardMcFields launched NoirePack,with 32 percent of AfricanAmericans in the UnitedStates drinking gourmetcoffee beverages during thepast day. Why not createbusinesses that revolvearound this popularcommodity?Whether gourmet or non-gourmet, traditional coffee isthe most popular optionamong Americans for theirpast-day consumption.Coffee is a multibillion-dollarindustry projected to growannually by 8.7% despite thecurrent Pandemic.The largest market segmenttriggering this growth isgourmet coffee roasting,NoirePack Inc's primaryniche.Coffee has generated millionsof jobs in the U.S. withthousands of roasters. Sadly,Black coffee roasters onlyrepresent a small margin ofthis highly coveted andcompetitive coffee market;however, at NoirePack, wehave several Black-Ownedcoffee roasters and brandsworking to shift the discoursesurrounding this popularbeverage.Each of our Black-Ownedroasters is unique with a storyworth sharing, and we arehere to evangelize it.