Let's Get PreparedWhitsunday! Prevent. Prepare. Respond. Recover.Children's Interactive Platform
Our LocalDisasterManagementGroup table of Welcome fromthe DisasterManagementCoordinatorKid'sActivitiesPreparednessTips & GetReadyDisasterDashboard
EmergencyAction GuideFlood WarningInfrastructure ContentsOurEmergencyServiceProviders Local DisasterCoordinationCentrePower & Communications
4Living in the amazing Whitsundays Region carries with it theresponsibility of always being prepared for cyclones, flooding, andother threats such as bushfires and even earthquakes. It is the pricewe pay for living in tropical paradise. Natural disasters do happen, andit is not a matter of “if’ but “when”. Public complacency is the greatest danger that our community facesin natural disasters. Preparation saves a lot of time in an event. Start getting ready now! Remember, preparing for a natural disaster isnot unlike preparing for a three-day remote camping trip. Be community minded. If you have elderly neighbours, do not forget toask if they need any assistance in getting their house ready. Welcome..."I urge you to gothrough the interactiveplatform, read theinformation providedand play some activities,take action to prepare. Prepared communitiesare resilientcommunities".Sandra Black Disaster ManagementCoordinator
5To ensure that disaster management and disaster operations in the area are consistentwith the State group’s strategic policy framework for disaster management for the State. To develop effective disaster management planning and capability, and regularly reviewand assess the disaster management. To help the local government for its area to prepare a local disaster management plan. To identify, and provide advice to the relevant district group about, support servicesrequired by the Local Disaster Management Group to facilitate disaster management anddisaster operations in the area. To ensure the community is aware of ways of mitigating the adverse effects of an event,and preparing for, responding to and recovering from a disaster. To manage disaster operations in the area under policies and procedures decided by theState groupThe Whitsunday Regional Council considers disaster management and disaster operations tobe a joint responsibility held by all member agencies of the Local Disaster Management Group.Whitsunday DisasterManagement Group The Whitsunday Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is a committee of seniorrepresentatives from Council, State and other agencies with the necessary expertise orexperience and delegated authority to assist with a comprehensive, all hazards, allagencies approach to disaster management. The LDMG coordinates the response andrecovery for the impacts caused by disasters that affect our community.
The Whitsunday Disaster Coordination Centre is based at the Whitsunday RegionalCouncil office in Proserpine and will be activated and manned by emergency agenciesand council staff to coordinate resources responding to a disaster event. The Centremay not necessarily be activated prior to the impact of the event. The Centre will beactivated as soon as possible following a disaster event. A disaster event is one that causes a serious disruption in a community that requires asignificant coordinated response by the State Government and other entities to help thecommunity recover. Examples of these include cyclone, earthquake, flood, severestorm, tornado, tsunami, fire, infestations, plague, epidemic, failure of essentialservices or infrastructure and terrorism. Advice of activation of the Centre will be communicated to residents through a range ofcommunication mediums such as the radio, Council’s website, disaster dashboard andsocial media. Anyone requiring assistance following a disaster event should contact thecentre and provide details as requested by the telephone operator.6Whitsunday DisasterCoordinator Centre IntroducingOur LDCCTelephone the LDCC: 1300 972 006 Life Threatening Emergency Phone: 000
7Our Emergency Service AgenciesQLD Police Service Ergon EnergyQFESQLD HealthQLD Ambulance ServiceWRCSunwaterTelstraThere are other organisation also, such as Maritime Safety QLD, Red Cross, Bulk Ports, and various State Government Agencies that are advisory members.
8Working smoke alarms and a well-practised home fire escape plans savelives! And it’s not hard to do - Take 5, GetOut Alive. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) is the primary provider of fire andrescue, emergency management and disaster mitigation programs and servicesthroughout Queensland, and includes Fire and Rescue Service, Rural Fire Service(RFS) and the State Emergency Service (SES). QFES protects people, property andthe environment through the delivery of response and recovery services, publicsafety awareness programs, and by partnering with the community to help build theirpreparednessQueensland Fire andEmergency Service Watch the fire escape plan video
9Fire and Rescue Services Rural Fire SES
10Flood monitoring cameras canbe viewed on the WhitsundayDisaster Dashboard, so youdo not have to go out indangerous conditions to seewhat is happening on roads atthe camera locations.Hamilton Plainsnear ProserpineCouncil has an extensive flood monitoring infrastructure network whichprovides information to the Bureau of Meteorology, the Local DisasterCoordination Centre and the community with important information.Flood Warning InfrastructureQueenslandReconstructionAuthorityCheck out our Cameras onCouncil website or on ourDisaster Dashboard.
11Power & CommunicationsPreparednessErgon Energy Telstra
12Understanding the specific risks that may affect your local area is important.Council has developed a Get Ready Guide to help members of the communityprepare for a range of disaster events. Do you know your bushfire risk or whetheryour area may flood? Talk to neighbours and friends about ways to protect yourhome, which roads are impacted, alternative routes and plan to be self-sufficientfor at least several days. Ensure your insurance is current and sufficient to protectyour home, contents and business. Know where to find information and warnings.Think about your situation and how you would cope without power, access toservices and the internet for up to several days. Ensure you have safety switchesinstalled and test them regularly. If anyone in your house relies on electricalequipment for medical reasons, have a plan if your power is cut – don’t assume itwill be restored quicklyEmergency Action GuideUse this guide as the first step tolearn what disasters impact ourregion, know your seasons and lookat other resources available.Understand which disasters arerelevant to your situation (for exampleyour area could be at risk of beinginundated by flood or have a historyof bushfires). Take note of what isrelevant to you to help build yourplan.
13Whitsunday Disaster DashboardThe Disaster Dashboard provides up-to-date information on roadclosures, power outages, emergency news and links to key sites. All broadcasted information andwarnings are streamed from the LocalDisaster Coordination Centre, resultingin no duplicate, delayed or differentinformation. The Dashboard contains a fullyinteractive map which is synced with theDepartment of Transport and MainRoads, live camera feeds and fireincidents. Save it as a bookmark andshare this great resource with yourfriends and family.The Disaster Dashboard explained
14Disaster Preparedness tools
When it comes to extreme weather events in Queensland, it’s nota matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Queensland is the most natural disasterimpacted state in Australia, exposing our communities andinfrastructure to repeated damage.As Queenslanders we understand the impacts from naturaldisasters can include minor inconveniences such as transportdelays, needing to use alternative travel routes, collecting childrenearly from school, massive queues at the petrol station orsupermarket, and loss of power or internet connection.And then there are the alarming scenarios like flood waters movingswiftly toward your house, a loved one unable to get home, andleaving behind pets during evacuation.You can’t control the weather or when the next disaster will hitQueensland, but you can be aware and prepared. 15Get Ready QldTypes of DisastersAlerts and WarningsUnderstand your riskGet PreparedDuring a Disaster After a DisasterWhat's your What IF Plan?
16Kid's ActivitiesWatch the TurbineVideo
17Kid's Activities
The Let's Get Prepared! Interactive platform has beenproduced by Whitsunday Regional Councilproudly supported by the QueenslandGovernment.132 500 is the number to call if you need the assistance of the State Emergency Service(SES) in non-life-threatening emergency situations, during floods and storms or othersimilar events. If the situation is life threatening, always call Triple Zero (000).