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Dimday Red Fragments

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This is not an art book! Well, it is but it is intended to be so much more!The creation of Dimday Red, its world and its characters, has been such a personal project for me. Since its beginning, in the summer of 2020, it has been a medium for ideas and experiences I gathered in my life so far. It is an opportunity to tell all those stories I always wanted to tell, and didn’t know how.But also it has been a chance for me to meet new, exciting people and bring them together. This art book is being created by artists all over the world! Creators who I have the honor to share my vision with people whose talent I wouldn’t have the luck to enjoy otherwise. Each creator, each style, brings something new for the world of Dimday Red and its people, so this book will keep expanding, adding new pieces to the puzzle of this dying world. Thank you for being here and sharing this experience with us!Spiros DrakatosStorytelling Guy& All Around Visual Artist DIMDAY RED ART BOOK

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the_lapseEarth’s orbit has been perturbed, causing the planet to slowly move towards the sun. As a result, its axis has tilted and its rotation around itself has decelerated, making days last longer. The phenomenon was originally named Terrestrial Orbit Lapse, but is widely called the Lapse. Scientists estimate that in 52 years the Earth will be so close to the Sun that life will no longer be sustainable.LORE / HISTORYArt by1SickPuppy / Greece

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aftermath_Everything has changed on the Fireball, as Earth came to be called aer the Lapse. The structure of human society is on the brink of collapse. The only ones main-taining some kind of order are powerful corporations that battle for authority and inuence until the end. They control both the police and the military, and have imposed authoritarian regimes in most developed cities. Democracy is a concept of times past, dismantled for the “benet of the people”. The stiing heat has created enormous waves of environmental refugees that try to reach safety. Former superpower countries have annexed their southern neigh-bors, sometimes peacefully but most times forcibly.LORE / HISTORYArt byJaviera Argandoña / Chile

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neu_bonnThe capital city of Paneuropa, Neu Bonn, is the northernmost metropolis of the continent. The city is built on top of where Cairo used to be in the Old World. It consists of two equally massive areas, the City, where the upper Castes live and work, and the Center, a ghetto surrounded by the Catharsis Wall, enclosing the lower Castes. It was strategically placed so as to control the massive solar-power factories in Sahra, the Diedrich Family’s main source of income and authority. It is located dangerously close to the Sunlands, making it a stiingly hot place to live in.LORE / LOCATIONSArt by1SickPuppy / Greece

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HARDSKINS_Hardskin is the most common and the least respected of the Solar Mutations. Due to overexposure to the sun, rock-hard, cancerous tumors cover their skin, starting from the limbs and growing towards the core. In later stages of the muta-tion, the tumors will spread to the entirety of the host’s body, making it impene-trable to physical force, but eventually killing them. In the nal stage, the tumors harden the whole body, transforming Hardskins into living statues for the last moments of their lives. LORE / MUTATIONSArt byCaio Nery / Brazil

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luminaries_The Conglomerates’ bosses and their attendants make up the most privileged Caste. The Luminaries constitute the Eight Families ruling Paneuropa. They live in heavily guarded estates that function as the headquarters for their operations. The Caste is family-exclusive and even support personnel and servants have to be re-lated by blood to each family. Marriage outside the family is forbidden, and so they have developed medicine to cope with the consequences of inbreeding.The Luminaries have collected what remains of the world’s wealth and resources and use it to lead luxurious and overindulged lives. LORE / CASTESArt byCiciolenko / Indonesia

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catharsis_wallThe Catharsis Wall, also referred to as the C-Wall, was rst raised in Neu Bonn, around the area that came to be known as the Center, aer the events of the First Uprising. It encloses an area of 1,017 km², separating the Center and the people living within the wall from the City and those living outside working for the Con-glomerates. The concrete wall stands 40 meters tall, and it is continuously guarded from the outside, making it impossible to cross. Eorts to climb it or tunnel under it are always met with lethal force, so attempts to leave the Center have become just a dream for most. LORE / LANDMARKSArt byBrandonfcreative / USA

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DEEVOS_Deevos are ape-looking humans, found exclusively in the lower Castes, as people belonging to the higher Castes exhibiting such mutation signs are either exiled or put to death. Their mutation rapidly reverses their genetic evolution, causing their physiology to resemble that of their primate ancestors. As their appearance changes, their facial features transform into ape-like ones, their muscles get bigger and stronger, and hair grows all over their bodies. LORE / MUTATIONSArt bySiddharth Prassana Kumar / Japan

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oldboys_The Oldboys is a group characterized by its secrecy, made up of people obsessed with the preservation of mechanical knowledge and use. Oldboys pass on their knowledge and intelligence orally and through practice, as educational material is prohibited for the lower Castes, per the Novus Ordo. The Library of Prudence, which is believed to be a myth by most, and whose whereabouts are known only by a chosen Elder, holds all their records. For safety reasons it is never used for reference, but merely as a depository. They are considered masters in machine making, and therefore valuable and sought aer by the other factions and the Syndicates. LORE / FACTIONSArt byNick Deligaris / Greece

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Blak_Blak are a guild of merchants who run the Blak Markets in urban areas around the world. They control most of the pirate vehicles and zeppelins, and they are among the few factions allowed to travel, as access to traveling has been restricted to the Luminaries and their escorts. The Conglomerates have signed deals with them, since they can prot greatly from the secret trade routes the Blak use. The fact that the Blak act both as traders and as pirates, sometimes attacking the very same shipments they are supposed to transport, is not a deterring factor given the value they provide for the Families. LORE / FACTIONSArt byJohn Silvestre / USA

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monojux_arenaMonojux is the ocial bloodsport in the Center. Two monobike riders rush onto each other, trying to score points by hitting specic parts of the opponents vehicle, or throwing them o their bike altogether. Monojux riders must be very skilled in order to keep their balanced, but also strong so they can deliver powerful blows to their rivals.The arena can host 20000 visitors, lls in every event, as food - mostly stale bread - is being delivered during the matches. A Monojux championship is organized annu-ally and the winner can upgrade their caste status and even leave the Center.LORE / LANDMARKSArt byCaio Nery / Brazil

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controllers_All Controllers are children born aer the Lapse. The cause of their abilities is relat-ed to brain tumors but generally remains a mystery. They are rigorously sought by the Conglomerates early on, and in most cases end up mainly working for them. Controllers can bend reality, entering the minds of whoever they wish to manipu-late. This mutation is considered to be the most dangerous of all, as it is almost im-possible to escape their control. They are also known to be capable of telekinesis, but this occurrence is rare and used only by a powerful few. LORE / MUTATIONSArt by1SickPuppy / Greece

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AUGS_The Augmented believe that the human body is a poor vessel and has to be evolved to sustain the spirit. They seek to implant various materials to their bodies, either for practical use or for intimidation purposes. Most of them opt for low-tech materials to enhance their abilities, but there are others who denounce technology, seeking more natural ways to evolve. They in-sert animal fangs, bones and minerals to their limbs, transforming themselves into lethal weapons. LORE / FACTIONSArt byHuhrizon / UK

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NOVUS_ORDOAer the last battles of the Descent Wars and the redistribution of power around the globe, it was evident that the world could never return to its previous state. En-tire countries were erased from the map, governments were no longer elected and people had no reason or will to return to their obligations. Chaos reigned. As a measure of self-preservation, the heads of the all-powerful Eight Families of Paneuropa gathered in its newly founded capital, Neu Bonn, to establish an order for what remained of the world. Aer weeks of negotiations, they draed the Novus Ordo, a set of rules to bring order to chaos, structure to anarchy. In order to achieve this, individual freedoms had to be abolished.LORE / SYSTEMICArt / Indonesia

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PRAETORIAN_corpsDuring the period when Neu Bonn was founded, the Praetorian Corps was created, as the ultimate and unrelenting repression force. It is the ocial police arm of the Hellios Conglomerate. The Praetorians are selected the moment they reach childhood, and they are trained to be strong, ecient and completely emotionless. They are equipped with all the new advancements Conglomerate technology has to oer, ranging from rearms, to body armor and intelligence. Their main area of operations is the City of Neu Bonn where they carry out guard duties of the Collars and the lower ranks of the Luminaries. LORE / FACTIONSArt byAbraham Joshua / India

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BLAK_MARKETBlak Markets are located in major cities around the world. As the name suggests, they are run by the Blak factions and although they are considered illegal, they gen-erate signicant revenues, so ocials are bribed to turn a blind eye. In most cases, the Syndicates overview what is exported from and imported into the markets. The Blak factions collaborate with the Syndicates, but they have dierent agendas, providing goods to other factions, always at the right price. It is common know-ledge that the Blak keep hidden stashes in their markets, where prohibited goods, even rearms, can be obtained, but no one has been able to uncover them, or make a member of the faction reveal their locations. LORE / LANDMARKSArt by1SickPuppy / Greece

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subhumans_The Subhumans are beings living mostly outside society, without much humanity le in them. They are essentially deranged because of brain tumors, so they live like wild animals on the outskirts of big and -what is le of- smaller cities. They hunt the wildlife around their settlements and whomever is unlucky enough to cross their path. They settle in groups, not as a remnant of any kind of social structure, but as a means of survival. They are among the few still able to withstand the heat in the Sunlands, and they oen venture there to scavenge whatever items they can nd from the old world. LORE / FACTIONSArt byZoran Jovicic / Serbia

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church_oF_raIt is the most up-and-coming religion in Paneuropa, rapidly expanding to other areas through the inuence of the Diedrich family. The Church of Ra came to existence as a consequence of the Sun becoming and playing the biggest part in people’s lives and the Scroll of Truth being found in the Great Pyramid, aer the Descent Wars. According to the Church, the Earth was always meant to be united with the Sun, and transcend to the Eternal Plane. Those faithful to Ra will be welcomed to the Plane, while everyone else will be purged by re. They use intimidation and terror to convert people to their ock. LORE / RELIGIONArt byChobhamcb / Canada

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conglomerates_The Conglomerates were created aer the Families’ accession, following the Des-cent Wars, as a way to centralize control and authority. The goal was for every kind of commercial, governmental and social activity to be routed through and adminis-tered by the Conglomerates. Small and medium-sized businesses were wiped out, their owners ended up either working as Collars or demoted to one of the lower Castes. Each of the eight Con-glomerates belongs to and is operated by its corresponding Family. It encompasses a large number of sub-corporations with various activities, but it has one central eld it specializes in and monopolizes. LORE / SYSTEMICArt by1SickPuppy / Greece

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MARBLE_EYESMarble Eyes develop a rare condition due to mutated tumors growing behind their retinas. As a result, their pupils develop a grayish white color, resembling the ap-pearance of marble. That color changes when they nd themselves in intense situations, sometimes turning to tar black, while other times to blood red. Occasionally, a Marble Eyes’ emotional condition is easily recognizable from the color of their eyes. Their vision spectrum is also aected, so they can see heat signatures in the dark, and even through objects. Their heat vision is neutralized under uorescent light, in which case everything around them acquires a green tint.LORE / MUTATIONSArt byBond / Egypt

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DIRT_Dirt are the lowest-level citizens of organized societies. They are essentially con-sidered non-persons by the system, and they are frowned upon even by the Plebis, the second lowest level Caste. They are rarely able to nd jobs, and they depend on trash scavenging and any acts of charity to survive. Dirt are not allowed to live in houses, so they have to make do with makeshi sheds. Slums of cardboard boxes house millions of people in inhumane conditions. Dis-eases and skin mutations are very common amongst Dirt, as they have to con-stantly live under the Sun. From time to time, the Syndicates use the Dirt as the vanguards in their brawls, and those who survive may have a chance of entering the ranks. As they are sent to battle unarmed and without any kind of armor, very few see the end of the day.LORE / CASTESArt bySalvatore Nobile / Italy

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knights_of_ayyadiehThe Order of Knights of Ayyadieh, commonly known as Solar Knights due to the Sun emblem on their armor, is a group of religious fanatics, set out to convert those who haven’t been reached by the Divine Light, the most inuential religion within the C-Wall. The Knights of Ayyadieh are the military arm of the Divine Light, although not o-cially endorsed, but secretly supported and directed by it. They are oen employed in strikes against the Hand of Ra, but also in other strategic operations as ordered by the Light. They are known to be well-trained and ruthless, as well as to include many Zeal-ots in their ranks. They are one of the few factions permitted by the Syndicates to openly carry weapons, as the inuence of the Divine Light runs deep in the Center. LORE / FACTIONSArt byDiecolors / USA

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airships_Aerial travel was completely transformed aer the Lapse. Violent winds and heat currents made airplane ights impossible. As a result, low-ight zeppelins became the de facto medium for areal transportation.High tech zeppelins owned by the Conglomerates, rule the skies above major cities, but in the provinces and remote areas, trader and pirate zeppelins are battling for dominance and survival.Conglomerate zeppelins use jet engines and are equipped with the latest electron-ic sensors and guidance devices. Class X zeppelins are capable of intercontinental travel, an extremely dangerous task, due to the extreme natural elements and the ruthless pirates. For that reason they are equipped with armor and weapons.LORE / INFRASTRUCTUREArt by1sickPuppy / Greece

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SkAllsOrganizations called the Syndicates were formed by those smart enough to see that strength lied in numbers, whereas some old-school outlaws still ran things as they always had. Skalls was one of them. She ran the Fleisch district, the easternmost part of the Center and the most no-torious. She was a sadist who ruled by fear, but having established some kind of order in the Fleisch, the common people considered her a necessary evil. As her gang member numbers and inuence kept growing, she sought to expand to the western districts, and that was the beginning of her undoing.Aer the Bloodbath at Norton Street, no member of Skalls’ gang was spared, al-though she managed to escape. It is rumored she ed to the Sunlands, but no one has seen her since. LORE / CHARACTERSArt byAridadne Tzouni / Greece

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This artbook is being made possible a growing group of artists from around the world.My goal is to oer this book as a platform for upcoming artists to showcase their talent by working on a real world project, and get paid for it :)If you would like to support the eort you can back the project on Patreon by scaning the QR below.Many thanks for your time and interest in this project!Spiros

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