PEOPLEOPTIONSPOWERABOUT LIBERTY!Liberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities byempowering our participants toembrace being unique withcoordinated compassionate caredelivered by a team of passionateand experienced individuals workingfor you, with you.We pride ourselves on being aninclusive organisation that welcomespeople with diverse disabilities andsee challenges as an opportunity togrow!Contact us!(03) 5275 Agra St, NorlaneVic
WHAT IS SUPPORTCOORDINATIONSupport Coordination is a service offeredby a disability provider that assistsparticipants to use their NDIS plan andfunding to the absolute best. The role of the Support Coordinator isto help you coordinate your supports(such as therapy, personal care, orcommunity access etc) required inyour everyday life and make sure theyare implemented in a way that suitsyour individual lifestyle. The Support Coordinators number onegoal should be to enhance your life withsupports that empower you!WHAT ARE SOME OFTHE THINGS THEYMIGHT DO?FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONSUnderstand and use your NDISplan to work toward your goals.Connect you with a range ofservice providers, community,mainstream and othergovernment services.Work with you to build yourconfidence and skills Coordinate your plans fundingallocations. Live more independentlyFeel more included in yourcommunityMake sure your choices andwishes are respected.If Support Coordination is funded in yourNDIS Plan, its as simple as giving us a callor email! If you aren't funded for SupportCoordination you can still give us a call andwe can work out how to support you to getit!HOW DO I GET A SUPPORTCOORDINATOR?WHAT HAPPENS IF MY SUPPORTCOORDINATOR LEAVES?DO I STILL HAVE CHOICE &CONTROL?Unfortunately sometimes people changejobs, whilst we wish we could keep our staffforever, we always support them to continueto grow. If your Support Coordinator leaves,we have a process in place to ensure you arewell supported by a friendly and familiar faceyou met at the beginning! We will alwayscommunicate and work quickly to ensure youare never without support.Always! This is your NDIS journey, our roleis to support you to work towards yourgoals! the services you wish to use andconnect to. A support coordinator is there to help youbuild your capacity and confidence so thatyou can eventually coordinate your ownsupports or services.
WHAT IS SUPPORTCOORDINATIONSupport Coordination is a service offeredby a disability provider that assistsparticipants to use their NDIS plan andfunding to the absolute best. The role of the Support Coordinator isto help you coordinate your supports(such as therapy, personal care, orcommunity access etc) required inyour everyday life and make sure theyare implemented in a way that suitsyour individual lifestyle. The Support Coordinators number onegoal should be to enhance your life withsupports that empower you!WHAT ARE SOME OFTHE THINGS THEYMIGHT DO?FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONSUnderstand and use your NDISplan to work toward your goals.Connect you with a range ofservice providers, community,mainstream and othergovernment services.Work with you to build yourconfidence and skills Coordinate your plans fundingallocations. Live more independentlyFeel more included in yourcommunityMake sure your choices andwishes are respected.If Support Coordination is funded in yourNDIS Plan, its as simple as giving us a callor email! If you aren't funded for SupportCoordination you can still give us a call andwe can work out how to support you to getit!HOW DO I GET A SUPPORTCOORDINATOR?WHAT HAPPENS IF MY SUPPORTCOORDINATOR LEAVES?DO I STILL HAVE CHOICE &CONTROL?Unfortunately sometimes people changejobs, whilst we wish we could keep our staffforever, we always support them to continueto grow. If your Support Coordinator leaves,we have a process in place to ensure you arewell supported by a friendly and familiar faceyou met at the beginning! We will alwayscommunicate and work quickly to ensure youare never without support.Always! This is your NDIS journey, our roleis to support you to work towards yourgoals! the services you wish to use andconnect to. A support coordinator is there to help youbuild your capacity and confidence so thatyou can eventually coordinate your ownsupports or services.
WHAT IS SUPPORTCOORDINATIONSupport Coordination is a service offeredby a disability provider that assistsparticipants to use their NDIS plan andfunding to the absolute best. The role of the Support Coordinator isto help you coordinate your supports(such as therapy, personal care, orcommunity access etc) required inyour everyday life and make sure theyare implemented in a way that suitsyour individual lifestyle. The Support Coordinators number onegoal should be to enhance your life withsupports that empower you!WHAT ARE SOME OFTHE THINGS THEYMIGHT DO?FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONSUnderstand and use your NDISplan to work toward your goals.Connect you with a range ofservice providers, community,mainstream and othergovernment services.Work with you to build yourconfidence and skills Coordinate your plans fundingallocations. Live more independentlyFeel more included in yourcommunityMake sure your choices andwishes are respected.If Support Coordination is funded in yourNDIS Plan, its as simple as giving us a callor email! If you aren't funded for SupportCoordination you can still give us a call andwe can work out how to support you to getit!HOW DO I GET A SUPPORTCOORDINATOR?WHAT HAPPENS IF MY SUPPORTCOORDINATOR LEAVES?DO I STILL HAVE CHOICE &CONTROL?Unfortunately sometimes people changejobs, whilst we wish we could keep our staffforever, we always support them to continueto grow. If your Support Coordinator leaves,we have a process in place to ensure you arewell supported by a friendly and familiar faceyou met at the beginning! We will alwayscommunicate and work quickly to ensure youare never without support.Always! This is your NDIS journey, our roleis to support you to work towards yourgoals! the services you wish to use andconnect to. A support coordinator is there to help youbuild your capacity and confidence so thatyou can eventually coordinate your ownsupports or services.
PEOPLEOPTIONSPOWERABOUT LIBERTY!Liberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities byempowering our participants toembrace being unique withcoordinated compassionate caredelivered by a team of passionateand experienced individuals workingfor you, with you.We pride ourselves on being aninclusive organisation that welcomespeople with diverse disabilities andsee challenges as an opportunity togrow!Contact us!(03) 5275 Agra St, NorlaneVic
PEOPLEOPTIONSPOWERABOUT LIBERTY!Liberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities byempowering our participants toembrace being unique withcoordinated compassionate caredelivered by a team of passionateand experienced individuals workingfor you, with you.We pride ourselves on being aninclusive organisation that welcomespeople with diverse disabilities andsee challenges as an opportunity togrow!Contact us!(03) 5275 Agra St, NorlaneVic