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Digital flyer LCN Psychology

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PSYCHOLOGYWHO NEEDS IT?ANXIETYDEPRESSIONPERSONALITY DISORDERSBIPOLARSCHIZOPHRENIA & PSYCHOTICDISORDERSTRAUMAGRIEFSUBSTANCE USEDOMESTIC VIOLENCEFAMILY/RELATIONSHIP ISSUESSCHOOL/WORK DIFFICULTIESDIFFICULTY MANAGINGANGER/REGULATING EMOTIONSAnyone can benefit from seeing aPsychologist at some time in theirlives - looking after our mind is anincredibly important part of ouroverall well being and our team offriendly therapists are there tosupport you with their non-judgemental and caring approach.PEOPLE COME TO SEE A PSYCHOLOGISTFOR A RANGE OF MENTAL HEALTHCONCERNS AND DIFFICULT LIFECIRCUMSTANCES. SOME EXAMPLESINCLUDE:ASSESSMENTSWe cover a range of assessments,psychological interventions and grouptherapy programs.Cognitive assessments include:WAIS-IV (ages 16+)WISC-V (ages 6-16)WPPSI-IV (ages 6 months to 7 years)These allow us to assess cognitiveabilities, which can assist with exploringthe diagnosis of developmental disorderssuch as intellectual disability. We also complete neuro-developmentalevaluations, including:ADOS-2ABAS-3Brown EF/A DIVA-5 These can be used to assist in thediagnosis of Autism and ADHD.OUR PSYCHOLOGISTSARE AVAILABLE FORAUTISM, ADHD &COGNITIVEASSESSMENTS

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ACCESSING PSYCHOLOGYFor private sessions you do not need amedical referral and can access theform on our website for self referral.Most third party arrangements are alsoaccepted i.e. Victims of Crime, DFFH. We also have a Pride Team inclusive ofPsychologists who are members of thePride Community. If you wish to accessa member of our Pride Psychologyteam please contact reception.To access Psychology with an NDISplan, you will need funding under theCapacity Building category - ImprovedDaily Living. You can also accessPsychology from Core funding undersome circumstances.HOW DO I GET IT?The first step is to enquire with ourfriendly team. You can reach us here:03 5275 Agra St, Norlane Vic 3214ABN 35 625 740 329THE IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHOLOGYSeeing a Psychologist can benefityou in a number of ways. It allowsyou to access a safe andcomfortable space to explore yourthoughts, feelings, worries andanything else that you might like todiscuss in a private and confidentialspace. A Psychologist is there to supportyou with improving your mentalhealth and walk alongside you innavigating difficult times in your life

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ACCESSING PSYCHOLOGYFor private sessions you do not need amedical referral and can access theform on our website for self referral.Most third party arrangements are alsoaccepted i.e. Victims of Crime, DFFH. We also have a Pride Team inclusive ofPsychologists who are members of thePride Community. If you wish to accessa member of our Pride Psychologyteam please contact reception.To access Psychology with an NDISplan, you will need funding under theCapacity Building category - ImprovedDaily Living. You can also accessPsychology from Core funding undersome circumstances.HOW DO I GET IT?The first step is to enquire with ourfriendly team. You can reach us here:03 5275 Agra St, Norlane Vic 3214ABN 35 625 740 329THE IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHOLOGYSeeing a Psychologist can benefityou in a number of ways. It allowsyou to access a safe andcomfortable space to explore yourthoughts, feelings, worries andanything else that you might like todiscuss in a private and confidentialspace. A Psychologist is there to supportyou with improving your mentalhealth and walk alongside you innavigating difficult times in your life

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ACCESSING PSYCHOLOGYFor private sessions you do not need amedical referral and can access theform on our website for self referral.Most third party arrangements are alsoaccepted i.e. Victims of Crime, DFFH. We also have a Pride Team inclusive ofPsychologists who are members of thePride Community. If you wish to accessa member of our Pride Psychologyteam please contact reception.To access Psychology with an NDISplan, you will need funding under theCapacity Building category - ImprovedDaily Living. You can also accessPsychology from Core funding undersome circumstances.HOW DO I GET IT?The first step is to enquire with ourfriendly team. You can reach us here:03 5275 Agra St, Norlane Vic 3214ABN 35 625 740 329THE IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHOLOGYSeeing a Psychologist can benefityou in a number of ways. It allowsyou to access a safe andcomfortable space to explore yourthoughts, feelings, worries andanything else that you might like todiscuss in a private and confidentialspace. A Psychologist is there to supportyou with improving your mentalhealth and walk alongside you innavigating difficult times in your life

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PSYCHOLOGYWHO NEEDS IT?ANXIETYDEPRESSIONPERSONALITY DISORDERSBIPOLARSCHIZOPHRENIA & PSYCHOTICDISORDERSTRAUMAGRIEFSUBSTANCE USEDOMESTIC VIOLENCEFAMILY/RELATIONSHIP ISSUESSCHOOL/WORK DIFFICULTIESDIFFICULTY MANAGINGANGER/REGULATING EMOTIONSAnyone can benefit from seeing aPsychologist at some time in theirlives - looking after our mind is anincredibly important part of ouroverall well being and our team offriendly therapists are there tosupport you with their non-judgemental and caring approach.PEOPLE COME TO SEE A PSYCHOLOGISTFOR A RANGE OF MENTAL HEALTHCONCERNS AND DIFFICULT LIFECIRCUMSTANCES. SOME EXAMPLESINCLUDE:ASSESSMENTSWe cover a range of assessments,psychological interventions and grouptherapy programs.Cognitive assessments include:WAIS-IV (ages 16+)WISC-V (ages 6-16)WPPSI-IV (ages 6 months to 7 years)These allow us to assess cognitiveabilities, which can assist with exploringthe diagnosis of developmental disorderssuch as intellectual disability. We also complete neuro-developmentalevaluations, including:ADOS-2ABAS-3Brown EF/A DIVA-5 These can be used to assist in thediagnosis of Autism and ADHD.OUR PSYCHOLOGISTSARE AVAILABLE FORAUTISM, ADHD &COGNITIVEASSESSMENTS

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PSYCHOLOGYWHO NEEDS IT?ANXIETYDEPRESSIONPERSONALITY DISORDERSBIPOLARSCHIZOPHRENIA & PSYCHOTICDISORDERSTRAUMAGRIEFSUBSTANCE USEDOMESTIC VIOLENCEFAMILY/RELATIONSHIP ISSUESSCHOOL/WORK DIFFICULTIESDIFFICULTY MANAGINGANGER/REGULATING EMOTIONSAnyone can benefit from seeing aPsychologist at some time in theirlives - looking after our mind is anincredibly important part of ouroverall well being and our team offriendly therapists are there tosupport you with their non-judgemental and caring approach.PEOPLE COME TO SEE A PSYCHOLOGISTFOR A RANGE OF MENTAL HEALTHCONCERNS AND DIFFICULT LIFECIRCUMSTANCES. SOME EXAMPLESINCLUDE:ASSESSMENTSWe cover a range of assessments,psychological interventions and grouptherapy programs.Cognitive assessments include:WAIS-IV (ages 16+)WISC-V (ages 6-16)WPPSI-IV (ages 6 months to 7 years)These allow us to assess cognitiveabilities, which can assist with exploringthe diagnosis of developmental disorderssuch as intellectual disability. We also complete neuro-developmentalevaluations, including:ADOS-2ABAS-3Brown EF/A DIVA-5 These can be used to assist in thediagnosis of Autism and ADHD.OUR PSYCHOLOGISTSARE AVAILABLE FORAUTISM, ADHD &COGNITIVEASSESSMENTS