A m a g a z i n e i s a p e r i o d i c a lp u b l i c a t i o n , w h i c h c a n e i t h e r b ep r i n t e d o r p u b l i s h e d e l e c t r o n i c a l l y .BBDENNIS-MACKDENNIS-MACKERNICEERNICE HONORINGHONORINGOUROURQUEENQUEENNEW LIFE COVENANT SOUTHEAST1021 E 78TH STCHICAGO, IL 60619JOHN F. HANNAH, PASTORPASTOR JEFFREY MULLINS, OFFICIANTWAKE: 10AM HOMEGOING: 11AMJune 1, 2024June 1, 2024
My LegacyMy LegacyToday we observe the closing of a chapter of a whole generation. Mrs. Bernice Madison DennisMack was one of six children of the late Mr. Wilbert and Mrs. Ella Williams Madison. “To everythingthere is a season and time to every purpose under the heavens.” 78 years of an exciting life endedon Mother’s Day May 12, 2024, when Bernice sailed away in calm serenity from this earthly scene.“It’s Gods will that the laborer shall sleep. Let tired laborers be encouraged; there is time for rest”.A TIME TO BE BORN: Bernice was the sixth child of the late Mr. & Mrs Wilbert Madison, born inChicago, IL, during the month of January, the third day in the year 1946. Loved ones preceding herin death: (8 siblings) Baby boy Madison 1, Baby boy Madison 2 , James Madison , Henry L Taylor,Annie Neal Washington and Wilma Lyon. (2 bonus sisters): Mildred Dunn and Elsie Tillman; Great-Grand Daughter, Aubree Brown; (2 nephews): Lonnie Washington Jr. and Richard Taylor); Godfather, Oscar Parker and Godson, Willie ‘DJ Casper’ Perry.A TIME TO BUILD UP: Bernice grew up in the Altgeld Garden community- Block 7. She attendedCarver Elementary and High Schools graduating in June 1963. She saw the need to continue hereducation, subsequently matriculated and received certification at: IBM Data Processing Center(1964), Board of Education School of Nursing (1968), Leora’s Beauty College as RegisteredCosmetologist (1972) University of Indiana School of Nursing (Intravenous Certification), IllinoisSchool of Phlebotomy (Registered Phlebotomist).A TIME TO EMBRACE: Bernice blossomed into a young woman and was united in holy matrimonyto the late Mr. Gordon Dennis Sr. and to this union two children were born. A second marriage tothe late Mr. William Robert Mack and to this union one child was born..For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have kept the faith: Henceforththere is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at thatday; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. ~ 2nd Timothy 4:6-8
A TIME TO SERVE: Her religious training was nurtured in a Christian home and she confessedChrist at an early age under the pastorate and leadership of Reverend A.L Wilson at ProgressiveMissionary Baptist Church. Rekindling her faith journey with Pastor Hillard Hudson of PilgrimMBC and in 1991 she moved her membership to Valley Kingdom Ministries of South Holland, ILunder the leadership of Apostle H. Daniel Wilson. Her final church home would be New LifeCovenant SE under the pastorate of Pastor John F. Hannah where she served on the ComfortMinistry and FIRM Ministry.A TIME TO NURTURE: Bernice genuinely cared for others. She nurtured many away from theirdeath beds. She was either mailing you something, mixing up a batch of something or telling youbend over for your shot. After several years of working in hospitals, clinics, prisons, and doctoroffices, she retired from nursing with The State of Illinois after serving 17 years. A TIME TO LEAD: One could always find Bernice working tirelessly in many organizations. She wasactive in the NAACP, Girl Scout Leader, Block Club president, Secretary to Electra Chapter #1Order of the Eastern Star, Licensed Public Notary, Warren Elementary Local School council memberand PTA President. She loved her children and family above all she had a fiery temper when it cameto them so much so, that she led several protests & marches that alderman and congressman of herward would call HER just to ensure she wouldn’t make any noise because of her unhappiness. A TIME TO DIE: There is no time we can set for parting, we must remain steadfast in faith, although weare never ready for such pain; even our prayers should be, not yet! Not yet, Dear Lord, another day withus let our beloved stay. But we must believe when God has wisely willed it so. One of God’s flamingtorches was extinguished on May 12, 2024 surrounded by her children and grandchildren, yet thereflected brilliance of the torch will light the path for many years to come. The flowers soon fade, butthe love they represent is never ending. Some people never realize how many friends they have untilsorrow comes and bereavement thus becomes a blessed experience, even as Jesus taught when Hesaid, “Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.”Those who will forever cherish her memories are: A Son: Deacon Gordon Dennis Jr; Twodaughters: Angela Hongo and Dr. April Dennis-Mack; Three bonus daughters: Pamela WashingtonMontgomery, Monnea Sanders Jones, Robin Terry-Purnell; Nine Grandchildren: Gabrielle Dennis,Iveila Montgomery, Maia Montgomery, Jarius Hongo, Jordonea Hongo, Montiel Montgomery,Kendall Dennis, Jeremiah Mack, Boaz Flemister; Three Great- Grandchildren: Amia Brown, GabrielBrown, Ja’Shaun Hongo; Four Nieces: Barbara Taylor, Carol Jean Johnson, Margaret Little, CrystaLyon-Barbee; Three Nephews: Pastor Henry Taylor Jr, Billie Edward Taylor, David Islam; OneSister-In-Law: Minnie Taylor; Three Brother–In-Laws: Hosea Mack, Virgil Poole and Lee Williams;Angels who impacted her journey: Elnora Parsons, Tawanna Vint, Renee Turner, Patrice Latimer,and Gloria Collins; and a universe of extended family members and friends around the world. Bernice may have departed this world, but her spirit will live on in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to know her.
IntermentOakwood Cemetary1035 E 67th StChicago, IL 60637RepastLevel UP Lounge1566 W 127th StCalumet Park, IL 60827As I Sit In HeavenAs I sit in heaven,And watch you everydayI try to let you know with signsThat I never went awayI hear you when your’re laughingAnd I watch you as you sleep,I even place my arms around youTo calm you as you weep.I see you wish the days awayBegging to have me home,So I try to send you signsSo you know you’re not alone.Don’t feel guilty because you haveA life that was denied to me,Heaven is truly beautifulJust you wait and seeSo live your life, Laugh again,Enjoy yourself and be freeThen I know with every breath you take,You’ll be taking one for me.Love Always,Bernice
Prelude “If You Could See Me Now” Processional Minister & Family Mistress of Ceremonies Diane MullinsCrown Presentation Brady C. Smart & GrandsonsPrayer Reverend Johnnie KearneyScripture Reading Old Testament Cheryl Baldwin New Testament Reverend Lawrence PerkinsSelection - “When I See Jesus” Brady C. SmartAcknowledgements Cheryl BaldwinObituary Reading Gordon E. Dennis Jr.ResolutionsRemarks Limit to 2 minutes pleaseSelection - “Don’t Cry For Me” Danesha LewisEulogy Pastor Jeffrey Mullins Kingdom Crusaders International MinistriesFinal Viewing Recessional “Father Can You Hear Me”Order of ServiceOrder of Service A magazi n e i s a p e r i o d i c a lp u b l i c a t i o n , w h i c h c a n e i t h e r b ep r i n t e d o r p u b l i s h e d e l e c t r o n i c a l l y .
By Kimberly NguyenM A , N O T H I N G P R E P A R E S Y O U F O R T H I S M O M E N T , N O G U I D EB O O K , N O I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A L , N O B L O G . H O W D O Y O UT E L L A P A R E N T I M I S S Y O U ? P E O P L E S A Y T O S A Y I L O V EY O U W H I L E T H E Y A R E S T I L L H E R E , B U T I T ’ S D I F F E R E N TW H E N I T ’ S N O R E S P O N S E G I V E N B A C K . M A , W E H A D AD I F F E R E N T R E L A T I O N S H I P . W E D I D N ’ T S A Y I L O V E Y O U ; W ES H O W E D I T . Y O U S T R O N G L Y B E L I E V E D I N D I S C I P L I N E . IH A T E D I T W H E N I W A S Y O U N G B U T I A P P R E C I A T E I T N O W .Y O U W E R E P A R E N T I N G M E . I T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U RW I S D O M , C A R E , D I S C I P L I N E A N D B O L D N E S S . I W I L LC O N T I N U E T O M A K E S U R E Y O U R L E G A C Y L I V E S O N .L O V E G O R D O N J R . , T H E O R I G I N A L J Grandma, Words cannot describe how I am feeling right now in this difficult time.I just want you to know that I am grateful to you for building this familytogether. I know that I haven’t been communicating with you lately but you arethe biggest blessing in my life. I am very thankful to be your granddaughter and Iwill make you proud! I love you grandma, and I will be praying to God to see youin my dreams!Kendall D.Grandma,I enjoyed every second of every conversation I shared with you. I enjoyed everymoment we had. You are a true firecracker and have never been scared to speakyour mind LOL! I guess I got that from you. Thank you for being supportive andcaring. I really wish I had more time to spend with you. I’ll cherish every memorywith you. See you in the next life. Rest peacefully my firecracker.Love you Always , GabbyGranny,You held me within hours of my birth. The night before you left I was soooorestless. I watched Barney all night with you til like 3am. I think your soul wasspeaking to mine cause I just didn’t want to leave or go to sleep. Grandma andTT grandma, tried but I was a live wire! I got excited when you said my name, Ibounced even more when you smiled at me. I’ll have pictures and videos to keepyou alive in my heart. I’ll miss what we would have had Love The fourth J that stole your heart (Ja’Shaun)
A Moment In TimeA limb has fallen from the family tree, the Matriarch of us all, Mom, Nana, Grandma, Sister,Aunt, cousin to some .I keep hearing your voice saying "I don't want to die but it’s time”.Remembering the best times, and the laughter. The good life lived, strong, determined butloving. Continuing your heritage, I'm counting on you to appear in my dreams. Keep smilingon us and surely the sun will shine through. My mind is at ease, your soul is at rest.Remembering all, I was truly, truly blessed. Lead by example is what you taught me. I’llcontinue traditions, no matter how small. When I am walking down the street I have you onmy mind. I'm going to keep walking in your footsteps. Just because you are out of sight, doesnot remove you from my heart. Remembering you each morning, noon and night. Forever Love, PamMy First Lady - Once upon a memory, someone wiped away a tear, held me close andloved me thru and thru. Thank you for always being here with love, care and support.You always believed in me and I would have been lost without you. My first rap song atage 6, was all about you! I was so blessed to have you as my grandma, and will miss ourfacetime and text messages. Your house has always been sweet home and I thank youfrom the bottom of my heart for all you’ve done for me. Grandma, remember when wewent to Memphis to that funeral and we went shopping. You kept piling clothes in that cart.I’m thinking ooh grandma treating herself. We get to the register, the lady rings it up like$5,400, I’m standing there waiting on you to pay and I peep you looking at me, then youbump me like- pay it you got it. OOOOH I was so mad for a long time, but at the end of theday I was blessed to have made you happy by buying you what you wanted. God gives useverything , his wisdom, strength and love- he also gave me you. Love, The First J that stole your heart (Jarius)So this really it huh? I didn’t expect you to leave so soon. You will never get a chance to meet my kids. It’s a lot ofstuff I wanted to do with you one more time. Let’s go to the casino, let’s go to Cracker Barrel or let’s go to Oklahomaso you can yell at me when I open the door on the safari. We did everything together! You have always been the root andwe will never be the same. I learned so much from you, my smarts are from you, my ignorance is from you LOL. Imma missyou so much grandma, you were like my second mom, I practically lived with you since birth. People tell me all the timeyou were my twin because we don’t care about how nobody feel and don’t go for nothing literally- we are thefirecrackers. Life will be so weird without you. I’m so happy I gave you your flowers while you here. I can’t believe younot here anymore to holler at me and tell me to go air out cause I stank, or stop flopping on the couch. You are myworld my everything, you gonna live forever thru me. I don’t wish this pain on nobody. You took my soul with you. Youhurt me so bad with this one. Please come see me in my dreams. I love you so much grandma. Nae - Your twinGrandma,In my short time on earth, I have experienced death too many times. I have almost become numbto it, just to avoid the pain. Yea we had our arguments, but our good times were GOOD!. Youstayed on grind mode and showed me to let nothing keep me down. It was soooo hard watchingyou dwindle away, which is why I stayed away sometimes. Dad, Uncle Tony, Aunt Wilma, TY nowyou! Maaannn, I have to believe that those we love never truly go away, but walk beside us everyday. Who go make me mad, who go yell at me, who go ask for a half a piece of bacon and a half ofa half of a half of cup of juice? Thank you for teaching me how to cook, Thank you for thinking ofme. Thank you for being you. I will miss our good times and vacations most of all. ~Boaz
A m a g a z i n e i s a p e r i o d i c a lp u b l i c a t i o n , w h i c h c a n e i t h e r b ep r i n t e d o r p u b l i s h e d e l e c t r o n i c a l l y .
Mother didn’t hesitate to marry our fathersGet her nursing degreeGet her beautician licenseGet her notary licenseGet her concealed carry licenseGet her drivers license January 2024No hesitation to get on a plane to stop my first marriageGet on a plane for birth of her first grandson and literally kidnap usTake us on vacations each year, no matter our ageGo to each family reunion and drag us with herNo hesitation to make us go to Sunday School and church even when she didn’tNo hesitation to speak openly & protest for what she felt was rightHeal the sick and actively show lovePunish (beat) her kids… thus the nickname the ‘Warden’Force skills sets on kids she knew we would need one dayTalk about you to your face, while gathering information at same timeFind opportunity in every situationFight the neighborhood gang bangers or city officials – she was not biasDidn’t hesitate to kick us out of the living roomAsk for a half of a half of cup of ice or her Salem’sDidn’t hesitate sick or well to hit the Casino’s- distance was not a factorTo send personal thank you gifts to love ones, even when she was painingMaking her own final plans so we could learn from her wisdomShe didn’t hesitate to tell us to get the horses off the porch!Even when ‘they’ said she was on limited time, She did the Bernice and greetedJesus on her own gracious terms, as she had a contract with heaven that wouldonly expire when no more hesitation was required.Today I bid a see ya later to my conduit of love, life lessons and wisdom. Angie Be RealNo Hesitation
Hey Lucy (Mom), I can’t believe it’s been almost 3 weeks since you’ve called my name. And it’ll be forever before I hear itagain. I miss you immensely. I’ve learned so much from you over the last 4 decades. Some things weretaught, and other things were inherited. You moved mountains, made phone calls, wrote letters, sentemails, drove to Mississippi and you showed up for me (and everyone else) every single time. When I was achild I didn’t understand why you were so strict with what we could do or where we could go but as I gotolder it became very clear – and for that, I am grateful. You weren’t one of my lil’ friends but we had astrong mother-daughter bond. When the roles changed from you taking care of me to me taking care of you,it had its up and downs, but I’m grateful for the time & experience. Thank you for the honor of being ableto take care of you until your last breath. Those last 6 weeks were the hardest. Only by God’s grace and yourstrength did I not give up as I watched you decline so fast right before my eyes. Despite my love for you ormedical training, I could only make you comfortable those last days. I’ll miss our trips, cooking for you justlike daddy, calling you about whatever was going on and you just being YOU. You are the strongest womanI know; I watched you endure a lot during my lifetime and you tried your best to shield us when you werehurting both mentally and physically. One thing I do know, you are not having any more pain or heartacheand that gives me some comfort. Thank you for the love, discipline and support in your own way my entire life. Thank you for helping meraise Jeremiah. I know you were disappointed but thank you for loving and caring for him since he wasborn, he was really your 4th child. I imagine you’re reunited with daddy now. I pray that I will make youboth proud all the days of my life. See ya later Alligator ~ Love, April Lia‘Honor (respect, obey, care for) your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that yourdays on the earth] may be prolonged and so that it may go well with you in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Deuteronomy 5:16Hey Grandma, It’s me Jeremiah and I love you. You have been there for me since day 1. You weren’t a babysittinggrandma but you watched me. You weren’t the cooking grandma,but it was nice to wake up to a hot breakfast: bacon, pancakes andscrambled eggs. You took me so many places: my 1st cruise, a planeride to Kansas City, family reunions, hotels just so I could swim (soyou could play ), and countless roadtrips. When you worked inKankakee, you always brought home wings and grinders for youand I to share. When you were hungry you would ask “J what doyou want to eat”. Even when you were sick, I was the passenger thelast time you drove. When I think about you, tears roll down myface because you were like my 2nd mom and everyone knew Iwas Grandma’s baby. I miss you so much already. I will rememberthe things you shared and the instructions you gave. I will lookafter my mom and make you all proud. See ya later Grandma. Love you, The Favorite J
PallbearersPallbearersG O R D O N D E N N I S J R . K E V I N C U L P E P P E RT O R Y S K U L L A R KB O B B Y H I G G I N S J R .A N W A R C O V I N G T O N L A W R E N C E P E R K I N SThank you to those who were here BEFORE our mother became illThank you to those who showed up WHEN our mother became ill Thank you to those who stayed WHILE our mom was illThank you to those who visited, cooked, sent cards, called, sent texts or simply prayed or held our hands before and after our mother completed her life’s journey.Thank you to those who served, sacrificed and showedUnselfish acts of love outside of your comfort zone, just to letOthers know the magnitude of who she was. Thank you to those who are still here, You know who you are.We appreciate you before, now and forever!Honorary PallbearersHonorary PallbearersJ A R I U S H O N G O M O N T I E L M O N T G O M E R YJ E R E M I A H M A C KB O A Z F L E M I S T E RG A B R I E L B R O W N J A ’ S H A U N H O N G O8354 S Marquette Ave, Chicago, IL 60617 (773) 406-1854Services Entrusted To:Ali Funeral Service AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsCasket GuardsCasket GuardsL E A G U E O F W R E S T L E R SSpecial thanks to her medical team at Stroger Hospital, especiallyFrancine, her favorite nurse, as well as PJ, Bobby, and Dr. Sherman.Our deepest gratitude to Kiara who went above and beyond to makesure mom had her favorite foods whenever on Stroger campus.Thank you to Unity Hospice Team especially Tasha, Tierra, Claudia and Neal.Last but not least, thank you to her home health team, Rick and O’Neal.