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DHG Home Buyers Guide

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The Home Buyers GuideThe Home Buyers Guide770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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Here are the steps:Building a FoundationThe FinancialsInsuring Your HomeFinding Your New HomeThe Home StretchBuying a new house is one of the most (if not the biggest)investments that a person can make in their life. This can beextremely stressful.We've compiled this guide for you so that you can be in controlevery step of the way and feel confident in the process.Getting Ready to Buy a Home?770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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Interview a few agents and see if theirpersonality matches your needs/wants.You want to “click”!Qualifications your agent should have:Local market knowledgeGood reviews or testimonialsFinancial Knowledge - they can walkyou through the numbers!Find an agent who works full time inthe industry and has a track recordGreat time management andcommunication skills:Did they show up on time & prepared?Do they communicate with you in away that you understand and feelcomfortable with?Share your Housing Goals770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIAStep 1: Find a Realtor

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Compare different lenders tounderstand the benefits andadvantages of working with eachMake sure to tell EACH LENDER notto pull your credit until you're fullycommitted to working with one - theycan either do a soft pull or start withyour credit karmaIf your credit isn't where you want it tobe, work on creating a plan with yourchosen lender - make sure it has settimelines and actionsYour agent should be able to provideyou with a list of lenders that they haveworked with in the past and trust to doa good job.Maintain great creditYour lender should be able to do asoft pull in the beginning to makesure your credit is in the right place Compile and save any importantfinancial documents2 months worth of pay stubs & bankstatements2 years of tax returns Step 2: Know your FinancialsStep 3: Find a Lender770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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Saving up 20% of a home's purchaseprice as a down payment issuggested, but often hard to do forfirst time home buyers or in a high-priced marketIf saving up 20% isn't feasible, workwith your agent and lender to createthe best plan for your needs Your lender should be able to giveyou information on different types offinancing including lower interestrates, lower down payments, anddown payment assistance programsRemember that just becauseyou're approved for a certainamount doesn't mean that youhave to spend that amount.Work with your lender and agentto establish a price point andmonthly payment that you will becomfortable with.Ask the lender if you qualify for anyspecial loans, such as VA or FHAGet Pre-Approved; this gives you,your agent, and the lender anestimate of how much you canafford based off of your creditscore and past financial documentsWork with your lender and realestate agent to determine if yourfile should be underwritten beforesubmitting any offers. This will helpto avoid any potentialdisappointments or delays duringthe transactionStep 4: Establish a Budget.Step 5: Get Pre-Approved fora Mortgage770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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Step 8: Make an OfferWork with your agent to establish a strategy to get the mostfrom your offer and have the best chance of it getting acceptedSign the offer and any additional documents!Meet with your chosen real estateagent to discuss your home buyingwish list. Make sure to include:Must haves: bed/bath number,garage, etc.Nice to haves: pool, jacuzzi, smarthome capabilities, etc.Things to avoid: pools, busy streets,etc.Bring along your pre-approval andlender contact information so youcan discuss budget and have youragent connect with your chosenlenderDetermine different neighborhoodsyou might want to live inKeep your "Must Haves"Checklist in mindKeep a journal or guide of thedifferent houses you're interestedinTake plenty of pictures to lookback atStay within your price range!Provide your agent with ANYfeedback regarding the propertiesthat you view. Both positive andnegative feedback can be veryhelpful for an agent to findexactly what you want.Step 6: The Fun Part Step 7: Find a Home770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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Find a reputable and thorough homeinspector, if you need suggestions askyour agentA good home inspector will help toensure that you don't end up in a"money pit," for example, aproperty with lots of electricity,plumbing or foundation issuesAn inspector will also report anyissues found with the home thatwill allow you to ask for repairsduring negotiationsIf work is needed to be done on theproperty, strategize with your agent tosubmit a request for repairsReview disclosures and paperwork withyour agentIf you will be making any additions orconstruction to the property, such asadding a pool or a guest house, checkwith city building department to ensurezoning allows for those upgradesConfirm all details about homeincluding type of sewer, flood zones,schools, etc.Step 10: Arrange forHomeowner's InsuranceSearch for a homeowner'sinsurance policy with greatcoverage at a reasonable cost.Ask your lender and agent forsuggestionsThe first year of insurance willbe paid for at the closing tableStep 9: Do your Due Diligence770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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The lender will order an appraisal onthe home to verify that the marketvalue supports the purchase priceDouble check that your interest ratesand mortgage payments are what youagreed uponGo through the house with your agentto double check everything you agreedupon in your offer is presentEnsure that any repairs that wereagreed upon in the transaction werecompletedIf repairs are difficult to visually inspect,call back your home inspector or aspecialist to ensure the repairs werecompleted correctlyTurn on all lights and appliances tomake sure that they still are in goodworking orderStep 13: Closing the DealBring everything you might need:Step 11: Finalize Financing with Your LenderStep 12: Final Wa lkthrough of the HomeForm of identificationAny additional payment you may needSign the mortgage documents!Get the keys to your new home!770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIA

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770-282-4462DREAM HOMES OF GEORGIACelebrate! You now own your newhome!The home buying process can be confusingand stressful, but we're here to help! We striveto make the process as fun and exciting aspossible as we guide you through thetransaction from start to finish.Let us know how we can help you find yourdream home!Have any questions?Step 14: Move In!