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Q1. Terms and conditions - what has DFWAIC agreed to?DFWAICEND USERS1. Partnership Model: DFWAIC collaborated withChaplainCare as an initial user of our innovative spiritualcare app, which is provided as a Software as a Service(SaaS) solution.2. Cost-Effective Innovation: This collaboration allowsDFWAIC to access cutting-edge technology at a fraction ofthe normal annual cost.3. Ownership and Control:● ChaplainCare retains full ownership and control ofthe software● Its infrastructure, and● all associated intellectual property as a SaaSsolution.4. Continuous Improvement: This SaaS provides valuablefeedback to shape the future of spiritual care solutions atDFWAIC.1. DFW Chaplain app has a Terms of Services “Terms” section,as required by both Apple and Android for all users.2. Terms can be modified at DFWAICs discretion.3. The sections of the Terms and details are as follows:● Agreement to Terms: Users must agree to the termsto use the site. Terms may be updated without notice.● Intellectual Property: All content on the site isproprietary and protected by copyright laws. The IP ofthe app is licensed for use by DFWAIC.● User Conduct: Prohibited activities includeunauthorized data collection, hacking, and using thesite for illegal purposes.● Content Ownership: Users retain ownership of theircontributions but grant a license to use the content.● Privacy Policy: Users agree to the privacy policy byusing the site.● Termination: The company reserves the right toterminate user access at any time.● Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability: The site isprovided "as-is" with no warranties. The company'sliability is limited.● Dispute Resolution: Disputes are subject toarbitration in Dallas, Texas.● Governing Law: Texas law applies to these terms.● Indemnification: Users agree to indemnify thecompany against third-party claims arising from theiruse of the site.

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Q2. Contractual obligations - is there a formal contract?DFWAICEND USERSAgreement Structure: Informal, flexible SaaS subscriptionarrangement:● Gentleman's agreement from April 15, 2023● Structured as an "At-Will" contract● Reflects collaborative relationship● Positions DFWAIC as a primary participant in a world-class,airport chaplaincy modelClick to view the Formal Contract TemplateOther than the Terms of Services, there is no other agreement withthe end users.

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Q3. Licensing (subscription-based or end-user)DFWAICEND USERSThis subscription-based software license SaaS agreement includesa revenue-generating affiliate program for DFWAIC.1. Intellectual Property Rights: ChaplainCare retains full legalrights and control of its intellectual property and service.2. Discounted License: DFWAIC is granted a discountedsubscription license at 12.5% of the current annual cost ofthe app.3. Annual Renewal: The annual renewal date is April 15 at25% of the annual cost.4. Service Continuity: If the subscription expires or lapses,access to the service is disabled after 90 days, unless otherarrangements are made within 30 days of the renewal date.5. Affiliate Program Terms:● Ownership: ChaplainCare retains full ownership andcontrol of the software● Affiliate Status: DFWAIC is an affiliate ofChaplainCare for this SaaS product.● Commission Structure: DFWAIC earns a 5%commission on the annual subscription fee for eachnew customer they refer to ChaplainCare whosubscribes to the app.● Payment Timing: Affiliate commissions are paid outimmediately upon the closure of each sale.● Financial Independence: These immediatecommission payments are separate from and do notdirectly affect DFWAIC's annual renewal fee.Users are licensed according to the Terms of Services and continuefor the length of time the user operates the app.

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Q4. App support - we need confirmation that we will have tech support and an outline of how that occursDFWAICEND USERSAll DFWAIC users can contact ChaplainCare for support, providedprimarily by Dan Hall, via five distinct methods:1. Email: dan.hall@chaplaincare.com2. App: DFWAIC users have access to a support system wherethey can submit support requests, under the settings section.3. Text messaging: DFWAIC users are encouraged to textDan Hall anytime they are experiencing a support issue.4. Phone: DFWAIC users can reach Dan Hall via phone bycalling him directly or by calling 1-800-374-9039.5. Video conferencing: ChaplainCare provides videoconferencing tech support to DFWAIC users.Support to DFWAIC personnel is provided within 2 business hours.Since its rollout to DFWAIC Staff on May 14, 2024, ChaplainCarehas provided the following direct support for the app:DESCRIPTIONINSTANCES~TIMEDFWAIC Wide Trainings11.5 hrsIndividual Chaplain Video Training2719 hrsIndividual Chaplain Texts709.5 hrsIndividual Chaplain Emails161.5 hrsDFWAIC Staff Video Training98 hrsDFWAIC Staff Emails183.5 hrsDFWAIC Staff Texts754.5 hrsApp Modifications (e.g. ComplexEmergency Notification System)9125 hrsAll end users can contact ChaplainCare for support via two distinctmethods:1. Via email: support@chaplain.app2. Via the app: Under the settings section of the app, usershave access to a support system where they can submitsupport requests.Whether users contact support via email or the app, support isprovided within 48 business hours.

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Q6. Measurable ROI - some of the reports that have been established should provide this alreadyDFWAICEND USERSKey measurable ROI metrics include:1. Organizational Health Assessment: Annual DFWAICEmployee Climate Survey, reported to the board:○ Cultural Value: DFW can be in the Top 20 of REDI.*○ Morale Insight: Direct insight into staff morale andorganizational climate at all levels○ Chaplaincy Impact: Assessment of the Chaplaincy'scontribution to workplace culture○ Employee Satisfaction: Evaluation of overallemployee satisfaction and engagement○ Service Effectiveness: Metrics on the effectivenessof spiritual care services2. User Engagement: Number of interactions by type.3. Service Diversity: Types of spiritual care core capabilities.4. Customer Satisfaction: User satisfaction scores.5. Operational Efficiency: Time efficiency measurements.6. Service Coverage: All terminals and facilities.7. Financial Accountability: Transparent tracking andaccountability of Chaplain stipends8. Resource Optimization: Real-time chaplain engagementtracking enables data-driven staffing decisions for optimalcoverage. (i.e. Chaplain to team member ratio)9. Revenue Generation: Enabling users to donate via the appand affiliate commissions on completed sale referrals.These metrics allow for the evaluation of the platform's ROI,encompassing both quantitative financial measures and qualitativeimpact assessments. These insights facilitate data-driven strategicdecisions in this specialized field of airport chaplaincy.Key measurable ROI metrics include:1. User Base Composition: Total users vs. Total registeredusers2. Growth Trends: User growth year-over-year andmonth-over-month3. Directory Utilization: Usage of DFW Directory4. Content Engagement: Viral sharing of devotions via emailand text messages5. Crisis Intervention: User suicidal ideation interventions6. Chaplain Interaction: Number of user chats with Chaplains7. Off-Hours Utilization: After-hour activity8. Staff Support Requests: TSA/USO/DFW AmbassadorChaplain paging9. Chapel Feedback: User chapel scoring10. Service Attendance: User chapel service attendance* Based on Chaplain provision for DFW employees, concessionworkers, and volunteers (in addition to airline staff, travelers, andgovernment workers), DFWAIC has now provided more REDIindex Top 20 coverage than many Fortune 500 entities on theindex.

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Q7. Overall pricing modelDFWAICEND USERSPricing Model: Exclusive Collaboration AdvantageAs an initial collaborator with ChaplainCare in this innovative SaaSsolution, DFWAIC enjoys an exceptional value proposition:1. Substantial Discount: 87.5% discount on the annual cost.2. Current Pricing:● Full annual cost: $120,000● DFWAIC's 2024 discounted fee: $15,0003. Return on Investment (ROI):● Immediate cost savings of $105,000 represent a700% ROI● Additional ROI through operational efficiencies andenhanced service delivery● Potential for affiliate and donation revenue.4. Strategic Affiliation: This preferential pricing reflectsDFWAIC's crucial role in:● Providing invaluable feedback● Shaping product refinement● Driving innovation in spiritual care technology5. Future-Proof Investment: While future pricing may evolvewith product development, DFWAIC:● Positioned at the forefront of spiritual care innovation● Early adoption ensures a competitive edge in theairport chaplaincy sectorThis strategic investment in cutting-edge technology positionsDFWAIC as a thought leader in airport chaplaincy, promisingenhanced service quality and operational efficiency while openingnew avenues for industry influence and growth.The app is free to end users.

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Q8. Will end users be able to provide “ problem tickets” that give us an idea of areas for improvement?DFWAICEND USERSAll DFWAIC users can contact ChaplainCare for support, providedprimarily by Dan Hall, via five distinct methods:1. Via email: dan.hall@chaplaincare.com2. Via the app: Under the settings section of the app, DFWAICusers have access to a support system where they cansubmit support requests.3. Via text messaging: DFWAIC users are encouraged to textDan Hall anytime they are experiencing a support issue.4. Via phone: DFWAIC users can reach Dan Hall via phone bycalling him directly or by calling 1-800-374-9039.5. Via video conferencing: ChaplainCare provides videoconferencing tech support to DFWAIC users.Whether users contact support via email or the app, support isprovided within 2 hours.All end users can submit “problem tickets” for app suggestions orproblems directly to ChaplainCare.1. Via the app: Under the settings section of the app, usershave access to a support system where they can submitsupport requests and suggestions for improvement.

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Q9. Security and privacy - many of the “connections” that the Chaplains make are anonymous, but we are dealing withdelicate information and need to be able to provide static answers on how that occursDFWAICEND USERS1. End-to-End Encryption: All data, in transit and at rest, issecured using Google’s cutting-edge encryption protocols,ensuring sensitive information is fully protected fromunauthorized access.2. Granular Access Controls: Role-based access control(RBAC) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) ensure thatonly authorized users can access data, with strictenforcement of privacy measures.3. Managed by Google: Our app’s database infrastructure isadministered by Google, a global leader in cloud security.Real-time threat detection, automatic patching, and robustsecurity management offer unparalleled data protection.4. Compliance with Leading Standards: Google’s platformadheres to stringent privacy regulations, including HIPAA,GDPR, and other global standards, ensuring legalcompliance and the highest levels of data security.5. Data Redundancy and Recovery: Google’s globallydistributed data centers ensure data availability and recoverythrough automated backups and redundancy, protectingagainst data loss or system failure.6. Anonymous Reporting: Our anonymous usage feature,backed by Google’s secure infrastructure, protects useridentities, ensuring confidentiality for those seeking support.By leveraging Google’s state-of-the-art infrastructure, we guaranteeworld-class security, privacy, and compliance, ensuring thechaplaincy app remains at the forefront of data protection and userprivacy.All DFWAIC security and privacy points in the DFWAIC section, plus:1. Anonymous Guest Users: Users can access the appwithout registration or identification, allowing maximumprivacy for those seeking DFWAIC chaplain services.2. Account Deletion Control: Guest accounts areautomatically deleted after use, while registered users canchoose to delete their accounts at any time.3. User-Controlled Anonymity: In chats with chaplains, usershave the option to remain completely anonymous, preservingtheir privacy throughout the interaction.4. Chat Deletion Control: Users have full control to delete chathistories whenever they choose, ensuring their interactionsremain private.5. No Data Sales: User data, including all metadata, is neversold, traded, or exchanged, and remains strictly withinDFWAIC databases, with deletion managed by either theuser or DFWAIC.This ensures DFWAIC maintains a high standard of privacy and usercontrol, reinforcing trust and confidentiality in spiritual care services.

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Q10. Formal Roll Out OfferingDFWAICEND USERSYour suggestion for a formal app roll-out at the board meeting isbrilliant. This initiative will:1. Align with the board vision: Merges technologicaladvancements with the human touch in spiritual care delivery2. Demonstrate tangible progress: It showcases the “live”version chaplains are already using3. Engage board members: Gathers valuable feedback asthey interact with the app in real-time4. Reinforce transparency and trust: It helps buildconfidence in DFWAIC data-driven strategic decisions5. Facilitate future planning discussions: Innovativeenhancements and expansions of future digital initiatives.6. Celebrate our successful implementation of a tool that'salready making a difference in our interfaith chaplains' dailywork. It recognizes the team's hard work and adaptability.7. Position DFWAIC as the industry leader in innovativespiritual careYour foresight in suggesting this roll-out showcases your leadershipand commitment to keeping our board fully informed and engaged.To support this initiative:● ChaplainCare, at their expense, is offering to attend theboard meeting, in person.● Their team is prepared to join the DFWAIC ExecutiveDirector and Board Secretary in providing a 30-minutein-depth demonstration: that allows for a thoroughpresentation of the App's features, benefits, policies, Q&A,and impact without overwhelming the board with technicaldetails. 30-Minute respects the Board's time and attention.To ensure a successful rollout of the chaplaincy app to end users, werecommend the following strategic initiatives:● Advertising on DFW Marquees: Leveraging high-visibilitydigital marquees throughout DFW Airport will allow us toreach a broad audience of passengers, employees, andmilitary personnel. These displays will feature clear, concisemessaging about the app’s features, such as chaplainavailability and easy access to spiritual support, encouragingdownloads directly from the terminal.● In-Chapel Promotions: In-chapel advertisements will directlytarget those seeking spiritual care. Strategically placedsignage, flyers, and digital displays inside airport chapels willinform visitors about the app’s capabilities, including chatfeatures, chapel information, and devotional resources,making it a natural extension of their spiritual experience.● DFW Ambassadors: Utilizing DFW Ambassadors—airportemployees who are positioned throughout the terminals toassist passengers—will provide a personal touch to therollout and provide engagement. They can be trained toinform travelers about the app, answer questions, andprovide QR codes for instant downloads. Their directinteraction with passengers creates an opportunity to explainthe app’s benefits.These targeted strategies ensure broad, effective promotion acrossvarious touch points within the airport, reaching both those alreadyinterested in spiritual care and new users. By using a combination ofdigital, physical, and personal engagement methods, we maximizevisibility and encourage widespread adoption of the app.