PRAC CertificationNew View Concepts, LLC
The Life Coach Designation: Personal Response-Ability CoachWelcomeWelcomeNOW is the time, dear one....Are you living a life of no significance? Are you hating yourjob and wishing you could live the life of your dreams? Areyou tied to the 9-5 rat race, with no flexibility or freedom? Do you want to set your own hours, choose whom youserve, how you serve, and get paid what you are worth?Have you always wanted to be a Life Coach--helping othersrise to be their best selves? Do people come to you foradvice, a shoulder to cry on, a refuge from their storms? Doyou seem to have a genuine knack of lifting and inspiring? Don't waste another minute of your life serving someoneelse's dream. Discover the incredible rewards that come asyou guide a broken soul to become their best self--as youbecome yours. There is no other occupation as sacred, asimportant, as rewarding, as needed in this very sick world.People are in pain. People are upside down. People want toknow why they are failing...and how they can rise above.YOU now have the tools and principles that will help themovercome self-defeating thoughts, emotions, and behaviors,and live a life of significance.
FromFrom ourour C E OC E O
We see a day when, through the application of theprinciples and tool undergirding New View Concepts, an army of individuals and families arises with the power and discipline to be true to the best within themselves.We see a day when thousands upon thousandsoperate in the 3rd Paradigm Mind, ushering in an eraof life lived by design rather than default; where light leads them to act and not be acted upon.We see a day when all people are viewed through the softening lens of their humanity, not the harshmicroscope of judgment and criticism.We see a day when goodness is measures by what we embrace, what we create, how we serve, and who we include.We ignite lives lived byintentional creative designrather than default, to act and not be acted upon, transforming problemsinto solutions,barriers into breakthroughs,"I can't!" into I CAN!"and defeats into victories.Mission StatementVision StatementNew View Concepts, LLC
We are a spiritually-grounded company. God isalways in the mix. We believe you are here todaybecause He had a hand in directing you to us. Though we don't promote any one religion, we dopromote God through our lessons and in ourcompany. We have found that people are muchmore apt to succeed when they answer to theirhigher power. Please vet us. Know who we are, what we standfor, and where we are headed as a company. It isimportant for you to know we honor who YOU are,and where you are headed with this company.The journey you are on is sacred. We don't takehelping you prepare for your future lightly. It isvery important to us that we listen to yourobjectives and help you live your dreams, as yourdestiny is coupled with the direction of diety.Life coaching deserves a reverence unmatched. When you realize you are truly helping to moldanother human being from the inside out, being alife coach takes on a whole new meaning. It's apartnership with God to help your client becomethe best he can be—as you become yours. Andthere is no job on earth as rewarding.We are a Spiritually Grounded Company
"Customizable" Coach/Client Curriculum”
You are theYou are theYou are theGuideGuideGuide
THE VALUE OF THE GO BROKEN TO BEAUTIFULGO BROKEN TO BADASS PROGRAMClients become stronger, wiser, more capable, more resilient, more courageous, and much more confident than ever before.
The Business of BusinessDiscover the Keys to Building a Lucrative, Significant CareerBUSINESS LAUNCHESSENTIALSTMfromNew View ConceptsBENEFITS OF OUR PROGRAM:NVC stands with you as you build and growPRACs Featured on NVC WebsiteReferrals of paying clients to NVC Certified PRACs (on a rotating basis) thatcome through NVC's marketing effortsNo additional charge to audit the PRAC Certification Class one time (notvalid for scholarship recipients) 2 hours FREE coaching with Jesse and Renée on your businessLIFETIME license for you to access the GO Broken to Beautiful/BadassCourse LIFETIME license FOR YOUR CLIENTS to access the GO Broken toBeautiful/Badass Course FOR FREEWE TEACH THE BUSINESS OF BUSINESS:Automatic enrollment in the Business Launch Essentials Workshop™Getting started—name, EIN, entity, registrationsThe ESA Matrix™--the one-page business plan every business owner needsMarketing—how to attract your ideal clients without breaking the bankSales—how to lead prospective clients to beg you to coach them; settingyour feesOperations—delivering above and beyond your promiseRetention—service that keeps them staying and paying based on theprogram TACT: The Roots of Legendary ServiceThe basics of administration made easier—getting paid, bookkeeping,calendaring appointments, follow throughs, record-keeping
PRAC Training: What to Do; What to Expect; How to Prepare
Buffy is a coach who had experienced her ownfair share of struggles in her early years. Shedecided to serve others with her experiences,thus leading her into the path of life coaching.She had a client who considered herself a“throw-away”. In her search to give her client amuch-desired transformation, she was led toour coaching system. After using our provenPRAC system, she wrote back telling us that herclient who once was severely broken by life, hadnow come a long way in her growth and wasnow driven by purpose. Today, Buffy has built athriving life coaching business that is bringinglasting transformation to many more of herclients using our special strategy.MEET SOME OF OUR PRACS Working with these tools gave me focus. I knew inmy heart what I was meant to do, but it was soeasy to get off track when the necessity to makea living for my family was constant. I am nowback on track, earning an income that is morethan adequate for our needs. I know I am neededand now work with clients I have a connection to.Our family relationships are sweeter. I amfulfilled and experiencing joy like I have not donein a long time.BUFFY C, IDCertified PRACJIM P., IDCertified PRACHypnotherapistI'm Danielle. I am an addict. I have co-occurringdisorders. I sought help many times throughdoctors and mental care providers, churches, 12-step recovery programs. I took the GO Broken toBeautiful Class. I now have control over mythinking patterns and emotions. I now embodythe power to break generations of dysfunction,abuse, depression, and darkness. Through the GOBroken to Beautiful program, I have found my newcareer path and destiny. With GO Broken toBeautiful, I can truly help others. This program hashelped me tremendously. I am free to standbeside my Creator and co-create the life I live andlove--and as a PRAC, help others do the same!DANIELLE, NMCertified PRAC
A mother brought her 16-year-old daughter to me who was battlingdepression caused by trauma. Her depression was so serious thatshe stopped eating and her body was shutting down. Nothing herfamily or friends could do or say helped her. This young girl had lost hope. I showed her how to "re-write" her traumatic incident, and then taught her how to control her negative thoughts with The ICE Tool:I-dentifying, C-ontaining, and E-liminating negative thoughts. Afterpracticing for 90 minutes with me, she left with hope, smiling, andhappy. The next time I saw her, she said she taught her friends theICE Tool--and she was doing great! What a celebration!I have personally dealt with depression and anxiety for many years.I thought of suicide daily.After learning and applying the tools taught in the GO Broken toBeautiful Program, I was able to overcome debilitating depression,recognize and stop anxiety at its root, and change negative thoughts to positive ones.I recommend the GB2B/BA program and the PRAC CERTIFICATIONPROGRAM to anyone who wants to make an authentic, positive,permanent change in their life-- and in the lives of others.Kellie: "Being a PRAC is SIMPLY AWESOME!"MEET OUR SR. PRAC EDUCATOR, KELLIE
THE INVESTMENT IN YOURFUTURETypically, the most difficult part of obtainingthe education needed to certify as a Life Coach, is the expense.TWO $2,000 SCHOLARSHIPS AREAVAILABLE FOR EACH CLASSCALL NOW!Speak with our Executive Team Specialistand if you are accepted into our Program,discuss your *creditworthiness and our most affordable options to resource ...YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!YOUR CLASS FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULLPRIOR TO RECEIVING YOUR CERTIFICATION
The GO Broken to Beautiful and Badass Program
IT IS CLEAR...... if they go into prison with no life skills or tools tohelp them be accountable and more response-able, and they don't learn anything new, and theylikewise come out with no life skills or tools...NOTHING WILL CHANGE.THE CYCLE REPEATS.IRS 501(c)3Once certified, PRACs are invited and may opt into serve, coach, and teach incarcerated andpreviously incarcerated citizens through NVC's sister company. this short videoCLICK
The Prison Project ...Naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I wasin prison, and ye came unto me... Matthew 25
What Makes NVC DifferentMany life coach training companies train hundreds/thousands ofapplicants at a time. We keep our classes very small. It is importantthat our PRACs connect to each other, form a community, and haveintimate role plays. It’s not about teaching the masses; it’s about building great coaches!#1 COMPONENT. AS WE SAID, GOD IS IN THE MIX. From day one, we believe God opened the doors tothis remarkable program--and we are SO grateful. With God, clients are more accountable as theyanswer to someone greater than themselves. *TAKE THE PRAC CLASS AGAIN FOR FREE. Typically, as our PRACs go through our PRAC Training andCertification Program, they embark on a very emotional journey. PRACs concentrate on themselves thefirst time around, clearing out the skeletons in their own closets. *Take the PRAC Training again forFREE up to one year after certification. The second time through, PRACs SEE THINGS AS A LIFE COACH!(Pay $600 each time you take it thereafter. *The free class is not available for scholarship recipients.)TRAIN AND CERTIFY IN 30 DAYS OR LESS. We offer a very comprehensive program. A PRAC maytrain and certify in 30 days or less if committed and cognizant of time management. There are 60-70hours of training: 40 hours in-class, 10-12 hours of online Business Launch Essentials, pre-course work,homework after each class, and internship. THE CUSTOMIZABLE GB2B/BA MANUAL IS A “ROADMAP” FOR THE COACH, AND A WORKBOOKFOR THE CLIENT. NVC offers a complete teaching Manual and program--absolutely FREE of charge tothe PRAC’s clients. This includes digitals of the #1 International Bestselling GO Broken to BeautifulManual: What to Do When Life Leaves You Broken, all videos. worksheets, tools, and pdfs. The coachcan interweave other modalities as needed to benefit the client. All 6 areas of life are covered. ONCE CERTIFIED, NVC PROMOTES THE NEW PRAC. PRACs are promoted through social media andon the NVC website on a rotating basis. The PRAC is featured in a personalized video recording andpromoted throughout NVC pages and private groups, boasting 70,000+/- followers. NVC will linkPRAC’s websites, podcasts, and will broadcast business presentations.THIS IS A SCIENCE-BASED PROGRAM. The education that NVC provides is based on scientific researchand the principles have been validated.INCOMING CLIENTS ARE ROTATED. As incoming clients come in from NVC’s marketing and website,they are rotated to PRACs. NVC’s website features two options: BECOME A COACH (for incomingPRAC applicants), and HIRE A COACH (potential clients seeking a PRAC). PRAC’S CLIENTS MAY TAKE THE GB2B/BA COURSE FOR FREE. As a certified PRAC, clientsare never charged for the GO Broken to Beautiful or Badass Course. Clients have life-timeaccess for FREE. PRAC TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION CLASSES ARE KEPT SMALL. There is much to be saidabout building a community. Role plays are much more effective and successful in anintimate setting. PRACs receive one-on-one training. PRAC connections deepen, and PRACsmay want to serve each other as coaches later on. We don’t train hundreds of coaches at atime. This business is not all about money.PRAC’S ARE OFFERED A SIGNIFICANT REFERRAL FEE. Anyone can refer people to ourPRAC training program, and a generous referral fee will be paid once the PRAC pays his/herfees. PRACs can use this option and income as part of their business plan. (Referral fees arenot paid on scholarship receipients.)PRACS MAY OPT TO SERVE PRO-BONO IN THE PRISON PROJECT. Through our sistercompany, GO Broken to Beautiful Foundation, we offer incarcerated and previouslyincarcerated citizens the opportunity to be taken through the GO Broken to BeautifulProgram with a PRAC for free. Hopefully soon, this will be a paid service.. 18- MONTH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. We are so confident in your launch to success andsignificance as a Certified Personal Response-Ability Coach, that if you don’t earn back yourinitial tuition investment from paying clients within your first 12 months, we will work with youuntil you do, up to an additional six months, or your money back. *Terms and Conditions apply.
GUARANTEE AND DISCLAIMERS*18-MONTH PRAC CERTIFICATION GUARANTEE: We are soconfident in your launch to success and significance as aCertified Personal Response-Ability Coach that if you don’tearn back your initial tuition investment from paying clientswithin your first 12 months, we will work with you until you doup to an additional six months or your money back. *Termsand Conditions ApplyMEDICAL DISCLAIMER: We are not professional therapists. Ifyou need professional emotional, mental, or psychological helpor intervention, please seek professional help, or call 911. Theprinciples, techniques, practices, suggestions, and exerciserscontained herein do not substitute for and are not intended toreplace in any manner competent professional medical orpsychological diagnosis and counseling. New View Concepts,LLC, and GO Broken to Beautiful Foundation, Inc., its officers,employees, and/or their assigns, are not responsible or liablefor results arising from the misuse or application of thecontent (or lack of content) contained herein.INCOME DISCLAIMER: (New View Concepts, LLC = NVC) Thereare no guarantees concerning the level of business or financialsuccess you may experience from this program. There is noguarantee that you will make any income at all and you acceptthe risk that the earnings and income levels differ fromindividual to individual. The use of NVC’s information,products, and services should be based on your own duediligence, and you agree that NVC, its officers, employees, andtheir assigns are not liable for any success or failure that isdirectly or indirectly related to the PRAC Certification Programor NVC. As with any business, your results may vary and will bebased on your individual capacity, business experience,knowledge, expertise, and level of motivation and desire.*NVC reserves the right to change, alter, or add to these materials without notice.Latest revision supercedes all. Revised 08/13/2024.
This is an independently contracted opportunity forindividuals who wish to be self-employed using a provenbusiness model and strategy. Income earnings are throughthe sale of services driven by your efforts. NVC will featureyou on a rotating basis in our marketing efforts. START HERE: After you have vetted our company, after you learn who weare, what we stand for, what we strive to accomplish, afteryou decide YOUR purpose coincides with OUR purpose (topartner with God--to buoy, nurture, uplift, guide, inspire,teach, coach, and give hope to those who are struggling),then please schedule an interview with our Enrollment Specialist through the above portal.Your interview is to see if you are a good candidate for ourprogram, and visa versa, and answer any questions youmight have. If all is well, then we will discuss how to proceed. We greatly value your time--and ours. We want to berespectful of everyone who applies so:Do not book an interview unless you are serious aboutbecoming a Life Coach, and youCommit to being present for your interview, andYou understand that if you do not show for this interviewyou will no longer be considered a candidate for ourprogram, and You have the ability to resource the PRAC Certification fee--at least with low monthly payments, andWill have those persons present during the interview thatyou must consult to make a financial decision about youreducation.THE NEXT STEP: THE INTERVIEW
Creators of Go Broken to Beautiful