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Designated Body - Limited Audit Guidance

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LIMITED AUDIT GUIDANCEAs part of The Medical Profession (Responsible Officers) Regulations 2010, yourResponsible Officer has to be assured that you are complying with theregulations and that this can be evidenced if necessary to the Higher LevelResponsible Officer. To ensure that you are meeting the obligations as laid out in the Regulationsand also required by the NHS / Office of the HLRO / HEIW, your ResponsibleOfficer requires us to complete an annual audit on you and produce a reportwith recommendations as appropriate. This should be considered by your board and an action plan to address anyrecommendations be put in place.

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LIMITEDAUDITA declaration of complianceA limited audit of a percentage of yourprescribed connections up to a total of 10files. The audit will be held remotely in most cases,however if you would like a site visit we arealways happy to come out and visit you, soplease ask. Sometimes we may require a sitevisit. The audit forms two parts. We will then produce a report withrecommendations that should be sharedwith your board. Any significant findings willbe shared with your Responsible Officer. Youmay be requested to provide an action planto address any recommendations. If you do not provide all the requireddocuments including copies of policies andprocedures, Governance Tool Kit andGovernance Organogram, we will be unableto pass the audit and you will be given afurther date to provide the requiredinformation.

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DECLARATION OFCOMPLIANCEThrough it's Responsible Officer Networkmeetings, the NHS provide updated Guidanceand have introduced a number of documents that they will expect to see at any HLRO audit.They will also expect to see your polices andprocedures relating to Governance, Appraisaland Revalidation.The annual declaration of Compliance, will helpus assess what documentation you have andany gaps there maybe. Please remember thatas part of the service, we provide all polices anprocedures that you require. We are alsohappy to help with your Designated BodyGovernance Organogram and Self Assessmenttool kit. If you need any assistance our QualityDepartment are happy to help, so please get intouch using the following email address -, without the fully completeddeclaration, we are unable to pass the audit.

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PRESCRIBED CONNECTIONAUDITWe will carry out an audit of your current prescribed connections. A randomselection of a percentage of your connected doctors up to a maximum of 10files will be selected for audit. We will provide a secure link for you to upload the documents to. On the dayadvised, our team will complete a framework level audit on the files provided.Please note that not all criteria will be applicable for every organisation. Forexample framework requires monthly DBS checks. We recommend this as goldstandard good practice, but if you feel it is not appropriate for yourorganisation please let us know and we will take this in to account if we areable to, when carrying out the audit and completing the final report. All of the requirements of the NHS Employer checks are mandatory so pleaseensure you provide evidence to cover all of these. These cover Identity Checks,Criminal Records Checks, Work Health Assessments, Professional Registrationand Qualifications, Right to Work Checks and Employment History andReferencing. You can find out more about these on the NHS Employers website.Once completed a report with recommendations will be provided and a copywill be shared with your Responsible Officer. In the event there is significantinformation missing, we may be able to give a final date for the missing itemsto be provided by, before issuing the report.

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YOUR PARTNERS INCOMPLIANCE01291 House, Bulwark RoadChepstow, NP16 5JNCopyright ACI Training & Consultancy Ltd. May not be reproduced without the permission of ACI Training & Consultancy Ltd