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de Pakhuys Information Brochure

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WaterLoadsheddingMonday - Thursday8:00 - 17:00Friday8:00 - 19:00Sat & Sunday8:00 -11:30 & 13:30 -17:00 and have funwhere to find usReception & ShopHoursFree Wifi availableacross the farmand cottages, no passwordrequiredWi-fiOur water is pumped from afresh water bore hole and100% safe to drink. Thesystem relies on Eskom andyou might experience somepressure loss duringloadshedding - It will resolveitselfArrival from 15:00 anddeparture at 10:00If you are planning onarriving after 17:00 pleaselet us know in advance andwe will send self check-ininstructions. Check onWhatsApp or againstreception door.Arrival/ Departurewww.depakhuys.comFollow this link for acomprehensive list of funthings to do at and aroundde Pakhuys.Or just sit back and enjoy themoment to breath freshmountain air!We supply some alternatives butplease bring more if you can.Africamps units are on back upinverters to run lights and WiFi.Please contact reception if yourequire additional tools! We usethe outage schedule app Pick area Clanwilliam (15)Stuff you need to knowabout de Pakhuys

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dishesRunning the AC on full blastwill make the electricity trip. Please set on comfortableauto range between 20Cand 24C, and do switch offwhen leaving the unitsplease. Close all doors andwindows when in use.airconsWe sell wood from outside theshop on an honesty basis. If theshop is open, pop in and pay,otherwise please help yourselfand pay next morning.R50 a bagNever leave fires unattendedfire woodWe prefer payment by debit orcredit card and offer Snapscanas an option. Trying to avoidcash as far as possible - notthat we don’t like it!! Pleasereport to reception on checkout to settle any outstandingbills.paymentsThe hot tub will take approx60 -120 minutes and 2 - 3bags of wood to heat. Get thefire going nicely, THEN fillwith wood and close thechamber lid.Pre-heats can be arranged bycontacting us 24 hours inadvance at a rate of R250hot tubsRemember your stay is self-catering. Please make sureyou have washed all thedishes that you used. Please report allbreakages/damages to reception During periods of heavyrain the low level bridge onthe way to camp might beflooded. If you feel unsureabout crossing, pleasecontact us on theWhatsApp line forassistance.our stuff toknow

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music and noiseUnderage guests shouldnever be left unattended. Weare on a working farm andvehicles do move aroundand stuff happenschildrenWe always have a manageron duty to assist - pleaseWhatsApp them on In case of an emergency onlyplease use 083 604 1459whatsapp duty numberPlease adhere to the speedlimit of 40 kmph. Unlicensedpersons are not allowed todrive around on the farm,avoid this happening to you:)drivingPlease do not feed anyanimals (except your ownpet!)Food left out at night orunattended will attractunwelcome visitors wild lifeWe ask guests not to play anymusic and to consider yourneighbour at all timesat the campsite is openFriday and Saturdays from18:00.Have a drink, chat andplay some pool. No under18's served.the barwww.depakhuys.comlast, but super important even more stuffto know071 840 4867

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Head to the Hen House atAlpha Excelsior next door(8:00- 17:00) or TravellersRest, 6 km down the R364(8:00 till 21:00)eat outThe Waterfall walk (Blue) fromreception is certainly a mustdo!! Sylvians' Sunset trail  (Red)a bit more challenging for sure.Explore and enjoy theincredible rock formation allover. Take care of new growthhikingThe dam at camp is fed from theriver and great for swimming -jump in from the jetty. (Nocrocodiles and no leeches-promise!) No children with outsupervision and use at own risk.The Rockpools and waterfalloffers a couple of great coldpools to cool down in!swimmingWe prefer you take out whatyou bring in, but we do supplybins and do recycle - pleaseseperate as indicatedtrashGas stoves at Africamps willnot auto ignite duringloadshedding, they are notlinked to the inverter. Pleasepress knob and use a goodold fashion match to lightWe have wood and iceat just the right price,home made jams & spreadfrozen meals & farm bread,cookies and chipssome delicious hot dips,Ice cream & cold drinkschocolate and more things..the shopwww.depakhuys.comstovesand more stuff toknow

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Nestled in the picturesque Agter-Pakhuis Valley, 26 kmfrom Clanwilliam on route to the historic Wuperthal village,you will find De Pakhuys Guest Farm.The farm belongs to the Kruger and Botha Families.The Kruger family, originally from Cape Town, visited thearea in 2003 and couldn't resist having a piece of thisparadise to themselves. They subsequentlybought a piece of land in this magnificent valley anddecided to renovate one of the cottages on the farm andshare the splendour of the Cederberg with visitors.The advent of bouldering in 2006 saw an exponentialgrowth in the tourism market in our area. The cottages andguests are looked after and cared for bypartners and friends, Thys & Karin Kruger and Mark &Marinda Botha. Mark & Marinda farms on the landbordering de Pakhuys. They both grew up inthis beautiful valley and can share some interesting factsabout the history of theAgter- Pakhuis area with guestswww.depakhuys.comSan and Khoi peoples inhabited the Cederberg area fromearly times. European settlers began stock farming hereearly in the eighteenth century, and in 1876 a forester wasappointed to oversee crown land in the mountains. This waspossibly the first attempt at conservation in the Cederberg.From 1903 to 1973, exploitation of natural products wasrampant in the Cederberg. Large amounts of cedar wood,rooibos tea, buchu and rockwood bark were harvested.Farmers even used the mountains to graze livestock in timesof drought. Large numbers of cedar trees were choppeddown as the wood was in great demand for construction -some 7 200 young trees were used as telephone polesbetween Piketberg and Calvinia. Cedar trees are now onthe brink of extinction. In 1967 the removal of dead cedartrees was halted and other forms of exploitation endedin 1973.history of thearea

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Vegetation is predominantly mountain fynbos. The lowerslopes support laurel protea, silky conebush, sand olive andyellow daisies, with wild olives and mountain maytenus onthe rocky outcrops. Waboom veld also occurs at this loweraltitude. The eye-catching purply-blue ridderspoor, as wellas rooibos tea and buchu grow against the lower cliffs.Higher up one finds fynbos restio veld, with red disas inabundance along streams on the plateau.The Clanwilliam cedar grows in the so-called cedar zoneagainst cliffs and overhangs at altitudes of more than 1000m above sea level. In the wetter ravines red and white els,yellowwood, hard-pear and Cape beech occur, whilewild olive, silky bark and spoonwood prefer dryer kloofs.The endemic snow protea is perhaps the most attractiveplant on the highest peaks. It is very scarce and is onlyfound at a few sites in the wilderness area.Baboons, dassies, grey rhebok, klipspringers, duiker andgrysbok are fairly common here.Although porcupine, honey badger, Cape clawless otterand aardvark occur here, they are seldom seen. Theleopard is the Cederberg’s largest predator and is fairlycommon although very shy. Smaller predators includeAfrican wild cat, lynx, bat-eared fox, aardwolf and Capefox. The small grey mongoose and striped polecat areoften seen. Various interesting rodents occur, including thespectacled dormouse. More than 100 bird species occurhere, with black eagle, rock kestrel and jackalbuzzard the most common raptors. The armadillo lizard isone of the endemic reptiles occurring in the Cederberg.About 16 snake species are found here, themost common being berg adder, puff adder and blackspitting cobra(Spoegslang)www.depakhuys.comvegetationanimals

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The Clanwilliam CedarThe Cederberg mountains were named after theClanwilliam cedars (Widdringtonia cedarbergensis) thatwere once abundant on the upper slopesand are now on the brink of extinction. This magnificenttree has a fragrant, durable wood - a feature shared withthe true cedars, such as Cedus libani,the Lebanon cedar which grows in the Mediterraneanbasin.www.depakhuys.comwhy CEDERberg?

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