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Dementia Strategy for Jersey: Implementation plan - Year 1

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Strong Foundations: A Dementia Strategy for Jersey Implementation plan – Year 1 (July 2024 - June 2025)

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Dementia Strategy Year 1 Implementation Plan (2024-2025) ‘Strong Foundations: A dementia strategy for Jersey (2024-2029)’ outlines the government’s commitments to how dementia care and support will be approached in Jersey over the next five years. The strategy aims to build and develop the foundations necessary to empower people with a dementia and enable them and their families or care-partners to live well on our island. This implementation plan outlines the key actions we will take over the first 12 months of the strategy, the departments/individuals responsible for each action, and any identified current or future financial requirements. The plan was developed collaboratively by the multi-agency Dementia Strategy Implementation Oversight Group (DSIOG) and agreed with action owners. The DSOIG will be responsible for overseeing progress against the actions identified. Five key themes for improvement have been identified within the strategy: 1. Raising awareness 2. Diagnosing well 3. Supporting people with dementia and their carers 4. Supporting training and valuing the workforce 5. Developing Jersey to be an island that is dementia friendly and inclusive. No. Action Responsible Leads Target date Financial requirement 1 : Raising awareness 1. We will develop a proposal for a ‘brain health island plan’ and services / interventions to reduce the risk of developing long-term conditions linked to poorer brain health (including a brain health clinic). HCS (coordinate plan & services) Public Health (preventive measures) March 2025 Proposal development within existing resource. Plan will require financial allocation to deliver 2. We will launch Brain Health workshops for the public and in schools, and a ‘boost your brain’ prevention campaign. Dementia Jersey January 2025 Dementia Jersey (external funding e.g. from fund-raising activities)

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2 : Diagnosing well 3. We will reduce Memory Assessment Service referral to diagnosis waiting times to 6 weeks through reallocation of resources and pathway design HCS (General Manager MH) October 2024 Existing resource. 4. We will engage with primary care in order to develop proposals for increasing the diagnosis rate of people with moderate to severe dementia in residential and care home settings. The proposals will outline training and support requirements, and use of the local dementia register. HCS (Director of Health and Social Care) May 2025 Existing resource. 5. We will engage with primary care, third sector and other partners to develop a pathway outlining how services will ensure people living with dementia get timely access to a diagnosis, and to post-diagnostic support and treatment. This will link with the development of an integrated model of HCS dementia service provision (7). HCS (HCS Dementia Programme Lead) December 2024 Pathway development within existing resource. Implementation will require additional financial allocation 6. We will develop and introduce an information pack for families/ care-partners of people with dementia, containing practical advice and information. HCS & Dementia Jersey (Memory Assessment lead) August 2024 Information pack within existing resource

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3 : Supporting people with dementia and their families 7. We will develop a new integrated model for dementia health and social care service provision within HCS that embeds continuity of support for people with dementia and their care-partners, and we will identify additional resources required for delivery over the next 5 years. HCS (Director of Mental Health & Social Care) May 2025 Development of service model from existing resource Implementation will require additional resources. 8. We will implement in-person training for family carers (90 places available annually) Dementia Jersey Quarterly from August 2024 Dementia Jersey will pursue external funding via fund-raising activities. 9. We will ensure that Long-Term Care Benefit is able to support the costs of both the complex nursing needs of people with dementia and flexible respite options for relatives of people with dementia. Customer & Local Services December 2024 To be determined 10. We will develop proposals for (interim) HCS provision of complex dementia nursing beds to reduce delayed transfers of care and provide appropriate care to meet needs. HCS (Director of Mental Health & Social Care) September 2024 Aim to deliver within existing resources (additional spend currently in hospital care) 11. We will develop measurable standards for the care of people with dementia within the acute hospital setting and undertake a baseline audit against these. HCS (HCS Dementia Programme Lead) October 2024 Existing resource 12. We will ensure that the development of plans for end-of-life support from the End-of-Life Strategy ensure equality in support provision for people with dementia and their families / care-partners. HCS (Head of Commissioning) May 2025 Existing resource

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4 : Developing, valuing, and supporting the workforce 13. We will plan the development of local dementia training and develop dementia training standards and framework for health and social care staff by reviewing best practices from the UK and beyond. This will ensure our training framework is based on the highest standards, going beyond local legislation and policy to provide the best possible care for those with dementia. HCS & Dementia Jersey January 2024 Framework development within existing resources. Resources will be required for implementation. 14. We will implement a dedicated nursing post within older peoples’ mental health services that supports care home staff & placements. HCS (Community Services Manager) September 2024 Within existing resources 5: Supporting Jersey to become a dementia friendly and inclusive island 15. We will implement the ‘Access Elemental’ platform, offering increased opportunities for islanders to access community-based activities, information and support social prescribing. CLS (Director of Local Services) December 2024 Existing resource 16 We will launch a Dementia Friendly Business Scheme, working with local businesses to train staff and improve customer experience for people with dementia. Dementia Jersey September 2024 Dementia Jersey (external funding via fund-raising activities). 17. We will ensure that the needs of people with dementia are represented within the development of plans for the ‘New Healthcare Facilities Programme’. New Healthcare Facilities Programme (HCS Chief Officer) March 2029 Existing resource 18. We will review the feasibility of submitting a bid for grant funding from Digital Jersey for assistive technology solutions that support people with dementia and their care-partners within the community. Dementia Strategy Implementation Steering Group August 2024 Bid for grant funding

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Enablers 19. We will establish an oversight steering group to agree priorities / actions and oversee implementation of the Dementia Strategy HCS (Director of Mental Health & Social Care) May 2024 Existing resource 20. We will identify the data requirements within primary and secondary care to enhance our understanding of the impact of dementia on health and care services in Jersey. We will develop a plan to address existing data gaps. This improved data will highlight current shortfalls and enable the prediction of future resource requirements, ensuring we can effectively plan for and meet the needs of the future. HCS (Dementia Programme Lead) January 2025 Existing resource - potential requirement for resource to coordinate cross-sector data collection once established The completion of these actions within the first year of the strategy will start to provide a number of tangible benefits to islanders. This will also enable the further development of actions that require additional planning, collaboration, and potentially resource to achieve, due to their complexity.