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Dementia Matters Magazine - Issue 7

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Issue 07 | 2024The quarterly magazine fromDementia Jersey’s New HomeWe have moved to our new office at Halke PlaceBoost your Brain!Dementia Jersey’s new brain health campaignCounsellingFor people with demena and their carersFundraising NewsEvent and fundraising newsSupport and AdviceAdvice and details about our support groupsActivitiesFull lisngs of our dementia friendly activitiesEducationFind out more about dementiaThe Meeng Place ProjectHelping people with mild demena to stay acve in their communies

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Welcome to the seventh issue ofThe last few months have been a real whirlwind for us as we moved into our new demena-friendly oce. We were lucky to receive a very generous legacy which paid for a full re-t of the old Jersey Mutual premises in town. It gives us a fantasc base near the library and we hope you can all pop by to have a look and let us know what you think.We’ve also been working on our Boost your Brain campaign which you’ll see live on our website from January and also on social media, in a leaet in GP surgeries, featured on a bus, on hoarding and planters near Liberty Wharf and on the radio. It tells everyone what they can do to reduce their risk of developing demena as we now know that up to 45% of cases can be prevented or delayed. Read more about the campaign on page 12.There’s plenty more covered in the magazine including features on new sta members, recommended books and the latest in demena friendly tech. I hope you enjoy reading it.Claudine SnapeCEO – Demena Jersey Dementia Jersey, 74 Halke Place, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4WHTelephone: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeHours: 10:00 - 16:00 Monday to Fridaywww.dementia.jePublished byDid you Did you know?know?It costs over £700,000 each year to fund the services of Demena Jersey, almost all of which is supported by fundraising.3ContentsPage 6Our new Halke Place ocePage 10Meet the Team - Dreena CollinsPage 12Boost your Brain!Page 16Fundraising NewsPage 22Acvity Spotlight - Club UnoPage 24Weekly Acvity LisngsPage 29Event Spotlight - Tea DancePage 30Geng to Know - Vivien EmeryPage 32Carer’s Support MeengsPage 34Event Spotlight - Carers Recharger DayPage 36Demena EducaonPage 39The Meeng Place ProjectPage 40Counselling for people with dementia and their familiesPage 42Lived Experience Advisory PanelPage 44Volunteer Spotlight - Simon PerchardPage 46Book ClubPage 47Consumer Corner

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We’re challenging everyone to walk, run or jog 50 miles this January to help raise funds to support people in Jersey living with dementia.You can choose how and when you want to get your miles in. All you need to do is complete 50 miles throughout the month of January. Start the year as you mean to go on and get involved!For more information visit you know?Did you know?Staying physically acve can improve your brain health and keeps your heart healthy.Jersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydWalk, run or jog Walk, run or jog 50 miles this January50 miles this JanuaryScan the code to sign up

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We’re challenging everyone to walk, run or jog 50 miles this January to help raise funds to support people in Jersey living with dementia.You can choose how and when you want to get your miles in. All you need to do is complete 50 miles throughout the month of January. Start the year as you mean to go on and get involved!For more information visit you know?Did you know?Staying physically acve can improve your brain health and keeps your heart healthy.Jersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydWalk, run or jog Walk, run or jog 50 miles this January50 miles this JanuaryScan the code to sign upDementia Jersey’s new oceBoost your Brain!Activities Volunteer SpotlightGetting to knowEvent Spotlight Carers Recharger DayActivity Spotlight - Club UnoWe have now moved into our brand new permanent oce at 74 Halke Place. Come and take a tour.Find out more on Page 6.Demena Jersey oers a range of regular acvies for people living with demena and their carers. Find out more on Page 24.Meet volunteer Simon Perchard who is one of Demena Jersey’s Trustees and Treasurer.Find out more on Page 44.In this issue meet Vivien Emery who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the end of 2023.Find out more on Page 30.30 Carers enjoyed an amazing Carer Recharger Day on the 28th September with funding we received from a very kind benefactor.Find out more on Page 34.In 2023 Demena Jersey launched ‘Club Uno’ - a social group for carers who wish to remain part of the Demena Jersey community but are no longer the primary care giver, either because their person with demena has passed away or moved to residenal care.Find out more on Page 22.In this issueWe’re launching a new campaign for 2025, to make sure as many islanders as possible know how to reduce the risk of developing demena.Find out more on Page 12.5

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Dementia Jersey’s Dementia Jersey’s new home at new home at Halke PlaceHalke PlaceWe’re excited to say that on Monday 18 November we moved into our new oce and on the 28 November Dr Kyd and his excellency the Governor ocially declared it open. 6

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Dementia Jersey’s new oceThis new demena-friendly oce is a signicant milestone for Demena Jersey. We have been able to aord it because of a very generous legacy and we’re enormously grateful. It’s been specically designed for people with demena and features two comfy counselling and advice rooms, where individuals and families can receive personalised support and guidance. We have two meeng rooms designed to facilitate workshops, meengs and training and three demena friendly toilets. Clear waynding helps guide visitors through the space, while contrasng colours on doors and toilets enhances visibility and ease of navigaon. The use of bright colours throughout the oce not only makes it feel joyful but also aids in orientaon. This new oce represents a new chapter for Demena Jersey, one where we can provide 7

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Dementia Jersey’s new oceeven more comprehensive support to our community. We are grateful for the fantasc support of our donors, volunteers, our sta and partner agencies whose dedicaon and hard work have made this all possible. Despite this excing new development, we remain commied to bringing our services directly to people’s doorsteps across the island. By connuing to oer support in various parishes, we aim to reduce barriers to access and make sure that everyone can benet from our services, no maer where they live. Our new premises have easily accessible ground oor meeng and counselling rooms and dementia friendly toilet facilities.8

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Dementia Jersey’s new oceOur new oce area is now large enough to accommodate our growing team and we also have a large meeng room that can be used for some of our support groups sessions, courses and other events.9

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Meet our Dementia Projects ManagerDreena CollinsWhat I love about my jobI’m passionate about the charity sector and the fact that I have a job that makes a dierence; I love being part of such an enthusiasc team who are all commied to our mission.My job involves organising and thinking ahead and is a great mix of ‘hands-on’ and planning work. I am also an ideas person and love the fact I have an opportunity to shape things and be creave.Did you know?Dreena is an author who has published short con collecons, a suspense novel, and (under a pen name) a ‘women’s con’ series. Her current wring project is a historical con novel inspired by true events in sixteenth century Guernsey.Dreena grew up in Jersey.  She qualied as an English teacher and then spent almost twenty years working in educaon, where she held various leadership and management roles centred around equality and inclusion. She made a conscious move to the charity sector in 2021.Meet the teamLack of knowledge about demena leads to inaccurate assumpons about its eects on the person and their family and negave stereotypes about how a person with demena will behave.Did you Did you know?know?Help us support those living with demena in Jersey with a monthly donaon to Demena Jersey. To donate, visit

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12We’re launching a new campaign for 2025, to make sure as many islanders as possible know how to reduce the risk of developing demena. Do you know how you can Boost Your Brain?Up to a surprising 45% of cases of demena can be prevented or delayed. This is the latest news from The Lancet* which tells us the benets of simple lifestyle tweaks in our middle years. This high gure oers some reassurance to those concerned about their brain health and at Demena Jersey, we’re sharing this fact as widely as we can with our Boost Your Brain campaign. In the coming months, you’ll start to see our new campaign logo and messaging popping up in all sorts of places around the island. From the back of a bus, to doctors’ surgeries to public hoarding, we’ll be spreading the word, and we hope you’ll support us where you can.About the campaign This campaign builds on what we started in 2024 when we created ‘Memory Lane’, by taking over Broad Street and promong

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lifestyle changes we can all make to keep our brains healthy. We’ve been lucky enough to have a generous funder support the campaign which has meant we’re now able to reach more people with our markeng.MessagesOur three core concepts are to Love Your Heart, Stay Sharp and Keep Connected. In essence, this means that good cardiovascular and physical health, keeping our brains acve and staying socially connected are all key to building our ‘cognive reserve.’ In turn, this could help to delay or prevent, demena if we take acon early enough. These messages follow the main principles of the Alzheimer’s Research UK ‘Think Brain Health’ campaign.We’ve brought this messaging alive in the form of our brain superhero! He features in our Boost Your Brain logo and can be seen striking a variety of poses across our materials. We’ve even invested in a mascot so look out for him wandering about the streets of St Helier encouraging us all to Boost our Brains.Educaon One of the central features of the campaign is educaon. We’ve reviewed our island schools’ latest Personal Social and Health Educaon curriculum and discussed our content with key advisors, developing a lesson plan that we can deliver for secondary school students, plus resources for parents and teachers to support this. If you have a child or grandchild at school on the island, why not encourage them to invite us in?We’ve also revised our Demena Friendly Business content and our current Demena Friends oer to include ps on brain health, too. Get in touch if you’d like to know more. Where you’ll see usEverywhere! Our Boost Your Brain campaign will be featured on hoarding boards at the Internaonal Finance Centre, on posters, in informaon leaets at Parish Halls and surgeries, on the radio, on social media, with pop-up stands and even on the back of a bus! The Demena Jersey website also features a wealth of further content and ps on the ways you can reduce your risk. The new dedicated ‘Boost Your Brain’ secon also hosts an interacve quiz where you can reect on your own brain health and sign up to a newsleer series devoted to ps and strategies. We’ll be running our popular Big Brain Challenge again in May to coincide with Demena Awareness Week. This family-friendly walking quiz has a great prize aached. Keep an eye out for more informaon in the spring.13What is What is Cognitive Cognitive Reserve?Reserve?Cognive Reserve is our brain’s ability to cope with damage when faced with diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It’s the concept that people develop a reserve across their lifeme, which in turn improves brain resilience which protects against challenges and decits that can occur because of ageing and disease.* Dementia Prevenon, Intervenon, and Care: 2024 report of the Lancet standing Commission, August 2024.

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1614What’s good for your heart is good for your brain! We’ll be starng our campaign with our Love Your Heart message, with this as our main focus of the campaign unl April – perfect ming for our 50 Mile Walking Challenge. Many of us know it’s important to look aer our heart by being physically acve, eang healthily and not smoking. But not everyone realises that this could keep our brains in shape, as well. But don’t worry, you don’t have to run before you can walk. Take a look at some of our simple ps to Love Your Heart:DancingWhether in the kitchen or at an event, dancing has great physical benets and is lots of fun!We’ll sll be connuing to run our usual acvies for people with demena and oering advice and guidance for carers, but our Boost Your Brain campaign will feature alongside other services during 2024. So why not take our online quiz and check out our resources? If you don’t have access to the internet, we can provide hard copies of materials if you get in touch. And please spread the word about how to Boost Your Brain so that as many islanders as possible can remain well as they age. Scan the code to take the QuizPilatesStrengthens core muscles, enhances posture and promotes body awareness. WalkingA brisk walk with friends or skipping to the bus and strolling home could be an achievable way of adding some exercise to your day.

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Avenue ofAvenue ofVolcanoes Volcanoes Join Dementia Jersey’s epicScan the QR code for more informationwww.dementia.jeTake on this epic trek to help support people living with dementiaTrek in EcuadorTrek in EcuadorWith the option of an extension trip to the Galapagos Islands!15th – 23rd November 2025

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Mount Kilimanjaro TrekMount Kilimanjaro TrekFundraisingFundraisingNewsNewsOur group of trekkers absolutely smashed their climb up Mount Kilimanjaro in September. They faced high altudes, steep climbs and long trekking days, but were rewarded with stunning views and a sense of achievement!The trip was self-funded and all funds raised will go directly towards helping us connue providing vital services and acvies for people aected by demena in Jersey and help create a demena friendly island. “Kilimanjaro was an adventure of a lifeme and I couldn’t have asked for a beer group of people to tackle the highest free-standing mountain in Africa with! The support everyone showed for each other along the way and their determinaon is truly inspiring. It’s safe to say this trip was a special one for the group. There were some tears but a lot more laughter! I’m so proud of our team for their incredible fundraising eorts. The money raised will make a real dierence in the lives of people in Jersey living with demena and their families. Thank you to everyone who supported our trek.” – Nadine Jagger, Demena Jersey Fundraising and Communicaons Coordinator16

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FundraisingFundraisingNewsNewsOVER £46,000 RAISEDMount Mount Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro Trek 2024Trek 202417

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FundraisingFundraisingNewsNews18I signed up to the Kilimanjaro trek for two reasons - to ck o a bucket list item and of course, to raise money for Demena Jersey, a charity close to my heart - but I never expected to get as much out of the trip as I did. From the get-go Discover Adventure were on hand to help with any quesons and the team leader on the trek itself, Duncan, was brilliant. The local team on the ground looked aer us fantascally well, too, from the guides to the porters and everyone in between - we really couldn’t have done it without them! The whole experience, whilst challenging at mes, was made easier by the wonderful group of people I met and I truly feel that I have made friends for life. I absolutely loved this trip and I’m already thinking about signing up to the next one! – Alannah, FundraiserMount Mount Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro Trek 2024Trek 2024

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Support those living with dementia in Jersey by giving monthlyScan this QR code to visit our donations page£5 £10 £20will pay for new song books for our popular Musical Memories sessions for people with dementia.will pay for plants and owers in our new therapeuc allotment site for people with dementia.will pay for a face-to-face support session for up to 20 carers run by our Dementia Advisors.a month a month a monthIndividuals that give a monthly gi move us a step closer to achieving our vision of a dementia friendly island.DonateDonateBy choosing to donate monthly, you’re helping to make sure we can connue to provide life-changing support to islanders living with dementia. A regular gi means we can rely on consistent support and more eecvely budget throughout the year. Dementia Jersey exists to provide advice, support and informaon to the community as a whole. Our aim is to not only help about 1,600 people living with dementia on the island, but to also raise awareness and educate people to help remove the sgma and make Jersey a truly dementia friendly island. Mount Mount Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro Trek 2024Trek 202419

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100 Mile Cycle Challenge100 Mile Cycle ChallengeMemory WalkMemory WalkFundraisingFundraisingNewsNewsIn September, we challenged islanders to cycle 100 miles within the month, with some smashing that target within a day! The challenge could be completed by pedal bike, e-bike or gym bike. A HUGE thank you to everyone who got involved!Having a corporate sponsor means all money raised from the challenge can go directly back into the charity to help support people in Jersey living with demena. Thank you Carey Olsen. Gen II team members in acon during the challengeRBSI team members taking part in our cycle challenge On Sunday 22nd September, we were joined by around 150 people for our Memory Walk which started from La Frigate and ended just before the Parish Hall in St Aubin. It was such a great turnout, and we loved seeing so many people wearing purple! There were around another 20 people who chose to do their own Memory Walk at a me and place that suited them. This event was kindly sponsored byOVER £7,800 RAISEDOVER £4,446 RAISED20

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SteveSteve kindly asks people to make a donaon to Demena Jersey in lieu of him nding their lost items.RBC Bake OCharloe’s Bake SaleFundraiserFundraiserShout OutsShout OutsRoy and friends cycle between Lands End and John O’GroatsOVER £2,000 RAISED£280 RAISED£556 RAISEDCurs’ Garden Railway Event OVER £2,300 RAISEDGet your purple on...Get your purple on... You can now order ‘Doing it for Dementia’ T-Shirts from our online shop Price £12.50£12.50Per shirt

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In 2023 Demena Jersey launched ‘Club Uno’ - a social group for carers who wish to remain part of the Demena Jersey community but are no longer the primary care giver, either because their person with demena has passed away or moved to residenal care.ClubClub UnoUnoActivity Spotlight22

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Club Uno meets socially once a month for a selected acvity. During its rst year the group have had a trip to the theatre, several lunches and brunches, got acve with line dancing sessions, been creave with pebbles and scallop shells, learnt to e-dye with natural dyes and will be making Christmas wreaths. Our choice of acvies is led by the group (we welcome new ideas for our sessions). Each quarter we like to organise something that involves eang, then something creave and something acve.We have used Karl from Step 55 for our more acve sessions linked up with ArtHouse Jersey on a couple of their community art projects and had creave input from others - as well as supporng a variety of local eateries and venues across Jersey.The sessions are informal, with aendees able to sign up for the monthly acvies that interests them, with no obligaon to aend the sessions they don’t fancy. Club Uno is our way of helping ll some of the void that is le when you no longer have to care for someone living with demena. Club Uno aendee Di said, “It’s incredibly hard to suddenly nd yourself alone with no-one to think of except yourself. Club Uno gives you the opportunity mix with others and try things you would never do by yourself. I’ve enjoyed every acvity… Maybe best of all it’s meeng and talking to others in the same boat and laughing! Laughter really is the best medicine.” Aendee Pam adds, “It has been a real help aer the shock of being alone. Lots of fun and maybe a few tears among friends.”ClubClub UnoUnoIf you wish to learn more about Club Uno or any of the acvies run by Demena Jersey please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly: Email: susie@demen or Tel: 01534 723519Activity Spotlight23

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Weekly ActivitiesFun ‘n’ Games Fun ‘n’ Games Out WestOut WestTime: 14:00 - 15:30Venue: St BreladeEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us for Fun ‘n’ Games every Monday aernoon in St Brelade.Enjoy games of dominoes, Jenga, bingo and cards or try your hand at a jigsaw, painng or colouring, in a relaxed sociable environment. We exercise our laughter muscles too by telling and sharing jokes.MondaysTime: 10:30 - 11:30 Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free + £3 for Coee & Connect Booking in advance is required Splashchat is a weekly social swimming group jointly run by the Occupaonal Therapists, the Memory Assessment Service, Demena Jersey and the AquaSplash. A 30 minute swim is followed by the opportunity to join the Coee & Connect group aerwards.SplashchatSplashchatTuesdaysDid you Did you know?know?100% of aendees to our acvies say they enjoy meeng people in the same boat and 75% said they feel less isolated.24

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Weekly ActivitiesCoffee & ConnectCoffee & ConnectS ClubS ClubTime: 11:00 - 12:30Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free + £3 for refreshmentsBooking in advance is required Join us every Tuesday for a cuppa and an opportunity to talk with other people living with demena, their carers and our volunteers. Coee & Connect provides a great seng for those living with demena and those caring for someone with demena, to take a break and connect with others who are going through the same journey. Share stories or just listen and share some laughter.Time: 14:30 - 16:00Venue: St MarnEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Our programme of four gentle exercise based activities rotang on a weekly basis. There should be something for everyone; book one, two, three or all four activities:Strike – Seated boxingStretch – Gentle chair based yogaStep – Eastern inspired movementShimmy – A fun seated disco sessionAll groups are led by qualied instructors and are designed for those living with demena and their carers.TuesdaysTuesdays25

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Weekly ActivitiesArt ExploraonArt ExploraonTime: Session 1 - 10:00 - 11:15Time: Session 2 - 11:30 - 12:45 Venue: St PeterEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required This art therapy programme is specically designed for people with demena and members of their families and carers. Join us and explore your creavity. Free parking.WednesdaysTime: 14:30 - 15:30Venue: St Helier / VariousEvent Cost: FreeRefreshments: To be paid forBooking in advance is required We meet regularly at the Radisson for a gentle 30-minute walk around the marina followed by refreshments at the hotel. Our route is in an accessible locaon away from busy roads and over at terrain with regular seats for those who would like a quick break. Once a month we visit a dierent locaon around the island, giving us a chance to explore dierent parts of Jersey. Please contact the oce to conrm venue. Walk ‘n’ TalkWalk ‘n’ TalkWednesdays26

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Weekly ActivitiesPétanque in the ParkPétanque in the ParkFun ‘n’ GamesFun ‘n’ Games Out EastOut EastTime: 10:30 - 12:00Venue: St MarnEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Any budding Pétanque players please join us. St Marn Village Green is a great venue for a walk too so we hope to get people acve either by playing Pétanque, having a walk, or both. Join us for a drink which we serve at the Pétanque terrain.We have indoor Pétanque sessions during the winter months.Time: 14:00 - 15:30Venue: St ClementEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us for Fun ‘n’ Games every Thursday aernoon in St Clement. Enjoy games of dominoes, Jenga, bingo and cards or try your hand at a jigsaw, painng or colouring, in a relaxed sociable environment.ThursdaysThursdaysDid you Did you know?know? In 2023 we had over 8,500 aendances to appointments with Dementia Advisors, events for carers and our programme of activities.27

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Weekly ActivitiesGardening ClubGardening ClubTime: 10:30 - 12:00Venue: St ClementEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us to enjoy the benefits of the great outdoors at our Forget-Me-Not Plot. Our allotment has to be seen to be believed.Get your hands dirty with some light gardening dues or just come and enjoy being in nature with a tea or coee in peaceful surroundings. Please bring along your own gardening gloves. Be aware in places the ground is a lile uneven.FridaysTime: 15:30 - 17:00Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is requiredMusical Memories is a weekly singing group for people with demena and their carers. Join us as we sing well loved songs, play musical instruments and engage in musical acvies.Most of all we have fun and share laughter with an aim to: Smulate memory Increase communicaon Encourage social networks.Rusty voices welcome.Musical MemoriesMusical MemoriesFridaysFor further information and to register your interest to join one of our dementia friendly acvies, please contact our office: Email: or Tel: 01534 723519Want to join Want to join one of our one of our activities?activities?28

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Event SpotlightDuring 2024 Demena Jersey has held three tea dances, with a fourth happening just before Christmas. In partnership with Karl from Step 55 these have taken place on Saturday aernoons at Communicare, St Brelade. Our dances have been great fun, highly sociable and accompanied by a delicious tea. Karl and his team of dancers have been so posive and inclusive, encouraging everybody to join the dancing. Karl said “Dancing is well known for its health and well-being benets and through hosng the tea dances for Demena Jersey we generate an energy for all… It is so rewarding to see that we are enabling an aernoon of fun for all to just switch o let their hair down and dance to whatever, however!”The posive energy, smiling faces and growing numbers of aendees are testament to the enjoyment and engagement of those who come along. Thanks to Karl (and his team) for being such a splendid dance leader and for his organisaon of the refreshments. Thanks, must also go to our fabulous volunteers who have donned their dancing shoes, taken some turns around the oor and then done the washing up. Here’s to more dances in 2025.TeaTea DanceDance29

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Getting Getting to know...30

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Vivien was born in South Africa, Johannesburg, in 1951, before moving to Salisbury in Rhodesia in the mid 50s. At school Vivien used to be prey good at fencing and also did hockey, diving and swimming.A lover of travel, Vivien has travelled far and wide including, Germany; France; Switzerland; Iceland; Indonesia; Australia; Venezuela; New York; San Francisco; Maldives; Bahamas; Brish Virgin Islands and New Zealand. Vivien says out of all the places she has been to Jersey is her favourite.Vivien has had a varied career – from being a secretary in London during the 1970s and a café manager. Then an air hostess for Brish Caledonia (later merged with Brish Airways). She then retrained as a nurse and aer registering worked in theatres; A&E, wards and later did some health vising. During the 1990s Vivien put her nursing skills to use whilst living in Jakarta and was a school nurse at the Brish Internaonal School.Whilst growing up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Vivien loved climbing avocado and pecan nut trees as a child and eang the spoils. She grew lots of dierent veggies in her own lile garden. It was her passion as a may (or may not) know about Vivien:5 FactsGetting to knowMeet Vivien Emery who along with her husband, John, lives in the Parish of St Brelade. Vivien and John have been married 37 years and have three grown-up children, Kate, Alex and James. Vivien was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the end of 2023 and since her diagnosis has engaged with the majority of support on oer at Demena Jersey and aends weekly Fun & Games, S Club, Art Exploraon, Musical Memories and the Meeng Place Project. Vivien can give you a long list of what she loves about the acvies she aends; the company, laughter, chang, games, music, sta, silliness, support, encouragement and mind boost.Meet activities attendeeVivien Emery1234531

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Carer’s SupportCarer’s SupportEach month Demena Jersey host a range of Carer’s Support Meengs for family and friends who are caring for someone with dementia.Meengs take place in a variety of venues and at dierent mes. They are held in a relaxed seng and include refreshments and the chance for you to meet with other carers. Demena Advisors are on hand at each meeng for an informal chat and to answer any quesons. You’re welcome to join all or just one of the sessions and you can invite another family member or friend to join you if you wish. Our carers have told us how helpful these meengs are and have welcomed the friendship and support from their fellow carers. Our demena advisors are also available for one-to-one appointments. Our free, friendly, supporve groups are open to anyone supporng or caring for a relave or friend with demena. They are informal opportunies to meet others over a cup of coee. If you would like to book a place at one of our carer support meetings please contact Dementia Jersey on Email: info@demen or Tel: 01534 723519MeetingsMeetingsDemena is the fastest growing condion aecng over 65s on the island and we predict that cases will double within a generaon.Did you Did you know?know?32

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Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Out EastOut EastVenue: RansomsWhen: Held once a monthTime: 11:00 - 13:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Boys Own Meeting Boys Own Meeting Out EastOut EastVenue: Le Hocq InnWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19:00 - 21:00Event Cost: Free - Food and drink can be ordered on the night at your expense.Quarterly Meeting Quarterly Meeting with Guest Speakerwith Guest Speaker Venue: Monterey HotelWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19:00 - 21:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Evening Meeting Evening Meeting St HelierSt HelierVenue: Demena JerseyWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19:00 - 21:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Aernoon MeetingAernoon MeetingOut WestOut WestVenue: CommunicareWhen: Held once a monthTime: 14:00 - 16:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Morning Meeting Morning Meeting St HelierSt HelierVenue: Radisson HotelWhen: Held once a monthTime: 11:00 - 13:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.We currently run the following Carers’ Support GroupsTo book your place at one of these sessions or for further informaon on dates and speaker topics, please contact us. Email: info@demen or Tel: 01534 723519 Advance booking is required 33Carer’s Support

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MeetingsMeetingsA carer’s day out A carer’s day out with a dierencewith a dierenceThe Carers Recharger Day - 28th September 202430 Carers enjoyed an amazing Carers Recharger Day on the 28th September with funding we received from a very kind benefactor. The day started with a boat trip on the Jersey Duchess to see the island from a dierent perspecve travelling along the southwest coast, taking in sights including the iconic La Corbiere Lighthouse, this was followed by a delicious three-course luncheon at the Greenhills Country Hotel.34Event Spotlight

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Jane held an educaonal session with students at Highlands College36In the past quarter our Community Education Coordinator Jane Vincent has delivered a broad range of demena awareness and training sessions, spanning audiences from schools and corporate environments to the general public.These sessions included Demena Friends open to the general public at the Library and invited sessions to businesses Viberts, Micron M & E Services and St Johns Ambulance Carers training course. During the quarter Dementia Friendly Business sessions were delivered to JT, using in person training sessions and on-line training sessions.Educaonal sessions were delivered to De La Salle School as we were their chosen charity of choice in 2024. Jane delivered sessions telling them about Demena Jersey services so the students could learn about dementia, how this impacts people lives, how they can engage with people living with demena and how people with demena can sll live well. School assemblies EducationEducationDementiaDementia

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were delivered to Trinity School where the pupils really engaged with this dicult subject and le with a great understanding.Addionally, Jane provided tailored extended training on engagement strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of exible support needs for people with demena. The sessions have varied in size and seng, from engaging with 65 parcipants in a large group to more inmate personalised sengs with as few as six aendees, making demena educaon accessible. This work has been well accepted, furthered awareness and empowered parcipants to adopt strategies and understanding that foster demena-friendly environments across diverse sectors.You can nd out more about our demena educaon services at hps://demenon.Demena Friends session at the Library in NovemberWe held two demena educaon workshops with the team at JT in SeptemberJane held a Demena Friends Talk with the 10th Beauport Scout TroopA successful Demena Friends session in November with the team at T&G37EducationEducationDemena Education

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A one hour interactive session to learn about dementiaSessions are held once a month at the Sessions are held once a month at the Jersey Library.Jersey Library.Our Demena Friends programme aims to change the way people think, act and talk about dementia. Each session includes ve key messages on demena as well as activities to enhance people’s understanding of dementia.With increased awareness and further understanding local people can beer support those living with dementia.Booking in advance is requiredTo book a session scan the QR code or Email: or Tel: 01534 723519www.dementia.jeBecome a Become a Dementia Dementia FriendFriendSign up nowSign up nowScan this QR code to book your session

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39MeetingsMeetingsWe are excited to announce that the Meeng Place Project has opened a new weekly group at St Ouen’s Parish Hall. This new group will provide opportunies for peer support, informaon about living with demena and brain-smulang acvies to islanders with mild demena living out west.The inaugural event took place on Halloween, with aendees taking part in spooky-themed puzzles as well an opportunity to try an ‘Eastern Inspired Movement’ class aimed to help with balance and coordinaon.Demand for spaces at the Meeng Place has increased year-on-year since the project launched in 2021 and with more people geng referred to us than ever before we’re pleased to increase our weekly oering to 5 groups!The Meeng Place project is held weekly in St Marn; St Clement; St Helier; St Brelade and now St Ouen.Who is the Meeng Place for?People with newly diagnosed, mild demena who are sll living independently in the community.Volunteering at the Meeng Place!We couldn’t do it without our dedicated team of volunteers! Whether it’s supporng a person with demena to complete a crossword, sharpening pencils or handing out biscuits, the support of our volunteers is vital to the success of the groups! THANK YOU ALL.The MeetingThe MeetingPlace ProjectPlace ProjectVolunteerVolunteerInterested in volunteering? Please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator Susie Kelly: Email: or Tel: 01534 723519

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CounsellingCounsellingIt’s good to talk.We’re here to listenfor people with dementia and their familiesBecause we know it’s good to talk about the things that are troubling us, Dementia Jersey provides a bespoke counselling service for people with demena and their families.What is counselling?What is counselling?Counselling is a talking therapy that gives you the opportunity to talk in condence with a trained professional who can help you explore your feelings, thoughts or worries. This can help you nd greater clarity in complicated situaons, understand your feelings in response to these situaons and help you make eecve changes to feel stronger for the future. Counsellors work with people in various ways so even if you have had counselling in the past with another counsellor in another service, our counselling service may be a lile dierent. This is because it was designed parcularly to meet the needs of people with demena and family carers.Our counselling service is very exible. You can see a counsellor for just one session or for several sessions over several weeks or months and you don’t need to be referred to this service by a GP or other health professional.

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41Sessions are usually about an hour long, but each session can be shorter or slightly longer if this is beer for you.People usually want to speak condenally, in private with a counsellor, but we also welcome couples and families who want to aend together to talk about issues that are aecng their whole family. In counselling you will never be asked to talk about things you do not want to discuss, though the counsellor will be able to support you in exploring dicult life events, or thoughts and feelings that are troubling, or sr up strong emoonal responses.Who is this service for?Who is this service for?This service is for anyone who is aected by demena, including people with demena living at home or in a care home, their families and friends and people who are bereaved following the death of someone with demena.How can I nd out more about How can I nd out more about counselling?counselling?You can nd out more about Demena Jersey’s counselling service by vising our website www.demen or about counselling more generally by vising Where and when would I see a Where and when would I see a counsellor?counsellor?You should be able to see a counsellor within one or two weeks of contacng us. Appointments can be made for a me to suit you, either at our oce in St Helier or if it is not possible for you to come to our oce, we can in certain circumstances, visit you at home or in a care home.How much does How much does this cost?this cost?There is no charge for the counselling service, though if you would like to make a donaon to help support the work we do, this would be very welcome.As well as one-to-one support, Dementia Jersey also provide a range of support groups and activities to support people with demena, carers and family members.Did you Did you know?know?Counselling ServiceHow do I arrange to How do I arrange to see a counsellor? see a counsellor? To make an appointment to see a counsellor, please phone or email us at Demena Jersey.Email: info@demen Tel: 01534 723517Scan this QR code for more information

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Lived Experience Lived Experience Advisory PanelAdvisory Panel (LEAP)Our Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) meets four mes a year and brings together up to 25 people with dementia and others with lived experience of supporng or caring for a person with dementia, across four groups.Listening to youDemena Jersey is passionate about listening to the voices of our service users. We know that people with demena and their family and friends have a wealth of knowledge and understanding that can only be gained from experience. The purpose of LEAPYour lived experience of demena, either as someone with a diagnosis of demena or as a carer, can really help other people understand what it is like to have, or to care for someone with demena. Your experience can also help the team at Demena Jersey, Health and Community Services, other charies and businesses to LEAPPeople living with demena and their carers have an equal right to respect and inclusion, to diagnosis, quality care and treatment.Did you Did you know?know?42

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design and provide services to meet your needs.What happens in LEAP meetings?All LEAP meengs are relaxed events that always include coee and chat but have a clear focus and subject for discussion. They are facilitated by Sian, our Clinical Lead. LEAP reports are wrien to summarise the discussions and include details of any recommendaons the panel make. These reports are published on Demena Jersey’s website and the recommendaons are shared as appropriate with other organisaons. LEAP for carersThe LEAP for Carers is an evening meeng for anyone who has experience of caring for a person with demena, including people being cared for at home or in a care home.We are parcularly keen to welcome new people to these meengs so we can hear from as many of you as possible. There is no formal membership for LEAP, but it is helpful if you can let us know if you would like to aend a meeng. LEAP for people with dementiaPeople with demena aending our Meeng Place Project sessions also take an acve part in LEAP, contribung valuable insights to the subjects for discussion. Our Clinical Lead aends these meengs with the Meeng Place Project hosts and as with our LEAP for Carers sessions, anonymised comments from these sessions are included in the nal reports.Lived Experience Advisory PanelScan the QR Code to visit our LEAP website pageswww.dementia.jeFind out more about LEAPIf you would like more information about Dementia Jersey’s LEAP sessions or would like to talk with one of the team about joining a LEAP meeting, please contact Dementia Jersey on Email: info@demen or Tel: 01534 72351943

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Volunteer Volunteer SpotlightSpotlight44

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As luck would have it Demena Jersey subsequently reached out looking for a replacement Treasurer, we were introduced to each other by my old work colleague and here I am today acng as a Trustee and the Treasurer of Demena Jersey.My working life up to 2020 was in based in nancial services and my contact with charies to that point was through personal or corporate donaons made. That has completely changed since I became Trustee/Treasurer as I have learned a great deal about what happens with money donated to a charity by funding the tremendous work that sta and volunteers undertake to help people in our community. Furthermore, I am learning more about the charity sector as a whole in the Island and how vital it is that we are one of so many organisaons that exist to provide crucial services to those in need.The role has also introduced me to a new group of people that I otherwise would have been most unlikely to meet and work with and that has been really enjoyable. I am not “front line” as a volunteer, but I view my role is to ensure the nancial and future well being of Demena Jersey and by extension help it and those people that either are volunteers or sta to undertake their roles that help those living with or caring for those people living with demena. The new premises should further enhance what is done by the charity in our community and it has been great to be involved (in a small way) in geng that ready for our move.Demena Jersey Trustee and TreasurerWhen I le my role in a local Trust Company in 2020, I said to myself that I wanted to help someone or something, without knowing what either of those might be. In 2022 fate played its hand when I bumped into an old colleague from many years ago and in chatting, I menoned my desire to provide assistance to an organisaon o the back of my accounng qualicaon.Simon PerchardVolunteerVolunteerInterested in volunteering? Please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator Susie Kelly: Email: or Tel: 01534 72351945Volunteer Spotlight

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Book ClubWhether con or non-ction, reading can be a great way to increase understanding about demena, as well as providing a useful acvity with people with dementia to help stimulate and maintain connections. This issue we feature books that are recommended by our friends at Alzheimer’s Society.What You Really Want to Know About Life with Demena By Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo and Chrisne ReddallChocolate Rain : 100 ideas for a creative approach to acvies in demena care by Sarah ZoutewelleWhat You Really Want to Know About Life with Demena seeks to turn the tradional guide to demena on its head. Rather than compiling informaon that healthcare professionals want people aected by demena to know, it asks people with demena, their family and carers what they think is important. Well researched and compiled, the authors have carefully themed the content and covered many of the main topics of concern about living with demena. Each chapter begins with case studies, describing personal experiences, which are then commented on by experienced experts including specialist demena nurses. The themes were chosen following co-operaon and consultaon with families aected by demena. Available to purchase from Zoutewelle-Morris is an expert in visual arts, and she has applied her skills to her work as an arst in health care for many years. Her new book is tled ‘Chocolate rain: 100 ideas for a creave approach to acvies in demena care’.This Praccal and meaningful book groups and cross-references acvies – from holding objects, adapng games or making window decoraons and hanging mobiles to acvies based on a person’s former profession – according to specic needs and goals. For example, under “individual acvies” it provides ideas for a person who can speak but cannot read or for someone who is bedridden. Most importantly, this book is about empowering the person with demena.’ Available to purchase

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Consumer CornerIn each issue of Dementia Matters we will provide reviews of products and tech that are designed to help people with demena. In this issue we have selected items featured on the Alzheimer’s Society website. Tactile TurnThis folding fabric so ring is designed to help hands keep busy and relaxed, whilst providing comfort and soothing agitaon.Helps with: Stress and reassurance, Diculty Sleeping, ComfortAvailable from Alzheimer’s Society for £20.82 Oom - GPS locator tag starter kitOom is an intelligent, Danish-designed tracking tag which protects people with demena from geng lost from their private homes or nursing homes. Oom does not monitor the person connuously; tracking only begins when the individual leaves a predened area. Moreover, the device can run for a whole month on a single charge.Oom was developed in collaboraon with relaves, caregivers and people with demena.Available from Alzheimer’s Society for £360.00Circuit MazeCircuit Marble Maze is a game designed to encourage dexterity and coordinaon. Guide the marble around the track by lng the maze with both hands. Provides a sense of excitement and pride when players reach the end of the course. Suitable for people living with mid to late stages of demena. Available from Alzheimer’s Society for £19.1647Scan the QR codes to view the products on their website.

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Ways you can Ways you can support ussupport usOur running costs are over £700,000 per annum. We therefore rely on the support and generosity of the public and the business community. All money raised in Jersey is spent in Jersey.Donate OnlineDonate OnlineMake a donaon online via our website: www.dementia.jeDonate by chequeDonate by chequePlease make cheques payable to ‘Dementia Jersey’ and send to our office at the address below.FundraiseFundraiseRaise money through a challenge event by walking, cycling, abseiling, trekking or skydiving for Dementia Jersey; or pick a challenge of your own. Please contact Nadine for more information. Email: nadine@dementia.jeVolunteerVolunteerConsider volunteering at our events. For more information please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie. Email: susie@dementia.jeContact usContact usTel: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeWeb: www.dementia.jePost: Dementia Jersey, 74 Halke Place, St Helier, JE2 4WHHours: 10:00 - 16:00 Monday to FridayJersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us onwww.dementia.jeScan This QR Code to visit our donations pageThis magazine is kindly sponsored bySkiptonCommunityFund