Issue 06 | 2024The quarterly magazine fromSupport & AdviceAdvice and details about our support groupsJersey’s Dementia Strategy launchLearn about the islands ve year dementia strategyLiving well with dementiaMeet islanders adapting to life aer a diagnosisActivitiesFull lisngs of our dementia friendly activitiesEducationFind out more about dementiaDementia Awareness WeekFind out what happened during for this year’s eventFundraising NewsEvent and fundraising news
ContentsPage 6Jersey Demena StrategyPage 10I have demena, what do I do now?Page 12Counselling for people with dementiaPage 14Living well with demenaPage 16Fundraising NewsPage 20Demena Friendly AcviesPage 28Geng to Know...Page 30Carer’s Support MeengsPage 34Demena Informaon ProgrammePage 39Demena EducaonPage 40Lived Experience Advisory PanelPage 42Volunteer SpotlightPage 44Meet the teamPage 46Book Club and Consumer CornerPage 36The Meeng Place ProjectWelcome to the fifth issue of3If you haven’t yet made it down to our allotment – the Forget-Me-Not plot it’s well worth a visit. The hard work and investment from our volunteers and of course Susie and Helen, has really paid o and it looks wonderful in full bloom. We’re delighted we’ve been able to make good use of the space and host a summer programme of outdoor activities including art classes, seated yoga and Eastern inspired movement plus group support sessions. Find out more on page 26.We were also very pleased to be able to nally launch the new demena strategy for the island, in June. Find out more on page 6. It’s been a posive collaboraon with Government and we can’t thank you enough if you were one of the many people who shared their experiences in focus groups or surveys to help shape the priories. It provides a strong framework to tackle known challenges and together we’re commied to creang a brighter future —one where dementia care is compassionate, eecve and responsive to the needs of our community.Claudine SnapeCEO – Demena Jersey Dementia Jersey, Osprey House, Old Street, St Helier, JE2 3RG Telephone: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeHours: 10:00 - 16:00 Monday to Fridaywww.dementia.jePublished byDid you Did you know?know?It costs over £600,000 each year to fund the services of Demena Jersey, almost all of which is supported by fundraising.
Jersey Charies Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydCycleCycle ChallengeChallengeSummer Summer CycleCycle ChallengeChallengeSummer Summer Cycle 100 miles in September and help raise money to support people in Jersey living with dementiaTo find out more and to register, scan the QR Code or visit to 30th September 2024Whether you’re an avid cyclist or enjoy a leisurely weekend ride, this is a great opportunity to explore Jersey by bike or movate you to hit the gym bikes while raising vital funds. You have 30 days to complete your miles so you can take this challenge at your own pace. Queson is, will you be doing it in 30 days or 30 hours?Registration fee: Adult £15.00, Child £7.50 Individual fundraising target: £100This event is kindly sponsored by
The Jersey Dementia StrategyLiving well with dementiaActivities Volunteer SpotlightGetting to knowI have dementia, what do I do now?What’s new at the Carer’s Support MeengsDemena Jersey co-authored this strategy together with the Government and it was published in June this year.Find out more on Page 6.Demena Jersey oers a range of regular acvies for people living with demena and their carers. Find out more on Page 20.Meet Linda Leech, who volunteers at our Splashchat and Coee & Connect sessionsFind out more on Page 42.In this issue meet Northern Soul music fan Roy Allen who aends our activities and Meeng Place Project.Find out more on Page 28.A diagnosis of demena can be daunng and emoonally overwhelming and this feature covers what you should do next.Find out more on Page 10.Our weekly carer’s support meengs provide a supporve environment for carers and we have some excing new sessions and venues that you will be able to aend.Find out more on Page 24.In this issue5We explore how individuals like George adapt to their new reality with demena and discover innovave tools that make a dierence in their daily lives.Find out more on Page 14.
6Introducing the new Introducing the new for the island for the island DementiaDementiaStrategy Strategy Dementia Jersey co-authored this strategy together with the Government and it was published in June this year.
Dementia Strategy for the island7To understand the impacts of dementia in Jersey, we gathered insights from over 550 people, including those with dementia, their families, care professionals and the public. They shared helpful experiences and suggested improvements.What the research showed Limited understanding Most survey respondents were unaware of demena symptoms or that it’s possible to reduce your risk of demena. Many health and care workers lacked the necessary knowledge and skills to support people with demena and most had not received demena specic training.Insufficient information and follow upPeople with demena and their carers oen struggled to get mely informaon and support, feeling abandoned aer discharge from the Memory Assessment Service. This was due to a lack of awareness about available support, dicules in accessing it, or unavailability despite being part of their care plan.Limited support oponsIn 2023, many agencies and care homes weren’t accepng new clients and no care homes were registered to provide nursing care for people with complex demena needs. The limited availability of professional care for people at home, in care homes and for respite has increased carers’ distress and exhauson. Long waiting timesThe waing me for a rst appointment at the Memory Assessment Service was 30-33 weeks, far exceeding the 6-week naonal standard in England. Addionally, 67% of ‘blocked beds’ in hospitals were occupied by people with demena, causing signicant discharge delays in early 2023.“It’s a journey in the dark for many of us.”(person with dementia)“They washed their hands and that’s how I felt.” (carer)“I’m actually so exhausted that if I don’t get a break at some me – I mean, I’m ill now anyway so I don’t know what’s gonna happen.” (carer)“Dementia isn’t something as an acute medical nurse that we actually look at.” (sta)“There was no follow up…I had really no other source of help. You just get on with it… whatever you can do…that’s it.” (carer)“There’s nowhere to go. He’s too bad to go to the day centre. They can’t accept him because he needs a one-to-one carer.” (carer)“My father spent the last 8 months of his life in hospital because no place was available for him in a care home. He nally moved into a home but died a few weeks later.” (carer)“People get stuck in hospital beds. It’s a dreadful situaon.” (carer)Continued on next page
Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help 734293Our range and services include: • Profiling beds, mattresses and slide sheets • Riser recliner chairs • Intelligent air pumps • Hoists • Commodes and bath lifts • Wheelchairs, rollators and walking frames • Servicing and maintenance of your current equipmentThe care we all deserveENHANCEINDEPENDENCEwith our top-quality care equipment, servicing and maintenanceNEXT DAY INSTALLATION TO SUPPORT DAILY LIVINGSUMMER SAVERSTake advantage of limited time oers on wheelchairs, hoists and bedsGet in touch with us today to find out how we can help 734293Our range and services include: • Profiling beds, mattresses and slide sheets • Riser recliner chairs • Intelligent air pumps • Hoists • Commodes and bath lifts • Wheelchairs, rollators and walking frames • Servicing and maintenance of your current equipmentThe care we all deserveENHANCEINDEPENDENCEwith our top-quality care equipment, servicing and maintenanceNEXT DAY INSTALLATION TO SUPPORT DAILY LIVINGSUMMER SAVERSTake advantage of limited time oers on wheelchairs, hoists and bedsOur range and services include:• Profiling beds, mattresses and slide sheets• Riser recliner chairs• Intelligent air pumps• Hoists• Commodes and bath lifts• Wheelchairs, rollators and walking frames• Servicing and maintenance of your current equipmentThe care we all deserveNEXT DAY INSTALLATIONTO SUPPORT DAILY LIVINGGet in touch with us today to find out how we can help 01534 734293Care equipment now from care experts trusted by Jersey for over 10 years8MAYThe dementia The dementia strategy’s ve strategy’s ve prioritiespriorities1) Raising awareness Raising awareness will include raising people’s awareness of brain health, what they can do to reduce their risk of geng demena, spot symptoms and improving islander’s understanding of demena.2) Diagnosing well Improving diagnosis will include reducing waing mes for a memory assessment and increasing post diagnosc support and informaon.3) Supporng people with demena and their families Improving the quality and availability of support for people with demena will include more respite, day care opons, domiciliary and residenal care opons and more care, support and training for family carers.4) Developing, valuing and supporng the workforce Developing, valuing and supporng our workforce will include iniaves that promote recruitment and retenon of the demena workforce, training in demena and an emphasis on sta well-being.5) Supporng Jersey to become a demena-friendly and inclusive island To make Jersey a demena-friendly and inclusive island, iniaves must support people with demena in engaging with important groups, acvies, services and amenies. This requires broad collaboraon across government, businesses and the community.A big thank you if you contributed towards this strategy by sharing your story. To read the full strategy, our summary version or the implementation plan go to or scan this QR code.Dementia Strategy for the island
9Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help 734293Our range and services include: • Profiling beds, mattresses and slide sheets • Riser recliner chairs • Intelligent air pumps • Hoists • Commodes and bath lifts • Wheelchairs, rollators and walking frames • Servicing and maintenance of your current equipmentThe care we all deserveENHANCEINDEPENDENCEwith our top-quality care equipment, servicing and maintenanceNEXT DAY INSTALLATION TO SUPPORT DAILY LIVINGSUMMER SAVERSTake advantage of limited time oers on wheelchairs, hoists and bedsOur range and services include:• Profiling beds, mattresses and slide sheets• Riser recliner chairs• Intelligent air pumps• Hoists• Commodes and bath lifts• Wheelchairs, rollators and walking frames• Servicing and maintenance of your current equipmentThe care we all deserveNEXT DAY INSTALLATIONTO SUPPORT DAILY LIVINGGet in touch with us today to find out how we can help 01534 734293Care equipment now from care experts trusted by Jersey for over 10 years
10I have dementia.I have dementia.What do I do now?What do I do now?We understand that geng a diagnosis of demena is dierent for everyone. For some people this can be daunng and emoonally overwhelming, whilst other people have described some sense of relief that they nally have answers for the symptoms they have been experiencing.Seated boxing at our popular S Club acvity groupDemena Advice and Counselling
11I have demena. What do I do now?What will be most important is that you do not stop doing the things you enjoy and that you maintain your friendships and social life. It will also be important that you make sure your aairs are in order and, when you feel comfortable to do so, to let your family and friends know about your diagnosis.It’s good to talk – and we are here to listenIf you think it would be helpful to talk through any dicules you are experiencing or concerns you may have for the future, our Demena Advisors would be pleased to meet with you, so do call or email us at Demena Jersey to make an appointment.If you would like to speak at greater depth about any issues that are troubling you related to your diagnosis, we also oer a condenal counselling service. To to make an appointment with a demena advisor or one of our counsellors please Email or Tel: 01534 723519Managing symptomsMany people also want to nd new ways to cope with the symptoms they are experiencing and to look for ways to stay healthy and to smulate their memory and thinking skills.The Meeng Place Project is a group for people with a recent diagnosis or with mild symptoms of demena, which gives them the opportunity to meet others and share experiences. This groups also helps people nd new ways to manage symptoms, explore ways to exercise their memory, improve thinking skills, build self-esteem and keep their bodies healthy. Staying active and meeng othersDemena Jersey also provides a whole range of other therapeuc and social acvies for people with demena to enjoy along with a relave or friend. These include, Splashchat a swimming group (followed by good coee and chat), an art group, music groups, including our most popular Musical Memories, a pétanque club, a walking group, a gardening club at our allotment, S Club (a gentle exercise class) and our fun and games groups East and West.Because we know it is so important for people with demena to keep acve and to enjoy a good social life, we are always in the process of designing new acvies, so watch this space for news or let us know what you might like us to do next.If you are interested in joining the Meeng Place Project or one of our demena friendly activities, or would like to speak to one of our demena advisors please Tel: 01534 732519 or Email: your memory and improve your thinking skills at The Meeng Place ProjectKeeping acve with a swim at our Splashchat groupDemena Advice and Counselling
12for people with for people with dementia and dementia and their carerstheir carersCounsellingCounsellingBecause we know that it’s good to be able to talk about the things that are troubling us, Demena Jersey provides a bespoke counselling service for people with demena and their carers.Our team of trained and experienced counsellors is headed up by Dr Sian Wareing-Jones who has many years of experience working with people with demena and in demena research.What is counselling?Counselling is a talking therapy that gives you the opportunity to talk in condence with a trained professional. In counselling you can explore your feelings, thoughts, worries and experiences. This can help you nd greater clarity in complicated situaons, can help you to understand your feelings in response to these situaons and can help you to make eecve changes and to feel stronger for the future.What is counselling like?Counsellors work with people in various ways so even if you’ve had counselling in the past with another counsellor in another service, our counselling service may be a bit dierent. This is because it was designed parcularly to help meet the needs of family carers and for people with demena. Our counselling service is very exible to meet your needs, so you can see a counsellor for just one session, or for several sessions over several weeks or months, with sessions usually lasng about an hour.People usually want to speak condenally, in private, with a counsellor, but we also welcome couples and families who want to aend together to talk about the issues that are aecng their whole family.In counselling you will never be asked to talk about things you do not want to discuss, though the counsellor will be able to support you in exploring dicult life events, or thoughts and feelings that are troubling or sr up emoonal responses.Who is this service for?This service is for anyone who is aected by demena, including people with demena living at home or in a care home, their families
and friends and people who are bereaved following the death of someone with demena.Where and when would I see a counsellor?You should be able to see a counsellor within one or two weeks of contacng us. Appointments can be made for a me to suit you, either at our oce in St Helier, or if it is not possible for you to come to our oce, we can in certain circumstances, visit you at home or in a care home.How much does this cost?There is no charge for counselling, though if you would like to make a donaon to help support the work we do, this would be very welcome.How do I arrange to see a counsellor?To make an appointment to see a counsellor, please phone or email us at Demena Jersey.Email: info@demena.jeTel: 01534 723519CounsellingCounselling13We’re here to listenIt’s good to talk
14...and the Power of the Sunflower LanyardDementiaDementiaLiving wellLiving wellwithGeorge’s George’s JourneyJourney
15Living wellLiving well with DementiaDementiaWhat is the Sunower Lanyard?Launched in the UK in 2016 by Hidden Disabilies, the Sunower Lanyard Scheme began as a way to support travellers needing assistance at Gatwick Airport. It has since expanded globally. The sunower symbol was chosen for its associaons with happiness, posivity and strength. For people living with demena, the lanyard is a valuable aid in fostering support and understanding from others.Why is it needed?Demena and other condions can be “invisible,” making it challenging for others to recognise the need for support. Many individuals with hidden disabilies face scepcism or misunderstandings because their condions aren’t immediately apparent. The Sunower Lanyard helps bridge this gap by signalling to others that extra support and paence may be needed.George’s Feedback“This lanyard is brilliant!” George shares. “I travel to Spain frequently and nd the airport overwhelming due to my Alzheimer’s. The lanyard simplies my experience. Airport sta recognise my need for assistance, guiding me to a quiet area where I can manage my ckets, passports and boarding without stress. I now tell everyone about the Sunower Lanyards!”In our new feature “Living Well with Demena,” we explore how individuals like George adapt to their new reality with demena and discover innovave tools that make a dierence in their daily lives.George is an acve member of the Meeng Place Project in St Helier and regularly tends to Demena Jersey’s allotment in St Clement. His passion for gardening and community work is complemented by his love of travel. To manage the complexies of traveling with demena, George uses the Sunower Lanyard, which has greatly improved his travel experience.What the Lanyards Are For:Voluntary Disclosure: The lanyard is a tool to voluntarily communicate that you have a hidden disability.Request for Understanding: It indicates that you might need extra help, paence, or time.What the Lanyards Are Not For:No Special Privileges: The lanyard does not entle the wearer to special treatment, fast-tracking, or other benets.Not a Pass: It solely serves as a signal for understanding and support, not for gaining access to addional services.Sunower Lanyards are available from various organisaons including Demena Jersey. To learn more about how the Sunower Lanyard can support your journey, contact one of our Demena Advisors. Email: Tel: 01534 723519
16FundraisingFundraisingNewsNewsWe celebrated Demena Awareness Week between the 13th and 19th May by launching our new #BoostYourBrain Campaign.The week was packed with various events and acvies, including our prominent feature on Broad Street. We teamed up with SignTech, Snap, Le Masurier, Arthouse Jersey and the Parish of St Helier Town team to produce brain-boosng artwork which covered 30 metres of hoarding along Broad Street. Snap, who generously gave their me free of charge, designed the artwork and Signtech generously printed the signage free of charge. The display aimed to deliver interacve and eye-catching brain health messages to kick o our Boost your Brain campaign, which focuses on the three ways you can reduce your risk of demena: Love Your Heart – Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and manage stress. Stay Sharp – Challenge your brain, do hobbies you love and get enough sleep. Keep Connected – Stay in touch with friends and family and take part in a club or group.To coincide with this, we also launched our The Memory Lane hoarding on Broad Street
17Fundraising NewsBig Brain Challenge. This round-the-island scavenger hunt had parcipants scanning brain QR codes, solving clues and learning about brain health along the way. Not only did they gain valuable knowledge and have some fun, but they also had the chance to win an iPad, generously donated by JT. During the week, our sta and volunteers were out on the high street, giving islanders the chance to chat with our friendly team. The team provided valuable resources, answered quesons and oered guidance to those aected by demena.Demena Friends sessions were another highlight, giving aendees a deeper understanding of demena through these interacve 1 hour sessions. Parcipants walked away with a Demena Friends Jersey badge, becoming ambassadors for spreading awareness within the community.We also had a group of corporate volunteers kindly giving up their me to help raise money doing bucket collecons on the high street and bag packing at Coop Grand Marché. Well done to Hannah Vibert who was our Big Brain Challenge winner.One of our Demena Awareness Week informaon stalls on display at Nat West.New Demena Friends following one of our sessions at Santander Work café.
18Fundraising NewsDementia Jersey’s Abseil Challenge: A thrilling success at Val de la Mare dam Dementia Jersey’s Skydive: Reaching New HeightsOver a weekend in March, 38 courageous islanders took on the Demena Jersey Abseil Challenge at the picturesque Val de la Mare dam. Parcipants enjoyed breathtaking views of St Ouen’s Bay as they descended 27 meters down the dam, pushing their limits and supporng our cause. On 21st July, whilst most of us were relaxing and enjoying our Sunday, we had 9 Demena Daredevils jump out of a plane from 10,000 feet to help raise funds for Demena Jersey. OVER £9,700 RAISEDOVER £6,000 RAISED
Beaumont Home CentreSta dress down daysWillow Jersey CandlesRaeJersey Financial Services CommissionWalk from their oce to Corbiere and backWe also have incredible individuals and organisaons taking on their own challenges and fundraising events to help raise money for Demena Jersey. Here are just a few of them…Fundraising Shout OutsFrom all of us at Demena Jersey, we would like to say a big thank you to our team of daredevils for choosing to jump for demena and to all their supporters. You raised an incredible amount that will make a huge dierence in supporng people living with demena on the island. £820 RAISED£500 RAISED £430 RAISED19Get your purple on...Get your purple on... You can now order ‘Doing it for Dementia’ T-Shirts from our online shop Price £12.50£12.50Per shirt
Dementia FriendlyDementia FriendlyActivitiesActivitiesDementia Jersey oer a range of activities each week for people living with a diagnosis of dementia and their carers. Our full list of activities can be viewed on the following pages. These group activities are popular so please contact us to register and to check that we have space.20Our Art Exploraon group on a recent excursion to the Pallot Steam, Motor and General Museum
The theme this year is ‘Our Day Out’ so in preparaon the Art Exploraon groups headed to Trinity and the Pallot Steam, Motor and General Museum, to seek some inspiraon. The groups received a very warm welcome from the sta and thoroughly enjoyed looking around the Trinity venue, chang about memories and stories sparked by the exhibits about days out from the past. The Art Exploraon groups meet weekly and are led by wonderful art teacher and local arst Lucy Blackmore. Aendees are encouraged to experiment with dierent mediums and styles, some weeks painng, other mes pencils and crayons. No previous arsc experience is necessary, the only requirement is to be willing to have a go and to enjoy the chance to focus on a creave pursuit in a supporve and friendly environment. Be sure to pay a visit to the Art House Jersey barracks in Greve de Lecq early September for the pop-up exhibion and tea-room, when you will be able to see the work being created by our arsts who are now hard at work on the canvases, kindly donated by Magic Touch. Dementia Jersey’s creative activity21ArtArt ExplorationExplorationNEWIf you wish to learn more about Art Exploraon or any of the activities run by Dementia Jersey please visit our website or contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly: Email: or Tel: 01534 723519Following the successful Art Exploraon group’s ‘Beside the Seaside’ exhibion last year, Demena Jersey will be back exhibing work at Greve de Lecq Barracks, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September – with the support of Art House Jersey.
Weekly Activities22Fun ‘n’ Games Fun ‘n’ Games Out WestOut WestTime: 14:00 - 15:30Venue: St BreladeEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us for Fun ‘n’ Games every Monday aernoon in St Brelade.Enjoy games of dominoes, Jenga, bingo and cards or try your hand at a jigsaw, painng or colouring, in a relaxed sociable environment. We exercise our laughter muscles too by telling and sharing jokes.MondaysTime: 10:30 - 11:30 Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free + £3 for Coee & Connect Booking in advance is required Splashchat is a weekly social swimming group jointly run by the Occupaonal Therapists, the Memory Assessment Service, Demena Jersey and the AquaSplash. A 30 minute swim is followed by the opportunity to join the Coee & Connect group aerwards.SplashchatSplashchatTuesdaysDid you Did you know?know?100% of aendees to our acvies say they enjoy meeng people in the same boat and 75% said they feel less isolated.
Weekly ActivitiesCoffee & ConnectCoffee & ConnectS ClubS ClubTime: 11:00 - 12:30Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free + £3 for refreshmentsBooking in advance is required Join us every Tuesday for a cuppa and an opportunity to talk with other people living with demena, their carers and our volunteers. Coee & Connect provides a great seng for those living with demena and those caring for someone with demena, to take a break and connect with others who are going through the same journey. Share stories or just listen and share some laughter.Time: 14:30 - 16:00Venue: St MarnEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Our programme of four gentle exercise based activities rotang on a weekly basis. There should be something for everyone; book one, two, three or all four activities:Strike – Seated boxingStretch – Gentle chair based yogaStep – Eastern inspired movementShimmy – A fun seated disco sessionAll groups are led by qualied instructors and are designed for those living with demena and their carers.TuesdaysTuesdays23
Weekly Activities24Art ExploraonArt ExploraonTime: Session 1 - 10:00 - 11:15Time: Session 2 - 11:30 - 12:45 Venue: St PeterEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required This art therapy programme is specically designed for people with demena and members of their families and carers. Join us and explore your creavity. Free parking.WednesdaysTime: 14:30 - 15:30Venue: St Helier / VariousEvent Cost: FreeRefreshments: To be paid forBooking in advance is required We meet regularly at the Radisson for a gentle 30-minute walk around the marina followed by refreshments at the hotel. Our route is in an accessible locaon away from busy roads and over at terrain with regular seats for those who would like a quick break. Once a month we visit a dierent locaon around the island, giving us a chance to explore dierent parts of Jersey. Please contact the oce to conrm venue. Walk ‘n’ TalkWalk ‘n’ TalkWednesdays
Weekly ActivitiesPétanque in the ParkPétanque in the ParkFun ‘n’ GamesFun ‘n’ Games Out EastOut EastTime: 10:30 - 12:00Venue: St MarnEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Any budding Pétanque players please join us. St Marn Village Green is a great venue for a walk too so we hope to get people acve either by playing Pétanque, having a walk, or both. Join us for a drink which we serve at the Pétanque terrain.We have indoor Pétanque sessions during the winter months.Time: 14:00 - 15:30Venue: St ClementEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us for Fun ‘n’ Games every Thursday aernoon in St Clement. Enjoy games of dominoes, Jenga, bingo and cards or try your hand at a jigsaw, painng or colouring, in a relaxed sociable environment.ThursdaysThursdays25Did you Did you know?know? In 2023 we had over 8,500 aendances to appointments with Dementia Advisors, events for carers and our programme of activities.
Weekly Activities26Gardening ClubGardening ClubTime: 10:30 - 12:00Venue: St ClementEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us to enjoy the benefits of the great outdoors at our Forget-Me-Not Plot. Our allotment has to be seen to be believed.Get your hands dirty with some light gardening dues or just come and enjoy being in nature with a tea or coee in peaceful surroundings. Please bring along your own gardening gloves. Be aware in places the ground is a lile uneven.FridaysTime: 15:30 - 17:00Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is requiredMusical Memories is a weekly singing group for people with demena and their carers. Join us as we sing well loved songs, play musical instruments and engage in musical acvies.Most of all we have fun and share laughter with an aim to: Smulate memory Increase communicaon Encourage social networks.Rusty voices welcome.Musical MemoriesMusical MemoriesFridaysFor further information and to register your interest to join one of our dementia friendly acvies, please contact our office: Email: or Tel: 01534 723519Want to join Want to join one of our one of our activities?activities?
5K Family 5K Family Friendly Friendly WalkWalkJoin our ocial Memory Walk from La Fregate to St Aubin Parish Hall on Sunday 22nd September or choose to do your own walk, your way. Get involved and help raise money and awareness to support people in Jersey living with demena.Sunday 22nd September 2024Sunday 22nd September 2024Sign up todaySign up todayScan QR code to register or visit Charies Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us on
Getting Getting to know...28
Roy sadly lost his mum when he was two years old and was brought up by his Nan, Marjorie Charloe, as his father a Sea Captain, was away most of the me. Roy aended Trinity House Navigaon School with the intenon of following in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps in going to sea. Aer leaving school at seventeen he immediately signed up with the Medomsley Steam Shipping Company known as Van Omeron, based in Roerdam. He sailed around the world vising many dierent countries and experiencing lots of adventures along the way. Over the years Roy has had many jobs, his favourite was working for the Government Computer Centre in Wellington, New Zealand, when Roy and Liz emigrated there. They took up the New Zealand Governments oer of the £10 Pom! Roy worked on one of the largest IBM Computers in the world an IBM 370/168 main frame in New Zealand and even owned his own Broadband Wi-Fi Satellite Company. Connuing his anpodean links Roy is related to Sir Donald Bradman (famous Australian cricketer). One of Roy’s passions is Northern Soul music, he has collected vinyl records since being 17 years old and used to be a part me DJ in the UK and NZ .you may (or may not) know about Roy:5 FactsGetting to knowFrom Sea Adventures to Life in JerseyMeet Roy Allen who lives with his wife Liz in the Parish of St Lawrence. They moved to Jersey from the UK last year aer Roy suered a major stroke which aected his mobility and his cognive skills. He has since been diagnosed with Vascular Demena. Roy and Liz have one daughter, Laura, who has a 2-year-old daughter with her partner Dean along with two children Dean has from his previous marriage.Roy aends Splashchat on Tuesday mornings and thoroughly enjoys the session. He would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful volunteers and most of all Helen, Susie and Sarah for their connued support.Roy looks forward to Thursday mornings with Dan and all the wonderful friends he has made since joining this group at The Meeng Point, St Brelade. Well done Dan in making it such a success and of course to Tina one of the volunteers for looking aer Roy so well!Meet activities attendeeRoy Allen1234529
Carer’s SupportCarer’s SupportEach month Demena Jersey host a range of Carer’s Support Meengs for family and friends who are caring for someone with dementia.Meengs take place in a variety of venues and at dierent mes. They are held in a relaxed seng and include refreshments and the chance for you to meet with other carers. Demena Advisors are on hand at each meeng for an informal chat and to answer any quesons. You’re welcome to join all or just one of the sessions and you can invite another family member or friend to join you if you wish. Our carers have told us how helpful these meengs are and have welcomed the friendship and support from their fellow carers. Our demena advisors are also available for one-to-one appointments. Our free, friendly, supporve groups are open to anyone supporng or caring for a relave or friend with demena. They are informal opportunies to meet others over a cup of coee. If you would like to book a place at one of our carer support meetings please contact Dementia Jersey on Email or Tel: 01534 723519MeetingsMeetings30Demena is the fastest growing condion aecng over 65s on the island and we predict that cases will double within a generaon.Did you Did you know?know?
Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Out EastOut EastVenue: RansomsWhen: Held once a monthTime: 11:00 - 13:00Event Cost: Free + charge + £3.00 charge for refreshments. Please bring cash.Boys Own Meeting Boys Own Meeting Out EastOut EastVenue: Le Hocq InnWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19:00 - 21:00Event Cost: Free - Food and drinks available to order on the night. Please bring cash.Quarterly Meeting Quarterly Meeting with Guest Speakerwith Guest Speaker Venue: Monterey HotelWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19:00 - 21:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Evening Meeting Evening Meeting St HelierSt HelierVenue: Osprey HouseWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19:00 - 21:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Aernoon MeetingAernoon MeetingOut WestOut WestVenue: CommunicareWhen: Held once a monthTime: 14:00 - 16:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.Morning Meeting Morning Meeting St HelierSt HelierVenue: Radisson HotelWhen: Held once a monthTime: 11:00 - 13:00Event Cost: Free + £3.00 charge for refreshments.Please bring cash.We currently run the following Carers’ Support GroupsTo book your place at one of these sessions, or for further informaon on dates and speaker topics, please contact us. Email: or Tel: 01534 723519 Advance booking is required Carer’s Support Meetings31
32MeetingsMeetingsWhat’s newWhat’s new with with Carer’s Support Carer’s Support MeetingsMeetingsWe host a range of Carer’s Support Meengs each month for family and friends who are caring for someone with dementia.In June, we hosted our Quarterly Monterey Hotel speakers evening, which proved to be a signicant success with aendance exceeding 40 parcipants, this is the most we’ve ever seen at such a meeng. The evening featured two disnguished speakers: Dr Juan Melendez from Memory Assessment Services, who provided insights into the latest developments regarding demena and Adrian Quenault from Jersey Police, who educated aendees about current money scams and oered praccal advice on how carers can protect themselves from potenal fraud. He also spoke about the Aid to Locate booklet, which is a place where one can store helpful informaon that can be used to help locate the person with demena if they go missing. These booklets are available from the recepon at Osprey House if you would like to complete one. Our carer’s support meengs connue to be really popular with numbers increasing
at almost all venues. These meengs oer a supporve environment for carers, however in addion to these regular meengs, we are excited to announce a new quarterly evening meeng that will be held at Osprey House. This meeng aims to accommodate those who may nd it dicult to aend dayme meengs due to work or other commitments. In an eort to engage and support more of our male carers caring for their partner or a parent the Boys Own meeng is moving venues from Osprey House to the Le Hocq Inn, St Clement. We are pleased that Pete Bolam will be leading these sessions and he looks forward to welcoming exisng and new male carers to join this group. With the connued expansion in numbers of our Holme Grown meeng, this will be relocated to Ransoms Garden Centre Cafe. This change will take eect on the rst Wednesday in September, marking a new venue for this gathering we believe this new seng will enhance the experience for aendees. This new room has space to expand further and we’d welcome any carer who would like to come along. If you would like to book a place at one of our carer support meengs please contact Dementia Jersey on Tel: 01534 723519 or Email: info@dementia.jeCarer’s Support Meetings33Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce that in September we are planning an excing carer away day. More details about this event will be shared soon.
34There are over 100 types of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of demena contribung to 60-70% of all causes. (WHO)Did you Did you know?know?Dementia Informaon Programme (DIP)Dementia Informaon Programme (DIP)We launched the FREE DIP programme for family carers in April with great success and we received some very encouraging feedback. Our August sessions are underway and both sessions are full. This is proving to be a very popular programme. Bookings for November DIP are now open and you can book a place on the programme via Eventbrite, through our website or by calling the Demena Jersey oce. The programme consists of 1 session per week run over 4 weeks and the dates are Tuesdays 12th, 19th and 26th November and Tuesday 3rd December. You can either choose a morning session or an evening session, which are hosted at Jersey Hospice. Each session lasts around two hours and feature dierent scenarios and acvies to keep the sessions interesng, informave and engaging. There’s a maximum of 14 aendees at each session to ensure inclusivity and personalised aenon. Places are lling fast so please contact the oce or book on Eventbrite to secure a place. Demena Jersey’s Lead Demena Advisor, Wendy Munn, has overall responsibility for the delivery of the programme, with other sta members delivering specic topics, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experse to the course. Parcipants will receive folders at the start of the programme to keep handouts and notes, creang a valuable reference resource to use aer they have completed the programme. Below are some details about each session: Session 1: About demena. This session introduces aendees to what demena is, the dierent types, possible treatments and how Demena Jersey can help support caring for a person with demena. Session 2: The caring role. This session focuses on what it means to be a carer, the importance of communicaon in the care process and how to provide praccal support for people with demena. Free training forFree training forfamily carers family carers
35Dementia Information Programme (DIP)Dementia Informaon Programme (DIP)Dementia Informaon Programme (DIP)Session 3: What happens aer diagnosis? This session looks at the role of healthcare professionals you’ll meet, the impact of demena on driving, capacity and decision making. Lasng Power of Aorney will also be discussed. Session 4: Helping the person with demena and helping yourself. This session includes praccal ps for carers, invesgates the carer’s allowance, discusses respite opons and nishes with the importance of self-care. If you would like any further informaon, please contact Wendy Munn: Email: or Tel: 01534 723519You can book a place on the next DIP programme via Eventbrite or through our website. Find out more at or scan this QR code. Free training forFree training forfamily carers family carers
Happy third birthday toHappy third birthday toThe MeetingThe Meeting36We started out in 2021 with groups in St Clement and St Helier and have since expanded to include two more weekly sessions in St Brelade and St Marn. With the Meeng Place Project’s popularity continuing to increase we are now exploring starng a h group in the North-west of the island to accommodate the growing demand for this unique service that helps so many people with newly diagnosed or mild-demena.For an informal discussion and to apply to attend the Meeng Place Project please contact Dementia Jersey Email: or Tel: 01534 723519Place ProjectPlace Project
A special cream tea at the Forget-Me-Not plotOne of the Meeng Place Project aims is to help people with mild demena to stay acve in their communies. That’s why in July our members visited the Forget-Me-Not plot allotment space for a few gardening based acvies, tea and cream scones. We all had a great me so we will be connuing our allotment visits in the future.Welcome Step-55! We are thrilled to have regular gentle exercise back on the menu with Step-55! as part of our maintenance cognive smulaon therapy programme. Monthly sessions will include Eastern inspired movement and dance based acvies.What our attendees have to say... Our Meeng Place Project aendees had an enjoyable oung to the Forget-Me-Not plot.37The Meeting Place ProjectGentle exercise back is on the menu at Meeng Place Project“The Meeng Place Project is a very supporve group! I was worried aer being discharged from the Memory Assessment Service but joining this group was reassuring. It’s great because I don’t feel like I’m alone, everyone is dierent but we have demena in common!” MPP group member“Mum enjoys her me at the Meeng Place Project and comes out cheerful and happy. She doesn’t always remember what she’s done, but denitely enjoys the people and camaraderie!” MPP group member
A one hour interactive session to learn about dementiaSessions are held once a month at the Sessions are held once a month at the Jersey Library.Jersey Library.Our Demena Friends programme aims to change the way people think, act and talk about dementia. Each session includes ve key messages on demena as well as activities to enhance people’s understanding of dementia.With increased awareness and further understanding local people can beer support those living with dementia.Booking in advance is requiredTo book a session scan the QR code or Email: or Tel: 01534 723519www.dementia.jeBecome a Become a Dementia Dementia FriendFriendSign up nowSign up nowScan this QR code to book your session
EducationEducation39During Demena Awareness Week, in May, Dan delivered special Demena Friends sessions for Year 1 and Year 2 at D’Auvergne primary school. He spoke with nearly 100 young people about how we can best support people living with the condion and the pupils were fantasc listeners. Thank you D’Auvergne Primary School.Jane also delivered one of our Demena Friends session at Langham Hall, in June, to help their team have increased awareness and further understanding in order to beer support those living with demena.Dan delivering a school friendly version of Demena Friends at D’Auvergne primary.Jane presented a Dementia Friends session to the team at Langham Hall in June.DementiaDementia
40Lived Experience Lived Experience Advisory PanelAdvisory Panel (LEAP)Demena Jersey’s quarterly LEAP panel discusses important issues related to living with a diagnosis of demena to inform others with accurate informaon so to help reduce sgma.Listening to youDemena Jersey is passionate about listening to the voices of our service users. We know that people with demena and their family and friends have a wealth of knowledge and understanding that can only be gained from experience. The Purpose of LEAPYour lived experience of demena, either as someone with a diagnosis of demena or as a carer, can really help other people understand what it is like to have, or to care for someone with demena. Your experience can also help the team at Demena Jersey, Health and Community Services, other charies and businesses to LEAPPeople living with demena and their carers have an equal right to respect and inclusion, to diagnosis, quality care and treatment.Did you Did you know?know?
41design and provide services to meet your needs.What happens in LEAP meengs?All LEAP meengs are relaxed events that always include coee and chat but have a clear focus and subject for discussion. They are facilitated by Sian, our Clinical Lead. LEAP reports are wrien to summarise the discussions and include details of any recommendaons the panel make. These reports are published on Demena Jersey’s website and the recommendaons are shared as appropriate with other organisaons. LEAP for CarersThe LEAP for Carers is an evening meeng for anyone who has experience of caring for a person with demena, including people being cared for at home or in a care home.We are parcularly keen to welcome new people to these meengs so we can hear from as many of you as possible. There is no formal membership for LEAP, but it is helpful if you can let us know if you would like to aend a meeng. Our meengs for the rest of this year are as follows: Wednesday 11th September 19:00 - 21:00 at Osprey House. Subject: Care and support for people with demena and carers Wednesday 11th December 19:00 - 21:00 locaon to be conrmed. Subject: Is Jersey ‘Demena Friendly’? (including businesses and government and health services).LEAP for people with demenaPeople with demena aending our Meeng Place Project sessions also take an acve part in LEAP, contribung valuable insights to the subjects for discussion. Our Clinical Lead aends these meengs with the Meeng Place Project hosts and as with our LEAP for Carers sessions, anonymised comments from these sessions are included in the nal reports.Find out more about LEAPIf you would like more information about Dementia Jersey’s LEAP sessions or would like to talk with one of the team about joining a LEAP meeting, please contact Dementia Jersey on Email: or Tel: 01534 723519Lived Experience Advisory PanelScan the QR Code to visit our LEAP website pages
Volunteer Volunteer SpotlightSpotlight42
Volunteer SpotlightLinda explains, “at that me, unlike now, there were not so many acvies and when I saw that swimming with the clients was one of the acvies (Splashchat) I jumped at the chance as I had always loved swimming and thought it was a good acvity to start with.” Linda connues, “we have totally dierent people at swimming. Some who splash more than chat and others who love to chat. It’s a very easy session. Family members can join us in the pool or have half an hour out to chat with other carers. Aer swimming we go to the Radisson and join up with the Coee & Connect group. I volunteer for coee mornings, Christmas pares, S Club (gentle exercise sessions) or one o events that need helpers. I was welcomed into the ‘fold’ and have met new friends, which include sta, other volunteers and carers.”Linda has recently found rst hand that the acvies Demena Jersey provide not only give clients with demena and their families the chance to socialise, but also now that her husband, Bob, has been diagnosed with demena, she appreciates the charity provides an amazing support network, which include other volunteers who have had family members that have had demena and other carers. “The informaon I have learned from them at these acvies has been invaluable as these acvies give the family me to chat and share experiences. You know you are not alone. Bob has now started to go the ‘Meeng Place’ an acvity fun group for people with mild demena that meet up in several locaons on the Island on a weekly basis.Thank you all for your love and support.”Volunteer at our SplashChat and Coee & Connect sessionsLinda Leech is one of our many volunteers who helps support the delivery of our weekly activities. Linda started volunteering at Splashchat on a Tuesday morning around 5 years ago, when the charity was known as Jersey Alzheimer’s Associaon. Having rered from working in nance, Linda wanted to volunteer as both her mother and grandmother had Alzheimer’s, although neither of them lived in Jersey. Linda LeechVolunteerVolunteerInterested in volunteering? Please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator Susie Kelly: Email: Tel: 01534 72351943
Meet our Community Educaon CoordinatorJane VincentWith over 18 years background in educaon and training along with strong awareness building skill in the charity sector Jane will enable Demena Jersey to reach out into the community and spread the charies mission to increase awareness, understanding and support. What I love about my jobJane is very much a people person; through her work she wants to make a dierence to people’s lives. In her educaon role she will help make Jersey a demena friendly Island. By teaching people from all walks of life, both young and old about demena, the impact of the disease, how to engage with people with demena and how people with demena can live well. “The work the charity does is incredible and far reaching. I am proud to be part of such an incredible team”.Did you know?Jane is passionate about square rig sailing and has been involved with the Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) as a watch leader for 18 years. This charity makes it possible for able bodied and disabled people sail together. Through the JST Jane has sailed across the Southern Ocean, to Antarcca and across the Atlanc to name a few. She is a very keen all year-round sea swimmer and road cyclist and can be found walking her rescue dog Alvie around our beauful Island. To relax Jane reads and is a keen gardener.Jane joined Demena Jersey in April 2024; she brings a wealth of experience with her having worked in the charity sector for 22 years. Known for her achievements, enthusiasm, exibility and drive Jane will be an asset to the team in the role of Community Educaon Coordinator.Meet the team44Lack of knowledge about demena leads to inaccurate assumpons about its eects on the person and their family and negave stereotypes about how a person with demena will behave.Did you Did you know?know?
Support those living with dementia in Jersey by giving monthlyScan this QR code to visit our donations page£5 £10 £20will pay for new song books for our popular Musical Memories sessions for people with dementia.will pay for plants and owers in our new therapeuc allotment site for people with dementia.will pay for a face-to-face support session for up to 20 carers run by our Dementia Advisors.a month a month a monthwww.dementia.jeIndividuals that give a monthly gi move us a step closer to achieving our vision of a dementia friendly island.DonateDonateBy choosing to donate monthly, you’re helping to make sure we can connue to provide life-changing support to islanders living with dementia. A regular gi means we can rely on consistent support and more eecvely budget throughout the year. Dementia Jersey exists to provide advice, support and informaon to the community as a whole. Our aim is to not only help about 1,600 people living with dementia on the island, but to also raise awareness and educate people to help remove the sgma and make Jersey a truly dementia friendly island. 45
46Book ClubWhether con or non-ction, reading can be a great way to increase understanding about demena, as well as providing a useful acvity with people with dementia to help stimulate and maintain connections. This issue we feature books that are recommended by our friends at Alzheimer’s Society.The Memory Acvity Book by Helen LambertFinding the light in dementia: A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers’ by Jane Mullins Wrien by an experienced occupaonal therapist, The Memory Acvity Book features over 70 acvity ideas, specially selected for people experiencing memory loss or demena.‘This aracve coee-table paperback is delighul in its layout, illustraons and photography alone.This book encourages you to pick and choose acvies that match your interests and capabilies, with step-by-step instrucons that can be shared with others.’Whether your interests are in music, art, gaming or gardening, The Memory Acvity Book has acvies to suit, as well as ideas to inspire anyone looking for guidance on how best to interact with people aected by memory issues, Alzheimer’s, or other forms of demena. Available to purchase from As a demena nurse consultant with many years’ experience, Jane Mullins has a lot to share about good care. This book is her aempt to share it in a way that is helpful to anyone supporng a partner, relave or friend who has demena.This easy to read, sensible and insighul book, oers praccal informaon and advice simply and compassionately given for all stages of the condion. This will be a great resource which can be picked up in mes of need and can be used to jot down quesons, ideas and useful strategies along the journey that can be helpful reminders when talking with healthcare professionals. Knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that there are people out there like Jane with the experse, knowledge, empathy and the passion to oer this support means a great deal. Available to purchase in Paperback and Kindle formats
47Consumer CornerIn each issue of Dementia Matters we will provide reviews of products and tech that are designed to help people with demena. In this issue we have selected items featured on the Alzheimer’s Society website. Fidget Widget ToolkitFidget Widgets are shown to reduce agitaon in people living with more advanced demena. These are specially designed to use touch, feel and repeve movements, each with a parcular moon; spin, slide, twist, turn and roll, are intended to be unrecognisable, removing any need to rely on memory or words to use them. Available from Alzheimer’s Society online shop for £69.99 Scan QR code to view on their website.The Wayback - Memory FilmsThe Wayback is a virtual reality lm series designed for those living with demena and their carers. These specially made lms are shot in 360 degrees surround sound and vision for a fun, immersive experience, faithfully recreate family life and mes set around the Queen’s Coronaon street pares of 1953 and England’s World cup winning summer of 1966. Each lm is packed with memories, using music, fashion, food and conversaon to help the viewer relive and share their own experiences. Available from Alzheimer’s Society online shop for £4.99 Scan QR code to view on their website.Jelly Drops water sweetsJelly Drops are award-winning sweets designed to boost water intake, developed with support from the Alzheimer’s Society’s Accelerator Programme. These bright, engaging drops can help people living with demena stay on top of their uids, independently and enjoyably. Available from Alzheimer’s Society from 95p per pack on subscripon. Scan QR code to view on their website.
Ways you can Ways you can support ussupport usOur running costs are over £600,000 per annum. We therefore rely on the support and generosity of the public and the business community. All money raised in Jersey is spent in Jersey.Donate OnlineDonate OnlineMake a donaon online via our website: www.dementia.jeDonate by chequeDonate by chequePlease make cheques payable to ‘Dementia Jersey’ and send to our office at the address below.FundraiseFundraiseRaise money through a challenge event by walking, cycling, abseiling, trekking or skydiving for Dementia Jersey; or pick a challenge of your own. Please contact Nadine for more information. Email: nadine@dementia.jeVolunteerVolunteerConsider volunteering at our events. For more information please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie. Email: susie@dementia.jeContact usContact usTel: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeWeb: www.dementia.jePost: Dementia Jersey, Osprey House, Old Street, St Helier, JE2 3RG Hours: 10:00 - 16:00 Monday to FridayJersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us onwww.dementia.jeScan This QR Code to visit our donations pageThis magazine is kindly sponsored bySkiptonCommunityFund