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Dementia Matters Magazine Issue 4

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Issue 04 | 2024The quarterly magazine fromSupport & AdviceAdvice and details about our support groupsActivitiesFull lisngs of all our dementia friendly acviesEducationFind out more about dementiaWinter Tips For people with demenaGet involvedRead about our volunteers Fundraising NewsEvent and fundraising newsDementia FriendsFind out how you can become a Dementia FriendDementia Friendly BusinessGet involved

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ContentsPage 6Top Tips during WinterPage 8Demena Friendly Business SchemePage 11Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP)Page 12Carers Support MeengsPage 14Demena FriendsPage 18Dementia Friendly AcviesPage 24Christmas Party ReviewPage 26Geng to Know...Page 28Volunteer SpotlightPage 36Meet the TeamPage 38Book ClubPage 39Consumer CornerPage 302023 Fundraising ReviewWelcome to the fourth issue of32023 has been quite a year. Through our acvies, groups and one-to-one support we have achieved over 8,500 aendances, helping families make dicult decisions and plan for the future. Now, for the rst me, we’ve told the story of our impact. Our 2023 Impact report highlights what we’ve achieved so far against our strategy and includes feedback about our services, an overview of our engagement numbers and recognion of those who have supported us. Do ask us for a copy of the report if you don’t have one.We’ve also co-authored the rst Demena Strategy for Jersey, which has recently been completed. A huge cause for celebraon. Look out for the publicaon of the strategy in 2024 and we’ll be in touch with a document outlining highlights and what to expect. We are proud of all that we have accomplished in the last year, and this issue of the magazine contains a number of celebraons of recently hosted projects. Huge thanks to our dedicated sta and trustees, our amazing volunteers and you, our incredible, generous and loyal supporters. May 2024 be kind to you all. Claudine SnapeCEO – Demena Jersey Dementia Jersey, Osprey House, Old Street, St Helier, JE2 3RG Telephone: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeHours: 10.00 - 14.00 Monday to Fridaywww.demena.jePublished byDid you Did you know?know?100% of aendees to our acvies say they enjoy meeng people in the same boat and 75% said they feel less isolated.

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4Pages 34-35Pages 34-35Read aboutRead aboutour successfulour successfulInca TrekInca Trek

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Winter Top Tips Christmas Party Activities Volunteer SpotlightGetting to knowDementia Friendly Businesses Inca TrekWinter can be a challenging me for people living with demena and their carers so here’s some simple steps you can take to make winter more comfortable. Find out more on Page 6.Look at pictures from the popular Christmas party held at St Andrew’s church hall which featured a visit from Santa and carols sung in Jérriais. Find out more on Page 24.Demena Jersey oers a range of regular acvies for people living with demena and their carers. Find out more on Page 18.Meet Ray Heron, who helps at the Meeng Place Project each week. Find out more on Page 28.This issue we’re geng to know Dawn Pullen who aends Demena Jersey acvies.Find out more on Page 26.Find out about our Dementia Friendly Business scheme which aims to create a more inclusive and supporve environment for individuals living with demena.Find out more on Page 8.Read about the challenging four-day fundraising trek and marvel over the fantasc pictures of the ancient route to Machu Picchu taken by trekkers back in September. Find out more on Page 34.In this issue5

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Top Tips for caring for someoneTop Tips for caring for someonewith dementia during Winterwith dementia during WinterWinter can be a challenging me for people living with demena and their carers. The cold weather, the shorter days, and the increased risk of infecons can all aect the person’s wellbeing and mood. But don’t worry, there are some simple steps you can take to make winter more comfortable for you both.6Tip 1 - Keep the person warm and cosyMake sure that the person with demena is warm enough, both indoors and outdoors. Because people with demena may not be able to tell if they are cold, or may forget to dress appropriately for the weather, it’s important to keep an eye on them and check their temperature regularly and help them wear suitable clothes.Some ps to keep the person warm and cosy are:• Dress them in layers of coon, wool, or eecy fabrics, which are good at retaining body heat.• Make sure they have a hat, scarf, gloves, and warm shoes or boots when going outside.• Keep the rooms they use at around 20 degrees Celsius. • Provide them with a blanket, a hot water bole, or an electric blanket to keep them warm in bed.

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Tip 2 - Encourage physical acvity and mental smulaonEncourage them to move around and engage in acvies that they enjoy. Physical acvity can boost circulaon, mood, and cognive funcon, while mental smulaon can reduce boredom, depression, and agitaon.Some ps to encourage physical acvity and mental smulaon are:• Help the person with demena do some simple exercises, such as stretching, walking, or dancing, at least once an hour.• Play games, puzzles, or music that they like, or do some arts and cras or baking together.• Make the most of natural daylight, which can improve sleep quality and mood. Try to expose the person to sunlight for at least 15 minutes a day, either by going outside (wrapped up nice and warm) or sing near a window.Tip 3 - Eat and drink regularlyKeeping warm uses up a lot of energy, and a warm house can increase the risk of dehydraon. Make sure someone with demena is eang regular meals and drinking enough uid during the winter.• Snacking throughout the day can help keep energy levels up, and warm drinks can help keep them at a comfortable temperature. • They should avoid drinking alcohol as it makes you feel warm, but actually draws important heat away from vital organs. Tip 4 - Support the person’s emotional and social needsFinally, winter can make people feel more lonely and isolated. As a carer, you may also experience these feelings, especially if you have less contact with friends and family.Some ps to support emoonal and social needs are:• Talk to the person with demena regularly and listen to their feelings and concerns. Try to be paent, empathec, and reassuring, and avoid arguing or correcng them.• Help the person with demena maintain their identy and sense of purpose, by reminding them of their life story, their hobbies, and their achievements.• Celebrate the fesve season with the person, and involve them in the preparaons, such as decorang, cooking, or wrapping gis. However, be mindful of their preferences and limitaons, and avoid oversmulang or overwhelming them.• Stay in touch with your friends and family, and ask for their support and help. We hope these ps will help you and the person with demena have a warm and happy winter. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help and support available.Top Tips during Winter7The Sunower lanyardThe Government of Jersey supports the Hidden Disabilies Sunower iniave to raise awareness and support for Islanders with hidden disabilies, such as demena. The aim of the Sunower is to help make the invisible, visible.By wearing the Sunower, individuals can discreetly signal to those around them that they need addional support, help or a lile more me. It serves as a reminder to others to be paent, empathec, and accommodang. Sunower lanyards are available from St Helier Parish Hall, Customer and Local Services at La Moe Street, the Jersey Library in St Helier or at Communicare, St Brelade, and the St Brelade’s Parish Hall.

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8Dementia Jersey have launched a Dementia Friendly Business scheme to create a more inclusive and supporve environment for individuals living with dementia and ulmately make Jersey more dementia friendly. This initiative represents a significant step forward in addressing the social and economic impact of dementia, which eects thousands of people across Jersey. The Dementia FriendlyThe Dementia FriendlyBusinessBusinessSchemeScheme

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The Dementia Friendly Business scheme is a comprehensive programme designed to guide businesses, and other organisaons, in becoming more accessible and accommodang to the needs of people with dementia and their carers. By joining this scheme, businesses pledge to:The benets of becoming a Demena Friendly Business are many. Not only does it demonstrate a company’s social responsibility and commitment to customer value, but it also oers a compeve advantage, as businesses become more appealing to the growing number of people aected by demena. Furthermore, it ensures compliance with equality legislaon which mandates reasonable adjustments for customers and employees with disabilies, including those living with demena. The scheme is open to all sectors, from retail to housing, ulies to entertainment, and nance to transport. Each parcipang business will be audited as to how demena friendly they currently are and then will receive a report full of demena friendly ps and advice. The report acts as a valuable resource for businesses to understand the importance of inclusivity and the praccal steps they can take to make a real dierence in the lives of people with demena and their carers. The report is broken up into three parts – People, Places and Processes.However, the Demena Friendly Business scheme is more than just a scheme—it’s a movement towards a more compassionate and understanding society. Businesses that embrace this iniave are not only enhancing their own operaons but are also contribung to a larger cause: making Jersey a demena friendly island.To register your interest please contact peter@dementia.je9There are over 100 types of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of demena contribung to 60-70% of all causes. (WHO)Did you Did you know?know?1. Train sta to be aware of the impact of dementia and how to eectively support customers and colleagues aected by the condition. 2. Review products and processes to address the challenges faced by those living with dementia, ensuring that services are accessible and user-friendly. 3. Adapt environments to make them more navigable and comfortable for individuals with dementia, promong a sense of safety and independence. The Dementia FriendlyThe Dementia FriendlyThe Dementia Friendly Business Scheme

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Sign up today!Scan the QR code for more informaon and to sign upwww.demena.jeTrip cost: £3,3497th - 16th September 2024We’ve partnered with Discover Adventure to oer a trek to conquer one of the seven summits.Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, reaching 5,895m. Its snow-capped summit rises high above the dusty African plains; massive permanent glaciers ow down from the summit, and spectacular views andbeauful ice formaons are the rewards for pushing your limits physically and mentally. Sign up todayfor an adventure of a lifeme and help raise vital funds to support people in Jersey aected by demena.This epic 10 day challenge is worthy of anyone’s bucket list!Mount KilimanjaroTrek

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Lived ExperienceLived ExperienceAdvisory PanelAdvisory Panel (LEAP)During December 2023 the Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) meengs hosted 42 people - 33 People with demena and 9 carers.The topic for discussion was: ‘The impact of winter which oen involves changes in roune, increased isolaon and safety concerns’.The panel discussed the importance of nding ways to stay acve during winter and how it’s not only good for muscles and bones, but how it can also help to boost the immune system, improve mood and mental well-being. Not all acvies have to be physical with some panel members sharing that they love doing jigsaws, blockbusters puzzles, art, watching horse racing on tv and reading.When the panel members were asked about their favourite winter tradions people with demena shared:“During the war we didn’t have a TV so we would sit around the re and play games or read”. “Around Christmas we were taken to the hospital by our parents to share the Christmas spirit with people not able to be home for Christmas”. “Plucking the turkey and sing by the re with my family”. “I love singing and enjoy the carol service at the church”.The Panel discussed at length the dierent items of clothing essenal in winter and it was noted that most members thought that due to clothing material quality improving over the years they wear less winter clothes now but feel warmer than they used to when they were younger. LEAPCarers on the panel commented that their mood is signicantly aected in Winter with some sharing that: “Only January and February aect me in winter, those two months drag on and Spring seems like it is never going to come”. “I nd I get depressed in winter and then lack movaon to do anything, this makes me feel worse”.Carers and people with demena on the panel discussed the importance of having a u vaccinaon yearly and most shared that they had the u/covid combinaon this year. The Panel also discussed the Government’s lack of support in general for people with demena and their carers, and most panel members felt that it wasn’t Demena Jersey’s responsibility but the Governments to oer support and acvies during winter. All panel members were very grateful for all Demena Jersey oers and didn’t feel anything was lacking in the winter programme.11“I nd I get depressed in winter and then lack movation to do anything, this makes me feel worse”.LEAP

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12At the beginning of December, we held our quarterly speakers evening at the Monterey Hotel. In this fesve season the focus was on ‘what brings joy to your life’ with Gail Edwards from Hospice. Following the meeting one of the carers aending shared this email:Carers’ SupportCarers’ SupportMeetingsMeetingsForget-me-Not Network The new carers app, the ‘Forget-me-not Network’, was introduced by Peter Bolam from Demena Jersey. This app helps carers exchange advice and suggesons, especially if they can’t join regular meengs in person. It also provides informaon from Demena Jersey and other sources. If you have any ideas about what you’d like to see on the ‘Forget-me-not Network’, please contact peter@demen Own group Male carers might not use available services as much as female carers do and there could be various reasons for this.Some for example may nd it dicult to reach out for support and might feel embarrassed to share their thoughts or feelings and be quite isolated because of this. To promote and provide greater opportunity for all carers, Demena Jersey aims to provide a forum whereby male carers may have opportunity to meet and share some of their unique challenges as well as enjoying some social me over a cuppa, possibly even with biscuits or cake.Starng from February, monthly meengs for male carers or male relaves of people with demena will be held at Demena Jersey’s oce at Osprey House, from 19:00-21:00 and will be led by Dave Luscombe, a Demena Advisor. This is a “Boys Own Group” that aims to provide comfort and support for the parcipants.‘Thank you for organising a fantasc event last night. It was good to talk to other people who are experiencing much worse than I am. Somemes when I feel alone and experiencing new problems it is so good to know that Demena Jersey are always there. I just thought last night as I walked into the Monterey room it was as if I received a big hug… Thank you for all that you and all the others do. It is very much appreciated.’

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13Demena Jersey currently run ve Carer’s support groups. To nd out more and book your place please contact our Lead Demena Advisor, Wendy Munn on wendy2@demena.jeThese free, friendly supporve groups are open to anyone supporng or caring for a relave or friend with demena. They are informal opportunies to meet others over a cup of coee. Our Demena advisor team aend these meengs and will be happy to chat with you too. Carers’ support meengHolme Grown When: First Wednesday of the monthTime: 11:00 - 13:00 Carers’ support meengCommunicareWhen: Fourth Wednesday of the monthTime: 14:00 - 16:00 Carers’ support meengMonterey HotelWhen: E v e r y QuarterTime: 19:00 - 21:00 Carers’ support meengCooper’s, Castle Quay When: Second Wednesday of the monthTime: 19:00 - 21:00 Carers’ support meengRadisson When: Third Wednesday of the monthTime: 11:00 - 13:00 Event cost: There is a small charge for refreshments, please bring cash. For the date of the next meeng and to book your place please contact the oce.Carers’ Support Groups

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14Dementia Education Sessions (in schools)12:45 - 14:00 in the Dumaresq Room, upstairs in Jersey Library.• Tuesday 30th January• Tuesday 27th February• Tuesday 26th MarchEmail info@demena jersey to book your space. At Dementia Jersey, part of our mission is to improve understanding and awareness of dementia throughout the island. By helping people understand this complex and oen misunderstood condion, we hope to make our community more dementia friendly. Helping, caring for and protecng people is at the heart of a strong island community. This is why our educaon programme is designed to involve everyone from local businesses and government services to community groups, schools and families. Demena Friends Jersey awareness sessions can be booked for small groups, secondary schools and workplaces. This internaonal iniave teaches you what it’s like to live with the challenges of demena and then helps you turn your new understanding into posive acons. Also available are our ‘Young Person’s Demena Awareness’ sessions or an informave ‘Lunch & Learn’ session for those who want to learn more about the work of Demena Jersey in general. All our sessions are free of charge, and we have something for everyone. Contact Demena Jersey today to nd out how our educaon programme can help you or your organisaon become more demena aware. Sign up to become a Dementia FriendFor further informaon or to book a training session please Email: info@demen or Tel: 01534 723519.DementiaDementiaFriendsFriendsUpcoming Upcoming open sessions open sessions at the Libraryat the Library

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15Dementia Education Sessions (in schools)St Mary’s SchoolDan was invited along to St Mary’s Primary school to deliver demena awareness assemblies to all their pupils. The children learnt about the dierent types of dementia, the work of Demena Jersey in supporng people living with the condion, and they even tested their own short-term memories with a picture board memory game. Thank you, St Mary’s School, for helping future generaons to become more dementia friendly. Beavers, Cubs & Scouts groupsDan was busy attending Beavers, Cubs and Scouts groups all over the island in Trinity, St Mary’s and St Luke’s Church. Younger groups enjoyed an informative awareness session whilst the older Scouts earned their dementia friends badges.

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The Rotary Club at Good Companions – Dan delivered a Demena Friends session to a packed out room of Rotarians at the Good Companions Club in St Clement. That’s 30 new Demena Friends for the island! Thank you to the Rotary Club for organising the session.Care homes – It has been brilliant to see so many care homes get involved in our Demena Friends iniave. DementiaDementiaFriendsFriendsSTATS: In 2024, 476 people became Dementia Friends, that’s our best year yet! Over 1,600 people in Jersey have become dementia friends since starting in 2019.Thank you to Les Charrieres, Maison St Brelade and La Haule for geng involved. More care providers in Jersey have booked session with us in 2024 so watch this space.More Dementia Friends News Employees at Aztec Group, Crestbridge, Jersey OIC, GOJ Physiotherapy Department and Health and Social Care students at Highlands College all joined our Demena friends Network.Sign up to become a Dementia FriendFor further informaon or to book a training session please Email: info@demen or Tel: 01534 72351916

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The Meeting PlaceThe Meeting PlaceProjectProjectMeeting Place Project Christmas paresWe theme our cognive stimulaon sessions at the Meeting Place as it helps our members with ‘Reality Orientaon’. This is one of the rst non-drug intervenons that aim to decrease confusion and behavioural symptoms in people with demena by orienng the individual to me, place, and person-related informaon. Our groups in St Clement, St Helier and St Brelade enjoyed a spooky Halloween session in October, a Bonre Night session in November and a fesve themed session, with Christmas brain training, mince pies and even a Christmas song sing-a-long in December!Fourth Meeting Place opening 2024We are thrilled to announce we will be opening a fourth Meeting Place group in early 2024. Dementia aects everyone dierently, and some nd a morning session tricky to get too, so this new group will be run in the aernoon to oer more exibility for people to take part in our community based cognive smulation therapy. For more informaon please contact dan@dementia.je17

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Dementia FriendlyDementia FriendlyActivitiesActivitiesDementia Jersey oer a range of activities each week for people living with or affected by dementia and their carers. Our full list of activities can be viewed on the following pages. These group activities are very popular so please contact us to register and to check that we have spaces.For further informaon and to register your interest please contact our Acvies and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly: Email: susie@demen or Tel: 01534 7235191818

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Fun ‘n’ Games Fun ‘n’ Games Out WestOut WestTime: 14:00 - 15:30Venue: St BreladeEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us for Fun ‘n’ Games every Monday aernoon at Communicare St Brelade.Jigsaws, painng and colouring, dominoes, Bingo and cards, or bring along your portable cra and join our knit and naer corner.Mondays19Weekly ActivitiesTime: 10.30 - 11.30 Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free + £3 for Coee & Connect Booking in advance is required Splashchat is a weekly social swimming group jointly run by the Occupaonal Therapists, the Memory Assessment Service, Demena Jersey and the AquaSplash. A 30 minute swim is followed by the opportunity to join the Coee & Connect group aerwards.SplashchatSplashchatTuesdays

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20Weekly ActivitiesCoffee & ConnectCoffee & ConnectS ClubS ClubTime: 11:00 - 12:30Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free + £3 for refreshmentsBooking in advance is required Join us every Tuesday for a cuppa and an opportunity to talk with other people living with demena, their carers and our volunteers. Coee & Connect provides a great seng for those living with demena and those caring for someone with demena, to take a break and connect with others who are going through the same journey. Share stories or just listen and share some laughter.Time: 14:30 - 16:00Venue: St Marn’s Public HallEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required S Club is a new programme of gentle exercises which rotate on a weekly basis and include:Strike – seat boxingStretch – gentle chair based yogaStep – Tai Chi movesShimmy – a fun dance session.TuesdaysTuesdays

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Time: 14:30 - 15:30Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Meet at Coopers Coee for a gentle 30-minute walk around the marina followed by a refreshment break at Coopers. Our route is in an accessible locaon away from busy roads and over at terrain with regular seats for those who would like a quick break.Walk ‘n’ TalkWalk ‘n’ TalkTime: Session 1 - 10:00 - 11:15Time: Session 2 - 11:30 - 12.:45 Venue: St PeterEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required This art therapy programme is specically designed for people with demena and members of their families and carers.Join us and explore your creavity!Free parking.Art ExplorationArt ExplorationWednesdaysWednesdaysWeekly ActivitiesDid you Did you know?know? In 2023 we had over 8,500 aendances to appointments with Dementia Advisors, events for carers and our programme of acvies.21

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22Weekly ActivitiesFun ‘n’ Games Fun ‘n’ Games Out EastOut EastTime: 14:00 - 15:30Venue: St ClementEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join us for Fun ‘n’ Games every Thursday aernoon at Caldwell Hall. Jigsaws, painng and colouring, dominoes, Bingo and cards, or bring along your portable cra and join our knit and naer corner.ThursdaysPétanque in the ParkPétanque in the ParkTime: 10:30 - 12:00Venue: St MarnEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Any budding Pétanque players please join us. St Marn’s Village Green is a great venue for a walk too so we hope to get people acve either by playing Pétanque, having a walk, or both. Join us for a drink which we serve at the Pétanque terrain.We have indoor Pétanque sessions planned for the winter months.Thursdays

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Weekly ActivitiesMusical MemoriesMusical MemoriesTime: 15:30 - 17:00Venue: St HelierEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Musical Memories is a weekly singing group for people with demena and their carers. Join us as we sing well loved songs, play musical instruments and engage in musical acvies.Most of all we have fun and share laughter with an aim to:• Smulate memory• Increase communicaon• Encourage social networks.Rusty voices welcome!FridaysTime: 10:30 - 12:00Venue: St ClementEvent Cost: Free - refreshments includedBooking in advance is required Join Demena Jersey and enjoy the benets of the great outdoors at our new Forget Me Not Plot allotment gardening club. Our new space has to be seen to be believed!Get your hands dirty or just come and enjoy a tea or coee in peaceful surroundings.Please make sure you call the oce to check when our acvity starts back in 2024.Gardening ClubGardening ClubFridays23

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Christmas PartyChristmas PartyReviewReview24We lled St Andrew’s church hall with merriment and cheer on Friday 15th December with our Christmas party. Guests were treated to some fesve fare accompanied by songs and carols. Whilst our elves in purple kept the tea cups topped up, Father Christmas paid us a visit and handed out a small mountain of gis that had been very generously donated by the sta of RBC for our aendees.

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Help us support those living with demena in Jersey with a monthly donaon to Dementia Jersey. To donate, visit Party ReviewOur live entertainment began with a selecon of seasonal songs and carols sung in Jérriais, ably led by Charlie and Susan, then Ma took over and provided more familiar English Christmas tunes on both piano and guitar. It was a wonderful event made possible by musical maestro Ma Kemp and the mangnique Charlie Le Maistre and Susan Parker from the Jérriais Teaching Service. Not forgetting the wonderful support from staff and volunteers too. Bouan Noué! Donate

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26Getting Getting to know...

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Dawn was known professionally as Dawn Sinclair. For many years she spent winters entertaining troops at army bases throughout Europe and the summers at St Brelade. This was where she and her rst husband Bob (known as Bob Johnson), owned and ran the trampolines on the beach alongside performing in shows across the island.At 17 years old, Dawn audioned with Gandy’s circus and performed in a hand balancing act, building blocks whilst doing a handstand!Having been a circus performer and dancer all her life, Dawn enjoys an acve lifestyle and together with Brian plays badminton regularly.On one memorable trip performing in Ireland, Dawn had a very lucky escape as the Irish Club she had performed at was blown up by the IRA the following evening. Dawn loves animals and kept a Brazilian Spider Monkey, Hammie, who was donated to Jersey zoo – the only place Dawn would trust to look aer him. She also bred award winning boxer dogs, including ‘Spike’ the famous surng dog! you may (or may not) know about Dawn:5 Facts27Getting to knowDawn was diagnosed with mixed dementia in 2020 and lives in St Helier with her partner of 12 years, Brian. Along with 3 stepchildren, Dawn has 2 sons, one of which she was recently reunited with following his adopon at birth. Dawn aends Dementia Jersey’s Meeting Place Project on a Monday and Walk ‘n’ Talk on a Wednesday. Meet activities attendeeDawn Pullen12345

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29Volunteer SpotlightRay is one of a select group; a male Demena Jersey volunteer. He is one of our wonderful Demena Jersey volunteers who helps at the Meeng Place Project each week and is our go to man for lawn mowing at the Allotment. At our Volunteers Christmas party Ray noced he was denitely in the minority!The Meeng Place Project session which takes place at Communicare on a Thursday morning, has had the pleasure of Ray’s help for the last year or so. He supports our aendees and enthusiascally joins in with the group discussions and fun. With the opening of the Allotment Ray has been a regular member of our Friday gang, helping to keep the garden maintained and looking dy.A relavely recent transplant to the island, Ray came to Jersey around 7 years ago, from Fleetwood in Lancashire, to be with his daughter Karen and her family. He explains why he chose to volunteer at Demena Jersey, “Having lost 3 close friends to Demena I wanted to help make a dierence for others living with the disease. It’s nice to provide support just by talking with people and having a laugh.”I enjoy encouraging people to live in the moment, the Meeng Place group have a great rapport with one another. It is great to see them leave sessions a bit more relaxed and cheerful, simply by having spent me with others in the same boat as they are. Some banter and humour go a long way in liing the mood and pushing away the heavier, more depressing aspects of the demena label. “Having gone through several fairly major health scares myself, I appreciate the importance of keeping going, and not allowing illness (of any sort) to become the sole focus of a person’s life. The new allotment is another way to help li spirits as nature weaves it magic. I just like to help!”On reecng as to why men seem more reluctant to volunteer on a regular basis he is at a bit of a loss, as he nds the work so rewarding and can only suggest that men may believe they lack the skills set to help. (Something that is completely untrue, as Ray himself proves every week.) “Men should learn to step outside of their immediate concerns and do more to help others.” He says.Our Gardening Club is currently in a hiatus, waing for the Spring weather to roll around, but it will meet weekly in St Clement on a Friday from 10.30am unl 12.00pm. To be added to our contact list, or for informaon on other volunteering opportunies, please email susie@demena.jeMeet our Allotment and Meeting Place Project volunteerRay HeffronVolunteerVolunteerInterested in volunteering? Please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator Susie Kelly: Email: Tel: 01534 723519

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Nadine, our Income and Engagement Coordinator reects on the success of 2023 fundraising.Picture: Simone Sains and friends - 50 Mile Challenge

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31Fundraising review 2023Aernoon Tea Party at Government HouseThe September Memory WalkAbseiling down Val de la Mare dam in May2023 has been a great year for fundraising, and I wanted to take a moment to reect on the success of some of our fundraising challenges from last year and take the opportunity to thank some of our community fundraisers who not only took on some tough challenges for us but went above and beyond with their fundraising. Our 50 Mile Challenge in 2023 raised over £14,000 from the registraon fees and fundraising. Thank you to one of our super fundraisers and volunteers, Simone Sains, who started this challenge for us back in 2020. In May, we saw 40 brave islanders abseil down Val de la Mare dam, raising over £12,000. For Demena Awareness Week in May, we ran various awareness and fundraising iniaves including bag packing with some of our Corporate Volunteers at COOP, Demena Friends Sessions at Santandar Work Café, had our informaon stall on the high street and launched our rst series of seminars. From the various acvies, we raised £3,000 and helped raise awareness of demena and the support available to islanders. In June, we hosted an Aernoon Tea Party at Government House to thank some of our key stakeholders 31

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3232Fundraising review 2023and supporters. We had lots of generous organisaons and individuals donate some great prizes for our rae, which raised over £1,000. Our 100 Mile Cycle Challenge in June raised £5,500. The month was started o with some prey unfriendly weather but our parcipants pedalled through it!In August, the Jersey France Swim Challenge kindly chose us as their chosen charity for a third year running, raising over £28,000. We’re so grateful to Simon O’Donoghue and the amazing team behind the swim challenge for their connued support. Our popular Memory Walk returned for another year running in September to coincide with Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. We saw a great turnout with over 160 islanders joining us on the 5K stretch from La Frigate to St Aubin, raising £5,000 from sign up fees and fundraising. September was also the month our Inca Trail trekkers departed on their big adventure. You can read more about that on the next page. The group absolutely smashed their fundraising target, raising over £40,000. We nished the year with beaufully designed Christmas cards by our Art Exploraon aendees which helped raise £1,000.Demena Awareness Week VolunteersSimon and Simon on their 100 Mile Cycle Challenge100 Mile Cycle Challenge

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The Jersey France Swim Challenge 2023 in aid of Demena Jersey33To get involved in our 2024 fundraising challenges, visitwww.demen nd out what we’ve got going on throughout the year.

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3434“The Inca Trail was incredible, and memories were made to last a lifeme. I’m so proud of myself and our trekkers for compleng this adventure and for raising such an incredible amount. I couldn’t have asked for a beer bunch of people, the support they showed for each other along the way was admirable. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!” – Nadine, Demena Jersey Income and Engagement Coordinator“The trip to Machu Picchu with Demena Jersey was once in a lifeme. The coordinaon and the support during the whole experience was gold standard. If you’re looking for a chance to see the world, challenge yourself, make new friends, and support a great charity then I see no beer place to do so than on the next Demena Jersey expedion!”– Trek parcipant BenOur trekkers absolutely smashed the Inca Trail, returning from their epic adventure back in September. These trailblazers completed the challenging four-day trek along the ancient route to Machu Picchu. They faced high altudes, steep climbs and long trekking days, but were rewarded with stunning views and a sense of achievement.Inca Trail Trek Inca Trail Trek £40,000£40,000RaisedRaised

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Meet our Dementia Project Manager Peter Bolam What I love about my jobIn my role I am responsible for overseeing and coordinang the various projects and iniaves that Demena Jersey runs or supports. These include the Demena Friendly Business scheme, a Demena Jersey conference, a Brain Health campaign that will be launched in 2024 and the development of the Forget-Me-Not Network for carers and others involved in supporng people with demena. I also liaise with other organisaons and stakeholders, such as health services, businesses, and community groups, to raise awareness and promote demena friendly pracces.Did you knowI have been involved with project development throughout my teaching career, but never in a full me capacity. Being able to focus on several projects with few other distracons is very rewarding. I am condent that over me these projects will make a signicant impact in enabling Jersey to become a more demena friendly place. I would love to hear from anyone with a thought or an idea for a project. Please contact me:peter@demena.jeSince August 2023, I have been the Project Manager for Demena Jersey and am loving this role. I have been a teacher of Psychology and Sociology for nearly 30 years, but it was me for a change and to see the world outside of the classroom. Working for Demena Jersey has certainly beenrewarding and smulang.Meet the team36People living with demena and their carers have an equal right to respect and inclusion, and to diagnosis, quality care and treatment.Did you Did you know?know?

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Support those living with dementia in Jersey by giving monthlyScan this QR Code to visit our donations page£5 £10 £20will pay for new song books for our popular Musical Memories sessions for people with dementia.will pay for plants and owers in our new therapeuc allotment site for people with dementia.will pay for a face to face support session for up to 20 carers run by our Dementia Advisors.a month a month a monthwww.dementia.jeIndividuals that give a monthly gi move us a step closer to achieving our vision of a dementia friendly island. Scan the code to nd out more.DonateDonateBy choosing to donate monthly, you’re helping to make sure we can connue to provide life-changing support to islanders living with dementia. A regular gi means we can rely on consistent support and more eecvely budget throughout the year. Dementia Jersey exists to provide advice, support and informaon to the community as a whole. Our aim is to not only help about 1,600 people living with dementia on the island, but to also raise awareness and educate people to help remove the sgma and make Jersey a truly dementia friendly island. 37

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38Book ClubWhether con or non-ction, reading can be a great way to increase understanding about demena, as well as providing a useful acvity with people with dementia to help stimulate and maintain connections. This issue we feature two books that are recommended by our friends at Dementia UK.The Forgetful Elephant by Irene MackaySlow Puncture : Living well with dementia by Peter Berry and Deb BuntHaving worked as a Nanny, author Irene Mackay trained as a professional Home Support Worker with Alzheimer Scotland aer her Mum was diagnosed with Vascular Demena. Having rst-hand experience of this life-changing condion, Irene is passionate about raising children’s awareness of demena. It can be dicult to explain to a small child the behavioural changes of a grandparent, parent or sibling who is aected by memory loss. This book shows how even the very young can maintain relaonships with loved ones with demena.Visit for praccal advice, arcles, links, events and resources, and subscribe to her Elliegrams newsleer for regular updates. Irene regularly presents interacve storytelling sessions for children, based on this book.This is an account of a year in the life of Peter Berry, an ordinary man living in a sleepy Suolk village. Happily married and running a successful business, Peter’s life changes when, at the age of y, he is given a terminal diagnosis of early-onset demena. Since that day, he has learned to live with his very own ‘demena monster’. From depression and suicide aempts through to his determinaon to confront his demena, Peter has embarked on a series of challenges to show that ‘life isn’t over with demena, it’s just a lile dierent’. Peter has now raised thousands of pounds for demena charies, cycling hundreds of miles in his quest to show that life is always worth living. When Peter meets Deb, recently rered, they embark on regular cycle rides and, as their friendship grows, Deb is able to look at her own life through the lens of Peter’s demena. In ‘Slow Puncture’, Peter tells the world what it is really like to live with a terminal condion and Deb learns to enjoy each day more fully. With a foreword by best-selling author Wendy Mitchell, author of ‘Somebody I Used to Know’, this is an inspiraonal look at both living in the present and coping with demena.“The way Peter and his wife have come to terms with the demena that has descended on him is both humbling and upliing…His story is an inspiraon.” Hugh Bonneville, lm and television actor.

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39Consumer CornerIn each issue of Demena Maers we will provide reviews of products and tech that are designed to help people with demena. In this issue we have selected items featured on the Alzheimer’s Society website. Toilet and bathroom signDemena-friendly signage can help orientate a person living with demena and allow them to maintain their independence. These signs can consist of text, images, or a combinaon of both, and any text should ideally contrast with the background to be easy to read. Our range of adhesive signs can be used on almost any surface, removed without leaving marks and re-used again and again.Available from the Alzeihmer’s Society online shop for £5.95 hps:// Drops water sweetsJelly Drops are award-winning sweets designed to boost water intake, developed with support from the Alzheimer’s Society’s Accelerator Programme. These bright, engaging drops can help people living with demena stay on top of their uids, independently and enjoyably!10% of prots goes to Alzheimer’s Society, supporng people with demena and ulmately nding a cure. Call 0808 164 8977 (free of charge) to place an order. The lile book of dawn chorusAn illustrated book featuring live recordings of some of the UK’s favourite birds. Reconnect with nature and recollect the beauty of bird song with a series of stunning demena friendly sound books. These easy to read and beaufully illustrated books include live recordings of some of the UK’s favourite birds. A terric trigger to help people with demena and disabling memory loss recall and enjoy the sounds of the natural world. Available from the Alzeihmer’s Society online shop for £14.99 hps://

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Ways you can support usOur running costs are over £600,000 per annum. We therefore rely on the support and generosity of the public and the business community. All money raised in Jersey is spent in Jersey.Donate OnlineMake a donaon online via our website: www.dementia.jeDonate by chequePlease make cheques payable to ‘Dementia Jersey’ and send to our office at the address below.FundraiseRaise money through a challenge event by walking, cycling, abseiling, trekking or skydiving for Dementia Jersey; or pick a challenge of your own. Please contact Nadine for more information. Email: nadine@dementia.jeVolunteerConsider volunteering at our events. For more information please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly. Email: susie@dementia.jeContact usTel: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeWeb: www.dementia.jePost: Dementia Jersey, Osprey House, Old Street, St Helier, JE2 3RG Hours: 9.00 - 14.00 Monday to FridayJersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us