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Dementia Matters Magazine Issue 2

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Issue 02 | 2023Support & AdviceAdvice and details about our support groupsActivitiesFull lisngs of all our dementia friendly acviesEducationFind out more about dementiaDementia Awareness WeekFind out what we have planned for this year’s event in MayInformationUseful informaon Fundraising NewsEvent and fundraising newsDementia FriendsFind out how you can become a Demena FriendThe quarterly magazine from

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Find us just aroundthe corner fromDementia Jersey, by the cows at 1aWest's Centre, St Helier, JE2 4ST 01534 733030www.corbettlequesne.comlouise.eden@corbettlequesne.comsimon.lofthouse@corbettlequesne.comanna.styles@corbettlequesne.comsarah.allchin@corbettlequesne.comPeace of mindin challenging timesWillsLasting Powers of Attorney Delegate servicesProbate servicesEstate planning Corbett Le Quesne Private ClientServices can assist you with:Cut out this voucher for 30% off a simple local Willcompleted with CLQ in June or July 2023.30% discount

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ContentsPage 6Reducing the risk of demenaPage 8Informaon for family membersPage 10Carer Support GroupsPage 14Dementia FriendsPage 16Meeng Place ProjectPage 18Dementia Friendly AcviesPage 22Geng to know...Page 24Volunteer SpotlightPage 26Demena Awareness WeekPage 32Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP)Page 34Book ClubPage 35Consumer CornerPage 28Fundraising NewsWelcome to the second issue of3It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our spring edion of Demena Maers.As well as updates on our usual therapeuc acvies, Carer’s Support Groups, Demena Friends and Meeng Place Project groups, this edion highlights our plans for Demena Awareness Week, starng on 21st May (page 26).In our rst edion we featured some of our sta and volunteers, and we connue to do so in this edion with Wendy, our Interim Lead Demena Advisor (page 13) and Dan, our Community Educaon and Meeng Place Project Co-ordinator (page 15). Our Volunteer Spotlight this month is Mary Osmond (page 24).Whatever your interest in the charity, we hope there’s something for everyone in this edion.All good wishesWendyWendy BuckleyInterim CEO - Dementia JerseyDementia Jersey, de Carteret House, Hilgrove Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4SLTelephone: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeHours: 9.00 - 14.00 Monday to Fridaywww.demena.jePublished byThere are over 100 types of demena. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of demena contribung to 60-70% of all causes. (WHO)Did you Did you know?know?

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Jersey Charies Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us onCycleCycle ChallengeChallengeSummer Summer CycleCycle ChallengeChallengeSummer Summer Cycle 100 miles in June and help raise money to support people in Jersey living with dementiaWhether you’re an avid cyclist or enjoy a leisurely weekend ride, this is a great opportunity to explore Jersey by bike or movate you to hit the gym bikes while raising vital funds. You have 30 days to complete your miles so you can take this challenge at your own pace. Queson is, will you be doing it in 30 days or 30 hours?Registraon fee: Adult £15.00, Child £7.50Individual fundraising target: £100To nd out more and to register, scan the QR Code or visit www.demen

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Reducing the risk of dementiaDementia Awareness WeekAcvies Volunteer SpotlightGeng to knowCarers’ Support GroupsWhile it is not possible to prevent all dementias, we now know that it is possible to reduce the risk of geng dementia, possibly by up to 40%, and that in the majority of cases, dementia is caused by a mix of risk factors. Find out more on Page 6.We’ll be celebrang Demena Awareness Week from 22nd - 28th May. We have a number of events and acvies planned to help raise awareness of demena and the support available to those living with and aected by demena in Jersey.Find out more on Page 26.Dementia Jersey oers a range of regular acvies for people living with or aected by demena and their carers.Find out more on Page 18.Meet Mary Osmond who has been volunteering regularly with Dementia Jersey since 2021.Find out more on Page 24.This issue we are geng to know Ronnie who is one of our Dementia Jersey acvity aendees.Find out more on Page 22.Demena Jersey currently run ve Carers’ Support Groups. These free, friendly, supporve groups are open to anyone supporng or caring for a relave or friend with demena. Find out more on Page 10.In this issue5

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ReducingReducingthe risk of dementiathe risk of dementiaWhile it is not possible to prevent all dementias, we now know that it is possible to reduce the risk of geng dementia, possibly by up to 40%, and that in the majority of cases, dementia is caused by a mix of risk factors.Some of the risk factors, like our age, our genecs, and our gender we can’t change, but other things we can. We have become familiar with the health messages associated with reducing our risk of geng cancer and diabetes for example, and while we know that some people will get ill even by following a healthy lifestyle, we also know that these illnesses are less likely if we take certain acons. The same is true for demena and, as with these other condions, it is important to take acon even in our 30s or 40s.The risk factors that we can’t change are our age, our genecs, and our gender. As we get older the likelihood of geng demena increases and although extremely rare, some types of demena are caused by genec factors. We also know that more women get demena than men, and this is not explained only by the fact that women tend to live longer than men. As demena is so common, many of us will have a relave with demena, but this does not mean that we will get it too. The good news is that most of us won’t.6

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Modifiable Modifiable RisksRisksthe risk of dementiathe risk of dementia7Alcohol consumpon – this should be kept to a minimumSmoking – if you smoke, stop smokingDiet – this should be ‘Mediterranean’, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and shBlood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol – check these and maintain them within healthy limitsHearing and eyesight – have these checked regularly and wear hearing aids and glasses if prescribedPhysical acvity – keep as acve within the limits of any pre-exisng health condionHead injury (oen called chronic traumac encephalopathy) – avoid any head injuryBrain smulaon – keep exercising your brain and learning new thingsWeight – keep your weight within healthy limits, neither underweight nor overweightStress – noce what causes you stress and work at keeping this to a minimumSleep – helps clear our brains of unhealthy proteins so maintain good sleep paernsSocial interacon – this is perhaps the best type of cognive smulaonEmoonal well-being – take noce of how you are feeling and manage stress, depression or anxietyThese are things we can all do to improve our brain health and are also benecial for a person already diagnosed with dementia to help minimise further decline.Help us support those living with demena in Jersey with a monthly donaon to Demena Jersey. To donate, visit www.demen the risk of dementiaThere are many things we can change to reduce the risk of dementia. These are called our modiable risks and include;

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InformationInformationfor families and friends of people with dementiaWe know that supporng or caring for a person with demena can be dicult and that you will probably need support yourself and reliable sources of informaon. We hope this arcle is helpful, but you might also nd useful informaon from the Alzheimer’s Society UK and Demena UK’s websites.8How Demena Jersey can help youDemena Jersey oers a range of informaon and support opons for people supporng or caring for a person with demena. Please see our website for further detailsOur support services include a drop-in service where you can have a brief chat with a member of our team, make an appointment with a Demena Advisor for a longer chat, nd out about our acvies and support groups, or pick up useful leaets.A Demena Advice service for you to talk with an expert advisor about any aspects of caring for a person with demena. They can also let you know about any other sources of help or benets available for you or the person with demena.We oer a choice of support groups at various locaons and mes. See page 10 for more informaon.A good range of therapeuc acvies for you to aend

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9together with the person you support or care for.A Demena PathwayA guide to the stages of demena, likely symptoms and the services available to you and the person with demena as demena progresses.Coming soonWe will be rolling out our new updated course for carers, The Demena Informaon Programme, which will be packed with useful informaon. More details will be available soon.Other sources of help and supportWe highly recommend the informaon provided by both the Alzheimer’s Society UK and Demena UK. In parcular, you should nd the Alzheimer’s Society UK’s booklet, Caring for a person with demena: A praccal guide, to be a good source of help. This is available online and is free to order by post. Some of the detail it contains about legal issues, benets and how to access care, is UK specic, so please do ask our Demena Advice team, if necessary, to clarify any of these details for Jersey.The Alzheimer’s Society UK and Demena UK also have a range of other informaon booklets and leaets on most subjects related to demena, all of which are available online and some are available from the Demena Jersey oce in St Helier.These booklets and leaets are excellent sources of informaon but as most people do nd that it is really helpful to talk to someone else about the dicules they are experiencing, please do get in touch with us. It’s good to talk and we are here to listen.Demena Jerseyde Carteret House, Hilgrove Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SLTel: 01534 723519Email: info@demena.jeThe Alzheimer’s Societya UKwww.demenauk.orgAlternavely, you may prefer to call Demena UK’s Helpline on 0800 888 6678, or email them at helpline@demena Jersey also provides a whole range of other therapeuc and social acvies for people with demena to enjoy along with a relave or friend. These include, Splashchat a swimming group (followed by good coee and chat), an art group, music groups, including our most popular Musical Memories, a Pétanque club, a walking group and our Fun ‘n’ Games groups East and West. Because we know it is so important for people with demena to keep acve and to enjoy a good social life, we are always in the process of designing new acvies – so – watch this space for news or let us know what you might like us to do next!Staying active and meeting othersUseful informationPeople living with demena and their carers have an equal right to respect and inclusion, and to diagnosis, quality care and treatment.Did you Did you know?know?

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What’s new with Carers’ Support Meetings10We connue to oer our weekly group carer meengs with Holme Grown, out East as a new venue. By oering a choice of locaon we hope it allows more carers to aend at least one meeng a month.In February we launched our new monthly e-calendar. Carers can now sign up to receive either an email, or postal invite, and booking is just a click or a call away. We also send out an individual reminder the week before a carer meeng in case you missed our calendar invite.Aending a meeng is free and we try to keep the refreshment prices to a minimum.Dementia Jersey Carers’ SupportCarers’ SupportMeetingsMeetingsTo ensure we are oering carers’ the very best support we will be sending out a brief survey giving carers a chance to share their thoughts and to let us know how we are doing.Look out for this towards the end of the April.

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11Carers’ Support Meeting Monterey Hotel, St HelierCarers’ Support Meeting Radisson Hotel, St HelierCarers’ Support Meeting Holme Grown, St ClementCarers’ Support Meeting Communicare, St BreladeCarers’ Support Meeting Coopers, Castle QuayWhen: Held quarterlyTime: 19.00 - 21.00Event Cost: Free There is a £2 charge for refreshments (please bring cash).For date of next meeng and to book your place please contact the oce.When: Held once a monthTime: 11.00 - 13.00Event Cost: Free There is a £3 charge for refreshments (please bring cash).For date of next meeng and to book your place please contact the oce.When: Held once a monthTime: 11.00 - 13.00Event Cost: Free There is a £1.50 charge for Tea and £2 for Coee (Please bring cash).For date of next meeng and to book your place please contact the oce.When: Held once a monthTime: 14.00 - 16.00Event Cost: Free There is a £2 charge for refreshments (please bring cash).For date of next meeng and to book your place please contact the oce.When: Held once a monthTime: 19.00 - 21.00Event Cost: Free There is a £2 charge for refreshments (please bring cash).For date of next meeng and to book your place please contact the oce.Demena Jersey currently run ve Carers’ Support Groups. Details, dates and mes are listed in the boxes below.These free, friendly, supporve groups are open to anyone supporng or caring for a relave or friend with demena. They are informal opportunies to meet others over a cup of good coee. Our Demena Advisor team aend these meengs and will be happy to chat with you too.How to join our Carers’ support groupsTo book your place at one of these sessions, or for further informaon on dates, LEAP discussion and speaker topics please contact us. Tel: 723519 Email: info@demen

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In March we held our rst meeng for the year. Demena Jersey welcomed well-being expert Tina Hesse. Tina has a huge range of experience and topics she is able to share at meengs. On this occasion she spoke about the importance of self-love and suggested, if we only do one thing following her session, we’ll start being kinder to ourselves.The evening was a very relaxed event over tea, coee and great cake, with ample me for carers to catch up and share ideas.Meet the team12Our Carers’ Support Meengs with Guest Speaker are aimed at family and friends caring for someone living with demena and feature guest speakers presenng on a broad range of subjects.Support GroupSpotlightSupport Group Guest Speaker Sessions The next Speaker evening planned at the Monterey Hotel is Thursday 1st June, 19:00 – 21:00 and we welcome new and current carers to contact us if they would like to join.For further informaon please contact or call us on (01534) 723519

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Meet our Interim Lead Demena AdvisorWendy MunnI have gained knowledge and experience in Domiciliary and Live-in Care, Care Home Management and completed an NVQ level 3 in Adult Care and RQF 5 in Leadership and Management for Adult Care.What I love about my jobI am passionate about assisng people with demena, their families and friends. By working in Domiciliary and Live-in Care I realised that more needs to be done to bring awareness and change to the growing number of people living with demena. In order to do this one has to be involved from the beginning of someone’s journey and that is why I am excited to be part of the Demena Jersey team and rmly believe that together we can make a signicant dierence.Did You KnowI love spending me outdoors in nature, am a passionate year-round cold water sea swimmer and enjoy cycling round the island. I have an extensive travel “barrel” list and hope to do more travel in the future. On colder days I enjoy re-purposing furniture and building puzzles.Having worked as an accountant for 25 years it was me for a career change. In 2018 I relocated from South Africa to the UK where my journey as a live-in Health Care Assistant began. When I relocated to Jersey to care for my rst demena client, I realised I had found my dream job and home.Meet the teamSupport when you need it mostSupport when you need it mostDemena Jersey are here to point you in the right direcon and oer every support we can to people with dementia, and their family, friends and carers.Email: info@demen Tel: 01534 72351913

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14DementiaDementiaFriendsFriendsAt Demena Jersey, part of our mission is to improve understanding and awareness of demena throughout the island. By helping people understand this complex and oen misunderstood condion, we hope to make our community more demena friendly. Helping, caring for and protecng people is at the heart of a strong island community. This is why our educaon programme is designed to involve everyone from local businesses and government services to community groups, schools and families. Demena Friends Jersey awareness sessions can be booked for small groups, secondary schools and workplaces. This internaonal iniave teaches you what it’s like to live with the challenges of demena and then helps you turn your new understanding into posive acons. Also available are our ‘Young Person’s Demena Awareness Sessions’ or an informave ‘Lunch & Learn’ session for those who want to learn more about the work of Demena Jersey in general. All our sessions are free of charge, and we have something for everyone. Contact Demena Jersey today to nd out how our educaon programme can help you or your organisaon become more demena aware. Sign up to become a Dementia FriendFor further informaon or to book a training session please Email: info@demen or Tel: 01534 723519.Dan recently held sessions with the students at Beaulieu School and team members from Hawksford.

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15Dan with ocers from the States of Jersey Police force aer another successful Demena Friends session at the Police HQ.Dementia educationMeet our Educaon and Meeting Place CoordinatorDan Du HeaumeAer training as a teacher, Dan moved into the charity sector, working for some of the UK’s biggest environmental charies and the oldest health charity in Nonghamshire. He brings a wealth of experse in community engagement, teaching and project management to his roles at Demena Jersey. What I love about my job I love working with people and organisaons who want to help others and give back to their community. That’s why I’m so thrilled to be part of the team at Demena Jersey. I’m so proud of the sta and volunteers who help deliver The Meeng Place Project each week. The way it supports people to live a rich and full life aer diagnosis is amazing, and the peer support the members give each other is inspiring! It’s also fantasc to meet and work with so many people on the island who want to learn more about demena and help us with our mission to make Jersey more demena friendly. Did You Know Dan has a busy family life with 3 young kids and a cat. He enjoys music, playing drums and guitar, skateboarding, juggling and gardening. He also helps to teach the demena module as part of the Health & Social care course at Highlands College. Dan joined the team in January 2021 and is responsible for the community educaon programme and delivering ‘The Meeng Place Project’, the charity’s agship community-based support programme.

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16The Meeting PlaceThe Meeting PlaceProjectProjectAt Demena Jersey we understand that geng a diagnosis of demena is dierent for everyone. For some people this can be daunng and emoonally overwhelming, whilst other people have described some sense of relief that they nally have answers for the symptoms they have been experiencing.Many people with demena want to nd ways to cope with these symptoms, look for ways to stay healthy and smulate their memory and thinking skills.Dementia Jersey’s special programme that oers people the opportunity to share experiences with others in a similar situaon.

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17This is why we’ve created The Meeting Place ProjectThe project oers varied sessions that provide an opportunity to share experiences and talk with other people in similar situaons. We also explore ways to smulate memory and thinking skills, build self-esteem and keep our bodies healthy. Currently we host three Meeng Place Projects each week, all are morning sessions running from 10:00am – 12:30pm on the following days.MondaysThursdays andFridays Wondering whether this group is right for you?The Meeting Place Project is:• A group for people with mild symptoms of demena.• A place to meet others with dementia for advice and support.• Learn about symptoms and ways to manage them.• Take part in brain smulang acvies, including language and number games, discussions about living with dementia and light physical exercise.How to sign up to the Meeting Place ProjectA diagnosis of demena and a good level of independence is required to join the Meeng Place Project.Suitability for the group will then be explored through a follow-up face-to-face meeng.Membership is reviewed periodically and due to the progressive nature of dementia there may come a me when members no longer qualify for the group; in this situaon people will be consulted and supported into other acvies oered by Dementia Jersey if they wish to do so.For an informal discussion and to apply to aend please contact Demena Jersey at or call us on01534 723519Meeting Place Project

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18Dementia FriendlyDementia FriendlyActivitiesActivitiesDementia Jersey oer a range of regular acvies for people living with or aected by dementia and their carers. Our groups are very popular so do please contact us to check we have spaces. For further informaon about any of our acvies, please contact our Acvies and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly: Email: susie@demen or Tel: 01534 723519

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Time: 11.00 - 12.30Venue: St HelierJoin us every Tuesday for a cuppa and an opportunity to talk with other clients, carers and our volunteers. Coee & Connect provides a great seng for those living with demena and those caring for someone with demena, to take a break and connect with others who are going through the same journey. Share stories or just listen and share some laughter.Free | + £3 for refreshmentsThis activity is currently at full capacity. Please email susie@demen to be added to the waing list.Fun ‘n’ Games Out WestCoffee & ConnectSplashchat19Dementia FriendlyDementia FriendlyThe full list of Dementia Jersey weekly acvies are listed on the following three pages.TuesdaysTuesdaysMondaysTime: 14.00 - 15.30Venue: St BreladeJoin us for fun ‘n’ games every Monday aernoon in St Brelade. Jigsaws, painng & colouring, dominoes, Bingo and cards! Or bring along your portable cra and join our knit & naer corner.Free | Refreshments includedBooking in advance is required.Time: 10.30 - 11.30 Venue: St HelierSplashchat is a weekly social swimming group jointly run by the Occupaonal Therapists, the Memory Assessment Service, Demena Jersey and the AquaSplash. A 30 minute swim is followed by the opportunity to join the Coee and Connect group aerwards.Free | + £3 for Coee & ConnectBooking in advance is required.Weekly activities

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Time: 14.30 - 15.30Venue: St HelierMeet at Coopers Coee for a gentle 30-minute walk around the marina followed by a refreshment break at Coopers. Our route is in an accessible locaon away from busy roads and over at terrain with regular seats for those who would like a quick break and take in their surroundings.Free | + Cost of refreshments at CoopersBooking in advance is required.Art ExplorationWalk ‘n’ TalkPétanque in the Park20WednesdaysThursdaysSession 1: 10:00 –11:15 Session 2: 11:30 - 12:45Venue: St PeterThis art therapy programme is specically designed for people with demena and members of their families and carers.Join us and explore your creavity! Free parking.Free | Refreshments includedBooking in advance is required.Time: 10.30 - 12.00Venue: St MarnAny budding Pétanque players please join us! St Marn Village Green is a great venue for a walk too so we hope to get people acve either by playing Pétanque, having a walk (or both!) and joining us for a drink, which we serve at the Pétanque terrain. We also run indoor Pétanque sessions during the winter months.Free | refreshments includedBooking in advance is required.WednesdaysWeekly activitiesDue to popularity we are now holding two session

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Time: 15.30 - 17.00Venue: St HelierMusical Memories is a weekly singing group for people with demena and their carers. Join us as we sing well loved songs, play musical instruments and engage in musical acvies.Most of all we have fun and share laughter with an aim to:• Smulate memory • Increase communicaon• Encourage social networks • Rusty voices welcome!Free | refreshments includedThis activity is currently at full capacity. Please email susie@demen to be added to the waing list.Fun ‘n’ Games Out EastMusical MemoriesNew Activities team member21FridaysThursdaysTime: 14.00 - 15.30Venue: Caldwell Hall (New Venue)Join us for fun ‘n’ games every Thursday aernoon.Jigsaws, painng & colouring, dominoes, Bingo and cards! Or bring along your portable cra and join our knit & naer corner.Free | Refreshments includedBooking in advance is required.For further information and to register your interest to join one of our dementia friendly activities, please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly: Email: Tel: 01534 723519Want to sign up for one of our activities?Weekly activitiesHelen Toole joined Demena Jersey as the new Acvies & Volunteer Assistant at the beginning of March to assist Susie in delivering our weekly acvies. Having an extra pair of hands means we’re able to increase the number and type of weekly acvies we oer. As part of this planned acvies expansion we’ve been able to oer an addional Art Exploraon session on a Wednesday morning (see page 20) and we’re busy preparing our new allotment ‘Forget-Me-Not Plot’ in St Clements. Welcome to the team Helen!

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22Getting to know...

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Ron loves holidaying and in the last 20 years he has cruised to many places including Europe, Canada, China, USA, Dubai and India (to name but a few!).A stonemason by trade Ronnie knocked down and rebuilt the family home where he and Jane sll live 36 years later. He worked in the evenings and at weekends using friends and tradesmen he had met.Ron has always recycled even before it was fashionable and used granite salvaged from a p in St Ouens and reused bricks from the original coage to build his family home.A claim to fame is coming 2nd to Ian Woosnan in a golf match at La Moye Club where Ronnie has been a member since hanging up his football boots aged 38.Ron loves his family and now has two granddaughters, Ella, aged three and Amber, four months, who he may (or may not) know about Ronnie:5 Facts23Getting to knowNazarenno, (Ronnie), was born in Malta, moved to London aged ve and nally seled in Jersey in the late 1960s. Ronnie lives in St Helier with his wife Jane.They’ve been married for 38 years, and have two children, Danielle and Anthony.Ronnie enjoys aending; The Meeng Place Project, Coee & Connect and Musical Memories.Ronnie was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016.In each issue of Dementia Maers we are taking some me to put the person before the demena. This issue we are geng to know Ronnie who is one of our Dementia Jersey acvity aendees.Meet activities attendeeRonnie Apap12345

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24Volunteer Spotlight

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25Volunteer SpotlightMeet Mary Osmond who has been volunteering regularly with Demena Jersey since 2021. I am so proud to volunteer with Demena Jersey. I got involved aer my husband Sam was diagnosed with demena 4 years ago – bucket shaking for Demena Awareness Week! I soon graduated to Pétanque and then Musical Memories. I wanted to get involved so I could help others as well as geng support for myself and learning about demena.Pétanque (in St Marn’s on a Thursday morning), was brand new last year and from a small group we soon grew to several ‘players’ of all abilies. There is always a lot of laughter and being out in the fresh air is so good - I love it. I’d been a runner and played tennis but never pétanque, but soon picked it up as we have seasoned players to help, encourage and teach.I also help at Musical Memories which is a wonderful aernoon of singing and general jollity. Song sheets mean everyone can join in and our music therapist Ma gets everyone singing and having a great me. For me, who loves singing anything from pop to church music and all in between, it’s a great start to my weekend. I feel uplied by the smiles and joy on the faces of those living with demena and friendships have been formed. Sam doesn’t come to these group acvies as he’s quite a shy man. He’s content to stay at home and has recently discovered wooden puzzles bought locally and he can sit for hours doing them. I feel he’s not only using his brain but also dexterity which is important. He surprises me on a daily basis with his skill. The family are also amazed at this newly acquired ‘hobby’.Group acvies are not for everyone, but the team at Demena Jersey are always looking for new iniaves for those living with demena and have recently acquired an allotment in St Clements. I know Sam will love this as he had an allotment for 15 years when he rered in 2002. I’ll go with him but won’t get my hands dirty – I’ll read or do my kning!Meet our activities volunteerMeet Mary Osmond Meet Mary Osmond VolunteerVolunteerInterested in volunteering? Please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator Susie Kelly: Email: Tel: 01534 723519

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26DementiaDementiaWe’ll be celebrang Demena Awareness Week from 22nd - 28th May (a week later than the UK), and this year we’re focusing on risk reducon and the simple steps people can take to lower their risk of dementia.Awareness WeekAwareness WeekWe have a number of events and acvies planned to help raise awareness of demena and the support available to those living with and aected by demena in Jersey.

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27Free 1 hour Demena Friends lunchme sessions Become a Demena Friend! We’ll be hosng two lunchme sessions at Santander Work Café on Tuesday 23rd May (12:00 -13:00pm) and Wednesday 24th May (13:00 -14:00pm), giving islanders the opportunity to gain more of an understanding of what it’s like to live with demena and how to turn that understanding into acon to help support others living with demena.The sessions will be free to aend, and you can book your space via Eventbrite closer to the me.Bag packing Demena volunteers and corporate partners, including Radisson and Ocorian, will be on the lls at Coop Grand Marche St Helier on Thursday 25th May, bag packing to help raise money for our charity.Informaon stalls Brook StreetDemena Jersey sta and volunteers will be in town, opposite Voisins on Monday 22nd, Wednesday 24th and Friday 26th. We’ll be on hand to answer quesons about demena and the support available, as well as sharing top ps to keep your brain healthy. You will also be able to purchase some merchandise, like our much-loved branded canvas bags!Waitrose (St Saviour)Look out for Demena Jersey sta at Waitrose (St Saviour) on Tuesday 23rd May, from 10:00 -15:00. They’ll be there to answer any quesons and provide leaets about our services and support.St Clement Community MarketWe’ve kindly been chosen as the St Clement Community Market beneciary on Saturday 20th May. There will be lots of lovely stalls selling cras, jewellery, fresh baked goods and plants. We’ll be there in our purple t-shirts at our informaon stall; pop along and enjoy some community spirit!Here’s how you can get involvedHere’s how you can get involvedHelp us support those living with demena in Jersey with a monthly donaon to Demena Jersey. To donate, visit www.demen

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28Dementia Awareness Week 2023On Sunday 21st May, 40 islanders will be taking on the challenge of abseiling 27 metres down Val de la Mare dam. Although we no longer have spaces for this epic challenge, you can get involved by showing them some support and making a donaon towards the challenge via hps://www.demen all have a role to play in making Jersey a demena friendly island, and that’s what Demena Awareness Week is all about. Geng involved could be as simple as signing up to a free Demena Friends session on a lunch break or popping by the awareness stall. If you have any quesons about how you can get involved, please give us a call on 01534 723519 or email nadine@demen Abseil Abseil at Val de la Mareat Val de la MareThere are currently 1,600 people in Jersey living with demena. For each person with demena, seven other people – spouse, partner, carer, family and friends – are aected and need advice and support too.Did you Did you know?know?

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29Fundraising - Doing it for DementiaAshley is running the London Marathon to raise money for Demena Jersey and has so far raised, £1,355. You can show Ashley some support via her fundraising page:th2Bianca will be doing the White Collar Boxing with Boxinbusiness on the 13th May and has chosen to raise money for Demena Jersey in memory of her Popa. You can show Bianca some support via her fundraising page: We’re so grateful to all those who get involved and help us move closer to our vision of making Jersey a demena friendly island.AshleyLondon MarathonBiancaWhite Collar BoxingDave made and sold a number of decorave light ngs to raise money for Demena Jersey. He has raised over £500.Dave - Artwork SalesWe have some amazing individuals and organisaons taking on their own epic challenges and fundraising events to help raise vital funds to support the work we do. Here are just a few of them... FundraiseFundraiseIf you would like to take on your own challenge and raise funds for Demena Jersey, please contact our Income & Engagement Coordinator, Nadine.Email: Tel: 01534 723519

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It was great to see a mix of exisng and new supporters geng involved, with some going above and beyond the 50 miles! And hearing about those taking on their own version of the challenge, including one of our acvity aendees, Joni, who took 50 bus journies in January, and 33 Appleby sta members, who incorporated the 50 Mile Challenge with their internal ‘Jog into January’ iniave.This year was the rst year we had a sponsor for our 50 Mile Challenge, and we wanted to take this opportunity to thank Ravenscro for supporng the work we do by kindly sponsoring the challenge. Thank you!Thank you!50 Mile Challenge50 Mile ChallengeFundraising UpdateMore than £18,000 was raised back in January by the 250 islanders who took part in our 50 Mile Challenge. Thank you to everyone who got involved, whether it was pung in the miles or sponsoring friends and family.30

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Support those living with dementia in Jersey by giving monthlyScan this QR Code to visit our donations page£5£5 £10£10 £20£20will pay for new song books for our popular Musical Memories sessions for people with dementia.will pay for plants and owers in our new therapeuc allotment site for people with dementia.will pay for a face to face support session for up to 20 carers run by our Dementia Advisors.a month a month a monthwww.dementia.jeIndividuals that give a monthly gi move us a step closer to achieving our vision of a dementia friendly island. Scan the code to nd out more.DonateDonateBy choosing to donate monthly, you’re helping to make sure we can connue to provide life-changing support to islanders living with dementia. A regular gi means we can rely on consistent support and more eecvely budget throughout the year. Dementia Jersey exists to provide advice, support and informaon to the community as a whole. Our aim is to not only help about 1,600 people living with dementia on the island, but to also raise awareness and educate people to help remove the sgma and make Jersey a truly dementia friendly island.

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32Lived Experience Lived Experience Advisory PanelAdvisory Panel (LEAP)During 2023 the Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) meengs will be held quarterly. (January, April, July and November).In January the LEAP topic for discussion was “Food including the ability to eat and drink, shopping, cooking, choking, diecian, dehydraon, crockery and utensils”.A healthy, balance diet can help improve a person’s quality of life. However, common symptoms of demena (such as memory loss and dicules with thinking and problem solving) can make it more dicult to eat and drink well. Although eang and drinking dicules are common in people with demena, each person’s dicules will be unique to them and their situaon.A person with demena may struggle to recognise the food and drink in front of them. They may also be unsure how to begin eang. Comments from Panel members living with demena included “I had no appete at all when I was diagnosed, I had to work on building my appete back to normal”, “I need assistance with cung my food and prefer to go to places that are not too noisy”. Carers on the Panel discussed that most people with demena drink more water when at home because the toilet is close by. However, when going out all day and it is hot, hardly any water is consumed, and this aects the mood the next day or even up to two days aerwards.The Panel discussed the new rule in supermarkets where expiry dates on some foods weren’t going to be monitored as closely as before. Some felt that this may cause people to get sick, others commented that during the war you ate everything regardless of the expiry date. A fridge was also LEAPThe Panel discussed the new rule in supermarkets where expiry dates on some foods weren’t going to be monitored

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33Lived Experience Advisory Panela luxury with most items been kept in a cellar.When the Panel members were asked about eang for Brain Health a carer commented that the Memory Assessment Services (MAS) had given them a lot of reading material but when receiving a demena diagnosis healthy eang is the last thing on your mind. People living with demena made the following comments: “Meals on Wheels deliver healthy and hearty meals for lunch, so I just have something light for dinner, like soup or crackers and cheese”, “I live alone and have always eaten well and cook for myself”, “When my partner is with me, I eat well. Now in hospital so I usually just make a sandwich”, “I eat more fruit and vegetables now”, “I eat more healthy foods and avoid alcohol” “I enjoy eang with people than alone”.Panel members expressed when going out for meals they have found that the prices have gone up a lot so prefer to just stay home and save money, another Panel member living with demena shared that they aren’t able to read and follow the menu and that an easy to read menu would be appreciated. The Panel recommended that MAS set up a separate appointment aer receiving a demena diagnosis to share informaon on healthy eang and drinking, restaurants, pubs and coee shops to have easy to read menus and more awareness on Brain Health at schools.The Jersey Demena Strategy team have been aending carer meengs and acvies to speak to both people living with demena and carers. This will ensure that all Islanders views are been included in the wring of the Demena Strategy for the Island.All LEAP reports can be found on our website, if you would like to nd out more about LEAP or speak with a Demena Advisor, please contact us on info@demen or call 723519.

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34Book ClubWhether con or non-ction, reading can be a great way to increase understanding about demena, as well as providing a useful acvity with people with dementia to help stimulate and maintain connections. This issue we feature two books that are recommended by our friends at Dementia UK.The Lile Girl in the Radiator by Marn SlevinAnna and the Beast: The true story of a young mum diagnosed with demenaby Chrisne ReddallThrough descripons of events they shared, the author gives an excellent and oen humorous insight into the challenges family members face, sharing acons he took to overcome the symptoms and behaviours his mother experienced. Areas such as the atudes of the general public, the diculty of making decisions around long term care are also depicted in a sensive manner and the author shares his own emoons and thoughts with dignity.The straighorward language and honesty of the author makes it an enjoyable read for carers and health professionals alike.A mother’s honest and heart-breaking account of her family’s experience of their daughter, Anna’s, young onset behavioural variant Fronto-Temporal Demena (bvFTD). Anna’s story starts from her happy childhood, moving on to her successful career and the start of her own young happy family. Anna’s mother then charts the pain, frustraon and confusion of tackling an invisible condion; one which changes Anna’s behaviour and personality, and leads to helplessness and desperaon trying to nd the correct diagnosis.A narrave is given to the confusing emoons that family carers experience. Anna’s family’s story grants permission to others to accept the conicng emoons that early-onset demena brings into the familyThis book is a must-read for family carers supporng a loved one with young onset demena.

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Big buon photo telephoneThe wooden dget widgets are designed to provide smulaon through parcular moons.Helps with: Stress and reassurance, Diculty Sleeping, Comfort.This ve pack of wooden dgets is available from the Alzheimer’s Society online shop for £55.83.They are also sold individually at £13.33 eachhps:// big buon photo telephone has eight photo buons, and three smaller buons without pictures that you can also programme to call numbers with just one touch. Key features:8 photo ID memory buons.Big Buon Keypad.Extra clear numbers for opmal contrast.Hands-free speakerphone.Available from the Alzheimer’s Society online shop for £54.16hps:// product is for indoor use. It can be posioned in a range of locaons such as in a wardrobe, under a cabinet, in a kitchen cupboard, in a bedroom, in a bathroom, in hallways, on stairs, in the shed and much more. The bright LED lights up when it senses movement. It stays on for 30 seconds aer the moon has stopped. This will light your path and avoid unnecessary injury from trips and falls in the night.It has a low power drain LED which provides a long baery life.Key Features: Wall xing bracket: 1 (can also be used free standing). Brightness: 80 Lumens output. Dimensions: 10 inches long Detecon zone: up to 5 metres & 100 degrees.Available from the Alzheimer’s Society online shop for £16.99hps:// CornerIn each issue of Dementia Maers we will providing reviews of products and tech that are designed to help people with dementia.In this issue we have selected items recommended and reviewed by the UK Alzheimer’s Society.Get up in the night sensor lightFidget Widget ToolkitSet of 5 Sensory gadgets that help to keep hands busy and relaxed.Card HolderIdeal for use by people who have poor grip, or for small hands, the playing card holder consists of two plasc discs held together by a spring. Once sorted, the card holder will then grip the cards throughout the game. Available from the Alzheimer’s Society online shop for £3.99hps://

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Ways you can Ways you can support ussupport usOur running costs are over £500,000 per annum. We therefore rely on the support and generosity of the public and the business community. All money raised in Jersey is spent in Jersey.Donate OnlineDonate OnlineMake a donaon online via our website: www.dementia.jeDonate by chequeDonate by chequePlease make cheques payable to ‘Dementia Jersey’ and send to our office at the address below.FundraiseFundraiseRaise money through a challenge event by walking, cycling, abseiling, trekking or skydiving for Dementia Jersey; or pick a challenge of your own. Please contact Nadine for more information. Email: nadine@dementia.jeVolunteerVolunteerConsider volunteering at our events. For more information please contact our Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Susie Kelly. Email: susie@dementia.jeContact usContact usTel: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeWeb: www.dementia.jePost: Dementia Jersey, de Carteret House, Hilgrove Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4SLHours: 9.00 - 14.00 Monday to FridayJersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us