Please place a recent photo of yourself hereWrite your name hereThis is information
‘This is me’ is a simple booklet for anyone receiving professional care who is living with demena. A person who has demena can nd changes to roune such as moving to an unfamiliar place or meeng new people who contribute to their care, unseling or distressing. ‘This is me’ can help to reduce this distress. ‘This is me’ can be used to record details about a person who can’t easily share informaon about themselves and can be used in any seng - at home, in hospital, in respite care or in a care home.‘This is me’ can help professional carers and healthcare professionals build a beer understanding of who the person is so they can deliver care that is tailored to the person’s needs. ‘This is me’ should be lled in by an individual who knows the person best and if possible, with the person it is regarding involved. This is meThis is me2
My name:I like to be called:Carers/people who know me best:I would like you to know:About meAbout me3
My personal history, family and friends, pets and any treasured possessions:Personal historyPersonal history4
My habits and routinesMy habits and routinesThe following rounes are important to me:Things I like to do for myself:Things I might need help with:5
My habits and routinesMy habits and routines6Things that may worry or upset me:Things that help me feel beer if I am upset or anxious:
My communicationMy communication7VerballyA bit of bothI can writeGestures/poinngI can readOtherIf other please explain:SomewhatWell Not so well
8My mobilityMy mobilityI’m mobileI have a walking aidI can use stairsI need support to get aroundOtherIf other please explain:SomewhatYesYesYesYes Not so muchNoNoNo
9My personal habitsMy personal habitsI prefer I prefer I prefer I need assistanceLikes and dislikesLikes and dislikesPersonal carePersonal careMy eatingMy eatingMy drinkingMy drinkingBathYesDay meFemale carerShower SpongeNoEveningMale carer
10My personal habitsMy personal habitsMy sleep routine and habitsHow I take my medicationMy sleepMy sleepMy MedicaonMy Medicaon
11NotesNotesAddional informaon about me
With your help, we can ensure that people living with dementia connue to have the support they need.Together, we can help make Jersey a truly demena friendly island.For further informaon or to speak to one of our team Tel: 01534 723519 or Email: info@demena.jeWe provide emotional We provide emotional support including:support including:• Support and advice• Therapeuc acvies• Social groups for people with demena and carers• Educaonal programmes for the local communityWe’re a local charity We’re a local charity committed to supporting committed to supporting people with dementia and people with dementia and the family and friends caring for themthe family and friends caring for themwww.dementia.jeDementia Dementia advice and advice and supportsupportFind, Like and Share us onJersey Charies Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen Kyd