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Dementia Jersey Impact Report 2024

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www.dementia.jeA year of transformationDementia Jersey Impact Report 2023

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2We are Dementia Jersey, the only local charity for people with dementia and those who care for them.

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2023 has been quite a year. We have been there for families when they have had nowhere else to turn. Through our acvies, groups and one-to-one support we have reached hundreds of families, helping them make dicult decisions and plan for the future. We have also co-authored the rst Demena Strategy for Jersey, for which we have been lobbying over many years.Demena has had a higher prole recently, sadly because it is now recognised as the leading single cause of death in Jersey. This, together with our ageing populaon, means it’s the right me to put the needs of people with demena at the top of the agenda. By co-authoring the Demena Strategy for Jersey we’ve been given a unique opportunity to achieve a step change for people with demena and their families. For too long families have had to put up with a long wait to get diagnosed, endured professional carers with lile or no specialist training in demena and had very few opportunies for respite. We hope by shining a spotlight on these injusces that change is on the way. This change also needs to address the way society views demena. Sgma and discriminaon heighten the already signicant psychological, social, emoonal and nancial impacts that demena makes. Where beer to start challenging sgma than in schools? We have partnered with four schools and six scout groups in 2023 to extend our demena awareness training and are working towards a goal of partnering with every school in the island. We have also piloted a Demena Friendly Business scheme where we audit retail outlets to advise them how their premises and sta can be more demena friendly. We are proud of all that we have accomplished in the last year, and this is thanks to our dedicated sta and trustees, our amazing volunteers and you, our incredible, generous and loyal supporters. As always, we are nothing without you and your life-changing support. Every gi brings us one step closer to a demena friendly Jersey. Welcome from our CEO Claudine Snape,CEO - Demena Jersey3

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4With your support we are transforming lives 100%6,3974761,018of attendees said they enjoyed meeting people in the same boat and 75% said they feel less isolated aer attending our eventsWe hadattendances to our therapeutic activitiespeople aented our Dementia Friends trainingWe co-authored theJersey Dementia Strategy people received expert support from dementia advisors

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52023 compared to 2022 Overall we had 1,808 more aendances than last year to appointments with Demena Advisors, events for carers and our programme of acvies. This is largely due to the expansion of our programme with the introducon of several new acvies and groups that were introduced mid-way through 2022.AttendancesService 2022 2023 NotesCommunity events 73 162 Arts exploraon 641 972 second session in 2023Musical Memories 1267 1166 Fun & Games 370 866 new in 2022Coee and Connect 1335 1164 Gardening Project 162 new in 2023Splashchat 199 193 Walk ‘n’ Talk 205 396 new in 2022Pétanque 592 new in 2022Meeng Place Project 449 886 new groups in 2023Demena Friends 457 476 Awareness talks 915 670 Appointments with Demena Advisors 478 466 Carer’s Support events 526 552 TOTAL 6,915 8,723 When asked 75% of attendees say the activities ‘put a smile on my face for the rest of the day’

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Advice and supportWe made sure that people with dementia and those who care for them got the advice and support they needed to improve their quality of life. In 2023 we:Oered condenal support from demena advisers to over 1,000 aendees to carers group meengs and 1-2-1 sessions. Our advisers helped families navigate life-changing diagnoses and connected them to services that promoted their physical, mental and emoonal well-being.Expanded our volunteer-led therapeuc acvies for people with demena by employing a new acvies assistant, launching a new gardening club and expanding Fun ‘n’ Games. Current popular acvies include art, music, swimming, Petanque, coee mornings and puzzles/games. Grew our community of volunteers to over 152 up from 111 last year. Introduced another group to our Meeng Place Project, which supports people with a recent diagnosis with a mixture of weekly cognive therapy, group work and movement. 6“The friends I’ve made through Dementia Jersey provide the support and understanding that makes life worth living again”.

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7“Delighted to see my Dad so happy with his medal! He was a great runner and footballer in his youth and so has many medals and trophies to his name. I know from chang with him that pétanque is something he enjoys - he talks about it most days - and somehow that it connects to his memories of him being a sportsman for most of his life”.“Thank you for giving him this weekly joy”

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8Influence professional practice We used our experse to inuence professional pracce in order to improve island-wide services.In 2023 we:Worked in partnership with the Government of Jersey and co-authored the rst Jersey Demena Strategy which will be launched to the public in 2024. The strategy makes 5 key recommendaons which tackle the challenges negavely aecng the quality of life of islanders with demena. Connued to grow the Lived Experience Advisory Panel which is a group of up to 40 people with demena and carers who comment on issues relang to their experiences on a quarterly basis, and whose recommendaons are shared widely to inuence improvements (and followed up). Worked with a range of partners and working groups for example the Older People’s Living Forum and the Jersey CEO Network to inuence work to improve professional services, training and policies aecng people with demena and those who care for them. We joined a programme sponsored by Lloyd’s Bank Foundaon which builds condence, develops knowledge and shares good pracce in engaging people with lived experience in charity work.“I really enjoy the Meeng Place on a Friday (which hosts the LEAP topics). Always puts a smile on my face”.

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9Rachel McBride, co-author of the Jersey Demena Strategy said:“Working in partnership with Demena Jersey on the islands’ rst demena strategy has been truly valuable and has added a richness and depth that would not have been achieved if the strategy had been developed alone. Drawing on skills, experience, networks, and knowledge held by Demena Jersey and by the Government has enabled us to create a set of challenging yet pragmac strategic commitments which will make a real dierence to islanders. Our shared passion and determinaon to ensure that people with demena and those people who support them are valued and supported well, has given us a common purpose, and has shown what can be achieved by working in partnership”.

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10Educating islanders to understand more about dementia and remove the stigma Many islanders are not aware of the approaches which are fundamental to making people with demena feel understood and supported.In 2023 we:Expanded our free introducon to demena awareness sessions into four primary schools and six scouts groups with the ambion that all schools become demena friendly by the end of the strategy. Connued with our popular free Demena Friends programme and trained 476 people.Ran a pilot with Jersey Hospice Care for a new chargeable Demena Friendly Businesses Scheme, which oers cercaon to organisaons who provide services to people who may have demena. This programme will be rolled out in 2024. Finalised the training materials that we plan to oer to carers in Q2 next year, ensuring the training is praccal and meets the ‘real world’ challenges carers face on a regular basis. Researched and prepared an excing new campaign focused on ‘Brain Health’ partnering with Alzheimer’s Research UK which will launch in 2024. 70% of islanders don’t realise they can reduce their risk of developing dementia

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11Interested in your business becoming dementia friendly? A dementia friendly business is a business that is aware of the needs and challenges of people living with demena and adjusts its products, services, and environment to accommodate them. A demena friendly business can benefit from increased customer loyalty, improved reputaon and enhanced sta morale. They will also know that they are doing the best that they can for the residents of Jersey who are living with demena.Becoming a demena friendly business is straighorward, though it may require some adjustments over me to some parts of how a business runs itself. We help any organisaon that wishes to become more demena friendly by guiding them through a process that will improve their services for people with demena and their carers. Contact us to nd out more. Mike Palfreman, Chief Execuve, Jersey Hospice Care said :“Jersey Hospice Care were delighted and proud to have the opportunity to become Demena Jersey’s rst Demena Friendly business. We found the process both smooth and informave, and this exercise has been really useful in helping us idenfy how we can provide even beer support for paents and all our stakeholders with demena”.

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12Making it happen To help achieve our ambion of a demena friendly island in 2023 we:Grew sta numbers to expand services to meet demand. In 2023 we welcomed a Demena Project Manager and an Acvies Assistant, both of which were new roles. Created a team manifesto which arculates what good teamwork looks like. Moved to new interim premises which allow ample space for our sta while we connue the search for long-term accessible premises. Reduced our environmental impact by recycling our oce furniture and using some recycled furniture in our new premises. Invested in technology by:Partnering with Connuum to introduce a new CRM meaning we have a beer understanding of our impact and ability to keep in touch with supporters. Developing a new website which enables users to book events and beer showcases our work and impact. Using an app for our Demena Friendly Business assessments signicantly speeding up the reporng process.

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13Fantastic fundraisersWe’re so thankful for your support throughout the cost of living crisis. With Jersey facing unprecedented nancial pressures, we were delighted to raise more than £700,000 during 2023. We’d like to thank our generous individual supporters, as well as those corporates who have partnered with us.It was parcularly emoonal to see people take part in our Inca Trail Trek, the rst in recent mes with parcipants raising an incredible £40,000. Another highlight was the abseil which raised over £12,000 and the Jersey France swim which had to ulmately be suspended due to bad weather but sll raised over £20,000. We also enjoyed fantasc support from corporates, including Hawksford, Radisson and IoD Jersey. Funding from the charitable trusts and foundaons named overleaf meant we were able to connue supporng families through our acvies programme with support from our demena advisors.“The coordinaon and the support during the whole experience was gold standard. If you’re looking for a chance to see the world, challenge yourself, make new friends, and support a great charity then I see no beer place to do so than on the next Demena Jersey expedion!”

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14Our wonderful volunteers We’re lucky enough to have the support of over 150 volunteers who help in a variety of ways including making tea, registering aendees at our events, manning informaon stalls, watering our allotment, helping with our oce move, counng cash, and preparing Christmas card packs. Our thanks to every single one of you!“Tuesday mornings at Splashchat are up there on my highlights of the week. I really value the support and advice received from my fellow volunteers”

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Our partners and fundersGovernance and Finance Thank you to our range of partners and funders. Together with are greater than the sum of our parts and improve the lives of people with demena. Associaon of Jersey Charies, BCR Law, Chadwick Charitable Trust, Carey Olsen, Elizabeth Voilet Annie Rouse Selement, Government of Jersey (Community Compass), Greville Bathe Fund, Hawksford, Instute of Directors, Jersey Community Foundaon, Jersey Freemasons, Lloyds Bank Foundaon, Langham Hall, Scoo Trust, Spring Investment Management, Sir James Kno Trust, The Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, The Roy Overland Charitable Trust, Timothy and Mary Clode, Trust Quay, WO Street Charitable Foundaon.Board of trustees Our Trustee Board governs the charity and had 10 trustees during 2023, all volunteers. The majority of our trustees have family members with demena. Trustees can serve on the Board for a maximum of nine consecuve years. Huge thanks to all our trustees for their service over the last year:Chris Renouf (Chairman)Ryan Knight (Secretary) Simon Perchard (Treasurer) Nick BeanyJohn Doublard Lauren Perchard-ReesDr Ma DoyleTom Noel Kelly Flaguel (stepped down in 2023 aer 5 years in post) Felicity Freeman (stepped down in 2023 aer 11 years in post)15Annual Report and accounts The 2022 annual report and accounts were approved by the Trustees and signed on their behalf on 13 September 2023. Auditors RSM Channel Islands (Audit) Ltd gave an unqualied audit report on the statutory nancial statements on 15 September 2023. You can get the full trustees’ report, statutory nancial statements and auditors’ report by emailing info@demen

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Ways you can support usOur running costs are over £600,000 per annum. We therefore rely on the support and generosity of the public and the business community. All money raised in Jersey is spent in Jersey.Donate OnlineMake a donaon online via our website: www.dementia.jeDonate by chequePlease make cheques payable to ‘Demena Jersey’ and send to our oce at the address below.FundraiseRaise money through a challenge event by walking, cycling, abseiling, trekking or skydiving for Demena Jersey. Or pick a challenge of your own. Contact Nadine for more informaon on nadine@demen Charity of the Year PartnershipsChoose us as your business’s charity of the year. Please contact Nadine for more informaon on nadine@demena.jeVolunteerConsider volunteering at our events or acvies. For more informaon please contact Susie Kelly on susie@demena.jeContact usTelephone: 01534 723519Email: info@dementia.jeWeb: www.dementia.jePost: Dementia Jersey, Osprey House, Old Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3RGHours: 9.00 - 14.00 Monday to FridayJersey Charities Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen KydFind, Like and Share us