Write your name hereThis is information aboutwww.dementia.je
This informaon is intended to assist care workers, family members, the police and partner agencies if a vulnerable person is reported missing.Please complete as much of the document as you can, do not worry if some of the secons do not apply to you.Please keep the informaon in a safe place where it can be accessed quickly at any me of the day should it be needed. It may be helpful to make several copies to give to carers or family members.When completed the form will contain personal informaon and should be kept safely to protect your privacy. However, sharing the informaon with professionals, including the police, in the event that you are reported missing will be very important in protecng you.About this Aid to Locate Booklet2Photo of the person named in this bookletPlease aach a photo here
Personal InformationNameI like to be calledDate of birthAgeHeight BuildHair colour Eye colour GlassesDistinguishing featuresAddressPost CodeHome TelephoneMobile Telephone3Photo of the person named in this booklet
Personal InformationYou will recognise me because:Communicating with me:I habitually wear a hatPlease speak slowlyI have a bad limpI don’t like to be touchedI am hard of hearingI have a medic alert braceletPlease speak clearlyI have a taoo (If so please state where and what).Any other useful informaon4YesYesNoNo
5If I get lost I have previously been located atIf I get lostThis leaflet has been completed with the assistance ofNameAddressPost CodeHome TelephoneMobile Telephone
My current partner’s nameAddress Post CodeContact numberMy previous partner/s nameAddress Post CodeContact numberMy current carer’s nameAddress Post CodeContact numberImportant people in my life6
My close family contact detailsMy close friends contact detailsNameTelNameTelNameTelNameTelNameTelNameTelNameTelNameTelImportant people in my life7
Medical needsMedical needs8I have the following diagnosed or suspected medical condionsIf I don’t take my medicaon or miss a dose it will aect me in the following waysI am currently taking the following medicaon
Medical needsMedical needs (Continued)9My current GP’s DetailsNameSurgeryContact numberMy mobilityMy mobilityI’m mobileI have a walking aidI can use stairsI need support to get aroundOtherIf other please explain:SomewhatYesYesYesYes Not so muchNoNoNo
10I used to live atAddressPost CodeI currently work atBusiness nameAddressPost CodeTelephoneI used to work atBusiness nameAddressPost CodeImportant places in my life
11I got married atChurch nameLocaonDateI used to go to school atSchool nameLocaonDate aendedFaith is important to me and I aendChurch nameLocaonImportant places in my life
12My vehicle isI like to spend me at the following placesIn the past I enjoyedMy interests(state hobbies i.e. previous interests, sports, or social clubs aended)
14Working together withMASMASMemory Assessment Service
15Dementia Information Programme ((DIP))Dementia Jersey now provide a quarterly Dementia Informaon Programme which runs over 4 weeks with a choice of morning or evening sessions.DIP is a praccal and interacve training programme designed specically for family carers. This free programme aims to provide you with valuable informaon, advice, and ps on various subjects to help you beer support a person living with demena at home. DIP covers a range of topics, including:• Understanding demena and its progression• Eecve communicaon• Coping with behavioural changes• Creang a demena-friendly environment• Self-care and stress management for carers• Navigang legal and nancial maersLimited spaces are available, to book please Email: info@demena.je or Tel: 01534 723519www.dementia.jeScan this QR code for Scan this QR code for more informaon and more informaon and the next session dates the next session dates Free Free Training Training for Family for Family CarersCarers
With your help, we can ensure that people living with dementia connue to have the support they need.Together, we can help make Jersey a truly demena friendly island.For further informaon or to speak to one of our team Tel: 01534 723519 or Email: info@demena.jeWe provide emotional We provide emotional support including:support including:• Support and advice• Therapeuc acvies• Social groups for people with demena and carers• Educaonal programmes for the local communityWe’re a local charity We’re a local charity committed to supporting committed to supporting people with dementia and people with dementia and the family and friends caring for themthe family and friends caring for themFind, Like and Share us onwww.dementia.jeDementia Dementia advice and advice and supportsupportJersey Charies Commission number 42 • Patron Dr Karen Kyd