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Delete The Divide Internship Program

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ABOUTDELETE THEDIVIDE@ D e l e t e T h e D i v i d e323-267-3105info@deletethedivide.orgwww.deletethedivide.orgwhere technologymeets opportunityB E C O M E AD E L E T E T H ED I V I D E M E M B E RF O R F R E EA P P L Y F O R A NI N T E R N S H I PT O D A YE A R N W H I L EY O U L E A R NDelete The Divide is an initiativeled by the County of Los Angelesto advance digital equity inunderserved communitiesthrough partnerships,infrastructure investments, andtechnology resources thatempower residents and smallbusinesses. Updated January 2024CONTACT US

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DELETE THE DIVIDE Interns willperform assignments and gainexperience in various informationtechnology career fields, including: CybersecurityDesktop SupportGIS Mapping and AnalyticsNetwork OperationsProject ManagementSocial Media ManagementSoftware DevelopmentUser Interface and User ExperienceDesignTechnology InfrastructureWebsite DevelopmentApply Today!Step 1:Membership is required. Currentmembers skip to Step 2.Apply for free membership or scan QR code below:Step 2:Create your own account on theCounty of LA Job applicationsystem:Step 3:Submit your application forTechnology Professional Intern Applicants who have the right to workin the United States and who are:Ages 16 and olderWork Permit required forapplicants under age 18A resident of Los Angeles CountyA member of Delete The Divide Important Note: Delete The Divide membership is freeand only available to individuals who live in a communitywith low internet access and adoption based on U.S.Census data.Start YourPathway toSuccessYear-RoundInternship ProgramThe best part of our InternshipProgram:Hourly starting wage $19.61Work up to 24 monthsRecognized by the State of CA asa registered pre-apprenticeshipFlexible hoursWork remote and/or in-personWork for the County of LA and techcorporate partnersSupport local communitiesJob ShadowingHands-on LearningNetworkingField TripsMentoring and more!EligibilityGOVERNMENTJOBS.COM/CAREERS/LACOUNTYEqual Employment Opportunity / Non-DiscriminationPolicy: It is the policy of the County of Los Angeles toprovide equal employment opportunity for all qualifiedpersons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, nationalorigin, age, sexual orientation or disability.

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DELETE THE DIVIDE Interns willperform assignments and gainexperience in various informationtechnology career fields, including: CybersecurityDesktop SupportGIS Mapping and AnalyticsNetwork OperationsProject ManagementSocial Media ManagementSoftware DevelopmentUser Interface and User ExperienceDesignTechnology InfrastructureWebsite DevelopmentApply Today!Step 1:Membership is required. Currentmembers skip to Step 2.Apply for free membership or scan QR code below:Step 2:Create your own account on theCounty of LA Job applicationsystem:Step 3:Submit your application forTechnology Professional Intern Applicants who have the right to workin the United States and who are:Ages 16 and olderWork Permit required forapplicants under age 18A resident of Los Angeles CountyA member of Delete The Divide Important Note: Delete The Divide membership is freeand only available to individuals who live in a communitywith low internet access and adoption based on U.S.Census data.Start YourPathway toSuccessYear-RoundInternship ProgramThe best part of our InternshipProgram:Hourly starting wage $19.61Work up to 24 monthsRecognized by the State of CA asa registered pre-apprenticeshipFlexible hoursWork remote and/or in-personWork for the County of LA and techcorporate partnersSupport local communitiesJob ShadowingHands-on LearningNetworkingField TripsMentoring and more!EligibilityGOVERNMENTJOBS.COM/CAREERS/LACOUNTYEqual Employment Opportunity / Non-DiscriminationPolicy: It is the policy of the County of Los Angeles toprovide equal employment opportunity for all qualifiedpersons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, nationalorigin, age, sexual orientation or disability.

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DELETE THE DIVIDE Interns willperform assignments and gainexperience in various informationtechnology career fields, including: CybersecurityDesktop SupportGIS Mapping and AnalyticsNetwork OperationsProject ManagementSocial Media ManagementSoftware DevelopmentUser Interface and User ExperienceDesignTechnology InfrastructureWebsite DevelopmentApply Today!Step 1:Membership is required. Currentmembers skip to Step 2.Apply for free membership or scan QR code below:Step 2:Create your own account on theCounty of LA Job applicationsystem:Step 3:Submit your application forTechnology Professional Intern Applicants who have the right to workin the United States and who are:Ages 16 and olderWork Permit required forapplicants under age 18A resident of Los Angeles CountyA member of Delete The Divide Important Note: Delete The Divide membership is freeand only available to individuals who live in a communitywith low internet access and adoption based on U.S.Census data.Start YourPathway toSuccessYear-RoundInternship ProgramThe best part of our InternshipProgram:Hourly starting wage $19.61Work up to 24 monthsRecognized by the State of CA asa registered pre-apprenticeshipFlexible hoursWork remote and/or in-personWork for the County of LA and techcorporate partnersSupport local communitiesJob ShadowingHands-on LearningNetworkingField TripsMentoring and more!EligibilityGOVERNMENTJOBS.COM/CAREERS/LACOUNTYEqual Employment Opportunity / Non-DiscriminationPolicy: It is the policy of the County of Los Angeles toprovide equal employment opportunity for all qualifiedpersons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, nationalorigin, age, sexual orientation or disability.

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ABOUTDELETE THEDIVIDE@ D e l e t e T h e D i v i d e323-267-3105info@deletethedivide.orgwww.deletethedivide.orgwhere technologymeets opportunityB E C O M E AD E L E T E T H ED I V I D E M E M B E RF O R F R E EA P P L Y F O R A NI N T E R N S H I PT O D A YE A R N W H I L EY O U L E A R NDelete The Divide is an initiativeled by the County of Los Angelesto advance digital equity inunderserved communitiesthrough partnerships,infrastructure investments, andtechnology resources thatempower residents and smallbusinesses. Updated January 2024CONTACT US

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ABOUTDELETE THEDIVIDE@ D e l e t e T h e D i v i d e323-267-3105info@deletethedivide.orgwww.deletethedivide.orgwhere technologymeets opportunityB E C O M E AD E L E T E T H ED I V I D E M E M B E RF O R F R E EA P P L Y F O R A NI N T E R N S H I PT O D A YE A R N W H I L EY O U L E A R NDelete The Divide is an initiativeled by the County of Los Angelesto advance digital equity inunderserved communitiesthrough partnerships,infrastructure investments, andtechnology resources thatempower residents and smallbusinesses. Updated January 2024CONTACT US