Volume 1 | Issue 3CLICKHERE FORNEXT PAGESip and Serve at SoHo House Holloway 11/16/2023N E W S L E T T E RDecember
R E F E R A F R I E N D T O Y P GC L I C K H E R E F O RV O L U N T E E RO P P O R T U N I T I E SM E M B E R P O R T A LCheers and SnapsC O N T A C T K A IArt of Giving Art AuctionArt of Giving Art AuctionSaturdaySaturday, December 2nd @7pm, December 2nd @7pmSip & ServeSip & ServeThursday, December 21st @6pmThursday, December 21st @6pmUpcoming YPG EventsThis month, we spotlight our amazing YPG Stretch andServe yoga instructor Kali Mutty and our newest YPGmember Shannon Reider. Kali brought out her muscles to help us carry out 300hygiene kits made during our SoHo House Holloway Sipand Serve a few weeks ago. Thank you, Kali!Shannon was the very first person to purchase a ticket tothis Saturday’s Art of Giving art auction. So excited to see you there, Shannon!Click above to sign up for YPG events and othervolunteer opportunities
Catch up and see the lastest and current news withAssistance League of Los Angeles!Socials@assistanceleagueoflosangelesAssistance League of Los AngelesAssistance League of Los Angeleshttps://campsite.bio/ypg