where students can earn their Bachelor of General Studies by designing their degree in a way that suits their unique needs and interests. Check out hp://universitycollege.louisiana.edu for more informaon. is considered a --for academic and other help for students who qualify. The goal of SSS is to increase students’ academic standing, college retenon, and graduaon rates. SSS helps students make the transion from high school to college and beyond. SSS programs are federally funded TRIO programs within the Department of Special Services. Find more informaon about SSS at hps://studentsupport.louisiana.edu. - Free opportunies for academic development - Tutoring (no appointment necessary!) - Academic, nancial and career counseling - Movaon toward successful degree compleon - Test Prep Materials (GRE, GMAT, etc.) and other helpful academic resources They must meet of the requirements listed below: - Have nancial need - First-Generaon College Student Five SSS programs have experts who oer specialized assistance. These programs are: - SSS for all majors - SSS for STEM for cience, echnology, ngineering, and ath majors - SSS for Educaon majors - SSS for U.S. Veterans - SSS for students with a documented disability Other TRIO programs in DeClouet Hall help students who are at the - (Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science and Educaonal Talent Search), who want to enroll in college (Veterans Upward Bound and Educaonal Opportunies Center), and college students who aspire to aend (LS-LAMP and McNair). Follow OFYE on Social Media Office of First-Year Experience 106 Lee Hall 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6599 Oce of First-Year Experience The “How To” to Beginning College RESOURCES University College DeClouet Hall, 1st Floor, Rm 104 110 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6829 Oce Website universitycollege@louisiana.edu Department of Special Services (SSS) DeClouet Hall, 1st Floor, Rm 106L 110 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6828 Oce Website specialservices@louisiana.edu ’ - Student with a disability - U.S. Military Veteran - Financial Aid help, like - FAFSA applicaon quesons and problem-solving - Grant aid (if eligible) - Computer Lab Usage (NEW iMACs and Dell PCs)