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Dec/Jan 24/25 Divot Mobile

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Message T H E D I V O TW I N T E R 2 0 2 4 / 2 0 2 5L A C U M B R E C C . O R G

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golf coursegolf and tennis club championsf i t n e s sf i t n e s smembershipN I N E R SWGAFROM THE GM2025 BOARDd i n i n g n e w sd i n i n g n e w sSTAFF UPDATESSTAFF UPDATESt e n n i st e n n i sSTART READINGContentsClick each section to navigate

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2025 BOARD OF DIRECTORSLA CUMBRE COUNTRY CLUBTracy JenkinsPresidentKen BadishDirectorJohn BlairDirectorChris PortneyDirectorPatrick NielsonDirectorJames McDermottDirectorElaine LaustsenDirectorRyan FellDirectorCommittee info coming soon

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Dear Members,I would like to take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments and share our plansfor the year ahead.Membership:We’ve welcomed many new members, enriching our vibrant community. We aregrateful for your referrals and continued participation in club life.Dining:This year, we served over 100,000 meals across all outlets, including 15,000 meals atthe Patio Bar & Grill during July and August alone. Our team has worked tirelessly todeliver memorable dining experiences, and we look forward to enhancing ourofferings further in 2025.Golf:It has been a fantastic year on the course! Participation in tournaments and eventsreached new heights, and Lauren and our maintenance team have done a remarkablejob keeping the course in pristine condition. We are excited to continue hostingcompetitive and social golf events in the coming year.Fitness:Our fitness programs have grown significantly, with members embracing a healthylifestyle. We’re excited to announce the addition of a weekly evening yoga class onMondays, 5:15–6:30 PM, providing a perfect way to unwind.Looking ahead, we are committed to improving our services, adding exciting newevents, and ensuring La Cumbre remains your preferred destination for relaxation,recreation, and community.On behalf of the entire team, I wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!Sincerely, Adam Zubek, GM/COO THE DIVOT | FROM THE GMFrom Adam Zubek, GM/COOgm Message

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watch videoTHE DIVOTCampus UpdatesPATIO Bar & GrillClubhouse VisionThe George C.Thomas VisionVIEW updatesVIEW presentation

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Whether it was through your active participation, yourvolunteer efforts, or simply being a part of our community,you've played an essential role in making this year asuccess.We are truly grateful for the passion, creativity, and energyyou bring to our club. It is because of you that we continueto grow and thrive, and we’re excited to see what we canachieve together in the year ahead.Looking to 2025, we’re filled with anticipation for evengreater accomplishments, new opportunities, and, ofcourse, more moments of connection and growth. Wehope you’ll continue to be part of this amazing journey.Thank you for a fantastic year, and here's to even greaterthings ahead! Wishing you all a joyful and peaceful holidayseason.Elizabeth Stuart, Membership ManagerAs we approach the close of another year, I wanted to takea moment to reflect on all that we've accomplishedtogether. 2024 has been an extraordinary year, and wecouldn't have done it without the support, dedication, andenthusiasm of everyone at La Cumbre, both members andstaff.THE DIVOTmembershipUpdates fromback to contents

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2024 New Members & ConversionsEquityAssociateNon-ResidentSocial TennisSocial ClubhouseMartin & Kathy Morales David Bradley & Chelsea RangsikitphoRichard & Michell GallagherAlan & Gail MaltunTodd & Marcy EliassenSean & Jennifer HechtJustin & Jamie AndersonJoel & Erin BaerBrian & Liz HammerJohn & Adrienne DemboskiDave & Sara Hetyonk-DuronJamie & Jon MontgomeryMark MagidMegan & Christian VanderwallDavid & Susan SanbornKirk & Sue BostrumGary FentonBrandon & Jenna GoodmanTroy AikemanJoyce Gordon & Eric RemaisJoe & Joy KaplanMarc Appleton & Peggy PlatnerLacey & Charlie PetersenGeorge & Sue WalsethRoy & Brittany BryanAndrea LloydElizabeth Scharpf & Sarita BhattAndrew & Jennifer McBrideJames LeechCameron & Charlotte ArchibaldMarjorie PalonenDrew & Lindsay SharmaEric Woosley & Jocelyn WoosleyMichele Gammer & Andrew SalterJulianna & Tom DainDelene BlissJohn & Sue BurkTom & Sue MosbyRick Oshay & Teresa KuskeyElizabeth Cholawsky & Anthony BladonTHE DIVOT

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Member highlightsWe are thrilled to share that Barbara Koutnik was recentlyhonored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the SantaBarbara Board of Realtors annual meeting. Completelysurprised by the recognition, Barbara’s fellow realtorsdelivered heartfelt speeches celebrating her achievementsand unwavering integrity. For those of us who know Barbara, this honor is truly well-deserved. Her dedication, professionalism, andcommitment to excellence set an inspiring example for all.Congratulations, Barbara, on this incredible achievement! THE DIVOTBarbara KoutnikHonored with Lifetime Achievement Award

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THE DIVOT | GOLFGreg MossMen’s & Senior Men’s GrossRichard MillerSenior Men’s NetNoel Lucky-RisWomen’s GrossSue GloyWomen’s Net Alicia SinclairSenior Women's GrossAnnetta PatrickSenior Women's Net2024 golf champions

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THE DIVOT | WGA Team Play, Ace days, Guest days, TuesdayPlay, Tournaments and many specialsgolfing times with friends. May 2025 bring more of the same! Thank you to all WGA womenwho made it happen! 2024 was another greatyear for the WGA

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THE DIVOT | NINERSFriday Play, Nine & Dines, making friendsand having fun! Looking forward to more in 2025!niners had anothergreat year at LCAll La Cumbre members are invited to join regardless of skill level.Niners play the back nine every Friday morning, meeting in front of thepro shop, and teeing off between 8:15 and 8:30 once casual groups areformed. You can sign up online or call the pro shop to add you to theroster of players. Annual dues for The Niners are $25 and you maycontact Communications Chair Linda Bialla

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As we wrap up 2024, there is a lot to lookforward to in the new year and a lot to bethankful for over this past year. We celebratedand honored Golf Course SuperintendentWayne Mills for his incredible 23-year career atLa Cumbre and welcomed Lauren Lasocha toour club as the new Golf CourseSuperintendent. These milestones, along withmany others, have made this year one toremember.We appreciate our golf course community andthe loyalty of our members, and the support ofall our guests. Our dedicated team pridesthemselves on being involved in every aspect ofthe golf course. Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season filledwith happiness and relaxation. We look forwardto seeing you on the course in the new year!Happy New Year from the entire Golf CourseMaintenance team.THE DIVOT From Lauren Lasocha &The golf coursemaintenance team

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The Racquets Program has experienced incredible growththis past year, and it’s been fantastic to see our courtsbuzzing with lessons, clinics, team play and social play.From tennis to pickleball, we have seen increased demandand participation, and our community continues to thrive.LESSONS TAUGHT CLINICS TAKENBOOKINGS MADEUSING THE NEW SYSTEMTHE RACQUETS PROGRAM GROWTHLADIES INTER-CLUBTHE DIVOT | TENNIS2904 14283468Captained by Bess Scribner League ChampionsA2 TeamCaptained by Sheri Copus League ChampionsB TeamCaptained by Jane Nicolais League ChampionsC TeamOur Ladies Inter-Club teams had a record-breaking season!Winning three out of the four leagues is an incredibleachievement and something that has never been donebefore at our club. It’s a testament to the hard work anddedication of all our players and captains striving to improveand elevate their teams.

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THE DIVOT | TENNISSUPER SENIORS HIGHLIGHTSUSTA TEAMS UPDATECoordinator: Mark MosbyMark Mosby has done a phenomenal job leading the SuperSeniors program, including organizing Sunday Men’sDoubles matches.Thriving Teams:Our Ladies 4.0 USTA Team and Mixed Team continue tobring members together on weekends, fostering match playand social connections.Exciting News for 2025:We’re introducing a 7.0 Mixed Team, offering more playopportunities and a fun way for members to connect andenjoy time with their significant others. Here’s to more great moments on the courts!Major Milestone: This year, the Seniors celebrated their first-ever win overAlisal, the defending champions! The team finished theseason in 3rd place, and we couldn’t be prouder of theirhard work and achievements!MEN’S ALed by Jim Copus, with great success.Wednesday nights buzzed with energy andstrong participation. Building on thismomentum, we’ll enhance these evenings in2025 for an even better spectatorexperience and community atmosphere.MEN’S BPut together an impressive season, making itall the way to the semi-finals before fallingjust short of the title. While they didn’t clinchthe championship, we excited for 2025 andbring a Men’s Inter-club title to La Cumbre.

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THE DIVOT | TENNIS2024 HIGHLIGHTS: TENNIS & PICKLEBALLLOOKING AHEAD TO 2025 THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS FOR AN INCREDIBLE YEAR. We can’t wait to see what 2025 has instore as we continue to grow, play, andenjoy the game together. PICKLEBALL on the riseJUNIOR TENNIS SuccessPLAYER Development:Energized CourtsGame-Changing TechnologyA thriving community of players, including astrong ladies’ group, enjoying this growing sport.Junior Team Tennis (JTT) secured 2 championshipsthis spring. The U16 team reached the finals.Clinics, camps, and private lessons: FULL!Juniors excelling at high school competitions andnational tournaments.More Live-Ball Family Events to keep the courtsvibrant and engaging for all ages. Expanded Tennis& Pickleball Events to strengthen connections andfoster camaraderie.Video Analysis on the courts to help membersimprove their skills, analyze gameplay, and sharematch highlights.

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Words of Wellnesswith jarratT rouseHi Friends,2024 was an epic year and honestly it flew by. One of mychallenges to myself this past year was to be present ineverything I do. I can’t say I was perfect in this with my crazyschedule and two young girls, but making a continued consciouseffort toward it paid huge dividends! I got to see so manymembers become stronger and healthier versions ofthemselves. I got to see members who have been in pain foryears, experience pain free living. I got to see confidence growand flourish as members became more in sync with theirbodies. These positive changes can be so easy to overlook if wearen’t focused on being present. I hope you take some timebefore the new year to reflect on how far you have come thispast year. We all have grown in one way, or another soacknowledge that and find gratitude in that growth. Thank youall for sweating with us in 2024 and cheers to much more sweatand gratitude in 2025! With Love, Jarratt and the Fitness Team Reflecting on Growth:Cheers to 2025!THE DIVOT | FITNESSback to contentsview winter class schedule

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Monday6:30-7:10 AMHIIT & Circuit Training7:30 – 8:00 AMGolf & Tennis Conditioning8:00-8:45 AMGlutes & Core9:00-9:50 AMYoga Restore5:15-6:30 PMYoga Restore 75 ($25)10:00 – 10:45 AMStrength & EnduranceWednesdayHIIT & Circuit Training6:30-7:10 AM7:30-8:10 AM11:00 – 11:45 AMGolf & Tennis ConditioningHIIT & Circuit Training9:00-9:50 AM 10:00 – 10:45 AMYoga Restore Strength & Endurance(intermediate)7:30-8:10 AM9:00-9:45 AMYogalatesAqua Fit (In the Pool)TuesdayGlutes & Core 9:00-9:40 AMStretch, Roll, and Mobility8:15-8:50 AM10:00-10:30 AM11:00 - 11:45 AMBalance and StabilityYoga Fusion7:30-8:10 AM9:00-9:45 AMYogalatesAqua Fit (In the Pool)ThursdayGlutes & Core 9:00-9:40 AMStretch, Roll, and Mobility8:15-8:50 AM10:00-10:30 AM11:00 - 11:45 AMBalance and StabilityYoga FusionFridayGlutes & Core 8:00 – 8:45AM9:00- 9:50 AM10:00 – 10:45 AM11:00 – 11:45 AMYoga RestoreHIIT & Circuit TrainingStrength & Endurancesign up on the app WINTER CLASSES THE DIVOT | FITNESSREMINDER: Please cancel your class reservation if you are unable to make it somembers on the waitlist can be added! Thank you so much.Classes are all held in the Fitness Center unless further specified. Please RSVP on the La Cumbre CCApp. Classes may be cancelled without notice if no one RSVP’s. All classes are complimentary.* Formore information, please call the fitness center at (805) 618-9977. *Yoga 75 has fee.SEE CLASSDESCRIPTIONSHERE

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2025 Preview:Starting January 8, we return to an A la Carte dinner schedule:Dinner: Wednesday, Friday, SundayLunch (and buffet): Tuesday to SaturdaySunday Brunch: Followed by dinnerSpecial Events:Thursdays and Saturdays will feature special events, including:Thursday, January 16 | 5-7PM | Prime Rib Night $42++Thursday, January 16 | 11:30AM-1PM | SBIFF Speaker Lunch: with BenGoedert, Santa Barbara International Film Festival Development Director$30++Thursday, January 30 | 5-7PM | Chinese New Year Themed Buffet $55++Host or Sponsor an Event:Members can host or sponsor events on open days. Please refer groups to ourCatering department. Valerie Richardson, our Catering Event Manager, is readyto help plan, and our team will ensure every event is flawless. Reach her look forward to adding new events, refining menus, and perfecting serviceto remain your top choice for dining and events.Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!THE DIVOT | DININGMEALS SERVED DURING JULY & AUGUSTAT THE PATIO BAR & GRILLOVER100,000 15,000DINING AT LA CUMBRE - 2024view Dining events and schedule

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THE DIVOTCHEF ERIC WIDMER IS ONE OF in fullback to contents

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THE DIVOTEmployee anniversariesJANUARYCheto Robles 17 yrs KitchenAntonio Mancilla 11 yrs GreensElizabeth Stuart 10 yrs AdminDavid Cardenas 9 yrs KitchenMiguel Carranza 3 yrs KitchenRamon Garcia 3 yrs PB&GTony Ventura 3 yrs KitchenTom Narozonick 1 yr ClubhouseAngel Izaguirre 1 yr FacilitiesDecemberJulio Barrera 13 yrs FacilitiesPablo Juarez 2 yrs KitchenBlake Bornard 1 yr Golf shopCamille Mras 1 yr AquaticsSydney Posch 1 yr RacquetsNovemberMariano Zaragoza 35 yrs GreensMario Flores 17 yrs GreensRoberto Garcia 2 yrs KitchenDavid Burns 2 yrs RacquetsAbraham Romero 1 yr Kitchen

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A Grateful Farewell: Thank You, Steven PinskerTHE DIVOTAs we look ahead to a new chapter at La Cumbre CountryClub, we want to take a moment to recognize theremarkable contributions of Steven Pinsker, who will stepdown as Board Adviser on January 1, 2025.For the past four years, Steven has served as a trustedlegal guide and advisor, lending his expertise as the only(retired) attorney on the Board during his tenure. Hisdedication and thoughtful counsel have been invaluable,helping to navigate critical decisions and support theClub’s mission to be a welcoming and exceptionalcommunity for all members.With the next Board including two experiencedattorneys, Steven feels confident in passing the torch.Reflecting on his time, Steven shared: "It was a veryinteresting four years, and I am gratified and proud tohave served our Club and its members. I wish the 2025Board the best of luck and success in making La CumbreCountry Club the great club we all want it to be."On behalf of the Club, Adam and the Board extendheartfelt gratitude to Steven for his tireless service andsteady leadership. His contributions have left an enduringimpact on La Cumbre, and his presence will be deeplymissed.Thank you, Steven, for your commitment and dedication.We wish you all the best in your next chapter!back to contents

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LA CUMBRE COUNTRY CLUBSTAFF (ALL AREA CODES ARE 805)Brooke Boccali, 798-4047brooke@lacumbrecc.orgCOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORKris Butterfield, 563-1622kris@lacumbrecc.orgDIRECTOR OF PEOPLE & CULTURELanita Pattenaude, 563-1616hr@lacumbrecc.orgASST. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS/HUMAN RESOURCESGOLF STAFF (805) 682-3131TENNIS, POOL & FITNESSLauren Lasocha 563-1615lauren@lacumbrecc.orgGOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTFelix ZaragozaASSIST. SUPERINTENDENTTravis Bregman, PGAtravis@lacumbrecc.orgHEAD GOLF PRORitter Ganongritter@lacumbrecc.orgASSISTANT GOLF PROBobbi Houghton 705-5338bobbiteach@aol.comAQUATIC DIRECTORMatthew Berry 682-3143mberry@lacumbrecc.orgDIRECTOR OF TENNISJarratt Rouse 618-9977jrouse@lacumbrecc.orgFITNESS CENTERAaron Webster 682-3143aaron@lacumbrecc.orgHEAD TENNIS PROADMINAdam Zubekadam@lacumbrecc.orgGENERAL MANAGER/COOFOOD & BEVERAGEEric Widmer, CEC 563-1620ewidmer@lacumbre.orgEXECUTIVE CHEFAlex Gil, PATIO BAR & GRILL ASSISTANTMANAGERKathy Martin, RECEPTIONISTSPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATORNatalie Rivas, 618-9979natalie@lacumbrecc.orgPATIO BAR & GRILL MANAGERInger Kelly, 563-1626inger@lacumbrecc.orgTom Narozonick, (805) 618-9031tom@lacumbrecc.orgDIRECTOR OF OPERATIONSMichael ASST. FACILITIES MANAGER(805) 687-2421CLUB MAIN LINE (805) 722-7109 LCCC SECURITYFACILITIESElizabeth Stuart, 805-563-1610elizabeth@lacumbrecc.orgMEMBERSHIP MANAGERAli Claeys, 618-9981ali@lacumbrecc.orgEXECUTIVE ASSISTANTPaul Livaczpaul@lacumbrecc.orgCLUBHOUSE DINING MGR.Alex Mortonalexmorton@lacumbrecc.orgCLUBHOUSE FLOOR MGR.CATERING MANAGERValerie Richardson, 618-9979valerie@lacumbrecc.orgMark Thirtle, PGAmark@lacumbrecc.orgDIRECTOR OF GOLF

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MEN’S LOCKER ROOMLunch: Tues-Sat 11:30 AM - 2 PMBeverages: Tues-Sat 11:30 AM - 6 PMHOURS OF OPERATIONCLUBHOUSE DINING Lunch Buffet and à la Carte:Tue-Sat 11:00 AM - 2:00 PMSunday Brunch:11:00 AM - 2:00 PMDinner: Wed/Fri/Sun 5:00 PM - 7:30 PMPATIO BAR & GRILL HOURSBreakfast Tues- Sun 8 AM - 11 AM Lunch Sun-Thurs 11 AM - 6 PM Fri & Sat 11 AM - 8 PM Bar Mon-Sun11 AM - 8 PMOpen 7 AM - 8 PM7 days a weekPOOLMon-Sat 5 AM - 9 PMSun 6 AM - 9 PMFITNESS CENTERMon 7 AM - 6:30 PMTues-Sun 7 AM - 8 PMRACQUETSDaily 7 AM - 5 PMRACQUETS SHOPLA CUMBRE COUNTRY CLUBWeekdays 7:30 AM - duskWeekends/holidays 7 AM - duskGOLF COURSEWeekdays 7 AM - 6 PMWeekends/holidays 6:30 AM - 6 PMPractice range hours as postedGOLF SHOP

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Did You Know?OF EMPLOYEESHAVE BEEN WITHTHE CLUB FOROVER 5 YEARSTOTAL HOURSWORKEDCOLLECTIVELYHOURSPER EMPLOYEE< 3YEARS11516 Baby Boomers(1945 - 1964)39 Generation X(1965 - 1980)32 Millennials(1981 - 2010)70 Generation Z(1995 - 2010)810243 - 5YEARS5 - 10YEARSFULL-TIME EMPLOYEE TENUREGENERATION IN A GLANCE> 10YEARSTHE DIVOTYEAR OF 2024 IN PEOPLE & CULTURETOTALEMPLOYEES157FULL-TIME8522%PART-TIME72201,800764.5The average tenureis 4.9 years.