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December Newsletter

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THE OFFICE OFDecember ‘23 IssueChild and YouthSuccessA City WhereChildren and YouthCan Thrive!

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TABLETABLEOf ContentsAbout The Office of Childand Youth Success Welcome WinterNourishment inthe Winter Season Mindful Gifts Season of Giving:Organizations in SD December Around theWorld Home for the Holidays:Engaging Activities for theFamily College Apps: WinterBreak Prepare for Finals Week:Techniques for StudyingSmarter, Not HarderYouth Business Ideas Youth Business SpotlightHolidayszzz with OCYSInterns OCYS: 2023AccomplishmentsUpcoming Events 171 2 3 4 5 67810111213141516Welcoming the New YearA Holiday with Lights:Light Displays Around SD Exploring the Opportunityof Studying Abroad9

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Our MissionOurVisionDECEMBERAbout UsThrough trust, transparency, equity,and inclusion, the City of SanDiego, Office of Child and YouthSuccess will coordinate a networkof community stakeholders that willprovide a shared framework todeliver high-impact solutions tochallenging circumstances for youngpeople empowering them to thrivein the community they serve.The Office of Child and YouthSuccess is dedicated to prioritizingSan Diego’s youngest communityby providing access to resources,services and high-quality programsto improve social, health, andeducational outcomes.The Office of Child & Youth Successwill serve as a navigation andconnection point for residentsseeking supportive services andprogramming for youth ages 24 andbelow.1

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AROUND THE WORLD Kwanzaa - Dec 26 to Jan 1 Christmas - Dec 25Boxing Day Bodhi Day- Dec 8 Krampusnaucht - Dec 5Santa Lucia - Dec 13 Hanukkah - Dec 7 to 14Omisoka - Dec 31Location: GlobalA Christian celebration ofthe birth of Jesus Christ Location: GermanyKrampus is said to take awaynaughty children to theunderworld and reward goodchildren with presents Location: JapanA Shinto holiday celebratingthe new year Location: United StatesA celebration of AfricanAmerican culture that ends in afeast on the final day Location: Scandinavia Young girls dress in white andsing songs to their families tohonor the Christian Saint Lucia Location: Asia A Buddhist holiday celebratingBuddha’s achievement ofenlightenment/Nirvana Location: GlobalA Jewish holiday lasting 8 daysthat celebrates therededication of the SecondTemple of Jerusalem Location: Great Britain Originally a day meant forpresenting gifts to servants andthe poor has evolved into anational tradition of gift-givingFor a list of educational books for youthon different cultural celebrations aroundthe world, click or scan here!2

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HOME FOR THEHOME FOR THEThis ChristmasThe Polar ExpressHome Alone The Knight before ChristmasThe Princess SwitchThe Grinch Who Stole ChristmasThe Nightmare Before ChristmasRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer A Christmas CarolThe NutcrackerGo on a Light Tour Donate to a food bank Take family photosWrap gifts and bake a desert Random act of kindnessHost a Potluck dinner Hang stockingsUgly sweater contest Contact UsHoliday Snacks Salted caramel popcornHush puppies Sweet and salty snack mixPizza tree croissants Fresh fruitCandy cane ice cream Enjoying the holidays with family is a delightful experience. Here aresome activities to enhance the festive spirit of your celebrations.HOLIDAYS Holiday Movie Checklist Family Bonding ActivitiesHoliday Game Ideas Switch, steal, unwrap diceGift exchange Candy Cane Spoons Lump of coal for Christmas 3

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E L C A J O NC L A I R E M O N TL A M E S ABelmont Park: Illuminated winter nights (Free)USS Midway: Jingle Jets (Children $18, Adults $25) San Diego Zoo: Jingle Bells Seaport Village (Free)A Holiday with Lights The tradition of families enjoying holiday light displays is a cherished andfestive activity during the holiday season. Many families find joy in bundlingup warmly, hitting the streets, and exploring neighborhoods or dedicatedlight shows that transform homes and public spaces into dazzling places ofcolor and creativity. Some families make it an annual tradition of eitherdriving or walking through these illuminated displays and festivedecorations. This activity not only brings a sense of wonder and excitementto the season but also fosters a sense of community as neighbors cometogether.Each lightglitters with auniqueradiance, like asnowflakehitting yourspirit.Chula Vista - Christmas Circle About 60 homes decoratedselling popcorn, stockingsand other goodies for thekids. Great place for familyphotos.WARM GREETINGSD E C E M B E R2 0 2 3S A N D I E G O A T T R A C T I O N S Jingle Bell Hill off State Route 67 and Bradley Ave El Cajon (1552 Cajon Greens Pl) El Cajon (1838 El Pico Drive)Christmas Park, about 40 homes Dec 1-25Holiday in the Village La Mesa Blvd. BetweenSpring 4th street downtown La Mesa (Free)Dec 2 @ 12-9pm 4

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MINDFUL GIFTSZERO-WASTE HOLIDAYA z e ro - was t e h o li d ay i s s i mp l e r t han man y p e o pl e be l ie v e . A lth o ugh be i n g z erowa s t e d uri n g t h e h oli d ays is d if f icu l t, i t p r ov i des an a dd e d m o tiv a ti o n t o ge tcr e a ti v e a n d i d en t i fy env i ro n m en t all y fr i en d l y t hin g s t h at t he per s on r ec e ivi n gth e gi f t w i ll u ti l i ze . He r e a r e a fe w su g ge s t io n s f o r w a ys t o h elp dur i ng t hefe s t iv e se a son . Gift Wrapping Ideas A S E A S O N O F G I V I N G & R E C E I V I N G W I T H L O V EHOLIDAY SUPPORTAND ASSISTANCECh ri st ma s MealGi ft D is tr ibutionTo ys f or T otsLooking to be more ecofriendly this holiday season?Try these alternatives to gift wrapping your present. Fabric Scraps NewspaperRecycledPackaging BoxMany locations throughout San Diego offertree dropout during Dec.26th - Jan.23rd. Do It Yourself crafts canhelp you make meaningfulgifts this holiday season.Reusable presents includebeeswax candles, bakedfoods, and birdhouses. Themost thoughtful gifts arealways the best.5

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GIVINGS E A S O N O FORGANIZATIONS IN SAN DIEGO THAT WE CAN DONATE TO OR VOLUNTEER ATSAN DIEGODANCETHEATERBAJA ANIMALSANCTUARYTHE LEAGUEOF AMAZINGPROGRAMMERSSAVVY GIVINGBY DESIGNJUST IN TIMEFOR FOSTERYOUTHCLICK ON EACHORG’S DONATEBUTTON TO STARTDONATING!Support youth tocreate and performintelligent dances thatinspire diverseaudiences of ourregion and beyond.Provide a safe havenfor animals and adopthomeless animals topermanent homes.Help combat the“digital divide”between wealthy andlow-incomecommunitiesespecially for youth toexcel in the realm oftechnology.Provide recoveringchildren with apositive, stress-freehome environmenttowards their healingjourney.Support foster youthto become“Confident, Capableand Connected,”breaking the cycle offoster care.6

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W I N T E R S E A S O NAccording to United StatesDepartment of Agriculture(USDA), the month ofDecember is recognized asRoot vegetable Month.Nourishment in theRoot vegetables have healthpromoting effects. They provideplentiful nutrients such as fiber,folate iron, vitamin C, zinc, &potassium.7CHICKENNOODLESOUPH E AR T Y & H EA L T H Y !C h i c k e n N o o d l e S o u p i s a g r e a ts o u r c e o f v i t a m i n s , m i n e r a l s , a n da n t i o x i d a n t s . T h e v e g e t a b l e s i nC h i c k e n N o o d l e S o u p s u p p o r t ah e a l t h y i m m u n e s y s t e m i n f i g h t i n go f f v i r u s e s .

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Winter SolsticeWELCOME WINTER!Astronomically, the Solstice marks themoment in which the Earth tilts farthestaway from the sun. This naturalphenomenon marks the beginning oflengthening days and shortening nights.The solstice occurs twice a year--once in theNorthern Hemisphere and once in theSouthern Hemisphere. The Shortest Dayand Longest Nightof the year.Thursday,December 21, 2024@7:27 PM8The seasons are reversed below theequator! This means that those wholive in the Southern Hemisphereexperience the Winter Solstice andSeason during the summer months. The Solstice is celebratedglobally.Iran China Scandanavia Great BritainYalda Festival:Marks the day whenMithra, an angel of lightwas thought to have beenborn.Dōngzhì Festival:Celebrates the winter’sdarkness giving way tothe light.Juul or yule:A multi-day feast whenancient people celebratedthe return of the SunGod.Ancient Tradition:Cutting the Mistletoe

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Long-Term Goals“The backbone of success ishard work, determination,good planning andperseverance.”-Mia HammA NEW YEAR ISAPPROACHING!Are you prepared towelcome the New Year?Apply for internshipsConquer something newVisit a museuma.b.c.Start new hobbyPractice public speakingTake a dance classa.b.c.Facing Fears Goals-Gain Experience-VolunteerDo a random act ofkindnessChallenge yourselfa.b.c.New Year, Facing Fears,All Cheers!For this upcoming year, we want to strive to be the bestversion of ourselves. One way to do that is to take timeand reflect on your life. Here is a brief bucket list toinspire ideas for kickstarting your new year. Short-Term Goals9New Year-Leave The Comfort zone-Master Public SpeakingTake on LeadershipStart a businessa.b.c.Obtain New job skills Become a Mentor obtain a professionalcertification/degreea.b.c.All Cheers Goals-Live Your Best Life-Establish financialindependenceSet a health & fitness planfind your dream job/careera.b.c.

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Test yourself and take practice exams or study past papers. Teach a topic to someone.This helps you understand what you know and what you need to work on.Use visual aids, like charts, diagrams, or graphs, or use a consistent color-codingsystem to differentiate between topics, subtopics, definitions, and examples. Focus on understanding, not memorizing!Even if your teacher has prepared notes, you should still write your own notes. How to take notes and study smarter:Prepare for Finals Week!techniques for studying SMARTER, not harderthe four pillars of student productivitytheplanthebreakdowntheenvironmentthereflectionPlot down 2-3 tasksor topics you’regoing to study eachday. This will preventprocrastination andhelp you focus onwhatever you’re doingat the time.Break up studying intobite-sized achievablechunks. For example,study for an hour andthen take a 10-15minute break. Find outwhat works best foryou.Tidy up your workspace.Clean desk = clean mind.Keep a sticky notenearby to jot downanything that comes tomind whilst studying.This includes questionsyou have, concepts youmay not understand, andthings or connectionsthat come to mind.Make sure you look at your notes immediately after and organize them. Put your phone away. Likeliterally put your phonesomewhere where youcan’t reach it or see it. Have snacks and waternearby. Studies show that actively engaging with the topic by listening and then summarizing whatyou hear helps you understand and remember the information later.Studies show that those who don’t review will forget 40% of information learned afterthe first 24 hours and 60% after 48 hours.Repetition, repetition, repetition! Review your material regularly. You can even makevery small concise notes of your pre-made notes for revision purposes. 10

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Keep your grades up! For conditional acceptances, your finalgrades can be a determining factor sodon’t lose your motivation!Failing a class can put you at risk fornot meeting coursework requirementsfor some UC/CSU schools.Winter Break COLLEGE APPS:Congrats on finishing your college applications! As you look forward to a relaxing break, keep inmind that the work is not done yet!If you haven’t done so, submit your FAFSAapplication. Double check that the list ofrecipients reflects any last minute applications orchanges. Also check if your college requires aCSS profile as well, which is a deeper look intoyour financial information. Visit your college’sfinancial aid page for more information. Look out for incoming emails from theschools you applied to inviting you tocreate a login portal. This is where allyour decisions and financial aid offerswill come in through. It will help ensurethat you will be notified as soon as adecision is made. Scan or click here to enroll in a Reality Changers collegeapp workshop that will help you fine-tune yourapplication!Still have applications to submit?Create logins for your decisionportals Check that your financial aidforms are complete andaccurate11

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"Study abroad" is an opportunity to take your college educationoverseas. You can attend lectures or conduct research in a foreignenvironment through your home institution's study-abroadprogram. You should choose a program that aligns with theirpersonal and academic goals. Scholarships are available.San Diego Community college district now offering Opportunities. 1. Travel2. Make new friends from around the world3. Experience another culture firsthand andenhance your cross-cultural competency 4. Enhance your career opportunities 5. Strengthen adaptability, communication,and team building skills6. Expand your worldview7. Learn about your own country 8. Learn a new language9. Boost your self confidence andindependence become more self-aware10. Learn about yourself and STEPS TO KEEP IN MINDTHE WORLD IS YOURS EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES WHENSTUDYING ABROAD!S T U D Y I N G A B R O A DS T U D Y I N G A B R O A DEXPLORING THEEXPLORING THEOPPORTUNITY OFOPPORTUNITY OF “ L I F E B E G I N S A T T H E E N D O F Y O U R C O M F O R T“ L I F E B E G I N S A T T H E E N D O F Y O U R C O M F O R TZ O N E . ” – N E A L E D O N A L D W A L S C HZ O N E . ” – N E A L E D O N A L D W A L S C HThailand SpainJapan IndiaChoose the right countryrequirements to studyPack only what you needJoin a Facebook groupConnect with study abroad alumni Explore short term study abroadprograms Explore semester long abroadprograms Check the country’s Think about what type ofaccommodation you’ll becomfortable living inConsider the cost12

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IdeasBusinessYouthMarket vendorPhotographerScan this QR code to read inspiringexamples of businesses started byyoung entrepreneurs!Lawn CareDEC‘23Are you a parent looking to expand your youth’s skills andexperience? Are you a youth wanting to try a side hustle?It’s not too early to start! Take a look at some of these great business ideasfrom various resources. Here are important key phrases to keep in mindfor your business as you step into the world of entrepreneurship:1) Accessible Location 2) Flexible Hours 3) Low-Cost InvestmentTutoringCar WashingChild CareHousecleaningPet CareHandmade craftsMusic LessonsGraphic designerPodcaster13

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SpotlightBusinessThe classic crinkles come in 6 variety of flavors (chocolate, red velvet,strawberry, matcha, pandan, and ube).“Flavor Fusion” series are new on the menu which are crinkles that merges two ormore complementing flavors into one cookie. As of now, we have 4 kinds in theseries (strawberry lemonade, vanilla-chococream, ube-pandan coconut, andneapolitan)The Filipino Steamed Rice Cakes “Puto” were added on the menu to heighten theidea of sharing my culture. As these may be a mystery to the public, this mayenhance their knowledge on the Filipino cuisine.Nori Treats is a small business that sells and specializes in different sweets anddesserts. But, it is especially known for our Crinkles. There are 3 different optionson our menu including “classic” crinkles, “fusion flavor” crinkles, and we also sell“puto” which are Filipino steamed rice cakes.YouthDEC‘23Meet Norielle Rullan,owner of Nori Treats!Check out how shebegan her businessjourney.Social Media (Instagram) is my main source of advertising. It is where people canfind all sorts information about this small business (whether they are links, orderforms, menu, prices, and new items). Not only this but sometimes selling atschool events are a big help in marketing and boosting sales.Selling my products can be challenging due to having a busy schedule being ahigh school student athlete, along with other life responsibilities. Which is why Ionly accept orders within a certain timeframe. At the beginning of every month, Idistribute an order form, collect orders for a week, and once closed, the ordersare given to customers the following week.I started to develop passion in both cooking and baking as I entered middleschool. Having this as a hobby allowed me to progress in my abilities and often Ifound myself trying out new recipes and experimenting with different food items.This business all started after I baked chocolate crinkles and offered them to acouple friends and family members to try. I baked them for potlucks and parties.But after baking them repeatedly, they recommended that I sell them. Thechocolate crinkles were a staple, but as time went on I experimented on otherflavors and expanded the menu. While making these home baked desserts, it wasmy intention to also embrace my roots and culture. I tried to incorporatetraditional Filipino flavors into my products. It was the summer of 2022 when Ifully opened my business to the public.What are your products or services?Describe your business journey.How do you sell your products or services?14

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WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN!WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN!OCYS organizes 12 steering committees todesign an actionable plan addressingdisparities identified in town halls and focusgroups.Before we move into 2024, let’s look back at what the Office of Child and Youth Success has accomplished so far.APRIL 2022The Office of Child and Youth Success(OCYS) officially launches.AUGUST 2022OCYS supports Mayor Todd Gloria’s Back-to-School event.City of San Diego introduces the first Child andYouth Plan, a citywide roadmap aimed at upliftingthe voices of children, youth, and families.DECEMBER 2022MARCH 2023APRIL 2023MAY-JUNE 2023JULY 2023OCYS website launches.OCYS co-sponsors the Family Zone atDecember Nights.OCYS partners with SAY San Diego to leadinclusive and equitable community engagementvia youth and family town halls and focusgroups.The first OCYS newsletter launches.SAY San Diego organizes 9 multilingual virtualtown halls in each City Council District togather community input on available servicesfor families and young people.San Diego’s Youth Commission operatesunder OCYS as its city liaison.SAY San Diego completes 32 focus groups,hearing from approximately 300 youth.OCYS manages the Municipal Child CareBenefit Pilot program, providing financialsupport to City employees for childcare costsfor children aged 0-12.AUGUST 2023 OCYS supports Mayor Todd Gloria’s Back-to-School event for the second time.OCT-DEC 2023DECEMBER 2023OCYS will sponsor the Family Zone atDecember Nights for the second time.Check out all of our newsletters here!Contact us!16

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PolarExpressFamilyDay DecemberNights CarnitasSnack ShackHolidayEventMarketEast VillageTreeLighting &HolidayMarket 3487 SantoRd, San Diego 12/7, 14, & 21@ 10am - 11FamilySnowyWonder-landUPCOMINGEVENTS INSAN DIEGOCheck out theseupcomingcommunity eventsfrom our partners! MonthlyFoodDistribution CommunityGarden Play Day @ the Museum ofContemporaryArt SD700 Prospect St., La Jolla12/10 @10am-1pm171649 El Prado, SanDiego12/09 @10am-4pm1649 El Prado, SanDiego12/01, 02 @11am-11pm1649 El Prado, SanDiego12/01, 02 @11am-11pm1600 Pacific Highway12/07 @5pm-8pmMission Valley Library- Community Room12/7 & 14 10:30am-11:15amToddler &PreschoolStory Time 744,Beardsley St.12/07@ 2:30pm2258 Island Ave., San Diego12/0312pm-4pmGoldenState BalletPresentsTheNutcracker1650 El Prado Suite209, San Diego12/162:30pm-6:30pm