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December Longhorn Press

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LonghornLonghorn PressPressSIGN UP FOR CHISDBOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETSAn important part of any successful Bond measure is aBond Oversight Committee (BOC). The Cedar Hill ISD BondOversight Committee ensures transparency,accountability, and community involvement inimplementing the May 2024 voter-approved bond projects.The BOC held two meetings this fall (September 23 andNovember 11). The committee is chaired by former CedarHill ISD Board of Trustees President Robert Riggs, whoserved on the CHISD Board for nine years and has anextensive business background. Newly-elected TrusteeAyanna Cabrera-Cook, a former CHISD PTA President, isthe CHISD Board’s Liaison to the BOC.The BOC has 25 members with a wide variety ofexperiences and connections to Cedar Hill ISD. Theyinclude former CHISD Board Presidents Joe Pitt andMichael Quildon, current CHISD Teen SuperintendentSaniyah McGrew, former Cedar Hill ISD Secondary Teacherof the Year Bethany Kennedy, and Cedar Hill High SchoolBoys Basketball Coach Corey Chism.View the updated project timeline on the back page of thisedition of the Longhorn Press.SECONDARY CHOICE PROGRAMSCollegiate Academy Middle School preparesscholars for Collegiate High School wherethey’ll spend their final two years studying onthe campus of Dallas College-Cedar Valley.Graduates earn their Associate’s Degree andhigh school diploma within weeks of eachother. Grades: 6 through 12. Upcoming Interest Meetings: January 11 (8 a.m.),January 14 (6 p.m.), January 21 (6 p.m.)Cedar Hill High School’s Early College Academy(ECA) challenges scholars academically bytaking Dallas College courses while studying ontheir high school campus. At graduation, theyearn their Associate’s Degree and high schooldiploma within weeks of each other. Grades: 9through 12. Upcoming Interest Meetings:January 11 (10 a.m.), January 14 (6 p.m.), January21 (6 p.m.).Apply and learn more by Hill ISD has postponed the opening ofthe Waterford Oaks Elementary TechnologyAcademy and the Plummer ElementaryBiomedical Science Academy until 2026-2027to ensure that each of those campuses has theproper planning and preparation before theyopen.It was a vote of confidence in Cedar Hill IndependentSchool District and an acknowledgment of its longoverdue infrastructure needs. Within days of the Bond’spassage, the real work started.In July, Cedar Hill ISD successfully sold bonds at anaverage interest rate of 4.1661%, resulting insignificant savings for taxpayers (approximately $18million). These savings are a direct result of strongfinancial management and a favorable bond market.Thanks to Proposition B, every Cedar Hill ISD studenthas a new Chromebook. Deliveries were made tostudents in September, and interactive panels anddocument cameras were delivered to classrooms inNovember. Interior and schematic designs have started for thenew High Pointe Elementary Fine Arts Academy.Bond proceeds will fund the construction of a blackbox theater, dance room, and music room forstudents. The project also includes an interior andexterior refresh, a new playground, and the additionof safety and security features. The estimatedcompletion date is July 2026.CHISD has purchased land north of La ToskaRestaurant to support the expansion of the KimLewis Auxiliary Services Center to house thedistrict’s Transportation Department & new buses.The estimated completion date is September 2026.DE CE ME BE R 20 24 | V OL . 3 CHISD.NETCEDAR HILL ISD 2024 BOND UPDATEThe Voice of Cedar Hill ISD: Because it’s a great day to be a Longhorn!The Voice of Cedar Hill ISD: Because it’s a great day to be a Longhorn!Last May, Cedar Hill's voters approved a $282.4 million bond measure by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.CEDAR HILL ISD “CHOOSE YOUR SEAT” APPLICATIONSARE OPEN THROUGH JANUARY 24, 2025Greetings Longhorn Fans,Just wanted to start with a whew…NO MOREPOLITICAL ADS! Although, I am so grateful that Ilive in a country where I have the opportunity tocast my vote. On a more personal level, mydaughter-in-law voted for the first time as anAmerican citizen. My 8-year-old grandsondecided he wanted to go with his mom whenshe voted because he wanted to see how tocast a vote. A lesson I’m sure he will rememberin the future. During this time, I had the opportunity to read tostudents at Lake Ridge Elementary Schoolabout voting. Thanks to LRE Principal Dr.Amanda McCarther and the LRE PTA for puttingthis lesson on exercising the right to vote. As Iread to them, we discussed the process ofvoting. They were very interested in the whysand the hows of the election process.Kindergarten through second grade studentshad the opportunity to cast votes for the Duckor the Farmer based on the book “Duck forPresident.” DUCK WON! Third through fifthgraders had the opportunity to vote for U.S.president. In October, we celebrated and appreciated ourprincipals for all they do. Of course, they are notalone. I am grateful for all our teachers,counselors, and administrators who strive eachday to “Educate, Empower, and Inspire” ourscholars. It is exciting to hear of all thesuccesses, whether it’s individually, as aclassroom, or as a campus. When we cancelebrate the small victories and successes, wewill begin to see more, larger victories andsuccesses. Thank you to each of you for your support. Nomatter how small or large—whether in person orbehind closed doors—it is appreciated. Ourscholars need to know we will always encouragethem to strive for bigger and better things. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Greetings Longhorn Fans,Just wanted to start with a whew…NO MOREPOLITICAL ADS! Although, I am so grateful that Ilive in a country where I have the opportunity tocast my vote. On a more personal level, mydaughter-in-law voted for the first time as anAmerican citizen. My 8-year-old grandsondecided he wanted to go with his mom whenshe voted because he wanted to see how tocast a vote. A lesson I’m sure he will rememberin the future. During this time, I had the opportunity to read tostudents at Lake Ridge Elementary Schoolabout voting. Thanks to LRE Principal Dr.Amanda McCarther and the LRE PTA for puttingthis lesson on exercising the right to vote. As Iread to them, we discussed the process ofvoting. They were very interested in the whysand the hows of the election process.Kindergarten through second grade studentshad the opportunity to cast votes for the Duckor the Farmer based on the book “Duck forPresident.” DUCK WON! Third through fifthgraders had the opportunity to vote for U.S.president. In October, we celebrated and appreciated ourprincipals for all they do. Of course, they are notalone. I am grateful for all our teachers,counselors, and administrators who strive eachday to “Educate, Empower, and Inspire” ourscholars. It is exciting to hear of all thesuccesses, whether it’s individually, as aclassroom, or as a campus. When we cancelebrate the small victories and successes, wewill begin to see more, larger victories andsuccesses. Thank you to each of you for your support. Nomatter how small or large—whether in person orbehind closed doors—it is appreciated. Ourscholars need to know we will always encouragethem to strive for bigger and better things. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!CHISD BoardPresidentGayle SimsSCAN TO LEARN ABOUTTHE COMMUNITY ALERTSNOTIFICATION PROCESSAND SIGN UP TO RECEIVEINFORMATION FROMCEDAR HILL ISD! SCAN TO LEARN ABOUTTHE COMMUNITY ALERTSNOTIFICATION PROCESSAND SIGN UP TO RECEIVEINFORMATION FROMCEDAR HILL ISD! Choose Your Seat allows students and families to take advantage ofspecific academic programs that will educate, empower, and inspire!Highlands Elementary TeacherCarina Gonzalez shares herperspective:“All scholars having Chromebooks andteachers having new panelstransforms the classroomenvironment. Students have easyaccess to many digital resources,which has made lessons moreinteractive and engaging. Plus, I don'thave to spend as much time makingcopies, and students don't have to taketextbooks home because they canaccess them online.”Cedar Hill ISD’s “Choose Your Seat” application window forthe 2025-26 school year is open through January 24,2025. Whether you're seeking advanced academics,innovative STEM programs, or a supportive community,Cedar Hill ISD has a seat just for you!ELEMENTARY CHOICE PROGRAMSLake Ridge Elementary’s Montessori Program is a provensuccess and one of the only public Montessori programsin the area. Scholars learn through hands-on andcollaborative learning with highly trained Montessoriteachers. Grades: Pre-K through 5. Upcoming Interest Meetings – January 9 (5:30 p.m.),January 11 (10 a.m.), January 14 (5:30 p.m.)High Pointe Elementary’s Fine Arts Academy provides thepathway for scholars to begin their academic careerspursuing fine arts. Mastering these skills at theelementary level opens up opportunities for them inmiddle and high school. Grades: Pre-K through 5.Upcoming Interest Meetings – January 14 (6 p.m.), January16 (6 p.m.), January 18 (10 a.m.)As the first step in the Collegiate Pathway, CollegiatePrep scholars have a rigorous academic experience thatprepares them for the next stage at Collegiate AcademyMiddle School. Collegiate Prep Scholars regularly havesome of the best test scores in the district. Grades: Pre-Kthrough 5.Upcoming Interest Meetings - January 11 (8:30 a.m.),January 15 (6 p.m.), January 21 (6 p.m.)We sincerely apologize for the grammatical errors and printing quality of the March edition of the Longhorn Press. Ourcommitment to delivering accurate and high-quality communication to our community is a priority, and we regret that wefell short of this standard. To ensure our messages reflect the professionalism and attention to detail that our readersexpect, we have reviewed our editing process and implemented new quality control measures. We appreciate yoursupport as we strive to improve with every edition. - Sincerely, Cedar Hill ISD Communications TeamJoin the Choice ProgramFamily TODAY!HELP PAY OFF NEGATIVE MEAL AND TECHNOLOGYBALANCES FOR SCHOLARS IN NEED. MAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION BY LOGGINGONTO MYPAYMENTS PLUS AND CHOOSING THECAMPUS AND DOLLAR AMOUNT OF YOUR DONATION.Follow the progress of the May2024 Bond Projects by scanningthe QR code.Got a question? Email FUNDCOMMUNITY ALERTS

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CHISD TEENSUPERINTENDENTSANIYAHMCGREWCedar Hill ISD’s Video Scoreboard is like a giant computer out in the elements. “On game night, it went out 90 minutesbefore kickoff,” Cedar Hill ISD Executive Director of Maintenance & Operations Josh Skains said. “We react, respondcalmly, and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.” The video scoreboard was working by kickoff. This is just oneexample of how Cedar Hill ISD’s Maintenance & Operations Department solves problems, without the public even realizingit. “We take care of small issues before they become large, using common sense,” Skains said. “We adapt and overcomeissues.”Maintenance & Operations, stationed at the L. Kim Lewis Auxiliary Center, 202 East Belt Line Road, performs a variety ofduties from routine and preventative to planning and evaluating.Due to the passage of Cedar Hill ISD’s $282.4 Million Bond, Skains is largely responsible for working with the projectmanager, Dikita. They collaborate with district and campus leadership to bring their vision for each project to life. “Theproject managers will manage the bond with scheduling, control, and communication; I manage the project managers,”Skains said. “During that time, Director of Maintenance and Custodial Mark Bigham, Executive Secretary and SchedulingSpecialist Donna Sears, and Custodial Night Supervisor Roy Harris are focused on daily maintenance and custodialoperations. Donna is the glue that holds our department together with work order assignments, scheduling, vehicleassignments, and more.”DEPARTMENT SPOTLIGHTMAINTENANCE & OPERATIONSPG 2CHISD.NETIn addition to focusing on academics, two CHHS exchangestudents have found ways to become involved in fine artsin Cedar Hill ISD.Cupido, a 17-year-old from Holland, has joined the Cedar HillHigh School Theatre Program, while Vandenbrouck, an 18-year-old from Belgium, is part of the Cedar Hill High SchoolCheer squad.Both seniors are hosted by the family of Cedar Hill citizen(and CHISD parent) John Nelson. The Nelson Family hashosted exchange students for the past two decades.“It’s a good experience,” Nelson said. “We love to have thekids here. It’s great to have kids who are active witheverything that’s going on at the school. We travel and tryto give the exchange students the full experience of theUnited States.”The exchange students have traveled to Nebraska andCalifornia, with an upcoming holiday trip scheduled toColorado.Cupido was involved with theatre in Holland, but it wasseparate from his school there. “I’m used to doing activitiesoutside of school,” Cupido said. “Cedar Hill Theatre is fun,but it’s really hard work.” Cupido enjoys the small-town feelof Cedar Hill and its proximity to Dallas; although, theweather was an adjustment at first. “When it’s not too hot,it’s nice,” he said. Cupido plans on attending college inHolland next year to study Economics or Law.Hi Longhorns! It has been fivemonths into the semester, and wehave gotten off to a great start.This summer, we had theopportunity to celebrate a grantthe district received from theEnvironmental Protection Agencyand the Biden Administration tofund the purchase of electricbuses for Cedar Hill ISD! Our homecoming celebration wasa success, and we showed our trueCHISD spirit! We have also had theopportunity to start up our BondOversight Committee, andLonghorns of all ages havecollaborated to work toward abetter future. At press time, wewere planning our TeenSuperintendent Roundtable, whichgives scholars a voice for whatthey want to see in the district.Help me congratulate the studentsselected to serve on the TeenSuperintendent’s StudentRoundtable!Teen Superintendent’s StudentRoundtable Members:Annabel Huertas, CHHSAlysah McGrew, BCMSNahla Bouldin, CHHSBailee Francis, CHHSChristopher Miles, BCMSAmani Williams, CHHSIvette Pena, CAHSMaali Thompson, CAHSSavannah Garibay, CAMSReema Al-Shakarchi, CAHSLoryn Malone, CAHSJaden Aholo, CAHSKameron Chears, CHHSLily Bethea, CAHSJenny Velazquez, CAHSEduardo Ortega, CHHSKourtney Allen, CAMSLance Campbell, CHHSYerusha Yuwa Assih, CHHSKaylyn Lee, CHHSBrayden Banks, CAHSThe purpose of the TeenSuperintendent’s StudentRoundtable is to brainstorm anddiscuss topics that affect scholarsin Cedar Hill ISD. Through feedbackfrom a comprehensive meeting,the Teen Superintendent canreport these issues back to Dr.Hudson and his cabinet.With all of these amazingaccomplishments, I cannot waitfor what the rest of the schoolyear has to bring. I know that wewill have an amazing Longhornyear. Thank you!-Your Teen Superintendent,Saniyah McGrewHi Longhorns! It has been fivemonths into the semester, and wehave gotten off to a great start.This summer, we had theopportunity to celebrate a grantthe district received from theEnvironmental Protection Agencyand the Biden Administration tofund the purchase of electricbuses for Cedar Hill ISD! Our homecoming celebration wasa success, and we showed our trueCHISD spirit! We have also had theopportunity to start up our BondOversight Committee, andLonghorns of all ages havecollaborated to work toward abetter future. At press time, wewere planning our TeenSuperintendent Roundtable, whichgives scholars a voice for whatthey want to see in the district.Help me congratulate the studentsselected to serve on the TeenSuperintendent’s StudentRoundtable!Teen Superintendent’s StudentRoundtable Members:Annabel Huertas, CHHSAlysah McGrew, BCMSNahla Bouldin, CHHSBailee Francis, CHHSChristopher Miles, BCMSAmani Williams, CHHSIvette Pena, CAHSMaali Thompson, CAHSSavannah Garibay, CAMSReema Al-Shakarchi, CAHSLoryn Malone, CAHSJaden Aholo, CAHSKameron Chears, CHHSLily Bethea, CAHSJenny Velazquez, CAHSEduardo Ortega, CHHSKourtney Allen, CAMSLance Campbell, CHHSYerusha Yuwa Assih, CHHSKaylyn Lee, CHHSBrayden Banks, CAHSThe purpose of the TeenSuperintendent’s StudentRoundtable is to brainstorm anddiscuss topics that affect scholarsin Cedar Hill ISD. Through feedbackfrom a comprehensive meeting,the Teen Superintendent canreport these issues back to Dr.Hudson and his cabinet.With all of these amazingaccomplishments, I cannot waitfor what the rest of the schoolyear has to bring. I know that wewill have an amazing Longhornyear. Thank you!-Your Teen Superintendent,Saniyah McGrewEXCHANGE STUDENTS ENJOYING THEIR CEDAR HILL EXPERIENCECedar Hill High School seniors Byron Cupido and Juliette Vandenbrouck are halfway around the worldfrom their homes in Western Europe.Vandenbrouck wanted to try cheerleading since it’s not a program they had in Belgium. “It’s like dance andgymnastics at the same time,” Vandenbrouck said. “It’s cool – I like it.” As she adjusts to being part of thecheer program, Vandenbrouck has interacted with her fellow cheerleaders as a member of the Junior Varsitysquad.Vandenbrouck’s first language is French, and she had to adjust to the way Americans travel locally. “It’s waydifferent than Europe,” Vandenbrouck said. “You need the car to be able to get around.” Vandenbrouck plansto study Architecture at a Belgium university next year.Layla James enjoys Graphic Design. The Cedar Hill High Schoolsenior knows it won’t be her primary career, but she sees animportant place for the skills she’s acquired over the past fouryears. “It lets me be creative,” James said. “I want to be apsychologist and create a mental health/therapy app that willrequire some graphic design. Hopefully, the app will take offworldwide.”The Graphic Design Program is led by Aaron Kennedy, the 2022-2023 Cedar Hill High School Teacher of the Year. “He encourages usto try hard and challenge our comfort zone,” James said.The scholars work on creative projects throughout the district,adding color and creativity to windows, doors, and more. Thescholars also work for external clients, most notably the Cedar HillPolice Department and the Best Southwest Partnership.Fellow senior Kamari McGruder joined the Graphic Design programas a freshman to see if she would like that or Audio/Visual. It turnedout she liked Graphic Design better, and she’s now the VicePresident of CHHS’ SkillsUSA Chapter. SkillsUSA hosts regional,state, and national competitions in a variety of disciplines, includingGraphic Design. “I love that Graphic Design gives me an artistic wayto express myself with self-paced projects,” McGruder said.CEDAR HILL HIGH SCHOOL GRAPHIC DESIGNSCHOLARS HONE THEIR CREATIVE SKILLSThe Graphic Design Program is led by Aaron Kennedy, the2022-2023 Cedar Hill High School Teacher of the Year.In May 2023, the median annualwage for graphic designers was$58,910. The highest 10% earnedmore than $100,450.Junior Isiah Moreno is in the program for the third consecutive year. “I love seeing the graphics that myclassmates and I worked on displayed throughout the district,” said Moreno, specifically citing the art thescholars have done with the SHIFT 18+ Classroom. “We’ve learned the basics of setting up graphics, color, anddepth. It is a career I would consider.”Senior Syriana Edwards cited the scholarship and internship opportunities available through Graphic Design,and senior Jackie Ramirez said the program allows her to focus on her interest in digital art.Harris is working double duty in the warehouse by day and on CustodialNight Shift in the evenings. While most CHISD employees are enjoying agood night’s rest, the custodial night crew is working diligently to clean thecampuses and buildings. Skains said CHISD is still down five custodians, buthe said the custodial staff does an amazing job. “They are each responsiblefor cleaning 40,000 square feet,” Skains said. “On a daily basis, they cleanthe cafeterias, Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms, clinics, athletic lockerrooms, and they vacuum and clean all other classrooms every other day.”On the maintenance side, there’s been a lot of turnover due to retirement,but the staff consists of qualified, dedicated technicians in plumbing,electrical, and HVAC.If you’re interested in joining the Cedar Hill ISD Maintenance & OperationsTeam, visit Maintenance &Operations responded to6,000 work orders in2023-2024 and has thehighest satisfaction scoreof any CHISD Department.DECEMBER 2024

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N XTChapterLonghornPG 3CHISD.NET2016 Alumae Fulfills Dream Of Becoming A Medical Doctor“Even as a kid, I was fascinated with science,” said Jackson, a Cedar Hill HighSchool Class of 2016 Graduate. “My parents found programs that helpedminority students get involved and get exposure to the medical field. Icouldn’t see myself doing anything else.”Jackson graduated from the University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) School ofOsteopathic Medicine in San Antonio. “It was a big relief, to know I put in yearsof work, blood, sweat, and tears into it,” Jackson said. “It took discipline,consistency, and determination. I am adjusting to my new identity of being adoctor and no longer a medical student.”“If I have a day off, I do nothing and just rest or sometimes I'll catch up on a show or a workout,” Jackson said.“Having a balance while being a Doctor is very manageable, you just have to not focus on the long hours butenjoy them so that your next vacation or off day is something to look forward to.”Jackson was among the first class of scholars to attend Lake Ridge Elementary. She later attended WestIntermediate and Permenter Middle before CHHS. In high school, Jackson was involved in many activities,including student council, band, basketball, and track & field. In track, Jackson earned a scholarship to UIW,an NCAA Division I program. She competed in the long jump, triple jump, sprints, and relays while working apart-time job and preparing for a Biology degree with a Psychology minor. Jackson also chose to try out (andwas chosen) for the UIW Women’s Basketball Team. She led the Cardinals in steals and charges during hersecond year with the program.Jackson hopes to eventually return to the Dallas area or another city. She’s especially proud of becoming thefirst physician in her family.At Cedar Hill ISD, Jackson learned skills and values that continue to serve her today. She returns to CHHS tovisit former coaches, teachers, and mentors when she’s in Cedar Hill. “I learned about the importance ofestablishing discipline by being able to manage the demands of athletics, leadership, and academics,”Jackson said. “I was able to learn at an early stage that when you put hard work and discipline together, youyield the results you want. I learned the true meaning of family is what molded me today. There is nothing trulylike the Longhorn Family.”Jackson is currently working in a “transitional year” as an internal medicinedoctor in the Little Rock area. Her long-term goal is to work in generalsurgery – something she was inspired to do after losing an uncle to coloncancer several years ago. “I want to help (reduce) health disparities forminorities,” Jackson said. “Because I am currently in my training phases asa doctor, my days can have much variability depending on what rotation Iam doing. For more demanding rotations like trauma surgery, my days canstart at 4 a.m. and end at 5 or 6 p.m. However, when I'm on something likePediatrics and you’re more so in the clinic, you can work regular businesshours such as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.” Even with a busy schedule, Jackson is able to maintain a healthy work/lifebalance.Scan Here to View the 24 for 24: Longhorn NextChapter Alumni Book!Scan Here to View the 24 for 24: Longhorn NextChapter Alumni Book!ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL BONO 2024 DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE CEDAR HILL (CHISD)En mayo pasado, los votantes de Cedar Hill aprobaron una medida de bonos por $282.4 millones por unmargen de casi 2 a 1. Esta fue una muestra de confianza en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Cedar Hilly un reconocimiento de las necesidades de infraestructura largamente postergadas del distrito. A los pocos días de la aprobación del bono, a comenzado la renovación. El 29 de octubre, la Junta Directiva del CHISD aprobó la contratación deDikita Enterprises como Gerente de Proyecto de Bonos. Dikita se encargará de: Gestión diaria del proyecto: actuando como representante del distrito, el Gerente de Proyecto supervisa el progreso de la construcción,mantiene el control de costos, coordina con los proveedores y garantiza que la calidad y los estándares del proyecto se mantengan entodas las fases. Los proyectos ya están en marcha, incluida la renovación de la EscuelaPrimaria High Pointe, que comenzó en julio y está programada paracompletarse esta primavera. El Centro Auxiliar/de Transporte L. Kim Lewiscomenzó en octubre y está programado para completarse en el verano de2025. Esto permitirá un espacio considerablemente mayor para los autobusesdel distrito. El próximo proyecto será la Renovación de la Escuela PrimariaWaterford Oaks, que comenzará en enero con una finalización proyectadapara el otoño de 2025. El distrito ya ha comenzado la venta de bonos, a una tasa de interés más bajade lo que se esperaba anteriormente, lo que ahorra dinero a loscontribuyentes. Además, el CHISD ha tenido reuniones de visión paravisualizar el producto final de la Escuela Primaria High Pointe y el Centro deTransporte del CHISD una vez finalizados. Las Chromebooks y otros dispositivos electrónicos se entregaron a cadaestudiante, y los maestros recibieron nuevos paneles interactivos en susaulas a principios de este semestre.Una parte importante de cualquier medida de bonos exitosa es un Comité deSupervisión de Bonos (BOC). Los administradores pueden jubilarse o irse aotros distritos, pero un BOC está profundamente arraigado en la comunidad. Se aseguran de que las administraciones se mantengan enfocadas en la tarea,y en el presupuesto, para cumplir con lo que los votantes aprobaron. Estoincluye la supervisión financiera, el monitoreo de proyectos y la provisión deactualizaciones periódicas a la comunidad. También trabajarán con lacomunidad para recopilar comentarios sobre el proceso de bonos. El BOC celebró dos reuniones este otoño (23 de septiembre y 11 de noviembre).Son responsables de la supervisión financiera, el monitoreo de proyectos, losinformes comunitarios y el mecanismo de retroalimentación. El BOC estápresidido por el expresidente de la Junta Directiva del CHISD, Robert Riggs,quien sirvió en la Junta del CHISD durante nueve años y tiene una ampliaexperiencia en negocios. La recién elegida miembro de la Junta Directiva,Ayanna Cabrera-Cook, expresidenta de la PTA del CHISD, es el enlace de laJunta del CHISD con el BOC. El BOC tiene 25 miembros con una amplia variedad de experiencias yconexiones con el CHISD. Entre ellos se encuentran los expresidentes de laJunta Directiva del CHISD, Joe Pitt y Michael Quildon, la actualSuperintendente Adolescente del CHISD, Saniyah McGrew, la ex MaestraSecundaria del Año del CHISD, Bethany Kennedy, y el entrenador debaloncesto masculino de la Escuela Secundaria Cedar Hill, Corey Chism. Puede mantenerse al tanto del progreso del bono de mayo de 2024 Winter Break for CHISD Students- Dec. 20 - Jan. 6Winter Break for CHISD Staff- Dec. 23 - Jan. 3Bond Oversight Committee Meeting- Jan. 11District Spelling Bee- Jan. 16No School/District Closed- Jan. 20 - M.L. King Jr. DayScarlet Seniors Tour at CHHS- Jan. 21Longhorn Level Up at CHHS- Feb. 11CHISD & CHEF Present: State of the District- Feb. 12Parent Teacher Conferences/No School for StudentsFeb. 14Scarlet Seniors Tour at Maddox TLC- Feb. 25Spring Break/District Closed- March 10-14Bond Oversight Committee Meeting- March 24Scarlet Seniors Tour at Collegiate Prep- March 25Prek/K Preview- March 29STAAR Testing- April 8 - May 2STEMspired Saturday (Middle Schools)- April 12Bond Oversight Committee Meeting- May 12Last Day of School- May 22Winter Break for CHISD Students- Dec. 20 - Jan. 6Winter Break for CHISD Staff- Dec. 23 - Jan. 3Bond Oversight Committee Meeting- Jan. 11District Spelling Bee- Jan. 16No School/District Closed- Jan. 20 - M.L. King Jr. DayScarlet Seniors Tour at CHHS- Jan. 21Longhorn Level Up at CHHS- Feb. 11CHISD & CHEF Present: State of the District- Feb. 12Parent Teacher Conferences/No School for StudentsFeb. 14Scarlet Seniors Tour at Maddox TLC- Feb. 25Spring Break/District Closed- March 10-14Bond Oversight Committee Meeting- March 24Scarlet Seniors Tour at Collegiate Prep- March 25Prek/K Preview- March 29STAAR Testing- April 8 - May 2STEMspired Saturday (Middle Schools)- April 12Bond Oversight Committee Meeting- May 12Last Day of School- May 22UPCOMING EVENTSIn May of 2024, Dr. Victoria Jackson fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming amedical doctor.DECEMBER 2024GUEVARA AMA DEDICAR TIEMPO A CEDAR HILLRebeca Guevara se mudó a Cedar Hill en 1986 desde su ciudad natalde Dallas, y ahora, no hay otro lugar donde prefiera vivir. "Este es mi hogar", dijo Guevara, quien reside en el vecindario de High Pointe. "Recibo correos pidiéndome que venda mi casa, pero no lo haré porque me encanta. Esmaravilloso". Guevara ha echado raíces profundas durante sus casi cuatro décadas en la comunidad.Sus dos hijas y su hijo se graduaron de las escuelas del Distrito Escolar Independiente deCedar Hill. Su hija mayor, Vanessa, trabaja en el Centro de Adopción y Refugio deAnimales Tri-City, y su hija menor, Melissa, es una líder comunitaria y ex Maestra dePrimaria del Año del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Cedar Hill. "Es agradable ver a mishijos retribuir a la comunidad", dijo Guevara. Los tres nietos de Guevara son Longhorns de segunda generación en la PrimariaCollegiate Prep, donde es voluntaria en la PTA. Guevara, quien trabajó para Exxon Mobil durante 36 años antes de jubilarse en 2017, raravez dice que no a una solicitud que implique servir a la comunidad. "Me lo piden, yo participo", dijo Guevara. Actualmente, Guevara forma parte del Comité de Supervisión de Bonos del DistritoEscolar Independiente de Cedar Hill y de la Junta de la Biblioteca de Cedar Hill, yanteriormente formó parte de la Junta de Parques de Cedar Hill y del comité para el LatinFest inaugural. "Conoces a mucha gente diferente a través del voluntariado", dijoGuevara. "Ves las caras y llegas a conocerlas". Guevara también es voluntaria en la nueva biblioteca, ayudando con lo que se necesiteese día. "Ayudo a poner libros en los estantes y pegatinas en los libros", dijo Guevara. Guevara creció en Dallas y obtuvo una Licenciatura en Administración deEmpresas/Contabilidad de la Universidad de Texas-Pan American (ahora, UT Rio GrandeValley). Recuerda el ambiente rural de Cedar Hill a finales de la década de 1980, pero diceque "todavía se siente como un pueblo pequeño" en términos de amabilidad y comunidad. Guevara dijo que ser parte de Scarlet Seniors es beneficioso, porque puede aprender deprimera mano lo que está sucediendo en todo el distrito. "Disfruto visitando las escuelas y viendo actividades y escuchando a los directores ymaestros", dijo Guevara. LA BANDA DEL EJÉRCITO ROJO DE CEDAR HILL TERMINA SEGUNDA EN EL CAMPEONATO NACIONALCiento cuarenta miembros de la Banda de Marcha del Ejército Rojo de la Escuela SecundariaCedar Hill viajaron a Huntsville, Alabama, para los Campeonatos del Sureste y los GrandesCampeonatos de Stats el sábado 9 de noviembre. "Los 48 estudiantes de último año de nuestra banda construyeron un gran legado en losúltimos cuatro años", dijo el Director de Bellas Artes/Director de la Banda del Ejército Rojodel Distrito Escolar Independiente de Cedar Hill, Derrick Walker. "Ganaron un campeonatonacional el año pasado y terminaron segundos este año. Toda la banda simplemente hizo sutrabajo". La Banda del Ejército Rojo derrotó a Memphis Central el año pasado para ganar elSoutheastern & Stats en la Universidad Prairie View A&M. Esta temporada, Memphis Central superó a Cedar Hill, 95.3 a 94.7. Fueron las dos mejores bandas de 25 de todo el sureste de los Estados Unidos. Cedar Hillfue la única banda de Texas que calificó, y fue la primera vez que terminaron fuera delprimer lugar desde 2017. Los factores determinantes son Efecto Musical (interpretación),Dominio Musical (cómo suenan), Música de Conjunto (calidad del sonido) y Efecto Visual(cómo se ve la marcha). La Guardia de Color y la Percusión ganaron como las mejores en sucategoría, para la división verde. Cedar Hill competirá por otro campeonato nacional lapróxima temporada cuando el evento se traslade a Memphis. La Banda del Ejército Rojo salió de Cedar Hill a las 6 a. m. del 8 de noviembre para el viaje enautobús de 12 horas a Huntsville. Se detuvieron un poco más de la mitad del camino parapracticar en Meridian High School en Mississippi, justo al oeste de la frontera con Alabama.Meridian es la ciudad natal de Walker y el lugar donde se desempeñó como bateristaprincipal en la escuela secundaria. Una vez en Huntsville, la Banda del Ejército Rojo actuó bajo un aguacero. Impresionaron a launiversidad anfitriona, Alabama A&M University, hasta el punto de que AAMU estáinteresada en reclutar miembros de la Banda de Cedar Hill con oportunidades de becas. Loscuatro autobuses del Ejército Rojo llegaron a Cedar Hill alrededor del mediodía del 10 denoviembre. Todo el viaje fue pagado por los Cedar Hill Band Boosters. Además de las próximas presentaciones de conciertos, la banda fue seleccionada parareemplazar a la Banda de la Universidad de Carolina del Sur cuando el equipo femenino debaloncesto campeón nacional defensor de esa escuela juegue contra TCU el 8 de diciembreen Dickies Arena en Fort Worth.

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723,602.532,677,007.29245,099,390.18ENCUMBERED (PENDING)AVAILABLE FUNDSEXPENDED (SPENT)2,055,768.241,335,188.51509,043.25EXPENDED (SPENT)AVAILABLE FUNDSPG 4DECEMBER 2024CHISD.NETGUEVARA LOVES DEDICATING TIME TO CEDAR HILLREBECA GUEVARARebeca Guevara moved to Cedar Hill in 1986 from her hometown of Dallas, and now, there’s no place else she’drather live. “This is home,” said Guevara, who resides in the High Pointe neighborhood. “I get mailers askingme to sell my house, but I won’t because I love it. It’s wonderful.”Guevara has established deep roots during her nearly four decades in the community. Her two daughters andson graduated from Cedar Hill ISD schools. Her oldest daughter, Vanessa, works at the Tri-City Animal Shelter& Adoption Center, and her youngest daughter, Melissa, is a community leader and former Cedar Hill ISDElementary School Teacher of the Year. “It’s nice to see my kids give back to the community,” Guevara said.Guevara’s three grandchildren are second-generation Longhorns at Collegiate Prep Elementary where shevolunteers with the PTA.Guevara, who worked for Exxon Mobil for 36 years before retiring in 2017, rarely says no to a request thatinvolves serving the community. “They ask, I participate,” Guevara said.Guevara currently serves on the Cedar Hill ISD Bond Oversight Committee and the Cedar Hill Library Board,and she formerly served on the Cedar Hill Parks Board and the committee for the inaugural Latin Fest. “Youmeet a lot of different people through volunteering,” Guevara said. “You see the faces, and you get to knowthem.”Guevara also volunteers at the new library, helping with whatever is needed that day. “I help put books on theshelves and stickers on books,” Guevara said.Guevara grew up in Dallas and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management/Accounting from theUniversity of Texas-Pan American (now, UT Rio Grande Valley). She remembers the rural feel of Cedar Hill inthe late 1980s, but she says “it still feels like a small town” in terms of friendliness and community.Guevara said being part of Scarlet Seniors is beneficial because she’s able to learn first-hand what’s going onthroughout the district. “I enjoy visiting the schools and seeing activities and listening to principals andteachers,” Guevara said.Are you interested in being a Scarlet Senior? Contact or 972.291.1581 ext. 4238 to join!You can also reach out to the Cedar Hill Senior Activity Center for more information.“Our band’s 48 seniors built a huge legacy over the past four years,” Cedar Hill ISD Director ofFine Arts/Red Army Band Director Derrick Walker said. “They won a national championshiplast year and finished second this year. The entire band just did their job.” The Red Army Banddefeated Memphis Central last year to win the Southeastern & Stats at Prairie View A&MUniversity. This season, Memphis Central edged Cedar Hill, 95.3 to 94.7.They were the top two bands out of 25 from throughout the southeastern United States.Cedar Hill was the only band from Texas that qualified, and it was the first time they finishedoutside of first place since 2017. The determining factors are Musical Effect (performance),Music Proficiency (how they sound), Ensemble Music (quality of sound), and Visual Effect(how the marching looks). The Color Guard and Percussion both won best in their category,for the green division. Cedar Hill will contend for another national championship next seasonwhen the event moves to Memphis.The Red Army Band left Cedar Hill at 6 a.m. on November 8 for the 12-hour bus ride toHuntsville. They stopped a little more than halfway to practice at Meridian High School inMississippi, just west of the Alabama border. Meridian is Walker’s hometown and the placewhere he served as a drum major in high school.Once in Huntsville, the Red Army Band performed in a downpour. They impressed the hostuniversity, Alabama A&M University and now AAMU is interested in recruiting Cedar Hill Bandmembers with scholarship opportunities. The four Red Army buses rolled into Cedar Hillaround noon on November 10. The entire trip was paid for by the Cedar Hill Band Boosters.CEDAR HILL RED ARMY BAND FINISHES SECOND AT NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS140 Members of the Cedar Hill High School Red Army Marching Band traveled to Huntsville, Alabama for theSoutheastern Championships and State Grand Championships on Saturday, November 9B O N D P R O J E C T U P D A T ECHHS Red Army Theatre Presents Something Rotten!CHISD 2024 Holiday Card Contest WinnerDESIGNED BY ALYNA ARREGUIN12TH GRADE - CEDAR HILL HIGH SCHOOLPROPOSITION APROPOSITION AOVERALL BUDGET248,500,000PROPOSITION BPROPOSITION BENCUMBERED (PENDING)OVERALL BUDGET3,900,000.00