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December 28 2018 Part II 4 01 PM This week with Parshas Shemos we begin Sefer Shemos In his introduction to the sefer the writes that is the story of and exile and redemption The Netziv quoting the writes that is also referred to as Aside for the simple understanding that it is the second of the there is a deeper meaning to this name as the references none of the other by its number Explains the Netziv The is not implying that Sefer Shemos is the second of the Chumashim Rather he is indicating that Sefer Shemos is the second in the series a sequel to Sefer Bereishis is called the the book of creation Shemos is therefore creation part II As Rashi writes under the word Hashem created the world and is and the The ultimate goal of was to produce a that is one with the It was only when was the on that the world realized the purpose for its existence Until that point Hashem had sustained the world out of pure kindness Thus Shemos and Beraishis are intrinsically connected Bereishis maps the physical creation of the universe and Shemos provides its raison d etre This is a fundamental in Chinuch and it is critical that we transmit this to our children The has given us a unique mission and legacy as His The entire purpose and continuity of the relies on our responsibility to keep Torah and Mitzvos January 1 11 50 AM dismissal for Preschool and grades 1G 8G 12 00 noon dismissal for grades 1B 8B The bulletin is sponsored by Have a Rabbi Ochs 8B made a siyum on Seder Nezikin for the shloshim of Mrs Bakke s grandfather Mr Bakke made a cholent to celebrate to 4G for being misayem They will be celebrating with a siyum next week Thank you Mrs Sternfield Kindergarten 1 had a balloon siyum for finishing learning enda letters of the Thank you Morah Frohlich and Morah Rochel Gould The fifth grade girls held a special contest for girls in grades 1 8 They created a bulletin board of chocolate Chanukah gelt coin wrappers They asked the other classes to guess how many wrappers are on the board The closest guess was 1 300 from Chaya Mirel Block The board contained 1 312 wrappers See the picture on the Hamilton snapshots page Mrs Gould s I see you care bulletin board is totally covered with caring comments by our girls Mrs Gould has been keeping tabs on which names appear most often and will share the information with all of us A make your own pizza party was the siyum for 8G completing parshas Matos The girls baked the pizzas with their choice of toppings Learning Torah really tastes delicious Thank you Mrs Ochs Thank you Mrs Berzansky for creating balloon ducks and birds As part of the 5B work around data collection sheets time management and budgeting they ve entered the paid workforce Students earn points for quick and orderly transitions that they can spend on classroom privileges Students can also apply for a part time job to further increase their income Students track their earnings over the course of the afternoon and can decide how to spend and what to save each day Currently the class has some impressive savings accounts building up

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 16 Teves sponsored by the Kaufman Family l ilui nishmas Akiva ben Shraga zt l 18 Teves sponsored Rabbi Yudi Ellie Riesel in honor of Moshe Aryeh s 9th birthday on 18 Teves And to all his Amazing Teachers at Torah Academy MAZEL TOV TO Rabbi Shloimy Mrs Devory Halpern on the bar mitzvah of Nachie 7B Dr Mordechai and Mrs Aviva Kornbluth on the birth of their son Rabbi Binyomin Mrs Noami Mermelstein on baby Menachem s bris held this morning COMMUNITY EVENTS Friday night Parshas Shemos Kornbluth Family Shalom Zachor At their home 375 Market Street apt 205 from 7 30 to 9 30 Please enter exit through the front entrance only Shabbos 14 Teves Parshas Shemos Khal Tiferes Yosef Shacharis 8 45 bar mitzvah of Nachie Halpern 7B Kiddush following davening Shabbos 14 Teves Parshas Shemos Congregation Chai Odom Kiddush sponsored by Moshe Rachel 01 Rynderman Faibish in honor of the birth of their daughter Chavi REGISTRATION FOR 2019 2020 Please mail the registration form with any changes if applicable along with the 500 registration fee per child by January 3 If you would like to enroll a child in PreK next year please complete and mail the preschool application Due to the high demand for pre k spots this year we cannot hold a spot in the preschool without a completed application as well as a non refundable registration fee paid by January 3rd Thank you to all the parents who have already sent in the registration forms

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 4 1 Students in the PreK classes model their hats on Hat Day during H week 2 Pin the dot on the shim game in K 2 3 Literacy in K 1 Shoshana begins with shin 4 Our Kindergarteners exhibit their engineering skills while building robots a truck with an expanding ladder planes and a tower 5 Magnet begins with the letter M The Kindergarten scientists explore the properties of magnets during M week 6 M week in Kindergarten preparing pieces to replicate a Matisse masterpiece 7 Baby Moshe swaying in a basket as part of music with Morah Lea Nussbaum 8 Kindergarten learned about the melacha of Borer The hands on practice included acting out separating lentils from beans and pickles with a slotted spoon 4 4 7 8

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 Math activities in 2B this week included using magnetic base ten blocks and calculating the amount Grade 2 boys participated in cooperative learning when doing writing practice 5th graders using the thumbs up thumbs down strategy for Active Participation 4B participate in a Mishnah review game Collaborative learning in grade 4 3B learning Chumash Uri Knisbacher receiving an award for his incredible progress in reading since moving from Eretz Yisroel Thank you Mrs Johnson 8 The Goodbye Crew waving to each student as they leave the building at end of the day 9 6B chavrusa time memorizing tiech and Loshon HaTorah 10 5B is in a flurry of testing and building after creating their experiments or design challenges Students generated their own testable question wrote the procedure they d follow created and sourced the materials with help from a generous anonymous donor created their data collection sheets all before moving to their labs or building projects Along the way the room was filled with wonderful discussions and an amazing amount of teamwork within and across groups

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 2 1 4 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 7 1 Girls in grade 1 write lists of words with long vowel sounds 4 2 2nd grade girls earned a popcorn party for completing their clean up chart 4G researched and learned about the regions of the U S and did a poster display for a culminating project 5 7G uses microscopes in science class while studying about muscles 3 Why are the girls in grade 3 wearing black and white They are 6 celebrating Penguin Day They learned about penguins ate black and 7 white food and wrote poems 8 As part of a unit on space 6G visited the Museum of Science 5G Chanukah gelt wrapper contest bulletin board 8G make a Pizza Siyum

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE 4th GRADE Moshe Leff Nechemia Berzansky Eliezer Moshe Feuerstein Dovy Posy Zelig Bier Shmuel Chaim Loketch Binyomin Septimus Yehuda Leib Greenblatt Naftoli Ochs Chatzkel Wilhelm Asher Nesanel Mintzes 5th GRADE 7th GRADE Tuvya Sternfield Moshe Blumberg Akiva Bressel 2nd GRADE Yehuda Leib Feldman Nechemiah Ochs Natanel Atar Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein 8th GR ADE Yosef Hoffman Yisrael Leib Greene Shmuel Meir Solomon Yehoshua Kashnow Daniel Simnegar Yishai Wasserman Yehuda Leib Rodkin 6th GRADE Nesanel Wilhelm 3rd GRADE Yoni Faintuch Daniel Youshei David Knisbacher Yisrael Feldman Dovid Tzvi Krochmal SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayechi 5B 6B 7B Raffle Winners Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Yoni Faintuch Malkiel Miara Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Yisrael Leib Greene Yisrael Feldman Shlomo Rosmarin Yaakov Fontek 8B Aaron Sanieoff Moshe Leff Meir Hain Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Yosef Aryeh Leff Binyomin Septimus Chatzkel Wilhelm Noam Youshaei Malkiel Miara Shmuel Meir Solomon Aaron Sanieoff

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