GUESTS 3:58 PM December 24, 2021 כ ‘פשת תבט‘ב תומש תשרפ Monday, December 27, 1G Chumash Mesibah 10:00 am Friday, December 31 - No school Sunday, January 2 - No school Dear Parents, The possuk in this week’s Parsha states: אלמתוםתוא ץראה, Bnei Yisrael multiplied at such a high rate that it appeared that Mitzrayim was full of Jews. The ביצנ questions the phraseology used in this possuk. It would seem to be more linguistically correct for the possuk to write ץראה אלמתוםהמ , from them, rather than the employed term, םתוא, with them. The Netziv explains that the Torah employs this phrase to inform us that Bnei Yisrael did not confine themselves to the area of Goshen. Rather, they expanded their inhabitation throughout the lands, even to those areas primarily populated by םיירצמ. Any empty land available was immediately settled by Bnei Yisrael. Because of this, by Makkas Bechoros, the Torah states that Hashem passed over the homes with blood on the doorpost. The homes of Bnei Yisrael and the Mitzriyim were intermingled. This then is the meaning of םתוא - with them. Bnei Yisrael dwelt among the Mitzriyim. Yaakov Avinu had chosen to settle in Goshen to keep Klal Yisrael separate from the immoral Egyptian society. However, Klal Yisrael rejected this, aspiring instead to live the Egyptian dream and integrate into their society. Similarly, when Moshe was confronted with the incident of the Egyptian beating the Jewish slave, the possuk states ירצמה תא ךיו הכו הכ ןפיולוחב והנמטיו. He looked this way and that, and he smote the Mitzri and buried him in the sand. The pshat understanding of this possuk is that Moshe looked to make sure no one was watching who would report him. One of the great Rebbes translated this possuk on a deeper level. Moshe, he said, was a Yid who grew up in Pharoah’s palace. He was inclined to see himself as a Yid-Mitzri. Yet on the day he saw a Mitzri beating a Jew he was suddenly confronted with the necessity of choosing his identity. Was he ready to support the Yid? Or would he ignore the situation entirely? It was no longer an option to maintain the duality. This is the meaning of הכו הכ ןפיו, he turned internally – made his choice, ירצמה תא ךיו, and he struck the Mitzri aspect within himself, לוחב והנמטיו, and buried that identity in the sand. We struggle at times to find the balance of who we are and how we identify ourselves vis-a-vis the society we live in. We have to realize that we are Yidden who are only guests in a foreign environment. !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs PreK classes are learning Aleph-Beis letters and food groups. PreK-1 made and ate bread as part of their learning about the bracha of hamotzi. PreK-2 enjoyed learning all about the jungle this week. They made binoculars, brought in their favorite animals, and went on a safari. K2 had a lot of fun acting out תומש תשרפ. Grade 1 girls are excitedly preparing for their upcoming Chumash Mesibah. In math, they are learning about fact families. They are also very excited about the new colorful rug in their classroom. Grade 1 boys would like to thank Hashem for a wonderful year. They enjoyed playing in the leaves last week in Dean Park. This week, they had fun exploring shapes. They played a game of Bingo with sight words. Yehuda Fontek won with 75 words! Mazel Tov to 3B on completing אציו תשרפ. They celebrated with a special siyum and enjoyed a cake that spelled out the name of the parasha. Thank you Rabbi Polter. Mazel Tov to 4G on completing ץקמ תשרפ. Their siyum will take place next week. Thank you Mrs. Sternfield. 7th and 8th grade girls began a unit on Kiddush Hashem, using the curriculum from the Living Kiddush Hashem Foundation. 6G made a "moonsaic": the students put together a picture of the moon like a puzzle, and then labeled the features of the moon.
Bulletin Board MAZEL TOV TO Guy and Miri (TA nurse) Gottfried on the birth of their daughter. Yaakov Leib and Sorie (‘12) (Pichey) Zimmerman on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents, Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Shaindy Pichey. Yoini and Chana’le (‘14) (Levin) Eisner on their marriage, and to parents, Rabbi Tsvi Yehuda and Mrs. Dena Esther Levin. Paltiel and Reut ('97) (Cohen-Skaly) Taub on the birth of their son, and to grandmother, Mrs. Irit Cohen-Skaly. Yehuda Zev (‘09) and Racheli Fireman on birth of their son, and to grandparents, Rabbi Eliezer & Mrs. Rivky Fireman, and great grandparents, Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Edie Dovek and Rabbi Avrohom and Mrs. Karen Fireman. DAY OF LEARNING 17 Teves - sponsored by Mr. Shaul & Mrs. Barbara Goldstein on the yahrzeit of Tuviya ben Avrohom Herschel z”l, father of Mr. Shaul Goldstein. SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayechi 4B Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Yitzy Fine Avrohom Halpern Levi Horowitz Nesanel Luria Moshe Segal Tuvya Sternfield 5B Natanel Atar Moshe Bark Eli Benmergui Aryeh Block Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow 6B Dovid Menachem Feldman David Kamoun Ezra Klompas Aron David Luria Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Mendel Zaklos 7B Yosef Armin Mordy Bier Shlomo Hirsh Feldman Mendel Gold Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Schonberg Yonatan Zazula 8B Moishy Blumberg Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Eliyahu Meyers Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff