CHili Cook-OFF february 2311:15amGet ready to taste the “Best Chili on the Planet” or atleast locally! A five-dollar donation at the door gives you 10votes for chili tasting or a grilled hamburger or hot dog if youare not a chili fan. Chili Chefs entering in 2025: Sue Freemire, Jason Menni,Union’s Youth Ministry Group, Kelsey Ford, Tim Jackson,Tracy Spiegel, Kathy Pecharka, and Sinikka Davis.Live Chance and Auction Items:Tickets to the Botanic Garden, Phoenix Theatre, and AltitudeTheme Park, Carnegie Museum Membership, gift cards,Themed Baskets and more!The goal is $4,450, or more, raised in the time remainingbefore the March 4th trip. We will send some funds downbefore the trip. Union Mission has assisted some memberswith a $350 discount on the in-country costs, this is typicalwith our international trips, plus assisting the team withairfare. The Outreach-Mission Team is looking for volunteers to helpin all aspects of the event. A donation request letter isavailable to those soliciting businesses. Contact Sarah Shaffer 412-849-9082 or Scott Davis 412-370-7899 for information.Hilltop HeraldU N I O N C H U R C H O F R O B I N S O N T O W N S H I PF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 51 3 t hA N N U A L
LENTEN AND HOLY WEEK SCHEDULEMarch 5 - 6PM - Ash Wednesday Meal and ServiceApril 13 - 10am - Palm Sunday Service April 17 - 7:30pm - Maundy Thursday Contemporary ServiceApril 18 - 7:30pm - Good Friday Tenebrae ServiceApril 20 - 9am - Easter Sunday Contemporary Service 11am - Easter Sunday Traditional ServiceAsh WednesdayServiceMarch 5at 6 PM Meal inFellowship HallService tofollowin the SanctuaryUnion Church has a prayer chain that continuallyprays for our families and friends. If you areinterested in being a part of this group, please contact Cheri Bittner at 412-260-0290 or email
C L I C K H E R E F O R H E R O E S S U P P O R T I N G H E R O E S L I N K .
Click here for more informationGroup Mission Trips offers youth home repair mission trips known asGroup Workcamps. At Group Workcamps, hundreds of teenagersfrom youth groups across the country repair and transform homeswhile deepening their faith and building new relationships with theirpeers and youth leaders.Our home repair mission trips are mid-sized gatherings with up to400 teenage participants that focus specifically on residential homerepair. The types of home repair projects range from painting, tobuilding decks and wheelchair ramps, and other general homerepairs, but the service projects often are secondary to the spiritualgrowth that happens when teenagers step out of their own worldsand serve those in need. Beyond the physical transformation thathappens in communities, teenagers bring the hope and light of Jesusto the residents they serve.During a Workcamp, participants generally stay at a local school thatis full of fun and energy throughout the week as they engage inindoor and outdoor games, share meals together, and participate inworship and teaching in morning and evening programs. website is www.groupmissiontrips. Scroll to FIND A TRIPand select Imperial Pa. L o c a l M i s s i o n o p p o r t u n i t yW E S T A L L E G H E N Y M I D D L E S C H O O LJ U N E 1 5 - 2 1 . A G E 1 1 +
Misti Schellhaas-Children’s Ministry DirectorMeet our new staff membersMisti has lived in Pittsburgh her entire life and currently resides inOakdale with her husband Mike, and three sons, Kayden 13, Koltyn12, and Lane 6. Misti graduated from Duquesne University and hasa career background in marketing and administration. Her mainpassion has always been helping others and looking forward to themission God is calling her to fulfill at Union. In her free time, Mistienjoys reading, spending time with her family and travel.Misti works with the Discipleship team in coordinating andimplementing Christian Ed programming from birth to 5th grade.She also works directly with Pastor Jon and Mike in developing andpromoting children and youth related outreach to the community.She began her relationship at Union serving as part time officeadministrator in September 2024, and continues in that role inaddition to the Children’s Ministry Director.Mike Koepfer-Youth PastorPastor Mike has served fulltime as a licensed, ordained youth andfamily pastor for more than 25 years, developing a relationship withUnion in 1995 after graduating from Geneva College. We wereagain reunited with Mike last year as he served as our interim youthpastor during our search for the full time youth pastor position.The leadership at Union is committed to youth ministry programingto help fulfill our mission of making disciples for Christ, and voted tohire Mike for this position. His calling is that of the same, to “honorand glorify God in all that he does, making disciples who in turn willmake more disciples for Christ”. He has been blessed with a “fullquiver” of six young men, Matthew, 21, Joshua 19, Noah 17,Andrew 15, Josiah 13, and Isaac 11. Mike enjoys hiking in the woodsin his spare time or enjoying another great adventure with his boys. Mike was recently engaged to Jamie Orock, mother of Sebastian11, and Amelia. 8.
The “Calm Before the Storm” is our family style “parent and child” dinnernight out. We meet once a month for games and fun youth groupcompetitions together with your child. It is our desire to provide a Christcentered Biblical message to learn and share together while talking aboutGod and the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our hope andprayer together as Christian families that we might consider the purposeand plans our Lord God has for us and our lives. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7) “Calm Before the Storm”F A M I L Y Y O U T H G R O U P 2 N D - 5 T H G R A D E L A S T T U E S D A Y O F T H E M O N T H 6 - 8 P MR . O . C . R E L Y I N G O N C H R I S TM I D D L E S C H O O L 5 T H - 7 T H G R A D EThe “R.O.C.” (Relying on Christ) is our exciting middle school outreachyouth group intended for the early and challenging preteen and teenagemiddle school years. It is our hope and prayer to introduce our youngmiddle schoolers to a personal faith relationship with Jesus Christ.Learning to trust and walk in faith during some early turbulent teenageryears will be pivotal to their faith formation and their Christian foundationas they truly learn to place their feet on the rock of Jesus Christ and hisfaithful promises in scripture. Our mission at our R.O.C. middle schoolyouth group will be learning how to pray and serve our Lord in ministryand how to walk in faith to “Rely on Christ” our Lord. (Matthew 14:22-33)E V E R Y WE D N E S DAY N I G H T 7 - 9 P MF E B R U ARY 5 , 1 2,19 , A N D 2 6 T HM A R C H 19 A N D 26A P R I L 2, 9 , 1 6 ,23, 3 0M A Y 7 ,14 , 2 1 ,28
The “Storm” is our worship and prayer filled high school discipleship youthgroup prepared for maturing and growing young adult teenagers in theirChristian Faith. These ministry nights are filled with Biblical studies onChristian apologetics, preparing our HS students with biblical truth andanswering questions of faith, using the book More Than a Carpenter, byJosh and Sean McDowell. The world of a high school teenage is an ever-growing hostile non-Christian world. Our “Storm” high school nights offerstrategic discipleship and accountability and mentoring opportunitiesthrough their high school years. Our prayer and hope is that everygraduating high student will have a firm foundation in Biblical scriptureand a practical great commission lifestyle as our Lord calls them andsends them out into the world. Together in our Lord’s unconditional love,forgiveness, and grace our students learn who they are in Christ with adeep confidence in what our Lord God almighty can and will do in themand through them into the world they live. (Matthew 28:18-20)“Storm” HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP8TH -12TH GRADEEVERY OTHER SUNDAY 6-8 PMIf you are interested in prayerfully serving andvolunteering on one of our new 2025 youth group nights PLEASE CONTACT PASTOR MIKE DIRECTLY AT412-443-4560.THE YOUTH MINISTRYCOMMITTEE MEETS THE 4THSUNDAY OF THE MONTHSTARTING IN FEBRUARY11:30-1 PM FOR PRAYER, SUPPORT,COMMUNICATION ANDADVISORY
Sweets for your Sweetheart!Sweets for your Sweetheart!Sweets for your Sweetheart!We are providing a chance to purchase asweet treat for someone you love thisValentine’s Day. A selection will be availablebefore and after worship February 9th fromour homemade candy and sweets sale.Lunch Learn and LaughLunch Learn and LaughLunch Learn and LaughDeepen Your Faith this Easter Season with our next bookstudy, The Women of Easter, by Liz Curtis Higgs.You’re about to meet three women named Mary, each of whomhas a life-changing encounter with Jesus. Mary of Bethany prepares the way for the Lord’s burial whenshe anoints His feet and fills the air with her perfume. Hismother, Mary of Nazareth, remains by His side from His firstbreath to His last, her loyalty unwavering. Mary Magdalene,delivered of seven demons, bravely supports her Teacherthrough His darkest hours, then proclaims the glorious news ofHis resurrection. This book study will be starting at thebeginning of March every Tuesday at noon in Fellowship Hall. ALL women invited!! We have been "traveling" through the Holy Word ofGod, beginning at Genesis and, after many years, have made it to Romans,Chapter 15. Many of our ladies from Union attend and we also invitewomen from all faiths to come. We meet the last Tuesday of the month,beginning around 1 pm (after Book Study) and try to keep it to an hour orso. We do not meet the months of December, June, July, and August. GOD is our teacher and Kathy Thomas does the investigating into each ofHis books, to try to interpret what we as Christians should glean from it. Without God leading, this would be of no use.We meet in Fellowship Hall, right after Book Study. Coffee and hot waterfor tea or hot chocolate are available (and sometimes some yummydessert! Please come and bring a friend. We would love to have you joinus!!Women’s Bible Study (PW)Women’s Bible Study (PW)Women’s Bible Study (PW)
Picture your favorite sweater, the one that makes you feel great every time you wear it. Now imagine that sweater has a stray thread. If you start to pull or tug on it, the whole shirt could be ruined. That single thread is woventhrough the whole garment. Open your Bible to the table ofcontents. If you go down the list of funny-sounding names andcount them, you’ll see sixty-six different books listed. How dothey connect? Deuteronomy has Jewish laws, the Psalms arepoetry, the Gospels talk about Jesus’ life, and Acts tells usstories of Paul’s missionary journeys. What could these possiblyhave in common? The Bible is one grand story from beginning toend. The common thread of redemption is woven through everypage. What is redemption? That is what this study is all about. Inthis study, we’ll introduce you to a woman named Rahab. Rahab’slife points us to God’s redemption.Rahab: Tracing the Thread of Redemption Faithful MomsS P R I N G S T U D Y . W A T C H T H E B U L L E T I N F O R D E T A I L SBasic Registration: $59Savings Deadline: February 21Groups of 10 or more off currentregistration price!Please emailsashaffer37@yahoo.comor call 412-849-9082 byFebruary 16th if you would like toattend with us!
Union Church is venturing into theworld again, to serve in San Jose/LaCarpio, Costa Rica Mission Trip thisMarch.The 9 servant/volunteers going are:Penny Adkins, Tracy Strobel & Tracy’sson, Jake Spiegel and a friend ofJake’s, Tyrek Dantzler, Andrew Diskin,Jason Menni, Pastor Mike Koepfer & hisson, Noah Koepfer, and Scott K. Davis.Obed Zuleta is planning on joining usagain, possibly with sons, Evan & Jude.We will be serving most of the time inthe town of La Carpio, Costa Rica withChrist for the City International,headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska.Union supports CFCI Missionaries inCosta Rica, Josue Alejandro Sanchezand his wife, Nicole and daughter,Leena.Christ For the City International has hadpresence in this community for a longtime, and through the ministry ofRenuevos, they are bringing faith andhope to everyone who comes throughtheir gates. Union Church Mission Trip La Carpio, Costa Rica-March 4-11February 2024 Trip to Costa Rica
Last year we helped build a playground, andrenovated the old one – This year, we hope tosee if we can build a little gazebo in front ofthe playground for the moms when they bringtheir children to play.We also will work withStaff & othervolunteers to combinethese two gazebosinto one, as it is aspecial place foreveryone to spendquality time.Benito and his family take care of the property and often theyhost youth at their home as ministry special time. Union’s Team will work on replacing the roofing of this home. Theestimate for this was $305,000 Colon, or $600 US!These three construction projects listed have an approximate costof $2,000, and your help and support can help us to make thisreal. Two other groups, including another Church, will be helpingwith these projects after our trip, in case we don’t get themcompleted.Besides construction type work, everyday will involve workingwith children and youth with VBS type learning & singing sessionswith a sandwich, apple, cookie and drink provided, water balloonattacks, flag football, basketball, soccer, Pinata’s, Youth Groupwith Worship in the evening, and Worship on Sunday with music inEnglish & Spanish. From last year’s trip, Union is known as a Mission Team that goes intothe neighborhood, into the homes, meeting the parents, grandparents,and children, sharing in family’s lives, delivering food bags to familiesand visiting businesses. La Carpio is one of the poorest areas inCentral America, surrounded on one side by a mountainous land filldump and by a filthy river on the other side with another land fill thatseems to always have some part of it burning. La Carpio has 30 to 40thousand residents, almost all coming south from Nicaragua to settlein Costa Rica.Submitted by Scott K. Davis
P a l m S u n d a y C e l e b r a t i o n A p r i l 1 3 t h a t 1 1 a mJ o i n u s f o r o u r a n n u a l l u n c h e o n a n d E a s t e r E g gH u n t f o l l o w i n g w o r s h i p . E a s t e r S u n d a y A p r i l 2 0 t h2 S e r v i c e s 9 a m a n d 1 1 : 0 0I n t e r g e n e r a t i o n a l W o r s h i pC o n f i r m a t i o n C l a s s P u b l i c R e c o g n i t i o nM a y 4C o o k i e T a b l e R e c e p t i o nS u m m e r F a m i l y F u n N i g h t sV B S A l t e r n a t i v eM a y 9 , J u n e 1 3 , J u l y 1 1 . A u g u s t 8 t hM O R E D E T A I L S T O F O L L O W !R a l l y D a y A u g u s t 2 4 H a r v e s t F e s t i v a l O c t o b e r 2 4C h r i s t m a s P a g e a n t D e c e m b e r 1 4Children’s Sunday School continues in 2025, weekly during 10amworship. Adult Sunday school is offered weekly at 9am. NurseryCare is available for both hours! Volunteers needed to helpsupport these programs. Reach out to offer help with for any questions. Discipleship News
DeaconsIn addition, some of our deaconshave signed up to become certified infood safety to fulfill the requirementsof maintaining this relationship andaccepting food donations. Finally, a new Flower Chart posterboard for 2025 has been placed inthe entryway to the church. Ifinterested in purchasing a beautifulfloral arrangement please legibly fillin the appropriate information on theboard. We will be starting a newprocess to collect payment in 2025.Please place your check madepayable to Union Church Deaconswith Sanctuary Flowers noted on thememo line or cash in an envelopewith your name in the folder (soon tobe lockbox) located under the flowerchart. Please make the payment for theflowers when you sign up. You will becontacted by a deacon the weekbefore your purchased flowers will bedisplayed in the sanctuary as areminder and will be asked how andto whom the flowers will be picked upor delivered.Submitted by Tracy Spiegel We would like to welcome and makethe congregation aware of severalnew faces to our Deacons in 2025:Jennifer Bennett, Mary Lou Cupp,Elaine Frasier and Debbie Cray.Please join us in thanking them fortheir prayerful consideration in joiningin our mission.As many of our loyal congregationat Union Church are aware, thedeacons are no longer receivingdonations from the Crafton GiantEagle that assist us in supplyingour food pantry with non-perishableitems. After many years of generousdonations, this store has become acorporation and unfortunately is nolonger able to partner with us inthis capacity. We do, however,continue to purchase fresh meatand eggs from the Scott familyfarm at a discounted price andhave been diligently searching fornew partners and donators to thepantry to assist us in our mission toserve the community. We are excited to announce ourapplication to become part ofTrader Joe’s Neighborhood ShareProgram, which will begin soon. J e n n i f e r B e n n e t t , M a r y L o u C u p p , E l a i n e F r a s i e r a n d D e b b i e C r a y . Click here to learn about the Trader Joe’s Program
February 2– Groundhog Day February 7 -AlcosanFebruary 12th-Terrific Teeth 10 AMFebruary 14th – Valentine’s Day party Playnotes- every other week YT & OT Our pediatric dentists receiveadvanced training in dentistry forkids. Fun fact: 100% of pediatricdentists are dentists. However, only3.5% of dentists receive specialtytraining to become pediatricdentists. For a dentist to become apediatric dentist, one mustcontinue his or her education for aminimum of two years beyonddental school. This additionaltraining focuses on preventativeoral care, making dentistryrelatable to children."At Playnotes, our mission is to utilize the transformative power of music,expertly developed by music therapists, to nurture and celebrate eachchild’s unique abilities and strengths. We are dedicated to creating astrong musical foundation that empowers children to embark on a lifelongjourney with music”Union Christian Academy Special VisitorsI N A D D I T I O N T O T H E R E G U L A R W E E K L Y V I S I T S O F TH E G Y M A G I C B U S , P A S T O R J O N A N D P I Z Z A F R I D A Y S , U CA , H A SS P E C I A L V I S I T S T O E N R I C H T H E I R L E A R N I N G .Union Christian Academy Summer School Age Program Union Christian Academy will be accepting children for ourschool age program. The children do not have to be siblings of achild at the daycare. The price is $260 a week. There is a $60 one time registration fee. Contact Carrie Singer, Director, at 412-787-7553 or
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