Dear Cyberarts Studio Academy Families,As the year draws to a close and we embrace the festive spirit, Iwant to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to allmembers of our vibrant school community. December is aspecial time of reflection, celebration, and anticipation, and itoffers us an opportunity to look back on our accomplishmentswhile also looking forward to the exciting possibilities thatawait us in the new year.This past semester has been a remarkable journey of creativity,learning, and growth. Our talented students have showcased theirinnovative projects, from breathtaking digital artwork to thought-provoking multimedia presentations, and I continue to be amazed bytheir ingenuity and passion. I want to express my gratitude to ourdedicated teachers and staff for nurturing and guiding our studentsevery step of the way. Your commitment to excellence and creativity iswhat makes Cyberarts Studio Academy such a unique and inspiringplace.As we prepare for the holiday break, let's take a moment tocelebrate the diverse cultural traditions that make our schoolcommunity so rich and welcoming. It's heartwarming to seehow students and staff come together to share their customsand experiences, fostering an environment of mutual respectand understanding.I also want to acknowledge the support and collaboration ofour parents and guardians. Your involvement andencouragement are vital to our students' success, and we aregrateful for the strong partnership we share. Please continue tostay engaged and participate in our school events andinitiatives as we enter the new year.THE CASA CHRONICLEFrom the Principal’s DeskIssue No. 21| December 2024CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY Season’s GreetingsSeason’s GreetingsLooking ahead, we have plenty of exciting opportunities andinitiatives planned for 2025. From new art exhibitions toinnovative workshops and cross-disciplinary projects, we areeager to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity andeducation. I am confident that with our collective efforts, wewill make the upcoming year a memorable and successful onefor everyone at Cyberarts Studio Academy.Finally, I wish each of you a joyful holiday season filled withwarmth, laughter, and cherished moments with loved ones.Whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa,or simply enjoying this time to relax and recharge, may it bringyou happiness and peace. Warm regards,Principal Wauchope
December 25, 2024Christmas DayUpcoming EventsUpcoming EventsAfterschool ClubsWednesdays and Thursdays(Check CASA’s Monthly Calendar for details.)Grab N’ Go BreakfastMondays & Fridays - 7:30-8:00am, Outside Main OfficeMoulin Rouge! The Musical MSK TripWednesday, 12/4 - 6pmCASA Awards CeremonyThursday, 12/5 - 5-8pm, AuditoriumWaffle WednesdayWednesday, 12/11Parents’ Association Movie NightWednesday, 12/11 - 6-7:30pm, AuditoriumFAFSA NightThursday, 12/12 - 5-7pm, Room G48AFriday, 12/13 - 6:00pm, VirtualBryant Park Winter Village Senior TripFriday, 12/13Family Fun DaySaturday, 12/14 - 10-12pmSchool Leadership Team (SLT) Monthly MeetingMonday, 12/16 - 5-7pm, VirtualHoliday Paint and SipTuesday, 12/17 - 6-7:30pm, Room G22AStudent Town HallWednesday, 12/18 - Period 3, Grades 11 & 12 Period 4, Grades 9 & 10National Honor Society New Member InductionCeremony/Parent PlayWednesday, 12/18 - 5:00-7:00pm, AuditoriumParents’ Association Monthly MeetingThursday, 12/19 - 6:00pm, VirtualParents’ Association Winterfest BreakfastFriday, 12/20Schools closed: Winter RecessMon., 12/23 - Wed., 1/1/25(Staff & Scholars return on 1/2/25.)DECEMBER OBSERVANCESGift of Sight MonthDecembeardNational Cat Lover’s MonthNational Giving MonthNational Learn a Foreign Language MonthNational Pear MonthNational Tie MonthNational Write a Business Plan MonthUniversal Human Rights MonthWorldwide Food Service Safety MonthWrite to a Friend MonthWorld AIDS/HIV Awareness MonthDecember 26 - January 1, 2025December 25 - January 2, 2025Our LearningRegents PrepRegents Prep is currently being held afterschool and onSaturdays from 9:30am-12:30pm for Algebra 1, ELA, GlobalHistory, and U.S. History. Check the CASA Calendar fordetails. (Note: There will be no Regents Prep on 12/21 and12/28.ENL/MLL Regents IntensiveOur Regents Intensive program for ELLs/MLLs is currentlybeing held during Period 9 on Wednesdays - Fridays inRoom G1B.
Wed, Dec 25, 2024 to Thu, Jan 2, 2025Wed, Dec 25, 2024 to Thu, Jan 2, 2025
@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K
December 25, 2024
Get Festive! What to Do in NYC During the Holidays?Get Festive! What to Do in NYC During the Holidays?
Native American Heritage Month, observed eachNovember, is a time to recognize the rich history,vibrant cultures, and invaluable contributions ofNative American tribes throughout the UnitedStates. This month is not just about acknowledgingthe past but also celebrating the resilience andthriving cultures of Native American communitiestoday. Honoring this month is crucial because ithelps us remember the often-overlooked history ofthe original inhabitants of this land and theirenduring legacy. It's a time to reflect on the impactof colonization, to learn about the diversetraditions and values of different tribes, and torecognize the strength of Native AmericanNew York City is a magical placeduring the holiday season. With itsiconic decorations, dazzling lights, andfestive cheer, NYC offers unforgettableexperiences for all ages. Whetheryou’re looking to explore iconic sights,enjoy a performance, or take in thewinter wonderland vibes, here areseven must-do activities for your NYCholiday bucket list—ranging from freeto moderately priced!The city transforms into a sparklingwonderland starting in late November,with classic traditions like theRockefeller Center Christmas Treelighting and the bustling holidaymarkets that line the streets. NYC ishome to iconic sights and uniqueexperiences that make it one of themost exciting places to visit during theholidays. Whether you're a localexploring your hometown or a visitortraveling to see the magic for the firsttime, there’s something here foreveryone.From enchanting window displays andfestive ice skating rinks to holidayshows and beautiful light displays, thisguide will help you plan your NYCadventures without breaking the bank.Whether you’re on a tight budget orlooking to splurge on a memorableexperience, these options promiseseasonal fun, cheer, and unforgettablememories.WINTER Holiday in NYC!The Most Vibrant Timeof the YEAR!
THINGS TO DO IN NYC DURING THE WINTER HOLIDAY - the 2024 EditionATTEND CULTURALEVENTS:2. Ice Skating at Rockefeller Center(Around $20 - $40)No trip to NYC during the holidays iscomplete without a visit to the famousRockefeller Center Ice Skating Rink.This iconic rink is surrounded bytwinkling lights and the massiveRockefeller Christmas tree, creating anunforgettable NYC winter experience.While skating admission costs about$20 to $40, it's worth every penny forthe seasonal magic.3. Explore Central Park’s WinterWonderland (Free)Central Park becomes a serenewinter wonderland in December.Take a stroll through snow-dustedpaths, cross bridges, and snapphotos of the iconic Bow Bridgeand Bethesda Terrace framed byfrosted trees. Bring a warm drinkfrom a nearby café and enjoy thepeaceful charm of this iconic NYCdestination.4. Walk the Dyker Heights ChristmasLights in Brooklyn (Free - Optional Costsfor Transportation)If you’re up for a short trip from Manhattan,head to Dyker Heights in Brooklyn to seesome of the most impressive residentialholiday light displays in the city. Entireblocks are decked out with sparklingdisplays, inflatable reindeer, andsynchronized light shows. It's an incrediblesight and completely free—just make sureto bring your camera!6. Holiday Train at the New YorkTransit Museum (Around $25)For a family-friendly activity that'sboth unique and festive, visit theHoliday Train Show at the New YorkTransit Museum. Featuring aminiature subway train setupadorned with holiday decorations,this exhibit is perfect for train loversand holiday enthusiasts alike.Admission is about $25, making it afun and affordable activity for thewhole family.7. Celebrate Kwanzaa at a CommunityEventKwanzaa celebrations typicallytake place from December 26 toJanuary 1, and in Brooklyn, youcan find free public events focusedon African-American traditions.Community centers like theBrooklyn Children’s Museumand local cultural organizationshost free gatherings featuringmusic, art, dance, and storytelling.1. Window Shopping Along FifthAvenue (Free)One of NYC's most iconic holidaytraditions is strolling down Fifth Avenueto admire the famous holiday windowdisplays. Stores like Macy’s, Saks FifthAvenue, and Bergdorf Goodman put onstunning, creative displays each yearthat are a feast for the eyes. Fromsparkling ornaments to elaborateholiday scenes, this is a must-see thatwon’t cost a dime.5. Visit Bryant Park’s Winter Village(Free to Moderate Costs)The Winter Village at Bryant Parkoffers ice skating, shopping, andholiday snacks all in one place.While ice skating is free if you bringyour own skates, you can rent themfor a small fee. Browse the charmingholiday market stalls for unique gifts,warm up with hot cocoa, orexperience the cozy atmosphere ofthis seasonal wonderland.
FAMILYFUN DAY &COMMUNITYTOWN HALL Saturday, December 14th10:00AM -12:00PMJoin us for an informative and engaging community event!Here's what you can expect: Family Breakfast:Cyberarts Studio Academy Presents Family FunActivities:Game & Glam Truck: Enjoya day filled with fun gamesand glamorous activitiesfor the whole family! 🎉 🥞Kick off the morning withbreakfast and enjoy achance to meet and greetwith School Staff. 📊 Info Session:State of Our SchoolGet the latest updates onour school'sachievements, initiatives,and future plans.(718) 832-4201237 7th Ave, Brooklyn, NY
FAMILIADÍA DE DIVERSIÓN YCABILDOCOMUNITARIO Sábado 14 de diciembre10:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m.¡Únase a nosotros para un evento comunitario informativo y atractivo!Esto es lo que puedes esperar: DesayunoFamiliar:Comience la mañana con undesayuno y disfrute de laoportunidad de conocer y saludaral personal de la escuela. 🥞 Sesión informativa:Estado de nuestraescuelaObtenga las últimasactualizaciones sobre los logros,iniciativas y planes futuros denuestra escuela.Cyberarts Studio Academy presenta(718) 832-4201237 7th Ave, Brooklyn, Nueva York 📊 🎉Actividadesdivertidas para todala familia:Game & Glam Truck: ¡Disfruta de undía lleno de juegos divertidos yactividades glamorosas para todala familia!
CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HJaniya AminTrelon DingleCruz Sandoval VicenteAxel Gaurcax PalaxDeja HoldermanMarvin Q. LunaN O V E M B E RCharles Garcia
CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HXihara GalanAnaroleisy Magarin MorontaGenessis Inga LeonGabriela AponteWiangel Difo GuzmanKaseim Douglas WatsonJennifer Plaza
By Ms. MontagueAs the days grow shorter and the wintermonths set in, many of us mayexperience changes in mood or energylevels. These feelings, often referred to asthe "winter blues," can sometimes beattributed to Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD), a type of depression that typicallyoccurs during the fall and winter months.At the guidance department, we arecommitted to supporting our students'mental health and well-being by providingresources and strategies to helpovercome these challenges.One of the most effective ways to combatSAD is to maximize exposure to naturallight. We encourage students to spendtime outdoors during daylight hours,whether it's going for a walk during lunchor simply taking a moment to enjoy thefresh air. Additionally, creating a brightand cheerful environment at home byopening curtains and using light therapylamps can also make a significantdifference. Regular physical activity,maintaining a balanced diet, andpracticing mindfulness techniques suchas meditation or deep-breathingexercises can further enhance mood andenergy. Our guidance counselors areavailable to offer support and connectstudents with additional resources asneeded, ensuring everyone has the toolsto thrive during the winter months.Remember, it's important to recognizethe signs of SAD and reach out for help ifyou or someone you know is struggling.Together, we can work to overcome thewinter blues and maintain a positiveoutlook throughout the season.BeatingThose Winter Blues! BeatingThose Winter Blues!
THE SEVENPRINCIPALS OFKWANZAAKwanzaa is a week-longcelebration that takes placefrom December 26th to January1st, honoring African heritage,culture, and community.Created by Dr. Maulana Karengain 1966, Kwanzaa provides anopportunity for reflection,family, and the reaffirmation ofshared values. Central to theholiday are the Seven Principlesof Kwanzaa, known as the NguzoSaba, which guide participantstoward unity, purpose, andcollective growth.These principles are rooted in Africantraditions and are meant to promotevalues that strengthen family,community, and culture. Here’s abreakdown of the seven principles:1. Umoja (Unity)The first principle, Umoja, emphasizesthe importance of unity in family,community, nation, and race. Itencourages individuals to cometogether, focusing on shared goals andsupporting one another. Unity serves asthe foundation for building strong,interconnected communities.2. Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)Kujichagulia is about defining, creating,and controlling one’s destiny. Itempowers individuals to set goals,embrace independence, and makechoices that lead to self-worth and self-expression. This principle inspirespersonal responsibility and culturalpride.3. Ujima (Collective Work andResponsibility)This principle focuses on the value ofcommunity and mutual support. Ujimacalls individuals to work together tosolve problems and support one anotherin achieving common goals. Whetherthrough shared labor or teamwork, thisprinciple builds bonds and emphasizescommunal strength.
4. Ujamaa (CooperativeEconomics)Kujamaa highlights the importanceof supporting local Black-ownedbusinesses and encouragingfinancial cooperation within thecommunity. It promotes groupeconomic support as a way to upliftcommunities, create opportunities,and ensure shared prosperity.5. Nia (Purpose)Nia is the idea of having purposeand direction in life. It encouragesindividuals and communities to findtheir unique mission and contributeto the well-being of their peopleand culture. Purpose bringsmeaning to actions, connectingpersonal growth to communitydevelopment.6. Kuumba (Creativity)The sixth principle celebratescreativity as an essentialexpression of culture and identity.Kuumba inspires individuals to usetheir creativity to make the worldmore beautiful, improve lives, andpreserve traditions through arts,crafts, dance, and storytelling.7. Imani (Faith)The final principle, Imani, is about faith—having confidence in oneself, thecommunity, and a higher power. Itembodies trust in the ability toovercome challenges and the beliefthat progress is possible through faith,perseverance, and solidarity.The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa are more than just values to celebrateduring the week-long holiday; they provide a blueprint for everyday living. Byembodying these principles, individuals foster community, strength, self-awareness, and connection to their heritage, making Kwanzaa a celebrationof culture, family, and shared hope for the future.
CASA ARTSGRADES 9 and 10I N S T R U C T O RM R . M O R T O N VaughnDivauriVira Jonathan
EvaBrayan MirandaAndresNancyMiguel
EvaBrayan MirandaAndres NancyMiguel
From the Desk of PAPresident, Ms. L. SuberroFrom the Desk of PAPresident, Ms. L. SuberroLast night (December 4th), I had thepleasure of seeing Moulin Rouge!with the teens from CASA, and it wasa truly an unforgettable experience.The show dazzled with its stunningvisuals, dynamic choreography, anda vibrant soundtrack filled withcontemporary hits.The teens were completelycaptivated by the high-energyperformances and the modernreimagining of classic songs, makingthe production both exciting andrelatable. It was an incredibleevening that left everyone inspired,energized, and talking about it longafter the final curtain. A fantasticouting for all!
OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARYOctober 26 November 9November 16November 23December 7December 14January 4January 11January 18Starting Now!SATURDAYREGENTS PREPAre you ready to ace your Regents exams?Join our Saturday Regents Prep sessions to ensure you'refully prepared to achieve your best performance!Attention CASA Students! SaturdaysSee Calendar Below9:30 AM-12:30 PMCASA237 7th Ave,Brooklyn, NYREGENTS PREP DATES:
OCTUBRENOVIEMBREDICIEMBRE ENERO26 deoctubre9 denoviembre16 denoviembre23 de noviembre7 de diciembre14 de diciembre4 de enero11 de enero18 de enero¿Estás listo para aprobar tus exámenes Regents? ¡Únetea nuestras sesiones de preparación para Regents lossábados para asegurarte de que estás completamentepreparado para lograr tu mejor desempeño!¡Empezando ahora!PREPARACIÓN PARAREGENTS DEL SÁBADO¡Atención estudiantes de CASA! Sabados VerCalendario Abajo9:30 a. m. a12:30 p. m.CASA 237 7thAve, Brooklyn,Nueva YorkFECHAS DE PREPARACIÓN PARA EL EXAMENREGENTS:
H a p p y B i r t h d a yDecemberCintia Roblero MoralesCrismailin Pina GonzalezNaylethd TorresNicholas GarciaDanali Ramirez VazquezStephenie Cai WuUanna CerisierDanaya JohnsonAiden LopezAxel Oswaldo Guarcax PalaxNawwaf AnamYicheng JiangFatima Alabsi
H a p p y B i r t h d a yDecemberDaviel Rodriguez HernaJose Angel EspanaAshley Mitchell DayanaCalleja-Pena Jing MaoCristian RosasAmantecatl LorenaGarcia Vargas
“Reflect upon yourpresent blessings—of which every manhas many—not onyour pastmisfortunes, ofwhich all men havesome.”A Christmas CarolBy Charles Dickens
We would especially like to thank Ms.Wauchope, Mr. HarrisMs. G. Harris, Ms. Montague, Mr.Morton, Ms. Leyva, Ms. Rogers, Ms.Stein, Ms. Subero, Ms. Vasquez, fortheir contributions to this issue of theCASA Chronicle. EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMS. K. HARRISHappyNew YearHappyNew Year