“Christmas enters,streaming lights ofjoy, ringing bells ofhope and singingcarols offorgiveness highup in the brightair.”~Maya AngelouAmazing Peace THE CASA CHRONICLEWE WISH YOU A MERRY HOLIDAY SEASON!!! Issue No.11| DECEMBER 2023CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY
CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY Dear Families:Happy holidays to all those who will becelebrating! Holidays are a time of togetherness,joy, and reflection, and I wish everyone a happyand — most of all — healthy and safe holidayseason.The past few months have truly been fulfilling.Together as a school community we were able tohost our Homecoming Dance, our students lookedbeautiful and had a wonderful time.We also hosted our inaugural film festival, whereour Juniors and Seniors displayed their creativity.We thank Ms K Harris and Anderson for theirvision and leadership in cultivating our studentscreativity.Additionally, our students were able to attend 2college tours to Temple University, EssexCommunity College and Cheyney University. Ourstudents shared that they had a magnificent timeand the college tour experience was rewarding.We will continue our college tours in the Springand our ninth and tenth graders will have theopportunity to participate.We are in the final marking period for semester 1,please encourage your children to do their best.This is the grade that will go on students'transcripts and earn them credits towardsgraduation.We are currently offering Saturday, Regents Prepfor all our students sitting January Regents. Pleaseencourage students to attend. Additionally, wealso offer afterschool Regent Prep; Wednesdaysand Thursdays 2:45pm-3:45pm.Regents Exams will be Tuesday, January 23- Friday January 26th isRegents WeekOnce again, thank you and Happy Holidays!Ms Wauchope“REFLECT UPON YOUR PRESENT BLESSINGS—OF WHICH EVERYMAN HAS MANY—NOT ON YOUR PAST MISFORTUNES, OFWHICH ALL MEN HAVE SOME.”A CHRISTMAS CAROL, BY CHARLES DICKENS FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK
THE CASACHRONICLEDECEMBER 2023Art and Architecture MonthGift of Sight MonthLearn a Foreign Language MonthMonth of GivingNational Human Rights MonthRead a New Book MonthSafe Toys and Gifts MonthUniversal Human Rights MonthDECEMBER MONTHLY OBSERVANCESRegents PrepELL Peer Tutoring Student Film Festival ShowcaseRegents Prep is currently being held on weekdayafternoons and Saturdays. Please refer to the CASASchool Calendar for the schedule of Regents Prepclasses.Plans are underway for a lunchtime peer tutoringprogram for ELL students who would like assistance withtheir studies. More information on this will be shared inthe new year.December 22, Periods 7 & 8, AuditoriumOur LearningUpcoming EventsAfter School Clubs“I, Too, Sing America:” CASA Arts Showcase Wednesday and Thursdays from 2:35-3:35pm. (Check the CASAEvent Calendar for details.)Event 3December 5, 6:00pm, Room G22A December 26 - January 1, 2024Spanish Kinvolved/NYCS Accounts WorkshopHoliday Sip & Paint/Brain Power Wellness ParentActivityNational Honor Society New Member InductionCeremonyDecember 13, 5:00pm, John Jay Campus Auditorium, Ground Fl.December 8, 6:00-8:30pm, John Jay Campus Library, 2nd floorCASA Homecoming DanceDecember 1, 5:30-8:30pm, John Jay Campus Ground Floor GymDecember 19, 6:00pm, Room G22AMonthly School Leadership Team (SLT) MeetingDecember 18, 5:00pm, Room G22A & ZoomWinterFest: Grab-N-Go Breakfast, sponsored byParent AssociationDecember 22, 7:30-8:45amDecember 13, 5:00pm, John Jay Campus Auditorium, Ground Fl.Student Achievement Recognition Awards/SLTParent Elections
FALL TERMMARKINGPERIODS2023-2024 Marking Period 312/4/23-1/22/24Report Card Distribution 1/30/24
EASYEASYEASYEATS!EATS!EATS!SNACKSNACKSNACKDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEW e a r e s t a r t i n g a c o m m u n i t y p a n t r y f o r o u r k i d s .W i t h y o u r h e l p , w e w i l l b a g s n a c k s t o b e p i c k e d u p 3t i m e s a w e e k f r o m d i f f e r e n t l o c a t i o n s . Y o u rd o n a t i o n s w i l l h e l p g e t t h i s o f f t h e g r o u n d . W e w o u l dl i k e t o s t a r t t h i s i n O c t o b e r , o n O c t o b e r 1 0 t h . Y o uc a n d r o p a l l d o n a t i o n s o f f i n M s . S t e i n ' s r o o m . T h ed a y s t h a t s t u d e n t s c a n p i c k u p s n a c k s w i l l b e p o s t e da r o u n d t h e s c h o o l .G R A N O L A B A R S , C H I P S , P E A N U T B U T T E R A N D J E L L Y , P O P C O R N ,C R A C K E R S W I T H O R W I T H O U T C H E E S E , C H E E Z E - I T S , P U D D I N G ,M U F F I N S , P I E S , D E B B I E C A K E S , G R A H A M C R A C K E R S , T R A I L M I X ,A P P L E S A U C E , F R U I T P O U C H , H E A L T H Y C O O K I E S , G O L D F I S H , P O PT A R T S , O R A N Y T H I N G T H A T Y O U M A Y H A V E A T H O M E F O R AS N A C K B A S E D P A N T R Y . F O R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N , P L E A S EC O N T A C T S S T E I N 7 @ S C H O O L S . N Y C . G O VFOR MOREINFORMATION CONTACTMS. STEININ ROOMG21AHELLO ALL:
CONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SG R A D E 1 2 - J O S E P H G I L L E S P I E G R A D E 1 1 - R Y A N L I N G R A D E 1 0 - N A I F U L H O S S A I NG R A D E 9 - E T H A N Z H A N G
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight days and nights, usuallyfalling in December. Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah commemoratesthe rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after the Jewish victory over theSyrian-Greek army in 165 BCE. According to tradition, the Temple was in ruins andthere was only enough oil to light the menorah for one day, but the oil miraculouslylasted for eight days. Therefore, Hanukkah is celebrated by lighting candles on amenorah, adding one candle each night until all eight are lit. Other Hanukkahtraditions include playing dreidel, eating foods cooked in oil (such as latkes andsufganiyot), and exchanging gifts. It is a time for families to come together andcelebrate their faith and heritage.
22 Did YouKnow?December 1: World AIDS Day commemorates those who have died of AIDS and acknowledges the needfor continued commitment to all those affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities, designed to raise awareness in regard topersons with disabilities in order to improve their lives and provide them with equalopportunityDecember 3-24: Advent, a season of celebration leading up to the birth of Christ December 7-15: Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight days and nights. Hanukkahcelebrates the victory of the Maccabees, or Israelites, over the Greek-Syrian ruler,Antiochus, approximately 2,200 years ago. December 8: Bodhi Day, a Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day the historical Buddha,Siddhartha Gautama (Shakyamuni), experienced enlightenment; also known as Bodhi inSanskrit and Pali December 10: International Human Rights Day, established by the United Nations in 1948 tocommemorate the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human RighDecember 16–24: Las Posadas, a nine-day celebration in Mexico commemorating the trials Mary and Josephendured during their journey to Bethlehem.December 21: Yule Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year represents a celebration focusing onrebirth, renewal, and new beginnings as the sun makes its way back to the Earth. A solstice isan astronomical event that happens twice each year when the sun reaches its highestposition in the sky. December 25: Christmas Day, the day that many Christians associate with Jesus’ birth December 26: Boxing Day, a secular holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom,Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and SouthAfrica December 26–January 1: Kwanzaa, an African-American holiday started by Maulana Karengain 1966 to celebrate universal African-American heritage .December 31:New Year’s Eve
26 Beaded MoccasinsDOI Image Kwanzaa is a celebration of African-American culturethat takes place from December 26th to January 1st.It was created in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, aprofessor of African-American Studies, and is basedon traditional African harvest celebrations. The nameKwanzaa comes from the Swahili phrase "matunda yakwanza", which means "first fruits of the harvest".
During Kwanzaa, families and communitiescome together to celebrate their heritage andvalues through a series of rituals and traditions.These include lighting the Kinara, a candleholder with seven candles representing theSeven Principles of Kwanzaa; sharing stories andproverbs that promote unity and self-determination; and preparing and enjoyingtraditional African-American foods.To celebrate Kwanzaa, it is important to honorthe Seven Principles, which are Umoja (Unity),Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima(Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa(Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose),Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith). Each dayof Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of theseprinciples, and families can discuss and reflecton how they can incorporate them into theirdaily lives.Overall, Kwanzaa is a time to celebrate African-American culture, honor ancestors, andstrengthen community bonds. By practicing theSeven Principles and participating in Kwanzaatraditions, families and communities can cometogether to promote unity, self-determination,and collective responsibility.
THINGS TO DODURING THEHOLIDAYBREAKLIGHTS!XMAS! ACTION!During the holidays, Macy's at HeraldSquare on 34th Street transforms into amagical wonderland. If you are onbabysitting duty this December, it could bean enchanting moment to share with yoursister or brother while celebrating theseason's magic. When: 11/25-12/24. Where:8th floor. Make a reservation online now, 5days in advance of your visit. Click the linkbelow for reservation details. ICE SKATING AT LEFRAK CENTER AT LAKESIDEPROSPECT PARK$$WONDERING WHAT FUN THINGS YOUCAN GET INTO THIS HOLIDAYSEASON? CHECK OUT A LIST OF IDEASTHAT OUR CASA ELVES HAVE PUTTOGETHER. TAKE A YOUNGER SIBLING TO SANTALAND AT MACY'SHERALD SQUAREADMISSION: FREE, BUT REQUIRES ADVANCEDRESERVATIONSHOW WILL YOU BESPENDING YOUR WINTERBREAK?The Lefrak Center at Lakeside is locatednear the Parkside and Ocean Avenueentrances to Prospect Park. The rinkfeatures both a covered and open rink,all set against the stunning backdrop ofthe park. Visit their website for moreinformation on admission and skaterental fees."A CHRISTMAS CAROL, OY! HANUKKAH, MERRYKWANZAA"DEC. 22-JAN. 2, 2022,VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE (SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS)SCREENING FEE: $10"A Christmas Carol, Oy! Hanukkah, MerryKwanzaa" is a cross-cultural remake ofCharles Dickens' holiday classic AChristmas Carol. Performances arevirtual, so check the website forscreening times and virtual links.DYKER HEIGHTS CHRISTMAS LIGHTSNOW THROUGH JANUARY 1, 202382ND STREET, BROOKLYN, NYFREEVisit Dyker Heights during theholiday season to see thisBrooklyn neighborhood fullyilluminated. Best of all, it'scompletely free!DAVE & BUSTERS, ATLANTIC CENTERBROOKLYN, NYFamily members with a validmilitary or First Responder IDcan get 15% off food &beverage for theemselvesand up to 4 Guests (Cannotbe combined with otheroffers; excludes alcohol)CHECK OUT A LOCAL MUSEUMFREE - $$The New York City area is home tonumerous unique and interestingmuseums, such as the new Museumof Ice Cream and the Museum ofBroadway. Visitors to the Museumof the Moving Image in Astoria areinvited to make stop motion filmsand their own Jim Henson muppets.For those aged 19 and under,general admission to the BrooklynMuseum is free daily. El Museo delBarrio has a few events lined up forthe holiday season. Anyone with aCulture Pass can enter the RubenMuseum of Art for free. The AsiaSociety is primarily a museumdevoted to Asian art, but it alsohosts a number of family eventsand workshops, includingmeditation. The Jewish Museum willhost a Hanukkah Art Mix onDecember 18th to commemoratethe holiday. Finally, on December26, the Brooklyn Children's Museumwill host an all-day event calledCelebrate Kwanzaa, with additionalevents taking place throughout thefive-day celebration.Inside the Museum of Ice Cream, New York CityHanukkah 2022: December 18, 2022 - December 26, 2022Celebrating Kwanzaa at the Brooklyn Children's Museum
Brush off those blues this holiday season - grab your phone, scan thatQR code, and share all the things in life that make you feel thankful. Spread some love and kindness to the world by sharing heartwarmingstories of how you received or gave kindness. Let's sprinkle some suggestions on how people can participate in thisspirit of giving during the holiday season, while spreading cheer allaround this festive season!For Gratitude andGiving Back...
HomecomingRenaissanceRenaissance1 2 / 1 / 2 3
HomecomingRenaissanceRenaissance1 2 / 1 / 2 3
Essex Community CollegeEssex Community CollegeEssex Community CollegeTrip!Trip!Trip!
Student Achievement RecognitionAwardsNHS New Member InductionCeremony&
MR. J’S MOVIE REVIEW CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZASPIRITED (2022), Apple TVThe holidays are here amongst us. Littleknown fact about me, but I love me agood musical. Moulin Rouge, MammaMia, Sweeny Todd, Tick, Tick Boom…. AChristmas musical is right up my alley,and that’s what we got with Will Ferrelland Ryan Reynolds’ Spirited. An interesting twist on the timeless classicA Christmas Carol, Spirited features WillFerrell as the Ghost of Christmas Present,working for a corporation of variousChristmas ghosts who is tasked withperforming the yearly Christmas haunt onReynolds’ Clint, a controversial mediaconsultant who has been labeled“unredeemable”. Ferrell’s Present has hiswork cut out for him, as Ryan Reynolds isextra Ryan Reynolds with his typical, quick-witted, sarcastic self that he seems tojust play in everything he is in now.That’s not always a bad thing, but itdoes lend itself to the law ofdiminishing returns. That said, Reynolds and Ferrell have agreat chemistry, with Will Ferrellproving himself surprisingly capableat leading a musical with his singingand dancing. The two lead some surprisingly goodand memorable set pieces includingsongs such as “Christmas MorningFeeling”, “Good Afternoon”, “Marley’sHaunt”, and “Unredeemable”, all ofwhich are certified Christmas bangers. Spirited is undeniably a Christmasmovie, packing all the heart, visuals, SpiritedDirected by S e a n A n d e r s
colors, all while providing a refreshing takewith unique twists and turns on a timelesstale that has been adapted for film andtelevision dozens and dozens of times (withThe Muppets Christmas Carol obviouslybeing the best of the bunch).For those who read my reviews, my maincritique is one that I’ve cited at least twicealready in previous films. That being, themovie does tend to drag a little bit with asomewhat excessively long runtime. “But Mr.J”, you say, “you always say how you watch 3-4 hour movies for fun”. That’s true. But it hasall to do with pacing. A song or two definitelycould have been cut, and felt like they wereadded just to continue giving the actorssomething to do. But, I’m not that much of aScrooge, and still can’t deny myself the joy ofa good Christmas musical. SpiritedDirected by S e a n A n d e r sSPIRITED (2022)DIRECTED BY SEAN ANDERS
Ms. White - 12/29 Mr. Moreau - 12/31 Steven Santana - 12/3Stephanie Cai Wu -12/5 Yichang Jiang - 12/5Crismalin Pina -Gonzalez- 12/5Cubits RobleroMorales - 12/6Jackelime PanzaMerchan - 12/5HappyBirthday
Uanna Cerisier - 12/7Fatima Alabsi - 12/10Daniel Rodriguez - 12/10Alana Canty - 12/14Nayleth Torres - 12/15Aiden Lopez - 12/16Elaynie Medina - 12/16Nicholas Garcia - 12/16Jose Espana - 12/19Rana Umar - 12/19HappyBirthday
Edwin Merino - 12/20Ashley Mitchell - 12/23Oswaldo Guarcax Palax -12/24Dayana Calleja-Pena - 12/28Jhonnatan Heredia - 12/29Nawwaf Be Anam - 12/30HappyBirthday
Cyberarts Studio Academy Valrie Wauchope, Principal,cDawood Abdul-Hameed, Assistant Principal Alyson Forde, Assistant Principal 237 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel # (718) 832-4201Fax #: (718) 832-0273 Our community of learners will think and act critically, ethically and responsibly in order to ensure that they are college and career ready. STUDENT OFF CAMPUS LUNCH 90% Attendance criteria - What You Should Know Off Campus lunch is a privilege granted to students whose cumulative dailyattendance is 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts permonth. Month/Semester Number of Days in Month September 16 October 21 November 19 December 16 January 16 FALL SEMESTER February 16 March 20 April 13 May 22 June 14 SPRING SEMESTER Number ofAbsencesPermitted 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 0 18 Number ofCumulativeAbsencesPermitted 2 4 6 8 9 9 9 11 13 15 18 18 Number ofSubject PeriodsCuts Permitted 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 25 Number ofCumulative CutsPer Monthpermitted 5 10 15 20 25 25 5 10 15 20 20 20 1. Students must have their parents sign the Off Campus Lunch Permission form. 2. Students must have daily attendance of 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts per month. 3. Off Campus lunch is scheduled during period 5 between 11:25am – 12:10pm. 4. Each student that is eligible for Off Campus lunch will have a sticker placed on the back of their student ID. 5. Students must return to the campus at 12:10pm or earlier. Failure to return to school on time can result in termination of privileges. 6. Students must provide documentation for excused absences such as medical notes, court notes, funerals if their attendances falls below 90% for consideration to restore Off Campus Lunch.
@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K
We would especially like to thank Ms.Wauchope, Ms. FordeMs. G. Harris, Mr. J, Ms. Leyva, Ms. M.Monroe, Ms. Stein, and the CASAfaculty and staff for their contributionsto this issue of the Chronicle. EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMS. K. HARRIS