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December 16

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December 16, 2022ג״פשת ולסכ ב’’כבשיו תשרפ DEEPER UNDERSTANDING3:54 PMDear Parents,In the famous song that we sing after lighting the Menorah, רוצ זועמ, there is a stanza that refers to the Chanukah story. We say םינשושל סנ השענ םינקנקה רתונמו – from the leftover oil in the barrels Hashem performed a miracle for the Kohanim. The stanza ends with the words םיננרו ריש ועבק הנומש ימי הניב ינב. We refer to the םימכח as הניב ינב, people of deep understanding. The ones of deep understanding established a yomtov through ריש and םיננר. Why do we call the chachomim by this title? What new understanding did the chachomim gain at the nes of Chanukah? Hashem performed a nes through the Menorah. The purpose of miracles is to bring ללכ לארשי to a new level of clarity. Through the miracle of the Menorah, which was a יולג סנ, Klal Yisrael arrived at the realization that nature is also a miracle. As the Ramban states at the end of Parshas Bo, revealed miracles allow us to understand that our entire existence is miraculous. For this reason, Al HaNissim is added in Modim. Modim is the bracha where we thank Hashem for ונמע םוי לכבש ךיתואלפנו ךיסנ, the daily natural miracles. This idea provides another answer to the question of the Beis Yosef. The flask of oil was enough to keep the Menorah burning for one day. That one day’s supply lasted eight days which means that the miracle of the oil was only for seven days. Chanukah, however, is celebrated for eight days. Why? To remind us that the natural order of oil burning for even one day is a miracle. This was the deeper understanding of the הניב ינב when they were ימי םיננרו ריש ועבק הנומש.! תבש טוגRabbi Ochs● TA hosted a magnificent melava malka to show appreciation for its Morahs and female staff. Mrs. Rika Simon, the mastermind behind the event, expressed the school’s gratitude toward its teachers in every detail. From the elevated decor to the delicious menu, each element was intended to make attendees feel special. The activities and entertainment created a memorable atmosphere. "We felt like queens!” a teacher remarked at the end of the evening. Thank you to our event sponsors for enabling TA to celebrate our educators in a fitting way: The Rosmarin Family, The Grossman Family, and Catapult Learning. ● The first round of our exciting geography bee took place using computers in both buildings. Congratulations to all the the students that participated in round 1 and the students that progressed to round 2! We are looking forward to the next round!● Rabbi Veiner, a prominent Rav from Monsey, spoke to the middle school boys after Mincha on Monday about not making excuses and taking responsibility. ● The first week of school lunches in the Hamilton building was a big success. It’s wonderful to see so many students eating nutritious and delicious food throughout the day.● Sun Dec. 18 Rebbe’s Meeting- Special Dismissal 11:30 AM● Mon, Dec 19 - Wed, Dec 21 - Chanukah Dismissal for 6-8B at 4:00 PM● Thurs, Dec 22 - Chanukah Special Dismissal: Hamilton - 11:50 AM, Williston 12 noon● Fri, Dec 23 - Mon, Dec 26 - Chanukah break

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BULLETIN BOARDMazel Tov! CondolencesOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● Thank you so much to Mrs. Johnson who arranged a trip to Warrior Ice Arena for 2-5B. A superb time was had by all!● This week, 6B has been working very hard preparing for STEM fair! They also had some very exciting projects with Mr. Carey including experimenting with Snap Circuits and Circuit Scribe materials to see if they are compatible, and teaming up with 5th grade to finish building airplane launchers.Uniform Gemach AnnouncementDay of Learning● 11 Kislev ● To Avraham and Aliza (Exler) (‘10) Shugarman on the birth of their son, and to grandparents Mr. Binyamin and Mrs. Rachel (PreK-2) Exler.● To Dr. Gedalya and Mrs. Lara Bark on the engagement of their daughter Mimi to Dovid Michoel Kraftmann.Community Events SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshas Vayishlach!4BShimshon Nulman5BYaakov Barres Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Yosef Shalom Delmoor Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok HorowitzMoshe SegalTuvya Sternfield6BMoshe BarkEli Benmergui Aryeh Block Yosef Hoffman Shmuel Lieberman7BChaim Moshe Delmoor David KamounEzra KlompasAron David Luria Moshe UminerMenachem Mendel Zaklos8BMordechai Bier Naftoli OchsTzvi Posy Tuvia SchonbergYonatan Zazula

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS1. Ignite the S.P.A.R.K!. bulletin board.2. First grade students present their drawings of girls S.P.A.R.K.ling in the school yard!3. S.P.A.R.K. drawings submitted by students in grades 4-7.4. Chanukah bulletin board.5. This week, Parshas Vayeishev, 2G played the games that 4G students created at their Siyum on Parshas Vayeshiv.6. Lunch program in the Hamilton building.7. Melave Malkah for the Moros.

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS4.1. Students in 4B taking the first round of the geography bee on the computer.2. Boys made Chanukah pictures and hung them as decorations on Mrs. Wallach’s office door.3. 2-5B ice skating at Warrior Ice Arena.4. 6th Grade Kosel Menorah project5. Amazing math with Mrs. Wallach

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