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December 14 2018 THE WHOLE TRUTH Dear Parents I hope everyone had a lichtige Chanukah and enjoyed spending time with family and friends Parshas Vayigash is an emotion laden parshah Yosef reveals his identity to his brothers and Yaakov Avinu is reunited with his beloved son after twenty two years The psukim indicate that the brothers did not have an easy time convincing Yaakov that Yosef was alive The initial revelation that Yosef was alive didn t convince Yaakov of the news authenticity It was only after they told over all the words of Yosef and and Yaakov saw the wagons Yosef had sent did Yaakov finally believe What were the that had the effect of finally convincing Yaakov Rav Schwab explains that the brothers first assumed that it was unnecessary to relate all that had occurred to Yosef It was sufficient to inform Yaakov that Yosef was alive and well They realized however that this didn t make the grade Yaakov would only believe them if 3 54 PM he heard the story in its entirety The brothers owned up to what they had done and then Yaakov believed This provides another layer to the allusion of that Yosef meant through sending the Now that the brothers had admitted to their guilt and had not tried to hide the truth Yosef was hinting to his father that they were deserving of forgiveness much like the s purpose is to This lesson is especially important when educating our children We need to impress upon them to admit when they have done something wrong and not make do with halftruths There is a Yiddish saying that half a truth is a whole lie Fully owning up to our mistakes and moving forward is a much healthier attitude December 16 TAG comes to Boston December 18 Asarah B Teves 5 8G dismissal 12 00 noon 6 8B 12 30 PM December 23 Rebbeim meeting 2 8B dismissal at 11 30 AM The bulletin is sponsored by Have a Rabbi Ochs Since the last bulletin so many wonderful and fun filled events have taken place beginning with the Torah Academy Gala Auction Motzei Shabbos December 1 It was a night of fun schmoozing and enjoying food from Bagels and Greens of New York The highlight of the evening of course was the Torah Academy Boys Choir from grades 5 7 led by choirmaster extraordinaire Rabbi Rodkin We thank Moshe Feldman for his wonderful musical accompaniment The auction was the most successful ever bringing in a record breaking 81 316 exceeding our goal Special thanks to our auction committee Mrs Elisheva Bier Mrs Michal Blumberg Miss Shiffy Goldman Mrs Frumie Krochmal Mrs Aliza Rosenberg and Mrs Shira Sternfield They were assisted by Mrs Esti Dessler Mrs Tova Kahn and Mrs Masha Sarah Lowenstein The list of volunteers is too long to enumerate here but we are so grateful for their assistance with ticket sales schlepping set up and clean up On Sunday morning December 2 the first grade boys celebrated a Hascholas Chumash Seudah The boys performed a skit about The Steipler Rav and his intense learning The danced with the rebbe fathers and grandfathers Rabbi Ochs gave a charge to the boys The boys were presented with their Chumashim by the grandfathers the Bostoner Rebbe shlita Rabbi Naftoli Bier Rosh Kollel of the Kollel of Greater Boston and Rabbi Aaron Hamaoui Rav of the Sephardic Community of Boston Rabbi Sebbag related a story from his youth about the importance of learning Torah The boys began by learning the first passuk of Vayikra Thank you Rabbi Sebbag for preparing the boys so nicely Thank you to Moshe Feldman for the music for the event and to the mothers who coordinated the food for the seudah On Tuesday evening the middle school girls celebrated a Hide Out Chanukah Chaggigah prepared by the eighth grade girls Everyone

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Bulletin Board enjoyed a baked ziti and salad buffet and desert They played a human game of Bop It which was so much fun The eighth graders then hid and the other girls had to find them Baruch Hashem they were all found They danced together L chovod the Chag A great time was had by all Wednesday was a day filled with music PreK1 and PreK2 dressed in costumes they decorated performed Chanukah songs for their parents The Kindergartens also participated in a Chanukah performance in the auditorium for their parents and grandparents Thank you to all the moros and Morah Leah Nussbaum our own Morah Music On Wednesday evening the grades 1 8 boys celebrated their Chanukah Chaggigah They had a color war between the lebedike latkes and the dancing donuts The latkes won Grade 8 presented a Chanukah skit As always Rabbi Benmergui s 7B created a big beautiful menorah which they lit Each of the other classes also prepared a program that they presented A big yosher koach to Rabbi Benmergui for coordinating the event Thank you to the set up committee Yonah Gluckin Meir Hain Manny Tarlin and Nesanel Wilhelm On Thursday right before the beginning of the Chanukah break grades 1 8 girls joined together for a Chanukah Chaggigah run by the 8th grade G O Everyone was first treated to a superb Chanukah choir by the 2nd grade girls led by Mrs Fontek with accompaniment by Morah Leah Nussbaum They were fantastic Following the performance 5 7 graders participated in races while grades 1 4 created Chanukah themed posters out of various material given to them All the girls then got together and decorated cupcakes in Chanukah themes They were so creative The girls enjoyed dancing Everyone left the Chaggigah with a bag of Chanukah gelt and a keychain that said Ready not What a great way to spend the last hours in school before vacation Thank you 8th grade On Wednesday this week the first grade girls celebrated their Chumash Mesibah The girls performed a skit about gedolim for parents and grandparents Rabbi Ochs presented the girls with their Chumashim Thank you Mrs Youshei for preparing the girls so nicely Thank you to Morah Leah Nussbaum for the music and to Mrs Sternfield and Mrs Roditi for creating costumes Thank you to Mrs Goldstein for live streaming this and the other shows and for her technical assistance DAY OF LEARNING 25 Kislev sponsored by the Menchel Family as a zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah and a successful surgery for Yosef ben Tzporah 5 Teves sponsored by the Goldman Family l zecher Nishmas Ruchama Elka Vitel bas R Moshe Chaim a h on her Yahrtzeit 5 Teves sponsored in honor of Akiva Riesel s 6th Birthday and to all his Amazing Teachers at Torah Academy by Rabbi Yudi Ellie Riesel MAZEL TOV TO Mr Nate 6 8B Science Math and Mrs Rena Berman on the birth of their son Mali 11 Bukiet and Yisroel New on their recent engagement and to parents Rabbi Alter and Mrs Sarah Bukiet Mr Yaakov and Mrs Chanala Goldbrenner on the birth of their daughter Rabbi Yehoshua and Mrs Miriam Faigel Plotnik on the birth of their daughter REGISTRATION FOR 2019 2020 You will shortly be receiving registration for the upcoming school year If you have a child entering Prek please complete the preschool application along with the registration

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 1B Hascholas Chumash Seudah Boys 1 8 Chanukah Mesibah 3 4 3B Dreidel spin In honor of Chanukah 5B made beeswax candles 6 4

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 3 2 4 5 6 3 7 10 11 9 12 1 3G at Mrs Posy s house making Chanukah cookies 7 5G draws with chalk on black paper light breaking the darkness 2 1G Chumash Mesibah 8 3 Naama Basya Lowenstein 6G wins a 20 gift card from Moshlei Halashon Chofetz Chaim program raffle Mrs Sternfield speaks to the girls in 6G about the correlation between what they have learned about ancient Egypt and the corresponding Jewish History 4 2G creates Chanukah get well postcards for Rofeh 9 5 8G Chanukah Chaggigah 5 6G Chanukah donut wall project 6 4G Chanukah Mesibah at Mrs Sternfield s house 10 2G performing at Chanukah Chaggigah 11 6G creates a Chodesh Teves bulletin board 12 Grades 1 8 Chanukah Chaggigah

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 1 Prek2 Chanukah performance 5 PreK2 baking Chanukah cookies 2 Prek1 Chanukah performance 6 Batsheva Frager and Akiva Riesel lighting Chanukah candles in K1 3 Kindergarten Chanukah performance 7 Shabbos in K2 4 Activites with parents following the Chanukah Shows 6

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5G MENORAH MUSEUM It has been a beautiful tradition in Torah Academy that on the first day of Chanukah 5G classroom turns into a Menorah museum This year as usual Mrs Gould s students used their talents and creativity to design unique menorahs

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE Eliyahu Youshaei Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Chatzkel Wilhelm Levi Klompas 3rd GRADE Yisroel Leib Greene 7th GRADE Tzvi Sussman Uri Hain Yosef Polter 2nd GRADE Aron Luria Shlomo Rosmarin Akiva Bressel Natanel Atar 4th GRADE Aaron Sanieoff Akiva Feuerstein Eliyohu Boruch Benmergui Eliezer Moshe Feuerstein Daniel Simnegar Nachum Yoel Halpern Yaakov Bier Shmuel Chaim Loketch Yehuda Wolf 8th GR ADE Ari Block Naftoli Ochs Eitan Youshei Elchonon Frohlich 5th GRADE 6th GRADE Yosef Hoffman Moshe Blumberg Jonathan Faintuch Yehoshua Kashnow Asher Bressel Yisrael Feldman Yehuda Leib Rodkin Yehoshua Feldman Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Gavi Rosenberg Yehuda Leib Feldman Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Henoch Blumberg Meir Hain Yosef Aryeh Leff Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayeshev V and Miketz M 5B 6B 7B Raffle Winners Yehuda Leib Feldman V M Yoni Faintuch V M Malkiel Miara V M Yehuda Leib Feldman V Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein V M Yisrael Feldman V M Menachem Mendel Rodkin M Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein V Yisroel Leib Greene M Yaakov Fontek V 8B Shlomo Rosmarin V M Moshe Leff V M Yonah Gluckin V Chaim Morderchai Moshe Rodkin V Aaron Sanieoff V M Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin V Meir Hain V M Yisroel Leib Greene M Yosef Aryeh Leff V Shlomo Rosmarin M Shmuel Meir Solomon M Chatzkel Wilhelm M Shmuel Meir Solomon V M Noam Youshaei V M Yehuda Zyto V Binyomin Septimus V M

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