TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS DECEMBER’S COVER PHOTODECEMBER’S COVER PHOTOCongratulations to Cindy Guilbeault, our Family Support Worker, forwinning this month‘s photo contest! The deer in the photo is one that visitsher yard regularly. Message from the Executive DirectorChristmas DinnerIndigenous Winter MarketThe Giving TreeFamily Craft Nights Suswin Reps at the Homelessness ConferenceWelcome New Staff & Drumming ScheduleOpen Mic + Karaoke - Special EditionSweats in NovemberNBIFC Float in the Santa Claus ParadeHealth Outreach Program DecemberStaff and Clients Adding to their BundlesYouth Life Promotions and Donations NeededEmployment OpportunitiesMedia Arts StorytellingNBIFC 50th Gala - Save the DatePhoto ContestLife Long Care MittensHoliday HoursStaff Directory345687910111213141516191817202122
NBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 3 Executive Director's MessageAniin Boozhoo, Wachay,Well here we are November already, this pastmonth has been a pretty busy one, I had theprivilege of attending a conference in Nova Scotia,hosted by the Canadian Alliance to EndHomelessness. Suswin Village resident Willie D,Case Manager Bernice Kataquapit and myself did apresentation on Suswin Village, and it wasextremely well received, miigwetch to Bernice andWillie for doing such a great job! The conferencewas attended by approximately 1700 people fromall across the nation. Resident Willie D, wassponsored to go by LIPI (Low-Income People ofNipissing) and the North Bay IndigenousFriendship Centre.The NBIFC participated in the Santa Claus Parade,and despite some technical difficulties, the staff,student council and volunteers did an incrediblejob. We have many events that will be taking place hereat the NBIFC, and we welcome each and every oneof you to come out and attend the many activities. There will be an Indigenous Winter Market takingplace the first weekend in December, a good wayto get your Christmas shopping completed (orstarted), we have a lot of vendors who havebooked tables. There will also be the Giving Treefor Community Members, as well as food sales atthe Market, which are fundraisers for both thepow-wow and the Life Long Care Program. Be sureto come out and show your support. I’ve heardwhispers on the wind of scone dogs andIndigenous Tacos.....but that’s not confirmed. Kathy FortinWe have also had some staff changes, as youare well aware Executive Assistant Lori-AnneStanger has left the NBIFC and has movedon to a position at a First Nation, she will betruly missed, and we wish her all the best.Chris Mathias will be taking over Lori-Anne’sposition and I look forward to workingclosely with Chris.Jennifer Seguin has laterally transfered fromAkwe:go Enhanced program, where sheworked for the past 16 years, Jennifer hasaccepted the position of ProgramCoordinator, which I am sure Jen will excelat due to her time spent here at the NBIFC.I look forward to seeing you at the ChristmasDinner on December 13, 2023.Miigwetch!
ChristmasChristmasDINNER980 Cassells St North Bay, ON P1B 4A8980 Cassells St North Bay, ON P1B 4A8DECEMBER 13, 20234:00 PM - 6:00PMMEMBERS ONLYMUST PRE-REGISTER BY DECEMBER 8, 2023 AT 4PMCALL: (705)472-2811RECEPTION@NBIFC.ORGJoin us for a turkey dinner with allthe fixings! Join us for a turkey dinner with allthe fixings!
N O R T H B A Y I N D I G E N O U SF R I E N D S H I P C E N T R EDECEMBER 2 & 3 2023DECEMBER 2 & 3 2023VENDOR REGISTRATION CLOSES November 17, 2023, 4pm. CALL : (705) 472-2811 EXT 242EMAIL : INQUIRE@NBIFC.ORGSATURDAY 9 TO 4 SUNDAY 10 TO 3DOORS OPEN980 CASSELLS ST., NORTH BAY, P1B 4A8Gift Items, Crafts, Food & MusicThe Canteenwill be selling snacks,breakfast sandwiches,coffee, etc. and we’veheard rumours ofIndigenous Tacos....Pow-Wow andLife Long CareFundraiserPow-Wow andLife Long CareFundraiser
NOV. 27 TO DEC. 16 THE GIVING TREE WILL BE ONSITE AT THE CRAFT SHOW ONDECEMBER 2ND & 3RD.FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:ALLYSON MENEY MHAW1@NBIFC.ORG (705) 472-2811 EXT. 247DONATIONS ARE WELCOME IFYOU CAN’T DO THE SHOPPINGNORTH BAY INDIGENOUS FRIENDSHIP CENTREGIVING TREE980 CASSELLS STNORTH BAY, ON P1B 4V8Choose a tag off the tree, which hasinformation about the recipient on it - forexample, a Male 14 years old. Get thatperson a gift and we will deliver it to them!
Suswin VillageNBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 8A small contingent of Suswin Villagerepresentatives headed east to the CanadianAlliance to End Homelessness Conference fromNovember 8th to 10th. Kathy Fortin, NBIFCExecutive Director, Bernice Kataquapit, CaseManager at Suswin Village, and Willie Daigle,Resident Advocate were there to speak aboutSuswin Village, share a bit about the constructionof the project, and the experiences so far for theresidents as Suswin Village finds its feet withinthe city of North Bay, after close to one year ofoperation.For Bernice and Willie, it was their first time onthe east coast, so it was an incredible experiencefor both of them. Everyone attending felt the presentation wasexcellent, and Willie in particular was a wonderfulspeaker as he was humble, kind and honest abouthis experiences to date. He has taken on aleadership role and is deeply committed tohelping others who find themselves homeless likehe was.
NBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 9WELCOME NEW STAFF Melissa LafranceHello, my name is Melissa and I’m the new Children’s Wellness Worker. I’ve been in the North Bay area for over 22 years working in the Social ServiceWorker field. I have worked in Employment Support, Ontario Works, Housing, MetisNation, and CTS Canadian Career as an Admissions Counselor and Manager ofStudent Success Advisor. I have three children, 19, 16 and 14 and was just married. I’m so excited about my new position here at the NBIFC and I’ve already beenworking on some great activities for NBIFC children to participate in. Traci KoritsarisHi Everyone, A quick Introduction of myself. My name is Traci Koritsaris and have been hiredto be the new Events Planner! I am very excited to get to know everyone and amhappy to be here. Looking forward to diving into planning all of your wonderfulevents. My door is always open to say hello. Here’s to a great Christmas seasonand a great new year.Drumming Schedule for DecemberDecember 5th and 19thYouth Drumming/Singing and Pow-WowDance PracticeDecember 12th Mens Drumming Practice, Community Pow-Wow Dancing/ Singing PracticeDecember 5th and 19thYouth Drumming/Singing and Pow-WowDance PracticeDecember 12th Mens Drumming Practice, Community Pow-Wow Dancing/ Singing Practice
NBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 11Two Sweats held in NovemberNovember was a busy month as NBIFC staff took the time to step awayfrom their desks and phones, and head out to the land. Braving the chillyweather, they went into a sweat with conductor Richard Assinewai. It’s important for staff to take the time to learn about these ceremoniesand if they wish to, have the opportunity to participate, as its an ancientpractice that assists with dealing with personal and professional workburdens that tend to happen, as we are an organization of helpers. Self-care is important, and we’re so fortunate to work in a place that supports,encourages and provides opportunities for traditional activities. Then a few weeks later, therewas a client sweat held forclients of various programs whohave been working hard ontheir own healing. Those whodidn’t go in the lodge were busymaking delicious bannock on astick. It was delicious, and thewarm treat was appreciated onsuch a cold day, as was theLabrador Tea, made Cree style!Some of our folks fromAttawapiskat shared thatLabrador Tea with a few RedRose tea bags thrown in iswhat they generally have athome. It was delicious!In ziplock bag combine flour, baking powder, butter, sugar and salt. Seal andsquishy the bag until butter is crumbly. Write on bag "Add 1/2 cup water". Put inrefrigerator or cooler.At your campsite, prepare yourself a roasting stick. Set aside. When ready to make bannock, add water to bag, seal and squishy until mixturestarts to form a dough ball. Remove from bag and on cutting board, form into 4-6 balls.Roll each ball into a long log and wrap around ends of roasting stick. Roast overhot fire, but not too close as to burn the outside. This part takes time since youwant to cook the inside without burning the outside. Turn slowly, it will takeanywhere from 10-20 minutes.When the bread is brown on the outside, has puffed up a little and feels cookedon the inside it is ready.Ingredients2 cups flour4 tsp baking powder4 tbsp butter cold2 tsp white sugar1/2 tsp salt1/2 cup water1 ziplock bagInstructions1. on a Stick
NBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 12NBIFC Float in the Santa Claus ParadeNBIFC Staff, Youth Council and some family and volunteers were on hand for the 2023Christmas Float, despite the technical issues when the towing vehicle failed, Sarah andher blue truck came to the rescue and all was well! The theme this year was OutdoorActivities, our float featured dog sledding and snowshoeing.
Flu/Covid Vaccine & DiabetesPresentationDecember 7th10am - 2 pm Social DrumDecember 12th6:00 –8:00 pmCree Talking CircleDecember 14th6:00 – 7:30 pmOPEN MIC NIGHTDecember 164:00- 8:00 PMCommunity Christmas DinnerDecember 13thDrinking Water Settlement Forms are still available, let us help you getthem in on time! We can provide Bus Passes and taxiservices for Doctor Appointments Only Health Outreach ProgramFor more information or toregister for an activityplease contact:George Hughie(705)472-2811 ext. 209
Staff and someprogram participantsspent the day makingdeer hide drums. Thedrum is an importantpart of one’s bundle forceremony. A few weeks later therewas a drum stickmaking and birthingceremony held withThaila Sarazin. We all look forward tohearing these newdrums and new voiceslearning and singingsongs. NBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 15Staff and Clients Adding to their Bundles
Most people don’t know, but when an individual is arrested or serves time in jail, they are given onlyexactly what they came in with. Some people spend weeks or months in jail waiting for their cases tobe resolved and that sometimes means they are released in clothing really not suited to the weather,particularly the cold. The Judicial system does nothing to ensure that people are released with appropriate clothing. This isone of the many things the staff at the NBIFC take on to ensure people are safely dressed for theweather, as well as help with transportation when needed. The Justice Programs are looking fordonations of CLEAN gently used (or new) Winter clothing. The following items are needed: Men's:Winter jackets- M - XXLJogging pants- M - XXLSnow pants - M - XXLSweaters - M - XXLBoots - 9 - 12Hats & mitts NBIFC NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2023 | PAGE 16Clothing urgently needed for ReleasedIndividualsWomens: Jackets - S to XXLJogging pants: S - XXLSweaters - S - XXLBoots: 6 - 9Snow pants: S - XXLHats & mitts To make a donation, please drop them off at the North Bay Jail, 2550 Trout Lake Road Building A
NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREAvailable PositionsWaabanMental Health and Wellness WorkerPrenatal/Family Support AssistantSuswin Village Transitional House: NightClient Care - Casual Relief: ongoingIndigenous Healthy Babies, HealthyChildren Program WorkerKizhaay Anishinaabe Niin - I am a KindMan WorkerA Place to Gather WorkerAkwe:Go Enhancement CoordinatorWE ARE HIRING!Email: hrc@nbifc.orgPlease Send Cover Letter, Resume and 3 References to:HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR
NBIFCPhotoContestSubmit your photo to be on thecover of our next Newsletter.Thousands of people acrossTurtle Island and beyond see ourNewsletter each month! inquire@nbifc.orgPhoto must carry an Indigenous theme or meaning in some way.Win a GIFT CARD!! Send in your photo, with title, your name, email and phone number. Image Preparation: The file should be 2MB at maximum. If you submit aphoto, you agree to the use and publication of the image where theNBIFC sees fit, and you have obtained permission from the subjects tobe photographed and submitted to the contest.
Life Long Care Program, gettingready for WinterThe Life Long CareProgram has beenhard at work makingsome beautifulmittens. Theearliest record ofhumans wearingmittens are fromcave paintingsdating from aroundthe Ice Age. Right, a childs mitten from approx 800years ago, Inuit, Caribou hide. Bottom Left, Algonquin mitten, circa1920s. National Museum of theAmerican IndianBottom Right, Icelandic mitten,woven, dated 10th Century.
Holiday HoursHoliday HoursWe will be closed as of December 22, 2023 at NoonWe will reopen January 2, 2024, at 8:30 amWe will be closed as of December 22, 2023 at NoonWe will reopen January 2, 2024, at 8:30 amWe wish you the merriest, brightest and mostbeautiful holiday season, and a truly happynew year filled with growth and success. The NBIFC Staff