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Dealsby E-Book June 2024

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B R E N T O N W R I G H T , M B AFOUNDER | CEO, VIRELY REFERRAL MARKETING TECHNOLOGIESCommunity-centric Referral Marketing Technologyfor Small Businesses: A Closer Look at Dealsby

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Table of ContentsIntroduction (Pg. 3)1.Welcome to DealsbyThe Power of Community-Centric Referral MarketingUnderstanding Dealsby (Pg. 8)2.Algorithm-Based Referral Marketing TechnologyGeolocation: Connecting Consumers and BusinessesMulti-Channel Referral SharingWhy Dealsby Matters (Pg. 12)3.Supporting Small BusinessesDriving Local EconomiesFostering Community BondsHow Dealsby Works (Pg. 16)4.User Experience: Discovering Local DealsReferral Sharing: Amplifying Business ReachPersonalization: Tailoring RecommendationsWhy Its Important For Your Business To Be on The Dealsby MapBenefits for Consumers (Pg. 22)5.Finding Hidden Gems in Your NeighborhoodExclusive Deals and OffersStrengthening Community TiesBenefits for Small Businesses (Pg. 25)6.Increased VisibilityCustomer AcquisitionLeveraging Word-of-Mouth MarketingNationwide Availability, Local Impact (Pg. 28)7.Balancing Scale and Community FocusRural Solutions: Empowering Local EnterprisesSuccess Stories (Pg. 30)8.How Dealsby Can Transform XYZ RestaurantFrom Local Shop to Regional SensationSetting Up Your Business on Dealsby (Pg. 34)9.Creating a Business ProfileCrafting Irresistible DealsEngaging with CustomersEncouraging Customer Participation (Pg. 37)10.The Referral Program: Incentivizing SharingCommunity Events and CollaborationsMeasuring SuccessConclusion (Pg. 47)11.The Future of Local CommerceJoin the Dealsby Community

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Welcome to DealsbyAs the founder of Dealsby, I am thrilled to introduce you to a cutting-edge platformthat embodies the spirit of community and the power of technology to transformhow we support local businesses. My journey began with a simple yet profoundrealization: small businesses are the backbone of our communities, yet they faceimmense challenges in customer acquisition and retention. This realization, coupledwith my passion for entrepreneurship and my family’s small business roots, led tothe creation of Dealsby.At Dealsby, we believe in the strength of community-centric referral marketing. Ourinnovative and proprietary algorithm-based and geolocation-driven referraltechnology is designed to seamlessly connect consumers with local businesses,offering a win-win solution for all. By leveraging and integrating geolocationservices and multi-channel sharing, we ensure that the best deals from great smallbusinesses reach the right people at the right time in their communities.Our mission is clear: to support small businesses and their communities, one referralat a time. We are dedicated to driving local economies, fostering community bonds,and providing a dynamic marketing platform where small businesses can trulythrive. Dealsby is more than just a technology company; it’s a movement torevitalize local commerce through the power of referrals.For consumers, Dealsby is a treasure trove of local gems, offering exclusive dealsand opportunities to strengthen community ties. For small businesses, it’s a beaconof visibility, customer acquisition, and word-of-mouth marketing. We are committedto balancing scale with community focus, ensuring that even the most ruralenterprises can empower their local economies.Success stories, like the transformation of XYZ Café from a local shop to a regionalsensation, are my company’s mission, vision, and passion to ensure the economicimpact of Dealsby on the small business community is both profound and lasting.We invite you to join us in this amazing journey, whether by setting up yourbusiness on our platform, sharing referrals, or simply enjoying the unique offeringsof your neighborhood.The future of local commerce is bright, and with Dealsby, you are a part of it. Joinour community and experience the difference that genuine, heartfelt referrals canmake.Warm regards,Brenton Wright, MBAFounder/CEOVirely Referral Marketing Technologies | DealsbyAtlanta, GA

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The Power of Community-Centric Referral Marketing: Strengthening Local EconomiesIn an increasingly interconnected world, where digital platforms dominate our dailylives, the essence of community remains a powerful force. Community-centric referralmarketing harnesses this force, bridging the gap between consumers looking to savemoney while also supporting their small business community and local businesseslooking to grow and thrive through those all important customer referrals. Let us delveinto the significance of this approach and explore how it can transform the landscape ofcommerce in your community.The Community ConnectionAt its core, Community-centric Referral Marketing recognizes that recommendationsfrom trusted sources hold immense sway and influence. When a neighbor, friend, orfamily member recommends a local business, it carries more weight than anyadvertisement ever could. Why? Because these referrals come from genuineexperiences, shared within the fabric of the community. By smartly tapping into thisimmense network, businesses can unlock a powerful channel for growth.Word-of-Mouth AmplifiedReferral marketing amplifies the age-old practice of word-of-mouth. Instead of relyingsolely on chance encounters, businesses actively encourage their existing customers tospread the word. Whether through incentives, loyalty programs, or personalizedinvitations, this approach turns satisfied patrons into loyal brand advocates. As theseadvocates share their positive experiences, the ripple effect extends far beyondtraditional marketing channels.The Local Economy BoostSmall businesses are the heartbeat of local economies. They create jobs, contribute totax revenues, and infuse character into neighborhoods. Community-centric referralmarketing bolsters these enterprises by driving foot traffic, increasing sales, andfostering loyalty. When consumers actively participate in promoting local businesses,they become stakeholders in their community’s prosperity.Trust and AuthenticityTrust is the currency of referrals. Consumers trust recommendations from people theyknow because authenticity underpins these interactions. Unlike faceless corporations,local businesses have faces, names, and stories. Referral marketing capitalizes on thisauthenticity, creating a virtuous cycle: happy customers refer others, who, in turn,become happy customers themselves.

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Balancing Scale and PersonalizationThe challenge lies in scaling community-centric efforts without losing theirpersonal touch. Technology plays a pivotal and expansive role here.Algorithms execute platform referral process tasks, referrer, referee, andbusiness owner notifications (app & email), dashboard information updateroutines, and other important enterprise source code tasks. Geolocationservices play a vital roll in connecting consumers to nearby gems. Multi-channel sharing ensures that important referrals reach diverse audiences ontheir favorite social media platforms. Striking this balance allows forwidespread impact while preserving the intimacy of local connections.Rural EmpowermentCommunity-centric referral marketing isn’t limited to bustling cities. Itempowers rural enterprises, breathing life into forgotten storefronts. Byspotlighting hidden gems, Dealsby directly helps small businesses thrive evenin remote areas. Imagine a quaint bakery in a picturesque town gainingnationwide visibility through heartfelt referrals. That’s the magic ofcommunity-driven commerce.Measuring SuccessMetrics matter. Businesses must track the effectiveness of their customerreferral programs. The number and timing of referrals made, promotion typepreferences, conversion rates, customer lifetime value, redemption statisticsand referral sources used (SMS, email or social media) provide valuableinsights. Even days of the week, pre and post holiday usage and industry/sub-industry engagement are critical factors to understand consumer behavior. Success stories emerge—the mom-and-pop bookstore that flourished, theartisanal coffee shop that became a local institution. These narratives validatethe power of community-centric marketing.The Future BeckonsAs we look ahead, community-centric referral marketing will continue toevolve. Innovations in AI, seamless user experiences, and deeper communityengagement await. But the heart of it remains unchanged: people connectingwith people, businesses thriving through shared goodwill.So, whether you’re savoring a latte at your neighborhood restaurant orexploring a clothing boutique, remember that your recommendation matters.You’re not just a customer; you’re a catalyst for community growth. Join us inshaping a future where local businesses flourish, one referral at a time.Together, let’s build stronger communities.

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2. Understanding DealsbyAlgorithm & Geolocation-driven Referral Marketing Technology Platforms:Revolutionizing Customer EngagementIn the digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways toengage customers and drive growth. Algorithm-based referral marketingtechnology platforms integrated with Geolocation capabilities have emergedas a true game-changer in this landscape, offering a sophisticated approachto harnessing the power of word-of-mouth. These platforms utilize complexalgorithms to facilitate and optimize referral processes, creating a seamlessexperience for both businesses and customers. Let’s explore thetransformative impact of these platforms on customer engagement strategies.What Is Algorithm-Based and Geolocation-driven Referral MarketingTechnology?1.Imagine having a smart system that helps your customers find andeffortlessly refer others to your business. This system uses customerpreferences and their physical location to identify the best and mostrelevant businesses near them to refer to family, friends, andcolleagues.It’s like having a friendly neighbor who recommends a fantastic bakeryin their neighborhood to others because they genuinely love theirpastries. This technology often provides a few “Wow” momentsbecause of its ease of use, effectiveness, and efficiency of connectingyou to the great small businesses near you. How Does It Work?2.The system can educate the business owner about customer referralpromotion preferences to find potential advocates and optimizeadvertising campaign types offered and campaign spend, thusreducing costs while increasing profits and profit margins. It personalizes referral messages for each customer and providesengagement opportunities as well.It uses the customer's geolocation to show businesses that are thenearby and their current promotional offers.Why Does It Matter?3.Personalized referrals are powerful because people trustrecommendations from family and friends. Vetting a business is animportant factor to a potential customer in whether it is worth theirtime and support. It boosts customer engagement and exponentially drives growth.You can measure its impact and see real results.It promotes community versus an individual marketing solution whichisn’t as impactful on society.

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4. Success Stories:Other businesses and industries have seen huge benefits from usingthis technology.For example, an online store increased revenue by 20 times afterimplementing it. 5. The Future:Expect even better algorithms and more personalized experiencesthrough AI.It’s like having a supercharged word-of-mouth network for yourbusiness.Remember, this technology helps your loyal customers become your bestpromoters. It’s like having a team of enthusiastic fans spreading the wordabout your business!Geolocation: Connecting Consumers and BusinessesGeolocation is like a digital map that brings consumers and businesses closertogether. Let’s explore how it works and why it matters:What Is Geolocation?1.Geolocation is the technology that pinpoints your exact location onEarth using signals from satellites, Wi-Fi networks, and cell towers.It’s what allows your smartphone and other mobile devices, such astablets and PCs, to show you nearby restaurants, stores, and services.How Does It Connect Consumers and Businesses?2.Local Search: When you search for “restaurants shops near me,”geolocation kicks in. It finds restaurants within a certain radius of yourcurrent location.Targeted Advertising: Businesses can use geolocation to show ads topeople in specific areas. For example, a shoe store can target ads topeople walking near their physical store.Delivery Services: Geolocation helps food delivery apps find youraddress accurately and deliver your favorite meal right to yourdoorstep.Benefits for Consumers:3.Convenience: Geolocation simplifies our lives. Need a restaurant? Itshows you the ones nearest to you.Discovery: It helps us discover hidden gems—local boutiques, cozycafés, or retail stores we didn’t know existed.Safety: Emergency services use geolocation to find people in distressquickly.

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4. Challenges and Privacy:Accuracy: Sometimes, geolocation isn’t precise. It might think you’re inthe neighboring building.Privacy Concerns: Sharing your location raises privacy questions.Businesses must handle data responsibly. 5.The Future:Augmented Reality: Geolocation will enhance AR experiences—likefinding historical info about a building you’re looking at.Smart Cities: Geolocation will play a key role in making cities moreefficient and connected.In summary, geolocation bridges the gap between consumers and businesses,making our world smaller and more accessible. Whether you’re craving a latteor exploring a new neighborhood, geolocation guides the way.Multi-Channel Referral Sharing:Concept: It’s a marketing strategy that leverages various popularcommunication channels to encourage customers to refer a business’sproducts or services through their favorite social media channels. This hasa more exponential effect because of its message distribution capabilities. Channels Used: These can include SMS, email, social media, and otherdigital platforms to share information instruments such as dynamic referralQR codes or hyperlinks.Benefits: It helps businesses create viral brand awareness, increaseexposure, and acquire new customers efficiently.Community Impact: By connecting small businesses with theircommunities, it fosters a community-driven initiative and positive localimpact.This approach is particularly effective for small businesses looking to expandtheir reach and customer base without significant marketing expenses, timeinvestment or expertise in marketing. It’s a powerful tool for driving growthand building a loyal customer network.Dealsby is a new web and app-based Digital Referral Marketing & CustomerEngagement Technology company. Its innovative approach integrates referralcode sharing technology and geolocation services to optimize the customerreferral experience. Here’s how Dealsby maximizes customer engagement:Cloud-Based SimplicityDealsby is cloud-based, eliminating the need for expensive or complicatedsoftware installations. Small businesses can easily integrate Dealsby into theirexisting operations. Within minutes of account signup, subscribers can launchtheir first customer referral campaign. Our business customers are notified theexact moment a new referral has been made. Dealsby keeps all partiesnotified, in real-time, of important events related to a customer referral.

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Your Dealsby Business Dashboard provides important information of thereferral and is sortable by information category (e.g. Dates of Referrals,Promotion Type & Offer Info, Customer Info, Promo Expiration Date, etc.)Viral Brand Awareness & ExposureReferral Code Sharing: Dealsby’s proprietary referral code sharingtechnology encourages existing customers to refer friends and family. Thisword-of-mouth approach creates a viral effect, spreading brandawareness organically.SMS Integration: By leveraging SMS, Dealsby reaches consumers directlyon their mobile devices. Quick, personalized messages keep customersinformed about exclusive deals and rewards.Email Integration: Email campaigns allow businesses to engage with abroader audience. Dealsby ensures that promotional emails are relevant,enticing yet not intrusive.Social Media Platforms: Dealsby taps into popular social media channels,where users share recommendations and experiences. Businesses benefitfrom increased visibility and exposure.Personalized RecommendationsGeolocation: Dealsby connects consumers with local businesses based ontheir geolocation. Personalized recommendations ensure that usersdiscover relevant deals nearby.Tailored Content: Whether through SMS, email, or social media, Dealsbytailors content to individual preferences. Customers receive offers thatresonate with their interests.Benefits for ConsumersDiscover Hidden Gems: Consumers find local treasures they might havemissed otherwise.Exclusive Deals: Dealsby offers unique discounts and referral rewardsfrom member businesses.Community Bonds: Engaging with local businesses fosters strongercommunity ties.Benefits for Small BusinessesIncreased Visibility: Dealsby puts small businesses on the map within theirlocal community.Customer Acquisition: Word-of-mouth referrals bring in new customers.Balancing Scale and Community Focus: Dealsby’s nationwide availabilitymaintains a local impact.

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3. Why Dealsby MattersSupporting Small BusinessesDealsby is more than just a referral marketing platform; it’s a community-centric initiative that plays a crucial role in the growth and sustainability ofsmall businesses. Here’s why Dealsby matters:Local Economic Growth: Small businesses are the backbone of localeconomies. Dealsby’s referral programs help these businesses thrive,which in turn cycles money back into the community, supporting localdevelopment and prosperity.Environmental Impact: By promoting local businesses, Dealsby helpsreduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation and logisticsthat larger corporations often incur.Job Creation: Small businesses are significant job providers. Dealsby’ssupport helps these businesses grow, leading to more local employmentopportunities.Community Engagement: Small businesses tend to be more invested intheir communities. Dealsby fosters this relationship, encouragingbusinesses to support local causes and charities.Viral Marketing: Dealsby’s multi-channel referral sharing creates viralbrand awareness and exposure, leading to new customer acquisitionopportunities for small businesses.Digital Empowerment: In the digital age, small businesses often struggleto compete with larger entities. Dealsby provides them with the marketingtools to survive and thrive in the digital marketplace.In essence, Dealsby is a catalyst for positive change, empowering smallbusinesses to succeed and fostering a stronger, more connected community.Dealsby: Fueling Local Economies Through Community EngagementDealsby stands out as a transformative force in local economies, primarilythrough its innovative community-centric approach to referral marketing andcustomer engagement. By directly connecting small businesses with theircommunities, Dealsby not only fosters a robust local economy but alsocultivates a sense of community involvement and support. plays a pivotal rolein ensuring that local economies not only survive but thrive.

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Key Aspects of Dealsby’s Impact:Referral Marketing: Dealsby’s platform enables small businesses to offerviral customer referral programs, leveraging proprietary referral codesharing and geolocation-driven technologies. This approach taps into thepower of word-of-mouth, amplified through modern communicationchannels like SMS, email, and social media.Brand Awareness and Exposure: The platform’s design encourages viralmarketing, significantly increasing brand visibility for small businesses.This heightened awareness can lead to a surge in new customeracquisition, which is crucial for business growth.Community-Driven Initiative: Dealsby’s model is inherently community-centric. It empowers local consumers to become brand ambassadors,promoting their favorite businesses within their networks. This not onlysupports the businesses but also reinforces community bonds.Economic Prosperity: By driving traffic and sales to local businesses,Dealsby contributes to the economic vitality of the area. Successful smallbusinesses can create jobs, invest in local supply chains, and contribute tothe tax base, all of which are essential for a thriving local economy.Resilience and Adaptability: In times of economic downturns or externalshocks, a strong local economy can be more resilient. Dealsby’s support forsmall businesses helps build this resilience, enabling communities to betterwithstand and recover from such challenges.In essence, Dealsby is more than just a technology platform; it’s a catalyst forsustainable economic development. By prioritizing the success of smallbusinesses and harnessing the collective power of the community, Dealsbyplays a pivotal role in ensuring that local economies not only survive but thrive.

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Dealsby: Strengthening Community Ties Through Shared SupportDealsby is not just a platform for referral marketing; it’s a beacon forcommunity solidarity. By engaging local businesses and consumers in asymbiotic relationship, Dealsby fosters a network of support that transcendsmere transactions, weaving a fabric of community bonds that are bothresilient and nurturing.Here’s how Dealsby nurtures these connections:Local Engagement: Dealsby’s technology regularly encourages residentsto engage with local businesses, promoting a culture of ‘support local’ thatis vital for community cohesion.Shared Success: As small businesses thrive through Dealsby’s hostedreferral programs, the success is shared with the community, creating asense of collective achievement.Community Empowerment: Dealsby empowers community members tobecome advocates for their favorite local enterprises, fostering a sense ofpride and ownership.Economic Interdependence: The platform highlights the interdependencebetween the community’s well-being and the health of local businesses,reinforcing the importance of mutual support.Social Capital Conversion: Dealsby transforms social capital intoeconomic gains, demonstrating the tangible benefits of strong communityrelationships.In essence, Dealsby acts as a catalyst for community development, leveragingeconomic activity to strengthen the social fabric and enhance the quality of lifefor all members of the community.

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4. How Dealsby WorksUser Experience - Discovering Local DealsDealsby, the innovative referral marketing and customer engagementplatform, seamlessly connects users with local businesses, creating a win-winscenario for both consumers and small enterprises. Let’s delve into the userexperience and explore how Dealsby empowers users to discover enticinglocal deals:Sign-Up and Profile Creation:1.Users begin by signing up on the Dealsby platform. They createpersonalized profiles, providing essential details such as primarylocation (zip code only), contact preferences, and industry interestssuch as restaurants, retail, professional services, etc.The profile acts as a compass, guiding users toward relevant localdeals based on their unique preferences.Browsing Local Businesses:2.Once registered, users can explore a curated list of local businesseswithin their community based on their current or desired geolocation.Dealsby’s intuitive mapping interface makes it super easy to discoverand view nearby restaurants, boutiques, salons, services, and more.Users can filter businesses by category, proximity, and specialty,ensuring a tailored experience.Deal Discovery:3.The heart of Dealsby lies in its deal discovery mechanism. Users canbrowse exclusive offers, discounts, and promotions from participatingfeatured and non-featured small businesses.Dealsby’s algorithm considers user preferences, historical interactions,and location to present personalized deals. Whether it’s a BOGO offer,happy hour special, or limited-time discount, users find enticingoptions.Referral Codes and Sharing:4.Dealsby encourages users to become brand advocates. Each businesson the platform has unique sharable QR Codes and hyperlinks foreach active promotion. Business Subscribers can offer an unlimitednumber of promotions on the Dealsby platform. Activation andDeactivation of referral campaigns can be completed in one easy click. Campaigns can also have set expiration dates. Users can share these codes with friends, family, and social networks.When someone uses the code to refer a Dealsby member business,both the referrer and the new customer benefit from additionaldiscounts or rewards.

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5. Real-Time Notifications:Users receive real-time notifications about nearby referrals andnotification of deals shared by their referrer. Whether it’s a flash sale, anew menu item, or an exclusive event, Dealsby keeps users informedthrough their marketing automation algorithms.These notifications drive engagement and prompt users to explorelocal businesses actively.6. Community Engagement:Dealsby fosters a sense of community. Users discover hidden gems,support local entrepreneurs, and contribute to the vibrancy of theirneighborhood.By sharing deals and experiences, users strengthen community bondsand celebrate the spirit of collaboration.7. Redemption and Feedback:When users redeem a deal, they provide feedback. This loop ofinteraction helps businesses improve and tailor their offerings.Dealsby’s feedback mechanism ensures that both users andbusinesses benefit from a continuous cycle of improvement.In summary, Dealsby transforms deal-hunting into a delightful map-filledjourney. It empowers users to explore local gems, support small businesses,and build stronger community connections—one deal at a time.

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Why It Is Important for Small Businesses to be on the Dealsby MapIn the competitive landscape of small businesses, harnessing the power of referralsis not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Dealsby emerges as a beacon for thesebusinesses, offering a community-centric referral marketing solution that is bothinnovative and essential. Here’s why being a part of Dealsby is crucial for smallbusinesses that rely on referrals:Harnessing the Power of Geolocation and Referral Code Sharing TechnologyDealsby’s use of geolocation technology and referral code sharing is a game-changer. It allows potential customers to discover referral rewards opportunities intheir vicinity, thereby increasing the likelihood of new customer acquisition. Thistechnology ensures that when consumers are ready to make a purchase, they areaware of the best deals available, provided by businesses within the Dealsbynetwork.Missing Out on Potential Referrals - Small businesses not part of Dealsby riskbeing overshadowed by competitors who are leveraging the platform’s capabilities.In a world where consumers are inundated with choices, visibility is key. Dealsbyprovides that visibility, placing member businesses at the forefront of consumerconsciousness when it comes to referrals.Building a Community-Centric Brand - Dealsby isn’t just about technology; it’sabout building a community. By joining Dealsby, businesses are not only tappinginto a network of potential customers but also aligning themselves with a brandthat values community engagement and support. This resonates with consumerswho prefer to patronize businesses that contribute to the local economy andcommunity well-being.The Competitive Edge - In the referral marketing arena, Dealsby offers acompetitive edge. Its community-centric approach fosters a sense of loyalty andtrust among consumers, which is invaluable for small businesses. The platform’sability to connect businesses with local consumers through personalizedexperiences and rewards creates a symbiotic relationship that benefits all partiesinvolved.Summary:For small businesses that rely on referrals, being a member of Dealsby is not justimportant; it’s imperative. The platform’s innovative use of technology, combinedwith its community-centric ethos, provides businesses with the tools they need tothrive in a crowded marketplace. Those not part of Dealsby will inevitably miss outon potential referrals and the chance to be a part of a growing community of like-minded businesses and consumers.In essence, Dealsby is more than a referral marketing solution; it’s a partnership forgrowth and community engagement that no small business should overlook.

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Example of a Dealsby Geolocation Map

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Referral Sharing Technology: Amplifying Business ReachDealsby utilizes a innovative and proprietary referral code sharingtechnology that integrates seamlessly with SMS, Email, and Social Mediaplatforms. This technology enables customers to share referral codeseasily, expanding the business’s reach organically.Direct Community EngagementThe Dealsby platform fosters a direct connection between smallbusinesses and their local communities. By hosting customer referralprograms, Dealsby creates opportunities for businesses to engage withand grow their customer base. Marketing studies indicate thatapproximately 97% of Americans own and regularly use a smartphone (atleast 5 hours per day). It’s truly important to be where your customers are,which is on their smartphones and mobile devices. Campaign ManagementDealsby offers a comprehensive campaign management system thatallows businesses to create, track, and optimize their referral campaigns.Features include enticing profile image uploads, tools for campaigncreation, QR Code and Referral Campaign Certificate sharing capability,and insights and reports for performance analysis.Dealsby Referral Sharing: Amplifying Business ReachWord-of-Mouth Magic: Dealsby uses a special referral code-sharingtechnology. When customers love your business, they share your referralcodes with friends and family.1.More Customers: As people use the referral codes to buy from you, boththe referrer and the new customer get extra benefits. It’s like a friendlychain reaction!2.Local Love: Dealsby connects you directly with your community. Yoursuccess becomes their success, creating a strong local bond.3.Referral Satisfaction Rating System: Dealsby consumer subscribers canleave up to a 5 Star rating for Dealsby member businesses once they haveredeemed their referral reward offer with your business. 4.Economic Boost: By supporting local businesses, Dealsby fuels the localeconomy. It’s a win-win for everyone.5.Remember, Dealsby isn’t just about deals—it’s about building a thrivingcommunity around your business! By leveraging these features, Dealsby helps businesses amplify their reachand achieve new customer acquisition through effective referral marketing.

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Personalization: Tailoring Recommendations Using DealsbyDealsby revolutionizes the way small businesses connect with customers bypersonalizing the shopping experience. Here’s how Dealsby tailorsrecommendations to create a unique journey for each user:Understanding Preferences:1.Dealsby starts by learning about the user’s preferences and interests.This information is crucial in curating a list of deals and business typesthat resonate with each individual. Consumers can submit their favoritelocal businesses (by specialty) and they will be recruited to joinDealsby. Customized Deals:2.Based on the collected data (Customer Interests queried duringaccount signup), Dealsby presents users with deals and offers that aremost likely to appeal to them. This could include discounts at theirfavorite restaurant or a promotion at a retail store they frequently visit. Customer Interests are also analyzed to see which industries need tobe offered, adjusted or removed from the platform. Referral Rewards:3.Users are encouraged to share their favorite deals with friends andfamily through Dealsby’s referral program. This not only spreads theword about great local businesses but also rewards users for theirreferrals.Feedback Loop:4.After users engage with a deal, they can provide feedback (ReferralSatisfaction Rating System), which Dealsby uses to further refine andpersonalize future recommendations.Community Connection:5.By focusing on local businesses, Dealsby helps users discover newfavorites in their community, strengthening local ties and supportingthe local economy.In essence, Dealsby’s personalized approach ensures that users don’t just findgood deals—they find great deals that are meaningful to them.

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5. Benefits for ConsumersConsumers Finding Hidden Gems in Their Neighborhood with DealsbyDealsby is a game-changer for consumers looking to uncover the hidden gemsin their neighborhoods. Here’s a summary of the benefits it offers:Discover Local Treasures: Dealsby guides users to local businesses thatmight otherwise go unnoticed, offering a chance to explore unique andauthentic experiences right in their backyard.1.Support Local Economy: By patronizing local establishments, consumershelp keep money within the community, fostering economic growth andsustainability.2.Personalized Service: Small businesses are known for their personalizedtouch. Dealsby helps consumers find places where they can enjoy this levelof care and service.3.Environmental Benefits: Choosing local businesses often means a smallercarbon footprint due to reduced transportation and packaging,contributing to a greener community.4.Exclusive Deals: Dealsby provides access to exclusive promotions anddiscounts, allowing consumers to save money while supporting localbusinesses like yours.5.Community Connection: Using Dealsby strengthens community bonds asconsumers and businesses engage in a shared effort to promote localgrowth and prosperity.6.Authentic Experiences: Dealsby’s focus on local businesses meansconsumers can enjoy genuine experiences that reflect the true character oftheir neighborhood. 7.In essence, Dealsby not only helps consumers save money and discover newfavorites but also plays a crucial role in building a vibrant, interconnectedcommunity.

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Dealsby: Empowering Small Businesses with Exclusive OffersDealsby is a game-changer for small businesses, enabling them to provideexclusive deals and offers to their customers. Here’s how Dealsby benefits localenterprises:Direct Connection: Dealsby connects businesses directly with theircommunity. By hosting customer referral programs, businesses can offerpersonalized deals to loyal patrons and their referrals.1.Tailored Promotions: Using Dealsby’s platform, businesses can createcustomized promotions based on customer preferences. Whether it’s adiscount, BOGO offer, or special event, Dealsby ensures relevance.2.Increased Visibility: Exclusive deals attract attention. Dealsby’s viralmarketing approach amplifies brand exposure, helping small businessesstand out in a competitive market.3.Community Support: Dealsby fosters community bonds. When locals sharereferral codes, they actively support their favorite businesses, creating asense of shared success.4.Economic Impact: By driving traffic and sales, Dealsby contributes to thelocal economy. Small businesses thrive, creating jobs and sustaining thecommunity.5.In essence, Dealsby empowers small businesses to offer enticing deals,strengthening their ties with customers and enhancing their economic impact. Dealsby: Weaving Stronger Community TiesDealsby plays a pivotal role in strengthening community ties by fostering anetwork of support and engagement between local businesses and consumers.Here’s a summary of how Dealsby achieves this:Local Business Support:1.Dealsby encourages community members to support local businessesthrough its referral marketing platform. This support helps smallbusinesses thrive and contributes to the local economy.Community Engagement:2.By using Dealsby, consumers become active participants in their localeconomy. They’re not just customers; they’re advocates for their favoritelocal spots.Shared Success:3.When local businesses succeed through Dealsby’s platform, the entirecommunity benefits. Success stories are shared, creating a sense of prideand collective achievement.

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4. Personal Connections:Dealsby’s referral system promotes personal connections. Ascustomers share deals, they also share their experiences, furtherbonding the community. 5. Economic Growth:The growth of local businesses leads to job creation and more vibrantcommercial areas, which are essential for a healthy community. 6. Social Impact:Dealsby’s platform highlights the social impact of supporting localbusinesses, reinforcing the idea that a strong community is built on thesuccess of its members.In essence, Dealsby is more than a platform; it’s a community builder,enhancing the fabric of local economies and relationships one referral at atime.6. Benefits for Small BusinessesDealsby: A Visibility Booster for Small BusinessesDealsby is a powerful ally for small businesses seeking to enhance theirvisibility in a crowded marketplace. Here’s a summary of how Dealsby benefitssmall businesses by increasing their exposure:Community-Centric Marketing:1.Dealsby’s referral programs are designed to tap into the heart of thecommunity, turning local customers into vocal advocates for thebusinesses they love.Personalized Referrals:2.The platform’s referral code sharing technology and geolocation-driventechnology allows for personalized recommendations, which are morelikely to be trusted and acted upon by potential new customers.Digital Presence Amplification:3.By integrating with SMS, email, and social media, Dealsby extends abusiness’s digital footprint, reaching customers where they are mostactive.Cost-Effective Advertising:4.Small businesses often operate with limited marketing budgets.Dealsby provides a cost-effective solution that leverages existingcustomer bases for organic growth.Real-Time Analytics:5.Dealsby offers real-time insights into campaign performance, such asup to the minute referral activity, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and adjust strategies for maximum impact.

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6. Viral Potential:The platform’s design encourages the viral spread of deals,exponentially increasing a business’s visibility without the need forhigh advertising spend. 7. Local SEO Boost:Participation in Dealsby can improve a business’s local search enginerankings, making it more discoverable to consumers searching onlinefor local services and products.In summary, Dealsby empowers small businesses to break through the noiseand shine in their local communities, driving growth and success throughincreased visibility. Dealsby: Streamlining Customer Acquisition for Small BusinessesDealsby is revolutionizing the way small businesses acquire new customers.Here’s a summary of how Dealsby facilitates customer acquisition:Referral Reward Program Platform:1.Dealsby serves as a bridge between small businesses and potentialcustomers through its innovative app-based referral reward program.Customers are incentivized to refer new patrons with rewards likediscounts on purchases.Cost-Effective Connection:2.The platform allows businesses to connect with customers morefrequently and efficiently and at a significantly lower cost thantraditional marketing methods.Enhanced Customer Reach:3.By leveraging referral campaigns, hyperlinks, QR codes, SMS, email,and social media, Dealsby helps businesses expand their customerbase more easily.Time and Money Savings:4.Consumers save time and money searching for great small businessesin their community that offer exclusive referral reward discounts.Direct Link with Communities:5.Dealsby establishes a direct link between small businesses and theircommunities, fostering a supportive environment for growth andprosperity.In essence, Dealsby simplifies the customer acquisition process for smallbusinesses by providing a marketing platform that encourages communityengagement and rewards customer referrals, leading to a sustainableincrease in the customer base.

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Dealsby: Amplifying Word-of-Mouth Marketing for Small BusinessesWord-of-mouth marketing (WOM) is a potent force that can propel smallbusinesses to new heights. Dealsby, with its innovative approach, harnessesthe power of WOM to benefit both businesses and consumers. Here’s howDealsby helps businesses leverage word-of-mouth marketing:Building Trust and Credibility:1.Word-of-mouth recommendations are gold. When customers sharepositive experiences with others, it builds trust and credibility. Dealsbyencourages this organic sharing by rewarding customers who refertheir friends and family to local businesses.Increasing Conversions:2.People trust recommendations from friends and family more thantraditional advertising. Dealsby’s referral programs create a direct linkbetween existing customers and potential new ones. These warmreferrals often lead to higher conversion rates.Cost-Effective Strategy:3.WOM marketing is affordable. Dealsby’s platform enables businessesto tap into their existing customer base without hefty advertisingbudgets. It’s like having an army of brand ambassadors working foryou.Brand Awareness and Visibility:4.Dealsby makes your brand and products visible. When customersshare deals, they spread the word across social circles. The morevisible your business becomes, the more likely it is to be part ofconversations.Boosting Customer Loyalty:5.Dealsby’s referral rewards create a positive feedback loop. Satisfiedcustomers refer others, receive rewards, and become even more loyal.It’s a win-win cycle that strengthens customer relationships.Community Engagement:6.Dealsby fosters a sense of community. When people share deals, theyactively participate in supporting local businesses. This engagementreinforces community bonds and benefits everyone involved.In summary, Dealsby transforms word-of-mouth marketing from a passivephenomenon into an active strategy. By incentivizing referrals and creating anetwork of brand advocates, Dealsby empowers small businesses to thrivethrough the power of genuine recommendations.

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7. Dealsby: Nationwide Reach, Local ImpactBalancing Scale and Community FocusDealsby, with its nationwide availability, manages to strike a delicate balancebetween broad reach and meaningful local impact. Here’s how it achieves thissynergy:Nationwide Accessibility:1.Dealsby’s platform will be accessible to users across the entire nation.Whether you’re in bustling cities or quiet rural towns, Dealsby ensuresthat everyone can participate. Dealsby’s geolocation-driven displayingof member businesses ensures that only local member businesses areshown when opening and using the app. Consumers can enter adesired address and view businesses within a 30 mile radius of theircurrent or entered address. Curated Local Deals:2.Despite its national scope aspirations and company vision, Dealsbyfocuses on local businesses. It curates deals from neighborhood cafes,boutique stores, family-owned restaurants, and other communitygems.Users discover hidden treasures right in their own backyard, fostering asense of connection and loyalty.Community Engagement:3.Dealsby encourages users to actively engage with their local economy.By sharing referral codes and promoting nearby businesses, usersbecome part of a larger community effort.This engagement transcends digital boundaries, creating a real-worldimpact.Economic Ripple Effect:4.Dealsby’s local impact extends beyond individual transactions. Whenusers support local businesses, they contribute to the economic healthof their region.Job creation, tax revenue, and community vibrancy all benefit from thiscollective effort.Word-of-Mouth Amplification:5.Dealsby leverages word-of-mouth marketing on a national scale. Asusers share deals, they amplify the visibility of local businesses,creating a ripple effect of awareness.Personalized Recommendations:6.Despite its nationwide reach, Dealsby tailors recommendations basedon user preferences and location. It’s like having a personal conciergefor local deals.In essence, Dealsby bridges the gap between national accessibility and localimpact, proving that supporting small businesses isn’t just about transactions—it’s about building stronger communities.

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Dealsby: Boosting Your Business LocallyLocal Connection:1.Dealsby is like a bridge connecting your business to the local community.It helps you reach more people who live nearby.Special Deals:2.With Dealsby, you can offer exclusive deals to customers. These dealsare like secret discounts that only locals know about.Word-of-Mouth Magic:3.When customers love your business, they’ll tell their friends and family.Dealsby encourages this friendly sharing, bringing more people to yourdoorstep.Economic Impact:4.Supporting local businesses helps the whole community. When yourbusiness thrives, it creates jobs and boosts the local economy.Easy and Affordable:5.Dealsby doesn’t require a large marketing budget. It’s an affordable wayto spread the word about your business without big advertisingexpenses.Remember, Dealsby isn’t just about deals—it’s about building a stronger localnetwork. 8. Success StoriesDealsby Success Stories: Transforming XYZ CaféLet’s step into the world of XYZ Café and explore how Dealsby can work itsmagic, turning ordinary coffee shops, restaurants, retail stores and professionalservices into success stories:Local Buzz Creation:1.XYZ Café, nestled in the heart of our community, has always been a cozyspot. But with Dealsby, it becomes the talk of the town.Word spreads like wildfire as customers share their delightful coffeeexperiences. Suddenly, everyone wants to sip their latte at XYZ Café.Exclusive Morning Brews:2.Dealsby allows XYZ Café to offer exclusive morning deals. Imagine a QRcode table tent located at the checkout counter—scan it, and voilà! Aspecial discount on your favorite brew awaits when you refer a familymember or friend.Regulars become even more loyal, and newcomers are drawn in by theirresistible aroma.

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3. Community Connection:Dealsby fosters community bonds. Customers share referral codes withfriends and family. It’s like saying, “Hey, come join me at XYZ Café!”The café becomes a hub for connections, laughter, and sharedmoments. 4. Economic Boost:XYZ Café’s revenue climbs. Dealsby’s platform drives more foot traffic,translating into increased sales.The extra income allows the café to invest in better beans, cozyfurniture, and maybe even a local art display. 5. Personalized Perks:Dealsby tailors recommendations. If you love XYZ Café’s almondcroissants, expect a deal just for that.Customers feel seen and appreciated, fostering loyalty. 6. Online Visibility:XYZ Café pops up on Dealsby’s app. Suddenly, it’s not just locals whoknow about it—it’s anyone passing through.Tourists stop by, intrigued by the rave reviews and exclusive offers. 7. Success Ripple Effect:As XYZ Café thrives, it supports local suppliers. The nearby bakery sellsmore pastries, and the milkman delivers extra cartons.Dealsby’s impact ripples through the entire community.In summary, Dealsby transforms XYZ Café from a hidden gem to a bustlinghotspot. It’s not just about coffee; it’s about creating a vibrant local tapestry—one cup at a time. Dealsby: Elevating Local Shops to Regional SensationsImagine a quaint local shop—the kind where the owner knows your name, andthe aroma of freshly baked bread greets you at the door. Now picture thatsame shop becoming a regional sensation, drawing visitors from neighboringtowns and beyond. Dealsby makes this transformation possible:Hyper-Local Marketing:1.Dealsby starts by celebrating what makes the local shop unique.Whether it’s Grandma’s secret recipe or handcrafted goods, theplatform highlights these gems.Locals become the shop’s ambassadors, sharing their love for itthrough Dealsby’s referral programs.

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2. Exclusive Offers:Dealsby unlocks a treasure trove of exclusive deals. Imagine a QR codeon the shop checkout counter—scan it, and voilà! A special discountawaits.Regulars feel appreciated, and newcomers are enticed to step inside. 3. Word-of-Mouth Magic:Dealsby encourages customers to spread the word. When they raveabout the shop’s pastries or unique trinkets, it creates a buzz.Suddenly, neighboring towns want a taste of what the locals havebeen enjoying. 4. Community Connection:Dealsby fosters community bonds. Customers share referral codes withfriends and family. It’s like saying, “Come experience our little gem!”The shop becomes a hub for connections, laughter, and sharedmemories. 5. Economic Ripple Effect:As the shop gains regional fame, it supports local suppliers. The nearbyfarm sells more produce, and the delivery driver has extra stops.Dealsby’s impact ripples through the entire community. 6. Online Visibility, Offline Impact:Dealsby puts the shop on the map—literally. Tourists passing throughdiscover it through the app.The shop’s success isn’t just digital; it’s felt in bustling aisles andheartfelt conversations.In summary, Dealsby transforms local shops into regional sensations. It’s notjust about transactions; it’s about creating a vibrant tapestry of flavors,memories, and shared joy. 9. Setting Up Your Business on DealsbyCreating a Business ProfileLet’s walk through the steps to set up your business on Dealsby:Visit Dealsby:1.Head to the Dealsby website or download the Dealsby app from yourpreferred app store.Dealsby is all about connecting local businesses with theircommunities, so it’s the perfect platform for your business.Create an Account:2.Sign up as a business owner. Provide essential details like yourbusiness name, location, and contact information.Dealsby will guide you through the process, making it easy to getstarted.

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3. Business Profile Setup:Customize your business profile. Add a catchy description, uploadhigh-quality images of your products or services, and highlight whatmakes your business special.This is your chance to showcase your uniqueness and attract potentialcustomers. 4. Exclusive Deals and Offers:Create irresistible deals or offers campaigns that are exclusive toDealsby users. Think of it as a secret menu just for them!Whether it’s a discount, a buy-one-get-one deal, or a special package,make it enticing. 5. Referral Codes and Sharing:Dealsby thrives on word-of-mouth. Dealsby’s systems generate aunique referral code for your business.Encourage your existing customers to share this code with their friendsand family. When new customers use it, everyone wins—your businessand the referrer! 6. Engage with the Community:Dealsby isn’t just about transactions; it’s about building connections.Respond to customer inquiries, reviews, and feedback.Engage with the local community by participating in discussions andevents. 7. Track Performance:Dealsby provides insights into how your deals are performing. Monitorclicks, redemptions, and customer feedback.Use this data to fine-tune your offerings and maximize impact. 8. Spread the Word:Promote your Dealsby presence. Display QR codes or share yourreferral code in-store, on social media, and through email newsletters.Take advantage of Dealsby provided QR Code Table Tents for yourcheck out counter or restaurant tables (Certain Term, Conditions andLimits apply)Let your customers know that exciting deals await them on Dealsby.Remember, Dealsby isn’t just a platform; it’s a community-driven movement.By joining, you’re not only boosting your business but also contributing to thelocal economy and creating memorable experiences for your customers.

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Setting Up Irresistible Deals on Dealsby: Key to SuccessCreating irresistible deals on Dealsby is crucial for the success of smallbusinesses. Here’s a guide on why and how to craft offers that customerscan’t refuse:Understand Your Customers:1.Know what your customers want and need. Use Dealsby’s insights tounderstand their preferences and tailor your offers accordingly.Craft a Unique Offer:2.Your offer doesn’t have to be unique, but the way you present it shouldbe. Show customers how your product or service can transform theirexperience.Emphasize the Value:3.Make sure your deal provides real value. Whether it’s a discount, aBOGO offer, or a limited-time sale, it should feel like a significantsaving to the customer.Use Psychological Tactics:4.Apply psychological tactics like the decoy effect, where you presentmultiple options but highlight the one you want customers to choose bymaking it the best value.Create a Sense of Urgency:5.Limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency. Use Dealsby topromote deals that are available for a short period to encourage quickaction.Leverage Social Proof:6.Use Referral Satisfaction Rating Reviews left by Dealsby consumersubscribers on Dealsby to show potential customers that others haveenjoyed your products or services.Make It Easy to Redeem:7.Ensure that redeeming the offer is straightforward. Dealsby can helpstreamline the process, making it a hassle-free experience for thecustomer.Promote Your Deals:8.Use Dealsby’s platform to promote your deals. Share them on socialmedia, via email, and through SMS to reach a wider audience.By setting up irresistible deals on Dealsby, you not only attract new customersbut also retain existing ones, driving both sales and customer loyalty.Remember, the key is to offer genuine value that resonates with yourcustomers’ desires and needs.

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Engaging with CustomersEngaging with customers is a critical aspect of using Dealsby effectively.Here’s a summary highlighting the importance of customer engagement:Building Relationships:Trust and Loyalty: Regular interaction with customers builds trust andfosters loyalty. When customers feel connected to your business, they’remore likely to return and recommend you to others.Understanding Needs:Feedback and Insights: Engaging with customers provides valuablefeedback. You learn what they love, what they need, and how you canserve them better. This insight is crucial for tailoring your offerings andimproving customer satisfaction.Enhancing Experience:Personalized Service: By engaging with customers, you can offerpersonalized experiences. Dealsby helps you understand customerpreferences and behaviors, allowing you to make each interaction feelspecial.Driving Growth:Word-of-Mouth: Positive customer engagement leads to word-of-mouthmarketing, one of the most effective forms of advertising. Happycustomers are your best advocates.Maximizing Platform Benefits:Utilizing Dealsby’s Features: Dealsby offers tools for engagement likereferral programs and exclusive deals. Using these features actively keepscustomers interested and involved with your brand.Staying Competitive:Meeting Expectations: In today’s market, customers expect businesses toengage with them. By meeting these expectations, you stay competitiveand relevant.Creating Advocates:Community Ambassadors: Engaged customers become ambassadors foryour brand within their communities. They share their positive experiencesand help attract new customers.In summary, engaging with customers on Dealsby is essential for buildinglasting relationships, understanding customer needs, enhancing the customerexperience, driving business growth, maximizing the benefits of the platform,staying competitive, and creating a community of brand advocates.

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10. Encouraging Customer ParticipationEncouraging Customer Participation: Fueling Business Growth with DealsbyCustomer participation isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a strategic imperative forbusinesses using Dealsby. Let’s explore why actively involving customers isessential for your business’s success:Community Building:1.Dealsby thrives on community engagement. When customersparticipate, they become more than mere buyers; they becomeadvocates and ambassadors.A strong community around your business fosters loyalty, word-of-mouth marketing, and a sense of belonging.Feedback Loop:2.Customers are your best critics and advisors. Their participationprovides valuable feedback on your products, services, and overallexperience.Use this feedback to improve, innovate, and stay ahead of the curve.Viral Marketing:3.Dealsby’s referral programs rely on customer participation. Whencustomers share their positive experiences, it creates a viral effect.Suddenly, your business is on the radar of friends, family, andacquaintances.Exclusive Deals Amplification:4.Exclusive deals are powerful, but they need participation to shine.Customers who redeem these offers become walking advertisements.Their excitement spreads, attracting new customers who want a tasteof what everyone’s talking about.Humanizing Your Brand:5.Customer participation humanizes your business. It’s not just a facelessentity; it’s a place where people connect, share stories, and creatememories.Engage with customers genuinely, and they’ll reciprocate with loyalty.Data Enrichment:6.Active participation generates data. Who’s redeeming deals? What aretheir preferences? How often do they visit?Dealsby’s insights help you tailor your offerings and marketing efforts.Economic Impact:7.When customers participate, they contribute to your business’seconomic health. Increased foot traffic, sales, and repeat visits all addup.Dealsby’s success stories are built on this collective effort.In summary, Dealsby isn’t just a platform; it’s a community-driven movement.Encourage customer participation, and watch your business grow—onereferral, one deal, and one smile at a time.

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The Referral Program: Incentivizing SharingLet’s explore how Dealsby and its referral program incentivize sharing, drivinggrowth for businesses:Dealsby: Connecting Businesses and Communities:1.Dealsby is a cloud-based referral marketing platform that bridges thegap between local businesses and their communities. It simplifiesreferral marketing, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.Dealsby is a cloud-based solution so no software to install, maintain ortrack. No tracking scripts to install, etc. By leveraging Dealsby, businesses can tap into the power of personalrecommendations and create a buzz around their products or services.The Referral Program: A Win-Win Approach:2.Dealsby’s referral program is the secret sauce. It encourages customersto actively participate in promoting your business. Dealsby marketingautomation sends regular reminders for our consumer subscribers tocheck out the current deals and to recommend family, friends andcolleagues. Here’s how it works:Unique Referral Hyperlinks and QR Codes: customer receivesunique referral codes associated with your business and yourpromotions. With Dealsby, if you change your promotion details,you do not have to update your hyperlinks and QR codes. Dealsbyuses dynamic hyperlinks and QR Codes for its technology whichallows its users to update information without having to update theinformation source originally shared. Sharing Incentives: When customers share these codes withfriends, family, or on social media, they unlock exclusive deals,discounts and offers.Rewards for Referrers: When someone uses their referral code tomake a purchase, both the referrer and the new customer benefit.It’s a win-win!Viral Marketing: Word spreads rapidly. Customers become brandadvocates, amplifying your reach beyond traditional advertisingchannels.Why Incentivize Sharing?:3.Customer Engagement: Incentives encourage customers to activelyengage with your business. They become part of your marketing team.Trust and Authenticity: Personal recommendations carry weight.When a friend vouches for your business, potential customers trust itmore.Economic Impact: Increased foot traffic and sales contribute to yourbusiness’s economic health. Dealsby’s success stories are built on thiscollective effort.Community Building: Sharing creates a sense of community.Customers feel connected, and your business becomes a local hub.

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4. Setting Up Irresistible Deals:To maximize participation, create deals that customers can’t resist:Value: Ensure the offer provides real value—whether it’s adiscount, a bundle deal, or an exclusive package.Urgency: Limited-time offers create urgency. Customers act quicklyto redeem them.Feedback Loop: Use customer feedback to fine-tune your offeringsand keep them fresh. 5. Promote, Engage, and Thrive:Promote your Dealsby presence through QR codes, social media, andin-store displays.Engage with customers genuinely. Respond to inquiries, reviews, andfeedback.Remember, Dealsby isn’t just about transactions; it’s about building avibrant community around your business.In summary, Dealsby’s referral program turns customers into advocates,creating a powerful network of word-of-mouth marketing. By incentivizingsharing, you unlock growth, trust, and economic impact—one referral at atime. Dealsby: Fostering Growth Through Community Events and CollaborationsDealsby is not just a platform for deals; it’s a catalyst for community growthand collaboration. Here’s a summary of how Dealsby can enhance localbusinesses through community events and partnerships:Community Events:1.Dealsby encourages businesses to host or participate in local events,creating a buzz and drawing in crowds. These events can range fromstreet fairs to charity fundraisers.By listing these events on Dealsby, businesses gain visibility andattract both regulars and newcomers.Collaborative Promotions:2.Dealsby facilitates partnerships between businesses, allowing them tooffer joint promotions. For example, a café and a bookstore might teamup to offer a “Read and Refresh” deal.These collaborations not only increase sales but also strengthenbusiness relationships within the community.Local Sponsorships:3.Businesses can sponsor local sports teams, school events, orcommunity projects. This not only supports the community but alsoenhances the business’s local reputation.Sponsorships can be included in the Business’s Narrative on Dealsby,showcasing the business’s commitment to the community.

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4. Social Media Integration:Dealsby integrates with social media, enabling businesses to sharetheir community involvement and events widely. This drives onlineengagement and offline participation.Social media campaigns can be linked to Dealsby deals, creating aseamless experience for customers. 5. Feedback and Improvement:After events, businesses can use Dealsby to gather feedback, which isinvaluable for improving future events and understanding customerpreferences.Referral Satisfaction Ratings can be given on Dealsby, furtherpromoting the business’s engagement experience. 6. Networking Opportunities:Dealsby events serve as networking hubs, where business owners canmeet, share ideas, and forge new partnerships.These connections often lead to innovative collaborations and sharedgrowth opportunities. 7. Cultural Enrichment:Community events often celebrate local culture and traditions. Byparticipating, businesses contribute to the cultural richness of the area.Dealsby helps advertise these cultural events, attracting a diverseaudience and enriching the community fabric.In essence, Dealsby is a powerful tool for businesses to engage with theircommunity through events and collaborations. It’s about creating sharedexperiences, fostering relationships, and building a vibrant, interconnectedcommunity—one event at a time.

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Measuring Success with Dealsby: Referrals and Community EngagementUsing Dealsby to grow your business is a smart strategy, but how do youmeasure success? It’s all about tracking referrals and community engagement.Here’s a summary of key metrics to consider:Referral Tracking:1.Number of Referrals: Keep count of how many new customers yougain through referral codes on your Dealsby Business Dashboard. Arising number indicates a successful word-of-mouth campaign.Conversion Rate: Not all referrals result in sales. Monitor thepercentage that converts into paying customers to gauge theeffectiveness of your referral incentives.Customer Retention:2.Repeat Customers: Measure how many customers return after using areferral code. High retention rates suggest that your deals andcustomer service are hitting the mark.Community Engagement:3.Event Participation: Track attendance at events promoted throughDealsby. High turnout reflects strong community ties and interest inyour business.Social Media Interactions: Monitor likes, shares, and comments onposts related to your Dealsby campaigns. Engagement on social mediacan amplify your reach and attract new customers.Economic Impact:4.Sales Growth: Compare sales figures before and after implementingyour Dealsby strategy. Increased revenue is a direct indicator ofsuccess.Local Economic Contribution: Assess your impact on the localeconomy. Are you sourcing more goods locally due to increaseddemand? This can be a sign of positive growth.Customer Feedback:5.Satisfaction Surveys: Use Dealsby to distribute satisfaction surveys.Positive feedback and high satisfaction scores are strong indicators ofsuccess.Testimonials: Encourage happy customers to leave testimonials onDealsby. These can be powerful tools for attracting new customers.

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6. Analytics and Reporting:Dealsby Dashboard: Utilize the analytics tools provided by Dealsby totrack the performance of your deals and referral programs.ROI Calculation: Calculate the return on investment (ROI) for yourDealsby campaigns. A positive ROI means your referral program iscost-effective. Utilize the free Dealsby Campaign ROI Tool located onthe Dealsby homepage and mobile app. 7.OKRs and KPIs:Objective and Key Results (OKRs): Set clear objectives andmeasurable results for your Dealsby campaigns. Achieving these is asign of success.Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify KPIs such as newcustomer acquisition cost, average order value, and customer lifetimevalue. Improvements in these areas signal success.In essence, measuring success with Dealsby involves a combination ofquantitative data, like sales and referrals, and qualitative insights, likecustomer satisfaction and community involvement. By keeping an eye onthese metrics, you can fine-tune your strategies and continue to grow yourbusiness with Dealsby. The Future of Local CommerceDealsby: Your Local Business PartnerThink of Dealsby as your friendly neighborhood referral helper. It’s a digitalreferral marketing solution that brings your shop or service into the spotlightand connects you with folks who live around you. Here’s what it does:Makes You Famous Locally:1.Dealsby truly puts your business on the map. It’s like having a sign thatsays “We’re here!” so more local customers can find you.Easy Deals and Offers:2.You can create special offers and deals that only locals can see. It’s likehaving a secret handshake that makes everyone feel part of the club.Gets People Talking:3.When people like what you offer, they’ll tell their friends. Dealsbymakes it easy for them to share the good word, bringing even morecustomers your way.Builds a Community:4.It’s not just about selling; it’s about creating a family of customers whosupport each other. Dealsby helps you do that.Keeps Things Simple:5.No need for complicated tech stuff. Dealsby is easy to use, so you canfocus on what you do best—running your business.

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6. Grows with You:As your business gets bigger, Dealsby grows with you. It helps youkeep up with the times and stay ahead of the game.So, in short, Dealsby is like a friend who helps your business become a localfavorite, keeps things simple, and supports you every step of the way. Joining the Dealsby Community: Be Part of Something Truly SpecialJoining the Dealsby community is more than just a business decision; it’s astep into a special network that’s all about mutual growth, support, andsuccess. Here’s why it’s important for your business to be part of the Dealsbyfamily:Community Support:1.Dealsby is built on the foundation of community. By joining, you’re notjust listing your business; you’re becoming part of a movement thatvalues local enterprises and mutual support.Local Economy Booster:2.Every transaction on Dealsby helps to keep the local economy thriving.Your business contributes to job creation, supports local suppliers, andkeeps the community vibrant.Word-of-Mouth Power:3.Referral marketing is at the heart of Dealsby. It’s a platform that turnsyour customers into advocates, sharing their love for your businesswith friends and family.Exclusive Access:4.As a member of the Dealsby community, you get exclusive access totools and insights that can help you craft irresistible deals andunderstand your customers better.Networking Opportunities:5.Dealsby is not just about deals; it’s also a networking hub. Connectwith other local businesses, share experiences, and learn from eachother.Visibility and Growth:6.Being part of Dealsby means more eyes on your business. It’s anopportunity to really grow your customer base and expand your reachwithin the community.Innovation and Adaptation:7.The future of commerce is digital, and Dealsby is at the forefront of thistransformation. Joining the community means staying ahead of thecurve and adapting to new ways of doing business.

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8. Shared Success Stories:Your success is the community’s success. Dealsby celebrates andshares your milestones, creating a narrative of growth andachievement that inspires others. 9. Cultural Enrichment:Dealsby believes in the cultural richness of local communities. Byparticipating, you contribute to the cultural tapestry, offering authenticexperiences to customers. 10. Sustainability:The platform promotes sustainable business practices by encouraginglocal shopping, which reduces carbon footprints and supports agreener economy.In essence, joining the Dealsby community means you’re choosing to be part ofa special group that’s dedicated to not just individual success, but thecollective prosperity of the entire community. It’s about making a positiveimpact, one deal at a time.

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11. ConclusionIn summary these are the reasons why Dealsby is a crucial marketing tool forsmall business owners:Customer Acquisition and Retention: Dealsby facilitates new customeracquisition by connecting businesses directly with their communities.Through innovative and cutting-edge referral marketing technology, itencourages existing customers to refer friends and family, expanding thecustomer base. Additionally, Dealsby helps retain existing customers byproviding them with exclusive deals and incentives.1.Brand Exposure and Awareness: By leveraging Dealsby’s proprietaryreferral code sharing and geolocation-driven technology, small businessescan create viral brand awareness and brand exposure. When satisfiedcustomers share their positive experiences, it amplifies the brand’s visibilitywithin the community and beyond.2.Cost-Effective Marketing: Traditional marketing methods can beexpensive for small businesses. Dealsby offers a cost-effective alternativeby harnessing the power of word-of-mouth referrals. It allows businessesto allocate marketing budgets more efficiently.3.Community Engagement: Dealsby fosters a sense of community byconnecting businesses with local residents. Small business owners canactively engage with their community members, building trust and loyalty.This personalized interaction sets them apart from larger corporations.4.Streamlined Operations: As a day-in-the-life tool, Dealsby simplifiesmarketing processes for small business owners. They can manage referralprograms, track performance, and analyze data—all within a singleplatform. This efficiency frees up time for other critical tasks.5.Competitive Edge: In today’s highly competitive market, standing out isabsolutely essential. Dealsby provides a unique edge by combiningtechnology, community engagement, and cost-effectiveness. Smallbusinesses that embrace it gain an advantage over competitors.6.In summary, Dealsby isn’t just a tool; it’s a movement—a way for smallbusinesses to thrive, connect, and succeed in a dynamic landscape. Byintegrating Dealsby into their daily operations, business owners can unlockgrowth, foster community relationships, and build a loyal customer base. Wishing you the very best and Happy Marketing from Dealsby!

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Contact Brent.w@dealsby.ioAtlanta, GA Published June 2024 Virely LLC | DealsbyCopyright 2024Version 1.2 End of Document