YACHTMANAGEMENTDREAMCARIBBEANBLUET H E C A R EThese are beautiful assets meant to be maintained. Wehave built our program around yacht upkeep. Our yachtsare not turned from charter to charter with no break, andno time for repair and maintenance. We care for theyachts in our program and they enter and exit as a welltaken care of asset, as they should be.T H E C R E WAll of the beautiful yachts in the world are just thatwithout a crew. It is ultimately the crew that delivers onour promise of making charters exceptional. And we treatthem just that way, as exceptional. They are an integralpart of our team and we have built a program for our crewthat addresses the facets where this industry lacks, suchas proper turn around times between charter, allocatingtime to see family and friends and a no crew in the fourpeak policy. Our crew are valued, they are appreciated,and they are very much a part of our operations.T H E S T A N D A R DThere is a standard that all of our yachts are held to. Ouryachts are beautifully maintained, but they are alsobeautifully outfit. From the linens and decor to theequipment in the galley made available to our chefs andthe water toys that come as standard. Step on a DreamCaribbean Blue yacht in the BVI, in The Bahamas or in St.Vincent and the Grenadines, and you know exactly thestandard of the yacht you will be walking on.T H E P H I L O S O P H YThe management of your yacht by Dream Caribbean Blue: always an exceptional experience for yacht owners, clients, brokers, and crew.We started with our own yacht and a vision to build a luxury crewed yacht brand delivering a better experience for guests, owners, andcrew. From our first season with one yacht, we grew to nine yachts, now into our third season with over 20 yachts and we have newyachts already under contract for the 2024 season. Attention to detail, a collaborative team culture, and a commitment to an exceptionalexperience are principals each of us at DCB embrace.
THELOCATIONBRITISHVIRGINISLANDSG U E S T A C C O M O D A T I O N SThe resort features 52 guest accommodations as well as acollection of two, three, four and six-bedroom villas. All areexquisitely furnished, boast incredible views and are lookedafter and maintained by their caring and attentive staff.M A R I N AThe resort includes a beautiful 55-slip marina with crystal clearwaters ideal for catching glimpses of the wildlife that swimsbelow. The resort also recently purchased Marina Cay, the smallisland next to Scrub. That island features a restaurant, bar andbeach, as well as additional mooring balls.A M E N T I T I E SThe island features an intimate Ixora Spa, world-classrestaurants, two private beaches, an on-site boutiqueshopping experience, as well as a cafe and market with grab &go options. R E S O R T A C C E S SScrub Island is minutes away from the BVI Terrance B.Lettsome Airport. Scrub has a private ferry that departs everyhour to and from Trellis Bay, which is free of charge. They canalso arrange for on demand taxi services for guests who needto travel within Tortola.S C R U B I S L A N D R E S O R T , S P A & M A R I N AIn the British Virgin Islands we have partnered with Scrub Island. Scrub Island Resort, Spa & Marina is named after its location, aserene 230-acre private-island sanctuary situated at the east end of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. A luxury, AAA Four-Diamond hotel, the resort is tucked into a cliffside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and neighboring islands. Scrub Island offers an idyllic start for guests embarking on a Dream Caribbean Blue yacht charter. We work closely with the hotel staffto ensure that our guests, are treated as their guests. Every amenity available to hotel guests, are afforded to our guests. They havefull access to the resort, and as well, they receive a discount if they choose to pair their charter with a stay at Scrub Island eitherdirectly prior to, or after their charter.Our pairing has benefits to our yachts and crew as well. We receive discounted fuel, a negotiated rate for bulk dockage, we have anoffice onsite, a storage facility and have been given use of their laundry facilities and provisioning.
THEAWARDS YACHTSHOWSB E S T Y A C H T I N S H O W U N D E R 5 0 ’Runner Up: Oceana, Crew: Umberto Genovese, LindseyMontgomeryB E S T Y A C H T I N S H O W 5 1 - 6 0 ’Winner: Emysa, Crew: Bastian Tromp, Sarai Ben AriRunner-Up: Atlas, Crew: Brynn Moultrie, Rosie JonesB E S T C R E W I N S H O WOverall Runner-Up: Brynn Moultrie, Rosie Jones, Yacht: AtlasHonorable Mentions: Umberto Genovese, Lindsey Montgomery,Yacht: OceanaC U L I N A R Y C O M P E T I T I O N2nd Place: Belinda Jane Bentley, Yacht: MysticB V I & U S V I C H A R T E R Y A C H T S H O W SWe first attended the USVI Charter Yacht Show in 2021. Our attendance was in the form of our two founders only, and even minus asingle yacht, we became the talk of the show with our chic giveaways. We attended the 2022 show with three yachts at both the BVIand USVI shows. At each show we walked away with an award. We won the Designer Water Competition in the BVI and the Best Yachtin Show Under 50' Runner Up in the USVI. In 2023 we attended the USVI show and showcased our fleet beautifully, in total claiming six awards. This is an incredibleaccomplishment to earn six awards within a single fleet, and as well, we placed in four out of the six competitive categories. The onlytwo categories we did not place in were the Mixology Competition and the Designer Water Competition. A particularly outstanding achievement was in the highly competitive class of Best Yacht in Show. In the categories for yachts under60', our yachts took three out of the four awards, and we swept the category of yachts ranging from 51' to 60'. We also had two crewplace in the category for Best Crew in Show. This accomplishment only after three years in operation is unprecedented.Our success at the USVI Charter Yacht Show is a testament to the dedication and skill of our crews, as well as the exceptional qualityof our yachts. Our drive to come to market with only the best was duly recognized, and we look forward to continuing to provide themost exceptional guest experience on the water. The awards we won at the 2023 show are noted below:
CONTACTDREAMCARIBBEANBLUEC O N T A C T U SGreg Clumgreg@dreamcaribbeanblue.com(202) 297-1633Christina Clumchrissy@dreamcaribbeanblue.com(303) 720-1725J O I N U S T O S E E W H E R E W E G O