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DCA Updates Final 2 1 24

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1 | P A G E DATA COLLECTION APP 2024 Updates D e p a r t m e n t : M a n a g e m e n t V e r s i o n 1 . 1 D a t e : 2 / 1 / 2 0 2 4 PROCEDURE:

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2 | P A G E Survey Home Added “Add Deficiency” button on the main control panel. Survey Type Renaming Standard Evaluation to ? Adding MOD Evaluation Removing Basic Evaluation

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3 | P A G E We added the position “Order” to the locations menu. Location Data Prepopulated Present Service Companies. Device Data

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4 | P A G E A compressed and simplified workflow aligns with how actual maintenance evaluations are conducted in the field. The added deficiencies questions are to assist and serve as a reminder to the consultants while auditing a device. It will also improve the recording flow and create commonality in how VDA articulates deficiencies to our Clients and the elevator contractors.

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5 | P A G E We have added a Review/Confirm button on every device data category to simplify the deficiencies reviews (When applicable). Please note that some deficiencies end with a colon requiring specific input from the consultant, such as “Replace the noisy spirator at floor(s):” In this case, we need the consultant to add the specific floors with noisy spirators.